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Research Article

The multifunctional process of resonance scattering and generation of oscillations by nonlinear layered structures

& | (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1158342 | Received 05 Dec 2015, Accepted 18 Feb 2016, Published online: 23 Mar 2016


The paper focuses on the development of a mathematical model, an effective algorithm and a self-consistent numerical analysis of the multifunctional properties of resonant scattering and generation of oscillations by nonlinear, cubically polarizable layered structures. The multifunctionality of such layered media is caused by the nonlinear mechanism between interacting oscillations—the incident oscillations (exciting the nonlinear layer from the upper and lower half-spaces) as well as the scattered and generated oscillations at the frequencies of excitation/scattering and generation. The study of the resonance properties of scattering and generation of oscillations by a nonlinear structure with a controllable permittivity in dependence on the variation of the intensities of the components of the exciting wave package is of particular interest. In the present paper, we extend our former results, and furthermore we analyze the realizability of multifunctional properties of nonlinear electromagnetic objects with a controllable permittivity. The results of our investigations (i) demonstrate the possibility to control the scattering and generation properties of the nonlinear structure via the intensity of the incident field, (ii) indicate the possibility of increasing the multifunctionality of electronic devices, of designing frequency multipliers, and other electrodynamic devices containing nonlinear dielectrics with controllable permittivity.

Public Interest Statement

Nonlinear dielectrics with controllable permittivity are intensively investigated and begin to find broad applications in device technology. The development of new types of dielectrics, the introduction, and production of modern functional electronic devices require a comprehensive knowledge about the properties of these materials. In this context, the properties of such solid and liquid nonlinear materials are of important, which practically enable the conversion of energy or information, modulation, detection, amplification, recording, storing, displaying, and other types of conversion of electrical, magnetic, and optical signals carrying information. The paper is devoted to the mathematical and computational investigation of a model of resonance scattering and generation of waves by an isotropic, nonmagnetic, nonlinear, layered, dielectric structure which is excited by two-sided acting packets of plane waves in the resonance frequency range. In particular, an algorithm for the numerical determination of the eigenfrequencies (resonance frequencies) and eigenfields is developed.

1. Introduction

Nonlinear dielectrics with controllable permittivity are subject of intense studies and begin to find broad applications in device technology and electronics, where both the radio and optical (Akhmediev & Ankevich, Citation1997; Chernogor, Citation2004; Kivshar & Agrawal, Citation2003; Miloslavsky, Citation2008; Shen, Citation1984) frequency ranges are of interest. We present a model of resonance scattering and generation of waves by an isotropic, nonmagnetic, nonlinear, layered, dielectric structure which is excited by packets of plane waves in the resonance frequency range in a self-consistent formulation (Angermann, Shestopalov, & Yatsyk, Citation2013; Angermann & Yatsyk, Citation2011a, 2011b; Angermann, Yatsyk, & Yatsyk, Citation2013; Yatsyk, Citation2011, 2012, 2013). We consider two-sided acting wave packets consisting of both strong electromagnetic fields at the excitation frequency of the nonlinear structure, leading to the generation of waves, and of weak fields at multiple frequencies, which do not lead to the generation of harmonics but influence on the process of scattering and generation of waves by the nonlinear structure. A self-consistent numerical algorithm is developed. Based on the linearization of nonlinear problems of scattering and generation of waves by cubically polarizable, layered structures, we provide suitable spectral problems and formulate an algorithm for the numerical determination of the eigenfrequencies and eigenfields. We restrict our considerations to dispersionless nonlinear dielectrics, however, this is not essential but only simplifies the explanations.

We discuss numerical results for the problem of third harmonic generation by resonant scattering of the wave packet by single nonlinear layers having either decanalizing or canalizing properties as well as by a three-layer structure consisting of layers with canalizing–decanalizing–canalizing properties of energy dissipation. Within the framework of a self-consistent formulation of the problem we see that the induced imaginary part of the permittivity of the layer is determined by the nonlinear part of the polarization and characterizes the loss of energy in the nonlinear medium which is spent for the generation of the electromagnetic field of the third harmonic (Angermann & Yatsyk, Citation2011a, 2011b; Angermann, Yatsyk, et al., Citation2013; Yatsyk, Citation2012, 2013). The consideration of weak fields at multiple frequencies leads only to an increase of the portion of generated energy (Angermann, Kravchenko, Pustovoit, & Yatsyk, Citation2013a; Citation2013b; Angermann & Yatsyk, Citation2012, 2013a, 2013b). In particular, the investigation of a nonlinear single-layered decanalizing structure disclosed the effect of type-conversion of the generated oscillations in the case of an increasing amplitude of the incident field at the excitation frequency. In the range of third harmonic generation, this effect is also observed in the case of an increasing amplitude of the weak field at double frequency (Angermann & Yatsyk, Citation2012, 2013a, 2013b; Angermann, Krevchenko, et al., Citation2013a, 2013b). In this paper, for the first time two-sided acting fields at the scattering frequency are investigated and type-conversions by variation of the amplitude of the two-sided acting excitation fields were found.

The numerical computations of the eigenfrequencies and eigenfields of the linearized problems show that the resonant scattering and generation properties of a nonlinear structure are determined by the proximity of the excitation frequencies of the nonlinear structure to the complex eigenfrequencies of the corresponding homogeneous linear spectral problems with an induced nonlinear dielectric permittivity of the medium. In this paper, we propose an effective method to describe the processes of generation of oscillations via the variation of the relative magnitude of the Q-factor of the eigenoscillations corresponding to the eigenfrequencies of the scattering and generating structure when the intensity of the excitation field changes.

