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Research Article

An algorithm for variational inequalities with equilibrium and fixed point constraints

| (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1088176 | Received 16 Mar 2015, Accepted 19 Aug 2015, Published online: 23 Sep 2015


In this paper, we propose a new hybrid extragradient-viscosity algorithm for solving variational inequality problems, where the constraint set is the common elements of the set of solutions of a pseudomonotone equilibrium problem and the set of fixed points of a demicontractive mapping. Using the hybrid extragradient-viscosity method and combining with hybrid plane cutting techniques, we obtain the algorithm for this problem. Under certain conditions on parameters, the convergence of the iteration sequences generated by the algorithms is obtained.

AMS 2010 Mathematics subject classifications:

Public Interest Statement

Variational inequality and equilibrium problems as well as fixed point problems are very useful and efficient tools in mathematics. They provided a unified framework for studying many problems arising in engineering, economics, and other fields. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for solving variational inequality problems where the constraint set is the common elements of the set of solutions of a pseudomonotone equilibrium problem and the set of fixed points of a demicontractive mapping. One difficulty of this problem is that the constraint set is not given explicitly. The proposed method allows us to solve this problem by solving a sequence of convex programs in which they are much easier to solve.

1. Introduction

Let Rn be a n-dimentional Euclidean space with the inner product ·,· and associated norm ·. Let C be a nonempty closed convex subset in Rn and G:CRn, T:CC be operators, and f:C×CR be a bifunction satisfying f(x,x)=0 for every xC. We consider the following variational inequality problem over the set is the common elements of the set of a pseudomonotone equilibrium problem and the set of fixed points of a demicontractive mapping (shortly VIEFP(C,f,T,G):(1) FindxSsuch thatG(x),y-x0,yS,(1)

where S=SfFix(T), Sf={uC:f(u,y)0,yC}, i.e. Sf is the solution set of the following equilibrium problem (EP(C,f) for short)(2) FinduCsuch thatf(u,y)0,yC,(2)

and Fix(T) is the fixed points of the mapping T, i.e. Fix(T)={vCsuch thatT(v)=v}.

We call problem (1) the upper problem and (2) the lower one. Problem (1) is a special case of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints. Sources for such problems can be found in Luo, Pang, and Ralph (Citation1996), Migdalas, Pardalos, and Varbrand (Citation1988), Muu and Oettli (Citation1992). Bilevel variational inequalities were considered in Anh, Kim, and Muu (Citation2012), Moudafi (Citation2010) and Yao, Liou, and Kang (Citation2010) suggested the use of the proximal point method for monotone bilevel equilibrium problems, which contain monotone variational inequalites as a special case. Recently, Ding (Citation2010) used the auxiliary problem principle to monotone bilevel equilibrium problems. In those papers, the lower problem is required to be monotone. In this case, the subproblems to be solved are monotone.

It should be noticed that the solution set Sf of the lower problem (2) is convex whenever f is pseudomonotone on C. However, the main difficulty is that, even the constrained set Sf is convex, it is not given explicitly as in a standard mathematical programming problem, and therefore the available methods of convex optimization and variational inequality cannot be applied directly to problem (1).

In this paper, we extend the hybrid extragradient-viscosity methods introduced by Maingé (Citation2008b) for solving bilevel problem (1) when the lower problem is pseudomonotone with respect to its solution set equilibrium problems rather than monotone variational inequalities as in Maingé (Citation2008b), the later pseudomonotonicity is somewhat more general than pseudomonotone. We show that the sequence of iterates generated by the proposed algorithm converges to the unique solution of the bilevel problem (1).

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains some preliminaries on the Euclidean projection and equilibrium problems. Section 3 is devoted to presentation of the algorithm and its convergence. In Section 4, we describe a special case of variational inequalities with variational inequalities and fixed points constraints, where the lower variational inequality is pseudomonotone with respect to its solution set.

2. Preliminaries

In the rest of the paper, by PC we denote as the projection operator on C, that isPC(x)C:x-PC(x)y-x,yC.

