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Research Article

On new structure of N-topology

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Article: 1204104 | Received 17 Feb 2016, Accepted 15 Jun 2016, Published online: 16 Mar 2017


In this paper, we propose a new formula to get N-topologies in a non empty set X. Further, we establish its own open sets. We, in addition to it, study its characterizations. Apart from this, we have also introduced continuous functions on such topological spaces and establish their basic properties and prove the Pasting Lemma.

AMS Subject Classifications:

Public Interest Statement

The intrinsic nature and beauty of Mathematics is this: it keeps growing within. It manifests its own manifold beauties, in an exponential quotient, when persons evince keen enthusiasm and starts grappling with and further fathom into its colorful nature and its features. So far, as much we are aware of the publications and other writings in vogue, we may be the first ones, who have tried, herewith, to establish bitopological space with bitopological axioms and proved the structure of non empty set X equipped with more than two topologies. Here, we have defined the structure of N-Topology, that is, a non empty set X equipped with N-arbitrary topologies, and which has its own open sets. Further, we introduce continuous functions on N-topological space which in turn has its own impact on the Pasting Lemma.

1. Introduction

The intrinsic nature and beauty of Mathematics is this: One must be in "love" with Mathematics. As a result, the nature of inquisitiveness in a person gets, needless to mention, always enkindled and triggered by the new theorems or axioms or any new findings, even if it is a small in its nature or incredibly big.

Indeed, the bitopological space propounded and introduced by Kelly in the year 1963, kept haunting our Mathematical mind. He introduced the bitopological space which is a non empty set X equipped with two arbitrary topologies τ1 and τ2. In this space, the open sets are called pairwise open sets. In this paper, we establish bitopological space with bitopological axioms and prove the structure of a non empty set X equipped with more than two topologies. Recently many researchers defined various forms of open sets in this space such as τ1τ2 (Lellis Thivagar, Citation1991), τ1,2 (Lellis Thivagar, Ekici, & Ravi, Citation2008), etc. In addition to our fervent efforts, herein, we have also tried to prove the structure of N-topology, that is, a non empty set X equipped with N-arbitrary topologies τ1,τ2,,τN and also established its own open sets. Further, we study its characterizations. Also, we introduce continuous functions on such topological spaces and establish their basic properties and proved the Pasting Lemma.

2. Preliminaries

Definition 2.1

   (Doitchinov, Citation1988) A quasi-pseudo-metric on a non empty set X is a function d1:X×XR+{0} such that


d1(x,x)=0 for all xX


d1(x,z)d1(x,y)+d1(y,z) for all x,y,zX.

where R+ is the set of all positive real numbers.

Definition 2.2

   (Grabiec, Cho, & Saadati, Citation2007) Let d1 a quasi-pseudo-metric on X, and let a function d2:X×XR+{0} be defined by d2(x,y)=d1(y,x) for all x,yX.Trivially d2 is a quasi-pseudo-metric defined on X and we say that d1 and d2 are conjugate one another.

If d1 is a quasi-pseudo-metric on X, then Bd1(x,k1)={y:d1(x,y)<k1}, the open d1-sphere with centre x and radius k1>0. Classically, the collection of all open d1-spheres forms a base for a topology, the obtained topology, be denoted by τ1 and called the quasi-pseudo-metric topology of d1. Similarly we get a topology τ2 for X, due to the quasi-pseudo-metric d2.

Definition 2.3

   (Kelly, Citation1963) A non empty set X equipped with two arbitrary topologies τ1 and τ2 is called a bitopological space and is denoted by (X,τ1,τ2).

3. N-topological spaces

In this section, we introduce the notion of N-topological spaces and its own open sets. We derive its basic properties. We also define and discuss the relative topology in N-topological spaces.

Definition 3.1

Let d1 and d2 be conjugate, quasi-pseudo-metrics on X and define a function d3:X×XR+{0} byd3(x,y)=[2d1(y,x)+d2(y,x)]3for allx,yX.



d3(x,x)=[2d1(x,x)+d2(x,x)]3=0 for all xX.


d3(x,z)=[2d1(z,x)+d2(z,x)]3[2(d1(z,y)+d1(y,x))+(d2(z,y)+d2(y,x))]3=d3(x,y)+d3(y,z) for all x,y,zX.

