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Research Article

Annihilating-ideal graphs with independence number at most four

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Article: 1155858 | Received 22 Oct 2015, Accepted 12 Feb 2016, Published online: 25 Mar 2016


Let R be a commutative non-domain ring with identity and let A(R) denote the set of all nonzero annihilating ideals of R. Recall that the annihilating-ideal graph of R, denoted by AG(R), is an undirected simple graph whose vertex set is A(R) and distinct vertices IJ are joined by an edge in this graph if and only if IJ=(0). The aim of this article was to classify commutative rings R such that the independence number of AG(R) is less than or equal to four.

2010 Mathematics subject classifications:

Public Interest Statement

The research work carried out by I. Beck in the year 1988 inspired a lot of researchers to investigate the interplay between graph theory and ring theory. The basic purpose of this research was to study the structure of commutative rings with the help of annihilating-ideal graphs of rings. Indeed, in this article, we focused our study on the independence number of annihilating-ideal graphs of commutative rings. The outcome of this study is that we are able to classify all commutative rings whose annihilating-ideal graph has independence number at most four.

1. Introduction

The rings considered in this article are commutative with identity and which are not integral domains. The concept of associating a ring with a graph and investigating the interplay between the ring theoretic properties of rings under consideration and the graph theoretic properties of the graphs associated with them was initiated by Beck (Citation1988). In Beck (Citation1988), I. Beck was mainly interested in colorings. The work of I. Beck inspired a lot of research activity in the area of associating graphs with algebraic structures and exploring the influence of certain graph theoretic parameters on the algebraic structure of the considered algebraic objects. Let R be a ring. The concept of zero-divisor graph of R, denoted by Γ(R), was introduced and studied by Anderson and Livingston (Citation1999). Recall from Anderson and Livingston (Citation1999) that Γ(R) is an undirected simple graph, whose vertex set is Z(R), where Z(R) is the set of all zero-divisors of R and Z(R)=Z(R)\{0} and two distinct vertices x,yZ(R) are joined by an edge in this graph if and only if xy=0. During the last two decades several mathematicians have contributed to the area of zero-divisor graphs in commutative ring, to mention a few, refer Anderson, Frazier, Lauve, and Livingston (Citation2001), Anderson and Livingston (Citation1999), Anderson and Naseer (Citation1993), Axtell, Coykendall and Stickles (Citation2005), Lucas (Citation2006), Smith (Citation2003). For an excellent and clear exposition of the work done in the area of zero-divisor graphs in commutative rings, the reader is referred to the following survey article Anderson, Axtell and Stickles (Citation2011).

Let R be a ring. Recall from Behboodi and Rakeei (Citation2011a) that an ideal I of R is said to be an annihilating ideal if Ir=(0) for some rR\{0}. The concept of the annihilating-ideal graph of R, denoted by AG(R), was introduced in Behboodi and Rakeei (Citation2011a) by M. Behboodi and Z. Rakeei. Recall form Behboodi and Rakeei (Citation2011a) that AG(R) is an undirected simple graph whose vertex set is A(R), where A(R) is the set of all annihilating ideals of R and A(R)=A(R)\{(0)}, and two distinct vertices IJ are joined by an edge in this graph if and only if IJ=(0). The interplay between the ring theoretic properties of R and the graph theoretic properties of AG(R) was very well investigated in Behboodi and Rakeei (Citation2011a,Citation2011b) and several interesting theorems were proved in Behboodi and Rakeei (Citation2011a,Citation2011b) on AG(R) indicating the effect of certain graph theoretic parameters on the structure of R. Moreover, the annihilating-ideal graph of a commutative ring was also studied by several others, to mention a few, the reader is referred to Aalipour et al. (Citation2014), Aalipour, Akbari, Nikandish, Nikmehr, and Shaiveisi (Citation2012), Hadian (Citation2012).

The graphs considered in this article are undirected. Let G=(V,E) be a simple graph. We denote the complement of a graph G by Gc and we denote the complete graph on n vertices by Kn. Recall from Balakrishnan and Ranganathan (Citation2000, Definition 1.1.4) that a vertex u is a neighbor of v in G, if there is an edge of G joining u and v. A clique of G is a complete subgraph of G (Balakrishnan & Ranganathan, Citation2000, Definition 1.2.2). If the size of the cliques of a graph G is bounded, then the clique number of G, denoted by ω(G), is the largest positive integer n such that G contains a clique on n vertices (Balakrishnan & Ranganathan, Citation2000, p. 185). If G contains a clique on n vertices for all n1, then we set ω(G)=.

Let G=(V,E) be a graph. A vertex coloring of G is a map f:VS, where S is a set of distinct colors and a vertex coloring f is said to be proper, if adjacent vertices of G receive distinct colors of S: that is, if uv are adjacent in G, then f(u)f(v) (Balakrishnan & Ranganathan, Citation2000, p. 129). Recall from Balakrishnan and Ranganathan (Citation2000, Definition 7.1.3) that the chromatic number of G, denoted by χ(G), is the minimum number of colors needed for a proper vertex coloring of G. It is well known that ω(G)χ(G).

Let G=(V,E) be a graph. Recall from Balakrishnan and Ranganathan (Citation2000, Definition 5.1.1) that a subset S of V is called independent if no two vertices of G are adjacent in G. SV is a maximum independent set of G if G has no independent set S with |S|>|S|. The number of vertices in a maximum independent set of G is called the independence number of G and is denoted by α(G) (Balakrishnan & Ranganathan, Citation2000, Definition 5.1.4). It is well known that for any simple graph G, α(G)=ω(Gc) (Balakrishnan & Ranganathan, Citation2000, p. 186).

The clique number and chromatic number of zero-divisor graphs of commutative rings have been studied by several researchers Anderson et al. (Citation2001), Anderson and Naseer (Citation1993), Beck (Citation1988), Smith (Citation2003). A good account of the work done on the clique number and chromatic number of the zero-divisor graphs of commutative rings has been given in Anderson et al. (Citation2011). Let n{1,2,3}. Rings R such that ω(Γ(R))=n as determined by Beck (Citation1988), and by Anderson and Naseer (Citation1993) were listed in (Citation2011). Moreover, Smith (Citation2003) has classified all finite commutative nonlocal rings R such that ω(Γ(R))=4. Section 3 of Visweswaran (Citation2011) contains some results on the clique number of (Γ(R))c. The study of the clique number and the chromatic number of the annihilating-ideal graph of a commutative ring was carried out in Aalipour et al. (Citation2012), Behboodi and Rakeei (Citation2011b). Let n{1,2,3,4}. Inspired by the above-mentioned works, in this article, we try to classify commutative rings R such that ω((AG(R))c)=n. We are also interested to determine the least integer m2 with ω((AG(R))c)=m<χ((AG(R))c). Observe that ω((AG(R))c)=α(AG(R)). As is suggested by the referee, we focus our study on classifying rings R such that α(AG(R)){1,2,3,4}.

It is useful to recall the following results from commutative ring theory that we use in this article. Let I be an ideal of a ring R with IR. A prime ideal p of R is said to be a maximal N-prime of I, if p is maximal with respect to the property of being contained in ZR(R/I)={rR|rxI for some xR\I} (Heinzer & Ohm, Citation1972). Thus a prime ideal p of R is a maximal N-prime of (0) if p is maximal with respect to the property of being contained in Z(R). Observe that S=R\Z(R) is a multiplicatively closed subset of R. Let xZ(R). Then RxS=. Hence, it follows from Zorn’s lemma and (Kaplansky, Citation1974, Theorem 1) that there exists a maximal N-prime p of (0) in R such that xp. Therefore, we obtain that Z(R)=αΛpα, where {pα}αΛ is the set of all maximal N-primes of (0) in R.

Recall that a principal ideal ring is a special principal ideal ring (SPIR) if it has a unique prime ideal. If R is a SPIR with m as its only prime ideal, then we denote it using the notation (R,m) is a SPIR.

We say that a graph G satisfies (C) if G does not contain any infinite clique. Let R be a ring. In this article, we often use some of the results that were proved in Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015) on rings R such that (AG(R))c satisfies (C). Let R be a ring with at least two maximal N-primes of (0). It is proved in Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Theorem 3.1) that (AG(R))c satisfies (C) if and only if RR1×R2××Rn as rings for some n2, where (Ri,mi) is a local ring which admits only a finite number of ideals for each i{1,2,,n}, if and only if ω((AG(R))c)<. Moreover, for a ring R with exactly one maximal N-prime of (0), it is not known whether the conditions that (AG(R))c satisfies (C) and ω((AG(R))c)< are equivalent. Motivated by Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Theorem 3.1), we propose to find the precise characterization of rings R, at least for smaller values of α(AG(R)). In Section 2 of this article, we classify rings R such that α(AG(R))=n, where n{1,2}. In Section 3, we focus our study on classifying rings R such that α(AG(R))=3. We devote Section 4 of this article on the problem of classifying rings R such that α(AG(R))=4.

We denote the nilradical of a ring R by nil(R). A ring R with a unique maximal ideal is referred to as quasilocal and a ring R with only a finite number of maximal ideals is referred to as semiquasilocal. A Noetherian quasilocal (respectively, a semiquasilocal) ring R is referred to as local (respectively, semilocal). We use |A| to denote the cardinality of a set A.

2. Classification of rings R such that α(AG(R)){1,2}

We start this section with the following lemma.

Lemma 2.1

Let R be a ring which admits at least n maximal N-primes of (0) with n3. Then α(AG(R))n.


The conclusion of the lemma holds if AG(R) contains an infinite independent set. Hence, we can assume that AG(R) does not admit any infinite independent set. In such a case, we know from Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Theorem 3.1) (the statement of this theorem is already stated in the introduction) that R is necessarily Artinian. Therefore, each proper ideal of R is an annihilating ideal. Let {m1,m2,m3,,mn}(n3) be a subset of the set of all maximal ideals R. Let i{1,2,3,,n}. Let Ai={1,2,3,,n}\{i}. Since any two distinct maximal ideals R are not comparable under the inclusion relation, it follows from Prime avoidance lemma (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Proposition 1.11(i)) that mijAimj. Hence, for each i{1,2,3,,n}, there exists ximi but xijAimj. It is clear that RxiRxj for all distinct i,j{1,2,3,,n}. Let i,j{1,2,3,,n}, ij. Since n3, there exists k{1,2,3,,n}\{i,j}. Observe that xi,xjmk and hence, xixj0. It is evident from the above discussion that {Rxi|i{1,2,3,,n}} is an independent set of AG(R). This proves that α(AG(R))n.

In this section, our interest is to classify rings R such that α(AG(R)){1,2}. In view of Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Theorem 3.1), we assume in the hypothesis of many of the auxillary results we prove in this section that R is a finite direct product of rings.

Lemma 2.2

Let n2 and let (Ri,mi) be a quasilocal ring for each i{1,2,,n} such that mi is an annihilating ideal for each i. Let R=R1×R2××Rn be their direct product. Then the following hold:


Let k1. If α(AG(Ri))k for some i{1,2,,n}, then α(AG(R))k+1. In particular, if mi(0) for some i{1,2,,n}, then α(AG(R))2.


If mi(0) and mj(0) for some distinct i,j{1,2,,n}, then α(AG(R))4. If in addition, either mi2(0) or mj2(0), then α(AG(R))5.


If dimRi/mi(mi/mi2)2 for some i{1,2,,n}, then α(AG(R))5.


Let n3. If mi(0) for some i{1,2,3,,n}, then α(AG(R))5.




Without loss of generality, we can assume that α(AG(R1))k. Let {I11,,I1k} be an independent set of AG(R1). Let Ii=I1i×R2×(0)××(0) for each i{1,,k} and Ik+1=(0)×R2×(0)××(0). It is clear that {I1,I2,Ik+1} is an independent set of AG(R). This shows that α(AG(R))k+1. If mi(0) for some i{1,2,,n}, then α(AG(Ri))1 and hence, α(AG(R))2.


Without loss of generality, we can assume that m1(0) and m2(0). Let I1=m1×R2×(0)××(0),I2=R1×(0)×(0)××(0),I3=R1×m2×(0)××(0), and I4=m1×m2×(0)××(0). It is clear that {I1,I2,I3,I4} is an independent set of AG(R). Hence, α(AG(R))4. We can assume without loss of generality that m12(0). Let I1,I2,I3,I4 be as above and let I5=m1×(0)×(0)××(0). Note that the {I1,I2,I3,I4,I5} is an independent set of AG(R). Therefore, α(AG(R))5.


Without loss of generality, we can assume that dimR1/m1(m1/m12)2. Then there exist elements x,ym1 such that {x+m12,y+m12} is linearly independent over R1/m1. Let I1=m1×R2×(0)××(0),I2=R1x×R2×(0)××(0),I3=R1y×R2×(0)××(0), I4=R1(x+y)×R2×(0)××(0), and I5=(0)×R2×(0)××(0). Note that {I1,I2,I3,I4,I5} is an independent set of AG(R). Therefore, α(AG(R))5.


We are assuming that n3. Without loss of generality, we can assume that m1(0). Let I1=m1×R2×(0)××(0),I2=m1×R2×R3×(0)××(0),I3=(0)×R2×(0)××(0),I4=(0)×R2×R3××(0), and I5=R1×R2×(0)××(0). Observe that {I1,I2,I3,I4,I5} is an independent set of AG(R). This shows that α(AG(R))5.

Lemma 2.3

Let n4 and let Ri be a ring for each i{1,2,,n}. Let R=R1×R2×R3×R4××Rn be their direct product. Then α(AG(R))6.


Let I1=R1×(0)×(0)×(0)××(0),I2=R1×R2×(0)×(0)××(0),I3=R1×(0)×R3×(0)××(0),I4=R1×R2×R3×(0)××(0),I5=R1×R2×(0)×R4××(0), and I6=R1×(0)×R3×R4××(0). Observe that IiA(R) for each i{1,2,3,4,5,6} and {I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6} is an independent set of AG(R). This proves that α(AG(R))6.

