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Research Article

Matrix ℓ-algebras over ℓ-fields

| (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1053660 | Received 05 Jan 2015, Accepted 11 May 2015, Published online: 15 Jun 2015


It is shown that if a matrix -algebra Mn(K) over certain -fields K contains a positive n-cycle e such that I+e++en-1 is a d-element on K then it is isomorphic to the -algebra Mn(K) over K with the entrywise lattice order.

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Public Interest Statement

Given a positive integer n, a n by n matrix is a square array consisting of n rows and n columns of numbers. We could add two matrices, multiply two matrices, and compare two matrices by certain rules. Matrices with those operations consist of a very important research area in mathematics, and it has rich applications to other areas in mathematics, physics, etc.

The present research continues the study of matrices with the operations and order. It considers matrices with the operations and order in a more general setting to generalize some important known results. The article exposes more properties of such matrices to better understand them.

1. Introduction

Let R be a lattice-ordered ring (-ring) with the positive identity element and Mn(R) (n2) be the n×n matrix ring over R. Mn(R) may be made into an -ring by defining a matrix in Mn(R) positive if each entry of the matrix is positive in R. This lattice order on Mn(R) is called the entrywise lattice order. Since R has the positive identity element, the identity matrix of Mn(R) is positive with respect to the entrywise lattice order. In 1966, Weinberg first proved that if M2(Q) is an -ring in which the identity matrix is positive, where Q is the field of rational numbers, then it is isomorphic to the -ring M2(Q) with the entrywise lattice order (Weinberg, Citation1966). Then in Ma and Wojciechowski (Citation2002) it was proven that this fact is true for any totally ordered subfield F of the field R of real numbers and any n×n matrix algebra over F. Whether or not the above fact is true for an n×n (n>2) matrix algebra over an arbitrary totally ordered field is still an open question. Under some stronger conditions, though, the result is true; for instance, if an -algebra Mn(T) (n2) contains a positive n-cycle, where T is an arbitrary totally ordered field, then it is isomorphic to the -algebra Mn(T) with the entrywise lattice order (Ma, Citation2000). The reader is referred to Steinberg (Citation2010) for more information on research activities in this area.

The same problem for matrices over a lattice-ordered field (-field) has not been studied. In this article, we consider n×n matrix -algebra over certain Archimedean -fields. We first provide an example to show that the n×n matrix -algebra Mn(K) over an -field K may not be isomorphic to the Mn(K) with entrywise lattice order even it contains a positive n-cycle.

Example 1.1

Consider the -field K=Q[2]={α+β2|α,βQ}R with coordinatewise lattice order, that is, α+β20 if α0 and β0 in Q. Now define a matrix a=(aij)Mn(K) to be positive if each aij is greater than or equal to zero with respect to the usual total order in R. Since the coordinatewise lattice order on K is contained in the total order induced from R, Mn(K) is an -algebra over K and the identity matrix is positive under this order. We notice that this lattice order is not the entrywise lattice order on Mn(K) over the -field K, for instance, the matrix (2-1)I is positive, where I is the identity matrix, but 2-1 is not positive in K with respect to the coordinatewise lattice order. The n×n matrix e=e12+e23++en-1,n+en1 is an n-cycle as defined below, where eij are standard matrix units. It is clear that e is positive in the above lattice order defined on Mn(K).

The main result of this article is a proof that for a certain -field K, if the -algebra Mn(K) over K contains a positive n-cycle e such that I+e++en-1 is also a d-element on K then the -algebra is isomorphic to the -algebra Mn(K) with the entrywise lattice order. We will briefly review few definitions and results, the reader is referred to Birkhoff and Pierce (Citation1956) and Steinberg (Citation2010) for general information on -rings and undefined terminologies.

