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Research Article

Minimax prediction of random processes with stationary increments from observations with stationary noise

Article: 1133219 | Received 22 Oct 2015, Accepted 14 Dec 2015, Published online: 22 Jan 2016


We deal with the problem of mean square optimal estimation of linear functionals which depend on the unknown values of a random process with stationary increments based on observations of the process with noise, where the noise process is a stationary process. Formulas for calculating values of the mean square errors and the spectral characteristics of the optimal linear estimates of the functionals are derived under the condition of spectral certainty, where the spectral densities of the processes are exactly known. In the case of spectral uncertainty, where the spectral densities of the processes are not exactly known while a class of admissible spectral densities is given, relations that determine the least favorable spectral densities and the minimax robust spectral characteristics are proposed.

1. Introduction

Traditional methods of finding solutions to problems of estimation of unobserved values of a random process based on a set of available observations of this process, or observations of the process with a noise process, are developed under the condition of spectral certainty, where the spectral densities of the processes are exactly known. Methods of solution of these problems, which are known as interpolation, extrapolation, and filtering of stochastic processes, were developed for stationary stochastic processes by A.N. Kolmogorov, N. Wiener, and A.M. Yaglom (see selected works by Kolmogorov (Kolmogorov (Citation1992)), books by Wiener (Citation1966), Yaglom (Citation1987a, Citationb), Rozanov (Citation1967)). Stationary stochastic processes and sequences admit some generalizations, which are properly described in books by Yaglom (Citation1987a, Citationb). Random processes with stationary nth increments are among such generalizations. These processes were introduced in papers by Pinsker and Yaglom (Citation1954), Yaglom (Citation1955, Citation1957), and Pinsker (Citation1955). In the indicated papers, the authors described the spectral representation of the stationary increment process and the canonical factorization of the spectral density, solved the extrapolation problem, and proposed some examples.

Traditional methods of finding solutions to extrapolation, interpolation, and filtering problems may be employed under the basic assumption that the spectral densities of the considered random processes are exactly known. In practice, however, the developed methods are not applicable since the complete information on the spectral structure of the processes is not available in most cases. To solve the problem, the parametric or nonparametric estimates of the unknown spectral densities are found or these densities are selected by other reasoning. Then, the classical estimation method is applied, provided that the estimated or selected densities are the true ones. However, as was shown by Vastola and Poor (Citation1983) with the help of concrete examples, this method can result in significant increase of the value of the error of estimate. This is a reason to search estimates which are optimal for all densities from a certain class of the admissible spectral densities. The introduced estimates are called minimax robust since they minimize the maximum of the mean square errors for all spectral densities from a set of admissible spectral densities simultaneously. The paper by Grenander (Grenander (Citation1957)) should be marked as the first one where the minimax approach to extrapolation problem for stationary processes was proposed. Franke and Poor (Franke & Poor (Citation1984)) and Franke (Franke (Citation1985)) investigated the minimax extrapolation and filtering problems for stationary sequences with the help of convex optimization methods. This approach makes it possible to find equations that determine the least favorable spectral densities for various classes of admissible densities. A survey of results in minimax (robust) methods of data processing can be found in the paper by Kassam and Poor (Kassam & Poor (Citation1985)). A wide range of results in minimax robust extrapolation, interpolation, and filtering of random processes and sequences belong to Moklyachuk (Moklyachuk (Citation2000), Moklyachuk (Citation2001), Moklyachuk (Citation2008a), Citation2015). Later, Moklyachuk and Masyutka (2011–2012) developed the minimax technique of estimation for vector-valued stationary processes and sequences. Dubovets’ka, Masyutka, and Moklyachuk (Dubovets’ka et al. (Citation2012)) investigated the problem of minimax robust interpolation for another generalization of stationary processes—periodically correlated sequences. In the further papers, Dubovets’ka and Moklyachuk (Dubovets’ka & Moklyachuk (Citation2013a), Dubovets’ka & Moklyachuk (Citation2013b), Dubovets’ka & Moklyachuk (Citation2014a), Dubovets’ka & Moklyachuk (Citation2014b)) investigated the minimax robust extrapolation, interpolation, and filtering problems for periodically correlated processes and sequences.

The minimax robust extrapolation, interpolation, and filtering problems for stochastic sequences with nth stationary increments were investigated by Luz and Moklyachuk (Luz (Citation2012), Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2013a), Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2013b), Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2014a), Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2014b), Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2015a), Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2015b), Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2015c); Moklyachuk & Luz, Moklyachuk & Luz (Citation2013)). In particular, the minimax robust extrapolation problem based on observations with and without noise for such sequences is investigated in papers by Luz and Moklyachuk (Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2015b)), Moklyachuk and Luz (Moklyachuk & Luz (Citation2013)). Same estimation problems for random processes with stationary increments with continuous time are investigated in articles by Luz and Moklyachuk (Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2014a), Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2015a), Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2015b)).

