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Research Article

Minimum-energy wavelet frames generated by the Walsh polynomials

ORCID Icon & | (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1114830 | Received 21 Aug 2015, Accepted 23 Oct 2015, Published online: 27 Nov 2015


Drawing inspiration from the construction of tight wavelet frames generated by the Walsh polynomials, we introduce the notion of minimum-energy wavelet frames generated by the Walsh polynomials on positive half-line R+ using unitary extension principles and present its equivalent characterizations in terms of their framelet symbols. Moreover, based on polyphase components of the Walsh polynomials, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of minimum-energy wavelet frames in L2(R+). Finally, we derive the minimum-energy wavelet frame decomposition and reconstruction formulae which are quite similar to those of orthonormal wavelets on local fields of positive characteristic.

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Public Interest Statement

Wavelet frames are different from the orthonormal wavelets because of redundancy. By sacrificing orthonormality and allowing redundancy, the wavelet frames become much easier to construct than the orthonormal wavelets. Wavelet frames and their promising features in applications have attracted a great deal of interest and effort in recent years. Although wavelet frames have many desirable features but the computational complexity and numerical instability during the course of decomposition and reconstruction of functions always remains a debate of discussion. In this study, we introduce a new concept called minimum-energy wavelet frames generated by the Walsh polynomials on a positive half-line. Our results will be mostly used by that part of mathematical society who works in wavelet analysis and their applications. Most prominent among them are the theory of signal processing, image processing, data transmission with erasures, quantum computing, medicine, representation theory, and algebraic geometry.

1. Introduction

The notion of frames was first introduced by Duffin and Schaeffer (Citation1952) in connection with some deep problems in nonharmonic Fourier series. Frames are basis-like systems that span a vector space but allow for linear dependency, which can be used to reduce noise, find sparse representations, or obtain other desirable features unavailable with orthonormal bases. The idea of Duffin and Schaeffer did not generate much interest outside nonharmonic Fourier series until the seminal work by Daubechies, Grossmann, and Meyer (Citation1986). They combined the theory of continuous wavelet transforms with the theory of frames to introduce wavelet (affine) frames for L2(R). After their work, the theory of frames began to be studied widely and deeply. Today, the theory of frames has become an interesting and fruitful field of mathematics with abundant applications in signal processing, image processing, harmonic analysis, Banach space theory, sampling theory, wireless sensor networks, optics, filter banks, quantum computing, medicine, and so on. An introduction to the frame theory and its applications can be found in Christensen (Citation2003), Daubechies (Citation1992), Debnath and Shah (Citation2015), Dong, Ji, Li, Shen, and Xu (Citation2012). The following are the standard definitions on frames in Hilbert spaces. A sequence fk:kZ of elements of a Hilbert space H is called a frame for H if there exist constants A,B>0 such that for all fH(1.1) Af22kZf,fk2Bf22.(1.1)

The largest constant A and the smallest constant B satisfying (1.1) are called the lower and upper frame bound, respectively. A frame is a tight frame if A and B are chosen so that A=B and is called a Parseval frame or normalized tight frame if A=B=1.

An important example about frame is wavelet frame, which is obtained by translating and dilating a finite family of functions. One of the most useful methods to construct wavelet frames is through the concept of unitary extension principle (UEP) introduced by Ron and Shen (Citation1997) and were subsequently extended by Daubechies, Han, Ron, and Shen (Citation2003) in the form of the oblique extension principle (OEP). They give sufficient conditions for constructing tight and dual wavelet frames for any given refinable function ϕ(x) which generates a multiresolution analysis. The resulting wavelet frames are based on multiresolution analysis, and the generators are often called framelets. The advantages of MRA-based wavelet frames and their promising features in applications have attracted a great deal of interest and effort in recent years. To mention only a few references on wavelet frames, the reader is referred to Chui and He (Citation2000), Dong et al. (Citation2012), Farkov, Lebedeva, and Skopina (Citation2015), Gao and Cao (Citation2008), Han (Citation2012), Huang and Cheng (Citation2007), Huang, Li, and Li (Citation2012), Zhu, Li, and Huang (Citation2013) and many references therein.

