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Research Article

Some new results on inner product quasilinear spaces

& | (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1194801 | Received 27 Jan 2016, Accepted 14 May 2016, Published online: 28 Jun 2016


In this article, we research on the properties of the floor of an element taken from an inner product quasilinear space. We prove some theorems related to this new concept. Further, we try to explore some new results in quasilinear functional analysis. Also, some examples have been given which provide an important information about the properties of floor of an inner product quasilinear space.

AMS Subject Classifications:

Public Interest Statement

The theory of quasilinear spaces was introduced by Aseev (Citation1986). Aseev used the partial order relation when he defined quasilinear spaces and so he can give consistent counterparts of results in linear spaces. As known, the theory of inner product space and Hilbert spaces play a fundamental role in functional analysis and its applications. We know that any inner product space is a normed space and any normed space is a particular class of normed quasilinear space. Hence, this relation and Aseev’s work motivated us to examine quasilinear counterpart of inner product space in classical analysis. Thus, we introduce the concept of inner product quasilinear space. In this paper, we give some results related to floors of inner product quasilinear spaces. Also, some examples have been given which provide an important contribution to understand the structure of inner product quasilinear spaces.

1. Introduction

Aseev (Citation1986) introduced the theory of quasilinear space (briefly, QLSs) which is generalization of classical linear spaces. He used the partial order relation when he defined the quasilinear spaces and so he can give consistent counterparts of results in linear spaces. Further, he also described the convergence of sequences and norm in quasilinear space. This work has inspired a lot of authors to introduce new results on multivalued mappings, fuzzy quasilinear operators and set-valued analysis (Lakshmikantham, Gnana Bhaskar, & Vasundhara Devi, Citation2006; Rojas-Medar, Jiménez-Gamerob, Chalco-Canoa, & Viera-Brandão, Citation2005).

We see from the definition of quasilinear space which given in Aseev (Citation1986) , the inverse of some elements of in quasilinear spaces may not be available. Yılmaz, Çakan, and Aytekin (Citation2012), these elements are called as singular elements of quasilinear space. At the same time the others which have an inverse are referred to as regular elements. Then, in Çakan (Citation2016), she noticed that the base of each singular elements of a combination of regular elements of the quasilinear space. Therefore, she defined the concept of the floor of an element in quasilinear space in Çakan (Citation2016) which is very convenient for some analysis of quasilinear spaces. This work has motivated us to introduce some results about the floors of inner product quasilinear spaces, briefly, IPQLS.

In this paper, motivated by the work of Assev (Citation1986) and Çakan (Citation2016) , we research some properties of floors of inner product quasilinear spaces and prove some theorems related to floor of a subset of an inner product quasilinear space. Further, we try to extend the results in quasilinear functional analysis. Our consequences gives us some information about the properties of floor of an inner product quasilinear space.

Let us give some notation and preliminary results given by Aseev (Citation1986).

Definition 1.1

A set X is called a quasilinear space (QLS, for short), if a partial order relation “”, an algebraic sum operation, and an operation of multiplication by real numbers are defined in it in such way that the following conditions hold for any elements x,y,z,vX and any real numbers α,βR:





xz if xy and yz,


x=y if xy and yx,






there exists an element θX such that x+θ=x,












x+zy+v if xy and zv,


α·xα·y if xy.


A linear space is a quasilinear space with the partial order relation “=”. The most popular example which is not a linear space is the set of all closed intervals of real numbers with the inclusion relation “,” algebraic sum operationA+B=a+b:aA,bB

and the real scalar multiplicationλ·A=λ·a:aA.

We denote this set by ΩC(R). Another one is Ω(R), the set of all compact subsets of real numbers. By a slight modification of algebraic sum operation (with closure) such asA+B=a+b:aA,bB¯

and by the same real scalar multiplication defined above and by the inclusion relation we get the nonlinear QLS, ΩC(E) and Ω(E), the space of all nonempty closed bounded and convex closed bounded subsets of some normed linear space E,  respectively.

Lemma 1.1

Suppose that any element x in a QLS X has an inverse element xX. Then the partial order in X is determined by equality, the distributivity conditions hold, and consequently, X is a linear space (Aseev, Citation1986).

Suppose that X is a QLS and YX. Then Y is called a subspace of X whenever Y is a QLS with the same partial order and the restriction to Y of the operations on X. One can easily prove the fallowing theorem using the condition of to be a QLS. It is quite similar to its linear space analogue (Yılmaz et al., Citation2012).

