CrossRef citations to date

Poster Subject Index

Poster Subject Index

γ’ fibrinogen, 169

A4V mutation, 105, 186

AAV, 220

AAV9, 227

abstractive skills, 310

ACP, 385

ADAR2 cKO mice, 233

adipose derived stem cells, 226

adult SMA, 246

advance care planning, 385

advance directive, 388

advanced methods, 252

adverse events, 358

African, 110

age, 183

ageing, 171

aggregation pathway, 120

agraphia, 312

aid, 365

aids and adaptations, 367

airway protection, 332

algal blooms, 117

ALS mutations, 174

ALS patients, 378

ALS treatment strategy, 217

ALS-frontotemporal spectrum disorder, 309, 314

ALSFRS-R, 192, 267, 268, 295, 298, 363

ALS-FTD, 299, 300

alternative and augmentative communication, 379

Alzheimer's disease, 299, 305

AMP-activated kinase, 141

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 122

animal model, 147, 170

antioxidants, 112

antisense-oligonucleotide, 112, 237

antibiotics, 183

antibody, 237

anti-inflammatory therapy, 225

ANXA11, 106, 107, 149

anxiety, 376

artificial nutrition, 351

aspiration, 340

assessment, 180, 344

assistive technology devices, 366

assistive technology, 367

association study, 92

astrocytes, 131, 156, 167

atomic force microscopy, 169

attitudes, 319

ATXN2, 110, 282

audit, 304

autoantibodies, 212

autophagy, 112, 113, 139, 141, 159, 168, 230

autoregulation, 126

awareness, 319

axon growth, 97

axon, 164

axonal transport, 116, 121

barriers to treatment, 361

behavior and motor coordination tests, 225

behavioral impairment, 302

behavioral tests, 218

behaviour, 139, 306, 309, 315, 321

Betz cells, 174

big data, 189, 191

bioelectrical impedance analysis, 346

bioinformatics, 91

biological samples, 94

biomarker, 198, 199, 202, 203, 205, 208, 211, 212, 214, 215, 242, 245, 250, 256, 259, 260, 284

biotelemetry, 268

blood brain barrier, 148, 200

blood, 205, 207

BMAA, 116, 153, 180

body composition, 346

bornavirus, 221

botulinum toxin, 344

brain cortex, 171

brain MRI, 261

brain network, 258

BSCB, 137

bulbar assessment, 377

bulbar dysfunction, 337, 340

bulbar function, 297, 339, 341, 342

bulbar onset, 284, 290

bulbar, 109, 245, 330, 344

burden of disease, 195

C9, 165

C9ORF72 expansion, 100

C9ORF72, 92, 93, 101, 102, 110, 118, 156, 157, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 168, 173, 185, 186, 220, 237, 282, 300, 313