In this article, we deal with the problem of the mean square optimal estimation of the linear functionals Aξ=0a(t)ξ(t)dt and ATξ=0Ta(t)ξ(t)dt which depend on the unknown values of a random process ξ(t) with stationary nth increments from observations of the process ξ(t)+η(t) at points t<0, where η(t) is an uncorrelated with ξ(t) stationary process. The case of spectral certainty as well as the case of spectral uncertainty are considered. Formulas for calculating values of the mean square errors and the spectral characteristics of the optimal linear estimates of the functionals are derived under the condition of spectral certainty, where the spectral densities of the processes are exactly known. In the case of spectral uncertainty, where the spectral densities of the processes are not exactly known while a class of admissible spectral densities is given, relations that determine the least favorable spectral densities and the minimax spectral characteristics are derived for some classes of spectral densities.

2. Stationary random increment process. Spectral representation

In this section, we present basic definitions and spectral properties of random processes with stationary increment. For more details, see the book by Yaglom (Citation1987a, Citationb).

Definition 2.1

For a given random process ξ(t), tR, the process(1) ξ(n)(t,τ)=(1-Bτ)nξ(t)=l=0n(-1)lnlξ(t-lτ),(1)

where Bτ is a backward shift operator with a step τR, such that Bτξ(t)=ξ(t-τ) is called the random nth increment with step τR generated by the random process ξ(t).

Definition 2.2

The random nth increment process ξ(n)(t,τ) generated by a random process ξ(t), tR, is in wide sense stationary, if the mathematical expectationsEξ(n)(t0,τ)=c(n)(τ),Eξ(n)(t0+t,τ1)ξ(n)(t0,τ2)¯=D(n)(t,τ1,τ2)

exist for all t0,τ,t,τ1,τ2 and do not depend on t0. The function c(n)(τ) is called the mean value of the nth increment and the function D(n)(t,τ1,τ2) is called the structural function of the stationary nth increment (or the structural function of nth order of the random process ξ(t), tR).

The random process ξ(t), tR, which determines the stationary nth increment process ξ(n)(t,τ) by formula (1) is called the process with stationary nth increments.

The following theorem describes representations of the mean value and the structural function of the random stationary nth increment process ξ(n)(t,τ).

Theorem 2.1

The mean value c(n)(τ) and the structural function D(n)(t,τ1,τ2) of the random stationary nth increment process ξ(n)(t,τ) can be represented in the following forms:(2) c(n)(τ)=cτn,D(n)(t,τ1,τ2)=-eiλt(1-e-iτ1λ)n(1-eiτ2λ)n(1+λ2)nλ2ndF(λ),(2)

where c is a constant and F(λ) is a left-continuous nondecreasing bounded function, such that F(-)=0. The constant c and the function F(λ) are determined uniquely by the increment process ξ(n)(t,τ).

The representation (3) of the structural function D(n)(t,τ1,τ2) and the Karhunen theorem (see Karhunen, Karhunen (Citation1947)) allow us to write the following spectral representation of the stationary nth increment process ξ(n)(t,τ):(3) ξ(n)(t,τ)=-eitλ(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)ndZξ(n)(λ),(3)

where Zξ(n)(λ) is a random process with uncorrelated increments on R connected with the spectral function F(λ) from representation (3) by the relation(4) E|Zξ(n)(t2)-Zξ(n)(t1)|2=F(t2)-F(t1)<for allt2>t1,t1R,t2R.(4)

3. The Hilbert space projection method of extrapolation

Consider a random process ξ(t), tR, which generates a stationary random increment process ξ(n)(t,τ) with the absolutely continuous spectral function F(λ) and the spectral density function f(λ). Let η(t), tR, be another random process which is stationary and uncorrelated with ξ(t). Suppose that the process η(t) has absolutely continuous spectral function G(λ) and the spectral density g(λ). Without loss of generality, we can assume that the increment step τ>0 and both processes ξ(n)(t,τ) and η(t) have zero mean values: Eξ(n)(t,τ)=0, Eη(t)=0.

The main purpose of this paper is to find optimal, in the mean square sense, linear estimates of the functionalsAξ=0a(t)ξ(t)dt,ATξ=0Ta(t)ξ(t)dt

which depend on the unknown values of the random process ξ(t) at time t0 based on observations of the process ζ(t)=ξ(t)+η(t) at time t<0.

For further analysis, we need to make the following assumptions. Let the function a(t), t0, which determines the functionals Aξ, ATξ, and the linear transformation Dτ, being defined below, satisfy the conditions(5) 0|a(t)|dt<,0t|a(t)|2dt<,(5)

and(6) 0|Dτa(t)|dt<,0t|Dτa(t)|2dt<.(6)

Suppose also that the spectral densities f(λ) and g(λ) satisfy the minimality condition(7) -|γ(λ)|2λ2n|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)n((1+λ2)nf(λ)+λ2ng(λ))dλ<,(7)

for some function γ(λ) of the form =0α(t)eiλtdt. Assumption (8) guarantees that the mean square errors of estimates of the considered functionals are greater than 0.

Following the classical estimation theory developed for stationary processes, it is reasonable to apply the method proposed by Kolmogorov (see selected works by Kolmogorov (Kolmogorov (Citation1992))), where the estimate is a projection of an element of the Hilbert space H=L2(Ω,F,P) of the random variables γ with zero mean value, Eγ=0, and finite variance, E|γ|2< on a subspace of the space H=L2(Ω,F,P). The inner product in the space H=L2(Ω,F,P) is defined as (γ1;γ2)=Eγ1γ2¯. Since we have no observations of the process ξ(t) to take as initial values, the issue is that both functionals Aξ and ATξ have infinite variance. Thus, we need to derive other objects from the space H=L2(Ω,F,P) to proceed with the Hilbert space projection method.

