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The existence of global weak solutions to the shallow water wave model with moderate amplitude

| (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1155829 | Received 26 Nov 2015, Accepted 02 Feb 2016, Published online: 16 Mar 2016


The existence of global weak solutions to the shallow water model with moderate amplitude, which is firstly introduced in Constantin and Lannes’s work (2009), is investigated in the space C([0,)×R)L((0,);H1(R)) without the sign condition on the initial value by employing the limit technique of viscous approximation. A new one-sided lower bound and the higher integrability estimate act a key role in our analysis.

AMS Subject Classifications:

Public Interest Statement

In this paper, we use the limit technique of viscous approximation to prove the existence of global weak solutions for a shallow water wave model with moderate amplitude. It is shown from the proof of main Theorem that the weak solutions are stable when a regularizing term vanishes. The method is so effective and can be applied to solve some control problems and economic model. Moreover, the shallow water wave model with moderate amplitude we investigate captures breaking wave, which is a major interest in shallow water wave. Overall, the results we obtain can be applied in many hydrodynamic problems.

1. Introduction

In this paper, we consider the following model for shallow water wave with moderate amplitude(1) ut+ux+32σuux+ισ2u2ux+κσ3u3ux+μ12(uxxx-utxx)=-724σμ(uuxxx+2uxuxx),u(0,x)=u0.(1)

system (1) is firstly found in Constantin and Lannes (Citation2009) as a model for the evolution of the free surface u. Here the function u=u(t,x), σ and ι are parameters, μ>0 is shallowness parameter, σ>0 is amplitude parameter (see Alvarez-Samaniego & Lannes, Citation2008; Constantin & Lannes, Citation2009; Mi & Mu, Citation2013). It is shown in Constantin (Citation2011) that unlike KdV and Camassa–Holm equation, system (1) does not have a bi-Hamiltonian integrable structure. However, the equation possesses solitary wave profiles that resemble those of C–H (Constantin & Escher, Citation2007). Recently, Constantin and Lannes (Citation2009) established the local well-posedness of system (1) for any initial data u0Hs+1(R) with s>32 and also claimed that if the maximal existence time is finite, then blow-up occurs in form of wave breaking. In Duruk Mutlubas (Citation2013), the local well-posedness of system (1) is proved for initial data in Hs with s>32 using Kato’s semigroup method for quasi-linear equations. Orbital stability and existence of solitary waves for system (1) was obtained in Duruk Mutlubas and Geyer (Citation2013), Geyer (Citation2012). Mi and Mu (Citation2013) investigated the local well-posedness of system (1) in Besov space using Littlewood–Paley decomposition and transport equation theory, and proposed that if initial data u0 is analytic its solutions are analytic. Moreover, persistence properties on strong solutions were also presented (see Mi & Mu, Citation2013).

One of the close relatives of the first equation of problem (1) is the rod wave equation (Dai, Citation1998; Dai & Huo, Citation2000)(2) ut-utxx+3uux=γ(2uxuxx+uuxxx),t>0,xR,(2)

where γR and u=u(t,x) stands for the radial stretch relative to a prestressed state in non-dimensional variables. Equation (2) is a model for finite-length and small-amplitude axial-radial deformation waves in the cylindrical compressible hyperelastic rods. Since Equation (2) was derived by Dai (Citation1998), Dai and Huo (Citation2000, many works have been carried out to investigate its dynamic properties. In Constantin and Strauss (Citation2000), Constantin and Strauss studied the Cauchy problem of the rod equation on the line (nonperiodic case), where the local well-posedness and blow-up solutions were discussed. Moreover, they also proved the stability of solitary waves for the equation (see Constantin & Strauss, Citation2000). Later, Yin (Citation2003,Citation2004) and Hu and Yin (Citation2010) discussed the smooth solitary waves and blow-up solutions. Zhou (Citation2006), the precise blow-up scenario and several blow-up results of strong solutions to the rod equation on the circle (periodic case) were presented. For other techniques to study the problems relating to various dynamic properties of other shallow water wave equations, the reader is referred to Coclite, Holden, and Karlsen (Citation2005), Yan, Li, and Zhang (Citation2014), Fu, Liu, and Qu (Citation2012), Guo and Wang (Citation2014), Himonas, Misiolek, Ponce, and Zhou (Citation2007), Holden and Raynaud (Citation2009), Li and Olver (Citation2000), Qu, Fu, and Liu (Citation2014), Lai (Citation2013) and the reference therein.