cannabinoid, 133, 233, 234

care, 310, 373

caregiver burden, 318

caregiver, 373, 374

carer burden, 309

carer, 322

case management, 375

case-cohort, 187

case-control, 183

catalyzed assembly, 172

causes of death, 196

CB2 receptor, 133

C-bouton, 142

CCNF gene, 104

CD8+ T cells, 143

cell therapy, 226

cell-free DNA, 207

cell-to-cell propagation, 152

CHAB, 180

chaperone-mediated autophagy, 228

characterisation, 138

chest x-rays, 329

children, 323

Chinese cohort, 103

Chinese population, 104, 105, 106

chirality, 153

chitotriosidase, 201

cholesterol, 203

chromatin remodelling, 124

cilia, 107

client-centred, 370

clinical care, 293, 322, 360, 363, 368

clinical characteristics, 289

clinical decission support, 357

clinical feature, 276

clinical genetics, 101

clinical phenotype, 283

clinical staging, 273

clinical trial design, 264

clinical trial, 213, 268, 272, 275, 277, 332

clinical trials, 296

clinician-patient communication, 386

clinico–pathological correlations, 299

cluster, 180

CO2, 334

cognition, 176, 253, 301, 306, 313, 315

Cognitive assessment, 302

cognitive endophenotype, 321

cognitive impairment, 261, 302, 304

cognitive test, 311

cognitive, 303, 304

cognitive/behavioural impairment, 306

coherence, 240

collaboration, 191, 370

communication ability stage, 339

communication barriers, 378

community team, 370

co-morbidities, 194

confocal endomicroscopy, 248

connectivity, 141, 247, 255

contaminant, 179

contractility, 141

coping, 316

copper, 215, 235

cortical thickness, 253, 254

cough assist, 337

cough, 339

cramps, 278

c-reactive protein, 202

creatine kinase, 209, 210, 285

CSF, 202, 212

CSMN, 224

CST hyperintensity, 258

CuATSM, 235, 280

cutaneous silent period, 244

cut-off values, 307

cyanobacteria, 153, 182

cystatin c, 141

cytotoxicity, 120

data harmonisation, 94

database, 178, 205

data-driven, 98

ddPCR, 206

decision making, 311, 350, 383

decision-making swallowing, 347

dementia, 312, 315

demographic factors, 387

dental restoration, 182

depression, 194, 311, 315

development plan, 272

diagnosis, 291, 293, 341, 353

diagnostic delay, 293, 294

diagnostic pathway, 294

diagnostic yield, 99

diaphragm, 328, 329

digital phenotyping, 296

digital platform, 375

Dimensional Apathy Scale, 308

dipeptide repeats, 152, 164

direct conversion, 176

disability, 193, 311

disaster, 383

disease model, 154

disease modifier, 91

disease modifying, 280

disease prediction, 298

disease progression, 191, 200, 257, 286, 297, 345

Distress, 310

DNA damage, 124

DNA methylation, 96

dog-assisted therapy, 376

dosing, 272

DPRs, 166

DREADDs, 137

Drosophila, 146, 151, 152

drug delivery, 229

drug development, 219, 236

drug safety benchmarks, 361

drug testing, 231

drug, 360

drug-drug interaction, 358

DTI, 254

dynamometry, 355

dysarthria, 378

dysphagia, 271, 332, 339, 344

dystussia, 332

early diagnosis, 189

early hyperexcitability, 122

early palliative care, 385

early pathological mechanisms, 144

early stage, 256

ECAS, 98, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307

edaravone, 272, 274, 358, 359, 360, 362, 363

education, 293

EEG, 240, 247

e-health, 356

electric impedance myography, 244

electromyography, 244, 247

electroneuromyography, 242

electronic record keeping, 354

electronic, 368

electrophysiology, 277

elemental signature, 215

EMG, 240, 242

empathy, 320

end of life care, 335, 387

end-of-life decisions, 319

endophenotype, 282

energy metabolism, 150, 154

enrichment, 264

environment, 179, 180, 182

environmental risk factors, 117, 184, 185

epidemiology, 178, 181, 187, 188, 189, 197, 198

epigenetics, 96, 163

ER-Golgi pathology, 129

erythrocyte, 204

erythropoietin, 276

European populations, 293

excessive daytime sleepiness, 382

excitability, 157

exosomes, 159, 160, 161, 206, 223, 224

experiences, 373

exposure, 182

extracellular vescicles, 209

extrinsic factors, 151

eye tracking system, 310

factor analysis, 297

family aggregation, 282