Consider a representation of the functional Aξ in the formAξ=Aζ-Aη,


Under the condition (6), the functional Aη has finite variance and, hence, it belongs to the space H=L2(Ω,F,P). A representation of the functional Aζ is described in the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1

The linear functional Aζ admits a representationAζ=Bζ-Vζ,

where(8) Bζ=0bτ(t)ζ(n)(t,τ)dt,Vζ=-τn0vτ(t)ζ(t)dt,vτ(t)=l=-tτn(-1)lnlbτ(t+lτ),t[-τn;0),bτ(t)=k=0a(t+τk)d(k)=Dτa(t),t0,(8) [x] denotes the least integer number among numbers that are greater than or equal to x, coefficients {d(k):k0} are determined from the relationk=0d(k)xk=j=0xjn,Dτ is a linear transformation of a function x(t), t0, defined by the formulaDτx(t)=k=0x(t+τk)d(k).

Corollary 3.1

The linear functional ATζ admits a representationATζ=BTζ-VTζ,

where(9) BTζ=0Tbτ,T(t)ζ(n)(t,τ)dt,VTζ=-τn0vτ,T(t)ζ(t)dt,vτ,T(t)=l=-tτminT-tτ,n(-1)lnlbτ,T(t+lτ),t[-τn;0),bτ,T(t)=k=0T-tτa(t+τk)d(k)=DTτa(t),t[0;T],(9) DTτ is a linear transformation of an arbitrary function x(t), t[0;T], defined by the formulaDTτx(t)=k=0T-tτx(t+τk)d(k).

Under the condition (7), the functional Bζ from Lemma 3.1 belongs to the space H=L2(Ω,F,P), while the functional Vζ is observed and can be considered as an initial value. Thus, Lemma 3.1 implies the following representation of the functional Aξ:Aξ=Aζ-Aη=Bζ-Aη-Vζ=Hξ-Vζ,

where the functional Hξ:=Bζ-Aη belongs to the space H=L2(Ω,F,P) and the Hilbert space projection method can be applied. Since the functional Vζ depends on the observations ζ(t), -τnt<0, the following relations hold true for the estimates A^ξ, H^ξ and the mean square errors Δ(f,g;A^ξ), Δ(f,g;H^ξ):(10) A^ξ=H^ξ-Vζ,Δ(f,g;A^ξ):=E|Aξ-A^ξ|2=E|Hξ-Vζ-H^ξ+Vζ|2=E|Hξ-H^ξ|2=:Δ(f,g;H^ξ).(10)

Therefore, the problem is reduced to finding the optimal mean square estimate H^ξ of the functional Hξ.

The next step is to describe the spectral structure of the functional Hξ. The stationary random process η(t) admits the spectral representation (see Gikhman & Skorokhod, Gikhman & Skorokhod (Citation2004)).η(t)=-eiλtdZη(λ),

where Zη(λ) is a random process with uncorrelated increments on R which correspond to the spectral function G(λ). Taking into account (4), the spectral representation of the random process ζ(n)(t,τ) can be described by the formulasζ(n)(t,τ)=-eiλt(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)ndZξ(n)(λ)+-eiλt(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)ndZη(n)(λ)=-eiλt(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)ndZξ(n)(λ)+-eiλt(1-e-iλτ)ndZη(λ),


One can easily conclude that the spectral density p(λ) of the random process ζ(t) is the following:p(λ)=f(λ)+λ2n(1+λ2)ng(λ).

The functional Hξ admits the spectral representationHξ=-Bτ(λ)(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)ndZξ(n)+η(n)(λ)--A(λ)dZη(λ),


Denote by H0-(ξτ(n)+ητ(n)) the closed linear subspace of the space H=L2(Ω,F,P), which is generated by observations {ξ(n)(t,τ)+η(n)(t,τ):t<0}, τ>0. Denote by L20-(p) the closed linear subspace of the Hilbert space L2(p) defined by the set of functionseiλt(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)-n:t<0.

It follows from the equality(11) ξ(n)(t,τ)+η(n)(t,τ)=-eiλt(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)ndZξ(n)+η(n)(λ)(11)

that the operator which maps the vectoreiλt(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)-n

of the space L20-(p) to the vector ξ(n)(t,τ)+η(n)(t,τ) of the space H0-(ξτ(n)+ητ(n)) may be extended to a linear isometry between the above spaces. The following relation holds true:(12) Eζ(n)(t1,τ1)ζ(n)(t2,τ2)¯=-eiλ(t1-t2)(1-e-iλτ1)n(1-eiλτ2)n(1+λ2)nλ2np(λ)dλ.(12)

Every linear estimate A^ξ of the functional Aξ admits the representation(13) A^ξ=-hτ(λ)dZξ(n)+η(n)(λ)--τn0vτ(t)(ξ(t)+η(t))dt,(13)

where hτ(λ) is the spectral characteristic of the estimate H^ξ. We can find the estimate H^ξ as a projection of the element Hξ of the space H on the subspace H0-(ξτ(n)+ητ(n)). This projection is characterized by two conditions:





