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Research Article

On new fixed point theorems for three types of (α, β)-(ψ, θ, ϕ)-multivalued contractive mappings in metric spaces

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Article: 1257473 | Received 13 Aug 2016, Accepted 25 Oct 2016, Published online: 29 Dec 2016


Our goal in this paper is to present three classes of cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)-admissible multivalued mappings, and then prove the existence of fixed point in a complete metric space. Our results generalize and extend several works. Two examples were added to support our work.

Public Interest Statement

The study of fixed points for multivalued contraction maps using the Hausdorff metric was initiated by Nadler that extended the Banach contraction principle to set-valued mappings. After that several authors have studied fixed points for set-valued maps. The theory of set-valued maps has many applications in control theory, convex optimization, differential equations and economics. In this paper, we present three contractive conditions and proved the existence of fixed point theorems in complete metric space. Two examples were added to support our work.

1. Introduction and preliminaries

One of the most important tools in fixed point theory is Banach contraction principle. A lot of authors have extended or generalized this contraction and proved the existence of fixed and common fixed point theorems (see Aydi, Postolache, & Shatanawi, Citation2012; Aydi, Shatanawi, & Vetro, Citation2011; Khan, Citation1976; Samet, Vetro, & Vetro, Citation2012; Shatanawi & Postolache, Citation2013 and references therein). The theory of multivalued mapping has an important tool in various fields of mathematics, for example, control and optimal theory as well as real and complex analysis. Several authors have also extended and presented many forms of multivalued mapping conditions on self-mappings as a generalization of Banach contraction principle using the concept of Hausdorff metric and proved the existence of fixed and common fixed point theorems in metric space and other spaces. We recite some notations, needed definitions and elementary results, for the purpose of the sequel, and N and R the sets of positive integers and real numbers respectively. Let (Yd) be a metric space, we denote CL(Y) the family of closed subsets of Y,  by CB(Y) the class of all nonempty closed bounded subsets of Y. and F(f) is the set of all fixed points of f. For B,CCL(Y), let the H:CL(Y)×CL(Y)R+{} be defined byH(B,C)=max{supbBd(b,C),supcCd(c,B)},if the maximum exists,otherwise.

such map H is called the generalized Hausdorff metric induced by the metric d.

Let Φ be a set of functions, ϕ:[0,+)[0,+) is lower semi-continuous with ϕ(k)=0k=0 and let Ψ be a set of a family of nondecreasing functions, ψ:[0,+)[0,+) such thatn=1ψn(k)< for each k>0, where ψn is the nth iterate of ψ. It is known that for each ψΨ, we have ψ(k)<k for each k>0 and ψ(k)=0 for k=0. More details about ψ function can be found in e.g (Karapinar & Sametm, Citation2012; Samet et al., Citation2012)

Samet et al. (Citation2012) presented the concept α-admissible mappings as the following:

Definition 1.1

Let f:YY and α:Y×Y[0,).f is called α-admissible when if y,zY such that α(y,z)1 then we have α(fy,fz)1.

After that, many authors used the concept of α-admissible contractive-type mappings to study the existence of fixed point in many spaces (see Hussain, Ahmad, & Azam, Citation2014; Hussain, Parvaneh, & Hoseini Ghoncheh, Citation2014; Jleli, Samet, Vetro, & Vetro, Citation2015 and references cited therein).

Alizadeh, Moradlou, and Salimi (Citation2014) introduced the concept of cyclic (α,β)-admissible mapping as the following:

Definition 1.2

Let g:YCL(Y) be and α,β:YR+ be two functions. f is said to be a cyclic (α,β)-admissible mapping if


α(y)1 for some yYβ(fy)1,


β(y)1 for some yYα(fy)1.

