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Research Article

On a class of nonlinear max-type difference equations

| (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1269597 | Received 25 Aug 2016, Accepted 26 Nov 2016, Published online: 29 Dec 2016


We investigate the solutions to the following system of nonlinear difference equations, xn+1=maxyn-12,Ayn-1,yn+1=maxxn-12,Axn-1fornN0, where x-1=α, y-1=β, x0=λ, and y0=μ are constants and A>0.

Public Interest Statement

Difference equations are pervasive in mathematics and recent advances give insight into other fields such as biology and engineering as well. Understanding the analysis of such equations is crucial in many applications in today’s society. In particular, many equations are discrete in nature and need a solid understanding of the theory of difference equations. We develop conditions for which a system of difference equations will be periodic, oscillatory, or nonperiodic. Also, the general solutions of such systems are given.

1. Introduction

Many authors have studied the solutions of max-type difference equations (see El-Dessoky, MR3400335; Elsayed, Iricanin, & Stevic, elsayed2010max; Kent, Kustesky, Nguyen, & Nguyen, kent2003eventually; Kent & Radin, kent2003boundedness; Stević, MR2577582, MR3037547; Yalçinkaya, Iricanin, & Cinar, yalccinkaya2008max).

Next are a few papers on systems of max-type difference equations:

Stević, Alghamdi, Alotaibi, and Naseer Shahzad (MR3262799) studied the boundedness characteristic of the following max-type difference equationsxn+1=maxA,ynpxn-1q,yn+1=maxA,xnpyn-1qfornN0.

Stević (MR2916163) studied the solutions to the following max-type difference equationxn+1=maxAxn,ynxn,yn+1=maxAyn,xnynfornN0.

We shall study the solutions to the following system of nonlinear difference equations,(1.1) xn+1=maxyn-12,Ayn-1,yn+1=maxxn-12,Axn-1fornN0,(1.1)

where x-1=α, y-1=β, x0=λ, and y0=μ are constants and A>0.

2. Main results

Lemma 2.1

Assume that 0<α,β,λ,μ<A<1. Then nN0 the following equalities hold:maxAβ22n,AβA22n-1=Aβ22nmaxAα22n,AαA22n-1=Aα22nmaxAμ22n,AμA22n-1=Aμ22nmaxAλ22n,AλA22n-1=Aλ22n.


Show thatmaxAβ22n,AβA22n-1=Aβ22nnN0.

We shall proceed by induction on n. Let n=0, then Aβ20=Aβ>1 and AβA12=A12β12<112112=1. Therefore, maxAβ,AβA2-1=Aβ. So the result holds for n=0. For n=1,βA21=β2A2<1. Now suppose for some kN, we haveAβ22k>1


Show thatmaxAβ22k+2,AβA22k+1=Aβ22k+2.




Therefore, the result is true nN0. Similarly, the remaining equalities hold.

Theorem 2.1

Assume that 0<x-1,y-1,x0,y0<A<1. Also, let xn,yn be a solution of the system of Equation (1.1) with x-1=α, y-1=β, x0=λ, and y0=μ. Then all solutions of (1.1) are of the following:x4n-3=Aβ22n-2,y4n-3=Aα22n-2x4n-2=Aμ22n-2,y4n-2=Aλ22n-2x4n-1=Aα22n-1,y4n-1=Aβ22n-1x4n=Aλ22n-2,y4n=Aμ22n-2.


For n=1, we havex1=maxβ2,Aβ=Aβ,y1=maxα2,Aα=Aαx2=maxμ2,Aμ=Aμ,y2=maxλ2,Aλ=Aλx3=maxA2α2,α=Aα,y3=maxA2β2,β=Aβx4=maxA2λ2,λ=Aλ,y4=maxA2μ2,μ=Aμ.