Condition (2) and property (15) imply the following relations which hold true for every t<0:(14) E(Hξ-H^ξ)(ξ(n)(t,τ)+η(n)(t,τ)¯)=12π-Bτ(λ)(1-e-iλτ)n-A(λ)-(iλ)nhτ(λ)(1+iλ)ne-iλt(1-eiλτ)ng(λ)dλ+12π-Bτ(λ)(1-e-iλτ)n-(iλ)nhτ(λ)(1+iλ)ne-iλt(1-eiλτ)n(1+λ2)nλ2nf(λ)dλ=0.(14)

Let us define for λR the functionCτ(λ)=Bτ(λ)(1-e-iλτ)n-(iλ)nhτ(λ)(1+iλ)n(1+λ2)nλ2np(λ)-A(eiλ)g(λ)(1-eiλτ)n

and its Fourier transformcτ(t)=12π-Cτ(λ)e-iλtdλ,tR.

We have cτ(t)=0 for t<0, henceCτ(λ)=0cτ(t)eiλtdt,

which allows us to construct the representation of the spectral characteristichτ(λ)=Bτ(λ)(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)n-A(λ)(-iλ)ng(λ)(1-iλ)np(λ)-(-iλ)nCτ(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(1-iλ)np(λ).

It follows from the condition 1) that the spectral characteristic hτ(λ) admits the representationhτ(λ)=h(λ)(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)n,h(λ)=-0s(t)eiλtdt,s(t)L2-,

which leads to the following relations holding true for every s0:(15) -Bτ(λ)-A(λ)(1-e-iλτ)-nλ2ng(λ)(1+λ2)np(λ)-|1-eiλτ|-nλ2nCτ(λ)(1+λ2)ne-iλsdλ=0.(15)

Relation (17) can be represented in terms of linear operators in the space L2[0;). Let us define the operators(Tτx)(s)=12π0x(t)-eiλ(t-s)λ2ng(λ)|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)np(λ)dλdt,s[0;),(Pτy)(s)=12π0y(t)-eiλ(t-s)λ2n|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)np(λ)dλdt,s[0;),(Qz)(s)=12π0z(t)-eiλ(t-s)f(λ)g(λ)p(λ)dλdt,s[0;),

where x(t),y(t),z(t)L2[0;). The introduced operators allow us to represent relations (17) in the formbτ(s)-(Tτaτ)(s)=(Pτcτ)(s),s0,

where(16) aτ(t)=l=0minn;tτ(-1)lnla(t-τl),t0.(16)

Then, under the condition that the linear operator Pτ is invertible, the function cτ(t), t0, can be found by the formulacτ(t)=(Pτ-1Dτa-Pτ-1Tτaτ)(t),t0.

Consequently, the spectral characteristic hτ(λ) of the optimal estimate H^ξ of the functional Hξ is calculated by the formula(17) hτ(λ)=Bτ(λ)(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)n-A(λ)(1+iλ)n(-iλ)ng(λ)(1+λ2)nf(λ)+λ2ng(λ)-(1+iλ)n(-iλ)nCτ(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(1+λ2)nf(λ)+λ2ng(λ),(17)


The value of mean square error is calculated by the formula(18) Δ(f,g;A^ξ)=Δ(f,g;H^ξ)=E|Hξ-H^ξ|2=12π-A(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(1+λ2)nf(λ)-λ2nCτ(λ)2|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)2n(f(λ)+λ2n(1+λ2)ng(λ))2g(λ)dλ+12π-A(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(-iλ)ng(λ)+(-iλ)nCτ(λ)2|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)n(f(λ)+λ2n(1+λ2)ng(λ))2f(λ)dλ=Dτa-Tτaτ,Pτ-1Dτa-Pτ-1Tτaτ+Qa,a.(18)

The obtained results can be summarized in the following theorem.

Theorem 3.1

Let ξ(t), tR, be a random process with stationary nth increment process ξ(n)(t,τ) and let η(t), tR, be an uncorrelated with ξ(t) stationary random process. Suppose that the spectral densities f(λ) and g(λ) of the random processes ξ(t) and η(t) satisfy the minimality condition (8) and the function a(t), t0, satisfies conditions (6) and (7). Suppose also that the linear operator Pτ is invertible. The optimal estimate A^ξ of the functional Aξ based on observations ξ(t)+η(t) at time t<0 is calculated by formula (16). The spectral characteristic hτ(λ) and the value of mean square error Δ(f,g;A^ξ) of the estimate A^ξ can be calculated by formulas (19) and (20), respectively.

Remark 3.1

The spectral characteristic hτ(λ) determined by formula (19) can be presented in the form hτ(λ)=hτ1(λ)-hτ2(λ), wherehτ1(λ)=Bτ(λ)(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)n-(1+iλ)n(-iλ)n0(Pτ-1Dτa)(t)eiλtdt(1-eiλτ)n(1+λ2)nf(λ)+λ2ng(λ),hτ2(λ)=-A(λ)(1+iλ)n(-iλ)ng(λ)(1+λ2)nf(λ)+λ2ng(λ)-(1+iλ)n(-iλ)n0(Pτ-1Tτaτ)(t)eiλtdt(1-eiλτ)n(1+λ2)nf(λ)+λ2ng(λ).