The past decade has also witnessed a tremendous interest in the problem of constructing compactly supported orthonormal scaling functions and wavelets with an arbitrary dilation factor p2,pN (see Debnath & Shah, Citation2015). The motivation comes partly from signal processing and numerical applications, where such wavelets are useful in image compression and feature extraction because of their small support and multifractal structure. Lang (Citation1996) constructed several examples of compactly supported wavelets for the Cantor dyadic group by following the procedure of Daubechies (Citation1992) via scaling filters and these wavelets turn out to be certain lacunary Walsh series on the real line. Kozyrev (Citation2002) found a compactly supported p-adic wavelet basis for L2(Qp) which is an analog of the Haar basis. The concept of multiresolution analysis on a positive half-line R+ was recently introduced by Farkov (Citation2009). He pointed out a method for constructing compactly supported orthogonal p-wavelets related to the Walsh functions, and proved necessary and sufficient conditions for scaling filters with pn many terms (p,n2) to generate a p-MRA in L2(R+). Subsequently, dyadic wavelet frames on the positive half-line R+ were constructed by Shah and Debnath (Citation2011a) using the machinery of Walsh–Fourier transforms. They have established a necessary and sufficient conditions for the system ψj,k(x)=2j/2ψ(2jxk):jZ,kZ+ to be a frame for L2(R+). Wavelet packets and wavelet frame packets related to the Walsh polynomials were deeply investigated in a series of papers by the author in Shah (Citation2009,Citation2012,CitationXXXX), Shah and Debnath (Citation2011b). Recent results in this direction can also be found in Farkov, Maksimov, and Stroganov (Citation2011), Meenakshi, Manchanda, and Siddiqi (Citation2012), Shah (Citation2015), Sharma and Manchanda (Citation2013) and the references therein.

A constructive procedure for constructing tight wavelet frames generated by the Walsh polynomials using extension principles was first reported by one of the authors by Shah (Citation2013). He provided a sufficient condition for finite number of functions ψ1,ψ2,,ψL to form a tight wavelet frame for L2(R+). Although wavelet frames have many desirable features but the computational complexity and numerical instability during the course of decomposition and reconstruction of functions always remains a debate of discussion (see Dong et al., Citation2012; Han, Citation2012). Therefore, in order to reduce the computational complexity and maintain the numerical stability, we shall introduce the concept of minimum-energy wavelet frames associated with the Walsh polynomials on R+ by extending the above-described method (Shah, Citation2013). More precisely, we present an equivalent characterizations of minimum-energy wavelet frames in terms of their framelet symbols (Walsh polynomials). Further, based on the polyphase representation of the framelet symbols, a necessary and sufficient condition for minimum-energy wavelet frames related to Walsh polynomials is also given. Finally, we derive the minimum-energy wavelet frame decomposition and reconstruction formulas which are quite similar to those of orthonormal wavelets on positive half-line R+.

The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some notations and preliminaries related to the operations on positive half-line R+ including the definitions of the Walsh–Fourier transform, p-multiresolution analysis and minimum-energy wavelet frame related to the Walsh polynomials. In Section 3, we construct minimum-energy wavelet frames generated by the Walsh polynomials and establish a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of minimum-energy wavelet frames in L2(R+). Section 4, deals with the decomposition and reconstruction algorithms of the minimum-energy wavelet frames on a half-line R+.

2. Walsh–Fourier analysis and MRA-based wavelet frames

We start this section with certain results on Walsh–Fourier analysis. We present a brief review of generalized Walsh functions, Walsh–Fourier transforms, and its various properties.

As usual, let R+=[0,+),Z+=0,1,2, and N=Z+-0. Denote by [x] the integer part of x. Let p be a fixed natural number greater than 1. For xR+ and any positive integer j, we set(2.1) xj=[pjx](modp),x-j=[p1-jx](modp),(2.1)

where xj,x-j0,1,,p-1. It is clear that for each xR+, there exist k=k(x) in N such that x-j=0j>k.

Consider on R+ the addition defined as follows:xy=j<0ζjp-j-1+j>0ζjp-j,

with ζj=xj+yj(modp),jZ\0, where ζj0,1,,p-1 and xj,yj are calculated by (2.1). As usual, we write z=xy if zy=x, where denotes subtraction modulo p in R+.

For x[0,1), let r0(x) is given byr0(x)=1,ifx[0,1/p)εp,ifxp-1,(+1)p-1,=1,2,,p-1,

where εp=exp(2πi/p). The extension of the function r0 to R+ is given by the equality r0(x+1)=r0(x),xR+. Then, the generalized Walsh functions wm(x):mZ+ are defined byw0(x)1andwm(x)=j=0k(r0(pjx))μj

where m=j=0kμjpj,μj0,1,,p-1,μk0. They have many properties similar to those of the Haar functions and trigonometric series, and form a complete orthogonal system. Further, by a Walsh polynomial we shall mean a finite linear combination of Walsh functions.

