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On equality of derival and inner automorphisms of some p-groups

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Article: 1193103 | Received 13 Feb 2016, Accepted 17 May 2016, Published online: 16 Jun 2016


For a group G, D(G) denotes the group of all derival automorphisms of G. For a finite nilpotent group of class 2, it is shown that D(G)Hom(G/γ2(G),γ2(G)). We prove that if G is a nilpotent group of class 3 such that Z(G)γ2(G) and D(G/Z(G))=Inn(G/Z(G)), then D(G)=Inn(G) if and only if Autcent(G)=Z(Inn(G)). Finally, for an odd prime p, we classify all p-groups of order pn,1n5, for which D(G)=Inn(G).

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Public Interest Statement

Groups are the most basic algebraic structure which is the building block of modern algebra. Groups handle many practical problems like symmetries of objects and various problems of combinatorics. Automorphism group is one of the most fascinating object associated with a group. In recent past, many researchers proposed different automorphism groups and their equality has been established with each other. This article is one in this sequence. The notion of derival automorphism group is introduced and its equality with the groups of inner automorphisms and class-preserving automorphisms is discussed. Results obtained are very fundamental in nature and will be quite helpful for researchers working in group theory.

1. Introduction

Let G be a group. Notations used are standard, however for the sake of completeness, by e we denote the identity element of G. For x,yG, xy denotes the conjugate element y-1xy and [x,y]=x-1y-1xy is the commutator of x and y. xG denotes the conjugacy class of x in G. The subgroup generated by the set of all commutators of G is called derived group of G and it is denoted by [GG] or G or γ2(G). [xG] denotes the set of all commutators [xg] for gG. Note that xg=x[x,g] for every gG and xG=x[x,G]. An endomorphism f:GG is called a class preserving if for each xG, f(x)xG. Note that if f is a class-preserving endomorphism of G, then x-1f(x)[x,G]. By Homc(G), we denote the set {fEnd(G)|f(x)[x,G]foreachxG} . An automorphism f:GG is called a class-preserving automorphism if for each xG, f(x)xG. Note that the inner automorphism Ta:GG given by Ta(x)=a-1xa, for all xG, is a particular example of a class-preserving automorphism. The group of all class-preserving automorphisms is denoted by Autc(G). The group of all inner automorphisms of G is denoted by Inn(G) and it is a normal subgroup of Autc(G). Outc(G) denotes the quotient group Autc(G)/Inn(G). Let N be a characteristic subgroup of G. Then each αAut(G), induces an automorphism α¯:G/NG/N given by α¯(xN)=α(x)N. Thus the map θ:Aut(G)Aut(G/N) given by θ(α)=α¯ is a homomorphism of groups. The kernel of this homomorphism is precisely those automorphisms of G which are identity on G / N. If we take N=G, then Kerθ is the group of all those automorphisms of G which are identity on G/G. This group is abbreviated as D(G) and elements of this group are called derival automorphisms of G (Chiṣ, Citation2002). An automorphism of G is called central if it is identity on G / Z(G). The set of all central automorphisms of G is a normal subgroup of Aut(G) and it is denoted by Autcent(G). It has been shown by Sah (Citation1968) that Autcent(G)=CAut(G)(Inn(G)). In the recent past, interest of many mathematicians turned on the equalities of various automorphism groups viz. equalities of Autcent(G) and Inn(G), Autcent(G) and Z(Inn(G)) and Autcent(G) and Autc(G) etc. Curran and McCaughan (Citation2001) showed that if G is a finite p-group, then Autcent(G)=Inn(G) if and only if G=Z(G) and Z(G) is cyclic. Further extending this work, Curran (Citation2004) observed that Autcent(G) is minimum possible when Autcent(G)=Z(Inn(G)) and he found that if Autcent(G)=Z(Inn(G)), then Z(G)G and Z(Inn(G)) must be cyclic. Gumber and Sharma (Citation2011) proved that if G is a nilpotent group of class 2, then Autcent(G)=Z(Inn(G)) if and only if G=Z(G) and Z(G) is cyclic. For a finite p-group, Jafari (Citation2011) find out the necessary and sufficient condition when every central automorphism fix Z(G) element-wise. Jain (Citation2012) studied those finite p-groups for which Aut(G)=Autcent(G). Kalra and Gumber (Citation2013) characterize all finite p-groups of order pn,1n7, such that Autc(G)=Autcent(G). Further Yadav (Citation2013) proved that if G is a finite p-group such that Autc(G)=Autcent(G), then G has even number of elements in any minimal generating set for G. Ghoraishi (Citation2015) find out the necessary and sufficient condition for equality of class preserving and central automorphism of a finite group.

