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Research Article

Sharp bounds for the Neuman-Sándor mean in terms of the power and contraharmonic means

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Article: 995951 | Received 04 Jul 2014, Accepted 04 Dec 2014, Published online: 09 Jan 2015


In the paper, the authors obtain sharp bounds for the Neuman–Sándor mean in terms of the power and contraharmonic means.

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Public Interest Statement

In the paper, the authors obtain a sharp lower bound and a sharp upper bound for the Neuman–Sándor mean in terms of the power and contraharmonic means.

1. Introduction

For positive numbers a,b>0 with ab, the second Seiffert mean T(a,b), quadratic mean S(a,b), Neuman–Sándor mean M(a,b), and contraharmonic mean C(a,b) are respectively defined in Neuman and Sándor (Citation2003), and Seiffert (Citation1995) by(1.1) T(a,b)=a-b2arctan[(a-b)/(a+b)],S(a,b)=a2+b22(1.1) (1.2) M(a,b)=a-b2arcsinh[(a-b)/(a+b)],C(a,b)=a2+b2a+b(1.2)

It is well known Neuman (Citation2012, Citation2011), and Neuman and Sándor (Citation2006) that the inequalitiesM(a,b)<T(a,b)<S(a,b)<C(a,b)

hold for all a,b>0 with ab.

In Chu and Hou (Citation2012), Chu, Hou, and Shen (Citation2012), the inequalities(1.3) S(αa+(1-α)b,αb+(1-α)a)<T(a,b)<S(βa+(1-β)b,βb+(1-β)a)(1.3)

and(1.4) C(λa+(1-λ)b,λb+(1-λ)a)<T(a,b)<C(μa+(1-μ)b,μb+(1-μ)a)(1.4)

were proved to be valid for 12<α,β,λ,μ<1 and for all a,b>0 with ab if and only if(1.5) α12(1+16π2-1),β3+66λ12(1+4π-1),μ3+36(1.5)

respectively. In Jiang and Qi (Citation2014) and its preprint Jiang and Qi (Citation2013a), the double inequality(1.6) S(αa+(1-α)b,αb+(1-α)a)<M(a,b)<S(βa+(1-β)b,βb+(1-β)a)(1.6)

was proved to be valid for 12<α,β<1 and for all a,b>0 with ab if and only if(1.7) α121+1[ln(1+2)]2-1andβ3+36(1.7)

For more information on this topic, please refer to recently published papers Chu, Wang, and Gong (Citation2011), Jiang and Qi (Citation2012), Li, Long, and Chu (Citation2012), Li and Qi (Citation2013) and references cited therein.

For t(12,1) and p12, let(1.8) Qt,p(a,b)=Cp(ta+(1-t)b,tb+(1-t)a)A1-p(a,b)(1.8)

where A(a,b)=a+b2 is the classical arithmetic mean of a and b. Then, by definitions in (1.1) and (1.2), it is easy to see thatQt,1/2(a,b)=S(ta+(1-t)b,tb+(1-t)a)Qt,1(a,b)=C(ta+(1-t)b,tb+(1-t)a)

and Qt,p(a,b) is strictly increasing with respect to t(12,1).

Motivating by results mentioned above, we naturally ask a question: what are the greatest value t1=t1(p) and the least value t2=t2(p) in (12,1) such that the double inequality(1.9) Qt1,p(a,b)<M(a,b)<Qt2,p(a,b)(1.9)

holds for all a,b>0 with ab and for all p12?

The aim of this paper is to answer this question. The solution to this question may be stated as the following Theorem 1.1.

Theorem 1.1

Let t1,t2(12,1) and p[12,). Then the double inequality (1.9) holds for all a,b>0 with ab if and only if(1.10) t1121+(1t)1/p-1andt2121+16p(1.10)

where(1.11) t=ln1+2=0.88(1.11)

Remark 1.1

When p=12 in Theorem 1.1, the double inequality (1.9) becomes (1.6).

Remark 1.2

If taking p=1 in Theorem 1.1, we can conclude that the double inequality(1.12) C(λa+(1-λ)b,λb+(1-λ)a)<M(a,b)<C(μa+(1-μ)b,μb+(1-μ)a)(1.12)

holds for all a,b>0 with ab if and only if(1.13) 12<λ121+1ln(1+2)-1and1>μ121+66(1.13)

Remark 1.3

We note that the paper Li and Zheng (Citation2013) is worth to being read.

2. Lemmas

In order to prove Theorem 1.1, we need the following lemmas.

Lemma 2.1

(Anderson, Vamanamurthy, & Vuorinen, Citation1997, Theorem 1.25)   For -<a<b<, let f,g:[a,b]R be continuous on [a,b] and differentiable on (a,b). If g(x)0 and f(x)g(x) is strictly increasing (or strictly decreasing, respectively) on (a,b), so are the functions(2.1) f(x)-f(a)g(x)-g(a)andf(x)-f(b)g(x)-g(b)(2.1)

Lemma 2.2

The function(2.2) h(x)=(1+x2)arcsinhxx(2.2)

is strictly increasing and convex on (0,).