We call the permutation matrix ei1i2++ein-1in+eini1 as an n-cycle in the n×n matrix ring, where eij are the standard matrix units, that is, ijth entry of eij is 1, and other entries are zero. For an -field K, the -ring Mn(K) is called a lattice-ordered algebra (-algebra) if for any αK and aMn(K), α0,a0αa0. A positive element x of Mn(K) is called a d-element on Mn(K) (on K) if for any a,bMn(K), ab=0xaxb=axbx=0 in Mn(K) (if for any u,vK, uv=0uxvx=0 in Mn(K)), and a positive element αK is called a d-element on K (on Mn(K)) if for any u,vK, uv=0αuαv=0 in K (if for any a,bMn(K), ab=0αaαb=0 in Mn(K)). It is well known that if u,u-1K are both positive then u is a d-element both on Mn(K) and on K, and if a,a-1Mn(K) are both positive, then a is a d-element on Mn(K) but may not be a d-element on K. For instance, the element e in Example 1.1 is not a d-element on K. We refer the reader to Steinberg (Citation2010) for more information on properties of d-elements.

2. Main result

Let K be an -field with a positive identity element 1. It is well known that 1 is a basic element in the sense that for any a,bK+,a,b1ab or ba. Define F={xK||x|is anf-element ofK}. Then F is the largest totally ordered subfield of K (Schwartz, Citation1986, Theorem 4). In the following, we always assume that K is an Archimedean -field and finite-dimensional as a vector space over F. Then K has a v-basis {u1,,um} (Schwartz, Citation1986, Corollary, p. 186), that is, K=Fu1++Fum and α1u1++αmum0, where αiF, if and only if each αi0. Moreover, we assume that each ui is a d-element on K. Then ui-1>0 since 1=|1|=ui-1ui=ui-1ui implies that ui-1=ui-1>0.

A simple example of this situation is K=Q[2]={α+β2|α,βQ} with the coordinatewise lattice order. Then u1=1, u2=2 is a v-basis of K over F. It is clear that F=Q and u1,u2 are d-elements on K and on any -algebra Mn(K).

Suppose that K is an Archimedean -field with 1>0 and suppose K is finite-dimensional over F with a v-basis that consists of d-elements of K. Consider the n×n matrix algebra A=Mn(K) over K with n2. Suppose that A is an -algebra over K. Then A is also an -algebra over F since the lattice order on K extends the total order of F. Since A contains no nonzero nilpotent ideals, A is Archimedean over F (Birkhoff & Pierce, Citation1956, Corollary 1, p. 51). Since A is also finite-dimensional over F, it implies that A is a direct sum of maximal convex totally ordered subspaces over F (Conrad, Citation1961, Theorem 7.3, p. 232). Let {u1,,um} be a v-basis of K over F in which each ui is a d-element of K. We will assume that u1=1, the identity element of K. The identity matrix of Mn(K) is denoted by I. The following is the main result of the paper.

Theorem 2.1

Suppose that A=Mn(K) is an -algebra over K. If A contains a positive n-cycle e and I+e++en-1 is a d-element on K then the -algebra A is isomorphic to the -algebra Mn(K) over K with the entrywise lattice order.


As we discussed in the previous paragraph, A is a direct sum of maximal convex totally ordered subspaces of A over F. Since the identity matrix I=en>0, I is a sum of disjoint basic elements. Suppose that 0<aI is a basic element. Since uk-1>0 for each uk, every uka is also a basic element of A. For k=1,,m, define Mk=(uka) and Hk=i,j=1neiMkej. Then each Mk is a maximal convex totally ordered subspace of A over F since A is a f-module over F, and each Hk is a convex -subspace of A over F. We divide the proof of Theorem 2.1 into several lemmas.

Lemma 2.2

HiHj={0} for 1i,jm and ij.


Clearly the sets {esMiet|1s,tn} and {esMjet|1s,tn} of maximal convex totally ordered subspaces over F are either identical or disjoint (Conrad, Citation1961, Lemma 3.1). Thus either Hi=Hj or HiHj={0}. Suppose that HiHj{0}. Then Hi=Hj, so ujaHi and hence ujaerMies for some 1r,sn since uja is basic. Thus, uja and er(uia)es are comparable. On the other hand, uiuj=0 and I+e++en-1 is a d-element on K, soui(I+e++en-1)uj(I+e++en-1)=0

Since uiauiI,er(uia)eser(uiI)es=uier+sui(I+e++en-1)

and also ujaujIuj(I+e++en-1). Thus er(uia)esuja=0, which is a contradiction. Therefore, we must have HiHj={0} for ij.