Therefore, d3 is a quasi-pseudo-metric on X and which is called a Mean Conjugate (simply write M.C) of d1, d2 and d1. For each i=1,2,3, the quasi-pseudo metric di gives a topology τi whose base is {Bdi(x,ki)}, where Bdi(x,ki)={y:di(x,y)<ki}. Thus we define a non empty set X equipped with three arbitrary topologies τ1, τ2 and τ3 is called a tritopological space and is denoted by (X,3τ) or (X,τ1,τ2,τ3).

Generally, let d1, d2, ..., dN-1 be quasi-pseudo-metrics on X, d1 and d2 be conjugate and d3; d4; ...; dN-1 be M.C of d1, d2 and d1; d1, d2, d3 and d1; ...; d1, d2, ..., dN-2 and d1, respectively. Define a function dN:X×XR+{} bydN(x,y)=[d1(y,x)+i=1N-1di(y,x)]Nfor allx,yX.

We can easily verify that dN is a quasi-pseudo-metric on X. Also we note that for each N, dN(x,y)dN(y,x) for all x,yX and dN is called a Mean Conjugate (simply write M.C) of d1, d2, ..., dN-1 and d1. For each i=1,,N, the quasi-pseudo metric di gives a topology τi whose base is {Bdi(x,ki)}, where Bdi(x,ki)={y:di(x,y)<ki}. Thus we define a non empty set X equipped with N-arbitrary topologies τ1, τ2, ..., and τN is called a N-topological space and is denoted by (X,Nτ) or (X,τ1,τ2,,τN).

Definition 3.2

Let X be a non empty set, τ1 and τ2 be two arbitrary topologies defined on X and the collection 2τ be defined by2τ={SX:S=(A1A2)(B1B2),A1,B1τ1andA2,B2τ2}

satisfying the following axioms:




i=1Si2τ for all Si2τ


i=1nSi2τ for all Si2τ.

Then the pair (X,2τ) is called a bitopological space on X and the elements of the collection 2τ are known as 2τ-open sets on X.

We can generalize the above definition as given below: let X be a non empty set, τ1, τ2, ..., τN be N-arbitrary topologies defined on X and let the collection Nτ be defined byNτ={SX:S=(i=1nAi)(i=1nBi),Ai,Biτi},

satisfying the following axioms:




i=1SiNτ for all SiNτ


i=1nSiNτ for all SiNτ.

Then the pair (X,Nτ) is called a N-topological space on X and the elements of the collection Nτ are known as Nτ-open sets on X. A subset A of X is said to be Nτ-closed on X if the complement of A is Nτ-open on X. The set of all Nτ-open sets on X and the set of all Nτ-closed sets on X are, respectively, denoted by NτO(X) and NτC(X).

Example 3.3

Let X={a,b,c,d}. For N=2, and assume τ1O(X)={X,,{a,b}} and τ2O(X)={X,,{b,c}}, then 2τO(X)={X,,{b},{a,b},{b,c},{a,b,c}} and 2τC(X)={X,,{d},{a,d},{c,d},{a,c,d}}. Therefore, (X,2τ) is a bitopological space on X. For N=3, and assume τ1O(X)={X,,{a}}, τ2O(X)={X,,{b,d}} and τ3O(X)={X,,{c,d}}, then 3τO(X)={X,,{a},{d},{a,d},{b,d},{c,d},{a,b,d},{a,c,d},{b,c,d}} and 3τC(X)={X,,{a},{b},{c},{a,b},{a,c},{b,c},{a,b,c},{b,c,d}}. Therefore, (X,3τ) is a tritopological space on X.

Remark 3.4



If N=1, then Nτ=τ1=τ.


Intersection of two 2τ is also a 2τ. Intersection of two 3τ is also a 3τ. In general, intersection of two N-topology is again a N-topology.




Proof is trivial.


Let (Nτ)1 and (Nτ)2 be two N-topology defined on X. Clearly, X and are in (Nτ)1(Nτ)2. Let {Ci}iI(Nτ)1(Nτ)2, iICi(Nτ)1 and iICi(Nτ)2 and so in (Nτ)1(Nτ)2. Let {Ci}i=1n(Nτ)1(Nτ)2, i=1nCi(Nτ)1 and i=1nCi(Nτ)2 and so in (Nτ)1(Nτ)2. Thus (Nτ)1(Nτ)2 is an N-topology.