We next proceed to characterize rings R such that α(AG(R))=1. It follows from Lemma 2.1 that such rings R can admit at most two maximal N-primes of (0). In Propositions 2.4 and 2.6, we classify rings R such that α(AG(R))=1. In view of Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Theorem 3.1), whenever a ring R admits at least two maximal N-primes of (0) with α(AG(R))<, we assume that R is an Artinian ring.

Proposition 2.4

Let R be an Artinian ring which admits exactly two maximal ideals. Then the following statements are equivalent:




RF1×F2 as rings, where Fi is a field for each i{1,2}.


(i)(ii) Let {m1,m2} denote the set of all maximal ideals of R. Then m1+m2=R. Hence, there exist am1 and bm2 such that a+b=1. It is clear that am2 and bm1. Let xm1m2. Since R is Artinian, any proper ideal of R is an annihilating ideal. Observe that Rx,Ra,RbA(R), RxRa and RxRb. It follows from α(AG(R))=1 that ax=bx=0. Since a+b=1, we get that x=0. This shows that m1m2=(0). Hence, it follows from the Chinese remainder theorem (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Proposition 1.10(ii) and (iii)) that the mapping f:RR/m1×R/m2 defined by f(r)=(r+m1,r+m2) is an isomorphism of rings. Thus with Fi=R/mi for each i{1,2}, we obtain that F1, F2 are fields and RF1×F2 as rings.

(ii)(i) This is obvious.

Remark 2.5

Let R be a ring. Let a,bR be such that ab0. If RaRb, then b20.


This is obvious.

We state Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Remark 3.5(ii)) here as we use it in the proof of Proposition 2.6. Let R be a ring which admits p as its unique maximal N-prime of (0). If (AG(R))c satisfies (C) and p20 for some pp, then R is necessarily a local Artinian ring with p as its unique maximal ideal.

Proposition 2.6

Let R be a ring which admits p as its unique maximal N-prime of (0). Then the following statements are equivalent:




Either p2=(0), or (R,p) is a SPIR with p3=(0) but p2(0).


(i)(ii) Observe that Z(R)=p. Suppose that p2(0). Then there exist p1,p2p such that p1p20. Hence, (Rp1)(Rp2)(0). As α(AG(R))=1, it follows that Rp1=Rp2. Therefore, from Remark 2.5, we obtain that p120 and p220. It follows from Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Remark 3.5(ii)) that R is a local Artinian ring with p as its unique maximal ideal. Hence, pA(R). From p(Rp1)(0), we obtain that p=Rp1. As p=Rp1Rp12, it follows that p3=(Rp1)(Rp12)=(0). Hence, it follows from (iii)(i) of (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Proposition 8.8) that {p,p2} is the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R. Therefore, (R,p) is a SPIR with p2(0) but p3=(0).

(ii)(i) If p2=(0), then IJ=(0) for all I,JA(R). Otherwise, (R,p) is a SPIR with {p,p2} as its set of all nonzero proper ideals and p3=(0). Therefore, α(AG(R))=1.

Proposition 2.7

Let T=S×F, where (S,m) is a SPIR and F is a field. Let n2 be the least integer with mn=(0). Then α(AG(T))=χ((AG(T))c)=n.


Let n=2. Then A(T)={(0)×F,m×(0),m×F,S×(0)}. It is clear that (AG(T))c is the path (0)×F-m×F-S×(0)-m×(0). Therefore, α(AG(T))=χ((AG(T))c)=2. So, we can assume that n3. We consider two cases.

Case(i). n=2k is even

Note that k2. Let A = {mi×(0)|i{1,,n-1}}{S×(0)}, B = {mj×F|j{1,,n}}. It is clear that A(T) = AB. Let i{1,,k} and let Ii=mi×(0). Let j{1,,k-1} and let Jj=mj×F. Observe that W={Ii|i{1,,k}}{Jj|j{1,,k-1}}{S×(0)} is an independent set of AG(T). Since W contains exactly n=2k elements, it follows that α(AG(T))n. We next show that there exists a proper vertex coloring of (AG(T))c that makes use of n colors. Let {c1,c2,ck,ck+1,,c2k} be a set of n distinct colors. We now color the vertices of (AG(T))c as follows: Let us assign the color ci to Ii=mi×(0) for each i{1,,k}. Let the color ck+j be assigned to Jj=mj×F for each j{1,,k-1} and color the vertex S×(0) using c2k. We next assign colors to the vertices of (AG(T))c which are not in W. Let us assign the color ci to m2k-i×F for each i{1,,k}. Let us assign the color ck+j to m2k-j×(0) for each j{1,,k-1}. Let the color c2k be assigned to (0)×F. It is easy to verify that the above-described assignment of colors using n colors is indeed a proper vertex coloring of (AG(T))c. Thus χ((AG(T))c)nα(AG(T))χ((AG(T))c). Therefore, α(AG(T))=χ((AG(T))c)=n.

Case(ii). n=2k+1 is odd

Observe that k1. Note that {Ii=mi×(0)|i{1,,k}}{Ji=mi×F|i{1,,k}}{S×(0)} is an independent set of AG(T). Hence, α(AG(T))2k+1=n. Let {c1,,ck,,c2k,c2k+1} be a set of n distinct colors. Let us now assign colors to the vertices of (AG(T))c as follows: Let us assign the color ci to Ii for each i{1,,k}. Let us assign the color ck+i to Ji for each i{1,,k}. Let the color c2k+1 be assigned to S×(0). Let the color ci be assigned to mn-i×F for each i{1,,k}. Let the color ck+i be assigned to mn-i×(0) for each i{1,,k}. Let the color c2k+1 be assigned to (0)×F. It is easy to show that the above-described vertex coloring of (AG(T))c using n colors is in fact a proper coloring. Thus χ((AG(T))c)nα(AG(T))χ((AG(T))c). Therefore, α(AG(T))=χ((AG(T))c)=n.

Proposition 2.8

Let R be an Artinian ring which admits exactly two maximal ideals. Then the following statements are equivalent:




RS×F as rings, where (S,m) is a SPIR with m(0) but m2=(0) and F is a field.


(i)(ii) It follows from (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Theorem 8.7) that RR1×R2 as rings, where (Ri,mi) is a local Artinian ring for each i{1,2}. Since α(AG(R1×R2))=2, it follows that at least one between R1 and R2 cannot be a field. Without loss of generality, we can assume that R1 is not a field. Moreover, we obtain from Lemma 2.2(ii) that R2 must be a field. Furthermore, it follows from Lemma 2.2(iii) and (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Proposition 2.8) that m1 is principal. Thus (R1,m1) is a SPIR. It is now clear from Proposition 2.7 that m12=(0). With S=R1,m=m1, and F=R2, we obtain that (S,m) is a SPIR with m(0) but m2=(0), F is a field, and RS×F as rings.

(ii)(ii) This follows immediately from Proposition 2.7.

For the sake of convenient reference, we state Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2), which we use in the proof of Lemma 2.9. Let R be a ring. If (AG(R))c satifies (C), then nil(R)=αΛpα, where {pα}αΛ is the set of all maximal N-primes of (0) in R Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Lemma 2.1). If (AG(R))c satisfies (C), then nil(R)A(R) Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Lemma 2.2).

Lemma 2.9

Let R be a ring which admits p as its unique maximal N-prime of (0). If α(AG(R))=2, then p is principal.


We know from Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2) that p=nil(R) and pA(R). Suppose that p is not principal. Observe that any independent set of AG(R) containing exactly two elements must contain p as a member. Let {p,J} be an independent set of AG(R). From pJ(0), it follows that p2(0). Hence, there exist p1,p2p such that p1p20. Therefore, (Rp1)(Rp2)(0). Since pRpi for each i{1,2} and α(AG(R))=2, it follows that Rp1=Rp2. Therefore, we obtain from Remark 2.5 that p120 and p220. Let pp\Rp1. Since p{Rp,Rp1}, it follows that p1p=0. Observe that {p,Rp1,R(p1+p)} is an independent set of AG(R). This is in contradiction to the assumption that α(AG(R))=2. Therefore, p is principal.

Using Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Remark 3.5(ii)), Lemma 2.9, and (Citation2015, Proposition 3.7), it is not hard to prove Proposition 2.10. We state Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Proposition 3.7) for the sake of convenience. Let (R,m) be a SPIR with m2(0). Let n3 be the least integer with mn=(0). Then ω((AG(R))c)=χ((AG(R))c)=[n/2], where [n / 2] is the integral part of n / 2.

Proposition 2.10

Let R be a ring which admits p as its unique maximal N-prime of (0). Then the following statements are equivalent:




(R,p) is a SPIR with either p4=(0) but p3(0) or p5=(0) but p4(0).

3. Classification of rings R such that α(AG(R))=3

The aim of this section was to classify rings R such that α(AG(R))=3. It follows from Lemma 2.1 that such rings R can admit at most three maximal N-primes of (0). We use (ii)(iii) of Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Theorem 3.2) in the proof of Proposition 3.1. The statement of (ii)(iii) of Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Theorem 3.2) is as follows: Let n2 and let Fi be a field for each i{1,2,3,,n}. Let R=F1×F2××Fn. Then ω((AG(R))c)=χ((AG(R))c)=2n-1-1.

Proposition 3.1

Let R be an Artinian ring which admits exactly three maximal ideals. Then the following statements are equivalent:




RF1×F2×F3 as rings, where Fi is a field for each i{1,2,3}.


It follows from (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Theorem 8.7) that RR1×R2×R3 as rings, where (Ri,mi) is a local Artinian ring. From α(AG(R1×R2×R3))=3, we obtain from Lemma 2.2(iv) that Ri is a field for each i{1,2,3}. With Fi=Ri for each i{1,2,3}, we obtain that Fi is a field and RF1×F2×F3 as rings.

(ii)(i) This is an immediate corollary to (ii)(iii) of Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Theorem 3.2).

Proposition 3.2

Let R be an Artinian ring with exactly two maximal ideals. Then the following statements are equivalent:

(i) α(AG(R))=3.

(ii) RS×F as rings, where (S,m) is a SPIR with m2(0) but m3=(0) and F is a field.


(i)(ii) From (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Theorem 3.1), we obtain that RR1×R2 as rings, where (Ri,mi) is a local Artinian ring for each i{1,2}. From α(AG(R1×R2))=3, it follows that at least one between R1 and R2 cannot be a field. Without loss of generality, we can assume that R1 is not a field. Observe that we obtain from Lemma 2.2(ii) that R2 must be a field. Moreover, it follows from Lemma 2.2(iii) and (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Proposition 2.8) that m1 is principal. Hence, (R1,m1) is a SPIR. Furthermore, we obtain from Proposition 2.7 that m12(0) but m13=(0). With S=R1,m=m1, and F=R2, it follows that RS×F as rings, where (S,m) is a SPIR with m2(0) but m3=(0) and F is a field.

(ii)(i) This follows from Proposition 2.7.

Let R be a ring which admits a unique maximal N-prime of (0). We next proceed to classify such rings R for which α(AG(R))=3. We need several prelimary results to obtain the required classification. We state and prove them in the form of several lemmas.

Lemma 3.3

Let R be a ring which admits p as its unique maximal N-prime of (0). If α(AG(R))=3, then p20 for some pp.


It follows from Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2) that p=nil(R)A(R). Let {I,J,K} be an independent set of AG(R). From IJ(0), it follows that p2(0). If p is principal, then it is clear that p20 for some pp. So we can assume that p is not principal. From p2(0), it follows that there exist p1,p2p such that p1p20. We claim that either p120 or p220. Suppose that p12=p22=0. Then it follows from Remark 2.5 that Rp1Rp2 and Rp2Rp1. Hence, R(p1+p2){Rp1,Rp2}. Note that {Rp1,Rp2,R(p1+p2),p} is an independent set of AG(R). This is in contradiction to the assumption that α(AG(R))=3. Therefore, either p120 or p220.

It follows from Lemma 3.3 and Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Remark 3.5(ii)) that if a ring R which admits p as its unique maximal N-prime of (0) is such that α(AG(R))=3, then R is necessarily a local Artinian ring with p as its unique maximal ideal.

Lemma 3.4

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring with m2(0). If α(AG(R))4, then m is generated by at most two elements.


If m requires more than two generators, then n=dimR/m(m/m2)3.. Let {mi|i{1,2,3,,n}}m be such that {mi+m2|i{1,2,3,,n}} is a basis of m/m2 as a vector space over R/m. Then it follows from (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Proposition 2.8) that m=i=1nRmi. From m2(0), it follows that either mi20 for some i{1,2,3,,n} or mimj0 for some distinct i,j{1,2,3,,n}.

Case(i). mi20 for some i{1,2,3,,n}

Without loss of generality, we can assume that m120. Note that {Rm1,Rm1+Rm2,Rm1+Rm3,m} is an independent set of AG(R). If either m1m20 or m1m30, then {Rm1,Rm1+Rm2,Rm1+Rm3,Rm2+Rm3,m} is an independent set of AG(R). This is impossible since by hypothesis, α(AG(R))4. Hence, m1m2=m1m3=0. Note that {Rm1,R(m1+m2),Rm1+Rm2,Rm1+Rm3,m} is an independent set of AG(R). This is impossible.

Case(ii). mimj0 for some distinct i,j{1,2,3,,n}

Without loss of generality, we can assume that m1m20. The impossibility of Case(i) implies that m12=m22=0. Observe that {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),Rm1+Rm2,m} is an independent set of AG(R). This is impossible.

This shows that m is generated by at most two elements.

Proposition 3.5

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring with m2(0). If m is principal, then the following statements are equivalent:

(i) α(AG(R))=3.

(ii) (R,m) is a SPIR with either m6=(0) but m5(0) or m7=(0) but m6(0).


