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Civil & Environmental Engineering

Technology and innovation management methodology for the development of recyclable bioplastics from organic waste

Article: 2345524 | Received 03 Oct 2023, Accepted 16 Apr 2024, Published online: 20 May 2024


The article discusses the issue of plastic waste pollution and the need to create biodegradable biomaterials from organic waste. It emphasizes the worldwide scale of plastic production and its impact on the oceans, highlighting the magnitude of the challenge. The article specifically focuses on Colombia, a country with high annual plastic consumption and unique waste management challenges. The aim of this study is to propose a methodology for managing technology and innovation that promotes the use of biomaterials in the packaging and plastics industry. The proposed methodology is based on the classification of key factors and groups of tools, which are designed to guide the development and implementation process of biomaterials. Additionally, this text details the key findings resulting from the validation of the methodology with experts and entrepreneurs in the sector. Notably, the findings highlight the feasibility and relevance of the proposed methodology in promoting the transition towards renewable and sustainable raw material sources. It is emphasized that practical implementation of this methodology in a real business environment is crucial to validate its effectiveness and promote its large-scale adoption.

1. Introduction

The high level of pollution caused by the overflowing quantities of plastic and packaging waste, mostly derived from non-renewable fossil resources such as oil and its derivatives, is a global problem that has been around for some time. Years ago, it was considered unsustainable (Jaffur et al., Citation2023; Mapelli et al., Citation2022).

The calculations carried out on the issue of plastic waste at a global level show alarming results, because if the current production and consumption dynamics in this regard continue, it is estimated that by the year 2050 there will be 12 billion tons of plastic waste in the environment. natural and landfills. From the previous figure, approximately 10% of all plastic discarded on the planet ends up in the oceans, of which 94% remains on the seabed and only 1% is found floating near the ocean surface and the 5% drifts on beaches (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Citation2022).

Global plastic production has increased rapidly over the last 50 years, especially in the last few decades. According to the Plastics Manufacturers Association of Europe (PlasticsEurope), approximately 8.3 billion tons of plastics have been produced since production began around 1950. In 2019, global plastic production reached almost 370 million tons. In Europe, plastics production reached nearly 58 million tons. Much of the waste generated by finished products made of plastic ends up in the oceans and, worryingly, constitutes between 60% and 80% of marine litter (Oliveros & Zambrano, Citation2020).

In complementary and specific figures for Colombia, an annual consumption of about 1,250,000 tons of plastic is established in 2018, that is, on average it is estimated that each Colombian uses 24 kilos of plastic per year, mostly from raw materials that are difficult to biodegrade (Clínica Jurídica de Medio Ambiente Pública Salud (MASP) – Faculty of Law Universidad de Los Andes & Greenpeace Colombia, 2019).

Considering the previous problem, it is gaining strength and relevance to use less intensive conventional plastics and instead use biodegradable biomaterials as raw materials for the production of bioplastics and biopackaging, which in turn come from renewable sources (Mishra et al., Citation2023; Shevchenko et al., Citation2022). However, to achieve this, the implementation and management of technology and innovation in this area of using reincorporatable organic waste for the biopolymer and biopackaging industry must take into account the scientific and technological limitations of a country like Colombia that is just venturing into the development of biomaterials and bioplastics (Gómez Ayala & Yory Sanabria, Citation2018, p. 69–70).

Based on the needs raised above, the authors prepared this research article, in which a technology and innovation management (IM) methodology is proposed that contributes to the development of biodegradable biomaterials from organic waste that can be reincorporated into industry and the ‘packaging’ and plastics market. Therefore, below a background description will be made to delve into the conceptual components that give line to the proposed methodology, then the methodological development will be found, to then present the results and conclusions of this research exercise.

1.1. Background

The management of technology and innovation has its beginnings between the year 1945 until approximately the year 1985, in this period, the feelings of uncertainty and instability were not as demanding as they are today, which is why, in terms of the management of technology and innovation, there were no fully established foundations or implementations on the subject; however, a strategic approach to the commercial and marketing resource management markets was developed, and human resource management was strengthened as a strengthening element of companies (Jaimes et al., Citation2011).

From then on, that is, since 1985, technological resources and assets have become fundamental components for the achievement of the strategic organizational objectives outlined, allowing the emergence of value-added innovations in business dynamics that create and transform products, processes and services, giving a more explicit place and context to technology and IM (Jaimes et al., Citation2011).

Chiaromonte (Citation2004) and Lichtenthaler (Citation2003) reveal three stages that implicitly show first steps towards the very notion of technology management (TM) in first world countries, which in turn also tacitly show components of IM. The first stage is located at the end of the Second World War and was characterized by the promulgation of public policies to stimulate science and technology by developed countries, where these advanced economies financed basic scientific initiatives, expecting in return the technological and social progress.

In the second stage, towards the 1970s and 1980s, there was a variation in the notion of innovation, moving from a focus on radical transformations (punctual and discontinuous innovation) to process innovation, prioritizing the transversal dynamics between products and organizational processes. In the second stage, the focus was shifted from radical transformations (punctual and discontinuous innovation) to process innovation (incremental and continuous innovation), making innovation a component of the participatory business domain and not just of exclusive use and exploitation, understanding that this is crucial for strategic development and market penetration (Ganesh Saratale et al., Citation2021; Patti & Acierno, Citation2022). Moving to the third stage, which occurred in the 1990s, the main event stands out as the important link between TM and organizational R&D programs in terms of interaction between corporate management and management. technological areas, which in turn involved the activities and needs of innovation (Jiménez et al., Citation2007).