Kumar and Vermani (Citation2000,Citation2001) show that if G is a group of order pn, 1n4, then Autc(G)=Inn(G). In another note Yadav (Citation2008) studied class-preserving automorphisms of group of order p5, p an odd prime and proved that Autc(G)=Inn(G) for all groups G of order p5 except two isoclinism families. On the classification for group of order p6 given by James (Citation1980), Narain and Karan (Citation2014) studied those groups of order p6 for which Autc(G)=Inn(G).

If ϕ is either an inner automorphism or a class-preserving automorphism of G, then one should note that for all xG, x-1ϕ(x)[x,G]G, whereas if ϕ is a derival automorphism of G, then for all xG, x-1ϕ(x)G. This shows thatInn(G)Autc(G)D(G).

This motivate us to study those p-groups for which D(G) coincides with Autc(G) or Inn(G). This paper is an attempt to study some p-groups for which D(G)=Autc(G). One quite natural situation when D(G)=Autc(G) is that D(G)=Inn(G). Since for a p-group of order pn, 1n4, Autc(G)=Inn(G), to establish the equality of D(G) with Autc(G) it is sufficient to show that D(G)=Inn(G). We characterize all finite p-groups of class 2 for which D(G)=Inn(G). For an odd prime p, we also classify those groups of order p5 for which D(G)=Inn(G).

2. Preliminaries and definitions

This section deals with some of the basic definitions and results which are used further.

Definition 1

For a group G, the sequence {Zi}i0 of subgroups of G defined as followsZ0={1}andfori>0,Zi/Zi-1=Z(G/Zi-1),

is called the upper central series of G ; its i-th term is called the i-th center of G. Here Z1=Z(G), the center of G. A group G is said to be nilpotent if Zm=G, for some positive integer m. The smallest integer c such that Zc(G)=G, is called the nilpotency class of G .

Definition 2

For a group G, the sequence {γi(G)}i1 of subgroups of G, defined by γ1(G)=G and γi+1(G)=[G,γi(G)], is called the lower central series of G. Here γ2(G)=G, the derived group of G.

A group G is nilpotent if γm(G)={e}, for some positive integer m. The smallest integer c such that γc+1(G)={e}, is called the nilpotency class of G.

Definition 3

A group G is called nilpotent group of class 2 if G has a lower central series of the form G=γ1(G)γ2(G)γ3(G)={e}.

The quaternion group Q8 is an example of a nilpotent group of class 2. In fact every non-abelian group of order, p3 is a nilpotent group of class 2.

Definition 4

A group is called a Camina group if and only if G[x,G] for each xG-G.

Every abelian group is a Camina group trivially. Q8=<a,b|a4=1,b2=a2,b-1ab=a-1>, the quaternion group is a non-abelian p-group of order 8 with |Z(Q8)|=p. Note that derived group of Q8 coincides with the center and it is a non-abelian Camina p-group (for proof see Lemma 2.1).

Definition 5

Let G be a group in which each element is of finite order, then the exponent of G is the least common multiple of orders of all elements and it is denoted by exp(G) .

Following results are important for further study.

Lemma 2.1

Let G be a p-group of class 2. Then for each xG, [xG] is a subgroup of G. Moreover if |G|=|Z(G)|=p, then G is a Camina p-group.


Let G be a nilpotent group of class 2. Then GZ(G). For xG, consider H=[x,G].

Let [x,g1],[x,g2]H. Then [x,g1g2]=[x,g2][x,g1]g2. Since GZ(G), [x,g1g2]=[x,g1][x,g2]. This shows that [x,g1][x,g2]H. Also for [x,g]H, e=[x,e]=[x,gg-1]=[x,g-1][x,g]g-1. This shows that [x,g]-1=[x,g-1]H. Hence [xG] is a subgroup of G. Let xG-G. Then [xG] is a non-trivial subgroup of G. Since |G| is a prime, then G=[x,G] and hence G is a Camina group.

Theorem 2.2

(Yadav, Citation2008) Let G be a finite nilpotent group of class 2.

Then Autc(G)Homc(G/Z(G),γ2(G)), where Homc(G/Z(G),γ2(G)) is the group {fHom(G/Z(G),γ2(G)):f(xZ(G))[x,G]forallxG}

Theorem 2.3

(Yadav, Citation2008) Let G be a finite p-group of class 2 such that γ2(G) is cyclic. Then, Outc(G)=1 i.e. Autc(G)=Inn(G).