The proof of this proposition follows immediately from (iii)(i) of (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Proposition 8.8) and Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Proposition 3.7).

Let R,p be as in the statement of Lemma 3.3. We next assume that p is not principal and try to classify rings R in order that α(AG(R))=3. Initially, we derive several necessary conditions for α(AG(R))=3.

Lemma 3.6

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring . If m is not principal and α(AG(R))=3, then m3=(0).


We know from Lemma 3.4 that there exist m1,m2m such that m=Rm1+Rm2. If m12m20 and m22m10, then we obtain that {Rm1,Rm2,Rm1m2,m} is an independent set of AG(R). This contradicts the assumption that α(AG(R))=3. Hence, either m12m2=0 or m22m1=0. Without loss of generality, we can assume that m12m2=0. We assert that m1m22=0. This is clear if m1m2=0. If m1m20, then {Rm1,Rm2,m} is an independent set of AG(R). Since R(m1+m2){Rm1,Rm2,m} and α(AG(R))=3, it follows that either R(m1+m2)Rm1=(0) or R(m1+m2)Rm2=(0). Therefore, either (m1+m2)m1=0 or (m1+m2)m2=0. From m12m2=0, it follows that m1m22=0. Thus m12m2=m1m22=0. If m130, then {Rm1,Rm12,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). This is impossible since by assumption, α(AG(R))=3. Therefore, m13=0. Similarly, we obtain that m23=0. This proves that m3=(0).

Remark 3.7

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring. Suppose that m is not principal. If α(AG(R))=3, then there exist x,ym such that m=Rx+Ry with xy=0.


The proof of this remark is contained in the proof of Lemma 3.6.

Lemma 3.8

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring. Suppose that m is not principal. If α(AG(R))=3, then |R/m|3 and moreover, m2 is principal.


It is proved in Lemma 3.6 that m3=(0). We know from Remark 3.7 that there exist x,ym such that m=Rx+Ry and xy=0. Hence, m2=Rx2+Ry2. Since m2(0), it follows that either x20 or y20. Without loss of generality, we can assume that x20. Note that {Rx,R(x+y),m} is an independent set of AG(R). Let rR\m be such that r-1m. Then R(x+ry){Rx,R(x+y),m}. Since α(AG(R))=3 and (x+ry)x=x20, it follows that R(x+y)R(x+ry)=(0). This implies that x2+ry2=0. Let sR\m be such that s-1m. Then x2+sy2=0. Hence, (r-s)y2=0. If r-sm, then we obtain y2=0 and so from x2+ry2=0, it follows that x2=0. This is a contradiction. Therefore, r-sm. This proves that |R/m|3.

As in the previous paragraph, m=Rx+Ry with xy=0 but x20. Moreover, m3=(0). Now m2=Rx2+Ry2. If y2=0, then m2=Rx2 is principal. Suppose that y20. Observe that {Ry,R(x+y),m} is an independent set of AG(R). Note that (y+x2)y=y20 and (y+x2)(x+y)=y20. Since α(AG(R))=3, it follows that R(y+x2)=Ry. Hence, there exists a unit uR such that y=u(y+x2). This implies that (1-u)y=ux2. Therefore, u-1m. Let u=1+m for some mm. Therefore, y=(1+m)(y+x2)=y+x2+my. Let m=ax+by for some a,bR. Then y=y+x2+by2. Thus x2+by2=0. Since x20, it follows that bm. Hence, Ry2Rx2 and so m2=Rx2+Ry2=Rx2 is principal.

Indeed, in the case |R/m|=3, we verify that x2=y2. Note that {Rx,R(x+y),m} is an independent set of AG(R). Since α(AG(R))=3 and R(x-y){Rx,R(x+y),m}, it follows that R(x+y)R(x-y)=(0). This proves that x2=y2.

Lemma 3.9

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring . Suppose that m is not principal. If α(AG(R))=3, then |R|{16,81}.


Since m is not principal, it follows from Lemma 3.4 that dimR/m(m/m2)=2. We know from Lemma 3.6 that m3=(0). From Lemma 3.8, we know that |R/m|3 and m2 is principal. As m2 is an one-dimensional vector space over R/m and |R/m|{2,3}, it follows that |m2|{2,3}. Since m/m2 is a two-dimensional vector space over R/m, it follows that |m/m2|{4,9}. Hence, |m|{8,27} and therefore, |R|{16,81}.

For any prime number p and n1, we denote by Fpn, the finite field containing exactly pn elements . For any n2, we denote by Zn, the ring of integers modulo n.

Remark 3.10

With the help of theorems proved by Corbas and Williams (Citation2000a), Belshoff and Chapman (Citation2007, p. 475) listed (up to isomorphism of rings) all finite commutative rings with identity which are local and of order 16 and there are 21 such rings. In this remark, with the help of the list given in Belshoff and Chapman (Citation2007, p. 475), we list below (up to isomorphism of rings) all finite local rings (R,m) of order 16 such that m20 for some mm, m3=(0),|R/m|=2,|m/m2|=4, and |m2|=2..

















From Corbas and Williams (Citation2000b), it is known that there are exactly (up to isomorphism of rings) 24 finite commutative rings with identity which are local and of order 81. We next list some finite local rings (R,m) of order 81 such that m20 for some mm,m3=(0),|R/m|=3,|m/m2|=9, and |m2|=3.
























We verify in Example 3.12 that each one of the finite local ring R of order 16 mentioned in (i) to (viii) in Remark 3.10 satisfies α(AG(R))=3. We use Lemma 3.11 to verify Example 3.12.

Lemma 3.11

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal, m=Ra+Rb for some a,bm with ab=0 but a20, m3=(0), |R/m|=2, and m2={0,a2}. Then α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=3.


It is clear that |m|=8 and |R|=16. Let A={0,1}. Note that m={xa+yb+za2|x,y,z vary over A}. Observe that {Ra,R(a+b),m} is an independent set of AG(R). Hence, α(AG(R))3. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)=3.

We first determine the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R. Let I be any nonzero proper ideal of R. If Im2=Ra2, then it is clear that I=m2=Ra2. Suppose that Im2. Then there exists xa+yb+za2I for some x,y,zA with at least one between x and y is equal to 1. We consider the following cases.

Case(i). x=1

In this case, it follows from ab=a3=0 that a2=(a+yb+za2)aI. As m2I, we get that dimR/m(I/m2)=1 or 2. If dimR/m(I/m2)=2, then I=m. If dimR/m(I/m2)=1, then I is principal and indeed I{Ra,R(a+b)}.

Case( ii ). x=0

In this case, b+za2I. Let C=R(b+za2). Then CI. Note that R / C is local with m/C as its unique maximal ideal. As m/C is principal and (m/C)3=(0+C), it follows from (iii)(i) of (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Proposition 8.8) that {(m/C)i|i{1,2,3}} is the set of all proper ideals of R / C. Therefore, we obtain that I{m,R(b+a2),Rb,Rb+Ra2}.

Observe that either b2=0 or b20. If b2=0, then we claim that a2Rb. For if a2Rb, then a2=rb for some rm. As r=r1a+r2b for some r1,r2R, it follows that a2=(r1a+r2b)b=r1(ab)+r2b2=0. This is a contradiction. Therefore, a2Rb. In such a case, it follows from the above discussion that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Ra,Rb,R(a+b),R(b+a2),Rb+Ra2,Ra2,m}. As bm=(0) and m3=(0), the ideals Rb,R(b+a2),Rb+Ra2,Ra2 are isolated vertices of (AG(R))c. Thus (AG(R))c is the union of the cycle Γ:Ra-R(a+b)-m-Ra of length 3 and the isolated vertices. Hence, χ((AG(R))c)=3. If b20, then as m2={0,a2}, it follows that b2=a2. In this case, it is clear that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Ra,Rb,R(a+b),Ra2,m}. Observe that (AG(R))c is the union of the cycles Γ1:Ra-R(a+b)-m-Ra, Γ2:Rb-R(a+b)-m-Rb, each of length 3, and the isolated vertex Ra2. Note that R(a+b)-m is the edge common to both Γ1 and Γ2 and Ra, Rb are not adjacent in (AG(R))c. Now it is clear that χ((AG(R))c)=3.

Thus 3α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)=3. Therefore, α(AG(R)))=χ((AG(R))c)=3.

Example 3.12

With the help of Lemma 3.11, we now verify that each one of the ring R mentioned in (i) to (viii) of Remark 3.10 satisfies α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=3.


Let T=F2[x,y] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x3,xy,y2). The ring mentioned in (i) is R=T/I and it satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.11 with m=Ra+Rb, where a=x+I and b=y+I.


Let T=F2[x,y] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2-y2,xy). The ring mentioned in (ii) is R=T/I and it satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.11 with m=Ra+Rb, where a=x+I and b=y+I.


Let T=Z4[x,y] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2-2,xy,y2,2x). The ring mentioned in (iii) is R=T/I and it satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.11 with m=Ra+Rb, where a=x+I and b=y+I.


Let T=Z4[x,y] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2-2,xy,y2-2,2x). The ring mentioned in (iv) is R=T/I and it satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.11 with m=Ra+Rb, where a=x+I and b=y+I.


Let T=Z4[x] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(2x,x3). The ring mentioned in (v) is R=T/I and it satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.11 with m=Ra+Rb, where a=x+I and b=2+I.


Let T=Z4[x] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2-2x). The ring mentioned in (vi) is R=T/I and it satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.11 with m=Ra+Rb, where a=x+I and b=x-2+I.


Let T=Z8[x] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(2x,x2). The ring mentioned in (vii) is R=T/I and it satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.11 with m=Ra+Rb, where a=2+I and b=x+I.


Let T=Z8[x] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(2x,x2-4). The ring mentioned in (viii) is R=T/I and it satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.11 with m=Ra+Rb, where a=x+I and b=2+I.

It follows immediately from Lemma 3.11 that each one of the ring R mentioned in (i) to (viii) of Remark 3.10 satisfies α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=3.

Let (R,m) be a finite local ring such that m is not principal and |R|=81. Suppose that α(AG(R))=3. Then we know from Lemma 3.3 that m20 for some mm. We know from Lemma 3.6 that m3=(0). Moreover, we know from Remark 3.7 that there exist a,bm such that m=Ra+Rb with ab=0. As m2(0), we can assume that a20. Note that it follows from the proof of Lemma 3.8 that |R/m|=3, a2=b2, and m2=Ra2. In Example 3.14, we provide some examples of finite local rings (R,m) of order 81 such that α(AG(R))=χ(AG(R))c)=3. We use of Lemma 3.13 to verify Example 3.14.

Lemma 3.13

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal, but there exist a,bR with m=Ra+Rb and ab=0. If |R/m|=3, a2=b20, then α(AG(R)))=χ((AG(R))c)=3.


It follows from m=Ra+Rb, a2=b2, and ab=0 that m2=Ra2+Rb2+Rab=Ra2 and m3=(0). From |R/m|=3, we obtain that |m2|=3 and so m2={0,a2,2a2}. Moreover, it follows from the given hypotheses that |m|=27. Let A={0,1,2}. It is then clear that m={xa+yb+za2|x,y,z vary over A}. Let I be any nonzero proper ideal of R. If Im2, then it is clear that I=m2. Suppose that Im2. Then there exists an element r=xa+yb+za2I with x,y,zA such that at least one between x and y is different from 0. Then it follows that a2I and so m2I. Hence, we obtain that either dimR/m(I/m2)=1 or 2. If dimR/m(I/m2)=2, then I=m. If dimR/m(I/m2)=1, then I=Rr. In this case, it is not hard to show that I{Ra,R(a+b),R(a+2b),Rb}. This proves that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Ra,Rb,R(a+b),R(a+2b),Ra2,m}. Note that {Ra,R(a+b),m} is an independent set of AG(R). Therefore, α(AG(R))3. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)3. Let {c1,c2,c3} be a set of three distinct colors. Since ab=0, Ra and Rb are not adjacent in (AG(R))c. As (a+b)(a+2b)=a2+2b2=a2+2a2=0, it follows that R(a+b) and R(a+2b) are not adjacent in (AG(R))c. From m3=(0), it is clear that Ra2 is an isolated vertex of (AG(R))c. Observe that (AG(R))c is the union of the cycles Γ1:Ra-m-R(a+b)-Ra, Γ2:Ra-m-R(a+2b)-Ra, the edges e1:Rb-m,e2:Rb-R(a+b),e3:Rb-R(a+2b), and the isolated vertex Ra2. Let us assign the color c1 to Ra, Rb, and Ra2, color c2 to m, and the color c3 to R(a+b) and R(a+2b). It is easy to see that the above assignment of colors is indeed a proper coloring of the vertices of (AG(R))c. Hence, χ((AG(R))c)3. Therefore, 3α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)3. This proves that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=3.

Example 3.14

With the help of Lemma 3.13, we provide some examples of finite local rings (R,m) with |R|=81 such that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=3.


Let T=F3[x,y] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2-y2,xy). Let R=T/I. Observe that R satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.13 with m=Ra+Rb, where a=x+I and b=y+I.


Let T=Z9[x,y] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2-3,xy,y2-3,,3x). Let R=T/I. It is clear that R satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.13 with m=Ra+Rb, where a=x+I and b=y+I.


Let T=Z27[x] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(3x,x2-9). Then R=T/I satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 3.13 with m=Ra+Rb, where a=x+I and b=3+I.

It follows immediately from Lemma 3.13 that each one of the ring R mentioned in (A) to (C) above satisfies α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=3.

4. Classification of rings R such that α(AG(R))=4

In this section we try to classify rings R such that α(AG(R))=4. It follows from Lemma 2.1 that such a ring R can have at most four maximal N-primes of (0). Lemma 4.1 provides the precise number of maximal N-primes of (0) for a ring R with α(AG(R))=4.