Specifically in Latin America, at the level of the first steps towards more tangible practices of technology and IM, some parities are identified with respect to the close implementations of the three stages related above (Castellanos & Jiménez, Citation2004). In the case of Colombia, these first advances are incorporated late when comparing them with the realities that have occurred in the global development poles and in terms of the general Latin American panorama, since it is identified that it is just beginning its immersion in issues of TM and innovation in 1980, and at that time the developed countries were already approximately 35 years ahead.

Regarding the Colombian context on the map of technology and IM, when making comparisons with Latin America and other more developed latitudes, it is concluded that despite the progress made in CT + I, the lag is evident, since in the vast majority of indicators related to science, technology and innovation, the country hardly stands out, unlike nations such as South Korea, China, Ireland, Brazil, Finland, among others, which have significant resources of various kinds for these activities (Perfetti, Citation2016). By 2012, the country reached 153 biotechnology companies, represented in the agricultural sector with 38%, the food and alcoholic beverages sector with 33%, biofuels contribute 8%, the pharmaceutical sector reaches 5%. Universities and research centers complete the figures with 16%. Based on the data consulted at the Latin American level, not only are the differences marked when making comparisons with North America or with the main European countries, since these comparisons also show significant gaps between countries of the same region in terms of the growth of the existing biotechnology industry and the emergence and consolidation of initiatives in this field (Anlló & Fuchs, Citation2013).

The development of recyclable biomaterials from organic waste presents a promising avenue for mitigating the environmental impact of conventional plastics in the packaging industry. Recent research has highlighted innovative techniques and material sources for these biomaterials’ production. Samir et al. (Citation2022) discusses the potential of recyclable polymers derived from natural and synthetic sources, emphasizing agricultural waste’s importance for production. Cubas et al. (Citation2023) explore how bacterial cellulose from kombucha could offer a sustainable and cost-effective alternative for the circular economy. Szeluga and Adamus (Citation2023) demonstrate the development of packaging films based on polyhydroxybutyrate, using ultrasonic welding. Furthermore, Ochoa-Herrera and Philippidis (Citation2021) highlight the recyclable source potential of microalgae for biomaterials in biorefineries. Additionally, Westlake et al. (Citation2023) discuss the need for alternative packaging materials, emphasizing recyclable biopolymers.

In addition to the conditions of underdevelopment in which the country finds itself in terms of biotechnology industry, in Colombia there is no categorical, consistent and coherent discussion or documentation on the management of biotechnology and innovation for the development of biodegradable biomaterials. from reintegrable organic waste for the packaging and plastics industry and market; furthermore, its implementation and sustained practice at the business level as a strategic soft technology towards increasing levels of competitiveness is presented as one of the shortcomings of biotechnology-based companies. Precisely, this weak presence of technology and IM makes it unlikely to consider the clear existence of a technology and IM methodology in Colombia that is visible, inclusive, consistent with the environment and accessible. in a transversal and generalized manner to all components of biotechnological organizations (Peña González & Petit Torres, Citation2016) or is used exclusively in a few organizations (Villa & Jiménez, Citation2017).

2. Conceptual dimensions

Next, we will develop the conceptual elements that constitute this methodological proposal. By taking theoretical and procedural support from the management of technology and innovation, we can contribute to establishing parameters that align with national and regional objectives related to issues of the bioeconomy. This will serve as a source of guidance and consultation for new industries (BIOintropic, Universidad EAFIT, & Silo Citation2018), while also considering existing ones. The proposal will not only serve as a source of business guidance and consultation, but also as a reference for academic and research consultation material.

2.1. Technology and innovation management

Technology and innovation, like other organizational resources, need to be optimized, making the best use of them and taking a transversal approach, since they do not produce the results outlined above on their own. This is where the leading role of management arises, which, when it comes to technology and innovation, implies that they are interdependent and that their correlation and synergy determine the degree of efficiency and development that products and services can offer to satisfy the expectations created and expected (Robledo, Citation2017).

In today’s competitive and technological world, organizations that fail to delegate the management of technological assets to produce innovation will be outcompeted and may even face extinction (Bauzá, Citation2016). Successful IM allows organizations to add value to their products and services, which in turn provides these organizations with the necessary returns to compensate for the risks assumed through IM (Solleiro & Castañón, Citation2016).

2.2. Management of biotechnology and the bioeconomy

The development of biodegradable biomaterials from recyclable organic waste can be approached through the concepts and implications of bioeconomy and biotechnology. Bioeconomy is a strategic pillar in policies and guidelines of both organizational and governmental nature, promoting the use of biomaterials to progressively replace fossil sources (Lamers et al., Citation2016). Biotechnology contributes to the bioeconomy by efficiently utilizing the biological resources of a region, including the industrial use of renewable biological materials (Cubas et al., Citation2023; Rodríguez, Citation2017).