Theorem 1.1

Y is a subspace of a QLS X if and only if α·x+β·yY for every x,yY and α,βR (Yılmaz et al., Citation2012).

Let X be a QLS. An xX is said to be symmetric if (-1)·x=-x=x, and Xd denotes the set of all such elements. θ denotes the zero’s, additive unit of X and it is minimal, i.e., x=θ if xθ. An element x is called inverse of x if x+x=θ. The inverse is unique whenever it exists and x=-x in this case. Sometimes x may not be exist but -x is always meaningful in QLSs. An element x possessing an inverse is called regular, otherwise is called singular. For a singular element x we should note that x-x0. Now, Xr and Xs stand for the sets of all regular and singular elements in X, respectively. Further, Xr,Xd and Xs{0} are subspaces of X and they are called regular, symmetric and singular subspaces of X,  respectively (Yılmaz et al., Citation2012).

Proposition 1.1

In a quasilinear space X every regular element is minimal (Yılmaz et al., Citation2012).

Definition 1.2

Let X be a QLS. A function ·X:XR is called a norm if the following conditions hold (Aseev, Citation1986):



xX>0 if x0,






if xy, then xXyX,


if for any ε>0 there exists an element xεX such that,  xy+xε and xεXε then xy.


A quasilinear space X with a norm defined on it is called normed quasilinear space (NQLS, for short). It follows from Lemma 1.1 that if any xX has an inverse element xX, then the concept of NQLS coincides with the concept of a real normed linear space.

Let X be a NQLS. Hausdorff or norm metric on X is defined by the equalityhX(x,y)=infr0:xy+a1r,yx+a2r,airr.

Since xy+(x-y) and yx+(y-x), the quantity hX(x,y) is well-defined for any elements x,yX, and(1) hX(x,y)x-yX.(1)

It is not hard to see that this function satisfies all of the metric axioms.

Lemma 1.2

The operations of algebraic sum and multiplication by real numbers are continuous with respect to the Hausdorff metric. The norm is continuous function respect to the Hausdorff metric (Aseev, Citation1986).

Example 1.1

Let E be a Banach space. A norm on Ω(E) is defined byAΩ(E)=supaAaE.

Then Ω(E) and ΩC(E) are normed quasilinear spaces. In this case, the Hausdorff metric is defined as usual:hΩC(E)(A,B)=inf{r0:AB+Sr(θ),BA+Sr(θ)},

where Sr(θ) denotes a closed ball of radius r about θX (Aseev, Citation1986).

Definition 1.3

Let X be a QLS, MX and xM. The setFxM={zMr:zx}

is called floor in M of x . In the case of M=X it is called only floor of x and written briefly Fx instead of FxX (Çakan, Citation2016).

Floor of an element x in linear spaces is x. Therefore, it is nothing to discuss the notion of floor of an element in a linear space.

Definition 1.4

Let X be a QLS and MX. Then the union setxMFxM

is called floor of M and is denoted by FM. In the case of M=X, FX is called floor of the qls X.

On the other hand, the setFMX=xMFxX

is called floor in X of M and is denoted by FMX (Çakan, Citation2016).

Definition 1.5

Let X be a quasilinear space. X is called solid-floored quasilinear space whenevery=supxXr:xy

for every yX. Otherwise, X is called nonsolid-floored quasilinear space (Çakan, Citation2016).

Example 1.2

Ω(R) and ΩC(R) are solid-floored quasilinear space. But singular subspace of ΩC(R) is a nonsolid-floored quasilinear space.

Definition 1.6

Let X be a QLS. Consolidation of floor of X is the smallest solid-floored QLS X^ containing X,  that is, if there exists another solid-floored QLS Y containing X then X^Y.

Clearly, X^=X for some solid-floored QLS X. Further, ΩC(Rn)s^=ΩC(Rn). For a QLS X, the setFyX^=zX^r:zy.

is the floor of X in X^.

Let us give an extended definition of inner product. This definition and some prerequisites are given by Y. Yılmaz. We can see following inner product as (set-valued) inner product on QLSs.

Definition 1.7

Let X be a quasilinear space. A mapping ,:X×XΩ(R) is called an inner product on X if for any x,y,zX and αR the following conditions are satisfied :



if x,yXr then x,yΩC(R)rR,








x,x0 for xXr and x,x=0x=0,




if xy and uv then x,uy,v,


if for any ε>0 there exists an element xεX such that xy+xε and xε,xεSεθ then xy.


