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Research Article

Boundedness on Orlicz space of Toeplitz type operators related to multiplier operator and mean oscillation

| (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1004229 | Received 22 Oct 2014, Accepted 28 Dec 2014, Published online: 21 Jan 2015


In this paper, the boundedness for certain Toeplitz type operator related to the multiplier operator from Lebesgue space to Orlicz space is obtained.

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Public Interest Statement

It is one of the core problems in analysis mathematics of studying the boundedness of integral operators on function spaces. The Toeplitz type operators are important ones, which are the non-trival and natural generalizations of the commututor operator. It is an advanced and hot research topics in harmonic analysis to study the boundedness of Toeplitz type operators on function spaces. In this paper, the boundedness for certain Toeplitz type operator related to the multiplier operator from Lebesgue space to Orlicz space is obtained.

1. Introduction and preliminaries

Let b be a locally integrable function on Rn and T be an integral operator. For a suitable function f, the commutator generated by b and T is defined by [b,T]f=bT(f)-T(bf). It is well known that one important role of commutators is to characterize function spaces, which is originated by Coifman, Rochberg, and Weisss (Citation1976). They characterized BMO space via the Lp boundedness of the commutator for singular integral operator. Since then, similar results of other operators have also been obtained (see Chanillo, Citation1982; Janson, Citation1978, Paluszynski, Citation1995). Now, with the development of singular integral operators (see Garcia-Cuerva & Rubio de Francia, Citation1985; Stein, Citation1993), their commutators have been well studied. In Coifman et al. (Citation1976), Wang and Liu (Citation2009a; Citation2009b), the authors proved that the commutators generated by the singular integral operators and BMO functions are bounded on Lp(Rn) for 1<p<. Chanillo (see Chanillo, Citation1982) proved a similar result when singular integral operators are replaced by the fractional integral operators. In Janson (Citation1978) proved the boundedness for the commutators generated by the singular integral operators and BMO functions from Lebesgue spaces to Orlicz spaces. In Lu and Mo (Citation2009), some multiplier operators are introduced and the boundedness for the operators are obtained (see Kurtz & Wheeden, Citation1979; Muckenhoupt, Wheeden, & Young, Citation1987; Wang & Liu, Citation2009a; Citation2009b; You, Citation1988; Zhang & Chen, Citation2005; Citation2006). In Krantz and Li (Citation2001), Lu and Mo (Citation2009), some Toeplitz type operators related to the singular integral operators are introduced, and the boundedness for the operators generated by BMO and Lipschitz functions are obtained. Motivated by these, in this paper, we will prove the boundedness properties of the Toeplitz type operator associated to the multiplier operator from Lebesgue space to Orlicz space.

First, let us introduce some notations. Throughout this paper, Q will denote a cube of Rn with sides parallel to the axes. For any locally integrable function f, the sharp function of f is defined byf#(x)=supQx1|Q|Q|f(y)-fQ|dy

where, and in what follows, fQ=|Q|-1Qf(x)dx. It is well-known that (see Garcia-Cuerva & Rubio de Francia, Citation1985)f#(x)supQxinfcC1|Q|Q|f(y)-c|dy

Let M be the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator defined byM(f)(x)=supQx1|Q|Q|f(y)|dy

We write that Mpf=(M(fp))1/p for 0<p<. For 1r< and 0<η<n, letMη,r(f)(x)=supQx1|Q|1-rη/nQ|f(y)|rdy1/r

We say that f belongs to BMO(Rn) if f# belongs to L(Rn) and ||f||BMO=||f#||L. More generally, let ρ be a non-decreasing positive function on [0,+) and define BMOρ(Rn) as the space of all functions f such that1|Q(x,r)|Q(x,r)|f(y)-fQ|dyCρ(r)

For β>0, the Lipschitz space Lipβ(Rn) is the space of functions f such that||f||Lipβ=supxy|f(x)-f(y)|/|x-y|β<

For f, mf denotes the distribution function of f, that is mf(t)=|{xRn:|f(x)|>t}|.