From the above, it is important to keep in mind that the Technology and innovation management (TIM) in the development of biodegradable biomaterials from recyclable organic waste and the management of biotechnology and the bioeconomy are mutually inclusive, since according to Villa and Jiménez (Citation2017), when they state that ‘the management of technologies such as biotechnology requires support from transversal processes of TM such as: technological monitoring, competitive intelligence, foresight and adequate management of intellectual property’. In addition, these actions reflect the need for biotechnology-based companies to incorporate a technology and IM area for the adequate execution of the same management towards the achievement of the proposed strategic objectives. Moreover, such companies would also need to establish procedures to optimize the responsibility of managing technology and innovation with the aim of supporting its viability, growth, permanence and evolution in an increasingly changing and competitive environment (García González, Citation2019; Moshood et al., Citation2022).

3. Materials and methods

The development of this article is approached from a Exploratory- descriptive qualitative (EDQ) research approach, which is based on the construction of the methodological proposal through the identification of various processes and components that are systemic and that account for essential parameters to describe the context and the implications of this for the deployment of the proposal; for this purpose, initially relevant articles and literature on the topic were identified and review; then a matrix was developed that allowed a classification in order of importance and impact of the key factors identified (Hunter et al., 2019; Karahan et al., Citation2022).

The constructed methodology was subjected to a functional validation in its documentary theoretical promulgation before experts and businessmen from the packaging and plastics industry, through a detailed socialization of its own sequential systemic contents. In addition, interviews were conducted with the same experts and businessmen, with questions that contributed to obtaining objective results in order to be able to determine the validation and adjustments that can be made for the proposed methodology.

The TM and IM models and their generational stages were explored to extract elements, components, and tools for the proposed Technology and Innovation Management Methodology. This methodology aims to contribute to the development of biodegradable biomaterials obtained from organic waste that can be used in the packaging and plastics industry. The proposed methodology is distinct from other methodologies and will be developed in a documentary manner.

The elements, components and tools, among others, that will become an integral part of the methodology to be proposed as the main objective of this article, will be stated with their respective attributes and peculiarities in subsequent chapters and in accordance with the dynamics of the same proposal. methodology to be developed.

4. Construction of the methodological proposal

Below are the key determinants of the characterization of TM and IM processes in the plastics industry in relation to the development of biodegradable biomaterials, complemented with the characterization and correlation in the dynamics of productivity, competitiveness, human resources, environment, R&D&I, technology and regulations in terms of their capabilities, opportunities/challenges and deficiencies to be strengthened that have been identified in plastics sector studies. Then, the key factors identified during the field work and literature review are presented.

The field work consisted of submitting the proposed methodology to a validation in its theoretical and documentary implementation before experts in order to identify qualities, corrections and adjustments to be made so that its functionality can be more objectively defined with respect to its theoretical and documentary promulgation and to its conceptual construct, both argumentative and schematic, based on the different elements incorporated to each construct.

In the selection of each of the validators, it was initially considered that their area and expertise should be related to R&D&I activities/projects and to the development of materials and/or biomaterials (sustainable manufacturing), in order to obtain objective validation results in accordance with the methodology developed.

4.1. Productivity determinant

Concerning the productivity determinant (see ), it was found that its development will allow to reduce the cost of recycled raw materials for companies that have alliances with collection networks. In this sense, it is necessary to Colombia is already a manufacturer of high value-added products such as plates, sheets, tubes, panels, tiles, leather, among other products, which also has potential in terms of technological capabilities to expand to the manufacture of products for other industries such as construction materials. construction, agriculture, auto parts, among others.

Table 1. Productivity determinants.

4.2. Determinant competitiveness

This determinant (see ) for the Colombian case, has a broad portfolio of diversified export products, which gives it the ability to have a high level of specialization to compete in the global market; Likewise, its geographical location allows large players to have a presence throughout South America and Central America.

Table 2. Determinants of competitiveness.

4.3. Environmental determinant

In the environmental determinant (see ), it is identified that its capacity is given by the increase in awareness about the responsible use and consumption of raw materials and plastic manufacturers, considering new sustainable productive alternatives.

Table 3. Environmental determinant.

4.4. Determinant R&D&i

For the determinant R&D&i (see ), it is identified that companies get access to technology from other countries (Europe, Asia and North America) to obtain better efficiencies in production processes and that favors the application of better innovation practices in the local market. In addition, the capacity is the availability of research, innovation and prototyping laboratories for the sector in Cali, Bogotá, Medellín and Cartagena, which allows high levels of automation.

Table 4. R&D&i determinants.

4.5. Step-by-step and schematic layout of the tools/elements/processes of the proposed methodology

A schematic arrangement of the elements/processes/tools identified from the TEMAGUIDE and ISO 56002:2019 models is presented, plus those annexed as a specific complement to the methodology to be formulated, and the key factors identified, constituted as the foundations/pillars/categories/structural dimensions of these same elements/processes/tools, are also presented.

The coupling of the components, among many others, in the context of Technology Management and Innovation Management, is obtained through the implementation of a series of key factors, which are constituted as the foundations/pillars/categories/structural dimensions of the methodology to be formulated, supported by other complementary facilitators that would be the elements/processes/tools.