2. Formulation of the boundary-value problems of scattering and third harmonic generation of oscillations

In the framework of a self-consistent formulation, we investigate the problem of resonant scattering and generation of waves by a nonlinear, nonmagnetic, isotropic, cubically polarizable, linearly E-polarized E=E1,0,0T, H=0,H2,H3T layered, dielectric structure (see Figure ), which is excited by packets of plane stationary electromagnetic waves, where the time dependency of the fields is of the form exp-inωt, n ∊ N, and the vector of cubic polarization is given as PNL=P1NL,0,0T. Here, the variables xyzt denote dimensionless spatial–temporal coordinates such that the thickness of the layer is equal to 4πδ;  = nκc are the dimensionless circular frequencies and are dimensionless frequency parameters such that nκ=nω/c=2π/λnκ. These parameters characterize the ratios of the true thickness h of the layer to the lengths of the incident waves λnκ, i.e. h/λnκ=2nκδ, where c=(ε0μ0)-1/2 denotes a dimensionless parameter, equal to the absolute value of the speed of light in the medium containing the layer, Imc=0. ɛ0 and μ0 are the material parameters of the medium. The absolute values of the true variables x,y,z,t,ω are given by the formulas x,y,z,tT=h4πδx,y,z,tT and ω=4πδhω.

Figure 1. The nonlinear dielectric layered structure.

Figure 1. The nonlinear dielectric layered structure.

We consider packets of plane waves consisting of strong fields at the frequency κ (which generate a field at the triple frequency 3κ) and of weak fields at the frequencies 2κ and 3κ (having an impact on the process of third harmonic generation due to the contribution of weak electromagnetic fields):E¯1incnκ;y,zn=13E̲1incnκ;y,zn=13,


with δ > 0, amplitudes anκinc,bnκincn=13; angles of incidence ϕnκ,π-ϕnκn=13, ϕnκ<π/2 (cf. Figure ) and frequencies , n=1,2,3. Here Φ =  sin ϕ are the longitudinal propagation constants and Γnκ=nκ2-Φnκ2 are the transverse propagation constants, where ϕ is the given angle of incidence of the exciting field at the frequency (cf. Figure ). The upper/lower excitation fields of the nonlinear layer are denoted by overlined/underlined symbols.

Subject to Kleinman’s rule (i.e. the equality of all coefficients χ1111(3) at multiple frequencies (Kleinman, Citation1962; Miloslavsky, Citation2008), the problem under consideration can be reduced to the following system of boundary value problems with respect to the complex Fourier amplitudes of the scattered and generated fields(1) E1nκ;y,z=χz-2πδE¯1incnκ;y,z+χ-z-2πδE̲1incnκ;y,z+E1scat/gennκ;y,z:Δ+nκ2εnκz,αz,E1κ;y,z,E12κ;y,z,E13κ;y,zE1nκ;y,z=-δn1κ2αzE122κ;y,zE1*3κ;y,z-δn33κ2αzE13κ;y,z/3+E122κ;y,zE1*κ;y,z,n=1,2,3,(1)

where χ(z) = {0, z < 0; and 1, z ≥ 0}–the Heaviside function, Δ=2y2+2z2, δnk—Kronecker’s symbol,(2) εnκ=1,z>2πδ;andεL+εnκNL,z2πδ,εL=1+4πχ111z,εnκNL=αzm=13E1mκ;y,z2+δn1E1*κ;y,z2E1κ;y,z+δn2E1*2κ;y,zE12κ;y,zE1κ;y,zE13κ;y,z,(2)

–the dielectric permittivity, αz=6πχ11113z—the function of cubic susceptibility of the nonlinear medium, χ111 and χ11113—components of the susceptibility tensors of the nonlinear medium.

The scattered and generated field in a transversely inhomogeneous, non-linear dielectric layer excited by a plane wave is quasi-homogeneous along the coordinate y; hence, it can be represented as follows:

Condition 1. E1nκ;y,z=Unκ;zexpiΦnκy, n=1,2,3.

Here Unκ;z and Φ =  sin ϕ denote the complex-valued transverse component of the Fourier amplitude of the electric field and the value of the longitudinal propagation constant (longitudinal wave-number) at the frequency , respectively.

The dielectric permittivities of the layered structure at the multiple frequencies are determined by the values of the transverse components of the Fourier amplitudes of the scattered and generated fields, i.e. by the redistribution of energy of the electric fields at multiple frequencies, where the angles of incidence are given and the nonlinear structure under consideration is transversely inhomogeneous. The condition of the longitudinal homogeneity (along the coordinate y) of the nonlinear layered structure (2) can be written as follows:εnκz,αz,E1κ;y,z,E12κ;y,z,E13κ;y,z=εnκz,αz,Uκ;z,U2κ;z,U3κ;z,n=1,2,3.

Having used the representation (2) for εnκNL and the Condition 1, we obtain the following physically consistent requirement, which we call the condition of the phase synchronism of waves:

Condition 2. Φnκ=nΦκ or ϕ = ϕκ, n=1,2,3.

It has been shown in detail in Angermann and Yatsyk (Citation2011), Yatsyk (Citation2011) that the Condition 2 is a formal consequence of Condition 1 and Equation (2) but not an independent assumption. We note that in view of Condition 2 the nonlinear layered structure remains longitudinally homogeneous. In this case, the quasi-homogeneous plane waves exciting the nonlinear layer at a set of multiple frequencies nκn=13 impinge on the nonlinear layer at the angles ϕnκ,π-ϕnκn=13, ϕnκ<π2 with equal values ϕ = ϕκ, but the amplitudes anκinc,bnκincn=13 of these waves may be arbitrary (cf. Condition 2 and Figure ).

In addition, we pose the following conditions:

Condition 3. The tangential components Etgnκ;y,z and Htgnκ;y,z of the intensity vectors of the full electromagnetic fields E and H are continuous at the boundaries of the layered structure.

