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Evaluation of Pistia stratiotes fractions as effective larvicide against Anopheles mosquitoes

Article title: Evaluation of Pistia stratiotes fractions as effective larvicide against Anopheles mosquitoes

Authors: Ma J., Ugya Y. A., Isiyaku A., Hua X. and Imam T. S.

Journal: Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology

Bibliometrics: Volume 47, Number 01, pages 945–950

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/21691401.2019.1582538

Since publication the authors were alerted to the need to include some further details about the methods, and two references. The list of corrections are as follows:

Page 946: “The larvae were bred by keeping basins of water in the laboratory for over 2 weeks. After this period, at least three groups of mosquito’s larvae were identified accurately in a container by direct visualisation based on their position on water surface and the size of their head [28].” Has been replaced with “The larvae were reared in the insectary of the Department of Biological Sciences, Bayero University Kano. During the rearing period, at least three groups of mosquito larvae were identified accurately in a container by direct visualisation based on their position on water surface and the size of their head. The identification was done by following the recommendations in Medical entomology for students, [28]. The larvae were then exposed to logarithmic concentration of the extract of Pistia stratiotes thus the LC50 was determined according to probit regression line.”

Page 949: A new paragraph has been inserted at the end of the section “Gas chromatography mass spectrometry GC/MS analysis”, just before the conclusions. The new paragraph is:

Studies conducted by [47] on some Thai plants conclude that plants with LC50 less than 50, 100 and 750 can be classified as active, moderate and effective larvicide respectively while plants with LC50 of more than 750 are classified as inactive larvicide. The present study shows that all the fractions of Pistia stratiotes consider for this study fall under either active, moderate or effective larvicides.

Page 950: the reference “[28] Ola-Davies O, Ajani OS. Semen characteristics and sperm morphology of Pistia stratiotes Linn. (Araceae) protected male albino rats (Wistar strain) exposed to sodium arsenite. J Complement Integr Med. 2016;13:289–294.” Has been replaced with “the reference [28] Service M, Medical entomology for students (Cambridge University Press. fifth edition, 2012).

Page 950: A new reference has been added:

  • Komalamisra, N., Trongtokit, Y., Rongsriyam, Y., Apiwathnasorn, C. 2005. Screening for larvicidal activity in some Thai plants against four mosquito vector species. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 36, 1412–22.