Lemma 4.1

Let R be a ring such that α(AG(R))=4. Then either R has a unique maximal N-prime of (0) or has exactly two maximal N-primes of (0).


We know from Lemma 2.1 that R can admit at most four maximal N-primes of (0). Suppose to the contrary that R has exactly n maximal N-primes of (0) with n{3,4}. Then we know from (i)(ii) of Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Theorem 3.1) that RR1×R2××Rn as rings with n{3,4}, where (Ri,mi) is a local ring which admits only a finite number of ideals for each i{1,2,,n}. Hence, if n=4, then we know from Lemma 2.3 that α(AG(R))6. This is in contradiction to the assumption that α(AG(R))=4. Thus n=4 is impossible. If n=3 and mi(0) for some i{1,2,3}, then we know from Lemma 2.2(v) that α(AG(R))5. Moreover, if n=3 and Ri is a field for each i{1,2,3}, then it follows from (ii)(iii) of Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Theorem 3.2) that α(AG(R))=3. Thus n=3 is also impossible. Therefore, either R has a unique maximal N-prime of (0) or has exactly two maximal N-primes of (0).

Proposition 4.3 characterizes rings R such that R has exactly two maximal N-primes of (0) satisfying the property that α(AG(R))=4. We know from Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Theorem 3.1) that such rings are necessarily Artinian. We use Example 4.2 in the proof of Proposition 4.3.

Example 4.2

Let i{1,2} and (Ri,mi) be a SPIR such that mi(0) but mi2=(0) for each i. Let R=R1×R2. Then α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.


It is clear that the vertex set of (AG(R))c equals {v1=R1×(0),v2=R1×m2,v3=m1×m2,v4=m1×R2,v5=(0)×R2,v6=m1×(0),v7=(0)×m2}. Observe that the subgraph of (AG(R))c induced on {v1,v2,v3,v4} is a clique. Moreover in (AG(R))c, the set of all neighbors of v5 equals {v2,v3,v4,v7}, the set of all neighbors of v6 equals {v1,v2}, and the set of all neighbors of v7 equals {v4,v5}. It follows from the above description of (AG(R))c that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Proposition 4.3

Let R be an Artinian ring which admits exactly two maximal ideals. Then the following statements are equivalent:




Either RS×F as rings, where (S,m) is a SPIR with m3(0) but m4=(0) and F is a field, or RR1×R2 as rings, where (Ri,mi) is a SPIR with mi(0) but mi2=(0) for each i{1,2}.

Moreover, if (i) or (ii) holds, then χ((AG(R))c)=4.


We know from (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Theorem 8.7) RR1×R2 as rings, where (Ri,mi) is a local Artinian ring for each i{1,2}. Since α(AG(R))=4, it is clear that at least one between R1 and R2 cannot be a field. Moreover, it follows from Lemma 2.2(iii) and (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Proposition 2.8) that mi is principal for each i{1,2}. Suppose that R1 is not a field whereas R2 is a field. Let S=R1, m=m1, and F=R2. Then RS×F as rings, where (S,m) is a SPIR and F is a field. From α(AG(S×F))=4, it follows from Proposition 2.7 that m3(0) but m4=(0) and moreover, χ((AG(R))c)=4. Suppose that both R1 and R2 are not fields. Then mi(0) for each i{1,2}. Moreover, (Ri,mi) is a SPIR and as α(AG(R1×R2))=4, it follows from Lemma 2.2(ii) that mi2=(0) for each i{1,2}. Moreover, in this case, it follows from Example 4.2 that χ((AG(R))c)=4.

(ii)(i) If RS×F as rings, where (S,m) is a SPIR with m3(0) but m4=(0) and F is a field, then it follows from Proposition 2.7 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4. If RR1×R2 as rings, where (Ri,mi) is a SPIR with mi(0) but mi2=(0) for each i{1,2}, then we obtain from Example 4.2 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

We next try to classify rings R such that R admits exactly one maximal N-prime of (0) and α(AG(R))=4. Let p denote the unique maximal N-prime of (0) in R. In Proposition 4.5, we present a classification of such rings R under the assumption that p2=0 for each pp. We use (ii)(i) of Lemma 4.4 in the proof of Proposition 4.5.

Lemma 4.4

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal. Let m1,m2m be such that m=Rm1+Rm2 with m12=0, m22=0 but m1m20. The following statements are equivalent:





Moreover, if either (i) or (ii) holds, then |R|{16,81} and χ((AG(R))c)=4.


Note that m2=Rm1m2 and m3=(0).

(i)(ii) Observe that W={Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). If |R/m|4, then there exist r1,r2R\m such that {r1-1,r2-1,r1-r2}R\m. As R(m1+rim2)W, (m1+rim2)m10, (m1+rim2)m20 for each i{1,2}, and since α(AG(R))=4, it follows that (m1+m2)(m1+rim2)=0 for each i{1,2}. This implies that (ri+1)m1m2=0 for each i{1,2} and so (r1-r2)m1m2=0. This is impossible as m1m20 and r1-r2m. Therefore, |R/m|3.

(ii)(i) Suppose that |R/m|=2. Since m2=Rm1m2, it follows that dimR/m(m2)=1 and so |m2|=2. As dimR/m(m/m2)=2, we obtain that |m/m2|=4 and hence, |m|=8. Therefore, |R|=|m||R/m|=16. Let A={0,1}. Note that m={am1+bm2+cm1m2|a,b,cA} and R=m{1+m|mm}. It is not hard to verify that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),Rm1m2,m}. Since W={Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R), it follows that α(AG(R))4. As m3=(0), it is clear that Rm1m2 is an isolated vertex of (AG(R))c. Observe that (AG(R))c is the union of the clique H, where H is the subgraph of (AG(R))c induced on W with |W|=4 and the isolated vertex Rm1m2. Hence, α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Suppose that |R/m|=3. Now R/m={0+m,1+m,2+m}. Let B={0,1,2}. Note that |m2|=3,|m/m2|=9. Hence, |m|=27 and |R|=81. Observe that m={am1+bm2+cm1m2|a,b,cB} and R=m{1+m|mm}{2+m|mm}. It is easy to verify that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),R(m1+2m2),Rm1m2,m}. It is clear that the subgraph H1 of (AG(R))c induced on {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is a clique on four vertices and the subgraph H2 of (AG(R))c induced on |[Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+2m2),m} is a clique on four vertices, and (AG(R))c is the union of H1, H2, and the isolated vertex Rm1m2. Note that (m1+m2)(m1+2m2)=3m1m2m3=(0) and hence, R(m1+m2) and R(m1+2m2) are not adjacent in (AG(R))c. Let {ci|i{1,2,3,4}} be a set of four distinct colors. If we assign the color c1 to Rm1, color c2 to Rm2, color c3 to m, and the color c4 to the vertices R(m1+m2), R(m1+2m2), and Rm1m2, then it is clear that the above assignment of colors is indeed a proper coloring of the vertices of (AG(R))c and moreover, it is evident from the above discussion that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

The moreover assertion is already verified in the proof of (ii)(i).

Proposition 4.5

Let R be a ring which admits p as its unique maximal N-prime of (0). Suppose that p2=0 for each pP. Then the following statements are equivalent:




R is necessarily a local Artinian with p as its unique maximal ideal, p is not principal but is two generated, p2(0), and |R/p|=2.

Moreover, if either (i) or (ii) holds, then |R|=16 and χ((AG(R))c)=4.


(i)(ii) By hypothesis, α(AG(R))=4. Hence, it follows from Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2) that p=nil(R)A(R) and it is clear that p2(0). Therefore, there exist p1,p2p such that p1p20. We are assuming that p2=0 for each pP. Hence, p cannot be principal. Moreover, as p1p20, p12=p22=0, it follows from Remark 2.5 that Rp1Rp2 and Rp2Rp1. Therefore, it follows that R(p1+p2) and Rpi are not comparable under inclusion for each i{1,2}. Note that W={Rp1,Rp2,R(p1+p2),Rp1+Rp2} is an independent set of AG(R). From α(AG(R))=4, it follows that pW and hence, p=Rp1+Rp2. It follows from p12=p22=(p1+p2)2=0 that 2p1p2=0. As p1p20 and p=Z(R), we obtain that 2p. Let rR\p. Observe that R(p1+rp2)pi0 for each i{1,2}. Moreover, if r-1p, then R(p1+rp2)W and R(p1+p2)R(p1+rp2)=R(r+1)p1p20. Hence, W{R(p1+rp2)} is an independent set of AG(R). This is impossible. Therefore, r-1p. This proves that |R/p|=2. Therefore, p is necessarily a maximal ideal of R and as p3=(0), we obtain that R is a local Artinian ring with p as its unique maximal ideal.

(ii)(i) If (ii) holds, then the local Artinian ring (R,p) satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.4 and in addition |R/p|=2. Hence, it follows from (ii)(i) of Lemma 4.4 that α(AG(R))=4.

If either (i) or (ii) holds, then again it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Lemma 4.4 that |R|=16 and χ((AG(R))c)=4.

We mention some examples in Example 4.6 to illustrate Lemma 4.4.

Example 4.6

With the help of Belshoff and Chapman (Citation2007), Corbas and Williams (Citation2000a,Citation2000b), we mention some examples of finite local rings R such that |R|{16,81} and α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.


Let T=F2[x,y] and let I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2,y2). Let R=T/I. Note that R is a local Artinian ring with m=(x,y)/I as its unique maximal ideal and (R,m) satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.4 with m1=x+I,m2=y+I and moreover, |R/m|=2. Hence, it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Lemma 4.4 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4. Furthermore, it is clear that |R|=16 and m2=0+I for each mm.


Let T=Z4[x,y]. Let I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2,xy-2,y2). Let R=T/I. Observe that R is a local Artinian ring with m=(2,x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) as its unique maximal ideal and the local Artinian l ring (R,m) satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.4 with m1=x+I and m2=y+I. As |R/m|=2, we obtain from the proof of (ii)(i) of Lemma 4.4 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4. It is clear that |R|=16 and moreover, m2=0+I for each mm.


Let T=F3[x,y] and let I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2,y2). Let R=T/I. Let m=(x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I). It is clear that the local Artinian ring ring (R,m) satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.4 with m1=x+I and m2=y+I. Since |R/m|=3, it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Lemma 4.4 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4. Note that |R|=81.


Let T=Z9[x,y] and let I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2,xy-3,y2). Let R=T/I. Observe that R is a local Artinian ring m=(3,x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) and (R.m) satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.4 with m1=x+I and m2=y+I. As |R/m|=3, we obtain from the proof of (ii)(i) of Lemma 4.4 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4. It is clear that |R|=81.

Let R be a ring which admits p as its unique maximal N-prime of (0). Suppose that p20 for some pp. If α(AG(R))=4, then we know from Visweswaran and Patel Citation2015, Remark 3.5(ii)) that R is a local Artinian ring with p as its unique maximal ideal and moreover, we know from Lemma 3.4 that p can be generated by at most two elements. In Proposition 4.7, we classify the local Artinian rings R such that α(AG(R))=4 under the assumption that p is principal. In such a case, (R,p) is a SPIR.

Proposition 4.7

Let (R,m) be a SPIR. Then the following statements are equivalent:




Either m8=(0) but m7(0) or m9=(0) but m8(0).

Moreover, if (i) or (ii) holds, then χ((AG(R))c)=4.


This follows immediately from Visweswaran and Patel (Citation2015, Proposition 3.7).

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal but m=Rm1+Rm2 for some m1,m2m. Our goal was to classify such local Artinian rings R satisfying the condition that α(AG(R))=4. First we assume that m120, but m22=m1m2=0 and present the desired classification in Propositions 4.9 and 4.10. In Proposition 4.9, we assume that m130 and in Proposition 4.10, we assume that m13=0. We use Lemma 4.8 in the proof of Proposition 4.10.

Lemma 4.8

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal but m=Rm1+Rm2. Suppose that m120, whereas m22=m1m2=0. If α(AG(R))4, then |R/m|3.


It is clear from the hypotheses that mm2=(0) . Suppose that |R/m|>3. Then there exist r1,r2R such that r1+mr2+m and r1+m,r2+m{0+m,1+m}. Thus there exist r1,r2R\m such that ri-1m for each i{1,2} and r1-r2m. As m120,m22=m1m2=0, and m is not principal, it follows that {Rm1,R(m1+m2),R(m1+r1m2),R(m1+r2m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). This implies that α(AG(R))5 which contradicts the assumption that α(AG(R))4. Therefore, |R/m|3.

Proposition 4.9

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian such that m is not principal but m=Rm1+Rm2. Suppose that m22=m1m2=0. If m130, then the following statements are equivalent:




m4=(0) and |R/m|=2.

Moreover, if (i) or (ii) holds, then |R|=32 and χ((AG(R))c)=4.


(i)(ii) Note that mm2=(0). Observe that {m1+m2,m2+m2} is a basis of m/m2 as a vector space over R/m. Therefore, the ideals Rm1,Rm12,R(m1+m2),R(m12+m2),m are distinct. Since m130,m22=m1m2=0, we obtain that W={Rm1,Rm12,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). If m4(0), then m140. In such a case, W{R(m12+m2)} is an independent set of AG(R). This implies that α(AG(R))5 and this contradicts (i). Therefore, m4=(0). We next prove that |R/m|=2. If |R/m|>2, then there exists rR such that r,r-1R\m. Then W{R(m1+rm2)} is an independent set of AG(R). This is impossible as α(AG(R))=4. Therefore, |R/m|=2. Note that m2=Rm12,m3=Rm13. Thus dimR/m(m3)=dimR/m(m2/m3)=1, and dimR/m(m/m2)=2. Hence, |m3|=|m2/m3|=2, and |m/m2|=4. Therefore, |m2|=4,|m|=16, and |R|=32.