Condition 4. E1scat/gennκ;y,z=anκscat/genbnκscat/genexpiΦnκy±Γnκz2πδ,z><±2πδ, for ImΓnκ0 and ReΓnκ>0—the radiation condition w.r.t. the scattered and generated fields.

The sought complex Fourier amplitudes of the total scattered and generated fields in the problem (1) incl. Conditions 1–4 at the multiple frequencies nκn=13 can be represented in the form(3) E1nκ;y,z=Unκ;zexpiΦnκy=anκincexpiΦnκy-Γnκz-2πδ+anκscat/genexpiΦnκy+Γnκz-2πδ,z>2πδ,Unκ;zexpiΦnκy,z2πδ,bnκincexpiΦnκy+Γnκz+2πδ+bnκscat/genexpiΦnκy-Γnκz+2πδ,z<-2πδ.(3)

Taking into consideration (3), the nonlinear system (1) incl. Conditions 1–4 is equivalent to a system (see Angermann & Yatsyk, Citation2011a, 2011b) of nonlinear boundary-value problems of Sturm–Liouville type(4) d2dz2+Γnκ2-nκ21-εnκz,αz,Uκ;z,U2κ;z,U3κ;zUnκ;z=-nκ2αzδn1U22κ;zU*3κ;z+δn3U3κ;z/3+U22κ;zU*κ;z,z2πδ,iΓnκ-d/dzUnκ;2πδ=2iΓnκU¯incnκ;2πδ,iΓnκ+d/dzUnκ;-2πδ=2iΓnκU̲incnκ;-2πδ,n=1,2,3,(4)

and also to a system of one-dimensional nonlinear integral equations w.r.t. the unknown functions Unκ;·L2-2πδ,2πδ,(5) Unκ;z+inκ22Γnκ-2πδ2πδexpiΓnκz-ξ1-εnκξ,αξ,Uκ;ξ,U2κ;ξ,U3κ;ξUnκ;ξdξ=inκ22Γnκ-2πδ2πδexpiΓnκz-ξαξδn1U22κ;ξU*3κ;ξ+δn3U3κ;ξ/3+U22κ;ξU*κ;ξdξ+U¯incnκ;z+U̲incnκ;z,n=1,2,3.(5)

Here U¯incnκ;z=anκincexp-iΓnκz-2πδ, U̲incnκ;z=bnκincexp+iΓnκz+2πδ, n=1,2,3.

The solution of the problem (1) incl. Conditions 1–4, represented in (3), can be obtained from (4) or (5) using the formulas Unκ;2πδ=anκinc+anκscat/gen, Unκ;-2πδ=bnκinc+bnκscat/gen, n=1,2,3.

3. Self-consistent analysis of the system of nonlinear equations and eigenoscillations

According to Angermann and Yatsyk (Citation2011a, 2011b, 2012, 2013a, 2013b), Angermann, Yatsyk, et al. (Citation2013), Angermann, Krevchenko, et al. (Citation2013a, 2013b), Yatsyk (Citation2012, 2013), the application of suitable quadrature rules to the system (5) leads to a system of complex-valued nonlinear algebraic equations of the second kind(6) I-BnκUκ,U2κ,U3κUnκ=δn1CκU2κ,U3κ+δn3C3κUκ,U2κ+U¯nκinc+U̲nκinc,n=1,2,3,(6)

where Unκ=Ulnκl=1NUnκzlUnκ;zll=1N—the vectors of the unknown approximate values of the solution, zll=1N:z1=-2πδ<...<zl<...<zN=2πδ—a discrete set of interpolation nodes, I={δlm}l,m=1N—the identity matrix, BnκUκ,U2κ,U3κ—nonlinear matrices, CκU2κ,U3κ, C3κUκ,U2κ—the vectors of the right-hand sides determined by the choice of the quadrature rule, and U¯nκinc=anκincexp-iΓnκzl-2πδl=1N, U̲nκinc=bnκincexp+iΓnκzl+2πδl=1N—the vectors induced by the incident wave packets. A solution of (6) can be found iteratively by the help of a block Jacobi method, where at each step a system of linearized algebraic equations is solved.

The analytic continuation of the linearized nonlinear problems into the region of complex values of the frequency parameter allows us to switch to the analysis of spectral problems (Angermann & Yatsyk, Citation2011, 2012, 2013a, 2013b; Angermann, Yatsyk, et al., Citation2013; Shestopalov & Sirenko, Citation1989; Shestopalov & Yatsik, Citation1997; Yatsyk, Citation2000, 2001, 2013). The problem of finding the eigenfrequencies κn and the eigenfields Uκn reads as follows (cf. (6)):(7) fnκκn=detI-Bnκκn=0I-BnκκnUκn=0κκinc;κnΩnκHnκ,(7)

where κnΩnκHnκ, at κκinc, n=1,2,3, Ω are the sets of eigenfrequencies and Hnκ denote two-sheeted Riemann surfaces (cf. Figure ), Uκn=Ulκnl=1NUκn;zll=1N–the vector of unknown values of the nontrivial solution at the nodes in the layer corresponding to the eigenfrequency κn, Bnκκn=Bnκκn;Uκ,U2κ,U3κ–the matrix with the given vectors Unκ (cf. (6)).

Figure 2. The geometry of the two-sheeted Riemann surfaces H.

Figure 2. The geometry of the two-sheeted Riemann surfaces Hnκ.

