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Editorial and Thank you to Reviewers

Connection in a time of Conflict and Concern

,  DrPH, MPH

“Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.”

-Mahatma Gandhi

As the year 2022 ends, we pause to reflect on the vital importance of our connection in challenging times. The new year started on such a hopeful note, with the global pandemic increasingly in the rear-view mirror, with crucial scientific understanding expanded and valuable lessons learned and applied to save lives and promote health. The shocking invasion of Ukraine by Russia in February, however, upended the usual sense of optimism and practical circumpolar collaboration, and immediate condemnation of Russia’s actions swiftly came from all relevant arctic bodies, including but not limited to the Arctic Council, University of the Arctic (UArctic), International Union of Circumpolar Health (IUCH) and the International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA). The fact that Russia as Chair of the Arctic Council was hosting many of the planned 2022 international gatherings resulted in multiple cancellations and adjusted plans. At this writing, the war continues at devastating cost to all involved; the loss of the usual pan-arctic scientific networking and collaboration is very real, if only minor in comparison to the tragic loss of life, community, and sense of safety and sovereignty on the battlefields of Ukraine. Sanctions against Russia have further isolated Russian scientific and professional colleagues who share our commitment to peaceful coexistence and scientific exchange for mutual benefit. Their lives have become more difficult, too.

In this context, a journal that is focused on shared circumpolar interests is even more essential, allowing exchange to occur in the absence of deferred and much missed face-to-face meetings. This year was a particularly productive one for the International Journal of Circumpolar Health, with increased submissions, reflecting work from across the Arctic, and including original research, theory and methods, short communications, case reports and notes from the field. The scientific rigor and influence of the Journal continues to increase as well. Our Impact Factor (IF) continues to trend upward (.707 in 2015, 1.18 in 2018 and 1.94 in 2021); our 5 Year IF has increased from 1.663 in 2015 to 2.004 in 2021. Our open access status makes our journal freely available to all interested, and as I write this in mid-November, we have already had over 418,000 unique downloads, demonstrating great interest in the content and underscoring the general high quality of the work presented.

We are grateful to our readers who continue to apply the knowledge shared in these pages to promote and preserve health and well-being, to all the authors who have trusted us in the dissemination of their good work, and to our talented editorial team and many astute reviewers who have shared their constructive criticism and invested their time and effort in assuring the increasing excellence of this Journal. The continuity of this virtual community of scholars, practitioners and engaged community members united in our dedicated efforts toward healthier Arctic communities gives us hope that our peaceful collaboration and respectful knowledge exchange across all borders in our shared region will not only return to earlier levels soon but continue to expand in the years ahead.

Please join me in gratitude for the hard work of our colleagues below who continue to make this essential and impactful scientific and professional exchange possible.

Deputy Editors

Tracey Galloway – University of Toronto, Canada

Anders Koch – Statens Serum Institut, Denmark

Associate Editors

Andrej M. Grjibovski – Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk, Russia

Marit Jorgensen – Steno Diabetes Centre Copenhagen, Denmark

Juhani Leppäluoto – University of Oulu, Finland

Jon Øyvind Odland – University of Tromsø, Norway

Pamela Orr – University of Manitoba, Canada

Past Editors-in-Chief

Kue Young (2012–2015)

Tiina Ikäheimo (2009–2011)

Juhani Hassi (2001–2008)

Reviewers 2022