Let ρ be a non-decreasing convex function on [0,+) with ρ(0)=0. ρ-1 denotes the inverse function of ρ. The Orlicz space Lρ(Rn) is defined by the set of functions f such that Rnρ(λ|f(x)|)dx< for some λ>0. The norm is given by||f||Lρ=infλ>0λ-11+Rnρ(λ|f(x)|)dx

2. Results

In this paper, we will study the multilinear operator as following (see Kurtz & Wheeden, Citation1979).

A bounded measurable function k defined on Rn\{0} is called a multiplier. The multiplier operator T associated with k is defined byT(f)(x)=k(x)f^(x),forfS(Rn)

where f^ denotes the Fourier transform of f and S(Rn) is the Schwartz test function class. Now, we recall the definition of the class M(s,l). Denote by |x|t the fact that the value of x lies in the annulus {xRn:ct<|x|<Ct}, where 0<c<C< are values specified in each instance.

Definition 1

Let l0 be a real number and 1s2. we say that the multiplier k satisfies the condition M(s,l), if|ξ|R|Dαk(ξ)|sdξ1s<CRn/s-|α|

for all R>0 and multi-indices α with |α|l, when l is a positive integer, and, in addition, if|ξ|R|Dαk(ξ)-Dαk(ξ-z)|sdξ1sC(|z|R)γRns-|α|

for all |z|<R/2 and all multi-indices α with |α|=[l], the integer part of l,i.e. [l] is the greatest integer less than or equal to l, and l=[l]+γ when l is not an integer.

Denote D(Rn)={ϕS(Rn):supp(ϕ) is compact} and D^0(Rn)={ϕS(Rn):ϕ^D(Rn) and ϕ^ vanishes in a neighbourhood of the origin}. The following boundedness property of T on Lp(Rn) is proved by Strömberg and Torkinsky (see Kurtz & Wheeden, Citation1979).

Definition 2

For a real number l~0 and 1s~<, we say that K verifies the condition M~(s~,l~), and write KM~(s~,l~), if|x|R|Dα~K(x)|s~dx1s~CRn/s~-n-|α~|,R>0

for all multi-indices |α|~l~ and, in addition, if|x|R|Dα~K(x)-Dα~K(x-z)|s~dx1s~C(|z|R)vRns~-n-u,if0<v<1|x|R|Dα~K(x)-Dα~K(x-z)|s~dx1s~C(|z|R)(logR|z|)Rns~-n-u,ifv=1

for all |z|<R2,R>0, and all multi-indices α~ with|α~|=u, where u denotes the largest integer strictly less than l~ with l~=u+v.

Lemma 1

(see Kurtz & Wheeden, Citation1979)   Let kM(s,l),1s2, and l>ns. Then the associated mapping T, defined a priori for fD^0(Rn), T(f)(x)=(fK)(x), extends to a bounded mapping from Lp(Rn) into itself for 1<p< and K(x)=kˇ(x).

Lemma 2

(see Kurtz & Wheeden, Citation1979)   Suppose kM(s,l), 1s2. Given 1s~<, let r1 be such that 1r=max{1s,1-1s~}. Then KM~(s~,l~), where l~=l-nr .

Lemma 3

(see Kurtz & Wheeden, Citation1979)   Let 1s<, suppose that l is a positive real number with l>n/r, 1/r=max{1/s,1-1/s~}, and kM(s,l). Then there is a positive constant a, such thatQk|K(x-z)-K(xQ-z)|s~dz1/s~C2-ka(2kh)-n/s~

Now we can define the Toeplitz type operator associated to the multiplier operator as following.