Remark 3.5

Union of two 2τ need not be a 2τ.

Union of two 3τ need not be a 3τ.

In general, union of two N-topology need not be a N-topology.

Example 3.6

For N=3, X={a,b,c,d} and assume τ1O(X)={X,,{a}}, τ2O(X)={X,,{b,d}} and τ3O(X)={X,,{c,d}}, then (3τ)1O(X)={X,,{a},{d},{a,d},{b,d},{c,d},{a,b,d},{a,c,d},{b,c,d}}. Also assume τ1O(X)={X,,{b}}, τ2O(X)={X,} and τ3O(X)={X,}, then (3τ)2O(X)={X,,{b}}. Clearly, (X,(3τ)1) and (X,(3τ)2) are two tritopological spaces on X. Then (3τ)1(3τ)2={X,,{a},{b},{d},{a,d},{b,d},{c,d},{a,b,d},{a,c,d},{b,c,d}} is not a tritopology, since {a},{b}(3τ)1(3τ)2 but {a,b}(3τ)1(3τ)2.

Definition 3.7

Let X be a non empty set and S be a subset of X. Then



The 2τ-interior of S, denoted by 2τ-int(S), and is defined by 2τ-int(S)={G:GSandGis2τ-open}.


The 3τ-interior of S, denoted by 3τ-int(S), and is defined by 3τ-int(S)={G:GSandGis3τ-open}.


Generally, the Nτ-interior of S, denoted by Nτ-int(S), and is defined by Nτ-int(S)={G:GSandGisNτ-open}.


The 2τ-closure of S, denoted by 2τ-cl(S), and is defined by 2τ-cl(S)={F:SFandFis2τ-closed}.


The 3τ-closure of S, denoted by 3τ-cl(S), and is defined by 3τ-cl(S)={F:SFandFis3τ-closed}.


Generally, the Nτ-closure of S, denoted by Nτ-cl(S), and is defined by Nτ-cl(S)={F:SFandFisNτ-closed}.

Theorem 3.8

Let (X,Nτ) be a N-topological space on X and let A,BX. Then


Nτ-cl(A) is the smallest Nτ-closed set which containing A


A is Nτ-closed if and only if Nτ-cl(A)=A. In particular, Nτ-cl()= and Nτ-cl(X)=X












Since intersection of any collection of Nτ-closed sets is also Nτ-closed, then Nτ-cl(A) is a Nτ-closed set. Trivially ANτ-cl(A), by the definition of Nτ-closure of A. Now, let B be any Nτ-closed set which containing A. Then Nτ-cl(A)={F:AF and F is Nτ-closed}B. Therefore, A is the smallest Nτ-closed set which containing A.


Assume A is Nτ-closed, then A is the only smallest Nτ-closed set which containing itself and therefore Nτ-cl(A)=A. Conversely, assume Nτ-cl(A)=A. Then A is the smallest Nτ-closed set containing itself. Therefore, A is Nτ-closed. Particularly, since and X are Nτ-closed sets, then Nτ-cl()= and Nτ-cl(X)=X.


Assume AB, and since BNτ-cl(B), then ANτ-cl(B). Since Nτ-cl(A) is the smallest Nτ-closed set which containing A. Therefore we have, Nτ-cl(A)Nτ-cl(B).


Since AAB and BAB. Then by (iii), we have Nτ-cl(A)Nτ-cl(B)Nτ-cl(AB). On the other hand, by(i), ABNτ-cl(A)Nτ-cl(B). Since Nτ-cl(AB) is the smallest Nτ-closed set which containing AB. Then Nτ-cl(AB)Nτ-cl(A)Nτ-cl(B). Therefore we have, Nτ-cl(AB)=Nτ-cl(A)Nτ-cl(B).


Since ABA and ABB, then Nτ-cl(AB)Nτ-cl(A)Nτ-cl(B).


Since Nτ-cl(A) is a Nτ-closed set, then Nτ-cl(Nτ-cl(A))=Nτ-cl(A).

