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Research Article

Existence of infinitely many solutions for a class of difference equations with boundary value conditions involving p(k)-Laplacian operator

| (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1428030 | Received 21 Aug 2017, Accepted 06 Jan 2018, Published online: 19 Feb 2018


The existence of infinitely many solutions was investigated for an anisotropic discrete non-linear problem involving p(k)-Laplacian operator with Dirichlet boundary value condition. The technical approach is based on a local minimum theorem for differentiable functionals in finite dimensional space.

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Public Interest Statement

Theory of difference equations is the inclusion of a great number of applications in different fields of research, such as mechanical engineering, control systems, economics, social sciences, computer science, physics, artificial or biological neural networks, cybernetics and ecology. There is increasing interest in the existence of infinitly many solutionsto boundary value problems for finite difference equations with p(k)-Laplacian operator and their applications in many fields.

1. Introduction

One of the reasons for the huge development of the theory of difference equations is the inclusion of a great number of applications in different fields of research, such as mechanical engineering, control systems, economics, social sciences, computer science, physics, artificial or biological neural networks, cybernetics and ecology. There seems to be increasing interest in the existence of results to boundary value problems for finite difference equations with p(k)-Laplacian operator because of their applications in many fields. Results on this topic are usually achieved using various fixed point theorems in cone; see Avci (Citation2016), Avci and Pankov (Citation2015), and Liu and Ge (Citation2003) and references therein for details. Another tool in the study of non-linear difference equations is upper and lower solution techniques; see, for instance, Chu and Jiang (Citation2005), Henderson and Thompson (Citation2002) and references therein. It is well known that critical point theory is an important tool to deal with the problems for differential equations. More, recently, in Bonanno and Candito (Citation2009), Candito and D’Aguì (Citation2010), Chu and Jiang (Citation2005), Candito and Giovannelli (Citation2008), Khaleghi Moghadam and Avci (Citation2017), Khaleghi Moghadam, Heidarkhani, and Henderson (Citation2014), Khaleghi Moghadam and Henderson (Citation2017), and Khaleghi Moghadam, Li, and Tersian (Citation2018) by starting from the seminal paper Agarwal, Perera, and O’Regan (Citation2005), the existence and multiplicity of solutions for non-linear discrete boundary value problems have been investigated by adopting variational methods.

The main goal of the present paper is to establish the existence of infinitely many solutions for the following discrete anisotropic problem(1.1) -Δ(w(k-1)|Δu(k-1)|p(k-1)-2Δu(k-1))+q(k)|u(k)|p(k)-2u(k)=λf(k,u(k)),u(0)=u(T+1)=0,(1.1)

for any k[1,T], where T is a fixed positive integer, [1, T] is the discrete interval {1,...,T}, f:[1,T]×RR is a continuous function, λ>0 is a parameter and w:[0,T][1,) is a fix function and Δu(k)=u(k+1)-u(k) is the forward difference operator and the function p:[0,T+1][2,) is bounded and the function q:[0,T+1][1,) is bounded, we denote for shortq-:=mink[1,T+1]q(k)1,q+:=maxk[1,T+1]q(k),p+:=maxk[0,T+1]p(k),andp-:=mink[0,T+1]p(k),w-:=mink[0,T]w(k),w+:=maxk[0,T]w(k).

We want to remark that problem (1.1) is the discrete variant of the variable exponent anisotropic problem(1.2) -i=1Nxi(wi(x)|uxi|pi(x)-2uxi)+q(x)|u|pi(x)-2u=λf(x,u),xΩ,u=0,xΩ,(1.2)

where ΩRN, N3 is a bounded domain with smooth boundary, fC(Ω¯×R,R) is a given function that satisfies certain properties and pi(x), wi(x)1 and q(x)1 are continuous functions on Ω¯ with 2pi(x) for each xΩ and every i{1,2,,N}, λ>0 is real number.

In this article, in the framework of variational methods, we look for the existence of infinitely many solutions to problem (1.1) based on a recent local minimum theorem obtained (Theorem 2.1) which is given in finite dimensional spaces in Bonanno and Candito (Citation2014) due to Bonanno, Candito and D’Aguì. We ensure exact intervals of the parameter λ, in which the problem (1.1) admits infinitely solutions.