(ii)(i) Let A={0,1}. Note that m={am1+bm2+cm12+dm13|a,b,c,dvary over A}. It can be easily shown that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),Rm12,Rm13,R(m12+m2),R(m13+m2),Rm12+Rm2,Rm13+Rm2,m}. It is clear that {Rm1,Rm12,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). Hence, α(AG(R))4. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)4. Let {c1,c2,c3,c4} be a set of four distinct colors. Since mm2=(0) and m4=(0), it follows that the set of all isolated vertices of (AG(R))c equals {Rm2,Rm13,R(m13+m2),Rm13+Rm2}. Observe that R(m12+m2),Rm12+Rm2 are not adjacent in (AG(R))c and both are not adjacent to Rm12 in (AG(R))c. Hence, if we assign the color c1 to Rm1, color c2 to Rm12, color c3 to R(m1+m2), color c4 to m, and the color c2 to all the vertices in the set {(Rm12+m2),Rm12+Rm2} the set of all isolated vertices of (AG(R))c, then it is clear that the above assignment of colors is a proper vertex coloring of (AG(R))c. Therefore, we obtain that 4α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)4 and so α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

The moreover assertion that |R|=32 is already verified in the proof of (i)(ii) and the assertion that χ((AG(R))c)=4 is verified in the proof of (ii)(i).

Proposition 4.10

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal but m=Rm1+Rm2 for some m1,m2m. Suppose that m120, whereas m22=m1m2=0. If m13=0, then the following statements are equivalent:





Moreover, if either (i) or (ii) holds, then |R|=81 and χ((AG(R))c)=4.


Note that m2=Rm12 and m3=(0).

(i)(ii) We know from Lemma 4.8 that |R/m|3. If |R/m|=2, then m2={0,m12}. In such a case, it follows from Lemma 3.11 that α(AG(R))=3. This contradicts (i). Therefore, |R/m|=3.

Observe that dimR/m(m2)=1 and dimR/m(m/m2)=2. Hence, |m2|=3,|m/m2|=9 and so |m|=27. Therefore, |R|=|R/m||m|=81.

(ii)(i) Note that R/m={0+m,1+m,2+m}. Observe that m={am1+bm2+cm12|a,b,c vary over {0,1,2}}. It is not hard to verify that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),R(m1+2m2),Rm12,R(m12+m2),Rm12+Rm2,R(m12+2m2),m}. Since W={Rm1,R(m1+m2),R(m1+2m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R), it follows that α(AG(R))4. Since mm2=(0) and m3=(0), it follows that A={Rm2,Rm12,R(m12+m2),Rm12+Rm2,R(m12+2m2)} is the set of all isolated vertices of (AG(R))c. Note that (AG(R))c is the union of H and A, where H is the subgraph of (AG(R))c induced on W. It is clear from the above discussion that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

The moreover assertion that |R|=81 is already verified in the proof of (i)(ii) and the assertion that χ((AG(R))c)=4 is verified in the proof of (ii)(i).

In Example 4.11, we provide some examples to illustrate Propositions 4.9 and 4.10.

Example 4.11

With the help of theorems proved by Corbas and Williams (Citation2000a,Citation2000b) and from the examples of rings of order 32 given in Belshoff and Chapman (Citation2007], we give some examples of finite local rings (R,m) of order 32 such that m satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.9.


Let T=F2[x,y] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x4,xy,y2). Let R=T/I. Note that the unique maximal ideal m=(x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) of R is such that m satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.9 with m1=x+I and m2=y+I, and moreover, (R,m) satisfies (ii) of Proposition 4.9.


Let T=Z4[x,y] and R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(x2-2,xy,y2). Note that the unique maximal ideal m=(2,x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) of R satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.9 with m1=x+I, m2=y+I, and moreover (R,m) also satisfies (ii) of Proposition 4.9.


Let T=Z4[x,y]. Let R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(x3-2,xy,2x,y2). Note that the unique maximal ideal m=(2,x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) of R satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.9 with m1=x+I,m2=y+I, and in addition (R,m) satisfies (ii) of Proposition 4.9.


Let T=Z4[x,y] and R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(x2-2x-2,xy,y2). Observe that the unique maximal ideal m=(2,x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) of R satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.9 with m1=x+I, m2=y+I, and moreover (R,m) satisfies (ii) of Proposition 4.9.


Let T=Z4[x] and R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(2x,x4). Note that the unique maximal ideal m=(2,x)/I of R satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.9 with m1=x+I,m2=2+I, and moreover, (R,m) satisfies (ii) of Proposition 4.9.

Therefore, it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.9 that each one of the ring R mentioned in (i) to (v) above satisfies α((AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Next with the help of Proposition 4.10, we give some examples of finite local rings (R,m) with |R|=81 such that α(AG(R))=4.


Let T=F3[x,y] and R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(x3,y2,xy). The unique maximal ideal m=(x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.10 with m1=x+I and m2=y+I.


Let T=Z9[x.y] and R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(x2-3,xy,y2,3x). The unique maximal ideal m=(3,x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.10 with m1=x+I and m2=y+I.


Let T=Z9[x] and R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(3x,x3). The unique maximal ideal m=(3,x)/I=(3+I,x+I) of R satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.10 with m1=x+I and m2=3+I.

As |R/m|=3, in each one of the ring R mentioned in (a) to (c) above, it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.10 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal but m=Rm1+Rm2 for some m1,m2m. We next focus on classifying such rings (R,m) in order that α(AG(R))=4 under the additional assumption that m120,m220, whereas m1m2=0. The results regarding their classification are presented in Propositions 4.13, 4.16, and 4.18. We use Lemma 4.12 in the proof of Proposition 4.13.

Lemma 4.12

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal but m=Rm1+Rm2. Suppose that m120,m220, whereas m1m2=0. If α(AG(R))4, then either Rm12Rm22 or Rm22Rm12.


Suppose that Rm12Rm22 and Rm22Rm12. If Rm12Rm2, then m12=m2r for some rR. Note that r must be in m and so r=am1+bm2 for some a,bR. Hence, m12=m2(am1+bm2)=bm22. This is in contradiction to the assumption that Rm12Rm22. Therefore, Rm12Rm2. Similarly, from the assumption that Rm22Rm12, it follows that Rm22Rm1. It follows from {m1+m2,m2+m2} is a basis of m/m2 as a vector space over R/m and Rm22Rm1 that the ideals Rm1,R(m1+m2),R(m1+m22),Rm1+Rm22,m are distinct. Moreover, it follows from m120,m1m2=0, and m12+m230 that {Rm1,R(m1+m2),R(m1+m22),Rm1+Rm22,m} is an independent set of AG(R). This implies that α(AG(R))5 and this contradicts the hypothesis that α((AG(R))4. Therefore, either Rm12Rm22 or Rm22Rm12.

Proposition 4.13

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal but m=Rm1+Rm2. Suppose that m120,m220, m1m2=0, and moreover, Rm12Rm22. Then the following statements are equivalent:




Rm12 and Rm22 are comparable under the inclusion relation, m3(0),m4=(0), and |R/m|=2.

Moreover, if either (i) or (ii) holds, then |R|=32 and χ((AG(R))c)=4.


(i)(ii) Since α(AG(R))=4, it follows from Lemma 4.12 that Rm12 and Rm22 are comparable under the inclusion relation. By hypothesis, Rm12Rm22. Hence, we can assume without loss of generality that Rm22Rm12 but Rm12Rm22. Thus m22=rm12 for some rm. Let r=am1+bm2 for some a,bR. Then m22=m12(am1+bm2)=am13. From m220, it follows that m130 and so m3(0). From m22=rm12 and m1m2=0, it follows that m23=0. Hence, m3=Rm13. It is now clear that m4=(0) if and only if m14=(0). Suppose that m14(0). Observe that {Rm1,Rm12,R(m1+m2),Rm12+Rm2,m} is an independent set of AG(R). This implies that α(AG(R))5 and this is a contradiction. Therefore, m4=(0). If |R/m|>2, then there exists sR such that s,s-1m. Note that {Rm1,Rm12,R(m1+m2),R(m1+sm2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). This contradicts (i). Therefore, |R/m|=2.

Note that dimR/m(m3)=1 and as m2=Rm12,dimR/m(m2/m3)=1, and by hypothesis, dimR/m(m/m2)=2. Hence, |m3|=2,|m2/m3|=2, and |m/m2|=4. Thus |m2|=4,|m|=16, and so |R|=32.

(ii)(i) We can assume without loss of generality that Rm22Rm12 but Rm12Rm22. It follows as in (i)(ii) that m22=um13 for some uR. From m4=(0), it is clear that um and hence, u is a unit in R. As |R/m|=2, u=1+m for some mm and so m22=m13. Note that m={am1+bm2+cm12+dm13|a,b,c,d vary over {0,1}}.

It is easy to verify that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),Rm12,Rm13,R(m12+m2),Rm12+Rm2,m}. Since {Rm1,Rm12,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R), it is clear that α(AG(R))4. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)4. Let {c1,c2,c3,c4} be a set of four distinct colors. Since m4=(0), it is clear that Rm13 is an isolated vertex of (AG(R))c. From m1m2=0 and m13=m22, it follows that in (AG(R))c, Rm1 and Rm2 are not adjacent, R(m1+m2) and R(m12+m2) are not adjacent, and Rm12 and Rm12+Rm2 are not adjacent. If we assign the color c1 to Rm1 and Rm2, color c2 to R(m1+m2) and R(m12+m2), color c3 to Rm12 and Rm12+Rm2, and the color c4 to m and Rm13, then it is not hard to verify that the above assignment of colors is indeed a proper vertex coloring of (AG(R))c. The above discussion shows that 4α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)4. Therefore, α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

The moreover assertion that |R|=32 is already verified in the proof of (i)(ii) and the assertion that χ((AG(R))c)=4 is verified in the proof of (ii)(i).

We illustrate Proposition 4.13 with the help of some examples in Example 4.14.

Example 4.14

With the help of results from Belshoff and Chapman (Citation2007) , Corbas and Williams (Citation2000a,Citation2000b), we mention some examples of local rings (R,m) of order 32 satisfying the hypotheses of Proposition 4.13.


Let T=Z4[x,y] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x3-2,xy,y2-2). Let R=T/I. Note that the unique maximal ideal m=(2,x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) of R satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.13 with m1=x+I and m2=y+I. Moreover, observe that (ii) of Proposition 4.13 is also satisfied.


Let T=Z4[x,y]. Let I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2-2,xy,y2-2x). Let R=T/I. The unique maximal ideal m=(2,x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) of R satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.13 with m1=x+I and m2=y+I. In addition, the local ring (R,m) also satisfies (ii) of Proposition 4.13.


Let T=Z8[x] and R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(2x,x3-4). The unique maximal ideal m=(2,x)/I=(x+I,2+I) of R satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.13 with m1=x+I and m2=2+I. Moreover, the local ring (R,m) satisfies (ii) of Proposition 4.13.

Therefore, it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.13 that each one of the ring R mentioned above in (i) to (iii) satisfies α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4 .

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying all the hypotheses of Proposition 4.13 except the hypothesis Rm12Rm22. That is, with the assumption that Rm12=Rm22, in Propositions 4.16 and 4.18, we investigate on the desired classification. In Lemma 4.15, we provide a necessary condition on |R/m| in order that α(AG(R)))4.

Lemma 4.15

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal but m=Rm1+Rm2. Suppose that m120,m1m2=0, and Rm12=Rm22. If α(AG(R))4, then |R/m|5.


Since R is local and m120, it follows from Rm12=Rm22 that m12=um22 for some unit uR. From m1m2=0, it is now clear that m3=(0). We consider the following cases:

Case(i). 2m

In this case, we show that |R/m|4. Suppose that |R/m|>4. Then |R/m|8. Hence, we can find r1,r2R\m such that ri-1m for each i{1,2} and moreover, r1+u,r2+u,r1r2+u,r1-r2R\m. Observe that {Rm1,R(m1+m2),R(m1+r1m2),R(m1+r2m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R) and hence, α(AG(R))5. This contradicts the hypothesis that α(AG(R))4. Therefore, |R/m|4.

Case (ii). 2m but u-1m

Note that u=1+m for some mm and so m12=(1+m)m22. From m3=(0), we obtain that m12=m22. In this case, we show that |R/m|=3. From 2m, it follows that |R/m|3. If |R/m|>3, then there exists rR\m such that r-1,r+1R\m. Hence, r2-1R\m. Observe that {Rm1,R(m1+m2),R(m1+rm2),R(m1-rm2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). This implies that α(AG(R))5 and this is a contradiction. Therefore, |R/m|3 and so |R/m|=3.

Case(iii). 2m and u-1m

In this case, we show that |R/m|5. Suppose that |R/m|>5. Note that 1+m,-1+m,u+m,-u+mR/m. Now there exists rR\m such that r+m{1+m,-1+m,u+m,-u+m}. Note that {Rm1,R(m1+um2),R(m1-um2),R(m1+rm2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). This is impossible since by hypothesis, α(AG(R))4. Therefore, |R/m|5.

Proposition 4.16

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal but m=Rm1+Rm2. Suppose that m120,m1m2=0, and m12=m22. Then the following statements are equivalent:





Moreover, if either (i) or (ii) holds, then |R|=256 and χ((AG(R))c)=4.


It is clear that m2=Rm12 and m3=(0).

(i)(ii) We know from the proof of Lemma 4.15 (see case(i) and case(ii) considered in the proof) that |R/m|4. Since α(AG(R))=4, it follows from Lemmas 3.11 and 3.13 that |R/m|=4.

Note that dimR/m(m2)=1 and dimR/m(m/m2)=2. Hence, |m2|=4,|m/m2|=16. Therefore, |m|=64 and so |R|=|m||R/m|=256.