Example 1.3

(Alizadeh et al., Citation2014)   Let f:RR by defined by fy=-(y+y3). Assume that α,β:RR+ are given by α(y)=ey for all yR and β(z)=e-z for all zR. Then f is a cyclic (α,β)- admissible mapping. Indeed, if α(y)=ey1, then y0 which implies -f(y)0. Therefore, β(fy)=e-fy1. Also, if β(z)=e-z1, then z0 which implies f(z)0. So, α(fz)=efz1.

Concerning the class of cyclic (α,β)- admissible mapping, Alizadeh et al. (Citation2014) presented the notation of (α,β)-(ψ,ϕ)-contractive mapping as following:

Definition 1.4

Let (Yd) be a complete metric space and f:YY be a cyclic (α,β)- admissible mapping. f is called a cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,ϕ)-contractive mapping if(1.1) y,zY,α(y)β(z)1ψ(d(fy,fz))ψ(d(y,z))-ϕ(d(y,z)),(1.1)

for y,zY, where ψ:[0,+)[0,+) is continuous and increasing function and ϕ:[0,+)[0,+) is a lower semi-continuous function with ϕ(k)=0k=0.

Alizadeh et al. (Citation2014) proved the existence of fixed point results for such mappings in complete metric spaces

Theorem 1.5

(Alizadeh et al., Citation2014)   Let (Yd) be a complete metric space and f:YY be a (α,β)-(ψ,ϕ)-admissible mapping. Assume that the following conditions hold:


there exists y0Y such that α(y0)1andβ(y0)1


f is continuous, or


if {yn} is a sequence in Y such that yny and β(yn)1 for all nN, then β(y)1;

then f has a fixed point. Moreover, if α(y)1 and β(z)1 for all yF(f), then f has a unique fixed point.

Ali, Kamran, and Karapinar (Citation2014) presented the family Θ of functions θ:[0,)[0,) satisfying the following conditions:


θ is continuous


θ is nondecreasing on R+


θ(0)=0 and θ(k)>0 for all k(0,)


θ is subadditive

Lemma 1.6

(Ali et al., Citation2014)   Let (Yd) is a metric space and θΘ. Then (Y,θd) is a metric space.

Lemma 1.7

(Ali et al., Citation2014)   Let (Yd) be a metric space, let θΘ and CCL(Y). Suppose that there exists yY such that θ(d(y,C))>0. Then there exists zC such thatθ(d(y,z))<τθ(d(y,C)),

where τ>1.

Meir and Keeler (Citation1969) established a fixed point theorem on a metric space (Yd). They studied the class of mappings satisfying the condition for each ϵ>0, there exists δ(ϵ)>0 such thatϵd(y,z)<ϵ+δ(ϵ)d(fy,fz)<ϵ

Khan (Citation1976) proved the existence of fixed point in setting of metric space. Latif, Gordji, Karapinar, and Sintunavarat (Citation2014) presented the concept (α,ψ)-Meir-Keeler mapping. Lately, Redjel, Dehici, Karapinar, and Erhan (Citation2015) presented the concept of (α,ψ)-Meir-Keeler- Khan mappings as follows:

Definition 1.8

Let f:YY be a mapping on a metric space (Yd). f is said to be an (α,ψ)-Meir-Keeler-Khan mapping if there exist ψΨ and α:Y×Y[0,) such that for every ϵ>0, there exists δ(ϵ) such that ifϵd(y,fy)d(y,fz)+d(z,fz)d(z,fy)d(y,fz)+d(z,fy)<ϵ+δ(ϵ)

for any y,zY and yzd(y,fz)+d(z,fy)0, thenα(y,z)d(fy,fz)<ϵ.

It is easy to show that f is (α,ψ)-Meir-Keeler-Khan mapping, thenα(y,z)d(fy,fz)ψ(N(y,z)),


for all y,zY.

In this article, motivated and inspired by Alizadeh et al. (Citation2014), Redjel et al. (Citation2015), we present the class of cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)- admissible multivalued mapping and cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)-admissible Meir-Keeler-Khan multivalued mapping. After that, we establish the existence of fixed point for this class of mappings in metric space. Our work generalizes and extends some theorems in the literature. Two examples are given to support the obtained results.