Lemma 2.4

(Curran & McCaughan, Citation2001) Let G be a nilpotent group of class 2. Let Z(G), G / Z(G) and G have ranks z, r and d respectively. Then





3. Nilpotent groups of class 2

If G is an abelian group, then derived group G for such a group is trivial and hence Inn(G), Autc(G) and D(G) contain merely the identity automorphism. Since abelian groups are precisely nilpotent group of class 1, this motivate us to study D(G) for nilpotent groups of class 2.

Theorem 3.1

Let G be a finite nilpotent group of class 2. Then D(G)Hom(G/γ2(G),γ2(G).


Let G be a nilpotent group of class 2. Then for each fD(G), the map θf:Gγ2(G)(Z(G)) defined by θf(x)=x-1f(x), is a homomorphism of groups. Since θf sends elements of γ2(G) to 1, it induces homomorphism θf¯:G/γ2(G)γ2(G) given by θf¯(xγ2(G))=x-1f(x). Thus we have the map α:D(G)Hom(G/γ2(G),γ2(G)) given by α(f)=θf¯. Let f,gD(G) and xG-γ2(G). Then there exists aγ2(G) such that g(x)=xa. Since θf sends elements of γ2(G) to 1,θfg¯(xγ2(G))=x-1fg(x)=x-1f(g(x))=x-1f(xa)=x-1f(x)f(a)=x-1f(x)aa-1f(a)=x-1f(x)aθf(a)=x-1f(x)a=x-1f(x)x-1g(x)=θf¯(xγ2(G))θg¯(xγ2(G))

This shows that α is a homomorphism of groups.

Let fHom(G/γ2(G),γ2(G). Then f(xγ2(G))γ2(G).

Define a map ϕ:GG by ϕ(x)=xf(xγ2(G)). It is easy to see that ϕ is an endomorphism of G. Now x-1ϕ(x)=f(xγ2(G))γ2(G). Let xker(ϕ). Then there are only two possibilities that either xG-γ2(G) or xγ2(G). Note that if xG-γ2(G), then f(xγ2(G))x-1, otherwise xγ2(G). Thus xkerϕ if and only if xγ2(G). But then 1=ϕ(x)=xf(xγ2(G))=xf(γ2(G))=x. This shows that kerϕ={1} and hence ϕ is a monomorphism. Since G is a finite group, ϕ is an automorphism of G. Thus ϕD(G).

Now θϕ¯(xγ2(G))=x-1ϕ(x)=f(xγ2(G)). Thus θϕ¯=f. Since α(ϕ)=θϕ¯=f, α is an epimorphism. It is fairly easy to check that Ker(α)={1}. Thus α is an isomorphism and hence D(G)Hom(G/γ2(G),γ2(G)).

Lemma 3.2

Let G be a p-group of class 2. Then, the order of each non-trivial element xZ(G) in G / Z(G) is equal to the exponent of the subgroup [xG]


Let xG-Z(G) and exp([x,G])=pn. If |xZ(G)|=pm. Then xpmZ(G) and hence [xpm,a]=1 for all aG. But then [x,a]pm=1 and hence pnpm i.e. nm. Since exp [x,G]=pn, for each aG1=[x,a]pn=[xpn,a]. This shows that xpnZ(G) and hence |xZ(G)|pn i.e. mn. Thus |xZ(G)| = exp [xG].

It is well known that in a finite p-group of class 2, exp(γ2(G))= exp (G / Z(G)).

Let G be a finite p-group of order pn. Let {x1,x2xr} be a minimal generating set for G. If |γ2(G)|=pm, then by Burnside basis theorem rn-m. The following remarkable theorem (Theorem 5.1, Yadav, Citation2007) is quite useful in our context.

Theorem 3.3

Let G be a finite p-group. If |Autc(G)|=pm(n-m), then G is either abelian p-group or a non-abelian Camina special p-group.

Theorem 3.4

Let G be a finite p-group of class 2 such that Autc(G)=D(G). Then the following holds




If {x1,x2xr} be a minimal generating set

for G, then

Hom(<xi¯>,G)=Hom(<xi¯>,[xi,G]) for each xi¯=xiZ(G),


G=[xi,G], for each i,1ir.




Since for a finite p-group of class 2, D(G)Hom(G/G,G) and Autc(G)Homc(G/Z(G),G). Thus |Hom(G/Z(G),G)||Homc(G/Z(G),G)|=|Hom(G/G,G)||Hom(G/Z(G),G)| But then |Hom(G/Z(G),G)|=|Homc(G/Z(G),G)|=|Hom(G/G,G)|.


