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On I-convergent sequence spaces defined by a compact operator and a modulus function

, & | (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1036509 | Received 28 Oct 2014, Accepted 11 Mar 2015, Published online: 20 May 2015


In this article, we introduce and study I-convergent sequence spaces SI(f), S0I(f), and SI(f) with the help of compact operator T on the real space R and a modulus function f. We study some topological and algebraic properties, and prove some inclusion relations on these spaces.

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Public Interest Statement

The term sequence has a great role in Analysis. Sequence spaces play an important role in various fields of Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis, and Topology Convergence of sequences has always remained a subject of interest to the researchers. Several new types of convergence of sequences were studied by the researchers and named them as usual convergence, uniform convergence, strong convergence,week convergence, etc. Later, the idea of statistical convergence came into existence which is the generalization of usual convergence. Statistical convergence has several applications in different fields of Mathematics like Number Theory, Trigonometric Series, Summability Theory, Probability Theory, Measure Theory, Optimization, and Approximation Theory. The notion of Ideal convergence (I-convergence) is a generalization of the statistical convergence and equally considered by the researchers for their research purposes since its inception

1. Introduction and preliminaries

Let N, R, and C be the sets of all natural, real, and complex numbers, respectively. We denoteω={x=(xk):xkRorC}

the space of all real or complex sequences.

Let , c, and c0 be denote the Banach spaces of bounded, convergent, and null sequences of reals, respectively with normx=supkxk

Any subspace λ of ω is called a sequence space. A sequence space λ with linear topology is called a K-space provided each of maps piC defined by pi(x)=xi is continuous, for all iN. A space λ is called an FK-space provided λ is complete linear metric space. An FK-space whose topology is normable is called a BK-space.

Definition 1.1

Let X and Y be two normed linear spaces and T:D(T)Y be a linear operator, where D(T)X. Then, the operator T is said to be bounded, if there exists a positive real k such thatTxkx,for allxD(T)

The set of all bounded linear operators B(X,Y) is a normed linear space normed by (see Kreyszig, Citation1978)T=supxX,x=1Tx

and B(X,Y) is a Banach space if Y is Banach space.

Definition 1.2

Let X and Y be two normed linear spaces. An operator T:XY is said to be a compact linear operator (or completely continuous linear operator), if


T is linear,


T maps every bounded sequence (xk) in X onto a sequence T(xk) in Y which has a convergent subsequence.

The set of all compact linear operators C(X,Y) is closed subspace of B(X,Y) and C(X,Y) is a Banach space if Y is Banach space.

Following Basar and Altay (Citation2003) and Sengönül (Citation2009), we introduce the sequence spaces S and S0 with the help of compact operator T on the real space R as follows.S=x=(xk):T(x)c


Definition 1.3

A function f:[0,)[0,) is called a modulus if


f(t)=0 if and only if t=0,


f(t+u)f(t)+f(u) for all t,u0,


f is increasing, and


f is continuous from the right at zero.

For any modulus function f, we have the inequalitiesf(x)-f(y)f(x-y)

andf(nx)nf(x),for allx,y[0,]

A modulus function f is said to satisfy Δ2-Condition for all values of u if there exists a constant K>0 such that f(Lu)KLf(u) for all values of L>1.

The idea of modulus was introduced by Nakano (Citation1953).

Ruckle (Citation1967, Citation1968, Citation1973) used the idea of a modulus function f to construct the sequence spaceX(f)=x=(xk):k=1f(|xk|)<

This space is an FK-space and Ruckle (Citation1967, Citation1968, Citation1973) proved that the intersection of all such X(f) spaces is ϕ, the space of all finite sequences.

The space X(f) is closely related to the space 1 which is an X(f) space with f(x)=x for all real x0. Thus Ruckle (Citation1967, Citation1968, Citation1973) proved that, for any modulus f.X(f)1andX(f)α=


Spaces of the type X(f) are a special case of the spaces structured by Gramsch (Citation1967). From the point of view of local convexity, spaces of the type X(f) are quite pathological. Symmetric sequence spaces, which are locally convex have been frequently studied by Garling (Citation1966), Köthe (Citation1970), and Ruckle (Citation1967, Citation1968, Citation1973).