The functions hτ1(λ) and hτ2(λ) are the spectral characteristics of the mean square optimal estimates B^ζ and A^η of the functionals Bζ and Aη, respectively, based on observations ξ(t)+η(t) at time t<0.

In the case of observations without noise, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.2

Let ξ(t), tR, be a random process with stationary nth increment process ξ(n)(t,τ). Suppose that the spectral density f(λ) of the random processes ξ(t) satisfies the minimality condition (8) with g(λ)=0 and the function a(t), t0, satisfies conditions (6) and (7). Suppose also that the linear operator Fτ defined below is invertible. The optimal linear estimate A^ξ of the functional Aξ which depends on the unknown values ξ(t), t0, of the random process ξ(t), based on observations of the process ξ(t), t<0, is calculated by the formula(19) A^ξ=-hτξ(λ)dZξ(n)(λ)--τn0vτ(t)ξ(t)dt.(19)

The spectral characteristic hτξ(λ) and the mean square error Δ(f;A^ξ) of the optimal estimate A^ξ of the functional Aξ are calculated by the formulas(20) hτξ(λ)=Bτ(λ)(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)n-(-iλ)n0(Fτ-1Dτa)(t)eiλtdt(1-eiλτ)n(1-iλ)nf(λ),Δ(f;A^ξ)=12π-λ2n0(Fτ-1Dτa)(t)eiλtdt2|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)nf(λ)dλ=Fτ-1Dτa,Dτa,(20)

where Fτ is the linear operator in the space L2[0;) determined by the formula(Fτy)(s)=12π0y(t)-eiλ(t-s)λ2n|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)nf(λ)dλdt,s[0;).

Remark 3.2

In Corollary 3.2, we provide formulas for calculating the optimal linear estimate A^ξ of the functional Aξ and the value of the mean square error Δ(f;A^ξ) of the estimate A^ξ based on observations of the process ξ(t) at time t<0 using the Fourier transform of the function λ2n|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)nf(λ). In the article by Luz and Moklyachuk (Luz & Moklyachuk (Citation2014a)), the same problem is considered. However, a solution is derived in terms of the function φτ(t), t0, which is determined by the canonical factorization of the function|1-e-iλτ|2n(1+λ2)nλ2nf(λ)=0φτ(t)e-iλtdt2.

Theorem (3.1) can be used to obtain the optimal estimate A^Tξ of the functional ATξ which depends on the unknown values ξ(t), 0tT, of the random process ξ(t), based on observations of the process ξ(t)+η(t) at time t<0. To derive the corresponding formulas, let us put a(t)=0 if t>T. We get that the spectral characteristic hτ,T(λ) of the optimal estimate(21) A^Tξ=-hτ,T(λ)dZξ(n)+η(n)(λ)--τn0vτ,T(t)(ξ(t)+η(t))dt,(21)

is calculated by the formula(22) hτ,T(λ)=BTτ(λ)(1-e-iλτ)n(1+iλ)n(iλ)n-AT(λ)(1+iλ)n(-iλ)ng(λ)(1+λ2)nf(λ)+λ2ng(λ)-(1+iλ)n(-iλ)nCTτ(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(1+λ2)nf(λ)+λ2ng(λ),BTτ(λ)=0Tbτ,T(t)eiλtdt=0T(DTτaT)(t)eiλtdt,AT(λ)=0Ta(t)eiλtdt,CTτ(λ)=0(Pτ-1DTτaT-Pτ-1Tτ,Taτ,T)(t)eiλtdt,(22)

where the linear operator TTτ in the space L2[0;) is determined by the formula(TTτx)(s)=12π0T+τnx(t)-e-iλ(t+s)λ2ng(λ)|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)np(λ)dλdt,s[0;),

the function aτ,T(t), t[0;T+τn], is calculated by formulaaτ,T(t)=l=maxt-Tτ,0mintτ,n(-1)lnla(t-τl),0tT+τn.

The mean square error of the optimal estimate A^Tξ is calculated by the formula(23) Δ(f,g;A^Tξ)=Δ(f,g;H^Tξ)=E|HTξ-H^Tξ|2=12π-AT(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(1+λ2)nf(λ)-λ2nCTτ(λ)2|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)2n(f(λ)+λ2n(1+λ2)ng(λ))2g(λ)dλ+12π-AT(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(-iλ)ng(λ)+(-iλ)nCTτ(λ)2|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)n(f(λ)+λ2n(1+λ2)ng(λ))2f(λ)dλ=DTτaT-Tτ,Taτ,T,Pτ-1DTτaT-Pτ-1Tτ,Taτ,T+QTaT,aT,(23)

where the linear operator QT in the space L2[0;) is determined by the formula(QTz)(s)=12π0Tz(t)-eiλ(t-s)(1+λ2)nf(λ)g(λ)(1+λ2)nf(λ)+λ2ng(λ)dλdt,s[0;),

and the function aT(t), t[0;T], is determined as aT(t)=a(t).

The described results can be summarized in the following theorem.