The key factors have been infused/adapted, contributed and chosen from the TEMAGUIDE and ISO 56002:2019 Models that have been the basis and have contributed significantly in the construction and implementation of the theoretical and documentary methodology in question; additionally and in relevance to the specifics of the subject, key factors such as CHARACTERIZATION OF RECYCLABLE RENEWABLE BIOMATERIALS and ASSESSMENT AND MEASUREMENT OF IMPACTS have been added. These key factors are classified into Fundamental Key Factors, Strategic Key Factors, First Level Key Factors and Second Level Key Factors.

After the above, as far as the structure is concerned, the substantial headline referring to the main and specific topic, such as the Technology and Innovation Management Methodology that contributes to the development of recyclable biomaterials from organic waste that can be reincorporated for the packaging and plastics industry and market, is set out as the central axis.

To the above, the Fundamental Key Factor (FCF), the Strategic Key Factors (FCE), the First Level Key Factors (FCPN); consecutively, the different Second Level Key Factors (FCSN) are coupled, and to these, the different identified tools are integrated, and as a final surrounding element, the Strategic Key Factor called IMPACT ASSESSMENT appears.

After this arrangement, the corresponding Classification Groups (CG) and/or origin (P), which can be given to the tools according to their classification and/or use distributed in sets or groupings in blocks according to what is shown on the far left side of the corresponding matrix (. Matrix. Categories of Key Factors and Classification of GT-GI Tools), enter the scene at one side of the scheme of the methodology.

Table 5. Key factors.

Table 6. Matrix. Categories of key factors and classification of TM-IM Tools.

4.6. Key factors

The key factors developed below have been infused/adapted, contributed and selected from the TEMAGUIDE and ISO 56002:2019 models that have supported and contributed significantly to the theoretical documentary construction and implementation of the Technology Management Methodology. and innovation that contributes to the development of biodegradable biomaterials from reintegrable organic waste for the packaging and plastics industry and market.

shows the selected key factors, which are classified into fundamental key factors, strategic key factors, first-level key factors, and second-level key factors.

4.6.1. Ongoing management commitment

The commitment of the top management is, in itself, the most important element in the implementation of a management system and guarantees greater chances of success if there is strong support and sustained commitment from all levels of the organization. An adequate level of trust must be achieved in the intention that managers, and especially top management, keep in mind that the management system is important enough for this same higher body to guarantee the necessary resources. in the execution of all phases of a project (SiSiCOM, Citation2019).

The TM and IM is not only about technology, it also categorically refers to business management. Such a statement requires that internal and external resources are managed appropriately. Resources such as human, financial and technological must be planned, organized and developed in a strategic and integrated manner, the above constitutes the first concern of TM, and must be led and internalized in the organization by the first line of senior management. direction (Cotec Foundation for Technological Innovation, Citation1999).

4.6.2. Organizational context and market needs

The organization is in the task of constantly monitoring the problems, the implicit and explicit messages that trends show in both external and internal environments, such as consumer preferences, technological developments and analysis of its own internal capabilities, this in order to promptly or early identify the opportunities and challenges that lead to generate R&D&i activities (Carrillo, Citation2021).

In the field of technology, market analysis calls for two main applications, the first is suitable for identifying new business opportunities, in this sense, the objectives already determined for R&D can be focused on satisfying those needs. already existing in the market, which will lead to demand-driven innovation. Secondly, it supports the appropriate transformation of new technological knowledge into new products, i.e. the type of innovation driven by technology, which requires a correct assessment of the market potential in order to avoid commercial failure of the new product. One of the fundamental tasks of market analysis is to identify and evaluate the specifications of the new product (Cotec Foundation for Technological Innovation, Citation1999).

4.6.3. Impact assessment

It consists of the identification and measurement of the potential positive and negative impacts, both internal and external to the organization, with the determination of the possible ‘stakeholders’ affected at the social, economic, environmental, organizational, etc. level, based on the production, use and final disposal of the bioproducts produced as a result of the R&D&I processes. The identification and measurement of the potential positive and negative impacts, both internal and external, with the determination of the possible ‘stakeholders’ affected at the social, economic, environmental, organizational, etc. level, based on the production, use and final disposal of the bioproducts produced as a result of R&D&I processes; and their subsequent comparison with the actual results obtained, which will provide feedback for the purposes of continuous improvement.

4.6.4. Characterisation of renewable biodegradable biomaterials

‘Characterization’ in the context of biodegradable materials refers to the process of identifying the properties and behavior of these materials when exposed to specific environmental conditions. Biodegradable materials are those that can be decomposed by living organisms such as bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. This degradation process converts materials into simpler components that can be absorbed by the soil. Characterization may include evaluating how long this decomposition process takes and how it affects the environment (Zapata et al., Citation2022).

The utilization qualities of biodegradable biomaterials are multiple and largely depend on their specific components; therefore, their characterization is essential to discover through exploration the different possibilities and applications that they can offer (Hernandez-Izquierdo and Krochta, Citation2008).

To know the potential of a material, it is necessary to understand its properties and components and the way in which it can be processed and used for subsequent transformation, and with the acquisition of such knowledge and learning, new processes, products and services will be achieved with new forms and particularities (Fernández, Citation2022).