Xin and Zhang (Citation2000) use the limit method of viscous approximations to analyze the existence of global weak solutions for Equation (2) with γ=1(Namely, Camassa–Holm equation). Motivated by the desire to extend the works (Xin & Zhang, Citation2000), the objective of this paper was to establish the existence of global weak solutions for the system (1) in the space C([0,)×R)L([0,);H1(R)) under the assumption u0(x)H1(R). Following the idea in Xin and Zhang (Citation2000), the limit method of viscous approximations is employed to establish the existence of the global weak solution for system(1). In our analysis, a new one-sided lower bound (see Lemma 3.4) and the higher integrability estimate (see Lemma 3.3), which ensure that weak convergence of qε is equal to strong convergence, play a crucial role in establishing the existence of global weak solutions.

The rest of this paper is as follows. The main result is presented in Section 2. In Section 3, we state the viscous problem and give a corresponding result. Strong compactness of the derivative of viscous approximations is obtained in Section 4. Section 5 completes the proof of the main result.

2. The main results

Using the Green function G(x)=3μe-23μx, we have (1-μ12x2)-1f=G(x)f for all fL2, and G(u-μ12uxx)=u, where we denote by the convolution. Then we can rewrite system(1) as follows(3) ut-(1+72σu)ux+x(1-μ12x2)-1(2u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4-748σμux2)=0,u(0,x)=u0,(3)

which is also equivalent to the elliptic-hyperbolic system(4) ut-(1+72σu)ux+Px=0,Px=xΛ-2[2u+52σu2+ι3σ2u3+κ4σ3u4-748σμux2],u(0,x)=u0(x),(4)

where Λ=(1-μ12x2)12.

Now we give the definition of a weak solution to the Cauchy problem (3) or (4).

Definition 2.1

A continuous function u:[0,)×RR is said to be a global weak solution to the Cauchy problem (4) if




u(t,·)H1(R)u0H1(R), for every t>0;


u=u(t,x) satisfies (4) in the sense of distributions and takes on the initial value pointwise.

The existence of global weak solutions to the Cauchy problem (4) will be established by proving compactness of a sequence of smooth functions {uε}ε>0 solving the following viscous problem(5) uεt-(1+72σuε)uεx+Pεx=ε2uεx2,Pεx=xΛ-2[2uε+52σuε2+ι3σ2uε3+κ4σ3uε4-748σμ(uεx)2],uε(0,x)=uε,0(x).(5)

The main result of present paper is collected in following theorem.

Theorem 2.2

Assume that u0(x)H1(R). Then the Cauchy problem (4) has a global weak solution u(tx) in the sense of Definition 2.1. In addition, there is a positive constant C=C(u0H1(R)), independent of ε, such that(6) -47σt-4C7σuε(t,x)x,for(t,x)[0,T)×R.(6)

3. Viscous approximations

Defining(7) ϕ(x)=e1x2-1,x<1,0,|x|1,(7)

and setting the mollifier ϕε(x)=ε-14ϕ(ε-14x) with 0<ε<14 and uε,0=ϕεu0, we know that uε,0C for any u0Hs, s>0 (see Lai & Wu, Citation2010).

In fact, suitably choosing the mollifier, we have(8) uε,0H1(R)u0H1(R),anduε,0u0inH1(R).(8)

Differentiating the first equation of problem (5) with respect to variable x and letting qε(t,x)=uεx, we have(9) qεt-qεx-ε2qεx2-74σqε2-72σuεqεx=12μ(2uε+52σuε2+l3σ2uε3+k4σ3uε4)-12μΛ-2[2uε+52σuε2+l3σ2uε3+k4σ3uε4-748σμ(uεx)2]=Qε(t,x).(9)

The starting point of our analysis is the following well-posedness result for problem (5).