Example 3.9

Let X={a,b,c,d}. For N=2, consider τ1O(X)={X,,{a},{b,d},{a,b,d}} and τ2O(X)={X,}, then 2τO(X)={X,,{a},{b,d},{a,b,d}} and also 2τC(X)={X,,{c},{a,c},{b,c,d}}. Let A={a} and B={b,c}, then 2τ-cl(A)={a,c}, 2τ-cl(B)={b,c,d} and 2τ-cl(AB)=. Therefore, 2τ-cl(AB)2τ-cl(A)2τ-cl(B). That is, equality does not hold in (v) of Theorem 3.8.

Theorem 3.10

Let (X,Nτ) be a N-topological space on X. Then Nτ-closure satisfies Kuratowski closure axioms given below:




ANτ-cl(A) for each AX


Nτ-cl(AB)=Nτ-cl(A)Nτ-cl(B) for all A,BX


Nτ-cl(Nτ-cl(A))=Nτ-cl(A) for each AX.


Proof is follows from (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi) of Theorem 3.8.

Theorem 3.11

Let (X,Nτ) be a N-topological space on X and AX. Then xNτ-cl(A) if and only if GA for every Nτ-open set G containing x.


Assume xNτ-cl(A) and G is a Nτ-open set containing x, then X-G is Nτ-closed set and xX-G. Suppose that GA=, then AX-G. That is, X-G is a Nτ-closed set containing A. Since Nτ-cl(A) is the smallest Nτ-closed set which containing A, then Nτ-cl(A)X-G. Then xNτ-cl(A)X-G,which is contradicting to xX-G. Hence GA for every Nτ-open set G containing x. Conversely, assume GA for every Nτ-open set G containing x. Suppose that xNτ-cl(A), then xX-Nτ-cl(A), which is a Nτ-open set. By hypothesis, (X-Nτ-cl(A))A. Since X-Nτ-cl(A)X-A implies (X-Nτ-cl(A))A(X-A)A, then (X-A)A, which is a contradiction. Therefore, xNτ-cl(A).

Theorem 3.12

Let (X,Nτ) be a N-topological space X and AX. Then








Assume xNτ-int(X-A) and suppose xX-Nτ-cl(A) , then xNτ-cl(A) implies GA for every Nτ-open set G containing x. Therefore GX-A for every Nτ-open set G containing x. Then xNτ-int(X-A), which is a contradiction. Thus xX-Nτ-cl(A). On the other hand, let xX-Nτ-cl(A), then xNτ-cl(A). Suppose xNτ-int(X-A), then GX-A for every Nτ-open set G containing x. That is, GA for every Nτ-open set G containing x. Then xNτ-cl(A), which is a contradiction. Thus, xNτ-int(X-A). Therefore, Nτ-int(X-A)=X-Nτ-cl(A).


Let xX-Nτ-int(A). Then xNτ-int(A) implies GA for every Nτ-open set G containing x. That is, G(X-A) for every Nτ-open set G containing x. Then xNτ-cl(X-A). On the other hand, xNτ-cl(X-A), then G(X-A) for every Nτ-open set G containing x. That is, GA for every Nτ-open set G containing x. Then xNτ-int(A) implies xX-Nτ-int(A). Therefore, Nτ-cl(X-A)=X-Nτ-int(A).

Remark 3.13

If we take complement of either side of (i) and (ii) of previous theorem, we get





Theorem 3.14

Let (X,Nτ) be a N-topological space X and A,BX. Then


Nτ-int(A) is the largest Nτ-open set contained in A


A is Nτ-open set if and only if Nτ-int(A)=A. In particular, Nτ-int()= and Nτ-int(X)=X


AB, then Nτ-int(A)Nτ-int(B)










Since union of any collection of Nτ-open sets is again a Nτ-open, then Nτ-int(A) is Nτ-open set and by definition of Nτ-interior of A, Nτ-int(A)A. Now, let B be any Nτ-open set which contained in A. Then B{G:GA and G is Nτ-open}=Nτ-int(A) and therefore, Nτ-int(A) is the largest Nτ-open set which contained in A.