Let {x1,x2xr} be a minimal generating set for G. Then G/Z(G)=<x1¯>×<x2¯>××<xr¯>.


Since |Hom(G/Z(G),G)|=|Homc(G/Z(G),G)|, it follows that i=1r|Hom(<xi¯>,G)|=i=1r|Hom(<xi¯>,[xi,G])|. But then |Hom(<xi¯>,G)|=|Hom(<xi¯>,[xi,G])|.


Since for a finite p-group of class 2, exp (γ2(G)) = exp (G / Z(G)), from part (a), it follows that for each i, 1ir, G=[xi,G].

Theorem 3.5

Let G be a finite p-group of class 2. Then Autc(G)=D(G) if and only if G is a Camina p-group.


If G is a Camina p-group, then G[x,G] for all xG-G. Let fD(G). Then for each xG, x-1f(x)G. For xG-G,G[x,G], therefore x-1f(x)[x,G]. If xG, then f(x)=x. Thus we observe that for each xG, x-1f(x)G[x,G] and hence D(G)Autc(G).

Conversely suppose that D(G)=Autc(G). Let |G|=pn and |G|=pm. Suppose {x1,x2xr} is a minimal generating set for G. Then G/Z(G)=<x1¯>×<x2¯>××<xr¯>. Now (from theorem 3.4 (1)), it follows that |D(G)|=|Autc(G)|=i=1r|Hom(<xi¯>,[xi,G])|. Since |<xi¯>| = exp ([xi,G]), |Autc(G)|=i=1r|[xi,G]|. But for each i, 1ir, G=[xi,G], it follows that |Autc(G)|=|G|r=(pm)r=(pm)n-m. Thus by theorem 3.3, G is a Camina special p-group.


Since Camina special p-group is a particular kind of Camina groups, the above result holds good for Camina special p-groups.

Theorem 3.6

Let G be a p-group of class 2. Then D(G)=Inn(G) if and only if G is a Camina group and γ2(G) is cyclic.


If D(G)=Inn(G), then D(G)Autc(G) and hence G is a Camina group. Let G / Z(G) and γ2(G) have exponent pc and ranks r and d respectively. Since G is non-abelian, r2. It is well known that for a p-group, |Hom(G/Z(G),γ2(G))||G/Z(G)|.pr(d-1). Now |G/Z(G)|=|Inn(G)|=|D(G)|=|Hom(G/γ2(G),γ2(G))||Hom(G/Z(G),γ2(G)||G/Z(G)|pr(d-1). Thus pr(d-1)1. But this is possible only when d=1. This shows that γ2(G) is cyclic.

Conversely suppose that G is a Camina group of class 2. Then D(G)=Autc(G). Further if γ2(G) is cyclic then Autc(G)=Inn(G) and hence D(G)=Inn(G).

Theorem 3.7

Let G be a group such that D(G)=Inn(G). If Z(G)γ2(G), then Autcent(G)=Z(Inn(G)).


Let fAutcent(G). Then for each xG, x-1f(x)Z(G). Thus Autcent(G)D(G). Since D(G)=Inn(G), Autcent(G)Inn(G). But Autcent(G)=CAut(G)(Inn(G)), this shows that Autcent(G)=Z(Inn(G)).

Theorem 3.8

Let G be a finite p-group such that Z(G)γ2(G) and D(G/Z(G))=Inn(G/Z(G)). Then |D(G)|=|Autcent(G)||G/Z2(G)|. Moreover D(G)=Inn(G) if and only if Autcent(G)=Z(Inn(G)).


Let G be a finite p-group. Since Z(G)γ2(G), each fD(G) induces a derival automorphism f¯ on G / Z(G). Hence, we have a homomorphism α:D(G)D(G/Z(G)) given by α(f)=f¯. It is easy to see that Ker(α)=D(G)Autcent(G). Since Z(G)γ2(G), Autcent(G)D(G) and hence Ker(α)=Autcent(G). But then D(G) / Autcent(G) is isomorphic to a subgroup of D(G / Z(G)). If h¯D(G/Z(G)), then there exists an inner automorphism TaInn(G)D(G) and α(Ta)=Ta¯=h¯. Thus α is an epimorphism. Thus D(G)/Autcent(G)Inn(G/Z(G)). Now|D(G)|=|Autcent(G)||G/Z2(G)|=|Z2(G)/Z(G)||G/Z2(G)|=|G/Z(G)|=|Inn(G)|.

