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Brain changes during a shamanic trance: Altered modes of consciousness, hemispheric laterality, and systemic psychobiology

Brain changes during a shamanic trance: Altered modes of consciousness, hemispheric laterality, and systemic psychobiology

Pierre Flor-Henry, Yakov Shapiro and Corine Sombrun

Cogent Psychology (2017), 4: 1313522


When this article was first published online, there was an error on page 19, in the paragraph underneath Figure 6, in section 7.3.

The original version of this text stated:

Our findings point at a unified clinical model of altered state experiences based on a shift from the left hemisphere-dominant, verbally based, serial mode of information processing in normative conscious awareness to right hemisphere-dominant, somatosensory-based, parallel mode of information processing in OSC states (Figure 6).

This text should state:

Our findings point at a unified clinical model of altered state experiences based on a shift from the left hemisphere-dominant, verbally based, serial mode of information processing in normative conscious awareness to right hemisphere-dominant, somatosensory-based, parallel mode of information processing in ASC states (Figure 6).

This correction has now been made to the published article online.

The authors apologize for this error.