Assume A is Nτ-open set if and only if X-A is Nτ-closed set if and only if Nτ-cl(X-A)=X-A if and only if X-Nτ-cl(X-A)=A if and only ifNτ-int(A)=A. In particular, since and X are Nτ-open sets, then Nτ-int()= and Nτ-int(X)=X.


Assume AB, then X-BX-A implies Nτ-cl(X-A)Nτ-cl(X-B) implies Nτ-int(A)Nτ-int(B).


Assume xNτ-int(A)Nτ-int(B) , then xX-(Nτ-int(A)Nτ-int(B)) implies x(Nτ-cl(X-A))(Nτ-cl(X-B)), then xNτ-cl(X-(AB)) implies xNτ-int(AB). Therefore, Nτ-int(AB)Nτ-int(A)Nτ-int(B).


Assume xNτ-int(AB), then xX-Nτ-int(AB) implies x(Nτ-cl(X-A))(Nτ-cl(X-B)), then x(X-Nτ-cl(X-A))(X-Nτ-cl(X-B)). Then xNτ-int(A)Nτ-int(B). Thus, Nτ-int(AB)Nτ-int(A)Nτ-int(B). On the other hand, let xNτ-int(A)Nτ-int(B), then xX-(Nτ-cl(X-A)Nτ-cl(X-B)) implies that xNτ-int(AB). Therefore, Nτ-int(AB)=Nτ-int(A)Nτ-int(B).


Since Nτ-int(A) is a Nτ-open set, then Nτ-int(Nτ-int(A))=Nτ-int(A).

Example 3.15

Let X={a,b,c,d,e}. For N=3, consider τ1O(X)={X,,{a,b}}, τ2O(X)={X,,{a,b},{c,d},{a,b,c,d}} and τ3O(X)={X,,{c}}. Then, we have 3τO(X)={X,,{c},{a,b},{c,d},{a,b,c},{a,b,c,d}} and also 3τC(X)={X,,{e},{d,e},{a,b,e},{c,d,e},{a,b,d,e}}. Let A={a,c,d} and B={b}, then 3τ-int(A)={c,d}, 3τ-int(B)=, and 3τ-int(AB)={a,b,c,d}. Thus, 3τ-int(AB)3τ-int(A)3τ-int(B). That is, equality does not hold in (iv) of theorem 3.14.

Theorem 3.16

Let (X,Nτ) be a N-topological space on X and AX. Then








Assume xτ1-int(A)τ2-int(A)τN-int(A) and suppose xNτ-int(A), then GA for every Nτ-open set G containing x. By definition, NτO(X)τ1O(X)τ2O(X)τNO(X), then each GiA for every τi-open set Gi containing x, where i=1,2,,N. Then xτ1-int(A)τ2-int(A)τN-int(A), which is a contradiction. Therefore, τ1-int(A)τ2-int(A)τN-int(A)Nτ-int(A).


Since Nτ-int(X-A)τ1-int(X-A)τ2-int(X-A)τN-int(X-A), then X-Nτ-cl(A)(X-τ1-cl(A))(X-τ2-cl(A))(X-τN-cl(A)) which implies Nτ-cl(A)τ1-cl(A)τ2-cl(A)τN-cl(A).

Example 3.17

Let X={a,b,c,d}. For N=2, consider τ1O(X)={X,,{a,b}} and τ2O(X)={X,,{a,c}}. Then 2τO(X)={X,,{a},{a,b},{a,c},{a,b,c}} and also τ1C(X)={X,,{c,d}}, τ2C(X)={X,,{b,d}}, then 2τC(X)={X,,{d},{b,d},{c,d},{b,c,d}}. If A={a} and B={b}, then we have 2τ-int(A)={a}, τ1-int(A)=, τ2-int(A)=. Therefore, 2τ-int(A)τ1-int(A)τ2-int(A) . That is, equality does not hold in (i) of theorem 3.16. If A={b,c,d}, then we have 2τ-cl(A)={b,c,d}, τ1-cl(A)=X and τ2-cl(A)=X. Therefore, 2τ-cl(A)τ1-cl(A)τ2-cl(A) . That is, equality does not hold in (ii) of theorem 3.16.