Lemma 3.1

Assume u0H1(R). For any l2, there exists a unique solution uεC([0,);Hl(R)) to the Cauchy problem (5). Moreover, for any t>0, it holds that(10) R(uε2+μ12(uεx))2dx+2ε0tR((uεx)2+μ12(2uεx2)2)(s,x)dxds=R(uε,02+μ12(uε,0x))2dx<(1+μ12)R(uε,02+(uε,0x))2dx=(1+μ12)uε,0H1(R)2.(10)


For any l2 and u0H1(R), we have uε,0C([0,);Hl(R)). From Theorem 2.1 in Coclite et al. (Citation2005), we infer that problem (5) has a unique solution uεC([0,);Hl(R)).

The first equation of (5) is rewritten as(11) uεt+uεx+32σuεuεx+lσ2uε2uεx+kσ3uε3uεx+μ12(3uεx3-3uεtx2)+724σμ(uε3uεx3+2uεx2uεx2)=ε(2uεx2-μ124uεx4).(11)

Multiplying (11) by uε, we derive that(12) 12ddtR(uε2+μ12(uεx))2dx+εR((uεx)2+μ12(2uεx2)2)dx=0,(12)

which finishes the proof.

For simplicity, in this paper, let c denote any positive constant which is independent of the parameter ε. From Lemma 3.1, we have(13) uεL(R)cuεH1(R)cuε,0H1(R)cu0H1(R).(13)

Lemma 3.2

For 0<t<T, there exists a positive constant C=C(u0H1(R)), independent of ε, such that(14) Pε(t,·)L(R)C,Pε(t,·)L1(R)C,Pε(t,·)L2(R)C(14)

and(15) Pε(t,·)xL(R)C,Pε(t,·)xL1(R)C,Pε(t,·)xL2(R)C,Qε(t,·)L(R)C,(15)

where uε=uε(t,x) is the unique solution of (5) and(16) Qε(t,·)=12μ(2uε+52σuε2+l3σ2uε3+k4σ3uε4)-12μΛ-2[2uε+52σuε2+l3σ2uε3+k4σ3uε4-748σμqε2],qε=uε(t,x)x.(16)


In the proof of this lemma, we will use the identity(17) Λ-2g(x)=3μRe-12μx-yg(y)dyforg(x)L2(R).(17)

For simplicity, setting uε(t,x)=u(t,x), we have(18) Pε(t,·)=12μΛ-2[2u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4-748σμq2](18)

and(19) Pε(t,·)x=12μxΛ-2[2u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4-748σμq2].(19)

Note that Re-12μ|x-y|dx=μ3 for xR. Using (22), one has(20) |Pε|=12μ|Λ-2[2u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4-748σμq2]|12μ3μ|Re-12μ|x-y|[2u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4]dy|+7σ43μ|Re-12μ|x-y|q2dy|c(u0H1(R)+u0H1(R)2+u0H1(R)3+u0H1(R)4),(20)

which proves (14).

In view of Lemma 3.1 and Tonelli theorem, one has(21) |7σ4Λ-2(q2)|=7σ43μ|Re-12μ|x-y|q2dy|cu0H1(R)2,(21)

and then, we get(22) R|7σ4Λ-2(q2)|dx=7σ43μR|Re-12μ|x-y|q2dy|dxcu0H1(R)2.(22)

Using the Tonelli theorem and the Hölder inequality, it holds(23) R|12μΛ-22u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4|dx12μ3μRRe-12μ|x-y||2u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4|dydxcu0H1(R)1+u0H1(R)2+u0H1(R)3+u0H1(R)4.(23)

Making use of (27) and (28), we complete the proof of (15).

From (26)–(27) and the Hölder inequality, we have(24) R|7σ4Λ-2(q2)|2dx7σ4Λ-2(q2)L7σ4Λ-2(q2)L1cu0H1(R)4.(24)

Hence,(25) 7σ4Λ-2(q2)L2cu0H1(R)2.(25)

By (25) and (28), one has(26) R|12μΛ-2[2u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4]|2dxc(u0H1(R)2+u0H1(R)4+u0H1(R)6+u0H1(R)8).(26)

From (30) and (31), we deduce (16).

On the other hand, from (24), we derive that(27) Pεx=12μΛ-2[2u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4-748σμq2]x=12μ3μRe-12μ|x-y|[2u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4-748σμq2]ydy=36μ2Re-12μ|x-y|[2u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4-748σμq2]sign(y-x)dy.(27)

Inequalities (17), (18), and (19) are direct consequences of (25), (27), (28), (30), and (31).