Definition 3

Let b be a locally integrable function on Rn and T be the multiplier operator. By Lemma 1, T(f)(x)=(Kf)(x) for K(x)=kˇ(x). The Toeplitz type operator associated to T is defined byTb=k=1mTk,1MbTk,2

where Tk,1 are T or ±I(the identity operator), Tk,2 are the bounded linear operators on Lp(Rn) for 1<p< and k=1,,m, Mb(f)=bf.

Note that the commutator [b,T](f)=bT(f)-T(bf) is a particular operator of the Toeplitz type operator Tb. It is well known that commutators are of great interest in harmonic analysis and have been widely studied by many authors (see Janson, Citation1978; Janson & Peetre, Citation1988; Krantz & Li, Citation2001; Paluszynski, Citation1995; Pérez & Pradolini, Citation2001; Pérez & Trujillo-Gonzalez, Citation2002). The main purpose of this paper is to prove the boundedness properties for the Toeplitz type operator Tb from Lebesgue spaces to Orlicz spaces.

We shall prove the following results in Section 4.

Theorem 1

Let T be the multiplier operator as Definition 3. Suppose that Q=Q(x0,d) is a cube with supp f(2Q)c and x,x~Q.


If bBMO(Rn), then|T(b-bQ)χ(2Q)c(f)(x)-T(b-bQ)χ(2Q)c(f)(x0)|C||b||BMOk=1mMr(Tk,2(f))(x~)for anyr>1;


If 0<β1 and bLipβ(Rn), then|T(b-bQ)χ(2Q)c(f)(x)-T(b-bQ)χ(2Q)c(f)(x0)|C||b||Lipβk=1mMβ,r(Tk,2(f))(x~)for anyr>1.

Theorem 2

Let 0<β1, 1<p<n/β and φ, ψ be two non-decreasing positive functions on [0,+) with (ψl)-1(t)=t1/pφl(t-1/n). Suppose that ψ is convex, ψ(0)=0, ψ(2t)Cψ(t). Let T be the multiplier operator as Definition 3. If T1(g)=0 for any gLu(Rn)(1<u<), then Tb is bounded from Lp(Rn) to Lψl(Rn) if bBMO(Rn).

Corollary 1

Let 0<β1, 1<p<n/β and T be the multiplier operator as Definition 3. If T1(g)=0 for any gLu(Rn)(1<u<), then Tb is bounded on Lp(Rn) if bBMO(Rn).

Corollary 2

Let 1<p<s< and T be the multiplier operator as Definition 3. If T1(g)=0 for any gLu(Rn)(1<u<), then Tb is bounded from Lp(Rn) to Ls(Rn) if bBMO(Rn).

3. Some lemma

We need the following preliminary lemmas.

Lemma 4

(see Kurtz & Wheeden, Citation1979)   Let T be the multiplier operator as Definition 3. Then T is bounded on Lp(Rn) for 1<p<.

Lemma 5

(see Garcia-Cuerva & Rubio de Francia, Citation1985)   Let 0<p<. Then, for any smooth function f for which the left-hand side is finite,RnM(f)(x)pdxCRnf#(x)pdx

Lemma 6

(see Chanillo, Citation1982)   Suppose that 0<η<n, 1r<p<n/η and 1/s=1/p-η/n. Then ||Mη,r(f)||LsC||f||Lp.

Lemma 7

(see Janson, Citation1978)   Let ρ be a non-decreasing positive function on [0,+) and η be an infinitely differentiable function on Rn with compact support such that Rnη(x)dx=1. Denote that bt(x)=Rnb(x-ty)η(y)dy. Then ||b-bt||BMOCρ(t)||b||BMOρ.

Lemma 8

(see Janson, Citation1978)   Let 0<β<1 or β=1 and ρ be a non-decreasing positive function on [0,+). Then ||bt||LipβCt-βρ(t)||b||BMOρ.