Theorem 3.2

Let ξ(t), tR, be a random process with stationary nth increment process ξ(n)(t,τ) and let η(t), tR, be an uncorrelated with ξ(t) stationary random process. Suppose that the spectral densities f(λ) and g(λ) of the random processes ξ(t) and η(t) satisfy the minimality condition (8) and the function a(t), 0tT, satisfies conditions (6) and (7). Suppose also that the linear operator Pτ is invertible. The optimal linear estimate A^Tξ of the functional ATξ based on observations of the process ξ(t)+η(t) at time t<0 is calculated by formula (24). The spectral characteristic hτ,T(λ) and the value of mean square error Δ(f,g;A^Tξ) of the optimal estimate A^Tξ are calculated by formulas (25) and (26), respectively.

4. Minimax robust method of extrapolation

The values of the mean square errors and the spectral characteristics of the optimal estimates of the functionals Aξ and ATξ based on observations of the process ξ(t)+η(t) or observations of the process ξ(t) without noise can be calculated by formulas (20), (23), (26) and (19), (22), and (25), respectively, in the case where the spectral densities f(λ) and g(λ) of the random processes ξ(t) and η(t) are exactly known. In the case where the spectral densities are not exactly known while sets D=Df×Dg or D=Df of admissible spectral densities are given, the minimax robust method of estimation of the functionals which depend on the unknown values of the random process with stationary increments can be applied. The method consists in determining an estimate which minimizes the value of the mean square error for all spectral densities from the given class D=Df×Dg or D=Df simultaneously. The following definitions formalize the proposed method.

Definition 4.1

For a given class of spectral densities, D=Df×Dg spectral densities f0(λ)Df, g0(λ)Dg are called the least favorable in the class D for the optimal linear extrapolation of the functional Aξ if the following relation holds trueΔ(f0,g0)=Δ(h(f0,g0);f0,g0)=max(f,g)Df×DgΔ(h(f,g);f,g).

Definition 4.2

For a given class of spectral densities D=Df×Dg, the spectral characteristic h0(λ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional Aξ is called minimax robust if there are satisfied conditions:h0(λ)HD=(f,g)Df×DgL20-(p(λ)),minhHDmax(f,g)Df×DgΔ(h;f,g)=max(f,g)Df×DgΔ(h0;f,g).

Let us now formulate lemmas which follow from the introduced definitions and formulas (20) and (23) derived in the previous section.

Lemma 4.1

The spectral densities f0(λ)Df and g0(λ)Dg which satisfy the minimality condition (8) are the least favorable in the class D for the optimal linear extrapolation of the functional Aξ based on observations of the random process ξ(t)+η(t) at time t<0 if linear operators Pτ0, Tτ0, Q0, determined by the Fourier transform of the functionsλ2n|1-eiλτ|-2n(1+λ2)nf0(λ)+λ2ng0(λ),λ2n|1-eiλτ|-2ng0(λ)(1+λ2)nf0(λ)+λ2ng0(λ),(1+λ2)nf0(λ)g0(λ)(1+λ2)nf0(λ)+λ2ng0(λ),

determines a solution of the constrain optimization problem(24) max(f,g)Df×Dg(Dτa-Tτaτ,Pτ-1Dτa-Pτ-1Tτaτ+Qa,a)=Dτa-Tτ0aτ,(Pτ0)-1Dτa-(Pτ0)-1Tτ0aτ+Q0a,a.(24)

The minimax robust spectral characteristic h0=hτ(f0,g0) can be found by formula (19) if hτ(f0,g0)HD.

The corresponding result holds true in the case where observations of the process ξ(t) at time t<0 are available.

Lemma 4.2

The spectral density f0Df satisfying the minimality condition(25) -|γ(λ)|2λ2n|1-eiλτ|2n(1+λ2)nf(λ)dλ<(25)

is the least favorable in the class Df for the optimal linear extrapolation of the functional Aξ based on observations of the process ξ(t) at time t<0 if the linear operator Fτ0 defined by the Fourier transformation of the functionλ2n|1-eiλτ|-2n(1+λ2)-n(f0(λ))-1

determines a solution to the constrain optimization problem(26) maxfDfFτ-1Dτa,Dτa=(Fτ0)-1Dτa,Dτa.(26)

The minimax robust spectral characteristic h0=hτ(f0) is calculated by formula (22) under the condition hτ(f0)HD.

The least favorable spectral densities can be found directly using the definition or applying the proposed lemmas. However, there is an approach which gives us a possibility to simplify the optimization problem using the following property of the function Δ(h;f,g). This function has a saddle point on the set HD×D, which is formed by the minimax robust spectral characteristic h0 and a pair (f0,g0) of the least favorable spectral densities. The saddle point inequalitiesΔ(h;f0,g0)Δ(h0;f0,g0)Δ(h0;f,g)fDf,gDg,hHD

hold true if h0=hτ(f0,g0), hτ(f0,g0)HD and the pair (f0,g0) determine a solution of the constrain optimization problemΔ~(f,g)=-Δ(hτ(f0,g0);f,g)inf,(f,g)D,


In the case of estimating the functional Aξ based on the observations ξ(t), t<0, we have the following constrain optimization problemΔ~(f)=-Δ(hτ(f0);f)inf,fDf,


Using the indicator functions δ(f,g|Df×Dg) and δ(f,g|Df) of the sets Df×Dg and Df, the indicated constrain optimization problems can be presented as unconditional optimization problems(27) ΔD(f,g)=Δ~(f,g)+δ(f,g|Df×Dg)inf,ΔD(f)=Δ~(f)+δ(f|Df)inf(27) , respectively. In this case, solutions (f0,g0) and f0 are characterized by the conditions 0ΔD(f0,g0) and 0ΔD(f0) which are necessary and sufficient conditions that the pair (f0,g0) belongs to the set of minimums of the convex functional ΔD(f,g) and the function f0 belongs to the set of minimums of the convex functional ΔD(f). By ΔD(f0,g0) and ΔD(f0), we denote subdifferentials of the functionals ΔD(f,g) and ΔD(f) at point (f,g)=(f0,g0) and f0, respectively (see books by Ioffe & Tihomirov, Ioffe & Tihomirov (Citation1979), Moklyachuk, 2008, Pshenichnyi, 1971, Rockafellar, 1997).