We mention that the radiation condition to the eigenfield (cf. Condition 4)E1κn;y,z=aκnbκnexpiΦnκy±Γκnκn,Φnκz2πδ,z><±2πδ,n=1,2,3

for real values of the parameters κn and Φ is consistent with the physically justified requirement of the absence of waves coming from infinity z = ± ∞ in the radiation field:(8) ImΓκnκn,Φnκ0,ReΓκnκn,Φnκ·Reκn0,forImΦnκ=0Imκn=0,n=1,2,3.(8)

The nontrivial solutions of the spectral problem (7) allow us to write the electric components of the eigenfield as follows:(9) E1κn;y,z=Uκn;zexpiΦnκy=aκnexpiΦnκy+Γκnκn,Φnκz-2πδ,z>2πδ,Uκn;zexpiΦnκy,z2πδ,bκnexpiΦnκy-Γκnκn,Φnκz+2πδ,z<-2πδ,κnΩnκHnκ,n=1,2,3.(9)

Here: κκinc–a given constant value equal to the excitation frequency of the nonlinear structure, aκn=Uκn;2πδ и bκn=Uκn;-2πδ–the radiation coefficients of the eigenfield, Γκnκn,Φnκ=κn2-Φnκ21/2–the functions of the transverse propagation (depending on the complex spectral frequency parameters κn), Φnκ=nκsinϕnκ—the given real values of the longitudinal propagation constants.

The range of variation of the spectral frequency parameters is completely determined by the boundaries of the possible analytic continuation of the canonical Green’s functions (i.e. the Green’s functions for the unperturbed quasi-homogeneous problems with εnκ1, n=1,2,3) into the complex spaces of the spectral frequency parameters κn (Angermann & Yatsyk, Citation2011, 2012, 2013a, 2013b; Angermann, Yatsyk, et al., Citation2013; Shestopalov & Sirenko, Citation1989; Shestopalov & Yatsik, Citation1997; Yatsyk, Citation2000, 2001, 2013).G0(QH)κn;y,z,z0=i2expiΦnκy+Γκnκn,Φnκz-z0/Γκnκn,Φnκ,n=1,2,3.

These complex spaces are two-sheeted Riemann surfaces Hnκ (see Figure ) with real algebraic branch points of second-order κn±:Γκnκn±,Φnκ=0 (i.e. κn±=±|Φnκ|, n=1,2,3) and cuts along the lines(10) (Reκn)2-(Imκn)2-Φnκ2=0,Imκn0,n=1,2,3.(10)

The first, proper (or physical) sheets (i.e. the pair of values κn,Γκnκn,Φnκ}) on each of the surfaces Hnκ, n=1,2,3, are completely determined by the condition (8) and the cuts (10). At the first sheets Hnκ the signs of the pairs κn,ReΓκn and κn,ImΓκn are distributed as follows: ImΓκn>0 for 0<argκn<π, ReΓκn0 for 0<argκn<π/2 and ReΓκn0 for π/2argκn<π. For points κn with 3π/22argκn2π the function values (where (Reκn)2-(Imκn)2-Φnκ2>0) are determined by the condition ImΓκn<0, ReΓκn>0, for the remaining points κn the function Γκnκn,Φnκ is determined by the condition ImΓκn>0, ReΓκn0. In the region π<argκn<3π/2 the situation is similar to the previous one up to the change of the sign of ReΓκn. The second, improper (or unphysical) sheets of the surfaces Hnκ, n=1,2,3, are different from the proper ones in that, for each κn, the signs of both ReΓκn and ImΓκn are reversed.

The eigenfrequencies κnΩnκHnκ, n=1,2,3, i.e. the characteristic numbers of the dispersion equations of problem (7), are obtained by solving the corresponding dispersion equations fnκκn=detI-Bnκκn=0 using Newton’s method or a modification of it. The nontrivial solutions Uκn of the homogeneous systems I-Bnκκn·Uκn=0 of linear algebraic equations (7) corresponding to these characteristic numbers are the eigenfields (9) of the linearized nonlinear layered structures with an induced dielectric permittivity (2). Obviously, the solutions Uκn are sought up to an arbitrary multiplicative constant. Therefore, we have required that Uκn;2πδ=aκn1, n=1,2,3, in the representation (9) of Uκn.

Finally, we mention that the classification of scattered, generated, or eigenfields of the dielectric layer by the Hm,l,p-type adopted in our paper is identical to that given in (Angermann & Yatsyk, Citation2012, 2013a, 2013b; Shestopalov & Sirenko, Citation1989; Shestopalov & Yatsik, Citation1997; Yatsyk, Citation2000, 2001, 2011). In the case of E-polarization, Hm,l,p (or TEm,l,p) denotes the type of polarization of the wave field under investigation. The subscripts indicate the number of local maxima of Ex (or U, as U=Ex, see (3), (9)) in the dielectric layer, i.e. along the coordinate axes x, y и z (see Figure ). Since the considered waves are homogeneous along the x-axis and quasi-homogeneous along the y-axis, we actually study fields of the type H0,0,p (or TE0,0,p), where the subscript p is equal to the number of local maxima of the function U of the argument z in -2πδ,2πδ.

4. Numerical results

In order to describe the scattering and generation properties of the nonlinear structure, we introduce the following notation:(11) Rnκ+=anκscat/gen2/s=13asκinc2+bsκinc2ifz>2πδ,(11)

and(12) Rnκ-=bnκscat/gen2/s=13asκinc2+bsκinc2ifz<-2πδ.(12)

The quantities Rnκ+, Rnκ- are called scattering/generation (or radiation) coefficients of the waves w.r.t. the total intensity of the incident packet. (Note that alternatively the radiation coefficients can be chosen according to Rnκ±1/2).

We define byWnκ=anκscat/gen2+bnκscat/gen2,n=1,2,3

the total energy of the scattered and generated fields at the frequencies and consider the quantity(13) W3κ/Wκ=W3κa3κscat/gen,b3κscat/genWκaκscat/gen,bκscat/gen(13)

which characterizes the portion of energy generated in the third harmonic in comparison to the energy scattered in the first harmonic.