(ii)(i) Let rR\m be such that R/m={0+m,1+m,r+m,(r+1)+m} with r2+r+1m. Let A={0,1,r,r+1}. Observe that m={am1+bm2+cm12|a,b,c vary over A}. It is not hard to verify that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),R(m1+rm2),R(m1+(r+1)m2),Rm12,m}. Note that {Rm1,R(m1+m2),R(m1+rm2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). Hence, α(AG(R))4. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)4. As m3=(0), it is clear that Rm12 is an isolated vertex of (AG(R))c. From m1m2=0 and m12+m22=0, it follows that in (AG(R))c, Rm1 and Rm2 are not adjacent, R(m1+rm2) and R(m1+(r+1)m2) are not adjacent. Let {c1,c2,c3,c4} be a set of four distinct colors. Let us assign the color c1 to Rm1 and Rm2, color c2 to R(m1+m2), color c3 to R(m1+rm2) and R(m1+(r+1)m2), and the color c4 to m and Rm12. Then it is clear that the above assignment of colors is indeed a proper vertex coloring of (AG(R))c. This proves that 4α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)4. Therefore, α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4 .

The moreover assertion that |R|=256 is already verified in the proof of (i)(ii) and the assertion that χ((AG(R))c)=4 is verified in the proof of (ii)(i).

We illustrate Proposition 4.16 with the help of an example in Example 4.17.

Example 4.17

Let T=F4[x,y]. Let R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(x2-y2,xy). Observe that the unique maximal ideal m=(x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.16 with m1=x+I, m2=y+I and moreover, |R/m|=4. Therefore, we obtain from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.16 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Proposition 4.18

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal but m=Rm1+Rm2 for some m1,m2m. Suppose that m120,m1m2=0, and m12=um22 for some unit uR with u-1m. Then the following statements are equivalent:




|R/m|{3,4,5}. If |R/m|=5, then u+1m.

Moreover, if either (i) or (ii) holds, then |R|{81,256,625} and χ((AG(R))c)=4


Note that m2=Rm12 and m3=(0). We are assuming that m12=um22 for some unit u in R such that u-1m. Hence, it follows that |R/m|3.

(i)(ii) It follows from Lemma 4.15 that |R/m|5. Therefore, |R/m|{3,4,5}.

Assume that |R/m|=5. We prove that u+1m. Suppose that u+1m. From m12=um22, it follows that m12=4m22=(2m2)2. Let a=m1,b=2m2. Note that m=Ra+Rb with a20,ab=0, and a2=b2. In such a case, it follows from (i)(ii) of Proposition 4.16 that |R/m|=4. This is a contradiction. Hence, u+1m.

Note that dimR/m(m2)=1 and dimR/m(m/m2)=2. Hence, |R|=81 if |R/m|=3, |R|=256 if |R/m|=4, and |R|=625 if |R/m|=5.

(ii)(i) We first assume that |R/m|=3. Note that R/m={0+m,1+m,2+m}. Let A={0,1,2}. Observe that u=2+m for some mm and so m12=2m22. It is clear that m={am1+bm2+cm12|a,b,c vary over A}. It is easy to verify that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),R(m1+2m2),Rm12,m}. Observe that {Rm1,R(m1+m2),R(m1+2m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). Hence, α(AG(R))4. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c))4. Since m3=(0), Rm12 is an isolated vertex of (AG(R))c. From m1m2=0, it follows that Rm1 and Rm2 are not adjacent in (AG(R))c. Let {c1,c2,c3,c4} be a set of four distinct colors. Let us assign the color c1 to Rm1 and Rm2, color c2 to R(m1+m2), color c3 to R(m1+2m2), and the color c4 to m and Rm12. It is clear that the above assignment of colors is indeed a proper vertex coloring of (AG(R))c. This proves that 4α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)4. Therefore, α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Suppose that |R/m|=4. In this case there exists rR\m such that r2+r+1m and R/m={0+m,1+m,r+m,(r+1)+m}. Note that either u=r+m for some mm or u=(r+1)+m for some mm. Hence, either m12=rm22 or m12=(r+1)m22. Observe that r-(r+1)2m and (r+1)-r2m. Therefore, either m12=((r+1)m2)2 or m12=(rm2)2. In the case m12=((r+1)m2)2, we obtain with a=m1 and b=(r+1)m2 that m=Ra+Rb, a20,ab=0, and a2=b2. Therefore, we obtain from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.16 that α(AG((R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4. If m12=(rm2)2, then the elements a=m1,c=rm2 are such that m=Ra+Rc, a20,ac=0, and a2=c2. Hence, again it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.16 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

We next assume that |R/m|=5. Then R/m={0+m,1+m,2+m,3+m,4+m}. By hypothesis, m12=um22 for some unit u in R such that u-1,u+1m. Hence, R/m={0+m,1+m,-1+m,u+m,-u+m}. Let A={0,1,-1,u,-u}. Note that m={am1+bm2+cm12|a,b,c vary oner A}. It is easy to show that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),R(m1-m2),R(m1+um2),R(m1-um2),Rm12,m}. As u2-um, it follows that {Rm1,R(m1+um2),R(m1-um2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). Hence, α(AG(R))4. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)4. Since m1m2=0, it follows that Rm1 and Rm2 are not adjacent in (AG(R))c. As m3=(0), we obtain that Rm12 is an isolated vertex of (AG(R))c. It follows from m12=um22 that in (AG(R))c, R(m1+m2) and R(m1-um2) are not adjacent and R(m1-m2) and R(m1+um2) are not adjacent. Let {c1,c2,c3,c4} be a set of four distinct colors. Let us assign the color c1 to Rm1 and Rm2, color c2 to R(m1+um2) and R(m1-m2), color c3 to R(m1-um2) and R(m1+m2), and the color c4 to m and Rm12. Note that the above assignment of colors is indeed a proper vertex coloring of (AG(R))c. This shows that 4α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)4. Therefore, α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

The moreover assertion |R|{81,256,625} is already verified in the proof of (i)(ii) and the assertion that χ((AG(R))c)=4 is verified in the proof of (ii)(i).

In Example 4.19, we illustrate Proposition 4.18 with the help of some examples.

Example 4.19



Let T=Z27[x] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(3x,x2-18). Let R=T/I. Note that the unique maximal ideal m=(3,x)/I=(3+I,x+I) of R satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.18 with m1=x+I and m2=3+I. As |R/m|=3, it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.18 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.


Let T=Z5[x,y] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2-2y2,xy). Let R=T/I. Observe that the unique maximal ideal m=(x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.18 with m1=x+I and m2=y+I. Since m12=2m22 and |R/m|=5, it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.18 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Lemma 4.20

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal but m=Rm1+Rm2 for some m1,m2m. Suppose that m120,m22=0,m1m20, and m12+m1m20. If α(AG(R))4, then the following hold:


m12m2=0. Moreover, if |R/m|3, then m3=(0).




(i) Since {m1+m2,m2+m2} is a basis of m/m2 as a vector space over R/m, it follows that the ideals Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m are distinct. Moreover, we obtain from the hypotheses on the elements m1,m2 that W={Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). We assert that m12m2=0. Suppose that m12m20. Then Rm12Rm2. For if m12Rm2, then m12mm2. Hence, m12=(am1+bm2)m2 for some a,bR. This implies that m12=am1m2 and so m12m2=am1m22=0. Therefore, Rm12Rm2. In such a case, it is clear that Rm12+Rm2W, and moreover, W{Rm12+Rm2} is an independent set of AG(R). This is in contradiction to the hypothesis that α(AG(R))4. Therefore, m12m2=0.

Suppose that |R/m|3. Then there exists rR such that rm and r-1m. Since W={Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R) and as R(m1+rm2)W, it follows that either m12+rm1m2=0 or m12+(r+1)m1m2=0. Hence, m12Rm1m2 and from m12m2=0, we obtain that m13=(0). Therefore, m3=(0).

(ii) We consider two cases.

Case( I ). 2m

If |R/m|>4, then there exist r,sR\m such that {r-1,s-1,r-s,r-1-s}R\m. Note that R(m1+rm2)W and as α(AG(R))4, it follows that either m12+rm1m2=0 or m12+(r+1)m1m2=0. Similarly, it follows that either m12+sm1m2=0 or m12+(s+1)m1m2=0. Suppose that m12+rm1m2=0. Since m1m20 and as r-s,r-(s+1)R\m, it follows that m12+sm1m2 cannot be 0 and m12+(s+1)m1m2 cannot be 0. Similarly, if m12+(r+1)m1m2=0, then m12+sm1m2 cannot be 0 and m12+(s+1)m1m2 cannot be 0. This is a contradiction. Therefore, |R/m|4.

Case( II ). 2m

Note that R(m1-m2)W and as α(AG(R))4, it follows that W{R(m1-m2)} cannot be an independent set of AG(R). As (m1-m2)m2=m1m20,(m1-m2)(m1+m2)=m120, it follows that (m1-m2)m1=0. Thus m12=m1m2. We assert that |R/m|=3. Suppose that |R/m|>3. Then there exist r,sR\m such that {r-1,r+1,s-1,s+1,r-s}R\m. Then either r+2m or s+2m. Without loss of generality, we can assume that r+2m. Hence, (r+1)m1m20 and (r+2)m1m20. Observe that W{R(m1+rm2)} is an independent set of AG(R). This is impossible. Therefore, |R/m|=3.

Proposition 4.21

Let (R,m) be a loccal Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses mentioned in Lemma 4.20. If |R/m|=2 and m3=(0), then the following statements are equivalent:





Moreover, if (i) or (ii) holds, then χ((AG(R))c)=4.


(i)(ii) Note that from the given hypotheses on the elements m1,m2 of m, we obtain that m2=Rm12+Rm1m2. Since m3=(0), m2 is a vector space over R/m. We claim that {m12,m1m2} is linearly independent over R/m. Let a,bR be such that am12+bm1m2=0. We first assert that at least one of a,bm. Suppose that am and bm. Since |R/m|=2, it follows that a=1+m,b=1+m for some m.mm. Now from am12+bm1m2=0 and m3=(0), it follows that m12+m1m2=0. This is a contradiction. Thus either am or bm. If am, then from bm1m2=0, it follows that bm. If bm, then from am12=0, we obtain that am. This shows that {m12,m1m2} is linearly independent over R/m. Therefore, dimR/m(m2)=2. Note that |m2|=4,|m/m2|=4, and so |m|=16. Hence, we obtain that |R|=32.

(ii)(i) It is clear that |m|=16 and |m2|=4. Let A={0,1}. Observe that m={am1+bm2+cm12+dm1m2|a,b,c,d vary over A}. It is not hard to verify that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),R(m12+m1m2),R(m2+m12),Rm12,Rm1m2,Rm12+Rm2,m2,m}. Since {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R), it follows that α(AG(R))4. We next verify that the vertices of (AG(R))c can be properly colored using a set of four distinct colors. As m3=(0), it follows that A1={m2,R(m12+m1m2),Rm1m2,Rm12} is the set of all isolated vertices of (AG(R))c. It follows from m22=0 and m3=(0) that no two members from B={Rm2,R(m2+m12),Rm12+Rm2} are adjacent in (AG(R))c. Let {c1,c2,c3,c4} be a set of four distinct colors. Let us assign the color c1 to Rm1, color c2 to all the members from B, color c3 to R(m1+m2), and the color c4 to all the members from {m}A1. Observe that the above assignment of colors is indeed a proper vertex coloring of (AG(R))c. This proves that 4α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)4. Therefore, α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

The moreover assertion that χ((AG(R))c)=4 is verified in the proof of (ii)(i).

With the help of results from Belshoff and Chapman (Citation2007), Corbas and Williams (Citation2000a,Citation2000b), we now mention some examples to illustrate Proposition 4.21.

Example 4.22

(i) Let T=Z2[x,y] and R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(x3,x2y,y2). Note that (R,m) is a local Artinian ring with m=(x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I). Observe that m satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.20 with m1=x+I and m2=y+I. Moreover, m3=(0) and |R/m|=2. As |R|=32, it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.21 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

(ii) Let T=Z4[x] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(2x2,x3). Let R=T/I. Note that (R,m) is a local Artinian ring with m=(2,x)/I=(x+I,2+I) and moreover, m satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.21 with m1=x+I and m2=2+I. Furthermore, |R/m|=2 and m3=(0). As |R|=32, we obtain from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.21 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses of Lemma 4.20. Suppose in addition that |R/m|=2 and m3(0). In Propositions 4.24 and 4.26, we provide the classification of such rings R in order that α(AG(R))=4. We use Lemma 4.23 in the proof of Propositions 4.24 and 4.26.

Lemma 4.23

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses mentioned in Lemma 4.20. Suppose that |R/m|=2, m30, and α(AG(R))4. Then m4=(0). Moreover, if m13m1m2, then dimR,m(m2/m3)=2.


Note that W={Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). We know from Lemma 4.20(i) that m12m2=0. As m22=0, from m3(0), it follows that m130 and to prove m4=(0), it is enough to show that m14=0. Suppose that m140. Observe that {Rm1,Rm12,R(m1+m2),Rm12+Rm2,m} is an independent set of AG(R). This is impossible since by hypothesis, α(AG(R))4. Therefore, m4=(0).

(ii) We now prove the moreover assertion of the lemma. Note that m2=Rm12+Rm1m2. We assert that {m12+m3,m1m2+m3} is linearly independent over R/m. Let a,bR be such that am12+bm1m2m3. We assert that both a and b belong to m. First we verify that either am or bm. If am and bm, then a=1+m,b=1+m for some m,mm. Therefore, (1+m)m12+(1+m)m1m2m3. This implies that m12+m1m2m3. Hence, m13+m12m2m4=(0) and from m12m2=0, it follows that m13=0. This is impossible since m130. Thus either am or bm. If bm, then we get that am12m3=Rm13. As m12Rm13, it follows that am. If am, then we obtain that bm1m2m3=Rm13. If bm, then m1m2=cm13 for some cR\m. As c1+m, it follows that m1m2=m13. This contradicts the hypothesis that m13m1m2. Hence, bm. This proves that {m12+m3,m1m2+m3} is linearly independent over R/m. Therefore, dimR/m(m2/m3)=2.