Lemma 9

(see Janson, Citation1978)   Suppose 1p2<p<p1<, ρ is a non-increasing function on R+, B is a linear operator such that mB(f)(t1/p1ρ(t))Ct-1 if ||f||Lp11 and mB(f)(t1/p2ρ(t))Ct-1 if ||f||Lp21. Then 0mB(f)(t1/pρ(t))dtC if ||f||Lp(p/p1)1/p.

4. Proofs of theorems

Now we are in position to prove our results.

Proof of Theorem 1

For suppf(2Q)c and x,x~Q, note that |x-y||x0-y| for xQ and yRn\2Q. We have|T(b-bQ)χ(2Q)c(f)(x)-T(b-bQ)χ(2Q)c(f)(x0)|k=1m|Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ(2Q)cTk,2(f)(x)-Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ(2Q)cTk,2(f)(x0)|(I) By the Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 3, we obtain, for 1<s,t< with 1/r+1/s+1/t=1,|Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ(2Q)cTk,2(f)(x)-Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ(2Q)cTk,2(f)(x0)|(2Q)c|b(y)-bQ||K(x-y)-K(x0-y)||Tk,2(f)(y)|dyj=12jd|y-x0|<2j+1d|b(y)-bQ||K(x-y)-K(x0-y)||Tk,2(f)(y)|dyCj=12j+1Q|b(y)-bQ|sdy1/s2j+1Q|Tk,2(f)(y)|rdy1/r×2jd|y-x0|<2j+1d|K(x-y)-K(x0-y)|tdy1/tdxC||b||BMOj=1j2-aj1|2j+1Q|2j+1Q|Tk,2(f)(y)|rdy1/rC||b||BMOMr(Tk,2(f))(x~),

thus|T(b-bQ)χ(2Q)c(f)(x)-T(b-bQ)χ(2Q)c(f)(x0)|k=1m|Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ(2Q)cTk,2(f)(x)-Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ(2Q)cTk,2(f)(x0)|C||b||BMOk=1mMr(Tk,2(f))(x~)(II) Note that, for bLipβ(Rn),|b(x)-bQ|1|Q|Q||b||Lipβ|x-y|βdyC||b||Lipβ(|x-x0|+d)β

similar to the proof of (I), we obtain, for 1/r+1/r=1,|Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ(2Q)cTk,2(f)(x)-Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ(2Q)cTk,2(f)(x0)|j=12jd|y-x0|<2j+1d|b(y)-bQ||K(x-y)-K(x0-y)||Tk,2(f)(y)|dyC||b||Lipβj=1|2j+1Q|β/n2jd|y-x0|<2j+1d|K(x,y)-K(x0,y)|rdy1/r×2j+1Q|Tk,2(f)(y)|rdy1/rC||b||Lipβj=12-j1|2j+1Q|1-rβ/n2j+1Q|Tk,2(f)(y)|rdy1/rC||b||LipβMβ,r(Tk,2(f))(x~)


These complete the proof.

Proof of Theorem 2

Without loss of generality, we may assume Tk,1 are T(k=1,,m). We prove the theorem in several steps. First, we prove, if bBMO(Rn),(1) (Tb(f))#C||b||BMOk=1mMr(Tk,2(f))(1)

for any 1<r<.

Fix a cube Q=Q(x0,d) and x~Q. By T1(g)=0, we have Tb(f)=Tb-bQ(f), thusTb(f)=Tb-bQ(f)=T(b-bQ)χ2Q(f)+T(b-bQ)χ(2Q)c(f):=I1(x)+I2(x)


For I1, choose 1<s<r, by Hölder’s inequality and the boundedness of T (see Lemma 4), we obtain1|Q|Q|Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ2QTk,2(f)(x)|dx1|Q|Rn|Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ2QTk,2(f)(x)|sdx1/sC|Q|-1/sRn|M(b-bQ)χ2QTk,2(f)(x)|sdx1/sC|Q|-1/s2Q|Tk,2(f)(x)|rdx1/r2Q|b(x)-bQ|rs/(r-s)dx(r-s)/rsC||b||BMO1|Q|2Q|Tk,2(f)(x)|rdx1/rC||b||BMOMr(Tk,2(f))(x~)