The following well-known results on the projection operator onto a closed convex set will be used in the sequel.

Lemma 2.1

Suppose that C is a nonempty closed convex set in Rn. Then,


PC(x) is singleton and well defined for every x;


π=PC(x) if and only if x-π,y-π0,yC;and



We recall some well-known definitions which will be useful in the sequel (see e.g. Blum & Oettli, Citation1994; Facchinei & Pang, Citation2003; Konnov, Citation2001; Muu & Oettli, Citation1992; Solodov & Svaiter, Citation1999).

Definition 2.1

A mapping T:CC is called


nonexpansive if T(x)-T(y)x-y for all x,yC;


quasi-nonexpansive if Fix(T) and T(x)-xx-x for all xC and xFix(T);


θ-strict pseudocontractive if there exists θ[0;1), such that T(x)-T(y)2x-y2+θ(x-T(x))-(y-T(y))2 for all x,yC; and


μ-demicontractive if Fix(T) is not empty, and there exists μ[0;1), such that T(x)-T(x)2x-x2+μx-T(x)2 for all xC and xFix(T)

Definition 2.2

A bifunction φ:C×CR is said to be


strongly monotone on C with modulus β>0, ifφ(x,y)+φ(y,x)-βx-y2,x,yC;


monotone on C ifφ(x,y)+φ(y,x)0,x,yC;


pseudomonotone on C ifφ(x,y)0φ(y,x)0,x,yC;and


pseudomonotone on C with respect to x ifφ(x,y)0φ(y,x)0,yC. We say that φ is pseudomonotone on C with respect to a set S if it is pseudomonotone on C with respect to every point xS.

From Definition 2.2, it follows that (1) (2) (3) (4) xC.

When φ(x,y)=ϕ(x),y-x, where ϕ:CRn is an operator, then the definition (1) becomes:φ(x)-φ(y),x-yβx-y2,x,yC

that is ϕ is β-strongly monotone on C. Similarly, if ϕ satisfies (2) ((3), (4) resp.) on C, then φ becomes monotone, (pseudomonotone, pseudomonotone with respect to x resp.) on C.

In the sequel, we need the following blanket assumptions


f(.,y) is continuous on Ω for every yC;


f(x,.) is convex on Ω for every xC;


f is pseudomonotone on C with respect to the solution set Sf of EP(C,f);


T is μ-demicontractive and closed mapping;


G is L-Lipschitz and β-strongly monotone on C;


h(.) is δ-strongly convex, continuously differentiable on Ω;


{λk} is a positive sequence, such that k=0λk= and k=0λk2<; and


{μk} is a positive sequences, such that 0<μμk1-μ2.

Lemma 2.2

Suppose Problem EP(C,f) has a solution. Then, under assumptions (A1), (A2), and (A3), the solution set Sf is closed, convex, andf(x,y)0yCif and only iff(y,x)0yC.

The following lemmas are well known from the auxiliary problem principle for equilibrium problems.

Lemma 2.3

(Mastroeni, Citation2003) Suppose that h is a continuously differentiable and strongly convex function on C with modulus δ>0. Then, under assumptions (A1) and (A2), a point xC is a solution of EP(C,f) if and only if it is a solution to the equilibrium problem:FindxC:f(x,y)+h(y)-h(x)-h(x),y-x0,yC.(AEP)

The functiond(x,y):=h(y)-h(x)-h(x),y-x

is called Bregman function. Such a function was used to define a generalized projection, called d-projection, which was used to develop algorithms for particular problems (see e.g. Censor & Lent, Citation1981). An important case is h(x):=12x2. In this case, d-projection becomes the Euclidean one.

Lemma 2.4

(Mastroeni, Citation2003) Under assumptions (A1) and (A2), a point xC is a solution of problem (AEP) if and only ifx=argmin{f(x,y)+h(y)-h(x)-h(x),y-x:yC}.(CP)

Note that since f(x,.) is convex and h is strongly convex, Problem (CP) is a strongly convex program.