2. Main result

Now, we present the class of a cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)- admissible multivalued mapping and prove some fixed point theorems on complete metric space.

Definition 2.1

Let (Yd) be a metric space and f:YCL(Y) be a cyclic (α,β)-admissible mapping. We say that f is a cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)-admissible multivalued mapping of type A if there exists α,β::Y×Y[0,+), ψΨ, θΘ and ϕΦ such that:(2.1) y,zY,α(y)β(z)1θ(H(fy,fz))ψ(θ(M(y,z)))-ϕ(M(y,z)),(2.1)


for all y,zY.

Definition 2.2

Let (Yd) be a metric space. The mapping f:YCL(Y) is called a cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)-admissible multivalued mapping of type B if there exists α,β:Y×Y[0,+), ψΨ, θΘ and ϕΦ such that:(2.2) y,zY,α(y)β(z)1θ(H(fy,fz))ψ(θ(P(y,z)))-ϕ(P(y,z)),(2.2)


for all y,zY.

Theorem 2.3

Let (Yd) be a complete metric space and f:YCL be cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)-admissible multivalued mapping of type A. Assume that the following conditions hold:


there exists y0Y and y1fy0 such that α(y0)1β(fy0)=β(y1)1β(y0)1α(fy0)=α(y1)1,


if {yn} is a sequence in Y with yny as n and β(yn)1 for all nN, then β(y)1,

then f has a fixed point.


By starting from y0 and y1fy0 in conditions (1), we haveα(y0)1β(y1)=β(fy0)1,β(y0)1α(y1)=α(fy0)1.

Therefore, α(y0)1 and β(y1)1, equivalently, α(y0)β(y1)1. If y0=y1, we derive that y1F(f) and so the proof is done. Now, we assume that y0y1 and y1fy1. From (2.1), we have(2.3) 0<θ(d(y1,fy1))θ(H(fy0,fy1))ψ(θ(M(y0,y1)))-ϕ(M(y0,y1)),(2.3)

where(2.4) M(y0,y1)=maxd(y0,y1),d(y0,fy0),d(y1,fy1),12[d(y0,fy1)+d(y1,fy0)]=maxd(y0,y1),d(y0,y1),d(y1,fy1),12d(y0,fy1)=maxd(y0,y1),d(y1,fy1),12[d(y0,y1)+d(y1,fy1)]=maxd(y0,y1),d(y1,fy1),(2.4)

from (2.3) and (2.4) and by using the properties of ϕ, we get(2.5) 0<θ(d(y1,fy1))ψ(θ(max{d(y0,y1),d(y1,fy1)}))-ϕ(max{d(y0,y1),d(y1,fy1)}),(2.5)

assume that max{d(y0,y1),d(y1,fy1)}=d(y1,fy1), then we obtain0<θ(d(y1,fy1))ψ(θ(d(y1,fy1)))-ϕ(d(y1,fy1))<ψ(θ(d(y1,fy1))),

which is a contradiction. Thus max{d(y0,y1),d(y1,fy1)}=d(y0,y1). From (2.5), we obtain(2.6) 0<θ(d(y1,fy1))ψ(θ(d(y0,y1)))-ϕ(d(y0,y1))<ψ(θ(d(y0,y1))).(2.6)

For τ>1 by Lemma 1.7, there exists y2fy1 such that(2.7) 0<θ(d(y1,y2))<τθ(d(y1,fy1)).(2.7)

From (2.6) and (2.7), we get(2.8) 0<θ(d(y1,y2))<τψ(θ(d(y0,y1))).(2.8)

By applying ψ in (2.8), we have(2.9) 0<ψ(θ(d(y1,y2)))<ψ(τψ(θ(d(y0,y1)))).(2.9)

Set τ1=ψ(τψ(θ(d(y0,y1))))ψ(θ(d(y1,y2))). Then τ11. Since f is a cyclic (α,β)-admissible mapping, from condition (1) and y2fy1, we haveα(y1)1β(y2)=β(fy1)1,β(y1)1α(y2)=α(fy1)1.