So the result holds for n=1. Now suppose the result is true for some k>0, that is,x4k-3=Aβ22k-2,y4k-3=Aα22k-2x4k-2=Aμ22k-2,y4k-2=Aλ22k-2x4k-1=Aα22k-1,y4k-1=Aβ22k-1x4k=Aλ22k-2,y4k=Aμ22k-2.

Also, for k+1 we have the following:x4k+1=maxy4k-12,Ay4k-1=maxAβ22k,AβA22k-1=Aβ22ky4k+1=maxx4k-12,Ax4k-1=maxAα22k,AαA22k-1=Aα22kx4k+2=maxy4k2,Ay4k=maxAμ22k,AμA22k-1=Aμ22ky4k+2=maxx4k2,Ax4k=maxAλ22k,AλA22k-1=Aλ22kx4k+3=maxy4k+12,Ay4k+1=maxAα22k+1,AαA22k=Aα22k+1y4k+3=maxx4k+12,Ax4k+1=maxAβ22k+1,AβA22k=Aβ22k+1x4k+4=maxy4k+22,Ay4k+2=maxAλ22k+1,AλA22k=Aλ22k+1y4k+4=maxx4k+22,Ax4k+2=maxAμ22k+1,AμA22k=Aμ22k+1.

Therefore the result is true for every kN. This concludes the proof.

Lemma 2.2

Assume that α,β,λ,μ-1 and 0<A<1. Then nN0 the following equalities hold:maxβ22n+1,Aβ22n=β22n+1maxα22n+1,Aα22n=α22n+1maxμ22n+1,Aμ22n=μ22n+1maxλ22n+1,Aλ22n=λ22n+1.


Show thatmaxβ22n+1,Aβ22n=β22n+1nN0.

We shall proceed by induction on n. Let n=0, then β21=β21>0 and Aβ20=Aβ<0<1. Therefore, maxβ2,Aβ=β2. So the result holds for n=0. For n=1,1β22=1β41. Now suppose for some kN, we haveβ22k+11


Show thatmaxβ22k+3,Aβ22k+2=β22k+3.




Therefore, the result is true nN0. Similarly, the remaining equalities hold.

Theorem 2.2

Assume that x-1,y-1,x0,y0-1 and 0<A<1. Also, let xn,yn be a solution of the system of Equations (1.1) with x-1=α, y-1=β, x0=λ, and y0=μ. Then all solutions of (1.1) are of the following:x4n-3=β22n-1,y4n-3=α22n-1x4n-2=μ22n-1,y4n-2=λ22n-1x4n-1=α22n,y4n-1=β22nx4n=λ22n,y4n=μ22n.


For n=1, we havex1=maxβ2,Aβ=β2,y1=maxα2,Aα=α2x2=maxμ2,Aμ=μ2,y2=maxλ2,Aλ=λ2x3=maxAα2,α4=α4,y3=maxAβ2,β4=β4x4=maxAλ4,λ=λ4,y4=maxAμ4,μ=μ4.

So the result holds for n=1. Now suppose the result is true for some k>0, that is,x4k-3=β22k-1,y4k-3=α22k-1x4k-2=μ22k-1,y4k-2=λ22k-1x4k-1=α22k,y4k-1=β22kx4k=λ22k,y4k=μ22n.

Also, for k+1 we have the following:x4k+1=maxy4k-12,Ay4k-1=maxβ22k+1,Aβ22k=β22k+1y4k+1=maxx4k-12,Ax4k-1=maxα22k+1,Aα22k=α22k+1x4k+2=maxy4k2,Ay4k=maxμ22k+1,Aμ22k=μ22k+1y4k+2=maxx4k2,Ax4k=maxλ22k+1,Aλ22k=λ22k+1x4k+3=maxy4k+12,Ay4k+1=maxα22k+2,Aα22k+1=α22k+2y4k+3=maxx4k+12,Ax4k+1=maxβ22k+2,Aβ22k+1=β22k+2x4k+4=maxy4k+22,Ay4k+2=maxλ22k+2,Aλ22k+1=λ22k+2y4k+4=maxx4k+22,Ax4k+2=maxμ22k+2,Aμ22k+1=μ22k+2.