In the case of problem (1) incl. Conditions 1–4, for nonabsorbing media with ImεLz0, the validity of the energy balance lawn=13Rnκ++Rnκ-=1

has been verified numerically. Computational experiments for the processes of scattering and generation of oscillations without any impact of weak fields a2κinc=a3κinc=0 have shown that the error of the energy balance lawWError=1-n=13Rnκ++Rnκ-

does not exceed the value WError<10-8. The consideration of weak fields anκinc0, n=2,3 in the investigation of the same scattering and generation processes can lead to errors in the balance equation of a few percent (Angermann & Yatsyk, Citation2012, 2013a, 2013b; Angermann, Krevchenko, et al., Citation2013a, 2013b). This indicates that the amplitudes of the weak fields anκinc0, n=2,3 are sufficiently large, and that these fields can serve as a source of generation of oscillations themselves. In such situations the presented mathematical model (1) incl. Conditions 1–4 (cf. also (6)) and the linearized spectral problems (7) should take into account the complex Fourier amplitudes of oscillations at frequencies with numbers n larger than three.

4.1. Decanalizing and canalizing nonlinear media

Consider a decanalizing (αz<0) and a canalizing (αz>0) nonlinear dielectric structure with the parameters εLz=16, αz=0.01, δ = 0.5. The excitation of the nonlinear layer takes place from above by only one strong top electromagnetic field at the basic frequency, i.e. aκinc0,a2κinc=0,a3κinc=0, bκinc=0,b2κinc=0,b3κinc=0 and κ=κinc=0.375.

The study of the scattering and generation properties of the nonlinear layers is carried out by means of consideration of the eigenmodes. The computational results are shown in Figures pairwise, for media with a value of the cubic susceptibility α = −0.01 (left column) and α = +0.01 (right column).

Figure 3. Relative portion of energy generated in the third harmonic W3κ/Wκ, the scattering Rκ+,Rκ- and generation R3κ+R3κ- coefficients for α = −0.01 (left top/bottom) and for α = +0.01 (right top/bottom).

Figure 3. Relative portion of energy generated in the third harmonic W3κ/Wκ, the scattering Rκ+,Rκ- and generation R3κ+R3κ- coefficients for α = −0.01 (left top/bottom) and for α = +0.01 (right top/bottom).

Figure 4. Curves at aκinc=24, ϕκ = 0° for α = −0.01 (left) and at aκinc=14, ϕκ = 66° for α = +0.01 (right): 1 – εL, 2 – Uκ;z, 3 – U3κ;z, 4 – Reεκ, 5 – Imεκ, 6 – Reε3κ, 7 – Imε3κ0.

Figure 4. Curves at aκinc=24, ϕκ = 0° for α = −0.01 (left) and at aκinc=14, ϕκ = 66° for α = +0.01 (right): 1 – εL, 2 – Uκ;z, 3 – U3κ;z, 4 – Reεκ, 5 – Imεκ, 6 – Reε3κ, 7 – Imε3κ≡0.

Figure 5. Scattered Uκaκinc,z and generated U3κaκinc,z fields in the nonlinear layer at ϕκ = 0° for α = −0.01 (left) and ϕκ = 60° for α = +0.01 (right).

Figure 5. Scattered Uκaκinc,z and generated U3κaκinc,z fields in the nonlinear layer at ϕκ = 0° for α = −0.01 (left) and ϕκ = 60° for α = +0.01 (right).

Figure 6. Curves at ϕκ = 0°, for α = −0.01 (left) and at ϕκ = 60° for α = +0.01 (right): 1 – Rκ+, 2 – Rκ-, 3 – R2κ+0, 4 – R2κ-0, 5 – R3κ+, 6 – R3κ-, 7 – W3κ/Wκ.

Figure 6. Curves at ϕκ = 0°, for α = −0.01 (left) and at ϕκ = 60° for α = +0.01 (right): 1 – Rκ+, 2 – Rκ-, 3 – R2κ+≡0, 4 – R2κ-≡0, 5 – R3κ+, 6 – R3κ-, 7 – W3κ/Wκ.

Figure 7. Curves at ϕκ = 0° (left) and ϕκ = 60° (right): 1 … κ=κinc=0.375, 2 … 3κ=κgen=3κinc; 3.1 … Reκ1L, 3.2 … Imκ1L, 4.1 … Reκ3L, 4.2 … Imκ3L for α ≡ 0; 5.1 … Reκ1NL, 5.2 … Imκ1NL, 6.1 … Reκ3NL, 6.2 … Imκ3NL for α = −0.01 (left) and for α = +0.01 (right).

Figure 7. Curves at ϕκ = 0° (left) and ϕκ = 60° (right): 1 … κ=κinc=0.375, 2 … 3κ=κgen=3κinc; 3.1 … Reκ1L, 3.2 … Imκ1L, 4.1 … Reκ3L, 4.2 … Imκ3L for α ≡ 0; 5.1 … Reκ1NL, 5.2 … Imκ1NL, 6.1 … Reκ3NL, 6.2 … Imκ3NL for α = −0.01 (left) and for α = +0.01 (right).

Figure 8. The Q-factor and the relative Q-factor. Curves: 1 … Qκ1, 3 … Qκ3, and … Qκ1/Qκ3 at κinc=0.375, κn=κnNL, n=1,3, for ϕκ = 0°, α = −0.01 (left top/bottom) and for ϕκ = 60°, α = +0.01 (right top/bottom).

Figure 8. The Q-factor and the relative Q-factor. Curves: 1 … Qκ1, 3 … Qκ3, and … Qκ1/Qκ3 at κinc=0.375, κn=κnNL, n=1,3, for ϕκ = 0°, α = −0.01 (left top/bottom) and for ϕκ = 60°, α = +0.01 (right top/bottom).