So, α(y1)1 and β(y2)1. Equivalently, α(y1)β(y2)1. If y2fy2, then y2F(f). So, we assume that y2fy2. From (2.1), we deduce(2.10) 0<θ(d(y2,fy2))θ(H(fy1,fy2))ψ(θ(M(y1,y2)))-ϕ(M(y1,y2)),(2.10)


If M(y1,y2)=d(y2,fy2) and by using properties of ϕ, we have:0<θ(d(y2,fy2))ψ(θ(d(y2,fy2)))-ϕ(d(y2,fy2))<ψ(θ(d(y2,fy2))),

which is a contradiction. Thus, if M(y1,y2)=d(y1,y2), we get(2.11) 0<θ(d(y2,fy2))θ(H(fy1,fy2))ψ(θ(d(y2,y2)))-ϕ(d(y1,y2))<ψ(θ(d(y1,y2))).(2.11)

For τ1>1 by Lemma 1.7, then there exists y3fy2 such that(2.12) 0<θ(d(y2,y3))<τ1θ(d(y2,fy2)).(2.12)

From (2.11)and (2.12), we obtain(2.13) 0<d(y2,y3))<τ1ψ(θ(d(y2,fy2)))=ψ(τψ(θ(d(y0,y1)))).(2.13)

By applying ψ in (2.13), we have(2.14) 0<ψ(θ(d(y2,y3)))<ψ2(τψ(θ(d(y0,y1)))).(2.14)

By continuing this procedure, we construct the sequence{yn} in Y such that yn+1ynfyn, again, since f is a cyclic (α,β)-admissible mapping, we haveα(yn)1andβ(yn)1

for all nN. This implies thatα(yn)β(yn+1)1,


for all N{0}.

Let m,nN such that m>n. By the triangle inequality, we getθ(d(ym,yn))l=nm-1θ(d(yl,yl+1))l=nm-1ψl-1(τψ(θ(d(y0,y1)))).

From the ψ properties, this implies that limn,mθ(d(ym,yn))=0 and by the continuity of θ, we have limn,md(ym,yn)=0. Thus {yn} is Cauchy sequence in (Yd) such that yny as n for all nN. For all nN, we suppose that condition (2) hold. Hence α(yn)β(z)1. From (2.1), we have(2.15) θ(H(fyn,fz))ψ(θ(M(yn,z)))-ϕ(M(yn,z))(2.15)

for all nN. wheremaxd(yn,z),d(fyn,yn),d(z,fz),12[d(yn,fz)+d(z,fyn)].

Assume that d(z,fz)0. Let ϵ=d(z,fz)2. Since ynz as n, we can find t1N such that(2.16) d(z,yn)<d(z,fz)2,(2.16)

for all nt1. Also, we get(2.17) d(yn,fz)d(yn,z)+d(z,fz)<d(z,fz)2+d(z,fz)=3d(z,fz)2(2.17)

for all nt2. Furthermore, we obtain(2.18) d(yn,fyn)d(yn,yn+1)<d(z,fz)2(2.18)

for all nt3. Using (2.16)–(2.18), we have(2.19) M(yn,z)=maxd(yn,z),d(fyn,yn),d(z,fz),12[d(yn,fz)+d(z,fyn)]=d(z,fz)(2.19)

for all nt=:{t1,t2,t3}. For nt. From (2.15) and the triangle inequality and the properties of ϕ, we obtainθ(d(z,fz))θ(d(z,yn+1))+θ(H(fyn,fz))θ(d(z,yn+1))+ψ(θ(M(yn,z)))-ϕ(M(yn,z))θ(d(z,yn+1))+ψ(θ(d(z,fz))-ϕ(d(z,fz))<θ(d(z,yn+1))+ψ(θ(d(z,fz)),

taking n in the above inequality, we getθ(d(z,fz))ψ(θ(d(z,fz))<θ(d(z,fz)),

which is a contradiction. Thus d(z,fz)=0, that is, zfz.

