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Assessing the safety of chemical management practices in academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland

Article: 2372188 | Received 01 Jun 2023, Accepted 20 Jun 2024, Published online: 27 Jun 2024


This study assessed chemical safety management in academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland. Hence, this study aims to assess the level of chemical laboratory safety practices, chemical inventory and record management, and chemical waste procedures in laboratories. This study collected data from three academic institutions using a mixed method comprising structured questionnaires and an observation checklist. Quantitative data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and descriptive analyses were performed. It also codes qualitative data and categorizes the observational data into themes. This study found that most academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland, have poor chemical safety practices. The academic laboratories had inadequate knowledge and awareness of chemical laboratory safety, lacked proper record-keeping and inventory management of chemicals, and did not follow appropriate chemical waste management procedures. The observation findings confirmed that the laboratories had inadequate facilities, equipment, and personal protective equipment to ensure chemical safety. In conclusion, these results indicate that academic laboratories have poor safety practices that could endanger the chemical management safety of staff and students, and harm the environment. This study recommends enhancing chemical management safety practices in laboratories by developing a continuing education curriculum, providing adequate training and supervision to staff and students, and establishing clear chemical safety policies and guidelines.

1. Introduction

Academic institutions recognize the importance of chemical management and laboratory safety; however, their implementation in educational and research settings is often limited. Academic laboratories are reported to be 11 times more hazardous than their industrial counterparts because of lower safety standards and regulations (Langerman, Citation2009; Lestari et al., Citation2019). This not only compromises the quality of education but also endangers laboratory staff handling hazardous substances (Wu et al., Citation2007). For instance, laboratory safety issues have led to fire incidents in three Malaysian colleges and 16 cases of mercury spills in Ethiopian school laboratories (Draman et al., Citation2010; Nurul et al., Citation2017). Despite the critical importance of safety in chemical laboratories (Hill, Citation2007), academic institutions often neglect regular inspections due to resource constraints and a lack of safety awareness (Marendaz et al., Citation2013). Accidents often result from negligence, inadequate training, and insufficient safety measures (Su & Hsu, Citation2008). Unfortunately, the methods for investigating and analyzing these accidents lack standardization across universities, and the lessons learned are not widely disseminated (Fukuoka & Furusho, Citation2022). However, it is important to note that laboratory errors are not inevitable. Many of these incidents can be prevented by implementing chemical safety management practices (Babinčáková et al., Citation2020).

Chemicals, when used appropriately, can have positive effects, but they also present potential hazards to human health and the environment if misused or mishandled (Warhurst, Citation2006). Therefore, safety measures are essential in laboratory settings, where chemicals are frequently employed for scientific purposes. Laboratory activities, widely recognized as an essential and distinctive aspect of science education, can enhance students’ learning outcomes and foster their interest in science (Hofstein & Lunetta, Citation2003). In a well-designed and well-equipped laboratory, students can engage in open-ended and collaborative experiments, developing a deeper understanding of scientific concepts and principles (Lang et al., Citation2005). This is particularly relevant for students in developing countries like Somaliland, who may aspire to pursue careers in science. However, without a proper safety program, laboratories may pose severe risks to students, staff, and the surroundings. Developing countries often neglect safety programs, which are given a higher priority in developed countries (Kandel et al., Citation2017). This neglect is often due to a lack of resources and infrastructure necessary to implement effective chemical safety and security measures, as well as outdated or incomplete regulations or standards for chemical safety and security (National Research Council, Citation2010).

Despite the importance of chemical safety in laboratory settings, there is a lack of understanding and baseline studies assessing the safety of chemical management practices in academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland. This gap in the literature hinders the development and implementation of effective safety programs and policies to protect students, staff, and the environment from potential hazards. Therefore, this study aimed to fill this gap by assessing the current status of chemical management safety practices in these laboratories. The assessment process includes evaluating the awareness level of chemical laboratory safety practices, chemical inventory and record management systems, and chemical waste management procedures among the laboratories. The ultimate goal of this study is to contribute to the improvement of chemical management safety practices in academic institutions’ laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland, by providing useful insights and practical suggestions for policymakers, administrators, educators, and researchers.

2. Methodology

2.1. Research area

Hargeisa is the capital and largest city of Somaliland, a self-declared state in the Horn of Africa. Somaliland declared its independence from Somalia in 1991, but it was not internationally recognized as a sovereign country. Hargeisa is also the administrative center of the Maroodi Jeex region, which is one of the six regions of Somaliland ().