For I2, by using Theorem 1,I2C||b||BMOk=1mMr(Tk,2(f))(x~)

We now put these estimates together and take the supremum over all Q such that x~Q, we obtain(Tb(f))#(x~)C||b||BMOk=1mMr(Tk,2(f))(x~)

Thus, taking r such that 1<r<p, we obtain, by Lemma 5,(2) ||Tb(f)||Lp||M(Tb(f))||LpC||(Tb(f))#||LpC||b||BMOk=1m||Mr(Tk,2(f))||LpC||b||BMOk=1m||Tk,2(f)||LpC||b||BMO||f||Lp(2)

Secondly, we prove that, if bLipβ(Rn),(3) (Tb(f))#C||b||Lipβk=1mMβ,r(Tk,2(f))(3)

for any r with 1<r<n/β. In fact, similar to the proof of (1) and by Theorem 1, we obtain1|Q|QTb(f)(x)-I2(x0)dxk=1m1|Q|Rn|Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ2QTk,2(f)(x)|rdx1/r+1|Q|Q|I2(x)-I2(x0)|dxCk=1m|Q|-1/r2Q(|b(x)-bQ||Tk,2(f)(x)|)rdx1/r+k=1m1|Q|QTk,1M(b-bQ)χ(2Q)cTk,2(f)(x)-Tk,1M(b-bQ)χ(2Q)cTk,2(f)(x0)dxCk=1m|Q|-1/r||b||Lipβ|2Q|β/n|Q|1/r-β/n1|Q|1-rβ/n2Q|Tk,2(f)(x)|rdx1/r+C||b||Lipβk=1mMβ,r(Tk,2(f))(x~)C||b||Lipβk=1mMβ,r(Tk,2(f))(x~)

Thus, (3) holds. We take 1<r<p<n/β, 1/q=1/p-β/n and obtain, by Lemma 6,(4) ||Tb(f)||Lq||M(Tb(f))||LqC||(Tb(f))#||LqC||b||Lipβk=1m||Mβ,r(Tk,2(f))||LqC||b||Lipβk=1m||Tk,2(f)||LpC||b||Lipβ||f||Lp(4)

Now we verify that Tb satisfies the conditions of Lemma 9. In fact, for any 1<pi<n/β, 1/qi=1/pi-β/n(i=1,2) and ||f||Lpi1, note that Tb(f)(x)=Tb-bs(f)(x)+Tbs(f)(x), b-bsBMO(Rn) and bsLipβ(Rn), by (2) and Lemma 7, we obtain||Tb-bs(f)||LpiC||b-bs||BMO||f||LpiC||b-bs||BMOC||b||BMOφφ(s)

and by (4) and Lemma 8, we obtain||Tbs(f)||LqiC||b||Lipβ||f||LpiCs-βφ(s)||b||BMOφ

Thus, for s=t-1/n and i=1,2,mTb(f)(ψ-1(t))mTb(f)(t1/piφ(t-1/n))mTb-bs(f)(t1/piφ(t-1/n)/2)+mTbs(f)(t1/piφ(t-1/n)/2)Cφ(s)t1/piφ(s)pi+s-βφ(s)t1/piφ(s)qi=Ct-1

Taking 1<p2<p<p1<n/β and by Lemma 9, we obtain, for ||f||Lp(p/p1)1/p,Rnψ(|Tb(f)(x)|)dx=0mTb(f)(ψ-1(t))dtC

then, ||Tb(f)||LψC. This completes the proof of the theorem.


The author would like to express her gratitude to the referee for his/her valuable comments and suggestions.

Additional information


This paper is supported by the Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Province Land and Resources Departments (No. 2013-28).

Notes on contributors

Ouyang Difei

Ouyang Difei The author has been studying the topics from 2000 year. The issue will provide some new thinking and methods for the domain. It is natural and important for the domain.


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