For each zC, by 2f(z,z), we denote the subgradient of the convex function f(z,.) at z, i.e.2f(z,z):=wRn:f(z,y)f(z,z)+w,y-z,yC=wRn:f(z,y)w,y-z,yC,

and each w2f(z,z) we define the halfspace Hz as(3) Hz:=xRn:w,x-z0.(3)

Note that when f(x,y)=F(x),y-x, where F:CRn, this halfspace becomes the one introduced in Solodov and Svaiter (Citation1999). The following lemma says that the hyperplane does not cut off any solution of problem EP(C,f).

Lemma 2.5

(Dinh & Muu, Citation2015) Under assumptions (A2) and (A3), one has SfHz for every zC.

Lemma 2.6

(Dinh & Muu, Citation2015) Under assumptions (A1) and (A2), if {zk}C is a sequence, such that {zk} converges to z¯ and the sequence {wk}, with wk2f(zk,zk) converges to w¯, then w¯2f(z¯,z¯).

Lemma 2.7

Suppose the bifunction f satisfies the assumptions (A1) and (A2), the function h satisfies the assumption (B1). If {xk}C is bounded and {yk} is a sequence, such thatyk=argmin{f(xk,y)+1ρh(y)-h(xk)-h(xk),y-xk:yC},

then {yk} is bounded.


Firstly, we show that if {xk} converges to x, then {yk} is bounded. Indeed,yk=argmin{f(xk,y)+1ρh(y)-h(xk)-h(xk),y-xk:yC},



In addition, f(xk,.)+1ρh(.)-h(xk)-h(xk),.-xk is strongly convex on C with modulus δρ; hence, for all wk2f(xk,xk), we getf(xk,yk)+1ρ[h(yk)-h(xk)-h(xk),yk-xk]wk,yk-xk+δρyk-xk2.

This implies 0-wkyk-xk+δρyk-xk2, so thatyk-xkρδwk.

Because {xk} converges to x and wk2f(xk,xk), by Theorem 24.5 in Rockafellar (Citation1970), the sequence {wk} is bounded; combining with the boundedness of {xk}, we have {yk} also bounded.

Now, we prove the Lemma 2.7. Suppose contradict that {yk} is unbounded, i.e. there exists an subsequence {yki}{yk}, such that limiyki=+. By the boundedness of {xk}, it implies {xki} is also bounded; without loss of gerarality, we may assume that limixki=x. By the same argument as above, we have {yki} is bounded, which we contradict. Therefore, {yk} is bounded.

The following lemma is in Solodov and Svaiter (Citation1999) (see also Dinh & Muu, Citation2015).

Lemma 2.8

(Dinh & Muu, Citation2015; Solodov & Svaiter, Citation1999) Suppose that xC and u=PCHz(x). Then,u=PCHz(x¯),wherex¯=PHz(x).

Lemma 2.9

(Maingé, Citation2008b) Let T:CC be an α demicontractive mapping, such that Fix(T) is nonempty. Then, Tμ=(1-μ)I+μT is a quasi-nonexpansive mapping over C for every μ[0;1-α]. Furthermore,Tμ(x)-x2x-x2-μ(1-α-μ)T(x)-x2for allxCandxFix(T).

Lemma 2.10

(Lemma 3.1 Maingé, Citation2008a) Let {ak} be a sequence of real numbers that does not decrease at infinity, in the sense that there exists a subsequence {akj} of {ak}, such thatakj<akj+1for allj0

Also, consider the sequence of integers {σ(k)}kk0 defined byσ(k)=maxjk|aj<aj+1.

Then, {σ(k)}kk0 is a nondecreasing sequence verifyinglimkσ(k)=

and, for all kk0, the following two inequalities hold:(4) aσ(k)aσ(k)+1(4) (5) akaσ(k)+1(5)

3. A hybrid extragradient-viscosity algorithm for VIEFP (C, f, T, G)

Remark 3.1


If yk=xk, then xk is a solution to EP(C,f).


wk0k, indeed, at the beginning of Step 2, xkyk. By the Armijo linesearch rule and δ-strong convexity of h, we havewk,xk-yk1ρ[h(yk)-h(xk)-h(xk),yk-xk]δρxk-yk2>0.