Lemma 2.3



Let fk=i,j=1nei(uka)ejHk, k=1,,m. Then by Lemma 2.2, {f1,,fm} is a disjoint set, that is, fifj=0,ij. For each fk, since efk=fke=fk, we havefk=vk(I+e++en-1),0vkK,k=1,,m

Indeed, since en=I and emI for 1m<n, the characteristic polynomial of e is λn-1, so e has n distinct eigenvalues and hence the eigenspace for each eigenvalue is of one-dimensional. From efk=fk, each column in fk is an eigenvector of e to 1. Then each column in fk is a scalar multiple of the vector v, each of whose components is equal to 1. Similarly, each row of fk is a scalar multiple of vt, the transpose of v. Thus, fk=vk(I+e++en-1) for some 0vkK.

Let vk0=wk in K. Then since I+e++en-1 is a d-element on K,0=fk0=vk(I+e++en-1)0=wk(I+e++en-1)

so wk=0, and hence vk>0 for each k. Similarly we show that vkv=0 for k, and so {v1,,vm} is a disjoint set in K. Since each positive element in K is a positive linear combination of u1,,um, each vi is a strictly positive multiple by a scalar in F of exactly one of u1,,um, so without loss of generality, we may assume that vi=αiui, where 0<αiF, i=1,,m.

Suppose that AH1++Hm. Then there exists a maximal convex totally ordered subspace M of A over F which is not in the sum of H1++Hm. Let 0<xM and g=i,j=1neixej. Then eg=ge=g and by a similar argument as before g=v(I+e++en-1) for some 0<vK, and vvi=0 in K for i=1,m. Hence vui=0 in K for i=1,,m, so v=0, which is a contradiction. Therefore, A=H1++Hm.

Lemma 2.4

For each k=1,,m, Hk=i,j=1neiMkej is a direct sum.


To prove that Hk=i,j=1neiMkej is a direct sum, we show that any two summands are different, and thus they must have zero intersection (Conrad, Citation1961). For 1s,tn with sn or tn, suppose first that esMket=Mk. Then for any 0xMk, esxet and x are comparable. If x>esxet then x>esxet>e2sxe2t>>ensxent=x, which is a contradiction. Similarly xesxet. Thus, esxet=x for all xMk, so esget=g for all gHk. For any yM, k, since y and ua are comparable, uku-1y and uka are comparable, so es(uku-1y)et=uku-1y by esMket=Mk and previous arguments. Hence, esyet=y for all yM, so eshet=h for all hH, k. Since A=H1++Hm by Lemma 2.3, we have esfet=f for all fA. In particular, es+t=I, so s+t=n, and hence sn and tn. Therefore, esf=esfen=esfetes=fes for any fA, that is, es is in the center of A with 1s<n, which is a contradiction. Hence, for 1s,tn with sn or tn, esMketMk.

Now for 1i1,i2,j1,j2n, suppose that ei1Mkej1=ei2Mkej2. If i1<i2 then Mk=ei2-i1Mkej2-j1 if j2j1, which is a contradiction by previous paragraph. If j2<j1 then Mk=ei2-i1Aej2+n-j1, which is again a contradiction. Thus, i1i2. Similarly, i2i1, and hence i1=i2. Similarly, j1=j2. Therefore, Hk=i,j=1neiMkej is a direct sum of n2 maximal convex totally ordered subspaces eiMkej, 1i,jn.

We notice that since dimFA=mn2 and A is a direct sum of mn2 totally ordered subspaces over F, each Mi, i=1,,m, is one-dimensional over F, so Mi=F(uia) for each i=1,,m.

Lemma 2.5

H1 is isomorphic to the -algebra Mn(F) over F with the entrywise lattice order.


