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Research Article

The plastic number and its generalized polynomial

| (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1023123 | Received 18 Dec 2014, Accepted 19 Feb 2015, Published online: 20 Mar 2015


The polynomial X3-X-1 has a unique positive root known as plastic number, which is denoted by ρ and is approximately equal to 1.32471795. In this note, we study the zeroes of the generalised polynomial Xk-j=0k-2Xj, for k3, and prove that its unique positive root λk tends to the golden ratio ϕ=1+52 as k. We also derive bounds on λk in terms of Fibonacci numbers.

AMS Subject Classifications:

Public Interest Statement

In this paper, the author considers a result of Siegel (Citation1944), who proved that the positive root of the polynomial Fk(X)=Xk-j=0k-2Xj, where k is a positive integer greater than or equal to 3, tends to the golden ratio 1+52, as k. The positive root of the polynomial X3-X-1 is known as “plastic number” and is the smallest number of the set of algebraic integers whose conjugates are inside the unit circle, known as Pisot–Vijayaraghavan numbers Pisot (Citation1938), Vijayaraghavan (Citation1941).

The submitted proof is elementary and simple. The author also obtains bounds on the positive zero of the polynomial Fk(X) in terms of Fibonacci numbers.

1. Introduction

The recurrence Fn=Fn-1+Fn-2, with initial values F0=0 and F1=1 yields the celebrated Fibonacci numbers. It is well known that for n0Fn=ϕn-(1-ϕ)n5,

where ϕ=1+52 is the positive root of the characteristic polynomial X2-X-1, known as golden ratio.

One can readily generalise the recurrence and define the k2 order Fibonacci sequence Fn=Fn-1++Fn-k, with initial conditions F0==Fk-2=0 and Fk-1=1. The characteristic polynomial of this recurrence is Xk-Xk-1--X-1. Its zeroes are much studied in literature: we refer to Martin (Citation2004), Miles (Citation1960), Miller (Citation1971), Wolfram (Citation1998), and Zhu and Grossman (Citation2009), where it is proved that the unique positive root tends to 2, as k. Series representations for this root are derived in Hare, Prodinger, and Shallit (Citation2014) by Lagrange inversion theorem.

In this note, we turn our attention to the positive zero of the polynomial X3-X-1, known as plastic number, which will throughout be denoted by ρ and is equal to 1+1+1333 (Finch, Citation2003). The plastic number was introduced by van der Laan (Citation1960). The recurrence relation is an=an-2+an-3, with initial conditions a0=a1=a2=1 and defines the integer sequence, known as Padovan sequence Stewart (Citation1996). Although the bibliography regarding the analysis of Fibonacci numbers is quite extensive, it seems not to be this case regarding the plastic number.

In the next section, we examine a generalisation of the Padovan sequence and its associated characteristic polynomial and derive bounds on the unique positive root of the polynomial Xk-Xk-2--X-1. The presented study utilises results from the theory of linear recurrences and elementary Calculus, where the nature of roots of this polynomial is investigated. Furthermore, the bounds on the largest root are developed using identities of Fibonacci numbers.

2. The generalised sequence

Consider the recurrencean=l=2kan-l

for k3 and initial conditions a0==ak-1=1. For k=3, we obtain as a special case the Padovan sequence. A lemma follows regarding the roots of its characteristic polynomial.

Lemma 2.1

The polynomial Fk(X)=Xk-Xk-2--X-1 has k simple roots. If k is odd, the polynomial has a unique real root λk(1,ϕ) and k-1 complex roots. When k is even, the roots of the polynomial are λk(1,ϕ), -1 and k-2 complex zeroes.


It can be easily seen that neither 0 nor 1 are roots of Fk(X). Following Miles (Citation1960) and Miller (Citation1971), it is convenient to work with the polynomial(1) (X-1)Fk(X)=Xk+1-Xk-Xk-1+1.(1)

Differentiating Equation 1, we obtain(2) (X-1)Fk(X)=(k+1)Xk-kXk-1-(k-1)Xk-2.(2)

Equation 2 is 0, at X=0 or at the roots of the quadratic polynomial:(3) (k+1)X2-kX-(k-1)(3)

Its discriminant can be easily computed to Δ=5k2-4>0, for all k3 and the two real roots of polynomial of (3) are(4) β1,2(k)=k±5k2-42(k+1).(4)

We identify the real roots by elementary means. Note that Fk(1)=2-k<0 and Fk(ϕ)=ϕ and apply Descartes’ rule of signs to Equation 1, there is a unique positive root λk in (1,ϕ), and for k even, the unique negative root of the polynomial is -1. Also, the polynomial is monic and by Gauss’s lemma the root λk is irrational.

Observe that λkβ2(k), since β2(k) is negative for all k3 and λkβ1(k). For if they were equal, then by Rolle’s theorem there is at least one root α of Equation 3 in (1,β1(k)), but β2(k)<0<1 and considering the fundamental theorem of Algebra, which states that every polynomial with complex coefficients and degree k has k complex roots with multiplicities, we arrive in contradiction. This shows that the polynomial (X-1)Fk(X) has (k+1) simple roots. We complete the proof noting that Fk(X) and (X-1)Fk(X) are positive and increasing for X>λk and negative for 1<X<λk.

A direct consequence of Lemma 2.1 is

Corollary 2.2

The polynomial Fk(X) is irreducible on the ring of integer numbers Z if and only if k is odd.

Further, it is easy to prove that all complex zeroes of the polynomial are inside the unit circle. The next Lemma is from Miles (Citation1960) and Miller (Citation1971).

Lemma 2.3

(Miles, Citation1960; Miller, Citation1971) For all the complex zeroes μ of the polynomial Fk(X), it holds that |μ|<1.