The sequence spaces by the use of modulus function was further investigated by Maddox (Citation1969, Citation1986), Khan (Citation2005, Citation2006), Bhardwaj (Citation2003), and many others.

As a generalization of usual convergence, the concept of statistical convergent was first introduced by Fast (Citation1951) and also independently by Buck (Citation1953) and Schoenberg (Citation1959) for real and complex sequences. Later on, it was further investigated from sequence space point of view and linked with the Summability Theory by Fridy (Citation1985), Šalát (Citation1980), Tripathy (Citation1998), Khan (Citation2007), Khan and Sabiha (Citation2012), Khan, Shafiq, and Rababah (Citation2015), and many others.

Definition 1.4

A sequence x=(xk)ω is said to be statistically convergent to a limit LC if for every ε>0, we havelimk1k|nN:|xn-L|ε,nk|=0

where vertical lines denote the cardinality of the enclosed set. That is, if δ(A(ε))=0, whereA(ϵ)=kN:xk-Lε

The notation of ideal convergence (I-convergence) was introduced and studied by Kostyrko, Mačaj, Salǎt, and Wilczyński (Citation2000). Later on, it was studied by Šalát, Tripathy, and Ziman (Citation2004, Citation2005), Tripathy and Hazarika (Citation2009, Citation2011), Khan and Ebadullah (Citation2011), Khan, Ebadullah, Esi, and Shafiq (Citation2013), and many others.

Now, we recall the following definitions:

Definition 1.5

Let N be a non-empty set. Then a family of sets I2N (power set of N) is said to be an ideal if


I is additive i.e A,BIABI


I is hereditary i.e AIandBABI.

Definition 1.6

A non-empty family of sets £(I)2N is said to be filter on N if and only if




A,B£(I) we have AB£(I),


A£(I) and ABB£(I).

Definition 1.7

An Ideal I2N is called non-trivial if I2N.

Definition 1.8

A non-trivial ideal I2N is called admissible if{x}:xNI

Definition 1.9

A non-trivial ideal I is maximal if there cannot exist any non-trivial ideal JI containing I as a subset.

Remark 1.10

For each ideal I, there is a filter £(I) corresponding to I. i.e £(I) = {KN:KcI}, where Kc=N\K.

Definition 1.11

A sequence x=(xk)ω is said to be I-convergent to a number L if for every ε>0, the set {kN:|xk-L|ε}I. In this case, we write I-limxk=L.

Definition 1.12

A sequence x=(xk)ω is said to be I-null if L=0. In this case, we write I-limxk=0.

Definition 1.13

A sequence x=(xk)ω is said to be I-Cauchy if for every ε>0 there exists a number m=m(ε) such that {kN:|xk-xm|ε}I.

Definition 1.14

A sequence x=(xk)ω is said to be I-bounded if there exists some M>0 such that {kN:|xk|M}I.

Definition 1.15

A sequence space E is said to be solid (normal) if (αkxk)E whenever (xk)E and for any sequence (αk) of scalars with αk1, for all kN.

Definition 1.16

A sequence space E is said to be symmetric if (xπ(k))E whenever xkE. where π is a permutation on N.

Definition 1.17

A sequence space E is said to be sequence algebra if (xk)(yk)=(xk.yk)E whenever (xk),(yk)E.

Definition 1.18

A sequence space E is said to be convergence free if (yk)E whenever (xk)E and xk=0 implies yk=0, for all k.

Definition 1.19

Let K={k1<k2<k3<k4<k5}N and E be a Sequence space. A K-step space of E is a sequence space λKE={(xkn)ω:(xk)E}.

Definition 1.20

A canonical pre-image of a sequence (xkn)λKE is a sequence (yk)ω defined byyk=xk,ifkK,0,otherwise

A canonical preimage of a step space λKE is a set of preimages all elements in λKE. i.e. y is in the canonical preimage of λKE iff y is the canonical preimage of some xλKE.