Now, we are going to analyze the validity and convergence of the algorithm. Some parts in our proofs are based on the proof scheme in Maingé (Citation2008b).

Lemma 3.1

Under Assumptions (A1) and (A2), the linesearch rule (6) is well defined in the sense that at each iteration k, there exists an integer number m>0, satisfying the inequality in (6) for every wk,m2f(zk,m,zk,m), and if, in addition assumptions (A3) and (A4) are satisfied, then for every xS, one has(6) xk+1-x2xk-x2-uk-x¯k2-ηkδρwk2xk-yk4-xk+1-vk2-2λkuk-x,G(uk)+λk2G(uk)2k,(6)

where x¯k=PHzk(xk).


First, we prove that there exists a positive integer m0 such thatwk,m0,xk-yk1ρ[h(yk)-h(xk)-h(xk),yk-xk]wk,m02f(zk,m0,zk,m0).

Indeed, suppose by contradiction that for every positive integer m and zk,m=(1-ηm)xk+ηmyk, there exists wk,m2f(zk,m,zk,m), such thatwk,m,xk-yk<1ρ[h(yk)-h(xk)-h(xk),yk-xk].

Since zk,mxk as m, by Theorem 24.5 in Rockafellar (Citation1970), the sequence {wk,m}m=1 is bounded. Thus, we may assume that wk,mw¯ for some w¯. Taking the limit as m, from zk,mxk and wk,mw¯, by Lemma 2.6, it follows that w¯2f(xk,xk) and(7) w¯,xk-yk1ρ[h(yk)-h(xk)-h(xk),yk-xk].(7)

Since w¯2f(xk,xk), we havef(xk,yk)f(xk,xk)+w¯,yk-xk=w¯,yk-xk.

Combining with (9) yieldsf(xk,yk)+1ρ[h(yk)-h(xk)-h(xk),yk-xk]0,

which contradicts to the fact thatf(xk,yk)+1ρ[h(yk)-h(xk)-h(xk),yk-xk]<0.

Thus, the linesearch is well defined.

Now, we prove (8). For simplicity of notation, let dk:=xk-yk, Hk:=Hzk.

Since uk=PCHk(x¯k) and xS, by Lemma 2.5, xCHk, we haveuk-x¯k2x-x¯k,uk-x¯k

which together withuk-x2=x¯k-x2+uk-x¯k2+2uk-x¯k,x¯k-x

implies(8) uk-x2x¯k-x2-uk-x¯k2.(8)


into (10), we obtainuk-x2xk-x2-uk-x¯k2-2wk,xk-xwk,xk-zkwk2+wk,xk-zk2w2.

Substituting xk=zk+ηkdk into the last inequality, we getuk-x2xk-x2-uk-x¯k2+ηkwk,dkwk2-2ηkwk,dkwk2wk,xk-x=xk-x2-uk-x¯k2-ηkwk,dkwk2-2ηkwk,dkwk2wk,zk-x.

In addition, by the Armijo linesearch rule, using the δ-strong convexity of h, we havewk,xk-yk1ρ[h(yk)-h(xk)-h(xk),yk-xk]δρxk-yk2.

Note that xHk can be written as:(9) uk-x2xk-x2-uk-x¯k2-ηkδρwk2xk-yk4.(9)

From Lemma 2.9, we have(10) xk+1-x2vk-x2-μk(1-μ-μk)|T(vk-vk2(10)

Replacing T(vk)-vk=1μk(xk+1-vk) into (12), we get(11) xk+1-x2vk-x2-1-μ-μkμkxk+1-vk2vk-x2-xk+1-vk2,(11)

where the last inequality follows from 0<μμk1-μ2. We havexk+1-x2vk-x2-xk+1-vk2=PC(uk-μkG(uk))-PC(x)-xk+1-vk2uk-x-μkG(uk))2-xk+1-vk2=uk-x2-2μkuk-x,G(uk)+μk2G(uk)2-xk+1-vk2,

which together with (11) implies(12) xk+1-x2xk-x2-uk-x¯k2-ηkδρwk2xk-yk4-xk+1-vk2-2μkuk-x,G(uk)+μk2G(uk)2k(12)

as desired.