In line with the current sustainable economy approach, research on renewable biomaterials of natural origin for the production of various bioproducts is the subject of relevant attention. Biomass, such as marine, wood and agricultural wastes, constitutes one of the most abundant renewable materials on the planet and shows a hopeful potential as an alternative to fossil resources (Fernandes et al., Citation2013

4.6.5. Biotechnology strategy

The company must formulate biotechnological strategies integrated with the global strategy and at the same level as other specific strategies, such as those of a financial nature or those of marketing and commercial in an interdependent interaction, this is how the bio-technologies t go knowledge and mastering will allow the development of new bio-products, At the same time, the strategic decision to engage in new activities requires having what are called technological competencies, that is, skills and knowledge that allow the company to stand out in a fundamental aspect such as differentiation through the mastery of technological capabilities (Hidalgo, Citation1999).

Biotechnology, by definition, refers to the development and production of bioproducts and/or bioprocesses mainly for commercial purposes; consequently, the different strategies in biotechnology programs must be focused on specific industries or productive sectors. This is the case of the plastics industry and its manufacturing sector, since these are not biotechnology industries per se, but existing sectors that incorporate biotechnology into their processes and productive activities.

4.6.6. Biotechnology adoption

Understanding the concept of TM and IM leads to a clear characterization; therefore, it is defined as the process of managing all those activities that allow the company to make more efficient use of technologies generated internally and those acquired from third parties, as well as incorporating them into new products (product innovation) and the ways in which they are produced and introduced to markets (process innovation). This process allows for increased knowledge, which leads to better innovation capabilities and the generation of competitive advantages, which in turn makes it possible to anticipate the reactions of customers, users and competitors (Hidalgo, Citation1999).

According to Aristizabal and Biointropic (Citation2018), Colombia must face the following opportunities/challenges in terms of acquisition/transfer and biotechnological development:

  • Weakness in technology transfer/acquisition mechanisms to generate sources of advanced biotechnological knowledge.

  • Low strength in technology transfer/acquisition mechanisms to generate sources of advanced biotechnological knowledge and access channels.

  • Weakness in agreements with internationally accredited laboratories for the development of national products.

  • Lack of accredited laboratories with good manufacturing practices.

  • Long R&D&I times for new solutions. As a sector with accelerated growth, development and innovation, there is a need to reduce the time to market for new solutions.

  • Few sources of advanced biotechnological knowledge to share with universities and international centers in more advanced countries.

  • Low use of biomass-based technologies that are environmentally friendly. Biomass can be used to produce chemical products with high added value, where the technical and economic feasibility is integrated, called biorefinery.

  • It is necessary to develop new technologies based on nanomaterials, which implies the analysis of their properties and requires an assessment of the risks during their production and use.

4.6.7. Bio-process innovation

According to Wang et al. (Citation2016), plastics are an essential commodity in human daily life; they are even consumed more than other essential raw materials in human life, such as steel. Considering the above, the global plastics industry is facing transcendental environmental challenges in terms of the processes involved, the inputs used and, consequently, the products developed; in all of this, it is of considerable importance to find viable alternatives. that can ensure the sustainable development of this industry. Therefore, the plastics industry and its manufacturing must incorporate new ways into its current productive dynamics through innovative bio-processes that effectively add value to bioplastics and biopackaging, generated in a transition from the current economy based on fossil resources to a sustainable economy based on biodegradable biomaterials (Sleenhoff et al., Citation2015), also considering, according to European Bioplastics (Citation2018), with reference to García et al. (Citation2022), and as data of utmost importance and relevance, that bioplastics are one of the main bioproducts marketed within the bioeconomy based on biomass.

4.6.8. Development of bioproducts

According to Conference Series (2017), citing Aristizabal and Biointropic (Citation2018), as the need to curb the production and consumption of conventional plastics becomes evident, the biopolymers/bioplastics industry is increasing; which have been widely accepted in different industries due to their positive environmental properties; due to this, biopolymers/bioplastics are raw materials for any sector such as food technology, nanotechnology, chemistry, medicine, agriculture, among others.

This means that biotechnologies are incorporated as a source of competitive advantage in line with the needs of customers and users. Needs that are and can be covered by new bioproducts, which for the Colombian productive environment is attractive thanks to the diverse and abundant biological resources available, allowing the country to have important comparative advantages. in the sustainable development of high added value bioproducts such as bioplastics and biopackaging.

4.6.9. Monitor the signs

It is the exploration and search of both internal and external environments to identify and process signals or indications of a potential innovation that involves significant interests for the organization. These signs can refer to needs of different characteristics, as well as opportunities derived from research activities, obligations to adapt to regulatory and legislative discretions, signals provided by the behavior of customers/users and the competition; together they represent a group of promoters to which the organization must give clear responses.

4.6.10. Focus

Developing a strategic response; means strategically selecting from the group of potential innovation drivers those that represent the best opportunities for the organization and therefore the highest level of commitment in the management and allocation of resources, regardless of the type of organization, from the most limited to the most solvent, they must strategically define courses of action, selecting the most profitable alternatives that can guarantee higher levels of success and obtain differential competitive advantages.

4.6.11. Get trained

Acquire the necessary knowledge: after having selected the alternatives that could represent better results, the organization acquires the unavoidable obligation, if it wishes to continue, to provide the necessary capabilities and resources through its R&D&I activities, whether generating or transferring the defined technological assets with their adequate implementation and appropriation. Training may involve, for example, the simple purchase of a technology, the exploitation of the results of previous research, or the need for extensive research to identify the most appropriate resources. The issue is not only the inherent knowledge of a technology, but also the mastery of the set of adjacent knowledge, often tacit, that is required for the technology to function.