For x,yR+, let(2.2) χ(x,y)=exp2πipj=1(xjy-j+x-jyj),(2.2)

where xj,yj are given by (2.1).

We observe thatχx,mpn=χxpn,m=wmxpn,x[0,pn),m,nZ+,


where x,y,zR+ and xy is p-adic irrational. It is well known that systems χ(α,.)α=0 and χ(·,α)α=0 are orthonormal bases in L2[0,1] (see Golubov, Efimov, & Skvortsov, Citation1991).

The Walsh–Fourier transform of a function fL1(R+)L2(R+) is defined by(2.3) f^(ξ)=R+f(x)χ(x,ξ)¯dx,(2.3)

where χ(x,ξ) is given by (2.2). The Walsh–Fourier operator F:L1(R+)L2(R+)L2(R+),Ff=f^, extends uniquely to the whole space L2(R+). The properties of the Walsh–Fourier transform are quite similar to those of the classic Fourier transform (see Golubov et al., Citation1991; Schipp, Wade, & Simon, Citation1990). In particular, if fL2(R+) then f^L2(R+) andf^L2(R+)=fL2(R+).

By p-adic interval IR+ of range n, we mean intervals of the formI=Ink=[kp-n,(k+1)p-n),kZ+.

The p-adic topology is generated by the collection of p-adic intervals and each p-adic interval is both open and closed under the p-adic topology (see Schipp et al., Citation1990). The family [0,p-j):jZ forms a fundamental system of the p-adic topology on R+. Therefore, for each 0j,k<pn, the Walsh function wj(x) is piecewise constant and hence continuous. Thus wj(x)=1 for xIn0.

Let En(R+) be the space of p-adic entire functions of order n, that is, the set of all functions which are constant on all p-adic intervals of range n. Thus, for every fEn(R+), we have(2.4) f(x)=kZ+f(p-nk)χInk(x),xR+.(2.4)

Clearly each Walsh function of order pn-1 belong to En(R+). The set E(R+) of p-adic entire functions on R+ is the union of all the spaces En(R+). It is clear that E(R+) is dense in Lp(R+),1p< and each function in E(R+) is of compact support.

Next, we give a brief account of the MRA-based wavelet frames generated by the Walsh polynomials on a positive half-line R+. Following the unitary extension principle, one often starts with a refinable function or even with a refinement mask to construct desired wavelet frames. A compactly supported function ϕL2(R+) is called a refinable function, if it satisfies an equation of the type(2.5) ϕ(x)=pk=0pn-1ckϕ(pxk),xR+(2.5)

where ck are complex coefficients. Applying the Walsh–Fourier transform, we can write this equation as(2.6) ϕ^ξ=h0(p-1ξ)ϕ^(p-1ξ),(2.6)

where(2.7) h0(ξ)=k=0pn-1ckwk(ξ)¯,(2.7)

is a generalized Walsh polynomial, which is called the mask or symbol of the refinable function ϕ and is of course a p-adic step function. Observe that wk(0)=ϕ^(0)=1. Hence, letting ξ=0 in (2.6) and (2.7), we obtain k=0pn-1ck=1. Since ϕ is compactly supported and in fact suppϕ[0,pn-1), therefore ϕ^En-1(R+) and hence as a result ϕ^(ξ)=1 for all ξ[0,p1-n) as ϕ^(0)=1. Moreover, if bs=h0sp-n represents the values of the mask h0(ξ) on p-adic intervals, i.e.(2.8) bs=k=0pn-1ckwk(sp-n)¯,0spn-1,(2.8)

then(2.9) ck=1pns=0pn-1bswk(sp-n),0kpn-1.(2.9)

and, conversely, equalities (2.8) follow from (2.9). These discrete transforms can be realized by the fast Vilenkin–Chrestenson transform (see Golubov et al., Citation1991). Using Parseval’s relation for the discrete transforms, Equations (2.8) and (2.9) can be written as(2.10) k=0pn-1|ck|2=1pnk=0pn-1|bk|2.(2.10)

For a compactly supported refinable function ϕL2(R+), let V0 be the closed shift invariant space generated by ϕ(xk):kZ+ and Vj=ϕ(pjx):ϕV0,jZ. Then, it is proved in Farkov (Citation2009) that the closed subspaces Vj:jZ forms a p-multiresolution analysis (p-MRA) for L2(R+). Recall that a p-MRA is a family of closed subspaces VjjZ of L2(R+) that satisfies: (i) VjVj+1,jZ,  (ii) jZVj is dense in L2(R+) and (iii) jZVj={0}.