In the case of decanalizing media in Figure (left column), the maximal portion of generated energy W3κ/Wκ is observed for aκinc=24 and normal excitation ϕκ = 0° of the nonlinear layer. In the investigated range of amplitudes and incident angles aκinc1,24, ϕκ0,90, an increase of W3κ/Wκ is observed for parameters corresponding to the closest values of the scattering coefficients Rκ+Rκ-. The maximal portion of generated energy W3κ/Wκ=0.039 does not exceed 4%.

In the case of canalizing media in Figure (right column) in the range of aκinc1,19, ϕκ0,60 the maximal value W3κ/Wκ=0.2505 for aκinc=14 and ϕκ = 60° reaches 25%. The increase of the portion of generated energy W3κ/Wκ is achieved by increasing the amplitude aκincat incident angles ϕκ which lie slightly above the canalizing angle. The latter corresponds to the greatest possible transparency of the scattering at the frequency κ, where the reflection coefficient Rκ+ is minimal and the transmission coefficient Rκ- is maximal.

We can state that in the case of canalizing layers the portion of generated energy W3κ/Wκ is maximal in the region of higher transparency of the nonlinear structure, see Figure (top right), where the radiation coefficients R3κ+ and R3κ- at the generation frequency are close each to the other on both sides of the canalizing layer, see Figure (bottom right).

The radiation fields and the induced nonlinear permittivity of the nonlinear decanalizing and canalizing layers, corresponding to the eigenmodes depicted in Figure , are shown in Figure . The graphs no. 1 show the values of the linear part of the dielectric permittivity εL of the nonlinear structure. The values of the dielectric permittivity of the nonlinear structure at the excitation frequency are represented by the graphs no. 4 and no. 5, whereas the graphs no. 6 and no. 7 illustrate the values of the dielectric permittivity of the nonlinear structure at the generation frequency.

The nonlinear components εnκNL of the dielectric permittivities ɛ at each of the frequencies κ и 3κ are determined by the magnitudes of the fields Uκ;z and U3κ;z. For nonabsorbing media ImεLz0, taking into account the cubic susceptibility αz, the equality Imεnκz=ImεnκNLz holds, see (2). The increase of the amplitude aκinc of the incident field at the frequency κ leads to the generation of the third harmonic field U3κ;z. In the case under study the quantity ImεκNLz (or Imεκz if ImεLz0) takes positive as well as negative values along the height of the nonlinear layer (see Figure , graphs no. 5). The described situation of varying ImεκNLz characterizes that portion (the “loss”) of energy in the nonlinear medium (at the excitation frequency κ) which is spent for the generation of the electromagnetic field of the third harmonic (at the frequency 3κ) (Angermann & Yatsyk, Citation2011a, 2011b, 2012, 2013a, 2013b; Angermann,Yatsyk, et al., Citation2013; Angermann, Krevchenko, et al., Citation2013a, 2013b; Yatsyk, Citation2012, 2013). The generated fields at the frequency 3κ are weak. They do not give any energy to generate new harmonics. Here, Imε3κNLz0 (see Figure , graphs no. 7, Imε3κz0 if ImεLz0).

Furthermore, in Figure the absolute values of the amplitudes Uκ;z of the total scattered field of type H0,0,4 at the excitation frequency κ (graphs no. 2 left/right) and U3κ;z of the generated field at the frequency 3κ of type H0,0,9 (left graph no. 3) and type H0,0,10 (right graph no. 3) are shown. The values Uκ;z и U3κ;z are given in the nonlinear structure z2πδ, as well as in the zones of radiation (reflection z > 2πδ and transmission z < −2πδ). In Figure , we see a symmetry violation in the generated field in the radiation zone (graphs no. 3, left/right). This effect is more distinct in the case of a decanalizing layer, compare the values of the generated fields U3κ;z in the radiation zones z>2πδ and in the nonlinear layer z2πδ. In particular, inside the decanalizing layer the symmetry violation is accompanied by the presence of an inflection point z ≈ 1, 25, where U3κ;z=1,81 for aκinc=24, see graph no. 3 in Figure (left) and the surface U3κaκinc,z in Figure (left).

Figure shows the surfaces Uκaκinc,z and U3κaκinc,z reflecting the dynamics of the behavior of the scattered Uκ;z and generated U3κ;z fields in a decanalizing (left) and in a canalizing (right) nonlinear layer. In the considered ranges of amplitudes aκinc, the plane waves exciting the nonlinear layer under the angle ϕκ produce a scattered field Uκ of the type H0,0,4.

The generated field U3κ of a canalizing layer, observed in the range aκinc5,22, has the type H0,0,10, Figure (right). In the case of a decanalizing layer, the generated field U3κ changes its type with increasing amplitude aκinc. The generation of a third harmonic field U3κ is observed in the range aκinc4,24, Figure (left). Here, it is of the type H0,0,10 for aκinc4,23 and of the type H0,0,9 for aκinc23,24. The type-conversion of the generated oscillations from H0,0,10 to H0,0,9 with increasing aκinc is due to the loss of one maximum point of the function U3κ;z for z-2πδ,2πδ at the inflection point z = 1.15 for aκinc=23, see the point with coordinates aκinc=23,z=1.15,U3κ=1.61 on the surface U3κaκinc,z, Figure (left).

The increase in the intensity of the excitation field leads to critical inflection points of the function (the absolute value of the amplitude of the scattered/generated field) identifying the type of oscillation. If in these points the local maximum of the function along the characteristic spatial coordinate of the investigated structure (the transverse coordinate along the height of the nonlinear layer) is lost, then the effect of type-conversion of the radiation field occurs. The amplitudes of the incident field, for which the described effect is observed, can be called the threshold of the considered types of oscillations.