Hence D(G)=Inn(G). Conversely, suppose that D(G)=Inn(G). Since, Z(G)G, by theorem 3.7, Autcent(G)=Z(Inn(G)).

4. Classification of groups of order pn(1n5)

Abelian groups satisfies D(G)=Inn(G) trivially as the derived group for these groups is trivial. For an odd prime p, we classify all those groups of order pn,3n5 for which D(G)=Inn(G).

4.1. Groups of order p3

Let G be a non-abelian group of order p3. Then G is a group of class 2 with |Z(G)|=p. But then |[x,G]|=|G|=|Z(G)|. Thus G is a Camina group with cyclic derived group and hence D(G)=Inn(G). From the above discussion every group of order p3 satisfies D(G)=Inn(G).

4.2. Groups of order p4

In next two sections, we study groups of order p4 and p5 (p is an odd prime), on the basis of the classification given by James (Citation1980). This classification is given in terms of isoclinism families. We start with the following definition of isoclinism of groups, given by Hall (Citation1940).

Let X be a finite group and X¯=X/Z(X). Then commutation in X gives a well-defined map αX:X¯×X¯γ2(X) such that αX(xZ(X),yZ(X))=[x,y] for (x,y)X×X. Two finite groups G and H are called isoclinic if there exist isomorphismsθ:G/Z(G)H/Z(H),ϕ:γ2(G)γ2(H),

such that ϕ[α,β]=[α,β], for all α,βG, where αZ(H)=θ(α(Z(G)) and βZ(H)=θ(βZ(G)). The resulting pair (θ,ϕ) is called an isoclinism of G onto H. Clearly isomorphic groups are isoclinic but isoclinic groups need not be isomorphic. For example, Q8 and D8 are isoclinic groups which are not isomorphic. If G and H are isoclinic groups, then γi(G)γi(H) and δi(G)δi(H), whereas it is not necessary that Z(G)Z(H) (Hall, Citation1940). But one may observe that if G and H are finite isoclinc groups of equal order, then |Z(G)|=|Z(H)|. Since our further classification depends on the size of γ2(G) and that of Z(G), it is sufficient to calculate |D(G)| for only one member from each isoclinism family.

According to James (Citation1980), for an odd prime, there are three isoclinism families of groups of order p4 viz. ϕ1,ϕ2 and ϕ3. The family ϕ1 corresponds to the family of abelian groups and hence D(G)=Inn(G) for each member of this family.

The family ϕ2 consists of groups of class 2 such that G is a cyclic group of prime order. Thus again D(G)=Inn(G) for each member of this family.

In family ϕ3, each group is a nilpotent group of class 3. Thus if Gϕ3, then G is a group of maximal class and hence |Z(G)|=p. Since G / Z(G) is a non-abelian group of order p3, by Section 4.1, D(G/Z(G))=Inn(G/Z(G)). For a group of maximal class, Autcent(G)Z(Inn(G)). Thus in view of theorem 3.8, D(G)Inn(G).

From the above discussion, we conclude that a group of order p4 (p is odd prime) satisfies D(G)=Inn(G) if and only if either G is abelian or it is a nilpotent group of class 2 with G, a cyclic group of prime order.

4.3. Groups of order p5

For an odd prime there are 10 isoclinism families (ϕ1-ϕ10) of groups of order p5. The family ϕ1 consists of abelian groups and hence D(G)=Inn(G) for every group G lying in this family.

Theorem 4.1

If G is a nilpotent group of class 2, then D(G)=Inn(G) if and only if G lie in the isoclinism families ϕ2 and ϕ5. Moreover in these cases D(G)=Autc(G) as well.


Let G be a group of order p5. Then, according to the classification given by James (Citation1980), G is nilpotent group of class 2 if Gϕ2, ϕ4 and ϕ5.

If G=ϕ2(321)a, then G=ϕ2(22)×(1) where ϕ2(22)=<α,α1,α2|[α1,α]=αp=α2,α1p2=α2p=1>. The group H=ϕ2(22) is a group of order p4 having nilpotency class 2 and derived group of prime order. But then G is also a group of nilpotency class 2 which has a derived group of prime order. Hence, by theorem 3.6,D(G)=Inn(G).

Let Gϕ4. Suppose G=ϕ4(15) , then G=<α,α1,α2,β1,β2> such that [αi,α]=βi and αp=αip=βip=1 , for 1i2. Thus G is a nilpotent group of class 2. Now |D(G)|=|Hom(G/G,G)|=|Hom((α¯×α1¯×α2¯),(β1×β2))|=p6. Thus D(G)Inn(G).