Figure 1. Map of the study area.

Source: Mohamed et al., Citation2023.

Figure 1. Map of the study area.Source: Mohamed et al., Citation2023.

2.2. Research design

This study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative methods (like surveys and statistical analysis) and qualitative methods (such as observations), to provide a comprehensive examination of laboratory and chemical safety practices. The focus was on three selected academic institutions in Hargeisa, Somaliland, which were chosen based on their offering of chemistry courses and the presence of chemistry laboratories.

2.3. Sampling techniques

This study aimed to collect data from 25 respondents working in three academic institutions in Hargeisa that offered chemistry courses. These institutions were selected because they are the only institutions with chemistry laboratories in Hargeisa. It is important to note that the sample was exclusively composed of workers, excluding students, resulting in a smaller population size. This may limit the generalizability of the results. Despite this limitation, this study prioritized the collection of rich, detailed data from this smaller group overbroad, generalized data from a larger population. Purposive sampling, a common method in mixed-methods research, was employed to select the respondents. This method was chosen because it allowed the researchers to select participants with direct experience and knowledge of chemical laboratory safety, thereby ensuring the relevance and depth of the data collected (Scribbr, Citation2022). The criteria for selection included respondents’ roles in the institutions (e.g. laboratory technicians and chemistry lecturers), their experience with laboratory safety practices, and their willingness to participate in the study.

2.4. Data collection instruments

Two main instruments were used in this study to collect the data: a survey questionnaire and an observation checklist designed to gather both quantitative and qualitative data. The survey questionnaire, comprising statements related to chemical safety awareness, inventory usage, and chemical waste management, asked respondents to rate their agreement on a 5-point Likert scale. The observation checklist, on the other hand, was used to evaluate actual safety practices and behaviors in the laboratory setting, with items rated from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). These instruments were developed based on a comprehensive literature review and expert consultation to ensure their relevance and validity. Before the administration, the instruments were piloted and revised for clarity and comprehensiveness.

2.5. Research procedure

The research procedure in this study involved the following steps: obtaining ethical approval; contacting and informing respondents; distributing and instructing the questionnaire survey; collecting and checking the completed questionnaires; visiting and observing the laboratories; and recording and noting the observations.

2.6. Methods of data analysis

The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the quantitative data collected from the questionnaire. The results are presented in the form of descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations. These statistics helped to show the strengths and weaknesses of the laboratory and chemical safety practices in the institutions. According to Creswell (Citation2014), frequencies and percentages are useful for describing the characteristics of a sample and for comparing different groups or categories. The study also used thematic analysis to analyze qualitative data collected from the observations. The data were coded and categorized into themes used to develop important ideas that could support and emphasize numerical data. This method of thematic analysis follows the steps suggested by Braun and Clarke (Citation2006), who argued that it is a flexible and rigorous way of identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns in qualitative data.

3. Result and discussion

3.1. Chemical laboratory safety awareness in academic labs, Hargeisa, Somaliland

This study surveyed chemistry lecturers, department heads, and laboratory technicians from three academic institutions in Hargeisa, Somaliland, to assess their awareness of chemical safety practices in academic laboratories. Respondents were asked to rate their agreement with five statements about the positive aspects of chemical safety, such as the importance of regular safety training and personal protective equipment, on a five-point Likert scale. As shown in , most respondents strongly disagreed or disagreed with the following positive statements related to chemical laboratory safety awareness: (1) students start their chemical laboratory with an orientation about their safety (60%); (2) safety equipment, including fire extinguishers, fire blankets, and personal protective equipment (PPE), are available in the laboratory (64%); (3) Staff in the science departments have completed sufficient training in safety-related courses (80%); (4) Department heads, laboratory technicians, and lecturers are aware of the safety data sheets (SDS) that apply to the chemicals they use (60%). (5) Safety procedures and regulations are displayed in the laboratory (80%).

Table 1. Status of chemical laboratory safety awareness in Academic Labs, Hargeisa, Somaliland.

In addition to the frequency and percentage, descriptive statistics were used in this study. The overall mean score was 2.4000, indicating disagreement (). This score, falling below the scale’s midpoint, signifies general disagreement with statements related to chemical safety practices. These findings suggest a significant gap in the awareness of chemical safety practices among the academic institutions surveyed in Hargeisa and Somaliland.

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of chemical laboratory safety awareness in Academic Labs, Hargeisa, Somaliland.