The violation of symmetry in the excitation of the nonlinear structure aκincbκinc (aκinc=const0, bκinc=0) leads to a violation of symmetry of the radiation coefficients Rκ±aκinc,ϕκ at the scattering frequencies κ or R3κ±aκinc,ϕκ at the generated frequencies 3κ, see Figure .

In the case of a decanalizing layer and under the condition of symmetry of the scattered energy Rκ+aκinc,ϕκ=Rκ-aκinc,ϕκ, there is a significant difference in the portion of generated energy R3κ+aκinc,ϕκ<<R3κ-aκinc,ϕκ in the half-spaces above and below the layer, see Figure (left). This can lead to a type-conversion effect in the oscillations of the radiation field U3κ. In the case of normal excitation, ϕκ = 0° of a decanalizing layer as described above the effect of type-conversion of the generated field U3κ is detected at the threshold amplitude aκinc=23, where the condition of equality of the scattering coefficients Rκ+aκinc,ϕκ=Rκ-aκinc,ϕκ is satisfied, see Figure (left) and the intersection of the surfaces in Figure (top left). The portion of generated energy W3κ/Wκ increases with increasing aκinc for a normal excitation ϕκ = 0°, see Figure (left).

For a canalizing structure, at the scattering frequency the portion of reflected energy is less than the portion of transmitted energy Rκ+aκinc,ϕκ<Rκ-aκinc,ϕκ, and at the generation frequency the portion of radiated energy in the transmission zone slightly dominates the radiated energy in the reflection zone R3κ+aκinc,ϕκR3κ-aκinc,ϕκ, see Figure (right). The maximal generation W3κ/Wκ is achieved if the amplitude aκinc increases at incident angles ϕκ slightly above the canalizing angle (the angle of the greatest possible transparency of the structure at the scattering frequency κ), see Figure (right).

4.2. Qualitative analysis of the generation properties of nonlinear layers

We discuss a possible mathematical model for the qualitative analysis of the generation properties of nonlinear decanalizing and canalizing layers. We consider the surfaces Rnκ+, Rnκ-, n=1,3 and W3κ/Wκ described previously in Section 4.1 as well as the characteristic properties of the scattering and generation of oscillations by nonlinear layers, see Figure . In Figure (left and right) we depict the cross-sections of these surfaces with the planes ϕκ = 0° for a decanalizing layer and ϕκ = 60° for a canalizing layer.

The particular features of the dynamics of the scattering and generation characteristics of oscillations by the nonlinear layer are caused by the proximity of the eigenfrequencies κn of the linearized problems (7) to the scattering (excitation) frequencies κscatκinc=κ and to the generation frequencies κgen=3κ of waves. The branches of the eigenfrequencies κn=κnNLaκinc of the nonlinear layers with dielectric permittivities induced by the excitation field at the frequencies of scattering and generation are depicted by the graphs no. 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2 in Figure . In addition, the curves nos. 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2 show the values of the eigenfrequencies κn=κnLaκinc=const of the corresponding linear problems (for α ≡ 0). The eigenfrequencies κnL do not depend on the amplitude characteristics of the field, in particular, the equation limaκinc0κnNLaκinc=κnL holds, see Figure .

In the case of a canalizing/decanalizing layer the increase of the excitation amplitude aκinc leads to an increase/decrease of Reκ1NLaκinc, Reκ3NLaκinc (graphs no. 5.1, 6.1), decrease/increase of Imκ3NLaκinc (graphs no. 6.2) and increase/decrease–decrease/increase of Imκ1NLaκinc (graphs no. 5.2), Figure (left/right). The interval of monotonic decrease of the graph no. 5.2 is localized in a range of amplitudes aκinc which is determined by a closeness condition of the eigenfrequencies to the frequencies of scattering and generation, see the amplitudes corresponding to the intersection of the graphs no. 5.1 with no. 1 and no. 6.1 with no. 2 in Figure (right). In this range of amplitudes, an outburst of generation of energy in the third harmonic is observable, see graph no. 7 in Figure (right).

In order to describe the branches of the eigenfrequencies of the linearized problems, we use the concept of the Q-factor (Reed & Simon, Citation1978; Shestopalov & Sirenko, Citation1989; Vainstein, Citation1966; Voitovich, Katsenelenbaum, & Sivov, Citation1977)Qκn=-Reκn2Imκn.

It is convenient to perform the analysis of coupled regimes of the scattered and generated fields (3) induced by the dielectric permittivity (2) of nonlinear electrodynamic structures within the framework of a self-consistent process of exchange of energy by the help of the concept of the relative magnitude of the radiated energy, see e.g. (11), (12), (13). Similarly, spectral approaches for the description of the generation of oscillations by nonlinear structures can be effectively applied if the concept of the Q-factor of the eigenregimes is used:(14) Qκ1/Qκ3=Qκ1aκincQκ3aκinc.(14)

The Q-factors Qκ1aκinc and Qκ3aκinc corresponding to oscillations with eigenfrequencies as indicated in Figure (left and right) are shown in Figure (top left and right). It also depicts the corresponding values of the relative Q-factors Qκ1aκinc/Qκ3aκinc, Figure (bottom left and right). We can see the intervals of local decrease of the values Qκ1aκinc/Qκ3aκinc caused by the decrease of Qκ1aκinc at the scattering frequency. This is particularly emphasized in Figure (right top and bottom). The mentioned intervals of the local decrease of the relative Q-factor Qκ1aκinc/Qκ3aκinc can be correlated with a range of amplitudes of the incident field where an outburst of energy generation in the third harmonic is observable–compare the results of the calculations in Figure (bottom left and right) with the graphes no. 5, 6, 7 in Figure (left and right) and with the results in Figure (bottom left) for ϕκ = 0° and (bottom right) for ϕκ = 60°.