Corollary 2.4

Let (Yd) be a complete metric space and f:YCL(Y). Assume that there exists four functions α,β:Y[0,),ψΨ and ϕΦ such thatα(y)β(z)θ(H(fy,fz))ψ(θ(M(y,z)))-ϕ(M(y,z)),

Assume that the following conditions hold:


there exists y0Y and y1fy0 such that α(y0)1β(fy0)=β(y1)1β(y0)1α(fy0)=α(y1)1,


if {yn} is a sequence in Y with ynyY as n and β(yn)1 for all nN, then β(y)1, then f has a fixed point.


Let α(y)β(z)1 for every y,zY. Then by 2.4, we have:θ(H(fy,fz))α(y)β(z)θ(H(fy,fz))ψ(M(y,z))-ϕ(M(y,z)),

this guides that f cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)-admissible multivalued mapping. So, by following the proof Theorem 2.3 we obtain the desired outcome.

If we put ψ(k)=θ(k)=k and ϕ(k)=(1-h)k in Theorem 2.3, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 2.5

Let (Yd) be a complete metric space and f:YCL(Y). Assume that there exists four functions α,β:Y[0,),ψΨ, θΘ and ϕΦ such thaty,zY,α(y)β(z)1H(fy,fz)hM(y,z),

where h[0,1) Assume that the following conditions hold:


there exists y0Y and y1fy0 such that α(y0)1β(fy0)=β(y1)1β(y0)1α(fy0)=α(y1)1,


if {yn} is a sequence in Y with ynyY as n and β(yn)1 for all nN, then β(y)1,

then f has a fixed point.

Theorem 2.6

Let (Yd) be a complete metric space and f:YCL(Y) be a cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)-admissible multivalued mapping of type B. Assume that the following conditions hold:


there exists y0Y and y1fy0 such that α(y0)1β(fy0)=β(y1)1β(y0)1α(fy0)=α(y1)1,


if {yn} is a sequence in Y with ynyY as n and β(yn)1 for all nN, then β(y)1, then f has a fixed point.


By similar method in Theorem 2.3, we start from y0 and y1fy0 in condition (1), we haveα(y0)1β(y1)=β(fy0)1,β(y0)1α(y1)=α(fy0)1.

Therefore, α(y0)1 and β(y1)1, equivalently, α(y0)β(y1)1. If y0=y1, we derive that y1F(f) and so the proof is done. Now, we assume that y0y1 and y1fy1 and hence d(y1,fy1)>0. From (2.1), we have(2.20) 0<θ(d(y1,fy1))θ(H(fy0,fy1))ψ(θ(P(y0,y1)))-ϕ(P(y0,y1)),(2.20)

where(2.21) P(y0,y1)=maxd(y0,y1),[1+d(y0,fy0)]d(y1,fy1)d(y0,y1)+1=maxd(y0,y1),[1+d(y0,y1)]d(y1,fy1)d(y0,y1)+1=maxd(y0,y1),(y1,fy1).(2.21)

To continue the proof after the above step, we will follow the same process as in Theorem 2.3.

Example 2.7

Let y=[0,) and d:Y×Y[0,) be defined by d(y,z)=|y-z| for all y,zY. Define f:YY and α,β:Y[0,) byfy=y2ify[0,1],2yify(1,)α(y)=y+32ify[0,1],0otherwiseβ(y)=y+53ify[0,1],0otherwise.

It’s easy to see that (Yd) is a complete metric space.

Now, we want to show that the Theorem 2.3 can guarantee the existence of fixed point of f. Firstly, we will show that f is a cyclic (α,β)-admissible mapping

For y,zY, we haveα(y)1y[0,1]β(fy)=βy2=y+1061


Secondly, we will prove that f is a cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)-multivalued contractive mapping. Define functions ψ,ϕ:[0,)[0,) byψ(k)=5k3,θ(k)=3k7andϕ(k)=k,forallk[0,).