If G=ϕ5(15), then G=<α1,α2,α3,α4,β> such that [α1,α2]=[α3,α4]=β and αip=1=βp. Since G is a nilpotent group of class 2 and |G|=p, D(G)=Inn(G)=Autc(G)

Theorem 4.2

If G is a group of class 3, then D(G)=Inn(G) if and only if Gϕ8.


There are four isoclinism families ϕ3, ϕ6-ϕ8 in this category.

Let G=ϕ3(15). Then G=ϕ3(14)×(1). ϕ3(14) is a group of order p4 having center of order p and nilpotency class 3. Thus G is also a nilpotent group of class 3 with |Z(G)|=p2. But then |G/Z(G)|=p3 and hence D(G/Z(G))=Inn(G/Z(G)).

If G=ϕ6(15), then G=<α1,α2,β,β1,β2> such that αip=βp=βip=1 and [α1,α2]=β, [β,αi]=βi. Clearly G is a nilpotent group of class 3 and |Z(G)|=p2. Thus, |G/Z(G)|=p3 and hence D(G/Z(G))=Inn(G/Z(G)).

If G=ϕ8(32). Then G=<α1,α2,β> such that [α1,α2]=β=α1p and βp2=α2p2=1. G is a nilpotent group of class 3 with |Z(G)|=p. Hence, G / Z(G) is a group of order p4 with nilpotency class 2. But then D(G/Z(G))=Inn(G/Z(G)).

If G is a group of order p5, then Autcent(G)=Z(Inn(G)) if and only if G is isomorphic to ϕ8(32) (Theorem 4.1, Gumber, Citation2011). Hence using theorem 3.8 in all the above three cases discussed above, we have D(G)=Inn(G) if and only if G=ϕ8(32).

We now left only with isoclinism family ϕ7. Let G be a group ϕ7(15) from the isoclinism family ϕ7. Then G is a nilpotent group of class 3 with center of prime order. In this case, |Autc(G)|=p5 and Autc(G)Inn(G) (Yadav, Citation2008). Thus D(G)Inn(G), otherwise Autc(G)=Inn(G).

Theorem 4.3

If G is a group from the isoclinism families ϕ9 or ϕ10. Then D(G)Inn(G).


Let G be a group ϕ10(15) from the isoclinism family ϕ10. Then G is a nilpotent group of class maximal class with center of prime order. Again in this case |Autc(G)|=p5 and Autc(G)Inn(G) (Lemma 5.2, Yadav, Citation2008). Thus D(G)Inn(G).

If G is the group ϕ9(15), then G is a nilpotent group with class 4 and |Z(G)|=p. Thus Z(G)γ2(G). Clearly G / Z(G) is a group of order p4 having nilpotency class 3. Thus D(G/Z(G))Inn(G/Z(G)). Since Z(G)γ2(G), D(G)Inn(G), otherwise D(G/Z(G))=Inn(G/Z(G)).

5. Conclusion

On the basis of classification of groups of order pn1n5 (for an odd prime p ), it is proved that if |G|=pr, 1r3, then D(G)=Inn(G). If |G|=p4 , then D(G)=Inn(G) if and only if either G is abelian or it is a nilpotent group of class 2 with a cyclic derived group of order p and if |G|=p5, then D(G)=Inn(G), if and only if Gϕ1, ϕ2, ϕ5 and ϕ8. A necessary and sufficient condition for nilpotent groups of class 2 is also obtained when D(G)=Inn(G).


We thank the reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions.

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The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Shiv Narain

Shiv Narain is an assistant professor in Arya P.G. College Panipat affiliated to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. He received his PhD degree from Kurukshetra university, Kurukshetra. He has been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Mathematics since last eight years. His field of research is group theory.

Ram Karan

Ram Karan is a professor in the Department of Mathematics Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. He got his PhD from Kurukshetra university, Kurukshetra. He has more than 30 years of teaching experience in various postgraduate courses in Mathematics. His area of research includes Group-Rings, Group theory, Coding theory, and Homological algebra. He has published more than 20 research papers in journals of national and international repute.


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  • Narain, S., & Karan, R. (2014). On class preserving automorphisms of some groups of order p6. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 93, 7–21.
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  • Yadav, M. K. (2013). On finite p-groups whose central automorphisms are all class preserving. Communications in Algebra, 414576–4592..