First, we notice that I cannot be a basic element since in that case, I=aM1, so e=eI=Ie implies that eM1=M1e, which is a contradiction by Lemma 2.5. Suppose that I=a+a1++ap, where a,a1,,ap are disjoint basic elements and p1. For each i=1,,n-1, I=eien-i=eiaen-i++eiapen-i implies that each eiaen-i is an f-element for i=1,,n, and eiaen-i is also a basic element since en=I.

We claim that I=a+eaen-1++en-1ae. For i=1,,n-1, since eiaen-i<I is basic, there exists aj for some j=1,,p such that eiaen-i and aj are comparable. We show that eiaen-i=aj. Since eiaen-i and aj are comparable, eiaen-iav=0 for any 1vp and vj. Otherwise eiaen-i and av will be comparable since both are basic elements, so av=(eiaen-i)=aj, which implies that av and aj are comparable, a contradiction. Then froma+a1++ap=I=eiaen-i++eiapen-i

we have eiaen-iaj, and similarly ajeiaen-i. Thus eiaen-i=aj, so each eiaen-i, i=1,,n-1, appears in the sum I=a+a1++ap.

Next, we show that each ar, 1rp, is equal to eiaen-i for some 1in-1. We first notice that since eiaen-i, i=0,,n-1, appear in the sum for I, they are disjoint f-element, so aeia=0 for i=1,,n-1. Since arA is basic, ar=esxet for some 0<xMw and 1s,tn, 1wm. Then that ar is idempotent implies that esxetesxet=esxet, so xes+tx=x. Suppose that s+t=n+v, where 0v<n. Thus xevx=x. From Mw=F(uwa), we have x=α(uwa) for some 0<αF, then αuw(aeva)=a, and hence v=0, otherwise aeva=0. It follows from αuwa=a that αuw=1, an identity element of K. Therefore, ar=esaen-s.

Since I=a+eaen-1++en-1aeH1 is a sum of disjoint elements, each eiaen-i is an idempotent f-element and eiaen-iejaen-j=0 for ij. Thus, H1=i,j=1nF(eiaej) is an -algebra over F. For 1i,jn, define cij=eiaen-j. Then {cij|1i,jn} is a disjoint set of basic elements and also a set of n×n matrix units. It follows that H1=i,j=1nFcij is a direct sum as a vector lattice over F. Define φ:H1Mn(F) by i,j=1nαijciji,j=1nαijeij, where αijF. Then φ is an -isomorphism between two -algebras over F, so H1 is isomorphic to the -algebra Mn(F) with the entrywise lattice order.

Now for i=1,,m, Hi=i,j=1neiMiej and Mi=F(uia) implies that Hi=uiH1, i=1,,m. Therefore, the -algebra A=H1+H2++Hm=u1H1+u2H1++umH1 is isomorphic to the -algebra Mn(K) over K with the entrywise lattice order. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.1.

Example 1 shows that the condition “I+e++en-1 is a d-element on K" couldn’t be omitted in Theorem 2.1. However, if K is a totally ordered field then this condition is automatically satisfied, so it is not necessary.

By Schwartz (Citation1986, Theorem 10), under the assumption for the -field K in Theorem 2.1, the lattice order on K is uniquely extendible to a total order. Although we believe that if I+e++en-1 is not a d-element on K then the lattice order on Mn(K) is defined by the unique total order on K just like the situation in Example 1.1, we lack the ability to prove it. In the next, we will show that this fact is true for the simplest case.

3. 2×2 case

Let K be an Archimedean -field which is a two-dimensional extension of F and let {1,u} be a v-basis of K over F and let u be a d-element. Suppose that M2(K) is a 2×2 matrix -algebra over K and that e=e12+e210. By Theorem 2.1, we know that if I+e is a d-element on K then M2(K) is isomorphic to the -algebra M2(K) with the entrywise lattice order. In this section, we show that if I+e is not a d-element on K then the lattice order on M2(K) is the lattice order defined in Example 1.1.