4.6.12. Implement the solution

Finally, organizations must implement the innovative solution generated/acquired, starting from the initial idea and following the different phases of development, its implementation, until its final launch converted into a new process, product or service available. the market both internally and externally.

4.6.13. Learning

This key factor manifests the need for constant and transversal feedback on the previous key factors, evaluating the learning from successes and failures with the firm intention of extracting the relevant knowledge from the experience gained. TM and IM refers to learning about the most relevant solution to the problem of managing this process consistently, carrying out actions in the most appropriate way in line with business realities.

5. Structure and architecture of the proposed TM and IM methodology

The approach of the TM and IM methodology developed in the present work is shown in , the scheme and architecture of the methodology was defined in the shape of a pentagon, this geometry was chosen because it allows the collection and distribution of the main titles of the methodology in a precise and coherent way in its use in different types of constructions, both human and by different types of natural agents; It reflects in itself, solidity, virtuosity, aesthetics, constant communication, cyclical relationships, among other characteristics that are considered to make it suitable for the schematic representation of the proposed methodology, this way, for example, it allows the different elements that make it up (to the pentagon) to show an uninterrupted cyclical structural relationship. In this way, the architecture developed is intended to convey the possibility of accessing multiple options of continuous R&D&I processes with permanent feedback through relationships of interdependence, chaining, gearing, coupling.

Figure 1. Structure and architecture of the proposed TM and IM methodology.

Source: own elaboration, based on Cotec Foundation for Technological Innovation (Citation1999), SiSiCOM (Citation2019, p. 18) and Pignani (Citation2022).

Diagram illustrating the structure and architecture of the proposed TM and IM methodology, derived from research by the Cotec Foundation for Technological Innovation (1999), SiSiCOM (2019, p. 18), and Pignani (2022).
Figure 1. Structure and architecture of the proposed TM and IM methodology.Source: own elaboration, based on Cotec Foundation for Technological Innovation (Citation1999), SiSiCOM (Citation2019, p. 18) and Pignani (Citation2022).

The dotted structural lines that surround the key factor LEARN denote the fluidity and permeability between the different dimensions, allowing the sharing of knowledge and experience acquired both internally and externally, in favor of continuous improvement through constant organizational learning that can be obtained from the entry into action of the different categories that articulate the methodological architecture presented.

The proposed TM and IM methodology is defined from the classification of the different key determinants identified during the study, each of these factors is identified with a color through the pentagon, which correspond to:

  • FKF: Fundamental Key Factor

  • KSF: Key Strategic Factors

  • KFFL: Key Factor of First Level

  • KFSL: Key Factor of Second Level

  • ICR: Inception of the Cycle and Reading

In addition, the proposed methodological scheme presents on the left side in a vertical arrangement, the Classification Groups (CG) and/or Origin (O), this configuration presents the groupings that contain different sets of tools according to their approach and dynamics of use, such as Information from External Sources, Internal Information, Work and Resources, Ideas and Problem Solving, Group Work, Increasing Efficiency and Flexibility, and Development and Marketing.

For the implementation of the proposed methodology, the information that could be used must be analyzed and defined according to the TM and IM matrix shown in . In this matrix, the main determining factors, the Classification Groups (CG) and/or Origin (O) are categorized and, finally, those tools that must be fully used in accordance with the KFSL, which is the reason for the analysis and/or execution, are displayed in blue with a corresponding capital letter x, and in gray, with the lower case letter

6. Theoretical implementation case - Hypothetical company

Below, a hypothetical theoretical company implementation is presented with the purpose of simulating the application of the methodology through some of its components already described previously; thus expanding the margin of understanding in its implementation and potential application.

The hypothetical company located in Colombia is ‘Biofactor’, the company imports from Europe a virgin input of organic origin, considered expensive. In this way, the company wants to design, develop and implement a solution that allows modifying this imported raw material and, consequently, significantly improve the cost-benefit ratio; therefore, it proposes the scope of the following project:

Modification of a virgin material of imported organic origin that allows the optimization of the cost-benefit variables in combination with a waste material of organic origin that can be re-incorporated to be processed in BioFactor, the final result of which will be mainly used in the plastics and packaging industry.

As a first step, BioFactor must activate the FKF of Constant Commitment of Senior Management, since its primary function is to promote the scope of the described project. Senior Management is constituted as the focal point for making decisions that are classified as above the authority delegated to the R&D&I area. In addition, senior management must provide sufficient and diverse resources to enable the other areas involved to satisfactorily achieve the required objectives.

Next, and according to the nature of the project, together with the R&D&I area, the BioFactor directives as KFFL must establish an appropriate biotechnological strategy in direct accordance and with prior designation and analysis of the FCE related to the organizational context and market needs, this KSF must be mainly in charge of middle and/or senior management in joint work with the marketing area.

Secondly, with more competence and involvement on the subject by the R&D&I area, the KSF related to the characterization of renewable biodegradable biomaterials must be considered, since from there come the fundamental conclusions to determine with certainty what type of biodegradable biomaterials can be developed from the most suitable reincorporable organic waste for subsequent contact with the virgin biodegradable biomaterial to be imported; where, in addition, it must be determined with absolute certainty that such combination of biomasses, both those of virgin origin and those derived from organic waste, will maintain the optimal characteristics required according to the expected results.