Proposition 4.24

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses mentioned in Lemma 4.20. Suppose that |R/m|=2,m3(0), and m13=m1m2. Then the following statements are equivalent:




m4=(0) and |R|=32.

Moreover, if (i) or (ii) holds, then χ((AG(R))c)=4.


(i)(ii) We know from Lemma 4.20(i) that m12m2=0. We know from Lemma 4.23 that m4=(0). Note that m2=Rm12+Rm1m2=Rm12+Rm13=Rm12. Observe that m3=Rm13. Thus dimR/m(m3)=dimR/m(m2/m3)=1, and dimR/m(m/m2)=2. Hence, |m3|=|m2/m3|=2, and |m/m2|=4. Thus |m|=16 and so |R|=32.

(ii)(i) From m13=m1m2, m4=(0), and m22=0, it is clear that m2=Rm12,m3=Rm13. Observe that m={am1+bm2+cm12+dm13|a,b,c,d vary over {0,1}}. It is not hard to verify that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),R(m12+m2),R(m12+m2+m1m2),Rm12,Rm13,Rm12+Rm2,R(m12+m2)+Rm13,m}. As {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R), it follows that α(AG(R))4. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)4.. Since m4=(0),Rm13 is an isolated vertex of (AG(R))c. As m12m2=0 and m22=0, no two members from A={Rm2,Rm12,R(m12+m2),R(m12+m2+m1m2),Rm12+Rm2,R(m12+m2)+Rm13} are adjacent in (AG(R))c. Let {c1,c2,c3,c4} be a set of four distinct colors. Let us assign the color c1 to Rm1, color c2 to all the vertices from A, color c3 to R(m1+m2), and the color c4 to m and Rm13. It is now evident that the above assignment of colors is indeed a proper vertex coloring of (AG(R))c. Hence, it follows that 4α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)4. Therefore, α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

The moreover assertion that χ((AG(R))c)=4 is verified in the proof of (ii)(i).

Wet mention an example in Example 4.25 from Belshoff and Chapman (Citation2007) to illustrate Proposition 4.24.

Example 4.25

Let T=Z4[x] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(2x2,x3-2x). Let R=T/I. Let m=(2,x)/I=(x+I,2+I). Note that (R,m) is a local Artinian ring and m satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.20 with m1=x+I and m2=2+I. Moreover, m13=m1m2 and |R/m|=2. As m4=(0) and |R|=32, it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.24 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Proposition 4.26

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses of Lemma 4.20. Suppose that |R/m|=2,m130, and m13m1m2. Then the following statements are equivalent:




m12m2=0,m4=(0), and |R|=64.

Moreover, if (i) or (ii) holds, then χ((AG(R))c)=4.


(i)(ii) We know from Lemma 4.20(i) that m12m2=0. Moreover, we know from Lemma 4.23 that m4=(0) and dimR/m(m2/m3)=2. Observe that m3=Rm13. Thus |m3|=2,|m2/m3|=4 and |m/m2|=4. Hence, |m|=32 and so |R|=64.

(ii)(i) Note that m3=Rm13 and so |m3|=2. From |R|=64,|R/m|=2, and |m/m2|=4, it follows that |m|=32 and |m2|=8. As m2=Rm12+Rm1m2, we obtain that {m12+m3,m1m2+m3} is linearly independent over R/m. Let A={0,1}. Now it is clear that m={am1+bm2+cm12+dm1m2+em13|a,b,c,d,e vary over A}. We now determine the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R. Let I be any nonzero proper ideal of R. Note that either Im2 or Im2. We first consider the case in which Im2. Since m2={0,m12,m13,m12+m13,m1m2,m12+m1m2,m13+m1m2,m12+m13+m1m2}, it follows that I{m2=Rm12+Rm1m2,Rm12,Rm1m2,R(m12+m1m2),Rm13,R(m13+m1m2),Rm13+Rm1m2}. We next consider the case in which Im2. Let rI be such that rm2. Note that r=am1+bm2+cm12+dm1m2+em13 for some a,b,c,d,eA with at least one between a and b equals 1. If a=1, then it is easy to see that m2I. Hence, either dimR/m(I/m2)=1 or 2. If dimR/m(I/m2)=2, then I=m. If dimR/m(I/m2)=1, then I=Rr. In such a case, it is clear that I{Rm1,R(m1+m2)}. Suppose that a=0 and b=1. Note that r=m2+cm12+dm1m2+em13. Let us denote the ideal Rr by C. Observe that R / C is a local Artinian principal ideal ring with m/C as its unique maximal ideal. As (m/C)4=(0+C), it follows from (iii)(i) of (Atiyah & Macdonald, Citation1969, Proposition 8.8) that {m/C)i|i{1,2,3,4}} is the set of all proper ideals of R / C. Therefore, I{C,C+m2,C+m3}. It is easy to verify that I{Rm2,R(m2+m12),R(m2+m13),R(m2+m12+m1m2),Rm2+Rm12,Rm2+Rm13,R(m2+m12)+Rm13}. It follows from the above arguments that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m=Rm1+Rm2,R(m2+m12),R(m2+m13),R(m2+m12+m1m2),Rm2+Rm12,Rm2+Rm13,R(m2+m12)+Rm13,Rm12,Rm1m2,R(m12+m1m2),Rm12+Rm1m2=m2,R(m13+m1m2),Rm13+Rm1m2,Rm13=m3}. Since {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R), it follows that α(AG(R)))4. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)4. Since m4=(0), m22=0, and m(m1m2)=0, it is clear that the subgraph of AG(R) induced on A1=A(R)\{Rm1,R(m1+m2),m} is a clique. That is, no two members from A1 are adjacent in (AG(R))c. Let {c1,c2,c3,c4} be a set of four distinct colors. Let us assign the color c1 to Rm1, color c2 to all the vertices from A1, color c3 to R(m1+m2), and the color c4 to m. Note that the above assignment of colors is indeed a proper vertex coloring of (AG(R))c. This proves that 4α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)4. Therefore, α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Example 4.27 illustrates Proposition 4.26.

Example 4.27

Let T=Z2[x,y] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x4,y2,x2y). Let R=T/I. Note that (R,m) is a local Artinian ring with m=(x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.20 with m1=x+I and m2=y+I. Moreover, |R/m|=2 and m13m1m2. As m12m2=0,m4=(0), and |R|=64, it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.26 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Proposition 4.28

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses of Lemma 4.20. Suppose that |R/m|=3. Then the following statements are equivalent:




m3=(0) and |R|=81.

Moreover, if (i) or (ii) holds, then χ((AG(R))c)=4.


(i)(ii) We know from the moreover part of Lemma 4.20(i) that m3=(0). Also with r=-1, it follows from the proof of the moreover part of Lemma 4.20(i) that m12=m1m2. Thus m2=Rm12 is an one-dimensional vector space over R/m. Hence, |m2|=3. Note that |m/m2|=9 and so |m|=27. Therefore, |R|=81.

(ii)(i) From |m/m2|=9, |m|=27, it is clear that |m2|=3. Hence, Rm12=Rm1m2. Since m3=(0) and m12+m1m20, we obtain that m12=m1m2. With A={0,1,2}, we have m={am1+bm2+cm12|a,b,c vary over A}. It is easy to verify that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),R(m1+2m2),Rm12,m}. Since {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R), it follows that α(AG(R))4. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)4. As m3=(0), Rm12 is an isolated vertex of (AG(R))c. Observe that Rm1 and R(m1+2m2) are not adjacent in (AG(R))c. Let {c!,c2,c3,c4} be a set of four distinct colors. Let us assign the color c1 to Rm1 and R(m1+2m2), color c2 to Rm2, color c3 to R(m!+m2), and the color c4 to m and Rm12. It is clear that the above assignment of colors is indeed a proper vertex coloring of (AG(R))c. This shows that 4α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)4. Therefore, α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

The moreover assertion that χ((AG(R))c)=4 is verified in the proof of (ii)(i).

We illustrate Proposition 4.28 with the help of Example 4.29.

Example 4.29

Let T=Z9[x] and I be the ideal of T given by I=(x2-3x). Let R=T/I. Note that with m=(3,x)/I=(3+I,x+I), (R,m) is a local Artinian ring and it satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.20 with m1=x+I and m2=3+I. Moreover, m3=(0),|R/m|=3, and |R|=81. Therefore, it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.28 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Proposition 4.30

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses of Lemma 4.20. Suppose that |R/m|=4. Then the following statements are equivalent:




m3=(0) and |R|=256.

Moreover, if (i) or (ii) holds, then χ((AG(R))c)=4.


(i)(ii) We know from the moreover part of Lemma 4.20(i) that m3=(0). From |R/m|=4, it follows that R/m={0+m,1+m,r+m,(r+1)+m}, for some rR\m such that r-1m and r2+r+1m. It follows from the proof of the moreover part of Lemma 4.20(i) that either m12+rm1m2=0 or m12+(r+1)m1m2=0. Hence, dimR/m(m2)=1 and so |m2|=4. From |m/m2|=16, we obtain that |m|=64. Therefore, |R|=256.

(ii)(i) As in the proof of (i)(ii), we can assume that R/m={0+m,1+m,r+m,(r+1)+m}. Now it is clear that |m|=64 and |m2|=4. Therefore, Rm12=Rm1m2. From m12+m1m20, it follows that either m12+rm1m2=0 or m12+(r+1)m1m2=0. Without loss of generality, we can assume that m12+rm1m2=0. Let A={0,1,r,r+1}. Note that m={am1+bm2+cm12|a,b,c vary over A}. It is easy to verify that the set of all nonzero proper ideals of R equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),R(m1+rm2),R(m1+(r+1)m2),Rm12,m}. Since {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R), we obtain that α(AG(R)))4. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)4. As m3=(0), it is clear that Rm12 is an isolated vertex of (AG(R))c. It follows from m12+rm1m2=0 that in (AG(R))c, Rm1 and R(m1+rm2) are not adjacent and R(m1+m2) and R(m1+(r+1)m2) are not adjacent. Let {c1,c2,c3,c4} be a set of four distinct colors. Let us assign the color c1 to Rm1 and R(m1+rm2), color c2 to Rm2, color c3 to R(m1+m2) and R(m1+(r+1)m2), and the color c4 to m and Rm12. It is clear that the above assignment of colors is indeed a proper vertex coloring of (AG(R))c. This proves that 4α(AG(R)))χ((AG(R))c)4. Therefore, α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4..

The moreover assertion that χ((AG(R))c)=4 is verified in the proof of (ii)(i).

In Example 4.31, we provide an example to illustrate Proposition 4.30.

Example 4.31

Let T=F4[x,y] and let I be the ideal of T given by I=(x3,y2,x2+αxy), where F4={0,1,α,α2=α+1}. Let R=T/I. Note that m=(x,y)/I=(x+I,y+I) is such that (R.m) is a local Artinian ring and it satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.20 with m1=x+I, and m2=y+I. Moreover, |R/m|=4,m3=(0), and |R|=256. Therefore, we obtain from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.30 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Lemma 4.32

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring such that m is not principal, but m=Rm1+Rm2, m120,m220,m1m20,m12+m1m20, and m22+m1m20. If α(AG(R))=4, then m5=(0). Moreover, m3 and m4 are principal.


First we show that m5=(0). By contrary, suppose that m5(0). Then either m4m10 or m4m20. Without loss of generality, we can assume that m4m10. Note that U={Rm1,m,m2,m3} is an independent set of AG(R). It is clear that Rm2,R(m1+m2)U. From α(AG(R))=4, m1m20, and m12+m1m20, it follows that m3m2=m3(m1+m2)=(0). This implies that m3m1=(0) and so m3(Rm1+Rm2)=m4=(0). This is a contradiction. Therefore, m5=(0).

We next verify that m3 is principal. It follows from the hypotheses on m1,m2 that W={Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). We claim that m12Rm2. If m12Rm2, then Rm12+Rm2W and moreover, W{Rm12+Rm2} is an independent set of AG(R). This is in contradiction to the assumption that α(AG(R))=4. Hence, m12Rm2 and so m12=am2 for some am. From m=Rm1+Rm2, it follows that m12Rm1m2+Rm22. Therefore, m2=Rm1m2+Rm22. Similarly, we obtain that m22Rm1 and so m2=Rm1m2+Rm12. Note that m3=m2m1+m2m2. We first verify that m2m1 is principal. It is clear that m2m1=Rm13+Rm12m2. If either m13=0 or m12m2=0, then it follows that m2m1 is principal. Suppose that m130 and m12m20. Then {Rm1,Rm12,Rm2,m} is an independent set of AG(R). It follows from α(AG(R))=4 that m12(m1+m2)=0. Hence, m13+m12m2=0. This proves that m2m1 is principal. Similarly, it can be shown that m2m2 is principal. From m3=m2m1+m2m2, it follows that m3 is principal if either m2m1=(0) or m2m2=(0). If m2m1(0) and m2m2(0), then {Rm1,Rm2,m,m2} is an independent set of AG(R). It follows from α(AG(R))=4 that (m1+m2)m2=(0). Hence , we obtain that m2m1=m2m2 and therefore, m3=m2m1 is principal.

We next show that m4 is principal.. Now m3=Ry for some ym3. Hence, m4=Rym1+Rym2. If either ym1=0 or ym2=0, then it is clear that m4 is principal. Suppose that ym10 and ym20. In such a case, {Rm1,Rm2,Ry,m} is an independent set of AG(R). Since α(AG(R))=4, we obtain that y(m1+m2)=0. Hence, m4=Rym1+Rym2 is principal.

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses of Lemma 4.32 and if in addition, suppose that m2 is not principal. In Lemma 4.33, we provide some necessary conditions in order that α(AG(R))=4.