5. Least favorable densities in the class Df0×Dg0

In this section, we consider the problem of minimax robust extrapolation of the functional Aξ based on observations of the process ξ(t)+η(t) at time t<0 on the set of admissible spectral densities D=Df0×Dg0, whereDf0=f(λ)|12π-f(λ)dλP1,Dg0=g(λ)|12π-g(λ)dλP2.

Let us suppose that the spectral densities f0Df0, g0Dg0 and the functions(28) hτ,f(f0,g0)=A(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(-iλ)ng0(λ)+(-iλ)nCτ0(λ)|1-eiλτ|n(1+λ2)n/2(f0(λ)+λ2n(1+λ2)ng0(λ)),hτ,g(f0,g0)=A(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(1+λ2)nf0(λ)-λ2nCτ0(λ)|1-eiλτ|n(1+λ2)n(f0(λ)+λ2n(1+λ2)ng0(λ))(28)

are bounded. These conditions ensure the functional Δ(hτ(f0,g0);f,g) is continuous and bounded in the space L1×L1. Condition 0ΔD(f0,g0) implies the spectral densities f0Df0, g0Dg0 satisfy the equalities(29) A(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(1+λ2)nf0(λ)-λ2nCτ0(λ)=α1|1-eiλτ|n(1+λ2)nf0(λ)+λ2ng0(λ),A(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(-iλ)ng0(λ)+(-iλ)nCτ0(λ)=α2|1-eiλτ|n(1+λ2)-n/2(1+λ2)nf0(λ)+λ2ng0(λ),(29)

where the constants α10, α20, and α10 if12π-f0(λ)dλ=P1,α20 if12π-g0(λ)dλ=P2.

We can summarize the obtained results in the following theorem.

Theorem 5.1

Let the spectral densities f0(λ)Df0 and g0(λ)Dg0 satisfy condition (8) and let the functions hτ,f(f0,g0) and hτ,g(f0,g0) determined by formulas (30) and (31) be bounded. The spectral densities f0(λ) and g0(λ) are the least favorable in the class D=Df0×Dg0 for the optimal linear extrapolations of the functional Aξ if they satisfy equations (32) and (33) and determine a solution of the optimization problem (27). The function hτ(f0,g0) calculated by formula (19) is the minimax robust spectral characteristic of the optimal estimate of the functional Aξ.

Theorem 5.2

Let the spectral density f(λ) be known, let the spectral density g0(λ)Dg0 and let the spectral densities f(λ), g0(λ) satisfy the minimality condition (8). Suppose also that the function hτ,g(f,g0) determined by formula (31) is bounded. The spectral density(30) g0(λ)=max0,f1(λ)-(1+λ2)nλ-2nf(λ),f1(λ)=A(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(1+λ2)nf(λ)-λ2nCτ0(λ)α1|1-eiλτ|nλ2n,(30)

is the least favorable in the class Dg0 for the optimal linear extrapolation of the functional Aξ if the functions f(λ)+(1+λ2)-nλ2ng0(λ), g0(λ) determine a solution of the optimization problem (27). The function hτ(f,g0) calculated by formula (19) is the minimax robust spectral characteristic of the optimal estimate of the functional Aξ.

Theorem 5.3

Let the spectral density g(λ) be known, let the spectral density f0(λ)Df0 and let the spectral densities f0(λ), g(λ) satisfy the minimality condition (8). Suppose also that the function hτ,f(f0,g) determined by formula (30) is bounded. The spectral density(31) f0(λ)=max0,g2(λ)-(1+λ2)-nλ2ng(λ),g2(λ)=A(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(-iλ)ng(λ)+(-iλ)nCτ0(λ)α2|1-eiλτ|n(1+λ2)n/2,(31)

is the least favorable in the class Df0 for the optimal linear extrapolation of the functional Aξ if the function f0(λ)+(1+λ2)-nλ2ng(λ) determines a solution of the optimization problem (27). The function hτ(f0,g), calculated by formula (19), is the minimax robust spectral characteristic of the optimal estimate of the functional Aξ.

In the case of estimating the functional Aξ based on the observations of the process ξ(t) at time t<0 without noise, we can formulate the following theorem.

Theorem 5.4

Suppose that the spectral density f0(λ)Df0 satisfies condition (28). The spectral densityf0(λ)=|λ|n0((Fτ0)-1Dτa)(t)eiλtdtα1|1-eiλτ|n(1+λ2)n/2

is the least favorable in the class D=Df0 for the optimal linear extrapolations of the functional Aξ based on observations of the process ξ(t) at time t<0 if it determines a solution of the optimization problem (29). The function hτ(f0) calculated by formula (22) is the minimax robust spectral characteristic of the optimal estimate of the functional Aξ.