Therefore the result is true for every kN. This concludes the proof.

Theorem 1.3 Let xn,yn be a solution of the system of Equations (1.1) with x-1=x0=λ, and y-1=y0=μ. Assume that A2<μ3<A and A2<λ3<A where 0<A<1. Then all solutions of (1.1) are periodic with period 4 and given by the following:x4n-3=Aμ,y4n-3=Aλx4n-2=Aμ,y4n-2=Aλx4n-1=λ,y4n-1=μx4n=λ,y4n=μ.Proof For n=1, we havex1=maxμ2,Aμ=Aμ,y1=maxλ2,Aλ=Aλx2=maxμ2,Aμ=Aμ,y2=maxλ2,Aλ=Aλx3=maxA2λ2,λ=λ,y3=maxA2μ2,μ=μx4=maxA2λ2,λ=λ,y4=maxA2μ2,μ=μ.

So the result holds for n=1. Now suppose the result is true for some k>0, that is,x4k-3=Aμ,y4k-3=Aλx4k-2=Aμ,y4k-2=Aλx4k-1=λ,y4k-1=μx4k=λ,y4k=μ.

Also, for k+1 we have the following:x4k+1=maxy4k-12,Ay4k-1=maxμ2,Aμ=Aμy4k+1=maxx4k-12,Ax4k-1=maxλ2,Aλ=Aλx4k+2=maxy4k2,Ay4k=maxμ2,Aμ=Aμy4k+2=maxx4k2,Ax4k=maxλ2,Aλ=Aλx4k+3=maxy4k+12,Ay4k+1=maxA2λ2,λ=λy4k+3=maxx4k+12,Ax4k+1=maxA2μ2,μ=μx4k+4=maxy4k+22,Ay4k+2=maxA2λ2,λ=λy4k+4=maxx4k+22,Ax4k+2=maxA2μ2,μ=μ.

Therefore the result is true for every kN. This concludes the proof.

To see the periodic behavior of xn,yn, observe the following three diagrams with x1=14, x2=14, y1=13, y2=13 and A=19:

Lemma 1.3 Assume that -1α,β,λ,μ<0 and A1. Then nN0 the following equalities hold:maxA22nα22n+1,Aα22nA22n-1=A22nα22n+1maxA22nβ22n+1,Aβ22nA22n-1=A22nβ22n+1maxA22nλ22n+1,Aλ22nA22n-1=A22nλ22n+1maxA22nμ22n+1,Aμ22nA22n-1=A22nμ22n+1.Proof First, note that α21 this implies that 11α2. Multiplying by A and using the assumption A1 means that Aα2A1. So, for n=0 we have A20α21=Aα21 and Aα20A2-1=A12·α<0<1. Therefore, maxAα2,A12·α=Aα2. So the result holds for n=0. Now suppose for some k>0, we haveA22kα22k+11


this means that α22kA22k-1<1A1. Show thatmaxA22k+2α22k+3,Aα22k+2A22k+1=A22k+2α22k+3.




Therefore, the result is true nN0. Similarly, the remaining equalities hold.

Theorem 1.4 Assume that -1x-1,y-1,x0,y0<0 and A1. Also, let xn,yn be a solution of the system of Equations (1.1) with x-1=α, y-1=β, x0=λ, and y0=μ. Then all solutions of (1.1) are of the following:x1=β2,y1=α2x2=μ2,y2=λ2

For nN,x4n-1=A22n-2α22n-1,y4n-1=A22n-2β22n-1x4n=A22n-2λ22n-1,y4n=A22n-2μ22n-1x4n+1=A22n-1β22n,y4n+1=A22n-1α22nx4n+2=A22n-1μ22n,y4n+2=A22n-1λ22n.Proof First,x1=maxβ2,Aβ=β2,y1=maxα2,Aα=α2x2=maxμ2,Aμ=μ2,y2=maxλ2,Aλ=λ2.