family history, 93

family relations, 378

family, 321

fasciculation potential, 241

fasciculation, 242

fatigue, 244, 342

fatty acid metabolism, 217

fatty acid, 204

ferroptosis, 235, 236

fibroblast, 157

fish consumption, 182

FLAIR, 259

forced vital capacity, 327, 348


FOSMN, 292

founder effect, 186

fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations, 249


frontotemporal degeneration, 252

frontotemporal dementia, 252, 298, 305, 313

Frontotemporal syndrome, 302

functional connectivity, 256

functional scales, 271

functionality, 295

FUS, 111, 129, 139, 161, 231, 240

gastrostomy, 347, 349, 350, 351

GDNF, 131

gene therapy, 223, 227

gene–environment interaction, 185

genetic heterogeneity, 282

genetic modifier, 137

genetic panel, 98

genetic testing, 93, 101

genetics, 98, 109, 283, 298

genomics, 94

genotype, 243

geographical variation, 369

geospatial, 179

glia, 198

glutamine, 110

glycogen, 131

glycosphingolipids, 203

Golgi apparatus, 135

graph theory, 258

gut microbiome, 200

heat shock proteins, 123

high-throughput screening, 125

high-throughput, 150

histology, 199

home care, 383

home-cared patients, 338

hope, 317

hospice, 304, 335

HSP, 257

human iPSC-derived motor neurons, 154, 232

human, 259

hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, 209

hypermethylation, 96

hypothalamus, 254

iCLIP, 126

IDR, 126

Ighmbp2, 137

IL-17A, 148

imaging, 260

immunotherapy, 237

impaired saccades, 240

impedance spectroscopy, 245

incidence, 178

independent component analysis, 256

individualized medicine, 357

inflammation, 196, 200, 262

inflammatory cytokines, 171

informal caregivers, 320

information gathering, 386

information-source, 373

infusion, 226

inosine, 118

insula, 251

intermediate filaments, 115

Interleukin (IL)-6, 325

international conference, 291

international, 315

intervention, 385

intraspinal transplantation, 276

intrathecal transplantation, 276

intravenous drug administration, 361

invasive ventilation, 196

in vivo, 219, 223

in vitro, 112

IP3 receptor, 155

iPS models, 156, 157, 163

iPSC bank, 154

iPSC, 154, 155, 161, 164, 165, 166, 167, 224

iPSC-derived motor neuron, 162

iron, 226

island, 374

judgment, 311

juvenile, 111, 288

KATP channel, 95

KIF5A, 105

kinesin family member 5A, 104

knowledge, 319

Korean, 108

L84FSOD1 cell model, 119

lactate dehydrogenase, 209

laminins, 114

language, 313

laryngeal electromyography, 245

L-BMAA, 159

LD score regression, 92

left upper limb onset, 295

leukocytes, 201

levosimendan, 280


Likert scale, 371

lipidomics, 203

liraglutide, 219

lncRNA, 96

longitudinal, 252, 314

lower extremity strength, 268

lower limb onset, 285

lower motor neurons, 144

L-serine, 159

LST, 259

lung capacity, 330

lung insufflation capacity, 326

lung pathology, 335

LVPN, 120

lysosomes, 203

machine learning, 191

management, 337

mapping, 180

Markov model, 273

masitinib, 230

mass spectrometry imaging, 215

mass spectrometry, 173

mast cells, 230

matrin-3, 118

Mctp1, 175

mechanical insufflation-exsufflation, 336, 337

mechanical ventilation, 337

medical decision-making, 386

medical ethics, 353

mendelian randomization, 184

mental disability, 111

mercury, 182

mesechymal stem cell, 275

metabolism, 118

metabolism, 166, 283

metagenomic, 200

methylation profiling, 207

microglia, 127

microbiota, 217

microglia, 95, 202

microparticles, 160

microRNA, 115, 124, 174, 206, 208

miR-338-3p, 131

miRNA, 175, 227

misfolded SOD1, 228

mitochondria, 121, 164, 166, 168, 221

mitochondrial DNA, 207

mitochondriomics, 188

mitophagy, 168

MMT, 190

mOBFRS, 271

mobile app, 297

mobility, 368

mode of disease progression, 284

modifiers, 170

Mongolia, 102

monitoring, 297

monounsaturated fatty acids, 146

morpholino, 165

mortality, 197, 351

motoneurons, 222

motor cortex, 207

motor neuron, 127, 128, 150, 157, 161

motor unit, 141

mouse model, 121, 132, 135, 137, 139, 140, 142, 144, 145, 219, 221, 226, 231, 232