Theorem 3.1

Let M2(K) be an -algebra over K in which e=e12+e21 is positive, but I+e is not a d-element on K. Then the lattice order on M2(K) is defined by declaring a matrix a=(aij)M2(K) to be positive if each aij0 in K, where is the unique total order that extends the lattice order on K.


As before, suppose that F is the unique largest totally ordered subfield of K and {1,u} is an v-basis of K over F where u is a d-element. From the discussion in the previous section, M2(K) is a direct sum of totally ordered subspaces of K over F.

We first show that Ie=0. Let Ie=z. Then ez=ze=ee2=eI=z, so z=v(I+e) for some vK. Since 0zI, z is an f-element of M2(K), so Ie=z implies that z2=zze=zz=z. Thus, z=v(I+e) implies that 2v2=v, and hence either v=0 or 2v=1. If 2v=1 then I+e=2z2I implies that eI, which is a contradiction. Thus, we must have v=0, so Ie=z=0.

Next, we show that I cannot be a basic element. Assume, on the contrary, that I is basic. Therefore, e is also basic. Suppose that M2(K)=T1Tk, where each Ti is a totally ordered subspace of M2(K) over F and k2. We may assume that IT1 and eT2. We consider two cases.


k=2. Take 0<aT1. Then ea=0 implies that Iea=Iae=0, so ae,eaT2. Hence, ae and ea are comparable since T2 is totally ordered. If ae<ea then a=ae2<(ea)e<e(ea)=a, which is a contradiction. Similarly, eaae. Thus, we must have ae=ea, so for any element xT1, ex=xe. Similarly for each yT2, ey=ye. Therefore, for each matrix wM2(K), ew=we, which is a contradiction.


k3. Define H=i,j=12eiT1ej and N=i,j=12eiT3ej. Then H=T1T2. Since I,e are basic elements, it is straightforward to check that uI,ue are also basic elements. If uIT3 then u(I+e)N. Since HN, HN={0}. On the other hand, since I+e is not a d-element on K, 0(I+e)u(I+e)HN, which is a contradiction. Thus, we must have uIH, and hence u(I+e)H. Since each element in K can be written as α+βu with α,βF, that I+e and u(I+e) are in H implies that v(I+e)H for any vK. Take 0<aT3 and form b=i,j=12eiaejN. Then be=eb=b implies that b=v(I+e) for some 0<vK. Then bH, which contradicts the fact that HN={0}. Hence, I cannot be a basic element.

Since I is not basic, I=a1++am, where a1,,am are disjoint basic elements with 2m4 since ea1,,eam are also disjoint and M2(K) is eight-dimensional over F. Since aiI, each ai is an f-element, and hence aiaj=0 for ij implies that aiaj=aiajaiaj=0. Thus, each ai is idempotent. From I=a1++am, we have I=ea1e++eame with eaieeaje=0 for ij since e is a d-element on M2(K). Thus, each ease=at for some t. If s=t then eas=ase and since as is idempotent, as=12(I+e), which is a contradiction since ai is basic.

We claim that m=2. If m=3 then we have I=a1+a2+a3=ea1e+ea2e+ea3e. Since ea1ea1, we may assume ea1e=a2. Then ea2e=a1 implies that ea3e=a3, which is a contradiction. Suppose that m=4. Then {a1,a2,a3,a4,ea1,ea2,ea3,ea4} is disjoint and M2(K) is eight-dimensional over F, so {a1,a2,a3,a4,ea1,ea2,ea3,ea4} is a v-basis of M2(K) over F. It is straightforward to check that ua1 is a basic element, and hence ua1=αa1 or ua1=β(ea1) for some 0<α,βF. In the first case, we have u=α, which is a contradiction. So ua1=β(ea1), and hence β2a1=βe(βea1)=uβ(ea1)=u2a1. Hence u2=β2, so u=β or -β, which is again a contradiction. Therefore, we must have m4, so m=2.