Lemma 3.2

The sequences {xk},{uk}, and {vk} generated by the Algorithm 1 are bounded under assumptions (A1), (A2), (A3), (A4), and (A5).


From (13), we get(13) xk+1-xvk-x(13)

In addition,(14) vk-x=PC(uk-λkG(uk))-PC(x)uk-λkG(uk)-x(uk-λkG(uk))-(x-λkG(x))+λkG(x)=1-L2λkβ(uk-x)-L2λkβ[βL2G-Iuk-βL2G-Ix]+λkG(x)1-L2λkβuk-x+L2λkβMk+λkG(x),(14)

where Mk=βL2G-Iuk-βL2G-Ix.

Since G is L-Lipschitz and β-strongly monotone, we haveMk2=βL2(G(uk)-G(x))-(uk-x)2=β2L4G(uk)-G(x)2-2βL2G(uk)-G(x),uk-x+uk-x2β2L2uk-x2-2β2L2uk-x2+uk-x2=(1-β2L2)uk-x2.

Hence, Mk1-β2L2uk-x. Then, combining with (16), we getvk-x(1-λkL2β1-1-β2L2)uk-x+λkG(x)=1-λkL2βγuk-x+λkG(x)=(1-γk)uk-x+γkβL2γG(x)(1-γk)xk-x+γkβL2γG(x)

where, γ=1-1-β2L2, γk=λkL2βγ(0;1), and the last inequality deduced from (11). Combining with (15), we obtain(15) xk+1-x(1-γk)xk-x+γkβL2γG(x).(15)

By induction, it implies xk+1-xmax{xk-x,βL2γG(x)}max{x0-x,βL2γG(x)}. Hence, {xk} is bounded, which, from (11), implies that {uk} is also bounded. Since vk-uk=PC(uk-λkG(uk))-PC(uk)λkG(uk), and by the boundedness of {uk}, we can conclude that {vk} is bounded.

Lemma 3.3

If the subsequence {vki}{vk} converges to some v¯ and(16) ηkiwki2yki-xki40andxki+1-vki0asi,(16)

then x¯S.


By definition of {xk} in Algorithm 1, we have xki+1=(1-μki)vki+μkiT(vki). Therefore, T(vki)-vki=1μkixki+1-vki. Taking the limit as i and by the closedness of mapping T, we get T(v¯)=v¯, i.e. v¯Fix(T).

Now, we prove v¯Sf. Indeed, from Lemma 3.2, {xki} is bounded. Without loss of generality, we may assume that limixki=x¯. We will consider two distinct cases:

Case 1. Infηkiwki>0. Then, from (18), one has limiyki-xki=0, thus ykix¯ and zkix¯.

According to the definition of yki, we havef(xki,y)+1ρ[h(y)-h(xki)-h(xki),y-xki]f(xki,yki)+1ρ[h(yki)-h(xki)-h(xki),yki-xki],yC

by the continuity of h,h, we get in the limit as i thatf(x¯,y)+1ρ[h(y)-h(x¯)-h(x¯),y-x¯]0,yC

this fact shows that x¯Sf.

Case 2. limiηkiwki=0. By the linesearch rule and τ-strong convexity of h, we havewki,xki-yki1ρ[h(yki)-h(xki)-h(xki),yki-xki]τρxki-yki2.

Thus, yki-xkiρτwki.

From the boundedness of {wki} and (18), it follows ηki0, so that zki=(1-ηki)xki+ηkiykix¯ as i. Without loss of generality, we suppose that wkiw¯2f(x¯,x¯) and ykiy¯ as i.