Finally, note that(28) |12μ(2u+52σu2+l3σ2u3+k4σ3u4)|12μ(2|u|+52σ|u|2+|l3|σ2|u|3+|k4|σ3|u|4)c(u0H1(R)+u0H1(R)2+u0H1(R)3+u0H1(R)4).(28)

Using (25), we obtain (20).

Lemma 3.3

Let 0<ϕ<1, T>0, and a,bR, a<b. Then there exists a positive constant C1 depending only on u0H1(R),ϕ,T,a and b, but independent of ε, such that(29) 0Tab|uεx(t,x)|2+ϕdtdxC1,(29)

where uε=uε(t,x) is the unique solution of (5).


The proof of Lemma 3.3 is similar to that of Lemma 4.1 in Xin and Zhang (Citation2000). Here, we omit its proof.

Lemma 3.4

For an arbitrary T>0, the following estimate on the first-order spatial derivative holds(30) -47σt-4C7σuε(t,x)x,for(t,x)[0,T)×R.(30)


Using (9), we get(31) (-qε)t-(-qε)x-ε2(-qε)x2+74σ(-qε)2-72σuε(-qε)x=-Qε(t,x)C.(31)

Let f=f(t) be the solution of(32) dfdt+74σf2=C,t>0,f(0)=uε,0xL.(32)

Since f=f(t) is a supersolution of the parabolic equation (36) with initial value uε,0, due to the comparison principle for parabolic equations, we get-qε(t,x)f(t,x).

Consider the function F(t)=47σt+4C7σ, observing that dFdt+74σF2-C=2t4C7σ>0 for any t>0 and using the comparison principle for ordinary differential equations, we have f(t)F(t) for all t>0. It completes the proof.

Lemma 3.5

There exists a sequence {εj}jN tending to zero and a function uL([0,);H1(R))H1([0,T]×R), for each T0, such that(33) uεjuinH1([0,T]×R),for eachT0,uεjuinLloc([0,T]×R),(33)

where uε=uε(t,x) is the unique solution of (5).


For fixed T>0, using Lemmas 3.1 and 3.3, anduεt-(1+72σuε)uεx+Pεx=ε2uεx2,

we obtain(34) uεtL2([0,T]×R)12Tμu0H1(R)+42σTμu0H1(R)2+CT+6εμu0H1(R).(34)

Hence {uε} is uniformly bounded in L([0,);H1(R))H1([0,T]×R) and (38) follows.

Observe that, for each 0s,tT,(35) uε(t,·)-uε(s,·)L2(R)2=R(stuεt(ι,x)dι)2dx|t-s|0TR(uεt(ι,x))2dιdx.(35)

Moreover, {uε} is uniformly bounded in L([0,);H1(R)) and H1(R)Lloc(R)Lloc2(R). Using the results in Coclite et al. (Citation2005), we know that (39) holds.

Lemma 3.6

There exists a sequence {εj}jN tending to zero and a function PL([0,)×R) such that for each 0<p<,(36) PεjPstrongly inLlocp([0,)×R).(36)


Using Lemma 3.2, we have the existence of pointwise convergence subsequence Pεj which is uniformly bounded in L([0,)×R). Inequalities (15) and (16) derive that (42) holds.

Throughout this paper we use overbars to denote weak limits.

Lemma 3.7

There exists a sequence {εj}jN tending to zero and two function qLlocp([0,)R), q2¯Llocr([0,)R) such that(37) qεjqinLlocp([0,)R),qεjqinLloc([0,);L2(R)),qεj2q2¯inLloc([0,T]×R),(37)

for each 1<p<3 and 1<r<32. Moreover,(38) q2(t,x)q2¯(t,x)for almost every(t,x)[0,T]×R(38)

and(39) ux=qin the sense of distributions on[0,T]×R.(39)


Equations (43) and (44) are direct consequences of Lemmas 3.1 and 3.3. Inequality (45) is valid because of the weak convergence in (44). Finally, (46) is a consequence of definition of qε, Lemma 3.5 and (43).