MRI, 199, 250, 251, 252, 254, 256, 257, 259

MRI/PET, 229

mTOR, 230

multicenter, 250

multidisciplinary approach, 348

multidisciplinary care, 355, 356

multidisciplinary models, 372

multi-electrode array, 122

multiple sclerosis, 196

MUNIX, 246

muscarinic receptors, 221

muscle cells, 114

muscle ultrasonography, 241

muscle, 159, 161, 215, 280

mutation, 100, 104

myasthenia gravis, 341

nanoparticles, 229

nasofibroscopy, 245

national, 265

native conformation stabilization, 217

NEALS, 264

necroptosis, 142

needle electromyography, 241

NEK1, 107

NEMF, 130, 132

neuronal hyperexcitability, 121

neuregulin, 142

neuromuscular junction, 114

neurotoxicity, 116

neurotoxins, 117

NeuroBANK, 191

neurochondrin, 114

neurodegeneration, 132, 349

neurodegenerative, 98

neurofilament light, 212

neurofilament, 211, 212, 213

neurogenesis, 97

neurogenic niche activity, 237

neuroimaging, 255

neuroinflammation, 95, 143, 198, 201, 228

neuromuscular junction, 133, 139, 140, 221, 233, 248

neuron, 118

neuropathic pain, 194

neuropathology, 174

neuroprotection, 133, 136, 159, 232

neuropsychology, 303, 310, 313, 314, 321

neurotoxic proteins, 206

neutrophils, 230

neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, 286

new formulation, 272

NGS, 91, 99, 107

NHEJ, 124

NICE guidelines, 301

NIV, 247, 266, 328, 331, 332, 334, 335, 351

noninvasive respiratory aids, 336

non-LTR retrotransposons, 94

non-viral, 223

NOTCH3, 292

novel mutation, 104, 106

NPPV, 384

NSC-34, 113

nuclear pore, 130

nucleocytoplasmic transport, 130, 158

nurse, 384

nusinersen, 206

nutrition, 347

nutritional status, 346

obstructive sleep apnea, 328

online support, 320

onset, 96, 183

opioid, 384

optogenetic control of muscle function, 130

oral secretions, 344, 345

orthosis, 365

outcome measure, 268, 271, 296, 355

oxidative stress, 116, 128, 136, 198, 236, 364

oxidoreductase, 274

pain, 278

palliative care, 319, 380, 381

paravertebral block, 349

passage reading, 377

pathogenesis, 103

patient autonomy, 353

patient heterogeneity, 172

patient preference, 195

patient reported outcomes, 360, 366, 376

patient stratification, 172, 190

patient support, 363

patient-centred care, 356

patient-reported outcome, 297

PBMCs, 168

PEG, 347, 348, 351

peripheral blood cells, 119

percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, 348

peripheral nerve graft, 130

perisynaptic Schwann cells, 221

phase 1, 280

phenotype, 187, 290, 292

phenotyping, 287

physical activity, 185

physical function, 383

physician assisted death, 318

physician experience, 363

physicians, 387

physiotherapy, 376

plasma, 209

platform, 368

pleiotropy, 321

PLS, 291

pneumonia, 187

pneumothorax, 337

PNS, 262

politherapy, 358

polyneuropathy, 243

polyunsaturated fatty acids, 146

population register, 178

postmarketing safety, 359

post-mortem, 335

potassium channel, 176

PPD, 385

precision medicine, 112

preclinical models, 239

pre-clinical, 234

prediction, 190, 296

preparation, 383

prescribing practices, 266

pressure injury, 366

prevalence, 328

primary lateral sclerosis, 290

prion mechanism, 129

protein aggregation, 123

protein homeostasis pathways, 119

protein homeostasis, 123

PRO, 271

probiotics, 217

procedural outcome, 349

professional standards, 353

prognosis, 191, 202, 358

prognostic biomarker, 213

progression rates, 357

progression, 192, 251, 298

progressive chronic neurological diseases, 385

propagation, 146

protein aggregation, 224

protein homeostasis, 135

protein knockdown, 228

protein misfolding, 146, 213

protein, 174

proteomics, 140

proteostasis, 172


pseudobulbar affect, 341

psychiatric, 321

psychology, 322

Psychological, 310

psychometric properties, 302

psychosocial, 323

PXT864, 232

PYGB, 131

qualitative research, 380

qualitative, 316, 317

quality care, 371

quality improvement, 368

quality of life, 194, 315, 316, 323, 371

quality, 287

raman spectroscopy, 215

rare variant, 91

Rarb, 175

Rasch, 267

rat model, 138, 148

real world evidence, 368, 369

real-world, 359

recruitment assistance, 265

REDCap, 354

redox, 274


referral, 353

regional homogeneity, 249

register study, 381