Given an p-MRA generated by a compactly supported refinable function ϕ(x), one can construct a set of basic tight framelets Ψ=ψ1,,ψLV1 satisfying(2.11) ψ^ξ=h(p-1ξ)ϕ^(p-1ξ),(2.11)

where(2.12) h(ξ)=k=0pn-1dkwk(ξ)¯,=1,,L(2.12)

are the generalized Walsh polynomials in L2[0,1] and are called the framelet symbols or wavelet masks.

With h(ξ),=0,1,,L,Lp-1 as the Walsh polynomials (wavelet masks), we formulate the matrix M(ξ) as:(2.13) M(ξ)=h0(ξ)h0(ξ1/p)h0(ξ(p-1)/p)h1(ξ)h1(ξ1/p)h1(ξ(p-1)/p)hL(ξ)hL(ξ1/p)hL(ξ(p-1)/p).(2.13)

The so-called unitary extension principle (UEP) provides a sufficient condition on Ψ=ψ1,,ψL such that the wavelet system(2.14) X(Ψ)={ψj,k(x)=pj/2ψ(pjxk),jZ,kZ+,=1,2,,L},(2.14)

forms a tight frame of L2(R+). In this connection, Shah (Citation2013) gave an explicit construction scheme for the construction of tight wavelet frames generated by the Walsh polynomials using unitary extension principles in the following way.

Theorem 2.1

Let ϕ(x) be a compactly supported refinable function and ϕ^(0)=1. Then, the wavelet system X(Ψ) given by (2.14) constitutes a normalized tight wavelet frame in L2(R+) provided the matrix M(ξ) as defined in (2.13) satisfies (2.15) M(ξ)M(ξ)=Ip,fora.e.ξσ(V0)(2.15) where σ(V0):={ξ[0,1]:kZ+|ϕ^(ξk)|20}.

Motivated and inspired by the construction of tight wavelet frames generated by the Walsh polynomials (Shah, Citation2013), we extend this concept to minimum-energy wavelet frames on the positive half-line R+ using the machinery of unitary extension principles. Note that, in this paper, we suppose that any symbol function is a Walsh polynomial, and scaling function and wavelet functions are compactly supported.

Definition 2.1

Let ϕL2(R+) satisfies ϕ^L and ϕ^ is continuous at 0, and ϕ^(0)=1. Suppose that ϕ generates a sequence of nested closed subspaces Vj:jZ . Then, a finite family Ψ=ψ1,ψ2,,ψLV1 is called a minimum-energy wavelet frame associated with ϕ(x), if for all fL2(R+)(2.16) kZ+f,ϕ1,k2=kZ+f,ϕ0,k2+=1LkZ+f,ψ0,k2.(2.16)

By Parseval’s identity, minimum-energy wavelet frame Ψ must be a tight frame for L2(R+) with frames bound equal to 1. At the same time, formula (2.16) is equivalent to(2.17) kZ+f,ϕ1,kϕ1,k=kZ+f,ϕ0,kϕ0,k+=1LkZ+f,ψ0,kψ0,k,for allfL2(R+).(2.17)

3. Construction of minimum-energy wavelet frames

In this section, we give a complete characterization of minimum-energy wavelet frames associated with some given refinable functions in terms of their framelet symbols. More precisely, we present a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of minimum-energy wavelet frames generated by Walsh polynomials.

The following theorem presents the equivalent characterizations of the minimum-energy wavelet frame associated with given compactly supported refinable function ϕ(x).

Theorem 3.1

Suppose that every element of the framelet symbols, h0(ξ),h(ξ),=1,2,,L, in (2.7) and (2.12) is a Walsh polynomial, and the compactly supported function ϕ(x) associated with h0(ξ) generates a nested subspace Vj:jZ. Then the following statements are equivalent:


Ψ=ψ1,ψ2,,ψLis a minimum-energy wavelet frame associated with ϕ(x).