Assume that there exists a complex μ (and hence μ¯), with 1<|μ|<λk. We have that (μ-1)Fk(μ)=0 and(5) |μk+1|=|μk+μk-1-1.|(5)

Applying the triangle inequality to Equation 5, we deduce that(|μ|-1)Fk(|μ|)>0,

which contradicts Lemma 2.1. Assuming now that |μ|>λk, we have|μk|=j=0k-2μjj=0k-2|μj|

which is equivalent to Fk(|μ|)0 and again we arrive in contradiction. Finally, by the same reasoning it can be easily proved that there is no complex zero μ, with either |μ|=λk or |μ|=1.

Lemma 2.3 implies that the solution of the generalised recurrence can be approximated by(6) anCλkn(6)

with negligible error term. In Equation 6, C is a constant to be determined by the solution of a linear system of the initial conditions.

We now consider, more carefully, Equation 4β1,2(k)=k±5k2-42(k+1).

Observe that β1(k)=k+5k2-42(k+1) is increasing and bounded sequence. Furthermore,(7) limkk+5k2-42(k+1)=12+54=ϕ.(7)

Also, β2(k)=k-5k2-42(k+1) is decreasing and bounded and(8) limkk-5k2-42(k+1)=12-54=1-ϕ.(8)

From Equations 7 and 8, we deduce that two of the critical points of Equation 1, (recall that these are 0 with multiplicity (k-2), β1(k) and β2(k)), converge to ϕ and 1-ϕ. A straightforward calculation can show that β1(k) are points of local minima of the function (X-1)Fk(X) to the interval (1,λk), so β1(k)<λk<ϕ for all k3 and by squeeze lemma we have that limkλk=ϕ.

We remark that ρ is a Pisot–Vijayaraghavan number, a real algebraic integer having modulus greater to 1 where its conjugates lie inside the unit circle (Bertin, Decomps-Guilloux, Grandet-Hugot, Pathiaux-Delefosse, & Schreiber, Citation1992). These numbers are named after Pisot (Citation1938) and Vijayaraghavan (Citation1941), who independently studied them. Siegel (Citation1944) considered several families of polynomials and showed that the plastic number is the smallest Pisot–Vijayaraghavan number. By Lemmas 2.1 and 2.3, the positive zeroes of the polynomial Xk-j=0k-2Xj, where k is odd, are Pisot–Vijayaraghavan numbers. In case that k is even, the positive roots of the polynomial Xk-j=0k-2Xj are Salem numbers (Salem, Citation1945). This family of numbers is closely related to the set of Pisot–Vijayaraghavan numbers. They are positive algebraic integers with modulus greater than 1, where its conjugates have modulus no greater than 1 and at least one root has modulus equal to 1.

We have proved that for all k3,(9) k+5k2-42(k+1)<λk<ϕ.(9)

Using the identity 5Fk2=Lk2-4(-1)k (Hoggatt, Citation1969, Section 5), we have that for k=F2t+1(10) λF2t+1>F2t+1+L2t+12(F2t+1+1)(10)

where Ln is the nth Lucas number, defined by Ln=Ln-1+Ln-2 for n2, with initial conditions L0=2 and L1=1. Lucas numbers obey the following closed form expression for n0, (Hoggatt, Citation1969)Ln=ϕn+(1-ϕ)n.

Now inequality 10 becomesλF2t+1>F2t+1+L2t+12(F2t+1+1)=F2(t+1)F2t+1+1.

Actually, inequality 10 is valid when k+5k2-42(k+1) is quadratic irrational. A stronger result is the following Theorem.

Theorem 2.4

For k3, it holds thatFk+1Fk+1<λk<Fk+1Fk.


For k=3, we have thatF4F3+1<ρ<F4F3.

where λ3:=ρ. Since for k>3, Fk+1Fk>1 and Fk+1Fk+1>1, by Lemma 2.1 it suffices to show that Fk+1Fk+1-1FkFk+1Fk+1<0 and Fk+1Fk-1FkFk+1Fk>0. Setting X=Fk+1Fk to Equation 1, we have to prove thatFk+1Fkk-1(Fk+1Fk2-Fk+1Fk-1)>-1.

The previous inequality is the same as(11) Fk+1Fk2-Fk+1Fk-1>-FkFk+1k-1.(11)

The left-hand side of inequality 11 isFk+12-FkFk+1-Fk2Fk2=Fk+1(Fk+1-Fk)-Fk2Fk2=Fk+1Fk-1-Fk2Fk2=(-1)kFk2,

by Cassini’s identity (Hoggatt, Citation1969) Thus, (11) is true for all k.

In order to prove that Fk+1Fk+1<λk, we have to equivalently show that(12) Fk+1Fk+12-Fk+1Fk+1-1<-Fk+1Fk+1k-1.(12)

We then haveFk+1Fk+12-Fk+1Fk+1-1=Fk+12-FkFk+1-Fk+1-Fk2-2Fk-1(Fk+1)2=(-1)k-(Fk+1+2Fk+1)(Fk+1)2=(-1)k-Lk+1-1(Fk+1)2,

which isLk+1Fk+1k-1>(Fk+1)k+1.

Using thatLk+1=ϕk+1+(1-ϕ)k+1andFk+1=ϕk+1-(1-ϕ)k+15

the identityF2(k+1)>(Fk+1)2

can be easily proven by induction, and thus completes the proof.


I thank the anonymous referees for their helpful suggestions.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Vasileios Iliopoulos

Vasileios Iliopoulos obtained his PhD from the Department of Mathematical Sciences of University of Essex in 2014 and is currently working as a part-time lecturer there. His research interests are on analytic and enumerative combinatorics, operational research and elementary number theory.


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