This follows from the following arguments:h(x)=x1+x2-arcsinhx+x2arcsinhxx2h1(x)x2h1(x)=x(3x1+x2+2arcsinhx)xh2(x)h2(x)=5+2x2(1+x2)3/2>0

on (0,) andlimx0+h1(x)=limx0+h2(x)=0

Lemma 2.3

For u[0,1] and p12, let(2.3) fu,p(x)=pln(1+ux2)-lnx+lnarcsinhx(2.3)

on (0,1). Then the function fu,p(x) is positive if and only if 6pu1 and it is negative if and only if 1+u(1t)1/p, where t is defined by (1.11).


It is ready that(2.4) limx0+fu,p(x)=0(2.4)

and(2.5) limx1-fu,p(x)=pln(1+u)+ln(t)(2.5)

An easy computation yields(2.6) fu,p(x)=2pux1+ux2+11+x2arcsinhx-1x=u[(2p-1)x21+x2arcsinhx+x3]-[1+x2arcsinhx-x]x(1+ux2)1+x2arcsinhx=(2p-1)x21+x2arcsinhx+x3x(1+ux2)1+x2arcsinhx[u-g1(x)g2(x)](2.6)


Furthermore, we have(2.7) g1(0)=g2(0)=0(2.7)

and(2.8) g1(x)g2(x)=12(2p-1)1+x2h(x)+(2p+1)x2+2p+2(2.8)

where h(x) is defined by (2.2). From Lemma 2.2, it follows that the quotient g1(x)g2(x) is strictly decreasing on (0,1). Accordingly, from Lemma 2.1 and (2.7), it is deduced that the ratio g1(x)g2(x) is strictly decreasing on (0,1).

Moreover, making use of L’Hôpital’s rule leads to(2.9) limx0g1(x)g2(x)=16p(2.9)

and(2.10) limx1g1(x)g2(x)=2t-12(2p-1)t+1(2.10)

When u16p, combining (2.6) and (2.9) with the monotonicity of g1(x)g2(x) shows that the function fu,p(x) is strictly increasing on (0,1). Therefore, the positivity of fu,p(x) on (0,1) follows from (2.4) and the increasingly monotonicity of fu,p(x).

When u2t-12(2p-1)t+1, combining (2.6) and (2.10) with the monotonicity of g1(x)g2(x) reveals that the function fu,p(x) is strictly decreasing on (0,1). Hence, the negativity of fu,p(x) on (0,1) follows from (2.4) and the decreasingly monotonicity of fu,p(x).

When 2t-12(2p-1)t+1<u<16p, from (2.6), (2.9), (2.10) and the monotonicity of the ratio g1(x)g2(x), we conclude that there exists a number x0(0,1) such that fu,p(x) is strictly decreasing in (0,x0) and strictly increasing in (x0,1). Denote the limit in (2.5) by hp(u). Then, from the above arguments, it follows that(2.11) hp(16p)=pln(1+16p)+ln(t)>0(2.11)

and(2.12) hp(2t-12(2p-1)t+1)=pln[1+2t-12(2p-1)t+1]+ln(t)<0(2.12)

Since hp(u) is strictly increasing for u>-1, so it is also in [2t-12(2p-1)t+1,16p]. Thus, the inequalities in (2.11) and (2.12) imply that the function hp(u) has a unique zero point u0=(1t)1/p-1(2t-12(2p-1)t+1,16p) such that hp(u)<0 for u[2t-12(2p-1)t+1,u0) and hp(u)>0 for u(u0,16p]. As a result, combining (2.4) and (2.5) with the piecewise monotonicity of fu,p(x) reveals that fu,p(x)<0 for all x(0,1) if and only if 2t-12(2p-1)t+1<u<u0. The proof of Lemma 2.3 is complete.

3. Proof of Theorem 1.1

Now we are in a position to prove our Theorem 1.1.

Since both Qt,p(a,b) and M(a,b) are symmetric and homogeneous of degree 1, without loss of generality, we assume that a>b. Let x=a-ba+b(0,1). From (1.2) and (1.8), we obtainlnQt,p(a,b)T(a,b)=lnQt,p(a,b)A(a,b)-lnT(a,b)A(a,b)=pln[1+(1-2t)2x2]-lnx+lnarcsinhx

Thus, Theorem 1.1 follows from Lemma 2.3.

Remark 3.1

This is a slightly modified version of the preprint Jiang and Qi (Citation2013b).

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Source: Author.

Additional information


The first author was partially supported by the Project of Shandong Province Higher Educational Science and Technology Program [grant number J11LA57], China. The second author was partially supported by the Natural Science Foundation [grant number 2014JQ1006] of Shaanxi Province of China and by the National Natural Science Foundation [grant number 11361038] of China.

Notes on contributors

Feng Qi

Feng Qi is a full Professor in Mathematics at Henan Polytechnic University and Tianjin Polytechnic University, China. He was the founder and the former Head of School of Mathematics and Informatics at Henan Polytechnic University. He was ever a visiting professor at Victoria University in Australia, and University of Hong Kong, and ever a part-time professor atHenan University, Henan Normal University, and Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities in China. He received his PhD degree of Science in Mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China. He is the editor of several international journals. He has published over 500 research articles in reputed international journals. His research interests include the classical analysis, analytic combinatorics, special functions, mathematical inequalities, mathematical means, integral transforms, complex functions, analytic number theory, differential geometry, and mathematical education at universities. For more information, please see his home page at http://qifeng618.wordpress.com and related links therein.


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