Definition 3.18



Let Y be a non empty subset of a bitopological space (X,2τ). Then the bitopology (2τ)={YO:O2τ} is called the relative (simply induced or subspace) topology on Y for 2τ. The pair (Y,(2τ)) is called a subspace of (X,2τ). Generally, we can define


Let Y be a non empty subset of a N-topological space (X,Nτ). Then the N-topology (Nτ)={YO:ONτ} is called the relative (simply induced or subspace) topology on Y for Nτ. The pair (Y,(Nτ)) is called a subspace of (X,Nτ).

Example 3.19

Let X={a,b,c,d,e,f}. For N=4, consider τ1O(X)={X,,{a}}, τ2O(X)={X,,{b}}, τ3O(X)={X,,{c}}, and τ4O(X)={X,,{d}}. Then 4τO(X)={X,,{a},{b},{c},{d},{a,b},{a,c},{a,d},{b,c},{b,d},{c,d},{a,b,c},{a,b,d},{a,c,d},{b,c,d},{a,b,c,d}}. Let Y={a,c,e,f}X. Then (4τ)={Y,,{a},{c},{a,c}} is a relative topology for 4τ.

Theorem 3.20

Let (Y,(Nτ)) be a subspace of (X,Nτ) and AY. Then


A is (Nτ)-closed in Y if and only if A=YF, where F is Nτ-closed in X


If A is (Nτ)-closed in Y and Y is Nτ-closed in X. Then A is Nτ-closed in X.




A is (Nτ)-closed Y-A is (Nτ)-open Y-A=YO for some ONτA=YF where F=X-O is Nτ-closed.


Since A is (Nτ)-closed in Y, A=YF for some Nτ-closed set F in X. Since Y and F are both Nτ closed in X, so is YF.

4. Continuity in N-topological spaces

In this section, we introduce continuous functions in N-topological spaces and discuss the different properties of it. Also, we prove the Pasting Lemma. Throughout this section, the N-topological spaces (X,Nτ) and (Y,Nτ) represented by X and Y, respectively.

Definition 4.1

Let X and Y be two N-topological spaces. A function f:XY is said to be N-continuous on X if the inverse image of every Nτ-open set in Y is a Nτ-open set in X.

Example 4.2

For N=2, let X={a,b,c,d} and Y={x,y,z,w}. Consider τ1O(X)={X,,{a,b}}, τ2O(X)={X,,{a}} and τ1O(Y)={Y,,{x}}, τ2O(Y)={Y,,{x,y,z}}. Then 2τO(X)={X,,{a},{a,b}}, 2τC(X)={X,,{c,d},{b,c,d}} and 2τO(Y)={Y,,{x},{x,y,z}}, 2τC(Y)={Y,,{w},{y,z,w}}. Define f:XY by f(a)=x, f(b)=y, f(c)=z, f(d)=z. Then f-1(Y)=X, f-1()=, f-1({x})={a}, f-1({x,y,z})=X. That is, the inverse image of every 2τ-open set in Y is a 2τ-open set in X. Therefore, f is 2-continuous function on X.

Theorem 4.3

A function f:XY is N-continuous on X if and only if the inverse image of every Nτ-closed set in Y is a Nτ-closed set in X.


Assume that f:XY is N-continuous on X and let A be a Nτ-closed set in Y. Then Y-A is a Nτ-open set in Y. Since f is a N-continuous function on X, then f-1(Y-A) is Nτ-open set in X. Then X-f-1(A) is Nτ-open set in X. Then f-1(A) is Nτ-closed set in X. Conversely, assume the inverse image of every Nτ-closed set in Y is Nτ-closed set in X and let B be a Nτ-open set in Y. Then Y-B is a Nτ-closed set in Y and f-1(Y-B) is a Nτ-closed set in X. Then f-1(B) is a Nτ-open set in X. Hence f is N-continuous function on X.

Theorem 4.4

A function f:XY is N-continuous on X if and only if f(Nτ-cl(A))Nτ-cl(f(A)) for every AX.