In the following, for notational convenience, we replace the sequence {uεj}jN, {qεj}jN, and {Qεj}jN by {uε}ε>0, {qε}ε>0, and {Qε}ε>0, separately.

Using (43), we conclude that for any convex function ηC1(R) with η bounded, Lipschitz continuous on R and any 1<p<3 we get(40) η(qε)η(q)¯inLlocp([0,)×R)(40)

and(41) η(qε)η(q)¯inLloc([0,);L2(R)).(41)

Multiplying Equation (9) by η(qε) yields(42) tη(qε)-xη(qε)-ε2x2η(qε)+εη(qε)(xqε)2-x(7σ2uεη(qε))+7σ2qεη(qε)=7σ4qε2η(qε)+Qεη(qε).(42)

Lemma 3.8

For any convex ηC1(R) with η bounded, Lipschitz continuous on R, it holds that(43) tη(q)¯-xη(q)¯-x(7σ2uη(q)¯)+7σ2qη(q)¯7σ4q2η(q)¯+Qη(q)¯,(43)

in the sense of distributions on [0,T]×R. Here qη(q)¯ and q2η(q)¯ denote the weak limits of qεη(qε) and qε2η(qε) in Llocr([0,)×R), 1<r<2, respectively.


In (49), by the convexity of η, Lemmas 3.5–3.7, sending ε0, gives rise to the desired result.

Remark 3.9

We know that(44) q=q++q-=q+¯+q-¯,q2=(q+)2+(q-)2,q2¯=(q+)2¯+(q-)2¯(44)

almost everywhere in ([0,)×R), where ξ+:=ξχ[0,+)(ξ), ξ-:=ξχ(-,0](ξ) for ξR.

Lemma 3.10

In the sense of distributions on ([0,)×R), it holds that(45) qt-qx-7σ2x(uq)=-7σ4q2¯+Q.(45)


Using Lemmas 3.5–3.8, (52) holds by sending ε0 in (9).

Lemma 3.11

For any ηC1(R) with ηL(R), it has(46) η(q)t-7σ2x(uη(q))=-7σ2qη(q)+7σ2η(q)(q2-12q2¯)+η(q)x+Qη(q)(46)

in the sense of distributions on ([0,)×R).


Let {ωδ}δ be a family of mollifiers defined on R. Defined qδ(t,x):=(q(t,·)ωδ)(x). The notation is the convolution with respect to the x variable. Multiplying (52) by η(qδ), it has(47) fracη(qδ)t=η(qδ)qδt=η(qδ)qtωδ=η(qδ)(7σ2x(uq)ωδ+xqωδ-7σ4q2¯ωδ+Qωδ)=η(qδ)(7σ2uqxωδ+7σ2q2ωδ)+η(qδ)(qxωδ-7σ4q2¯ωδ+Qωδ)(47)

and(48) -7σ2x(uη(qδ))=-7σ2qη(qδ)-7σ2uη(qδ)(qxωδ).(48)

Using the boundedness of η, η and letting δ0 in the above two equations, we obtain (53).

Following the ideas in Xin and Zhang (Citation2000), in next section we hope to improve the weak convergence of qε in (43) to strong convergence, and then we have an existence result for problem (4). Since the measure (q2¯-q2)0, we will prove that if the measure is zero initially, then it will continue to be zero at all times t>0.

4. Strong convergence of qε

Lemma 4.1

(see Coclite et al., Citation2005) Assume u0H1(R). It holds that(49) limt0Rq2(t,x)dx=limt0Rq2¯(t,x)dx=R(u0x)2dx.(49)

Lemma 4.2

(see Coclite et al., Citation2005) If u0H1(R), for each M>0, it has(50) limt0R(ηM±(q)¯(t,x)-ηM±(q(t,x)))dx=0,(50)

where(51) ηM(ξ):=12ξ2,if|ξ|M,M|ξ|-12M2,if|ξ|>M,(51)

and ηM+(ξ):=ηM(ξ)χ[0,+)(ξ), ηM-(ξ):=ηM(ξ)χ(-,0](ξ) for ξR.