A quasilinear space with an inner product is called an inner product quasilinear space, briefly, IPQLS.

Example 1.3

One can see easily ΩC(R), the space of closed real intervals, is an IPQLS with inner product defined byA,B={ab:aA,bB}.

Every IPQLS X is a normed QLS with the norm defined byx=x,xΩ(R)

for every xX. This norm is called inner product norm. Classical norm of ΩC(R) (see Aseev, Citation1986) is generated by the above inner product.

Proposition 1.2

xnx and yny in an IPQLS then xn,ynx,y.

An IPQLS is called Hilbert QLS, if it is complete according to the Inner product (norm) metric. ΩC(R) is a Hilbert QLS.

Definition 1.8

(Orthogonality) An element x of an IPQLS X is said to be orthogonal to an element yX ifx,yΩR=0.

We also say that x and y are orthogonal and we write xy. Similarly, for subsets m,nX we write xm if xz for all zm and mn if ab for all am and bn.

An orthonormal set MX is an orthogonal set in X whose elements have norm 1,  that is, for all xyM<x,y>ΩR=0,xy1,x=y

Definition 1.9

Let A be a nonempty subset of an inner product quasilinear space X. An element xX is said to be orthogonal to A, denoted by xA, if x,yΩR=0 for every yA. The set of all elements of X orthogonal to A,  denoted by A, is called the orthogonal complement of A and is indicated byA={xX:x,yΩR=0,yA}.

For any subset A of an IPQLS XA is a closed subspace of X.

2. Main results

      In this section, we try to explore some properties of floor of an element in an inner product quasilinear space. We note that the concept of floor is unneeded in linear spaces. Because, the floor of a linear space is equal to itself.

In general, (λ+μ)·A=λ·A+μ·A equality is not satisfy in a quasilinear space for every λ,μR. For example; Let A=[-2,1]ΩC(R) and λ=1,μ=-1, we have(1+(-1))·[-2,1]=0·[-2,1]={0}


Here, we see that {0}[-3,3]. But, we can say that (λ+μ)·Aλ·A+μ·A inequality is provided for any AΩC(Rn).

Definition 2.1

Let X be a quasilinear space. X is called homogenized quasilinear space if for every xX and αβ0 the following condition is satisfied:(α+β)·x=α·x+β·x.

Clearly, every linear space is a homogenized quasilinear space. But the reverse is not true.

Let X be a normed linear space. Then ΩC(X) is a homogenized quasilinear space but Ω(X) is non-homogenized quasilinear space.

Proposition 2.1

Let X be a homogenized IPQLS and xX. Then Fx is convex subset of X.


Let X be a homogenized IPQLS. From Definition 1.3, we getFx=aXr:ax

for a xX. So we haveaxandbx

for every a,bFx. From the condition (13), we getλ·aλ·xand1-λ·b1-λ·x

for all 0λ1. Hence,λ·a+1-λ·bλ·x+1-λ·x.

Since, X is a homogenized IPQLS,λ·x+1-λ·x=λ+1-λ·x=x

for every 0λ1. So, we obtainλ·a+1-λ·bx.

Hence λ·a+1-λ·bFx. This completes the proof.

Remark 2.1

Floor of an element of an IPQLS X is convex if and only if this IPQLS X is homogenized. If X is not homogenized inner product quasilinear space in the above proposition, then Fx is not convex since α+β·xα·x+β·x.

Proposition 2.2

Let X be an IPQLS and A,BX. Then, we have







if AB, then we get FAFB and FAFB.


The proof of proposition is similar to the classical linear counterpart.

Theorem 2.1

If M is a convex subspace of Hilbert QLS X, then FM is complete and convex subspace of Hilbert QLS X.


Let a,bFM. Then, in view of Definition 1.3, there exist a xM such that ax and there exist a yM such that by. From (12) and (13), we haveα·a+1-α·bα·x+1-α·y.

Since M is convex, we find a zM such thatα·a+1-α·bz.

This proves that α·a+1-α·bFM.