We havef(xki,y)+1ρ[h(y)-h(xki)-h(xki),y-xki]f(xki,yki)+1ρ[h(yki)-h(xki)-h(xki),yki-xki],yC

letting i, we obtain in the limit thatf(x¯,y)+1ρ[h(y)-h(x¯)-h(x¯),y-x¯]f(x¯,y¯)+1ρ[h(y¯)-h(x¯)-h(x¯),y¯-x¯]yC.

On the other hand, by the linesearch rule (6), for mki-1, there exists wki,mki-12f(zki,mki-1,zki,mki-1), such that(17) wmki-1,xki-yki<1ρ[h(yki)-h(xki)-h(xki),yki-xki].(17)

Letting i and combining with zki,mki-1x¯,wki,mki-1w¯2f(x¯,x¯) we obtain in the limit from (19) thatw¯,x¯-y¯1ρ[h(y¯)-h(x¯)-h(x¯),y¯-x¯].

Note that w¯f(x¯,x¯); it follows from the last inequality thatf(x¯,y¯)+1ρ[h(y¯)-h(x¯)-h(x¯),y¯-x¯]0.


which shows that x¯Sf.

In addition, vki-x¯uki-x¯+λkiG(uki) combining with (11), it implies(18) vki-x¯xki-x¯+λkiG(uki)(18)

taking the limit both sides of (20), we get limivki=x¯. Hence, v¯=x¯. Therefore, v¯S.

Now, we are in a position to prove the convergence of the proposed algorithm.

Theorem 3.4

Suppose that the set S=SfFix(T) is nonempty and that the function h(.), the sequence {λk}, {μk} satisfies the conditions (B1), (B2), and (B3), respectively. Then, under Assumptions (A1), (A2), (A3), (A4), and (A5), the sequence {xk} generated by Algorithm 1 converges to the unique solution x of VIEFP(C,f,T,G).


By Lemma 3.1, we have(19) xk+1-x2-xk-x2+xk+1-vk2+ηkδρwk2xk-yk4-2λkuk-x,G(uk)+λk2G(uk)2k.(19)

From the boundedness of {uk} and {G(uk)}, it implies that there exist positive numbers A,B, such that|uk-x,G(uk)|A,G(uk)2Bk.

By setting ak=xk-x2, and combining with the last inequalities, (21) becomes(20) ak+1-ak+xk+1-vk2+ηkδρwk2xk-yk42λkA+λk2B.(20)

We will consider two distinct cases:

Case 1. There exists k0, such that {ak} is decreasing when kk0.

Then, there exists limkak=a, taking the limit on both sides of (22), we get(21) limkxk+1-vk2=0,andlimkηkδρwk2xk-yk4=0.(21)

This implies limkvk-x=a. In addition,(22) vk-uk=PC(uk-λkG(uk))-PC(uk)uk-λkG(uk)-uk=λkG(uk)0ask.(22)

Thus, limkuk-x=a. From the boundedness of {uk}, it implies that there exists {uki}{uk} and ukiu¯C, such that liminfuk-x,G(x)=limiuki-x,G(x).

Combining this fact with (23) and (24), we obtainvkiu¯;xki+1u¯,andηki+1δρwki+12xki+1-yki+140asi.

By Lemma 3.3, we get u¯S. Thus,lim infkuk-x,G(x)=limiuki-x,G(x)=u¯-x,G(x)0.

Since G is β-strongly monotone, one hasuk-x,G(uk)=uk-x,G(uk)-G(x)+uk-x,G(u)βuk-x2+uk-x,G(u).

Taking the limit as k and remembering that a=limuk-x2, we get(23) lim infkuk-x,G(uk)βa.(23)

If a>0 , then by choosing ϵ=12βa, from (25), it implies that there exists k1>0, such thatuk-x,G(uk)12βa,kk1.