The KFFL referred to Biotechnological Strategy for the scope of the described project must begin the cycle in the KFSL called VIGILAR, which in turn constitutes one of the first links of the proposed methodological structure; Because the development or modification of this imported material of organic origin can imply a potential innovation of relevant interests at the organizational level due to the valuable opportunities that can be derived from it, for this reason it implies exploration and monitoring activities, both internal and external, because the current markets, beyond the legislation that is being adopted regarding eco-responsible consumption regarding plastics, encourage and/or force the different productive lines and ideas to be immersed in eco-productive compliance that, in addition to satisfying the needs of usufruct of consumers.

Together with the KFSL VIGILAR, the following tools must be linked from the matrix in correlation with the project to be developed and according to the previous characterization already given to each of them; whether they are full or possible of application with their respective Classification Group (CG) and/or Origin (O):

Fully applicable tools and their classification group and/or origin:

  • Biotechnological perspective: GC and/or P: Information from external sources

  • Biotechnology Benchmarking and Biotechnology Intelligence: GC and/or P: Information from external sources

  • Patent analysis: GC and/or P: information from external sources

  • Biotechnology monitoring: GC and/or P: information from external sources

  • Problem and Opportunity Identification and Analysis: GC and/or P: ideas and problem solving

Possible applicable tools and their classification Group and/or origin:

  • Biotechnology audits: GC and/or P: Internal information

By using this tool it will be possible to determine if it is necessary or not, or if the implementation of other key factors such as the KFFL related to biotechnological acquisition and the KFSL is partially carried out. TRAIN YOURSELF with the proper use of the most appropriate tools provided by this KFSL. In addition, it will give rise or not to the possible use of other tools, such as, for example, Bio-Technological Transfer, and whose GC and/or P is Work and Resources.

The KFFL related to innovation in bioprocesses and development of bioproducts must be implemented, and for logical reasons of scope of the formulated project, with its consequent KFSL IMPLEMENTATION and the corresponding tools of this KFSL, which may be those listed below. continuation:

Fully applicable tools and their classification group and/or origin:

  • Depending on the results obtained, the investigations, the analyses and conclusions reached, and the intentions of management, the Intellectual and Industrial Property Management tool may be implemented: GC and/or P: Internal Information; and the Biotechnology Transfer tool: GC and/or P: Work and Resources

    • Change control and registration of information and milestones: GC and/or P: Internal Information

    • Project Management: GC and/or P: Work and Resources

    • Creativity: GC and/or P: Ideas and Problem Solving

    • Value Analysis: GC and/or P: ideas and problem solving

    • Interface Management: GC and/or P: Group work

    • Networking: GC and/or P: Group work

    • Team Functioning: GC and/or P: Group work

    • Change Management: GC and/or P: Increasing Efficiency and Flexibility

    • Lean Operations: GC and/or P: Improve efficiency and flexibility

    • Continuous Improvement: GC and/or P: increase efficiency and flexibility

    • Developing solutions – biomanufacturing R&D&i: GC and/or P: Development and commercialization

    • Solution deployment – Marketing: GC and/or P: development and commercialization

The KFSL APRENDER and the KSF Impact Evaluation, due to their nature of transversality, interrelation and constant feedback with the different dimensions and components according to what was proposed in the construction of the methodology, it is suggested that they be implemented in all projects, research, etc.; also taking into account that these FC are applicable both internally and externally to the organization.

7. Validation

The previously proposed methodology is subjected to validation in its theoretical documentary implementation before experts with the purpose of identifying qualities, corrections and adjustments that may be necessary, so that in this way its functionality can be more objectively defined in terms of its theoretical documentary promulgation and its conceptual construct, both argumentative and schematic, based on the different elements incorporated in each dimension.

The four experts considered that the proposed methodology, in its theoretical-documentary deployment and implementation, meets the main intention raised; however, one of them states that although it can meet the proposed objective and is well formulated, he stresses that it must be based on standards. current international regulations, since the one taken as a reference is therefore outdated and therefore invalidated by the latest version, and in this regard it is proposed to reconsider it (adjustment made according to your observations). The other experts do not make or request similar adjustments, considering them well-founded.

Three of the four experts rated the relevance of the methodology as excellent and the remaining expert rated it as very good. The four experts believe that the methodology can be applied at the company level by those who intend to start or strengthen their R&D&I processes in the field of bioplastics and biopackaging.

7.1. Other studies

To support the findings on innovation in biomaterials from waste, we can refer to various scientific studies that address this topic from different perspectives. For instance, Poz et al. (Citation2022) provide a detailed analysis of the innovation markets for biomaterials derived from waste, emphasizing the significance of the circular economy in the valorization of these resources. The authors present a circular approach as a fundamental strategy to promote environmental sustainability and economic efficiency in waste management.

Additionally, Mishra et al. (Citation2023) propose an innovative circular bioeconomy strategy for the valorization of agroindustrial waste into biomaterials, emphasizing the need to make the most of available resources and reduce waste in production processes. The study emphasizes the technical and economic feasibility of this approach, reinforcing the importance of exploring new avenues for waste management.