(3.1) M(ξ)M(ξ)=Ip,fora.e.ξσ(V0).(3.1)


(3.2) αm,n=kZ+cm-pkcn-pk+=1Ldm-pkdn-pk-pδm,n=0,m,nZ+.(3.2)


By using the functional Equations (2.5) and (2.11) and notation αm,n, Equation (2.17) can be written as(3.3) mZ+nZ+αm,nf,ϕ(pxm)ϕ(pxn)=0,for allfL2(R+).(3.3)

On the other hand, formula (3.1) can be reformulated as(3.4) h0(p-1ξ)2+=1Lh(p-1ξ)2=1,h0(p-1ξ)h0¯(ξk/p)+=1Lh(p-1ξ)h¯(ξk/p)=0,k=1,2,,p-1,(3.4)

which is equivalent toh0(p-1ξ)k=0p-1h0¯(ξk/p)+=1Lh(p-1ξ)k=0p-1h¯(ξk/p)=1,


The above system is equivalent toh0(p-1ξ)kZ+c-pkwpk(ξ)+=1Lh(p-1ξ)kZ+d-pkwpk(ξ)=1,h0(p-1ξ)m=1p-1kZ+cm-pkwpk-m(ξ)+=1Lh(p-1ξ)m=1p-1kZ+dm-pkwpk-m(ξ)=p-1.

The above system can be further expressed as(3.5) h0(p-1ξ)kZ+c-pkwpk(ξ)+=1Lh(p-1ξ)kZ+d-pkwpk(ξ)=1,h0(p-1ξ)kZ+c1-pkwpk-1(ξ)+=1Lh(p-1ξ)kZ+d1-pkwpk-1(ξ)=1,h0(p-1ξ)kZ+cp-1-pkwpk-p+1(ξ)+=1Lh(p-1ξ)kZ+dp-1-pkwpk-p+1(ξ)=1.(3.5)

Multiply the identities of (3.5) with ϕ^(p-1ξ)wm(ξ),m=0,1,,p-1, we obtain(3.6) ϕ^(p-1ξ)wm(ξ)=kZ+cm-pkwpk(ξ)h0(p-1ξ)ϕ^(p-1ξ)+=1Ldm-pkwpk(ξ)h(p-1ξ)ϕ^(p-1ξ).(3.6)

Therefore, the system (3.5) can be written asϕ^(p-1ξ)w0(ξ)=kZ+c-pkwpk(ξ)ϕ^(ξ)+=1Ld-pkwpk(ξ)ψ^(ξ),ϕ^(p-1ξ)w1(ξ)=kZ+c1-pkwpk(ξ)ϕ^(ξ)+=1Ld1-pkwpk(ξ)ψ^(ξ),ϕ^(p-1ξ)wp-1(ξ)=kZ+cp-1-pkwpk(ξ)ϕ^(ξ)+=1Ldp-1-pkwpk(ξ)ψ^(ξ).

This system of equations can be written in time domain asϕ(x)=kZ+c-pkϕ(xk/p)+=1Ld-pkψ(xk/p),ϕ(x1/p)=kZ+c1-pkϕ(xk/p)+=1Ld1-pkψ(xk/p),ϕ(x(p-1)/p)=kZ+cp-1-pkϕ(xk/p)+=1Ldp-1-pkψ(xk/p).

On the reformulation of above system, we obtain(3.7) ϕ(xm/p)=kZ+cm-pkϕ(xk/p)+=1Ldm-pkψ(xk/p),mZ+.(3.7)

Using (2.5) and its corresponding wavelet equation, we can rewrite formula (3.7) as(3.8) mZ+αm,nϕ(xm/p)=0,nZ+.(3.8)

Thus, the UEP condition (3.1) is equivalent to (3.8). In conclusion, the proof of the theorem reduces to the proof of the equivalence of (3.2), (3.3), and (3.8).

It is obvious that (3.2) implies (3.8) which implies (3.3). In order to prove (3.3)(3.2), we assume that f be a function of compact support, i.e. fE(R+). By using the properties that for every fixed m, αm,n=0 except for finitely many n, the functionalβn(f)=mZ+αm,nf,ϕ(·m/p),nZ+,

just has finite nonzero’s for nZ+. Since ϕ^(ξ) is nontrivial function, by taking the Fourier transform of (3.3), it follows that the polynomial nZ+βn(f)wn(ξ) is identically zero. Obviously, βn(f)=0,nZ+. In other words, we say thatf,mZ+αm,nϕ(xm/p)=0,nZ+.

Thus, the series in the above equation is a finite sum and hence represents a compactly supported function in L2(R+). By choosing f to be this function, it follows thatmZ+αm,nϕ(xm/p)=0,

which implies that the polynomial mZ+αm,nw(ξ) is identically equal to 0 so that αm,n=0,m,nZ+. This completes the proof of the theorem.