In this article, after presenting a main tools theorem (Theorem 2.1) and an applicable lemma (Lemma 2.1), we present a lemma ( Lemma 2.2) which is fundamental to our aims where λ lies in a well-defined half-line. Bearing in mind a fundamental lemma, we obtain our results where the existence of an unbounded sequence of solutions (Theorem 3.1) converges to infinity depending on the non-linear term having suitable behaviours at infinity.

Moreover, we also emphasize that by strong maximum principle, if f is non-negative and f(k,0)=0 for all k[1,T], our results guarantee infinitely many positive solutions (Remark 3.3).

Further, as an example, we point out a special case of our main results with respect to Theorem 3.1, in the following theorem.

Theorem 1.1

Let f:RR

be a continuous function andlim infs+max|t|s0tf(ξ)dξ|s|3T(T+4)(2T+2)2-2T+2T(T+4)<+,lim supsmax|t|s0tf(ξ)dξ|s|T+4=+.

Then, for anyλ0,1lim infs+max|t|s0tf(ξ)dξ|s|3T(T+4)(2T+2)2-2T+2T(T+4),

the problem(1.3) -Δ(|Δu(k-1)|kΔu(k-1))+|u(k)|k+1u(k)=λf(u(k)),k[1,T],u(0)=u(T+1)=0,(1.3)

admits an unbounded sequence of solutions un such thatlimn+k=1T+1|Δun(k-1)|3+|un(k)|31/3=.

The local minimum theorem (Theorem 2.1) due to Bonanno, Candito and D’Aguì (Citation2014) is also successfully employed to the existence of infinitely solutions for two-point boundary value problems in Bonanno and Candito (Citation2009), Bonanno and Molica Bisci (Citation2009), Khaleghi Moghadam et al. (Citation2014), Salari, Caristi, Barilla, and Puglisi (Citation2000).

The remainder of this paper is arranged as follows. In Section 2, we recall the main tools (Theorem 2.1) and give some basic knowledge. In Section 3, we state and prove our main results of the paper that contains several theorems and corollaries, and prove a special case of our main result (Theorem 1.1) and illustrate the results by giving concrete examples as applications to (1.1).

2. Preliminaries

Our main tool is the following infinitely many critical points theorem. Assume that:

(H) Let (X,·) be a real finite dimensional Banach space and let Φ,Ψ:XR be two continuously Gateaux differentiable functionals with Φ coercive and such thatinfXΦ=Φ(0)=Ψ(0)=0.


for all r>0,φ:=lim infr+φ(r).

Theorem 2.1

([Theorem 4.3] Bonanno, Candito, & DAgu‘i, Citation2014). The following property holds:

Assume that φ<+ and for each λ]0,1φ[ the function Iλ=Φ-λΨ is unbounded from below. Then, there is a sequence {un} of critical points (local minima) of Iλ such that limn+Φ(un)=+.

Remark 2.2

Theorem 2.1 is the finite dimensional version of [Bonanno, Citation2012, Theorem 7.4] (see also [Ricceri, Citation2000, Theorem 2.3] and observations in Remark 3.1).

Let T2 be a fixed positive integer, [1, T] denote a discrete interval {1,...,T}. Define T-dimensional function space byW:={u:[0,T+1]R:u(0)=u(T+1)=0},

which is a Hilbert space under the normu=k=1T+1w(k-1)|Δu(k-1)|p-+q(k)|u(k)|p-1/p-.

Since W is finite-dimensional, we can also define the following equivalent norm on W u+=k=1T+1w(k-1)|Δu(k-1)|p++q(k)|u(k)|p+1/p+.

Now, let ψ:WR be given by the formula(2.1) ψ(u):=k=1T+1[w(k-1)|Δu(k-1)|p(k-1)+q(k)|u(k)|p(k)].(2.1)

In the sequel, we will use the following inequalities.

Lemma 2.3 (Lemma 2.1-2.2)

[Lemma 2.1-2.2] Khaleghi Moghadam and Henderson (Citation2017) For any uW, there exist two positive constants C1 and C2 such that(2.2) u<1u+p+ψ(u)up-,(2.2) (2.3) u1up--C1ψ(u)u+p++C1,(2.3) (2.4) C2up+u+p+2p+-p-p-C2up+,(2.4) (2.5) u:=maxk[1,T]|u(k)|(2T+2)p--1p-u,(2.5)


Let Φ and Ψ be as in the following(2.6) Φ(u):=k=1T+1w(k-1)p(k-1)|Δu(k-1)|p(k-1)+q(k)p(k)|u(k)|p(k),Ψ(u):=k=1TF(k,u(k)),(2.6)

where F(k,t):=0tf(k,ξ)dξ for every (k,t)[1,T]×R.