register, 178

register-based, 183

registries, 192

registry, 287, 290

regression, 296

rehabilitation, 341

relatives, 323, 373

reldesemtiv, 266, 279

repeat expansion, 110

rescue, 133

research consortium, 264

research documentation, 354

respiratory biomarkers, 325

respiratory disturbance index, 327

respiratory failure, 347

respiratory function, 325, 328

respiratory insufficiency, 186

respiratory QoL, 371

resting-state fMRI, 261

retigabine, 238

retrotransposon capture sequencing, 94

review, 302

riluzole, 273, 365

R-loops, 170

RNA aptamer, 233

RNA binding protein, 118

RNA metabolism, 115

RNA, 209

RNA-binding proteins, 174

RNA-seq, 96

RNM, 262

robotic assistance systems, 366

round-robin, 211

ryanodine receptor, 155

saliva assessment, 345

salivation, 342

Sarm1, 135

saturated fatty acids, 146

SBMA, 276

secretions, 337

selective vulnerability, 144

self efficacy, 372

sensory circuit, 144

serological factors, 210

serum biomarker, 286

serum creatinine, 210

service delivery, 356

SG, 157

short form, 308

sialorrhoea, 238, 345

Sigma 1 receptor, 151

skeletal muscle mass, 210

sleep quality, 382

sleep study, 327

slow progression, 196, 288

slow vital capacity, 266, 278, 326

SMA, 114, 133, 206, 261

SMN, 114

smoking, 183, 184

SNPs, 102

social factors, 316

socio-economic inequalities, 365

SOD1 aggregate elimination, 217

SOD1 gene, 100

sod1 screen, 150

SOD1, 102, 105, 108, 109, 120, 121, 123, 147, 160, 168, 186, 213, 220, 223, 256

SOD1-G93A mouse model, 120, 143, 218, 225, 234

SOD1G93A, 142, 222, 228

sod1G93R zebrafish, 150

somatic mutation, 94

source analysis, 247

spasms, 278

spasticity, 376

speech and pause measures, 377

spinal cord MRI, 261

spinal cord reflexes, 244

spinal cord, 207

spinal onset, 284

splicing factors, 126

splicing mutation, 105

spontaneous low frequency oscillations, 249

spouse, 374

spreading, 290

SQSTM1/p62, 172

staging system, 210

staging, 253

standards of care, 369

stem cell derived neural replacement, 130

stem cells, 145, 276

stratification, 298

strength, 244, 355

stress granules, 151, 158, 170

stress, 197, 349

SUIT, 257

support, 350, 373

supportive care, 365

survey, 195

survival, 186, 187, 198, 274, 296, 326, 331, 334, 339, 345

swallowing, 330, 340, 342

symptom management, 344

symptom relief, 233

symptomatic and palliative pharmacotherapy, 375

synapse loss, 176

synaptotagmin 13, 232

synergy, 232

systematic review, 264, 380

target validation, 239

target, 239

tau pathogenesis, 148

TBK1, 113, 139, 153

TBSS, 257

TDP-43 pathology, 134, 151

TDP-43, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 135, 136, 151, 158, 170, 172, 176, 230, 233, 255, 292, 300

technology, 366

telehealth, 355

telemedicine, 355

telemonitoring, 332

terminal stage, 384

tetrahydrocannabinol/cannabidiol, 376

TGFß signalin, 237

TGFbeta, 112

therapeutic strategies, 218

therapeutic target, 150

therapeutic, 219, 228, 235

therapy, 147

thoracic muslce, 247

thrombotic events, 169

time-sensitive communication, 378

timolol, 238

tongue, 342

TONiC study, 193, 194, 267, 311, 316, 317

TONiC, 194, 365

toxic glial activation, 235

TPPV, 338

tracheostomy invasive ventilation, 339, 383

tracheostomy, 330

training, 306

transcranial magnetic stimulation, 277

transcriptome, 97, 162

transcriptomics, 144

transmission, 145, 223

traumatic brain injury, 148

treatment adherence, 336

treatment satisfaction, 360

treatment, 238, 274, 358

trial, 274

TrkB receptors, 120

trophic factor, 222

troponin activator, 278, 279

troponin, 214

TUBA4A mutations, 103

tumour necrosis factor alpha, 131

Tunisia, 288

ubiquitin-proteasome system, 123

ultrasound, 262

UNC13A, 102

understanding, 319

upper motor neuron biomarkers, 250

upper motor neurons, 224, 284

uric acid, 364

validated antibodies, 173

validation, 308

VAPB, 138, 262

variant prioritisation, 91

variant, 108

VBM, 257

VCP, 167

virus infection and mouse model, 134

vital staining, 248

VITALITY-ALS, 266, 278

voice banking, 380

walkable period, 285

weight loss, 254, 345

WGS, 91

wheelchair, 366

WHODAS-2.0, 193

whole exome sequencing, 176

work, 323

youth caregiver, 372

zebrafish, 149, 224