Definition 1.21

A sequence space E is said to be monotone if it contains the canonical preimages of its step space.

Definition 1.22

(see, Khan et al., Citation2015; Kostyrko et al., Citation2000). If I=If, the class of all finite subsets of v. Then, I is an admissible ideal in v and If convergence coincides with the usual convergence.

Definition 1.23

(see, Khan et al., Citation2015; Kostyrko et al., Citation2000). If I=Iδ={AN:δ(A)=0}. Then, I is an admissible ideal in N and we call the Iδ-convergence as the logarithmic statistical convergence.

Definition 1.24

(see, Khan et al., Citation2015; Kostyrko et al., Citation2000). If I=Id={AN:d(A)=0}. Then, I is an admissible ideal in N and we call the Id-convergence as the asymptotic statistical convergence.

Remark 1.25

If Iδ-limxk=l, then Id-limxk=l

Definition 1.26

A map ħ defined on a domain DX i.e ħ:DXIR is said to satisfy Lipschitz condition if |ħ(x)-ħ(y)|K|x-y| where K is known as the Lipschitz constant. The class of K-Lipschitz functions defined on D is denoted by ħ(D,K).

Definition 1.27

A convergence field of I-covergence is a setF(I)={x=(xk)l:there existsI-limxIR}

The convergence field F(I) is a closed linear subspace of l with respect to the supremum norm, F(I)=lcI (see Šalát et al., Citation2004, Citation2005).

Definition 1.28

Let X be a linear space. A function g:XR is called paranorm, if for all x,yX,

  • (P1)     g(x)=0ifx=θ,

  • (P2)     g(-x)=g(x),

  • (P3)     g(x+y)g(x)+g(y),

  • (P4)     If (λn) is a sequence of scalars with λnλ   (n) and xn,aX with xna   (n) in the sense that g(xn-a)0   (n) , then g(λnxn-λa)0  (n).

The notation of paranorm sequence spaces was studied at the initial stage by Nakano (Citation1953). Later on, it was further investigated by Maddox (Citation1969), Tripathy and Hazarika (Citation2009), Khan et al. (Citation2013), and the references therein.

Throughout the article, we use the same techniques as used in Tripathy and Hazarika (Citation2009, Citation2011).

We used the following lemmas for establishing some results of this article.

Lemma 1

(see, Tripathy & Hazarika, Citation2009, Citation2011) Every solid space is monotone.

Lemma 2

(see, Tripathy & Hazarika, Citation2009, Citation2011) If I2N and MN. If MI, then MNI.

Lemma 3

(see, Tripathy & Hazarika, Citation2009, Citation2011) Let K£(I) and MN. If MI, then MKI.

Throughout the article, SI, S0I, SI, MSI, and MSI represent the I-convergent, I-null, I-Bounded , bounded I-convergent, and bounded I-null Sequences spaces defined by a compact operator T on the real space R, respectively.

2. Main results

In this article, we introduce the following classes of sequences.(3.1) SI(f)={x=(xk):{kN:f(T(xk)-L)ϵ}I,for someLC}(3.1) (3.2) S0I(f)={x=(xk):{kN:f((Txk))ϵ}I}(3.2) (3.3) SI(f)={x=(xk):{kN:K>0such thatf(T(xk))K}I}(3.3) (3.4) S(f)={x=(xk):supkf(T(xk))<}(3.4)

where f is a modulus function. We also denoteMSI(f)=S(f)SI(f)andMSI(f)=S(f)S0I(f)

Theorem 2.1

Let f be a modulus function. Then, the classes of sequences SI(f), S0I(f), MSI(f), and MSI(f) are linear spaces.


We shall prove the result for SI(f). The proof for the other spaces will follow similarly.

