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Gratitude in the Time of Corona

As a tumultuous and unpredictable 2020 comes to a close it seems fitting to pause and reflect not only on the continuing and potentially growing threats to our circumpolar health and well-being, but also on the remarkable resilience of our shared Arctic region and its peoples as well. In a time of global pandemic and rising economic and climate uncertainty, when devastating losses are real and personal to so many, and the resultant burdens may seem unfairly shared, perhaps it is easier to feel gratitude for the everyday miracle of an otherwise ordinary life and maybe even a bit more respect for the dull boredom of ‘business as usual’. We mourn the cancellation, postponement and re-formatting of so many of our customary pan-arctic gatherings and traditions, and most acutely, the premature loss of many of our Northern neighbors, including not only precious cultural knowledge-bearers, gifted researchers, and respected elders, but also emerging professionals and energetic community leaders, their lives and potential cut short by a novel and deadly virus.

We pause to honor their lives and legacy and to offer comfort to those left behind.

We pause also to express our thanks to the many who labored behind the scenes and in difficult circumstances to co-create our Journal this year.

Despite unprecedented challenges and multiple competing agendas this year, authors around the world continued to submit high quality manuscripts for review, and our gracious, insightful, all-volunteer Reviewers continued to provide essential and helpful guidance to further strengthen their submissions prior to publication. You are likely to recognize at least some of your colleagues in the Reviewer list below and we all owe them a debt of gratitude. This year we are on pace to publish close to our ‘usual’ 50+ articles, including mostly original research articles, but also case reports, short communications, reviews and at least one letter to the editor with response from the authors. We have one Special Issue in progress (highlights from the 17th International Congress of Circumpolar Health (ICCH17) that was held in Copenhagen in 2018) to be published either later this year or early in 2021. Thanks to all who contributed in some way to either our ‘usual’ 2020 volume or to this ICCH 17 Special Issue. We all benefit from your interest and efforts.

Thanks, too, to our diverse and talented all-volunteer Editorial Team who help oversee the daily peer review process. We enthusiastically welcomed two new Associate Editors early this year (Vanessa Hiratsuka and Andrej Grjibovski), but also continue to rely on the steady dedication and labors of the rest of our seasoned Editorial Team, and to build on the excellent work of previous Editors-in-Chief. Warm and heartfelt thanks to all who have built the solid foundations for our still evolving and always expanding circumpolar health community, and to all who bring our shared vision of arctic well-being to life in their everyday work. We see you, and welcome and appreciate your collaborative spirit, good humor and excellent work. We look forward to sharing the new year with all of you!

Deputy Editors

Tracey Galloway - University of Toronto, Canada

Anders Koch - Statens Serum Institut, Denmark

Associate Editors

Andrej M. Grjibovski - Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk, Russia

Vanessa Y. Hiratsuka - Southcentral Foundation, United States

Marit Jorgensen - Steno Diabetes Centre Copenhagen, Denmark

Juhani Leppäluoto - University of Oulu, Finland

Jon Øyvind Odland - University of Tromsø, Norway

Pamela Orr - University of Manitoba, Canada

Past Editors-in-Chief

Kue Young (2012-2015)

Tiina Ikäheimo (2009-2011)

Juhani Hassi (2001-2008)

Reviewers 2020