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Correction statement for 'Adult Listening Behaviour, Music Preferences and Emotions in the Mobile Context. Does mobile context affect elicited emotions?'

This article refers to:
Adult listening behaviour, music preferences and emotions in the mobile context. Does mobile context affect elicited emotions?

Article title: Adult Listening Behaviour, Music Preferences and Emotions in the Mobile Context. Does mobile context affect elicited emotions?

Authors: Fabio, R. A., Iannizzotto, G., Nucita, A., & Caprì, T.

Journal: Cogent Engineering

Citation details: Volume 6, Number 01

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2019.1597666

In agreement with the authors and Editor-in-Chief for Cogent Engineering, the Public Interest Statement for this article has been updated to the following:

This study investigates whether listening to music in a mobile context affects the emotions of the listener in a different way than in non-mobile contexts. Such an understanding will provide a deeper insight into the mechanisms involved in emotion elicitation and help better to inform automatic content selection and suggestion engines. More than three hundred participants were involved in the experimentation, listening to one hundred classical music tracks and providing their feedback through a mobile app specifically developed for this investigation. Our findings show that there is no detectable difference in the factors affecting the user’s emotions between the mobile and non-mobile contexts. A possible explanation is that the users tend to use the same devices and streaming services in both contexts, thus enjoying very similar experiences.

The article has been re-published to include the revised Public Interest Statement.