Now we shall present a necessary condition for minimum-energy wavelet frames generated by the Walsh polynomials in terms of their wavelet masks.

Theorem 3.2

Let ϕL2(R+) be a compactly supported refinable function with refinement mask h0(ξ) such that ϕ^ is continuous at 0 and ϕ^(0)=1. If Ψ=ψ1,ψ2,,ψL is the minimum-energy wavelet frame associated with ϕ(x), then (3.9) m=0p-1h0(ξm/p)21,for allξR+.(3.9)


Let Q(ξ) be the first column of the modulation matrix M(ξ), as defined in (2.13). Then, M(ξ)=(Q(ξ),R(ξ)), where(3.10) R(ξ)=h1(ξ)h1(ξ1/p)h1(ξ(p-1)/p)h2(ξ)h2(ξ1/p)h2(ξ(p-1)/p)hL(ξ)hL(ξ1/p)hL(ξ(p-1)/p)(3.10)


Therefore, the condition (3.1) can be reformulated asQ(ξ)Q(ξ)+R(ξ)R(ξ)=Ip,

or equivalently,Ip-Q(ξ)Q(ξ)=R(ξ)R(ξ).

Since R(ξ)R(ξ) is a Hermitian matrix, the matrix Ip-Q(ξ)Q(ξ) is positive semi-definite, so thatdet(Ip-Q(ξ)Q(ξ))0,

and this givesm=0p-1h0(ξm/p)21,for allξR+.

In fact, we haveIpQ(ξ)Q(ξ)1Ip-Q(ξ)-Q(ξ)1=Ip-Q(ξ)Q(ξ)001-Q(ξ)Q(ξ),detIpQ(ξ)Q(ξ)1=detIpQ(ξ)01-Q(ξ)Q(ξ),detIp-Q(ξ)-Q(ξ)1=detIp-Q(ξ)01-Q(ξ)Q(ξ).


and it gives 1-Q(ξ)Q(ξ)0. The proof of the Theorem 3.2 is completed.

According to the Theorem 3.2, there may not exist minimum-energy wavelet frame associated with a given compactly supported refinable function ϕ and in case if it exist, then the refinement mask must satisfy (3.9). In this context, we provide a sufficient condition for minimum-energy wavelet frames related to the Walsh polynomials based on the polyphase representation of the wavelet masks h(ξ),=0,1,,L.

The polyphase representation of the refinement mask h0(ξ) can be derived by using the properties of Walsh polynomials ash0(ξ)=k=0pn-1ckwk(ξ)¯=k=0pn-1m=0p-1cpk+mwpk+m(ξ)¯=m=0p-1wm(ξ)¯k=0pn-1cpk+mwk(pξ)¯=1pm=0p-1μ0,m(pξ)wm(ξ)¯,

where(3.11) μ0,m(ξ)=pk=0pn-1cpk+mwk(ξ)¯,m=0,1,,p-1.(3.11)

Similarly, the wavelet masks h(ξ),1L, as defined in (2.12) can be splitted into polyphase components as(3.12) h(ξ)=1pm=0p-1μ,m(pξ)wm(ξ)¯,(3.12)

where(3.13) μ,m(ξ)=pk=0pn-1-1dpk+mwk(ξ)¯,m=0,1,,p-1.(3.13)

With the polyphase components given by (3.11) and (3.13), we formulate the polyphase matrix Γ(ξ) as:Γ(ξ)=μ0,0(ξ)μ1,0(ξ)μL,0(ξ)μ0,1(ξ)μ1,1(ξ)μL,1(ξ)μ0,p-1(ξ)μ1,p-1(ξ)μL,p-1(ξ).

Therefore, the modulation matrix M(ξ) can be expressed as(3.14) M(ξ)=Γ(pξ)W(ξ),(3.14)

where W(ξ) is the Walsh matrix given byW(ξ)=1pw0(ξ)w1(ξ)wp-1(ξ)w0(ξ1/p)w1(ξ1/p)wp-1(ξ1/p)w0(ξ(p-1)/p)w1(ξ(p-1)/p)wp-1(ξ(p-1)/p).

Thus, we haveM(ξ)M(ξ)=W(ξ)Γ(pξ)Γ(pξ)W(ξ),

and, hence we conclude thatM(ξ)M(ξ)=pIpΓ(pξ)Γ(pξ)=pIp,

or equivalently, we say that=0Lhξm/phξn/p¯=δm,n=0Lμ,mpξμ,npξ¯=δm,n,0m,np-1.