In contrast, Chakrapani et al. (Citation2022) as well as Lizundia et al. (Citation2022) investigate the valorization of food waste for value-added biomaterials and sustainable biocomposites, respectively. These studies emphasize the significance of utilizing accessible resources and promoting sustainable practices in biomaterial production. This contributes to reducing the environmental footprint and promoting the circular economy.

Ofterdinger et al. (Citation2021) and Kędzia et al. (Citation2022) investigate innovation processes oriented towards the circular economy and waste management. The studies emphasize the necessity of implementing multi-solution and social innovation approaches to enhance compostable packaging waste management and encourage the adoption of sustainable practices in the industry.

Finally, Delaplace and Kabouya (Citation2001) provide a perspective on the interactions between regulation and technological innovation in the context of biodegradable materials in Germany. This highlights the significance of considering the regulatory framework in the development of sustainable biomaterials. These studies provide a strong foundation to support the findings on innovation in biomaterials from waste, demonstrating the importance and relevance of this research field in the pursuit of sustainable solutions for resource and waste management.

8. Conclusions

The choice of proposing a methodology that can contribute to mitigate the weaknesses of technology and IM mainly in the biopackaging and bioplastics industry in Colombia is due to the fact that it also serves as a source of consultation, guide and business research, in addition to also It can be constituted as one of the primary inputs that lay the foundations for a next or subsequent phase, that is, the development of biodegradable biomaterials from the use of reintegrable organic waste for the ‘biopackaging’ and bioplastics industry.

In addition, the review and selection of these determinants clarifies the current situation of the plastics sector in Colombia, including containers and packaging, in terms of capabilities, opportunities and scientific-technological deficiencies both at the level of production and traditional use, as well as the challenges, challenges and deficiencies that the production of biodegradable bioplastics implies, which can serve as a reference for the Latin American region.

The plastics sector is highly dependent on raw materials of petrochemical origin (especially resins), but the available resources will be exhausted in the coming decades and the use of renewable raw materials will undoubtedly have to increase. Therefore, in order to reduce the waste generated by the development of biomaterials, the following measures are highlighted

  • Designing biodegradable components or chemicals and modifying manufacturing recipes can reduce the cost of producing bags, containers, packaging and other materials.

  • Develop other biodegradable applications: Utilize biomass from other natural resources to create biodegradable or compostable plastics.

  • Promote research and development of biomass for the production of bio-based and/or biodegradable products, especially those that replace recurrently used products: straws, bags, cutlery, plates, containers, etc.

  • Create a platform that connects national and/or international research groups to share knowledge and experiences that facilitate the transfer of knowledge, best practices and capacity building to achieve the production in the country of biodegradable plastics, easy to produce, degradable and low cost, without affecting food security.

  • Establish laboratory tests in Colombia to assess or certify biodegradability.

This methodology will serve not only as a guide for business research and development, but also as a foundation for future phases of development of biodegradable biomaterials. The current situation of the plastics sector in Colombia, which is largely dependent on petrochemical feedstocks, is highlighted and the urgency of transitioning to renewable sources is emphasized.

Several strategies are proposed to advance in this direction, including the design of biodegradable components, the development of new applications, the promotion of research and development, the creation of a collaborative platform for knowledge transfer, and the implementation of laboratory tests to certify the biodegradability of products.

Finally, it is proposed, for a next stage in terms of functional deployment of the proposed methodology, to implement it in a real business/organizational environment that can give it a greater level of scope in terms of validation and improvement. to the technology and innovation management methodology (TIM) that contributes to the development of biodegradable biomaterials from reintegrable organic waste for the packaging and plastics industry and market.

Consent to participate

Consents were obtained from the participants’ parents to maintain the ethical standards within this study.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

Data availability statement

The data that supper the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, upon reasonable request.

Additional information

Notes on contributors

Santiago Quiceno Ciro

Santiago Quiceno Ciro Master in Management of technological innovation, Cooperation and regional development. Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (IT M), Campus Robledo, Calle 73 N° 76A-354, Medellín, Colombia.

William Urrego Yepes

William Urrego Yepes Master’s degree in engineering. PhD student in engineering. Grupo de Investigación en Calidad, Metrología y Producción, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM), Campus Robledo, Calle 73 N° 76A-354, Medellín, Colombia. Research interest in sustainable development, circular economy, waste recovery, new materials, manufacturing processes.

Juan Carlos Posada C

Juan Carlos Posada Master’s degree in engineering. Grupo de Investigación en Calidad, Metrología y Producción, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM), Campus Robledo, Calle 73 N° 76A-354, Medellín, Colombia. Research interest in polymer processing, sustainable development, use of agro-industrial, post-industrial and post-consumer waste, automation and control.

Alejandro Valencia-Arias

Alejandro Valencia-Arias Doctor in engineering – Industry and Organizations. Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de Señor de Sipán, Chiclayo, Perú. Postgraduate and undergraduate University Professor, Senior Researcher in Minciencias (Colombia), Recognized as a Distinguished Researcher by RENACYT (Peru). He has 12 years of experience in University teaching, with 92 publications in Scopus (in journals in English and Spanish), with a HIndex = 36 in Scholar Metrics. Additionally, he has participated as a speaker at academic events in Japan, Turkey, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, United States, Spain, Poland, Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina, among others.


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