Assume f:XY be a N-continuous function on X and let AX. Then f(A)Y and Nτ-cl(f(A)) is Nτ-closed set in Y. Since f is N-continuous function on X, then f-1(Nτ-cl(f(A))) is Nτ-closed set in X. Since f(A)Nτ-cl(f(A)), then Af-1(Nτ-cl(f(A))). Since Nτ-cl(A) is the smallest Nτ-closed set in X containing A, then Nτ-cl(A)f-1(Nτ-cl(f(A))). Then f(Nτ-cl(A))Nτ-cl(f(A)) for every AX. Conversely, assume f(Nτ-cl(A))Nτ-cl(f(A)) for every AX and let F be a Nτ-closed set in Y. Since f-1(F)X, then f(Nτ-cl(f-1(F)))Nτ-cl(f(f-1(F)))=Nτ-cl(F). Then Nτ-cl(f-1(F))f-1(Nτ-cl(F))=f-1(F). Since F is a Nτ-closed set in Y and also f-1(F)Nτ-cl(f-1(F)). Then f-1(F)=Nτ-cl(f-1(F)) and also f-1(F) is Nτ-closed set in X. Therefore, f is N-continuous function on X.

Example 4.5

For N=2. Let X={a,b,c,d} and Y={x,y,z,w}. Consider τ1O(X)={X,,{a,c}}, τ2O(X)={X,,{b,d}} and also τ1O(Y)={Y,,{x,z},{x,y,z}}, τ2O(Y)={Y,,{y}}. Then 2τO(X)={X,,{a,c},{b,d}}, 2τO(Y)={Y,,{y},{x,z},{x,y,z}} and also 2τC(X)={X,,{a,c},{b,d}}, 2τC(Y)={Y,,{w},{y,w},{x,z,w}}. Define f:XY by f(a)=y, f(b)=x, f(c)=y and f(d)=x. Clearly, f is 2-continuous function on X. If A={a,c}X. Then f(2τ-cl(A))=f({a,c})={y}. But, 2τ-cl(f(A))=2τ-cl({y})={y,w}. Thus, f(2τ-cl(A))2τ-cl(f(A)), even though f is 2-continuous function on X. That is, equality does not hold in the theorem 4.4, even though f is 2-continuous function on X.

Theorem 4.6

A function f:XY is N-continuous on X if and only if Nτ-cl(f-1(B))f-1(Nτ-cl(B)) for every BY.


Let f:XY be a N-continuous on X and let BY. Then Nτ-cl(B) is Nτ-closed set in Y. Since f is N-continuous function on X, then f-1(Nτ-cl(B)) is Nτ-closed in X. That is, Nτ-cl(f-1(Nτ-cl(B)))=f-1(Nτ-cl(B)). Since BNτ-cl(B), then f-1(B)f-1(Nτ-cl(B)). Thus, Nτ-cl(f-1(B))Nτ-cl(f-1(Nτ)-cl(B)))= f-1(Nτ-cl(B)) for every BY. Conversely, assume that Nτ-cl(f-1(B))f-1(Nτ-cl(B)) for every BY and let F be a Nτ-closed set in Y. Then Nτ-cl(F)=F and by assumption, Nτ-cl(f-1(F))f-1(Nτ-cl(F))=f-1(F). Since f-1(F)Nτ-cl(f-1(F)), then f-1(F)=Nτ-cl(f-1(F)) and f-1(F) is Nτ-closed set in X.

Example 4.7

For N=2. Let X={a,b,c,d} and Y={x,y,z,w}. Consider τ1O(X)={X,,{c}}, τ2O(X)={X,,{a,d},{a,c,d}} and τ1O(Y)={Y,}, τ2O(Y)={Y,,{x,w}}. Then 2τO(X)={X,,{c},{a,d},{a,c,d}}, 2τO(Y)={Y,,{x,w}} and also 2τC(X)={X,,{b},{b,c},{a,b,d}}, 2τC(Y)={Y,,{y,z}}. Define f:XY by f(a)=x, f(b)=y, f(c)=z and f(d)=w. Clearly, f is 2-continuous function on X. If A={y}Y. Then f-1(2τ-cl(A))=f-1({y,z})={b,c}. But, 2τ-cl(f-1(A))=2τ-cl({b})={b}. Thus, f-1(2τ-cl(A))2τ-cl(f-1(A)), even though f is 2-continuous function on X. That is, equality does not hold in the theorem 4.6, even though f is 2-continuous function on X.