These results reveal that the laboratories of academic institutions in Hargeisa lack adequate knowledge and awareness of chemical laboratory safety practices, and highlight the need for increased awareness and implementation of these practices. This finding aligns with that of previous studies conducted in Africa and other regions. Mogopodi et al. (Citation2015) and Engida (Citation2011) reported similar deficiencies in safety training and adherence to safety guidelines in Botswana, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. Furthermore, Mugivhisa et al. (Citation2020) highlighted the consequences of inadequate safety practices in South Africa, such as health hazards due to exposure to toxic chemicals. Collectively, these studies suggest the need for universities to provide adequate safety equipment and conduct regular safety training and inspections. In a study on chemical safety assessment in Nigerian tertiary institutions, Isola et al. (Citation2022) found that using safety symbols and charts, the control of hazardous chemicals, and chemical hygiene plans could reduce accidents. However, they also noted low compliance among laboratory users, indicating the need for improved safety practices and the enforcement of safety standards by regulatory agencies.

These studies show that the awareness of chemical laboratory safety practices in academic institutions is essential for students and teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to identify hazards and assess and control potential risks to provide a safe working environment for employees on the one hand and to protect the environment. These hazard and risk precautionary symbols must be known by everyone who enters the laboratory, and knowing the meanings of these hazard symbols on chemicals aids in the safe use of chemicals (Duffus & Worth, Citation2006). Additionally, following the guidelines for chemical safety and security management developed by The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) can help small and medium-sized enterprises foster the peaceful use of chemistry (OPCW, Citation2021). OPCW also provides training and assistance to its Member States to strengthen their chemical safety and security knowledge and practices (OPCW, Citation2022). In conclusion, raising awareness of chemical laboratory safety practices in academic institutions is crucial for ensuring the safety of everyone involved. Chemical laboratory work involves the application of numerous procedures and operations and the extensive or continuous use of chemicals and reagents, implementing mandatory safety training and requiring safety precautions, which should include chemical safety, fire safety, electrical safety, and providing safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) while working with chemicals in the laboratory, such as laboratory coats, gloves, and goggles, which have a significant impact on reducing the chemical risk of accidents occurring in laboratories.

3.2. Chemical inventory and records in academic labs, Hargeisa, Somaliland

The study focused on evaluating the state of chemical inventory and record-keeping in academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland. It gathered insights from the chemistry lecturers, department heads, and laboratory technicians. The assessment was based on a series of statements related to best practices in inventory management and record keeping rated on a five-point Likert scale. As shown in , the majority of respondents strongly disagreed or disagreed with the following positive statements related to the chemical inventory and records: (1) Department heads, lecturers, and laboratory technicians had proper records of all the chemicals in the chemical storeroom (72%). (2) There was appropriate infrastructure for laboratory rooms (68%). (3) Department heads, lecturers, and laboratory technicians had an inventory of hazardous materials (68%). (4) The chemicals in the laboratory were sorted appropriately in terms of compatibility (72%). 5. There were records of chemical incidents and accidents (82%).

Table 3. Status of chemical inventory and records in Academic Labs, Hargeisa, Somaliland.

In addition to frequencies and percentages, descriptive statistics were used in this study. The overall mean score was 2.2880, indicating disagreement (). This suggests low levels of chemical inventory and record-keeping in academic laboratories in Hargeisa and Somaliland.

Table 4. Descriptive statistics of chemical inventory and records in Academic Labs, Hargeisa, Somaliland.

These findings reveal a significant gap in the implementation of proper chemical inventory systems in academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland. This aligns with a report by the International Council of Chemicals Associations (ICCA) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which highlights similar challenges across East Africa. The report attributes these challenges to a lack of resources, training, and awareness (ICCA and UNEP, Citation2013). Several studies echo these findings. For instance, Mogopodi et al. (Citation2015) found inadequate chemical management policies and procedures in junior secondary school laboratories in Gaborone, Botswana. Similarly, Housni et al. (Citation2022) reported that most universities in Morocco did not comply with local regulations for labelling chemical containers. According to the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) (Citation2009), the lack of comprehensive national policies or legislation on chemical management is a common issue in most African countries. This is compounded by a lack of coordination among different regulatory bodies and limited capacity for monitoring the impacts of chemicals on human health and the environment. Academic institutions must adopt effective chemical inventory management practices to mitigate risks and ensure regulatory compliance. Safe practices in the educational environment are paramount, including appropriate chemical handling, storage, and disposal (Alaimo et al., Citation2010). Pratt (Citation2002) emphasizes the importance of labeling each chemical with precautionary symbols to classify chemicals and alert users. According to Straut and Nelson (Citation2020), academic institutions can enhance their research quality and efficiency by implementing a Chemical Inventory Management System (CIMS). A robust CIMS not only minimizes the time and resources required for laboratory management but also mitigates safety and security risks associated with chemicals. Straut and Nelson (Citation2020) define a CIMS as a system that monitors the lifecycle of chemicals or chemical samples within a specific facility or institution. This system is instrumental in tracking and managing chemical inventories effectively.