From (21), we getak+1-ak-λkβa+λk2B,kk1

and thus summing up from k1 to k, we haveak+1-ak1-j=k1kλjβa+Bj=k1kλj2

combining this fact with k=1λk=andk=1λk2<, we obtain lim infak=-, which is a contradiction.

Thus, we must have a=0, i.e. limkxk-x=0.

Case 2. There exists a subsequence {aki}i0{ak}k0, such that aki<aki+1 for all i0. In this situation, we consider the sequence of indices {σ(k)} defined as in Lemma 2.10. It follows that aσ(k)+1-aσ(k)0, which by (22) amounts toxσ(k)+1-vσ(k)2+ησ(k)δρwσ(k)2xσ(k)-yσ(k)42λσ(k)A+λσ(k)2B.


From the boundedness of {vσ(k)}, without loss of generality, we may assume that vσ(k)v¯. By Lemma 3.3, we get v¯S.

In addition,vσ(k)-uσ(k)=PC(uσ(k)-λσ(k)G(uσ(k)))-PC(uσ(k))λσ(k)(G(uσ(k))0ask.

Therefore, limkuσ(k)=v¯.

By (21), we get2λσ(k)uσ(k)-x,G(uσ(k))aσ(k)-aσ(k)+1-ησ(k)δρwσ(k)2xσ(k)-yσ(k)4+λσ(k)2G(uσ(k))2λσ(k)2B

which implies(24) uσ(k)-x,G(uσ(k))λσ(k)2B.(24)

Since G is β-strongly monotone, we haveβuσ(k)-x2uσ(k)-x,G(uσ(k))-G(x)=uσ(k)-x,G(uσ(k))-uσ(k)-x,G(x)

which combining with (26), we getuσ(k)-x21βλσ(k)2B-uσ(k)-x,G(x),

so thatlimkuσ(k)-x2-uσ(k)-x,G(x)0

which amounts to(25) limkuσ(k)-x=0.(25)

In addition,xσ(k)+1-uσ(k)=PC(uσ(k)-λσ(k)G(uσ(k)))-P(uσ(k))λσ(k)G(uσ(k))0ask

which together with (27), one has limkxσ(k)+1=x, which means that limkaσ(k)+1=0.

By (5) in Lemma 2.10, we have0akaσ(k)+10ask.

Thus, {xk} converges to x

4. Application to variational inequalities with variational inequality and fixed point constraints

In this section, we consider the following variational inequality problem over the set that is the common elements of the solution set of a pseudomonotone variational inequality problem and the set of fixed points of a demicontractive mapping (shortly VIFP(C,F,T,G):(26) FindxSsuch thatG(x),y-x0,yS,(26)

where S=SFFix(T), SF={uC:F(u),y-u0,yC},

i.e. SF is the solution set of the following variational inequality problems VIP(C,F) for short)(27) FinduCsuch thatF(u),y-u0,yC,(27)

and as before, Fix(T) is the fixed point of the mapping T. This problem was considered by Maingé (Citation2008b).

In the sequel, we always suppose that Assumptions (A1), (A2), (A3), (A4), and (A5) are satisfied. The algorithm for this case takes the form:

Similar to Theorem 3.1, we have the following theorem

Theorem 4.1

Under assumptions (A1), (A2), (A3), (A4), and (A5) and (B1), (B2), and (B3), the sequence {xk} generated by Algorithm 2 converges to the unique solution x of VIFP(C,F,T,G).

5. Conclusion

We have proposed a hybrid extragradient-viscosity algorithm for solving strongly monotone variational inequality problems over the set that is common points of the set of solutions of a pseudomonotone equilibrium problem and the set of fixed points of a demicontractive mapping. The convergence of the proposed algorithm is obtained, and a special case of this problem is also considered.

Additional information


This work is supported in part by RFIT@LQDTU.

Notes on contributors

Bui Van Dinh

Dr Bui Van Dinh is a lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Information Technology, Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam. His interest includes solution methods for optimization problems, fixed point problems, variational inequality, and equilibrium problems.


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