6. Least favorable densities in the class D=Dvu×Dε

Let us consider the problem of minimax robust extrapolation of the functional Aξ based on observations of the process ξ(t)+η(t) at time t<0 on the set of admissible spectral densities D=Dvu×Dε, whereDvu=f(λ)|v(λ)f(λ)u(λ),12π-ππf(λ)dλ=P1,Dε=g(λ)|g(λ)=(1-ε)g1(λ)+εw(λ),12π-ππg(λ)dλ=P2.

Here, the spectral densities u(λ), v(λ), and g1(λ) are supposed to be known and the spectral densities u(λ), v(λ) are assumed to be bounded.

Using the condition 0ΔD(f0,g0), we obtain the following equalities determining the spectral densities: f0Dvu, g0Dε:(32) A(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(1+λ2)nf0(λ)-λ2nCτ0(λ)=|1-eiλτ|n(1+λ2)nf0(λ)+λ2ng0(λ)(γ1(λ)+γ2(λ)+α1),A(λ)(1-eiλτ)n(-iλ)ng0(λ)+(-iλ)nCτ0(λ)=|1-eiλτ|n(1+λ2)-n/2(1+λ2)nf0(λ)+λ2ng0(λ)(β(λ)+α2),(32)

where the function γ1(λ)0 and γ1(λ)=0 if f0(λ)v(λ); the function γ2(λ)0 and γ2(λ)=0 if f0(λ)u(λ); and the function β(λ)0 and β(λ)=0 if g0(λ)(1-ε)g1(λ).

Theorem 6.1

Let the spectral densities f0(λ)Dvu and g0(λ)Dε satisfy the minimality condition (8) and let the functions hτ,f(f0,g0) and hτ,g(f0,g0) determined by formulas (30) and (31) be bounded. The spectral densities f0(λ) and g0(λ) determined by equations (36) and (37) are the least favorable in the class D=Dvu×Dε for the optimal linear extrapolations of the functional Aξ if they determine a solution of the optimization problem (27). The function hτ(f0,g0) calculated by formula (19) is the minimax robust spectral characteristic of the optimal estimate of the functional Aξ.

Theorem 6.2

Let the spectral density f(λ) be known, let the spectral density g0(λ)Dε and let the spectral densities f(λ), g0(λ) satisfy the minimality condition (8). Suppose also that the function hτ,g(f,g0) determined by formula (31) is bounded. The spectral densityg0(λ)=max(1-ε)g2(λ),f1(λ)-(1+λ2)nλ-2nf(λ),

where the function f1(λ) is defined by formula (34), is the least favorable in the class Dε for the optimal linear extrapolation of the functional Aξ if the functions f(λ)+(1+λ2)-nλ2ng0(λ), g0(λ) determine a solution of the optimization problem (27). The function hτ(f,g0) calculated by formula (19) is the minimax robust spectral characteristic of the optimal estimate of the functional Aξ.

Theorem 6.3

Let the spectral density g(λ) be known, let the spectral density f0(λ)Dvu and let the spectral densities f0(λ), g(λ) satisfy the minimality condition (8). Suppose also that the function hτ,f(f0,g) determined by formula (30) is bounded. The spectral densityf0(λ)=minu(λ),maxv(λ),g2(λ)-(1+λ2)-nλ2ng(λ),

where the function g2(λ) is defined by formula (35), is the least favorable in the class Dvu for the optimal linear extrapolation of the functional Aξ if the function f0(λ)+(1+λ2)-nλ2ng(λ) determines a solution to optimization problem (27). The function hτ(f0,g) calculated by formula (19) is the minimax robust spectral characteristic of the optimal estimate of the functional Aξ.

In the case of estimating the functional Aξ based on the observations of the process ξ(t) at time t<0 without noise, we can formulate the following theorem.

Theorem 6.4

Suppose that the spectral density f0(λ)Dvu satisfies condition (28). The spectral densityf0(λ)=minu(λ),maxv(λ),|λ|n0((Fτ0)-1Dτa)(t)eiλtdtα1|1-eiλτ|n(1+λ2)n/2

is the least favorable in the class D=Dvu for the optimal linear extrapolations of the functional Aξ based on observations of the process ξ(t) at time t<0 if it determines a solution of the optimization problem (29). The function hτ(f0) calculated by formula (22) is the minimax robust spectral characteristic of the optimal estimate of the functional Aξ.

7. Conclusions

In this paper, we present results of investigating of the problem of optimal linear estimation of the functionals Aξ=0a(t)ξ(t)dt and ATξ=0Ta(t)ξ(t)dt which depend on the unknown values of a random process ξ(t) with nth stationary increments based on observations of the process ξ(t)+η(t) at time t<0. In the case where the spectral densities of the processes are known, we found formulas for calculating the values of the mean square errors and the spectral characteristics of the estimates of the functionals Aξ and ATξ. In the case where the spectral densities are not exactly known, but a set of admissible spectral densities was available, we applied the minimax robust method to derive relations which determine the least favorable spectral densities from the given set and the minimax robust spectral characteristics.


The authors would like to thank the referees for careful reading of the article and giving constructive suggestions.


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