Let anFM and ana for some aX. Then for any ϵ>0 there exists an NN such that the following condition holds for any n>N:(2) ana+a1nϵ,aan+a2nϵ,ainϵϵ2.(2)

On the other hand, if anFM then there exist a xnM such that anxn for every nN. From here and above inequality, we getaxn+a2nϵ,a2nϵϵ

for every nN. By the (18), we have axn for every nN. Now, we show that a is a regular element of X. By Lemma 1.2, we know -an-a when ana. So, for any ϵ>0 there exists an nıN such that the following condition holds for any n>nı:(3) -an-a+b1nϵ,-a-an+b2nϵ,binϵϵ2.(3)

Because of anFM, an-an=0. By Lemma 1.2, (2) and (3), we getan-ana-a+a1nϵ+b1nϵ,a-aan-an+a2nϵ+b2nϵ,ainϵ+binϵϵ


From here, we have 0=a-a since X is a Hilbert QLS. This shows that a is a regular element of X. Thus, since xnM for all nN, we obtain aFM. This proves that the set FM is complete.

Corollary 2.1

Let X be a Hilbert QLS and M is a convex subspace of X. Then FM is a complete subspace of X even if M is not complete.

Proposition 2.3

If X is an IPQLS and xX, then Fx is a closed.


Let bnFx and bnb for some bX. Then for all ϵ>0 there exists an n0N such that the following condition holds for any n>n0:bnb+c1nϵ,bbn+c2nϵ,cinϵϵ.

Since bnFx,bnx for every nN. So, we havebx

since bbn+c2nϵ, c2nϵ2=c2nϵ,c2nϵΩRϵ. Also, we can show that b is regular element of X similar to the above proof. By Lemma 1.2, we know -bn-b when bnb and b-bnb-b . So, for any ϵ>0 there exists an n0N such that the following condition holds for any n>n0:bn-bnb-b+c1nϵ,b-bbn-bn+c2nϵ,cinϵϵ.

From here, we have 0=b-b since X is an IPQLS. This shows that b is a regular element of X.

Lemma 2.1

Let X be an IPQLS. A floor of any element of IPQLS X may not subspace of X. But, the orthogonal complement of floor of any element of IPQLS X is subspace of X.


Let a,bFx. Definition of floor of an element ax and bx for a xX. Since X is an IPQLS, we haveα·a+β·bα·x+β·x

for every α,βR. From here, we obtain α·a+β·bFx since α·x+β·x may not equal to x for all α,βR. So, Fx is not a subspace of X. Now, let zFx and c,dFx for a xX. From (15) (20) and (21), we havez,α·c+β·dΩCRz,α·cΩCR+z,β·dΩCR=αz,cΩCR+βz,dΩCR=0

So, we get α·c+β·dFx for all α,βR.

Remark 2.2

The floor of an subset of ΩCRd is equal to the largest element according to the order relation of the ΩCR.

Example 2.1

Let RZ=n,0:nR-, the right-zero subset of ΩCR. By the definition of floor, we getFRZ=rzRZFrz=rzRZaΩCRr:arz=a:aR-0.

Similarly, if we say LZ=0,n:nR+, the left-zero subset of ΩCR, we findFLZ=lzLZFlz=lzLZaΩCRr:alz=a:aR+0.

From here, we haveFRZFLZ=a:aR-0a:aR+=c:cR.

Theorem 2.2

Suppose that X is an IPQLS and A,BX. If AB=X, then FAFB=Xr.


It is easy to see that xXr for every xFAFB. Let us consider xXr. From here, we know that xX. Since AB=X,x is an element either A or B.

  • If x is an element of A, xFA since xXr.

  • If x is an element of B, xFB since xXr.

This implies xFAFB.

Remark 2.3

Although, in an IPQLS X, FAFB=Xr for all A,BX, the combination of A and B may not be equal to X.

Example 2.2

Let us consider the IPQLS X=ΩCR and the subspaces A=Xs and B=Xr. Clearly, AB=X and FAFB=Xr. If we take C=LZ and D=RZ (RZ and LZ are subset of ΩCR which is given in Example 2.1), we get FRZFLZ=Xr. But CD=RZLZX.


The authors would like to record their gratitude to the reviewer for his careful reading and making some useful corrections which improved the presentation of the paper.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Hacer Bozkurt

Hacer Bozkurt received MSc from Sakarya University, and is currently a PhD scholar at İnönü University. Her research interests are functional analysis, nonlinear functional analysis and interval analysis.

Yılmaz Yılmaz

Yılmaz Yılmaz received MSc and PhD degrees in İnönü University, Malatya, Turkey. Currently he is a professor at İnönü University, Malatya, Turkey. His research interests are Functional analysis, sequence spaces, nonlinear functional analysis, Bifurcation theory.


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