For, let x=(xk),y=(yk)SI(f) and α,β be scalars. Then, for a given ϵ>0, we have(3.5) {kN:f(T(xk)-L1)ϵ2,for someL1C}I(3.5) (3.6) {kN:f(T(xk)-L2)ϵ2,for someL1C}I(3.6)

Let(3.7) A1={kN:f|T(xk)-L1|<ϵ2,for someL1C}LI(3.7) (3.8) A2={kN:f|T(yk)-L2|<ϵ2,for someL2C}LI(3.8)

be such that A1c,A2cI.

Since f is a modulus function, we haveA3={kN:f|(αT(xk)+βT(yk)-(αL1+βL2)|<ϵ}[{kN:f|α||T(xk)-L1|<ϵ2}{kN:f|β||T(yk)-L2|<ϵ2}][{kN:f|T(xk)-L1|<ϵ2}{kN:f|T(yk)-L2|<ϵ2}]

Therefore,(3.9) A3={kN:f|(αT(xk)+βT(yk)-(αL1+βL2)|<ϵ}[{kN:f|T(xk)-L1|<ϵ2}{kN:f|T(yk)-L2|<ϵ2}](3.9)

implies that A3£(I). Thus, A3c=A1cA2cI. Therefore, αxk+βykSI(f), for all scalars α,β, and (xk),(yk)SI(f). Hence, SI(f) is a linear space.

Theorem 2.2

The classes of sequences MSI(f) and MSI(f) are paranormed spaces, paranormed byg(x)=g(xk)=supkf|T(xk)|


Let x=(xk),y=(yk)MSI(f).

  • (P1)     It is clear that g(x)=0 if x=θ, a zero vector.

  • (P2)     g(x)=g(-x) is obvious.

  • (P3)     For x=(xk),y=(yk)MSI(f), we haveg(x+y)=g(xk+yk)=supkf|T(xk+yk)|=supkf|T(xk)+T(yk)|supkf|T(xk)|+supkf|T(yk)|=g(x)+g(y) Therefore, g(x+y)g(x)+g(y)

  • (P4)     Let (λk) be a sequence of scalars with (λk)λ(k) and

  • (xk),LMSI(f) such thatxkL(k) in the sense thatg(xk-L)0(k) Then, since the inequalityg(xk)g(xk-L)+g(L) holds by subadditivity of g, the sequence {g(xk)} is bounded.


as (k). That is to say that scalar multiplication is continuous. Hence, MSI(f) is a paranormed space. For MSI(f), the result is similar.

Theorem 2.3

A sequence x=(xk) I-converges if and only if for every ϵ>0, there exists NϵN such that(3.10) {kN:f(T(xk)-T(xNϵ))<ϵ}£(I)(3.10)


Let x=(xk).

Suppose that L=I-limx. Then, the setBϵ={kN:f(T(xk)-L)<ϵ2}£(I)for allϵ>0

Fix an NϵBϵ. Then we have,f(T(xk)-T(xNϵ))f(T(xk)-L)+f(T(xNϵ)-L)<ϵ2+ϵ2=ϵ

which holds for all kBϵ. Hence {kN:f(T(xk)-T(xNϵ))<ϵ}£(I) Conversely, suppose that{kN:f(T(xk)-T(xNϵ))<ϵ}£(I)

That is {kN:f|T(xk)|-f|T(xNϵ)<ϵ}£(I), for all ϵ>0.

Then, the setCϵ={kN:f|T(xk)|[f(|T(xNϵ))-ϵ,f(|T(xNϵ))+ϵ]}£(I)for allϵ>0

Let Jϵ=[f(|T(xNϵ))-ϵ,f(|T(xNϵ))+ϵ]. If we fix an ϵ>0 then we have Cϵ£(I) as well as Cϵ2£(I). Hence CϵCϵ2£(I). This implies thatJ=JϵJϵ2ϕ

That is{kN:f(|T(xk)|)J}£(I)

That isdiamJdiamJϵ

where the diam of J denotes the length of interval J. In this way, by induction, we get the sequence of closed intervalsJϵ=I0I1Ik

with the property that diamIk12diamIk-1 for (k=2,3,4,) and {kN:f(|T(xk)|)Ik}£(I) for (k=1,2,3,4,). Then, there exists a ξIk where kN such that ξ=I-limf(|T(xk)|) showing that x=(xk) is I-convergent. Hence the result.