Since, -1α,β,λ,μ<0. Next, we shall proceed by induction on n. For n=1, we havex3=maxα4,Aα2=Aα2,y3=maxβ4,Aβ2=Aβ2x4=maxλ4,Aλ2=Aλ2,y4=maxμ4,Aμ2=Aμ2x5=maxA2β4,β2=A2β4,y5=maxA2α4,α2=A2α4x6=maxA2μ4,μ2=A2μ4,y6=maxA2λ4,λ2=A2λ4.

So the result holds for n=1. Now suppose the result is true for some k>0, that is:x4k-1=A22k-2α22k-1,y4k-1=A22k-2β22k-1x4k=A22k-2λ22k-1,y4k=A22k-2μ22k-1x4k+1=A22k-1β22k,y4k+1=A22k-1α22kx4k+2=A22k-1μ22k,y4k+2=A22k-1λ22k.

Also, for k+1 we have the following:x4k+3=maxy4k+12,Ay4k+1=maxA22kα22k+1,Aα22kA22k-1=A22kα22k+1y4k+3=maxx4k+12,Ax4k+1=maxA22kβ22k+1,Aβ22kA22k-1=A22kβ22k+1x4k+4=maxy4k+22,Ay4k+2=maxA22kλ22k+1,Aλ22kA22k-1=A22kλ22k+1y4k+4=maxx4k+22,Ax4k+2=maxA22kμ22k+1,Aμ22kA22k-1=A22kμ22k+1x4k+5=maxy4k+32,Ay4k+3=maxA22k+1β22k+2,Aβ22k+1A22k=A22k+1β22k+2y4k+5=maxx4k+32,Ax4k+3=maxA22k+1α22k+2,Aα22k+1A22k=A22k+1α22k+2x4k+6=maxy4k+42,Ay4k+4=maxA22k+1μ22k+2,Aμ22k+1A22k=A22k+1μ22k+2y4k+6=maxx4k+42,Ax4k+4=maxA22k+1λ22k+2,Aλ22k+1A22k=A22k+1λ22k+2.

Therefore the result is true for every kN. This concludes the proof.

Theorem 1.5 Let xn,yn be a solution of the system of Equations (1.1) with x-1=x0=λ, and y-1=y0=μ. Assume that μ3<A2<λ3<A and A5<μ6<A4 where 0<A<1. Then all solutions of (1.1) are periodic with period 4 and given by the following:x1=Aμ,y1=Aλx2=Aμ,y2=Aλ

For nN,x4n-1=x4n=λ,y4n-1=y4n=A2μ2x4n+1=x4n+2=μ2A,y4n+1=y4n+2=Aλ.Proof The result follows by the principle of mathematical induction.

To see the periodic behavior of xn,yn, observe the following three diagrams with x1=12, x2=12, y1=13,y2=13, and A=14:


This article was originally published with errors. This version has been amended to remove erroneous text after the first equation on page two of the article.

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The author received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

J.L. Williams

J.L. Williams received his PhD in mathematics from Mississippi State University (MSU) August 2013 and his master’s in mathematical sciences from MSU May 2008. In particular, his research area is in partial differential equations (PDE). In PDE, he mainly studies the existence and nonexistence to elliptic equations. He is the first African-American to receive a PhD in Mathematics from MSU.

Williams received his bachelor’s degree in mathematics with a minor in Business from the University of Mississippi (Olemiss) in 2006, where he was a member of Pi Mu Epsilon (Honorary math society). Williams is an assistant professor of mathematics at Texas Southern University (TSU), where he started in fall 2013. He has published several papers in professional journals since being at TSU. Also, he received the College of Science, Engineering, & Technology Distinguished Teaching Award and the McCleary Teaching Excellent Award at the university level for teaching.


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