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RETRACTED ARTICLE: Dynamic voltage restorer controller using grade algorithm

Dynamic voltage restorer controller using grade Algorithm, S. Deepa&M. Ranjani, Cogent Engineering (2015), 2: 1017243” DOI: 10.1080/23311916.2015.1017243.

The article “Dynamic voltage restorer controller using grade Algorithm, S. Deepa & M. Ranjani, Cogent Engineering (2015), 2: 1017243” is being retracted by the Publishers and Editors to maintain the integrity and originality of the scholarly record. Following publication of the article, after peer review and acceptance for publication in good faith, it has been found that several sections of the article are substantially similar to a previously published article “Dynamic voltage restorer control using bi-objective optimisation to improve power quality’s indices, Mohammad Reza Khalghani, Mohammad Ali Shamsi-nejad and Mohammad Hassan Khooban, IET Science, Measurement & Technology (2014) 8, 203–213” without due attribution or acknowledgement. It is the policy of Cogent Engineering to publish entirely original work only and as such this action constitutes a breach of the editorial policy. The authors have failed to respond to requests to provide an explanation for this situation.