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RETRACTED ARTICLE: EFL students’ attitudes toward learning English language: The case study of Kashan University students

The following article has been retracted from publication:

Article title: EFL students’ attitudes toward learning English language: The case study of Kashan University students

Author: Shahrzad Eshghinejad

Journal: Cogent Education

Bibliometrics: Volume 3, Number 1, pages 1–13

Version of Record Published Online: 28 September 2016

DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2016.1236434

Eshghinejad, S. (2016). EFL Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Language: The Case Study of Kashan University Students, Cogent Education, 3: 1236434

It has come to our attention that the above published article was based on a previously published article:

Abidin, M. J. Z., Pour-Mohammadi, M., & Alzwari, H. (2012). EFL students’ attitudes towards learning English language: The case of Libyan secondary school students. Asian Social Science, 8(2): 119–134. Link: http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ass/article/view/14617

The article re-used parts of the introduction, review of related research and methodology from the previously published paper, and although it was referenced, it did not make clear that it was a replication study.

After examining the article we have concluded there is not sufficient new content or original research within it to warrant a new publication.

Therefore Cogent OA has taken the decision to retract the paper’s publication.