To study the problem (1.1), we consider the functional Iλ,μ:WR defined by(2.7) Iλ(u)=k=1T+1w(k-1)p(k-1)|Δu(k-1)|p(k-1)+q(k)p(k)|u(k)|p(k)-λk=1TF(k,u).(2.7)

We want to remark that since problem (1.1) is settled in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space W, it is not difficult to verify that the functional Iλ satisfies the regularity properties. Therefore, Iλ is of class C1 on W (see, e.g., Jiang & Zhou (Citation2008)) with the derivativeIλ(u)(v)=k=1T+1w(k-1)|Δu(k-1)|p(k-1)-2Δu(k-1)Δv(k-1)+k=1Tq(k)|u(k)|p(k)-2u(k)v(k)-k=1Tλf(k,u(k))v(k),

for all u,vW.

It is clear that the critical points of Iλ and the solutions of the problem (1.1) are exactly equal.

Now we give two lemmas and the following notation. PutA:=w(0)+w(T)+k=1Tq(k),

andB:=lim supsk=1TF(k,s)|s|p+.

Lemma 2.4

If 0<B, then Iλ is unbounded from below for each λ]Ap-B,+[.

Fix l such that B>l>Ap-λ and let dn be a sequence of positive numbers, with limndn=+, such that for each nN large enough. Set(2.8) wn(k):=dnp-p+,k[1,T];0,otherwise.(2.8)

Clearly, wnW. Bearing in mind p-p(k)p+, we obtain(2.9) Φ(wn)1p-ψ(dnp-p+)Adnp-p-,(2.9)

from lim supnk=1TF(k,dnp-p+)|dnp-p+|p+>l, there is νN such that k=1TF(k,dnp-p+)>l|dn|p- for all nν.


Thus, one hasIλ(wn)=Φ(wn)-λΨ(wn)<dnp-Ap--λldnp-=dnp-Ap--λl-,asn+,

that is, limn+Iλ(wn)=-.

3. Main results

First, putB:=lim infs+k=1Tmax|t|sF(k,t)|s|p-p+(2T+2)p--1-C1p+.

We state our main result as follows.

Theorem 3.1

Assume that 0B< and B= and f:[1,T]×RR is a continuous function. Then, for anyλΛ:=0,1B,

the problem (1.1) admits an unbounded sequence of solutions.

Our aim is to apply Theorem 2.1 to our problem. To this end, first, we observe that due to 0B<, the interval Λ is non-empty, so fix λ¯ in Λ.

To settle the variational framework of problem (1.1), take X=W, and put Φ,Ψ as defined in (2.6), for every uW. Again, because W is finite dimensional, an easy computation ensures that Φ and Ψ are of class C1 on W with the derivativesΦ(u)(v)=k=1T+1w(k-1)|Δu(k-1)|p(k-1)-2Δu(k-1)Δv(k-1)+k=1Tq(k)|u(k)|p(k)-2u(k)v(k)=-k=1TΔ(w(k-1)|Δu(k-1)|p(k-1)-2Δu(k-1))v(k)+k=1Tq(k)|u(k)|p(k)-2u(k)v(k),


for all u,vW. Also Φ is coercive. Indeed, let uW be such that u>1. From (2.3), we haveΦ(u)1p+ψ(u)up-p+-C1p+.

Therefore, Φ(u) as u, i.e. Φ is coercive. It is clear that infXΦ=Φ(0)=Ψ(0)=0. Therefore, we observe that the regularity assumptions on Φ and Ψ, as requested in Theorem 2.1, are verified, i.e. condition (H) holds.

Standard arguments show that Iλ¯:=Φ-λ¯ΨC1(W,R) as well as that critical points of Iλ¯ are exactly the solutions of the problem (1.1).