Theorem 2.4

Let f1 and f2 be two modulus functions and satisfying Δ2-Condition, then




X(f1)(f2)X(f1+f2) for X= SI, SI, MSI and MSI.



Let x=(xk)SI(f2) be any arbitrary element. Then, the set(3.11) {kN:f2(T(xk))ϵ}I(3.11) Let ϵ>0 and choose δ with 0<δ<1 such that f1(t)<ϵ,0tδ. Let us denoteyk=f2(T(xk)) and considerlimkf1(yk)=limykδ,kNf1(yk)+limyk>δ,kNf1(yk) Now, since f1 is an modulus function, we have(3.12) limykδ,kNf1(yk)f1(2)limykδ,kN(yk)(3.12) For yk>δ, we haveyk<ykδ<1+ykδ Now, since f1 is non-decreasing and modulus, it follows thatf1(yk)<f1(1+ykδ)<12f1(2)+12f1(2ykδ) Again, since f1 satisfies Δ2-Condition, we havef1(yk)<12K(yk)δf1(2)+12K(yk)δf1(2) Thus, f1(yk)<K(yk)δf1(2) Hence,(3.13) limyk>δ,kNf1(yk)max{1,Kδ-1f1(2)limyk>δ,kN(yk)(3.13) Therefore, from Equations 2.11–2.13, we have (xk)SI(f1f2) Thus, SI(f2)SI(f1f2). Hence, X(f2)X(f1f2) for X= SI. For X= SI, MSI, and MSI the inclusions can be established similarly.


Let x=(xk)SI(f1)SI(f2). Let ϵ>0 be given. Then, the sets(3.14) {kN:f1(T(xk))ϵ}I(3.14) and(3.15) {kN:f2(T(xk))ϵ}I(3.15) Therefore, from Equations 2.14 and 2.15 the set{kN:(f1+f2)(T(xk))ϵ}I Thus, x=(xk)SI(f1+f2). Hence, SI(f1)SI(f2)SI(f1+f2) For X= SI, MSI, and MSI the inclusions are similar.

For f2(x)=x and f1(x)=f(x), x[0,), we have the following corollary.

Corollary 2.5

XX(f) for X= SI, SI, MSI and MSI

Theorem 2.6

For any modulus function f, the spaces SI(f) and MSI(f) are solid and monotone.


we prove the result for the space SI(f). For MSI(f), the proof can be obtained similarly. For, let (xk)SI(f) be any arbitrary element. Then, the set(3.16) {kN:f(T(xk))ϵ}I(3.16)

Let (αk) be a sequence of scalars such thatαk1,for all kN

Then the result follows from Equation 2.16 and the following inequality.f(T(αkxk))=f(αkT(xk))αkf(T(xk))f(T(xk)),for all kN

That the space SI(f) is monotone follows from the Lemma (I). Hence SI(f) is solid and monotone.

Theorem 2.7

The spaces SI(f) and MSI(f) are not neither solid nor monotone.


Here we give a counter example for the proof of this result.

Counter example. Let I=If and f(x)=x for all x[0,). Consider the K-step ZK of Z defined as follows.

Let (xk)Z and let (yk)ZK be such thatyk=xk,ifkis even,0,otherwise

Consider the sequence (xk) defined as by xk=1 for all kN. Then (xk)SI(f) and MSI(f) but its K-step preimage does not belong to SI(f) and MSI(f). Thus, SI(f) and MSI(f) are not monotone. Hence, SI(f) and MSI(f) are not solid by Lemma(I).

Theorem 2.8

If (x=xk) and (y=yk) be two sequences with T(x·y)=T(x)T(y). Then, the spaces SI(f) and SI(f) are sequence algebra.