Lemma 4.33

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses of Lemma 4.32. In addition, suppose that m2 is not principal. If α(AG(R))=4, then the following hold:






It is clear from the hypotheses that W={Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R). It is noted in the proof of Lemma 4.32 (see the second paragraph of its proof) that m12Rm2,m22Rm1 and m2=Rm1m2+Rm22=Rm1m2+Rm12.

(i) Let rR\m be such that r-1m. Then R(m1+rm2)W. Since α(AG(R))=4, it follows that R(m1+rm2) must be adjacent to at least one member of W in AG(R). As m2 is not principal by assumption, it follows that R(m1+m2)R(m1+rm2)=(0). This implies that m12+(r+1)m1m2+rm22=0. If sR\m is such that s-1m, then a similar argument yields that m12+(s+1)m1m2+sm22=0. Hence, we arrive at (r-s)m1m2+(r-s)m22=0. Since m2=Rm1m2+Rm22 is not principal, it follows that r-sm. This proves that |R/m|3.

(ii) We first show that m14=0. Suppose that m140. As m12Rm2, it follows that m12m20. Note that U={Rm1,Rm12,Rm2,m} is an independent set of AG(R). As R(m1+m2)U and since α(AG(R))=4, it follows from the hypotheses on m1,m2 that m12(m1+m2)=0. From the assumption that m140, it follows that m!3m20 and moreover, m14=-m13m2=m12m22. This implies that U{Rm1m2} is an independent set of AG(R). This is in contradiction to the assumption that α(AG(R))=4. Therefore, m14=0. Similarly, it follows that m24=0. We next verify that m13m2=0. Suppose that m13m20. Then U is an independent set of AG(R). From α(AG(R))=4, it follows that (m1+m2)m12=0. This implies as before that 0=m14=-m13m2=m12m22. Thus m13m2=0. Similarly, it can be shown that m1m23=0. If m12m220, then we obtain that {Rm1,Rm2,Rm1m2,m} is an independent set of AG(R). It follows from α(AG(R))=4 that (m1+m2)m1m2=0. This implies that m12m22=0 since m13m2=0. This proves that m4=(0).

With the hypotheses on (R,m) as in Lemma 4.33, in Proposition 4.34, we provide a classification of rings R such that α(AG(R))=4 under the additional assumptions that m2 is not principal and m3=(0).

Proposition 4.34

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses of Lemma 4.33. In addition, suppose that m2 is not principal and m3=(0). Then the following statements are equivalent:




m2=Rm12+Rm1m2=Rm22+Rm1m2, and |R/m|3. Moreover, in the case when |R/m|=2, either m12=m22 or m12,m22, and m1m2R(m1+m2). If |R/m|=3, then m12=m22 and m12,m1m2R(m1+m2)R(m1-m2).

Moreover, if (i) or (ii) holds, then |R|=32 when |R/m|=2 and |R|=243 when |R/m|=3. Furthermore, χ((AG(R))c)=4.


(i)(ii) It is already noted in the first paragraph of the proof of Lemma 4.33 that W={Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R) and moreover, it is shown there that m2=Rm12+Rm1m2=Rm22+Rm1m2. And it follows from Lemma 4.33(i) that |R/m|3.

Suppose that |R/m|=2 and m12m22. In such a case, as m3=(0), it follows that (m1+m2)2=m12+m220. Thus if m12R(m1+m2), then we obtain that W{R(m1+m2)+Rm12} is an independent set of AG(R). This is in contradiction to the assumption that α(AG(R))=4. Hence, m12R(m1+m2). Similarly, it follows that m22,m1m2R(m1+m2).

Suppose that |R/m|=3. As m2=Rm12+Rm1m2=Rm22+Rm1m2 is not principal, it follows that m12-m1m20 and m22-m1m20. If m12m22, then W{R(m1-m2)} is an independent set of AG(R). This contradicts the assumption that α(AG(R))=4. Therefore, m12=m22. Note that (m1+m2)2=2(m12+m1m2)0. Thus if m12R(m1+m2), then W{R(m1+m2)+Rm12} is an independent set of AG(R). This is a contradiction. Therefore, we obtain that m12R(m1+m2). It follows from a similar argument that m1m2R(m1+m2). Using the fact that {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1-m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R), it follows as argued above that m12,m1m2R(m1-m2).

(ii)(i) Suppose that |R/m|=2. Since m3=(0), m2 is a vector space over R/m. From m2=Rm!2+Rm1m2 and m2 is not principal, it follows that |m2|=4. Note that |m/m2|=4. Hence, |m|=16 and so |R|=32. Let A={0,1}. Observe that m={am1+bm2+cm12+dm1m2|a,b,c,d vary over A}. If m12=m22, then with a=m1,b=m1+m2, we get that m=Ra+Rb and moreover, a20,ab=m12+m1m20, whereas b2=0 and a2+ab=m1m20. Hence, we obtain from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.21 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4. So we can assume that m12m22. Then m12R(m1+m2), m22R(m1+m2), and m1m2R(m1+m2). As the subgraph H of (AG(R))c induced on {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is a clique, it follows that α(AG(R))4. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)4. Note that as m3=(0), any nonzero ideal I of R with Im2 is an isolated vertex of (AG(R))c. Let A1 be the set of all isolated veertices of (AG(R))c. It can be easily verified that the set of all nonzero proper ideals B of R with Bm2 equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m}. Hence, (AG(R))c is the union of H and A1. It is now clear that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4.

Suppose that |R/m|=3. As m2 is a two-dimensional vector space over R/m, it follows that |m2|=9. Observe that |m/m2|=9 and so |m|=81. Therefore, |R|=243. Let A={0,1,2}. Note that m={am1+bm2+cm12+dm1m2|a,b,c,d vary over A}. Since {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),m} is an independent set of AG(R), it follows that α(AG(R))4. We next verify that χ((AG(R))c)4. As m3=(0), each nonzero ideal I of R with Im2 is an isolated vertex of (AG(R))c. Let A1 be the set of all isolated vertices of (AG(R))c. It is easy to verify that the set of all proper nonzero ideals of R which are not contained in m2 equals {Rm1,Rm2,R(m1+m2),R(m1-m2),m}. From m1z2=m22, it is clear that R(m1+m2) and R(m1-m2) are not adjacent in (AG(R))c. Let {c1,c2,c3,c4} be a set of four distinct colors. Let us assign the color c1 to Rm1, color c2 to Rm2, color c3 to R(m1+m2) and R(m1-m2), and the color c4 to m and all the vertices from A1. The above assignment of colors is indeed a proper vertex coloring of (AG(R))c. This proves that 4α(AG(R))χ((AG(R))c)4. Therefore, α(AG(R))=χ(AG(R))c)=4.

The moreover assertion regarding |R| is verified in the proof of (i)(ii) and the assertion that χ((AG(R))c)=4 is verified in the proof of (ii)(i).

We illustrate Proposition 4.34 with the help of some examples in Example 4.35.

Example 4.35

(i) Let T=Z8[x] and R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(4x,x2). Note that R is a local Artinian ring with m=R(2+I)+R(x+I) as its unique maximal ideal. Observe that with m1=2+I,m2=x+2+I, it is clear that m=Rm1+Rm2. Moreover, m12=m22=4+I0+I, m1m2=2x+4+I0+I, m12+m1m2=m22+m1m2=2x+I0+I., m2=Rm12+Rm1m2 is not principal, m3=(0+I), and |R/m|=2. Now it follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.34 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4. This example is found in Belshoff and Chapman (Citation2007, p. 479).

(ii) Let T=Z8[x] and R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(4x,x2-2x-4). Note that R is a local Artinian ring with m=R(2+I)+R(x+I) as its unique maximal ideal. Let m1=2+I and m2=x+I. It is clear that m=Rm1+Rm2,m12=4+I0+I,m22=x2+I0+I, m1m2=2x+I0+I, m12+m1m2=x2+I0+I, m22+m1m2=4+I0+I. Moreover, note that m2=Rm12+Rm1m2=Rm22+Rm1m2 is not principal, m3=(0+I), m12m22, but m12,m22,m1m2R(m1+m2), and |R/m|=2. It follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Theorem 4.34 that α(AG(R))=χ((AG(R))c)=4. This example is found in Belshoff and Chapman(Citation2007, p. 479).

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses of Lemma 4.32.. Suppose that m4=(0) but m3(0) and m2 is principal. In Propositon 4.37, we classify such rings R in order that α(AG(R))=4. Lemma 4.36 determines |R/m| in order that α(AG(R))4.

Lemma 4.36

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses of Lemma 4.32. Suppose that m2 is principal and m3(0). If α(AG(R))4, then |R/m|=2.


Assume that α(AG(R))4. We know from Lemma 4.32 that m5=(0). Moreover, it is shown in the proof of Lemma 4.32 (see the second paragraph of iits proof) that Rm12Rm2 and Rm22Rm1 and using them, it is verified there that m2=Rm12+Rm1m2=Rm22+Rm1m2. Observe that m2=Rm12+Rm1m2=(Rm1+Rm2)m1=mm1. Similarly, it follows from m2=Rm22+Rm1m2 that m2=mm2. Hence, m3=m2m=m2m1=Rm13+Rm12m2=mm12 and m3=m2m=m2m2=Rm23+Rm1m22=mm22. It follows from Rm12Rm22+Rm1m2 that Rm13Rm1m22+Rm12m2 and therefore, we obtain that m3=Rm12m2+Rm1m22=mm1m2. From m3(0), it is clear that m2m3 and m3m4. It follows from m3=mm12=mm22=mm1m2 that m12,m1m2,m22m2\m3. By assumption, m2 is principal. Let mm2\{0} be such that m2=Rm. It now follows that there exist units u,vR such that m22=um12 and m1m2=vm12. Therefore, we obtain that there exist units u1,u2,u3R such that m23=u1m13,m12m2=u2m13, and m1m22=u3m13. Thus m13,m23,m12m2,m1m22m3\{0}.

We next verify that |R/m|=2. It follows from m12m2,m22m1R\{0} that U={Rm1,Rm2,Rm1m2,m} is an independent set of AG(R). Observe that for any rR\m, R(m1+rm2)U. Since α(AG(R))4, it follows that U{R(m1+rm2)} cannot form an independent set of AG(R). Therefore, R(m1+rm2)m1m2=(0). Let r,sR\m. It follows from m12m2+rm1m22=0=m12m2+sm1m22 that (r-s)m1m22=0. From m1m220, we obtain that r-sm. This proves that |R/m|=2.

Proposition 4.37

Let (R,m) be a local Artinian ring satisfying the hypotheses of Lemma 4.32. Suppose that m2 is principal, m4=(0) but m3(0). Then the following statements are equivalent:




|R/m|=2 and there exist a,bm such that m=Ra+Rb with a20,b2=0,ab0,a2+ab0,a2b=0, ab=a3, and |R|=32.

Moreover, if (i) or (ii) holds, then χ((AG(R))c)=4.


(i)(ii) We know from Lemma 4.36 that |R/m|=2. Moreover, we know from the proof of Lemma 4.36 that there exist units u,vR such that m1m2=um12 and m1m2=vm22. It follows from |R/m|=2 that if w is any unit in R, then w1+m. Hence, u=1+m for some mm and so m12+m1m2=(1+u)m12=(2+m)m12m3. Similarly, it follows that m22+m1m2m3. Moreover, it is noted in the proof of Lemma 4.36 that there exist units u1,u2,u3R such that m23=u1m13,m12m2=u2m13,m1m22=u3m13. Thus m3=Rm13. It follows from m4=(0) and |R/m|=2 that if y1,y2m3\{0}, then y1=y2. Therefore, m12+m1m2=m22+m1m2 and so m12=m22. Moreover, m13=m23=m12m2=m1m22. Let a=m1 and b=m1+m2. Observe that m=Ra+Rb. Note that a2=m120, b2=2(m12+m1m2)m4=(0), ab=m12+m1m20 , a2+ab=m12+m130, a2b=m13+m12m2m4=(0), and ab=m12+m1m2=m13=a3. We now verify that |R|=32. Observe that dimR/m(m3)=dimR/m(m2/m3)=1, and dimR/m(m/m2)=2. Therefore, |m3|=|m2/m3|=2 and |m/m2|=4. Thus |m|=16 and so |R|=32.

(ii)(i) If (ii) holds, then it is clear that (R,m) with m=Ra+Rb satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.24 and (ii) of Proposition 4.24. Therefore, it follows from (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.24 that α(AG(R))=4.

The moreover assertion that χ((AG(R))c)=4 follows from the proof of (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.24.

In Example 4.38, we mention an example to illustrate Proposition 4.37.

Example 4.38

Let T=Z4[x] and R=T/I, where I is the ideal of T given by I=(2x2,x3-2x). Observe that R is a local Artinian ring with m=R(x+I)+R(x+2+I) as its unique maximal ideal. Note that (R,m) satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4.32 with m1=x+I and m2=x+2+I. Moreover, it is clear that m2=Rm12 is principal, m3(0), and m4=(0). Furthermore, (R,m) satisfies (ii) of Proposition 4.37 with a=x+I and b=2+I. Therefore, we obtain from (ii)(i) of Proposition 4.37 that α(AG(R))=4, and it follows from the moreover part of Proposition 4.37 that χ((AG(R))c)=4. This example is found in Belshoff and Chapman (Citation2007) and is already mentioned in this article (see Example 4.25).


We are very much thankful to the referee for a careful reading of our article and for many valuable and useful suggestions. We are very much thankful to Professor Jonas Hartwig for the support.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

S. Visweswaran

S. Visweswaran is serving as a professor in the Department of Mathematics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, India. His research area is Commutative Ring Theory.

Jaydeep Parejiya

Jaydeep Parejiya is a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Government Polytechnic, Rajkot. He has registered for his PhD in the Department of Mathematics, Saurashtra University. His research interest is in Commutative Ring Theory.


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