Next, we prove φ<+. Let {dn} be a real sequence such that dn as n. Putrn:=min{r1,n,r2,n},


Clearly, rn as n and for n enough large rn=1p+(dnp-(2T+2)p--1-C1). For all uW such that Φ(u)<rn, we consider two cases (1) u<1, (2) u1. In first case, taking (2.1) and (2.2) into account, one hasr1,nrn>Φ(u)1p+ψ(u)u+p+p+|u(k)|p+p+,k[1,T],

so(2.10) maxk[1,T]|u(k)|<(p+r1,n)1p+=dn.(2.10)

In second case, u>1, taking (2.1) and (2.3) into account, one hasr2,nrn>Φ(u)1p+ψ(u)1p+(up--C1),

so u<(p+r2,n+C1)1p-. By (2.5), we obtain(3.1) maxk[1,T]|u(k)|(2T+2)p--1p-u<(2T+2)p--1p-(p+r2,n+C1)1p-=dn.(3.1)

Therefore, by (3.1) and (3.2), we have for i=1,2supuΦ-1(]-,rn[)Ψ(u)supuΦ-1(]-,ri,n[)Ψ(u)=supuΦ-1(]-,ri,n[)k=1TF(k,u(k))k=1Tmax|ξ|dnF(k,ξ).


Hence,(3.2) φ=lim infr+ϕ(r)=lim infn+ϕ(rn)lim infn+p+k=1k=Tmax|ξ|dnF(k,ξ)dnp-(2T+2)p--1-C1=B.(3.2)

Hence, bearing in mind B<, φ< follows.

Also by Lemma 2.4, since B=, Iλ is unbounded from below for all λ]0,1φ[]0,+[, hence, the problem (1.1) admits an unbounded sequence of solutions un for all λΛ]0,1φ[ such thatlimnΦ(un)=+,

and the proof is complete.

Corollary 3.2

If un are the ensured solutions in the conclusions of Theorem 3.1, then limn+un=.

We must have un1. Indeed, if un<1, from (2.2), we have Φ(un)ψ(un)p-unp-p-<1p-; this is in contradiction with limnΦ(un)=+,

Hence, taking (2.3) and (2.4) into account, one hasΦ(un)ψ(un)p-1p-(un+p++C1)1p-(2p+-p-p-C2unp++C1),

so, bearing in mind Φ(un) as n, the assertion concludes.

Remark 3.3

Under the condition B=0, Theorem 3.1 concludes that for every λ>0 the problem (1.1) admits an unbounded sequence of solutions in W.

Figure 1. The graph of the function F(kt)

Figure 1. The graph of the function F(k, t)

Example 3.4

Let T=2, p(k)=13k+2, q(k)=w(k)=1 and f(k,x)=ddx(x2(1+x2(cos2x))) for k=1,2 and xR. Hence, p-=2, p+=3, A=T+2=4 and C1=(T+1)(w++q+)=6. Simple calculations show that (see the graph of function F(kt) in Figure ).B=lim supsk=1TF(k,s)|s|p+=lim supsk=1Ts2(1+s2(cos2s))|s|3=,B=lim infs+k=1Tmax|ξ|sξ2(1+ξ2(cos2ξ))|s|p-p+(2T+2)p--1-C1p+=lim infs2max|ξ|sξ2(1+ξ2(cos2ξ))|s|23(6)-63=36.

Then, by Theorem 3.1, for everyλΛ:=0,136,

the problem-Δ(|Δu(k-1)|13(k-1)Δu(k-1))+|u(k)|13ku(k)=λf(k,u(k)),u(0)=u(3)=0,

for every k[1,2], admits an unbounded sequence of solutions.

Remark 3.5

The proof of Theorem 1.1 coincides with the proof of Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2, with q(k)=w(k)=1 and p(k)=k+3.

Remark 3.6

By the strong maximum principle [Lemma 2.3] Agarwal et al. (Citation2005) (see also ([Theorem 2.2] Bonanno & Candito, Citation2009), if f is non-negative and f(k,0)=0 for all k[0,T], then the ensured solutions in the conclusions of Theorem 3.1 are positive (for more illustration see Khaleghi Moghadam et al., Citation2018).

Additional information


This work was supported by the Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University [grant number 05-1395-04].

Notes on contributors

M. Khaleghi Moghadam

M. Khaleghi Moghadam is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Department of Basic Sciences, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, 578 Sari. The author key research activities are: Nonlinear Analysis: Variational Principles, Critical Point Theory, Variational Inequalities Difference Equations: Fractional Difference Equations, Theory, Applications Partial and Ordinary Differential Equations: Semilinear and Quasilinear, Elliptic Boundary Value Problems.


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