If {yn} is a sequence in Y such that β(yn)1 and yny as n. So, yn[0,1]. Hence, i.e. β(y)1.

Let α(y)β(y)1. Then y,z[0,1] and θ(k)=k therefore, we haveθ(H(fy,fz))=12|y-z|57|y-z|=57d(y,z)57M(y,z)=53(37M(y,z))-ϕ(M(y,z))=ψ(θ(M(y,z)))-ϕ(M(y,z))

So, all conditions of Theorem 2.3 hold, which imply that f has fixed point.

Example 2.8

Let y=R and d:Y×Y[0,) be defined by d(y,z)=|y-z| for all y,zY. Define f:YY such that fy=4y and α,β:Y[0,) byα(y)=1,ify[-1,0],0,otherwiseβ(y)=1,ify[0,1],0,otherwise.

Firstly, we want to show that f is a cyclic (α,β)-admissible mapping. Let α(y)1 for some yY Then y[-1,0] and thus fy[-1,0]. Subsequently, β(fy)1. In the same way, if β(y)1 then α(fy)1. Then f is a cyclic (α,β)-admissible mapping. If {yn} is a sequence in Y such that β(yn)1 and yny as n. So, yn[0,1]. Hence, i.e. β(y)1. Let α(y)β(z)1. Then y[-1,0] and z[0,1]. All conditions of Corollary 2.5 are satisfied. Here, 0 is the fixed point f. Notice also Nadler multivalued mapping principle (Nadler, Citation1969) is not applicable. Indeed, d(y,z)=|y-z| for all y,zY. Then we have yz, d(y,z)=4y-z>hy-z for all h[0,1)

3. Some results for Meir-Keeler-Khan multivalued mapping

In this section, we will introduce the class of cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)-admissible Meir-Keeler-Khan multivalued mapping, we will prove the existence of fixed point for the class of mapping via cyclic (α,β)-admissible mapping. After that, all mappings f:YCL(Y) considered in the sequel of this article satisfyingy,zY,yzd(y,fz)+d(z,fy)0

Definition 3.1

Let (Yd) be a complete metric space and f:YCL(Y).f is called (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)-Meir-Keeler-Khan multivalued mapping if there exists ψΨ, θΘ, ϕΦ and α,β:[0,)[0,) such that(3.1) y,zY,α(y)β(z)1θ(H(fy,fz))ψ(θ(N(y,z))-ϕ(N(y,z)),(3.1)


for all y,zY.

Now, we will state our results in this section:

Theorem 3.2

Let f:YCL(Y) be a cyclic (α,β)-(ψ,θ,ϕ)-Meir-Keeler-Khan multivalued mapping on metric space (Yd). Assume that the following conditions hold:


there exists y0Y and y1fy0 such that α(y0)1β(fy0)=β(y1)1β(y0)1α(fy0)=α(y1)1,


if f is continuous

then f has a fixed point.


We start from condition (1), we have y0Y and y1fy0 such thatα(y0)1β(fy0)=β(y1)1β(y0)1α(fy0)=α(y1)1,

therefore, α(y0)1 and β(y1)1, equivalently, α(y0)β(y1)1. If y0=y1, we derive that y1F(f) and so the proof is done. Now, we assume that y0y1 and y1fy1 and hence d(y1,fy1)0. From (3.1), we have(3.2) 0<d(y1,fy1)θ(H(fy0,fy1))ψ(θ(N(y0,y1)))-ϕ(N(y0,y1)),(3.2)

where(3.3) N(y0,y1)=d(y0,fy0)d(y0,fy1)+d(y1,fy1)d(y1,fy0)d(y0,fy1)+d(y1,fy0)=d(y0,y1),(3.3)

from (3.4) and (3.5) and using the properties of ϕ, we get(3.4) 0<θ(d(y1,fy1))ψ(θ(d(y0,y1)))-ϕ(d(y0,y1))<ψ(θ(d(y0,y1))),(3.4)