In addition to these general guidelines, some studies propose specific methods for improving chemical inventory systems in academic laboratories. For instance, Kuzmina et al. (Citation2022) developed a new method of storing chemicals based on their physical and hazardous properties. They demonstrated that their method enhanced safety, efficiency, and compliance in laboratory operations. They also highlighted the benefits of an integrated chemical inventory system, which helped monitor and manage chemicals, produce safety reports and labels, and could be adapted by other institutions with some adjustments depending on the local context and regulations. In conclusion, these findings highlight the urgent need for increased awareness and implementation of chemical laboratory safety practices, improved chemical inventory systems, and enhanced provision and maintenance of safety equipment and facilities in academic institutions in Hargeisa. This would contribute to a safer and more conducive environment for teaching and learning chemistry in laboratories.

3.3. Chemical waste management in academic labs, Hargeisa, Somaliland

This study evaluated chemical waste management practices in academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland, Brazil. The participants in this study were chemistry lecturers, department heads, and laboratory technicians. The assessment was based on a five-point Likert scale, which listed the positive statements used as shown in . As per the data in , many respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed with statements related to chemical waste management practices: (1) Chemical waste disposal guides were available in academic laboratories (64%). (2) Chemical waste was not directly dumped into the drain, or sink, or dumped as garbage (44.0%). (3) There is a proper drainage system, and companies discard dangerous waste from laboratories (80%). (4) Acidic and basic wastes were neutralized before being dumped into the sink (68%). (5) Organic chemicals were collected in separate containers (68%).

Table 5. Status of chemical waste management in Academic Labs, Hargeisa, Somaliland.

Descriptive statistics, in addition to frequency and percentages, were used in this study. The overall mean score was 2.4160, which indicates disagreement, as detailed in . This suggests low chemical waste management in academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland.

Table 6. Descriptive statistics of chemical waste management in Academic Labs, Hargeisa, Somaliland.

The results of this study indicate that the current practices of chemical waste management in academic laboratories in Hargeisa Somaliland are unsatisfactory and pose a serious threat to the environment and public health. This finding is consistent with the literature review, which revealed that there is a lack of awareness, knowledge, resources, infrastructure, policies, and regulations regarding chemical waste management in academic institutions in Africa and East Africa (Fagnani & Guimarães, Citation2017; Mbuligwe & Kassenga, Citation2004; Mwinyihija et al., Citation2011). For instance, Fagnani and Guimarães (Citation2017) found that most higher education institutions in developing countries lacked a waste management plan or a selective waste collection system. Mbuligwe and Kassenga (Citation2004) observed that most academic institutions in Tanzania had insufficient facilities or trained personnel for handling hazardous wastes. Mwinyihija et al. (Citation2011) noted that most laboratories in Kenya did not follow proper procedures for disposing of chemical wastes and often dumped them into open drains or landfills. Therefore, chemical waste management in academic laboratories is a critical issue that affects not only the institutions themselves, but also the environment and the sanitation of the surrounding areas. This problem is exacerbated by the poor solid waste management practices in Hargeisa, Somaliland. Omer (Citation2021) revealed that household solid waste management practices (collection, transportation, and disposal) had a detrimental effect on environmental sanitation in Hargeisa. The study identified poor transportation of waste as the main cause of poor sanitation, followed by poor collection and disposal (Omer, Citation2021). Therefore, this study contributes to the existing knowledge by highlighting the urgent need for improving the chemical waste management systems in laboratories.