Lemma 4.3

(see Coclite et al., Citation2005) Let M>0. Then for each ξR(52) ηM(ξ)=12ξ2-12(M-|ξ|)2χ(,-M)(M,)(ξ),ηM(ξ)=ξ+(M-|ξ|)sign(ξ)χ(,-M)(M,)(ξ),ηM+(ξ)=12(ξ+)2-12(M-ξ)2χ(M,)(ξ),(ηM+)(ξ)=ξ++(M-ξ)χ(M,)(ξ),ηM-(ξ)=12(ξ-)2-12(M+ξ)2χ(-,-M)(ξ),(ηM-)(ξ)=ξ--(M+ξ)χ(-,-M)(ξ).(52)

Lemma 4.4

For almost all t>0, it holds that(53) R[ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q))]dx-7σM40tRq(M-q)χ(M,)(q)dxdt+7σM40tRq(M-q)χ(M,)(q)¯dxdt+0tR7σM4(q2¯-q2)dxds+0tRQ(s,x)((ηM+)(q)¯-(ηM+)(q))dxds.(53)


For an arbitrary T>0(0<t<T). Using (50) minus (53), and the entropy ηM+ results in(54) t(ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q))-7σ2x(u(ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q)))-7σ2(qηM+(q)¯-qηM+(q))+7σ4(q2(ηM+)(q)¯-q2(ηM+)(q))+x(ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q))+Q((ηM+)(q)¯-(ηM+)(q))-7σ4(q2-q2¯)(ηM+)(q).(54)

Since ηM+ is increasing and (ηM+)M, from (45), we have(55) 0-7σ4(q2-q2¯)(ηM+)(q)-7σ4(q2-q2¯)M.(55)

It follows from Lemma 4.3 that(56) qηM+(q)-12q2(ηM+)(q)=-M2q(M-q)χ(M,)(q),qηM+(q)¯-12q2(ηM+)(q)¯=-M2q(M-q)χ(M,)(q)¯.(56)

From (61)–(63), we obtain the following result(57) t(ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q))-7σ2x(u(ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q)))-7σM4q(M-q)χ(M,)(q)+7σM4q(M-q)χ(M,)(q)¯+x(ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q))+Q((ηM+)(q)¯-(ηM+)(q))+7σM4(q2¯-q2).(57)

Integrating the resultant inequality over (0,t)×R yields(58) R[ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q))]dxlimt0R[ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q))]dx-7σM40tRq(M-q)χ(M,)(q)dxdt+7σM40tRq(M-q)χ(M,)(q)¯dxdt+0tR7σM4(q2¯-q2)dxds+0tRQ(s,x)((ηM+)(q)¯-(ηM+)(q))dxds.(58)

Using Lemma 4.2, we complete the proof.

Lemma 4.5

For almost all t>0, it holds that(59) R12(q-2¯-q-2)dx0tRQ(q-¯-q-)dxds.(59)


Let M>0. Subtracting (53) from (50) and using entropy ηM-, we deduce(60) t(ηM-(q)¯-ηM-(q))-7σ2x(u(ηM-(q)¯-ηM-(q)))-7σ2(qηM-(q)¯-qηM-(q))+7σ4(q2(ηM-)(q)¯-q2(ηM-)(q))+x(ηM-(q)¯-ηM-(q))+Q((ηM-)(q)¯-(ηM-)(q))-7σ4(q2-q2¯)(ηM-)(q).(60)

Since -M(ηM-)0 , we get(61) 7σM4(q2-q2¯)-7σ4(q2-q2¯)(ηM-)(q)0.(61)

It follows from Lemma 4.3 that(62) qηM-(q)-12q2(ηM-)(q)=-M2q(M+q)χ(-,-M)(q),qηM-(q)¯-12q2(ηM-)(q)¯=-M2q(M+q)χ(-,-M)(q)¯.(62)

Using (35), we can find sufficiently large M>0 such that q-M. Let ΩM=(47σ(M-4C7σ),)×R. Applying Lemma 4.2 gives rise to(63) qηM-(q)-12q2(ηM-)(q)=qηM-(q)¯-12q2(ηM-)(q)¯=0,inΩM.(63)

In ΩM, it has(64) ηM-(q)=12(q-)2,(ηM-)(q)=q-,ηM-(q)¯=12(q-)2¯,(ηM-)(q)¯=q-¯.(64)

Substituting (68) and (69) into (67) gives(65) t(ηM-(q)¯-ηM-(q))-7σ2x(u(ηM-(q)¯-ηM-(q)))x(ηM-(q)¯-ηM-(q))+Q((ηM-)(q)¯-(ηM-)(q)).(65)

Integrating the above inequality over (0,t)×R, by (71), we obtain(66) R12(q-2¯-q-2)dx0tRQ(q-¯-q-)dxds.(66)

Lemma 4.6

It holds thatq2¯=q2

almost everywhere in [0,t)×(-,).