Thus, we have I=a1+a2, where a1,a2 are disjoint basic elements. Then as we have discussed before ea1e=a2 and I=a1+ea1e. Let M2(K)=T1Tk, where k4 and each Ti is a maximal convex totally ordered subspace of M2(K) over F. Assume that a1T1, and define H=i,j=12eiT1ej=T1+eT1+T1e+eT1e. Then I+eH. Since ua1 is basic, ua1T for some T. If T is not in {T1,eT1,T1e,eT1e} then HN={0}, where N=i,j=12eiTej. On the other hand, ua1T implies that u(I+e)N, then 0(I+e)u(I+e)HN, which is a contradiction. Thus, T is one of T1,eT1,T1e,eT1e, so ua1 is in one of {T1,eT1,T1e,eT1e}. If ua1ea1 then ua1=ua12a1ea1=0, a contradiction. If ea1ua1 then a1uea1, so a1=a12ua1ea1=0. Similarly ua1 is not comparable with a1e and ea1e, so ua1T1. Since a1 and ua1 are linearly independent over F, T1 is two-dimensional over F, and hence eT1, T1e, and eT1e are all two-dimensional over F. Hence, M2(K)=T1eT1T1eeT1e as a vector lattice over F.

Let us consider the structure of T1 first. Since a1,ua1 are linearly independent over F, T1={αa1+βua1|α,βF}=Ka1. Then clearly T1 is a field that is isomorphic to K under the mapping va1v for any vK. Since T1 is totally ordered, K will be totally ordered if we define an order on K by saying that for any vK, v0 if va10 in T1. Take vK, if v0 in K then since M2(K) is an -algebra over K, we have va10 in M2(K), so v0 in K. Thus, the total order on K extends the lattice order on K, and hence = since there is a unique total order on K that extends the lattice order on K. Hence, for any vK, v0 if and only if va10 in M2(K).

Since M2(K)=T1T1eeT1eT1e=Ka1K(a1e)K(ea1)K(ea1e), if we define the mapping φ:M2(K)M2(K): for any aM2(K)a=a11a1+a12(a1e)+a21(ea1)+a22(ea1e)a11a12a21a22,

then clearly φ is an algebra isomorphism over K. We also havea0a11a10,a12(a1e)0,a21(ea1)0,a22(ea1e)0a11a10,a12a10,a21a10,a22a10inT1a110,a120,a210,a220inK

Hence, the -algebra M2(K) is isomorphic to the -algebra M2(K) with the lattice order defined by (aij)0 if each aij0 in K. This completes the proof.

Finally, we provide an example to show that the assumption that u is a d-element cannot be omitted in Theorem 3.1.

Example 3.2

Let K=Q[2]={α+β2|α,βQ} and u=1+2. Then {1,u} is a basis of vector space K over Q. Define an element α+βu to be positive if α0 and β0. Since u2=1+2u, K becomes an -field in which u is not a d-element since 1u=0 but uu2=u(1+2u)=u0. Another lattice order may be defined by the positive cone P=Q+1+Q+2. Then K+P. Now, we define a lattice order on M2(K) by calling a matrix a=(aij) positive if each aijP. Since K+P, M2(K) is an -algebra over K. We notice that e=e12+e210, and I+e is not a d-element on K since 1u=0 but (I+e)u(I+e)=I+e0. However, the lattice order on M2(K) is not defined by the usual total order extension of K+.


The author thanks professor Yuehui Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) for valuable comments during the preparation of this paper.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Jingjing Ma

Jingjing Ma’s research is in the area of Lattice-ordered Rings and Algebras that was first systematically studied by G Birkhoff and RS Pierce about 60 years ago. His interests involve different topics on lattice-ordered rings with the focus on trying to better understand the algebraic structures of such systems.

The algebraic structure of lattice-ordered matrix algebras has been one of his research topics. In 2000, working together with Wojciechowski (University of Texas at El Paso), they proved the so-called Weinberg’s conjecture, which states that there is only one lattice order on matrix rings over the field of rational number in which the identity matrix is positive. The present work continues the study of lattice-ordered matrix algebras in a more general setting. More precisely, this article considers lattice-ordered matrix algebras over certain lattice-ordered fields, which include totally ordered fields as a special case.


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