Chemical waste management is a critical aspect of laboratory management in academic institutions, involving the identification, segregation, storage, transportation, and disposal of chemical wastes generated in laboratories (Fernandes et al., Citation2019). These wastes can be complex and diverse, containing various chemical substances that pose risks to human health and the environment if not handled and disposed of safely and efficiently (Ramm et al., Citation2018). Improper chemical waste management can lead to accidents such as fire, explosion, or spillage, resulting in injuries, damages, or legal liabilities (Alaimo et al., Citation2010). Therefore, academic institutions must adopt effective chemical waste management practices to mitigate these risks and ensure regulatory compliance. These practices include conducting a chemical inventory, labelling and dating chemical containers, using secondary containment devices, segregating incompatible chemicals, storing chemicals according to their hazard class, and disposing of unwanted or expired chemicals promptly and appropriately. Additionally, training laboratory staff on chemical waste management procedures and policies is crucial (Alaimo et al., Citation2010; Fernandes et al., Citation2019; Ramm et al., Citation2018). By implementing these practices, academic institutions can enhance the safety and quality of their laboratories, demonstrating their commitment to environmental protection and social responsibility. This study concludes that the laboratories of academic institutions in Hargeisa, Somaliland, urgently need improvements in chemical waste management, necessitating technical, educational, and institutional interventions. Addressing chemical waste management is a technical, moral, and ethical issue requiring the collaboration of all stakeholders.

3.4. Current situation of chemical management safety practices in academic laboratories, Hargeisa, Somaliland

This study aimed to investigate the current state of chemical management safety practices in academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland, using qualitative data to complement and reinforce quantitative data analyzed by frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations. The study used a structured observation checklist to assess the physical and practical aspects of the laboratory work performed by the study participants. The results are summarized in .

Table 7. The current situation of chemical management safety practices in academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland.

Academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland, demonstrated poor chemical management safety practices, as indicated in . This poses significant health and environmental risks to laboratory workers and local communities. These findings align with Housni et al.’s (Citation2022) study in Moroccan universities, where many chemical handlers lacked necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), and collective protective equipment (CPE) was often improperly installed or maintained. Furthermore, they found that chemical storage is frequently mismanaged, leading to frequent chemical incidents caused by human error, lack of training, or inadequate equipment. Similarly, Adawe (Citation2021) found that the chemical safety and security (CSS) status of Somalia is poor. This highlights the urgent need to improve the chemical management safety practices in these laboratories. A potential solution is to adhere to the American Chemical Society (ACS) (Citation2016) guidelines for chemical laboratory safety in academic institutions. These guidelines cover a range of topics including hazard identification and evaluation, risk assessment and mitigation, emergency preparedness and response, incident reporting and investigation, training and education, and continuous improvement. Based on the principles of responsible care, these guidelines aim to help academic laboratories achieve a high level of safety excellence that surpasses regulatory compliance. In conclusion, this study advocates for a coordinated effort by the government, university leaders, and scientists across disciplines to enhance a country’s chemical safety and security.

4. Conclusions and recommendations

Chemical safety management is an essential aspect of experimental science education that plays a vital role in protecting staff, students, and the environment from potential chemical hazards. This study employed mixed methods to assess chemical management safety practices in selected academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland. The findings revealed that the majority of laboratories demonstrated substandard safety practices. Academic laboratories in Hargeisa, Somaliland observed a significant lack of knowledge and awareness regarding safe chemical handling, proper record-keeping, and appropriate chemical waste disposal procedures. These deficiencies present considerable risks to the health of the staff, students, and the environment. In light of these findings, it is imperative to bolster chemical safety culture and education in Hargeisa’s academic labs. However, the limitations of the study include its focus on a broad topic, a small sample size, and the exclusive involvement of academic laboratory workers, thereby excluding students in selected academic laboratories in Hargeisa. This study recommends that academic institutions should enhance their chemical management safety practices. This can be achieved by establishing safety standards, fostering chemical safety awareness, supplying protective equipment, training technicians, and promoting research. Such measures will aid in assessing the generalizability and applicability of results, thereby providing a more comprehensive understanding of the situation.


The author would like to thank all the respondents and the laboratory personnel for the opportunity to conduct this study.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information

Notes on contributors

Mohamed Abdullahi Omer

Mohamed Abdullahi Omer is a Ph.D. candidate in disaster risk science at Bahir Dar University in Ethiopia. He holds a B.Sc. in Chemistry and Biology, as well as an M.Sc. in Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability from Shandi University in Sudan and Amoud University in Borama, Somaliland. Currently, he serves as a senior lecturer and researcher at the University of Hargeisa, in addition to being a trainer and chairman of the Somaliland Chemical Society. His research interests encompass environmental science, chemical management, climate change, food security, livelihoods, and disaster risk management.


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