It follows from Lemma 4.3 that(67) ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q)=12((q+)2¯-(q+)2)+12(M-q)2χ(-,-M)(q)-12(M-q)2χ(-,-M)(q)¯.(67)

From (60) and (74) , we have(68) R(ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q))dx-7σM240tR(M-q)χ(M,)(q)dxds+7σM240tR(M+q)χ(M,)(q)¯dxds+7σM20tR(ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q))dxds+7σM20tR12(q-2¯-q-2)dxds+0tRQ((ηM+)(q)¯-(ηM+)(q))dxds,(68)

where we used the identity M(M-q)2+Mq(M-q)=M2(M-q).

Combining (66) with (75) gets(69) R(12[(q-)2¯-(q-)2]+[ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q)])dx7σM240tR(M-q)χ(M,)(q)¯dxds-7σM240tR(M-q)χ(M,)(q)dxds+7σM20tR[ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q)]dxds+7σM20tR12((q-)2¯-q-2)dxds+0tRQ(s,x)([q-¯-q-]+[(ηM+)(q)¯-(ηM+)(q)])dxds.(69)

In fact, for 0<t<T, there exists a constant L>0, depending only on u0H1(R) and T such thatQ(t,x)L([0,T)×R)L.

From Lemma 4.3, it has(70) q-+(ηM+)(q)=q+(M-q)χ(M,)(q),q-¯+(ηM+)(q)¯=q+(M-q)χ(M,)(q)¯.(70)

Since the map ξξ-+(ηM+)(ξ) is convex and concave, we get(71) [q-¯-q-]+[(ηM+)(q)¯-(ηM+)(q)]=-(M-q)χ(M,)(q)+(M-q)χ(M,)(q)¯0.(71)

Therefore,(72) Q(s,x)([q-¯-q-]+[(ηM+)(q)¯-(ηM+)(q)])-L((M-q)χ(M,)(q)¯-(M-q)χ(M,)(q)).(72)

Choosing M large enough,(73) 7σM24(M-q)χ(M,)(q)¯-7σM24(M-q)χ(M,)(q)+Q(s,x)([q-¯-q-]+[(ηM+)(q)¯-(ηM+)(q)])(-L+7σM24)((M-q)χ(M,)(q)¯-(M-q)χ(M,)(q))0.(73)

Hence, from (76) and (80), we obtain(74) 0R(12[(q-)2¯-(q-)2]+[ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q)])dx7σM20tR(12[(q-)2¯-(q-)2]+[ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q)])dxds.(74)

For t>0, we conclude from Gronwall’inequality and Lemma 4.1 and 4.2 that(75) 0R(12[(q-)2¯-(q-)2]+[ηM+(q)¯-ηM+(q)])dx=0.(75)

By the Fatou lemma, sending M, we obtain(76) 0R(q2¯-q2)dx0,(76)

which completes the proof.

5. Proof of main theorem

Proof of Theorem 2.2. From (8), (10), and Lemma 3.5, we know that the conditions (i) and (ii) in definition 2.1 are satisfied. We have to verify (iii). Due to Lemma 4.6, we have(77) qεqinLloc2([0,)×R).(77)

Using (84) and Lemmas 3.5 and 3.6, we know that u is a distributional solution to problem (1). In addition, Inequality (6) is deduced from Lemma 3.4. Then the proof of Theorem 2.2 is finished.


The author thanks the referees for their valuable comments and suggestions.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Ying Wang

Ying Wang is a senior lecturer in the college of Science at Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, Zigong city, Sichuan province, China. She has 9 years’ teaching experience. Her research interests are blow-up theory of Partial Differential Equation and exact travelling wave solutions for Partial Differential Equation. She has published some research articles in reputed international journals.


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