Theorem 4.8

A function f:XY is N-continuous on X if and only if f-1(Nτ-int(B))Nτ-int(f-1(B)) for every BY.


Let f:XY be a N-continuous on X and let BY. Then Nτ-int(B) is Nτ-open set in Y. Since f is N-continuous on X, then f-1(Nτ-int(B)) is Nτ-open in X. That is, Nτ-int(f-1(Nτ-int(B)))=f-1(Nτ-int(B)). Since Nτ-int(B)B, then f-1(Nτ-int(B))f-1(B) which implies Nτ-int(f-1(Nτ-int(B)))Nτ-int(f-1(B)). Thus f-1(Nτ-int(B))Nτ-int(f-1(B)) for every BY. Conversely, assume f-1(Nτ-int(B))Nτ-int(f-1(B)) for every BY and let G be a Nτ-open set in Y. Then Nτ-int(G)=G and by assumption, f-1(G)Nτ-int(f-1(G)). Also Nτ-int(f-1(G))f-1(G) and hence Nτ-int(f-1(G))=f-1(G) which implies f-1(G) is Nτ-open in X. Therefore, f is N-continuous function on X.

Example 4.9

For N=2, let X={a,b,c,d} and Y={x,y,z,w}. Consider τ1O(X)={X,,{a,b}}, τ2O(X)={X,,{a}} and τ1O(Y)={Y,,{x}} and τ2O(Y)={Y,,{x,y,z}}. Then 2τO(X)={X,,{a},{a,b}} and 2τC(X)={X,,{c,d},{b,c,d}} and also 2τO(Y)={Y,,{x},{x,y,z}}, 2τC(Y)={Y,,{w},{y,z,w}}. Define f:XY by f(a)=x, f(b)=y, f(c)=z, f(d)=z. Clearly f is 2-continuous function on X. If B={x,y}Y. Then f-1(2τ-int(B))=f-1({x})={a}. But, 2τ-int(f-1(B))=2τ-int({a,b}))={a,b}. Thus, f-1(2τ-int(B))2τ-int(f-1(B)), even though f is 2-continuous. That is, equality does not hold in the theorem 4.8, when f is 2-continuous.

Theorem 4.10

   (The Pasting Lemma)

Let X and Y be two N-topological spaces with X=AB, where A and B are Nτ-closed sets in X. Let f:AY and g:BY be N-continuous. If f(x)=g(x) for every xAB, then f and g combine to give a N-continuous function h:XY, defined by setting h(x)=f(x) if xA, and h(x)=g(x) if xB.


Let F be a Nτ-closed set in Y. Now h-1(F)=f-1(F)g-1(F), by elementary set theory. Since f is N-continuous, f-1(F) is Nτ-closed in A and therefore,Nτ-closed in X. Similarly, g-1(F) is Nτ-closed in B and therefore, Nτ-closed in X. Thus their union h-1(F) is Nτ-closed in X.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we introduce a new venture to establish more topologies on a non empty set. Such efforts prompt us to blissfully convey that these concepts are also applicable in other areas of General topology, Fuzzy topology, intuitionistic topology, ideal topology so on and so forth. The course of human history, unmistakably shown and revealed to us that many great leaps of learning, discoveries, and understanding come from a source not so anticipated, and that in any field of sciences or humanities, and in particular in the field of basic researches often bear fruit well within hundred years, so to say. However, the more we come to grapple with and invest our time and energy to comprehend anything that is new, the better will we be, in order to handle and deal with the challenges and queries that keep facing us in the future, and come up with better results and findings.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

M. Lellis Thivagar

M. Lellis Thivagar has published 210 research publications both in national and International journals to his credit. Under his able guidance 15 scholars obtained their doctoral degree. In his collaborative work, he has joined hands with intellectuals of highly reputed persons internationally. He serves as a referee for 12 peer-reviewed international journals. At present he is the professor , chairperson, School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University.

V. Ramesh

V. Ramesh is a research scholar under the guidance of M. Lellis Thivagar at the School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. Five of his research papers are published/accepted in the reputed international peer-reviewed journals.

M. Arockia Dasan

M. Arockia Dasan is also a research scholar under the guidance of M. Lellis Thivagar at the School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. Four of his research papers are published/accepted in the reputed international peer-reviewed journals.


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