Since the Walsh matrix W(ξ) is a unitary matrix, therefore, we have(3.15) M(ξ)M(ξ)=Γ(pξ)(W(ξ)W(ξ))Γ(pξ)=Γ(pξ)Γ(pξ),(3.15)

which implies that(3.16) k=0p-1hξk/phξk/p¯=k=0p-1μ,kpξμ,kpξ¯,0,L.(3.16)

Therefore, it follows from (3.9) and (3.16) that(3.17) m=0p-1|μ0,m(ξ)|21,ξR+,(3.17)

which further yields(3.18) m=0p-1b0,mn,s(ξ)21,s=0,1,,pn-1,(3.18)

where b0,mn,s=μ0,mp1-nξ[s]. Since the polynomial μ,m(pξ) is constant on the intervals In,s,0spn-1, so the polyphase components μ,m(ξ) can also be written as(3.19) μ,m(pξ)=s=0pn-1b,mn,s1In,s(ξ),m=0,1,,p-1(3.19)

where(3.20) =0Lb,mn,sb,mn,s¯=δm,m,0m,mp-1,s=0,1,,pn-1.(3.20)

Now, if there exists μ0,p(ξ) such that(3.21) m=0p|μ0,m(ξ)|2=1.(3.21)

then, we have the following theorem which provides a sufficient condition for minimum-energy wavelet frames generated by the Walsh polynomials in L2(R+).

Theorem 3.3

Let h0(ξ) be the refinement mask of a compactly supported refinable function ϕ(x) and satisfy inequality (3.17). Furthermore, if there exist μ0,p(ξ) of the form (3.21), then there exists a minimum-energy wavelet frame associated with ϕ(x).


Under the given assumptions, it is easy to verify that(3.22) f=(μ0,0(ξ),μ0,1(ξ),,μ0,p-1(ξ),μ0,p(ξ))T(3.22)

is a unit vector, where T stands for the transpose of a given vector. By multiplying the diagonal matrix D0=diag(ξt0,ξt1,,ξtp) to the left side of (3.22), we obtainf1=(ξt0μ0,0(ξ),ξt1μ0,1(ξ),,ξtp-1μ0,p-1(ξ),ξtpμ0,p(ξ))T=j=0Jujξj,t0,t1,,tpZ+,

where ujR+, with u00 and uJ0. It is also clear that f1 is a unit vector asf1f1=j=0Jujξjj=0Jujξj=1,for allξL2[0,1]

and consequently, u0TuJ=0.

Consider the (p+1)×(p+1)Householder matrix (3.23) H1=Ip+1-2|v|2vvT,(3.23)

where v=uJ±uJe1, with e1=(1,0,,0)p+1T, and the + and - signs are so chosen that v0. ThenH1uJ=±uJe1.

By the orthogonal property of the Householder matrix, we have(H1u0)T(H1uJ)=u0TH1TH1uJ=u0TuJ=0.

Using previous equation, it follows that the first component of H1u0 is 0. Since H1f1=j=0J(H1uj)ξj, therefore, we can construct a diagonal matrix D1=diag(ξt(1),1,,1),t(1)Z+ such thatf2=D1u1f1=D1j=0J(H1uj)ξj=j=0Juj(1)ξj

is also a unit vector and J1<J,u0(1)0,uJ1(1)0.

Similarly, we define the Householder matrix(3.24) H2=Ip+1-2|v~|2v~v~T,(3.24)

where v~=uJ1±uJ1e10, and D2=diag(ξt(2),1,,1),t(2)Z+ such thatf3=D2H2f2=D2j=0J1H2uj(1)ξj=j=0J1uj(2)ξj

is also a unit vector and J2<J1,u0(2)0,uJ1(2)0. Since every component of f is a finite sum, we repeat this procedure finite times to get some unitary matrices DN,HN,DN-1,HN-1,,H2,D1,H1 such that(3.25) DNHNDN-1HN-1H2D1H1f=e1.(3.25)

Therefore, it is clear that f is the first column of the unitary matrixH=D0H0D1H1DN-1HN-1DNHN.

By setting,H=μ0,0(ξ)μ0,1(ξ)μ0,p(ξ)μ1,0(ξ)μ1,1(ξ)μ1,p(ξ)μp-1,0(ξ)μp-1,1(ξ)μp-1,p(ξ).