Let (x=xk) and (y=yk) be two elements of SI(f) with T(x·y)=T(x)T(y). Then, the sets(3.17) {kN:f(T(xk))ϵ}I(3.17)

and(3.18) {kN:f(T(yk))ϵ}I(3.18)


Thus, (xk).(yk)SI(f). Hence, SI(f)is sequence algebra. For SI(f), the result can be proved similarly.

Theorem 2.9

Let f be a modulus function.

Then, SI(f)SI(f)SI(f).


The inclusion SI(f)SI(f) is obvious.

Next, let (xk)SI(f). Then there exists some L such that{kN:f(T(xk)-L)ϵ}I

We havef(T(xk))12f(T(xk)-L)+f(12L)

Taking supremum over k on both sides, we get (xk)SI(f)

Hence, SI(f)SI(f)SI(f)

Theorem 2.10

If f(x)=x for all x[0,]. Then, the function ħ:MSI(f)R defined by ħ(x)=I-limf(T(xk)), where MSI(f)=S(f)SI(f) is a Lipschitz function and hence uniformly continuous.


Clearly, the function ħ is well defined. Let x=(xk),y=(yk)MSI(f),xy. Then, the setsAx={kN:f(T(x)-ħ(x))x-y}IAy={kN:f(T(y)-ħ(y))x-y}I


Thus, the setsBx={kN:T(x)-ħ(x)<x-y}£(I)By={kN:T(y)-ħ(y)<x-y}£(I)

Hence, B=BxBy£(I), so that B Now, taking kB, we haveħ(x)-ħ(y)ħ(x)-T(xk)+T(xk)-T(yk)+T(yk)-ħ(y)3x-y

Therefore, ħ is Lipschitz function and hence uniformly continuous.

Theorem 2.11

If f(x)=x for all x[0,] and if x=(xk),y=(yk)MSI(f) with T(x·y)=T(x)T(y). Then (x·y)MSI(f) and ħ(xy)=ħ(x)ħ(y) where ħ:MSI(f)R is defined by ħ(x)=I-limf(T(xk)).


For ϵ>0, the sets(3.19) Bx={kN:|T(xk)-ħ(x)|<ϵ}£(I)(3.19) (3.20) By={kN:|T(yk)-ħ(y)|<ϵ}£(I)(3.20)

where x-y=ϵ

Now,(3.21) |T(xkyk)-ħ(x)ħ(y)|=|T(xk)T(yk)-T(xk)ħ(y)+T(xk)ħ(y)-ħ(x)ħ(y)||T(xk)||yk-ħ(y)|+|ħ(y)||xk-ħ(x)|(3.21)

As MSI(f)S(f), there exists an MR such that |T(xk)|<M and |ħ(y)|<M.

Therefore, from Equations 2.19–2.21, we have|T(xkyk)-ħ(x)ħ(y)|Mϵ+Mϵ=2Mϵ

for all kBxBy£(I).

Hence (x·y)MSI(f) and ħ(xy)=ħ(x)ħ(y).


The authors would like to record their gratitude to the reviewer for his careful reading and making some useful corrections which improved the presentation of the paper.

Additional information


Funding. The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Vakeel A. Khan

Vakeel A. Khan received his MPhil and PhD degrees in Mathematics from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. Currently, he is a senior assistant professor in the same university. He is a vigorous researcher in the area of Sequence Spaces , and has published a number of research papers in reputed national and international journals, including Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization (Taylor?s and Francis), Information Sciences (Elsevier), Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities and Springer-Verlag (China), Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Springer-Verlag (Italy), Studia Mathematica (Poland), Filomat (Serbia), Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (USA).

Mohd Shafiq

Mohd Shafiq did his MSc in Mathematics from University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Currently, he is a PhD scholar at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. His research interests are Functional Analysis, sequence spaces, I-convergence, invariant means, zweier sequences, and interval numbers theory.

Rami Kamel Ahmad Rababah

Rami Kamel Ahmad Rababah is a research scholar in the Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.


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