For σ>1 by Lemma 1.7, there exists y2fy1 such that(3.5) 0<θ(d(y1,y2))<σθ(d(y1,fy1)).(3.5)

From (3.4) and (3.5), we get(3.6) 0<θ(d(y1,y2))<ψ(σψ(θ(d(y0,y1))),(3.6)

Since f is a cyclic (α,β)-admissible mapping, from condition (1) and y2fy2, we haveα(y1)1β(y2)=β(fy1)1,β(y1)1α(y2)=α(fy1)1.

so, α(y1)1 and β(y2)1. Equivalently, α(y1)β(y2)1. If y2fy2, then y2F(f). So, we assume that y2fy2; that is d(y2,fy2)>0. From (3.1), we deduce(3.7) 0<θ(d(y2,fy2))θ(H(fy1,fy2))ψ(θ(N(y1,y2)))-ϕ(N(y1,y2)),(3.7)

where(3.8) N(y1,y2)=d(y1,fy1)d(y1,fy2)+d(y2,fy2)d(y2,fy1)d(y1,fy2)+d(y2,fy1)=d(y1,y2),(3.8)

Using properties of ϕ, we have:(3.9) 0<θ(d(y2,fy2))θ(H(fy1,fy2))<ψ(θ(d(y1,y2))).(3.9)

For σ1>1 by Lemma 1.7, there exists y3fy2 such that(3.10) 0<θ(d(y2,y3))<σ1θ(d(y2,fy2)).(3.10)

From (3.9)and (3.10), we obtain(3.11) 0<θ(d(y1,y2))<ψ2(σψ(θ(d(y0,y1))),(3.11)

By continuing this method, we construct the sequence{yn}Y such that yn+1ynfyn, again, since f is a cyclic (α,β)-admissible mapping , we haveα(yn)1andβ(yn)1,

for all nN. This implies thatα(yn)β(yn+1)1,

and(3.12) 0<θ(d(yn,yn+1))<ψn(τψ(θ(d(y0,y1)))),(3.12)

for all N0.

Let m,nN such that m>n. By the triangle inequality, we get(3.13) θ(d(ym,yn))l=nm-1θ(d(yl,yl+1))l=nm-1ψl-1(τψ(θ(d(y0,y1)))).(3.13)

Since ψΨ and θ is continuous, we havelimn,md(ym,yn)=0.

Thus {yn} is Cauchy sequence in (Yd). By the completeness of (Yd),  there exists yY such that yny as n. Since f is continuous, we getd(y,fy)=limnd(yn+1,fy)limnH(fyn,fy)=0

thus, we have yfy.

Additional information


The authors would like to acknowledge the grant: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) [grant number DIP-2014-034] and Ministry of Education, Malaysia [grant number FRGS/1/2014/ST06/UKM/01/1] for financial support.

Notes on contributors

Habes Alsamir

Habes Alsamir received his MSc from Taibah University, Saudi Arabia in 2011 and is pursuing PhD from Kebangsaan University, Malaysia. His main research interest is: Fixed point Theory. He has published two papers in international journals.

Mohd Salmi Md Noorani

Mohd Salmi Md Noorani is a professor of mathematics in Kebangsaan University, Malaysia. He has supervised several PhD and master’s students in different areas of pure and applied mathematics and has published a lot of articles in international journals. Especially he has published many in metric space and its generalization.

Wasfi Shatanawi

Wasfi Shatanawi Wasfi Shatanawi, PhD, is a professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at Hashemite University. Shatanawi completed his PhD study from Carleton University/Canada in 2001. He published more than 100 papers. Shatanawi is one of the most influential scientific minds in the world; he has been listed in highly cited researchers for the years 2015 and 2016, according to Thomson Reuters.


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