It is immediate that H satisfies the equality Γ(ξ)Γ(ξ)=Ip. Further, if we choose polyphase representation of wavelet masks h(ξ),=1,2,,L as defined by (3.13) or even (3.19) in Equation (2.13), then we can obtain the UEP condition (2.15). Therefore, Theorem 3.1 implies that Ψ generates a minimum-energy wavelet frame for L2(R+). This completes the proof of the Theorem 3.3.

4. Decomposition and reconstruction algorithms

Suppose Ψ=ψ1,ψ2,,ψL is the minimum-energy wavelet frame associated with the compactly supported refinable function ϕ(x). Then, for each jZ, we consider(4.1) Vj=span¯ϕj,k:kZ+andWj=span¯ψj,k:kZ+,=1,2,,L.(4.1)

Thus,(4.2) Vj+1=Vj+Wj,jZ.(4.2)

Note that decomposition (4.2) is not a direct sum decomposition since in general VjWj0. Thus, it follows from (4.1) and (4.2) that any fVj+1 can be expressed as(4.3) f(x)=Pjf(x)+Qjf(x),(4.3)

where(4.4) Pjf(x)=kZ+f,ϕj,kϕj,k(x),(4.4) (4.5) Qjf(x)=Pj+1f(x)-Pjf(x)==1LkZ+f,ψj,kψj,k(x),(4.5)

are the projection and detailed operators defined on Vj and Wj, respectively. The importance of this frame expansion as compared to any other expansion(4.6) Qjf==1LkZ+aj,kψj,k.(4.6)

of the same Qjf is that the energy in (4.5) is minimum in the sense that(4.7) =1LkZ+|f,ψj,k|2=1LkZ+|aj,k|2.(4.7)

Therefore, by using (4.5) and (4.6), we have(4.8) Qjf,f==1LkZ+|f,ψj,k|2==1LkZ+aj,kf,ψj,k¯,(4.8)

and this derives0=1LkZ+|aj,k-f,ψj,k|2==1LkZ+|aj,k|2-2=1LkZ+aj,kf,ψj,k¯+=1LkZ+|f,ψj,k|2==1LkZ+|aj,k|2-=1LkZ+|f,ψj,k|2.

This inequality means that the coefficients of the error term Qjf in (4.5) have minimal l2-norm among all sequences aj,k which satisfy (4.6).

We now discuss the decomposition and reconstruction algorithms associated with minimum-energy wavelet frames on positive half-line. For any fL2(R+), we consider(4.9) aj,k=f,ϕj,k;bj,k=f,ψj,k,=1,2,,L.(4.9)

Then, by two scale relations (2.5) and the corresponding wavelet equation, we obtain(4.10) ϕj,i=kZ+ck-piϕj+1,k,ψj,i=kZ+dk-piψj+1,k,=1,2,,L,iZ+.(4.10)

By taking the inner products with f on both sides of the two equations in (4.10), we have a tight minimum-energy wavelet frame decomposition:(4.11) aj,i=kZ+ck-piaj+1,k,bj,i=1pkZ+dk-pibj+1,k,=1,2,,L,jZ+.(4.11)

Using the fact that ϕj,kVj and relations (2.4) and wavelet equation, from (4.3) we also have(4.12) ϕj+1,i=kZ+ci-pkϕj,k+=1Ldi-pkψj,k,iZ+.(4.12)

By taking the inner products with f on both sides of (4.12), we have a tight minimum-energy wavelet frame reconstruction:(4.13) aj+1,i=kZ+ci-pkaj,k+=1Ldi-pkbj,k,iZ+.(4.13)


The authors thank the referees for numerous suggestions which helped to improve the paper considerably.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Sunita Goyal

Sunita Goyal received her MSc and MPhil degrees in pure mathematics from the University of Rothak, Haryana, India. Currently, she is perusing PhD at the Department of Mathematics, JJT University, Rajasthan, India. Her research interests are focused on different aspects of wavelet analysis including wavelet frames, shift invariant spaces, wavelet packets and their applications in Economics and Finance.

Firdous A. Shah

Firdous A. Shah is a senior assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at University of Kashmir, India. His primary research interests include basic theory of wavelets and their applications in differential and integral equations, Economics and Finance, and Computer Networking. He has authored/co-authored over 50 research papers in international journals of high repute. He has recently co-authored a book on wavelets entitled Wavelet Transforms and Their Applications, Springer, New York, 2015.


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