We note that the proposed approach to describe the outburst of energy of oscillations by means of the relative variation of the Q-factor (14) is quite effective. It can be successfully applied for both a suffiently weak and a strong generation of energy in ranges from a few percent (Figure , bottom left) to dozens percents (Figure , bottom right) of generated energy, respectively.

4.3. A three-layer nonlinear dielectric structure

Consider a nonlinear structure with the parameters: εLz,αz=εL=16,α=α1, z-2πδ,-2πδ/3; εL=64,α=α2, z-2πδ/3,2πδ/3; εL=16,α=α3, z2πδ/3,2πδ at δ = 0.5,  α1=α3=+0.01, α2 = −0.01.

The excitation takes place from above and below by electromagnetic fields at the basic frequency at incidence angles ϕκ,180-ϕκ for amplitudes aκinc,bκinc accordingly. The Figures  and show the properties of the nonlinear layered structure at the parameters: κ=κinc=0.25, ϕκ0,90, aκinc0, bκinc=const and a2κinc=b2κinc=a3κinc=b3κinc=0.

Figure 9. The properties of the nonlinear structure at incidence angles ϕκ,180-ϕκ with ϕκ0,90 for amplitudes aκinc,bκinc: (top left/right) aκinc0, bκinc=0; (middle left/right) aκinc=38, bκinc0; (bottom left/right) aκinc=bκinc here Rnκ+=Rnκ-, n=1,3.

Figure 9. The properties of the nonlinear structure at incidence angles ϕκ,180∘-ϕκ with ϕκ∈0∘,90∘ for amplitudes aκinc,bκinc: (top left/right) aκinc≠0, bκinc=0; (middle left/right) aκinc=38, bκinc≠0; (bottom left/right) aκinc=bκinc here Rnκ+=Rnκ-, n=1,3.

Figure 10. Curves: 0 – Uκ;z for αz0, 1 – εL, 2 – Uκ;z, 3 – U3κ;z, 4 – Reεκ, 5 – Imεκ, 6 – Reε3κ, 7 – Imε3κ0, at ϕκ,180-ϕκ with ϕκ = 0° and (top left): aκinc=38,bκinc=0; (top right): aκinc=38,bκinc=20; (bottom left): aκinc=38,bκinc=30; (bottom right) aκinc,bκinc with aκinc=bκinc=38.

Figure 10. Curves: 0 – Uκ;z for αz≡0, 1 – εL, 2 – Uκ;z, 3 – U3κ;z, 4 – Reεκ, 5 – Imεκ, 6 – Reε3κ, 7 – Imε3κ≡0, at ϕκ,180∘-ϕκ with ϕκ = 0° and (top left): aκinc=38,bκinc=0; (top right): aκinc=38,bκinc=20; (bottom left): aκinc=38,bκinc=30; (bottom right) aκinc,bκinc with aκinc=bκinc=38.

A three-layer structure consisting of a decanalizing layer which is located between two canalizing layers possesses novel properties of scattering and generation of oscillations. They partially resemble those properties which are inherent decanalizing and canalizing layers. Thus, in the case of a one-sided excitation aκinc0, bκinc=0 investigated in the range of amplitudes aκinc1,38 and incident angles ϕκ0,90 of the layered structure the increase of the portion of generated energy W3κ/Wκ with increasing amplitude aκinc is observed at normal excitation ϕκ = 0°, see Figure (top). This is typical also for decanalizing structures, see Figure (left). Moreover, in the case under consideration, the increase of W3κ/Wκ is accompanied by an increase in the transparency of the layered structure. A canalization of energy is observed at the minimum value of the reflection coefficient Rκ+=0.0172 for the aκinc=38 at normal excitation ϕκ = 0°, Figure (top left). This is typical for canalizing layers, Figure (top right). The difference between the investigated situation and the numerical experiments for layers which canalize and decanalize energy is that the portion of energy generated in the region above the structure exceeds the portion of energy generated below the structure R3κ+aκinc,ϕκ>R3κ-aκinc,ϕκ, compare Figure (top right) with Figure (bottom left and right).

The energy characteristics for the case of a two-sided excitation aκinc=38, bκinc0 of the layered structure are depicted in Figure (middle). Here, in the range of amplitudes aκinc,bκincaκinc=38,bκinc0,65 and angles ϕκ,180-ϕκϕκ0,90, there are two local maxima of the portion of generated energy W3κ/Wκ corresponding to the incident angles ϕκ,180-ϕκϕκ=0. The first of these corresponds to a one-sided excitation with the amplitudes aκinc=38, bκinc=0 at ϕκ,180-ϕκϕκ=0, where W3κ/Wκ=0.1319, see Figure (top and middle). The increase of the amplitude bκinc leads to the equality of the scattering Rκ+=Rκ- and generating R3κ+=R3κ- characteristics at equal amplitudes of excitation bκinc=aκinc=38 in the whole range of incident angles ϕκ,180-ϕκϕκ0,90. This is due to the symmetry of both the excitation and the investigated structure. The maximum portion of generated energy W3κ/Wκϕκ,180-ϕκϕκ=57=0.0078 for bκinc=aκinc=38 does not exceed 0.8%, see Figure (middle and bottom). A further increase of bκinc leads to the violation of symmetry of excitation bκinc>aκinc=38. The properties of the scattering and generation characteristics change from Rnκ+(or)Rnκ-, when bκinc<aκinc=38, to Rnκ+(or)Rnκ-, when bκinc>aκinc=38, for n=1,3, see Figure (middle).

The second local maximum W3κ/Wκ=0.0457 corresponds to a two-sided normal excitation ϕκ,180-ϕκϕκ=0 with amplitudes aκinc=38, bκinc=65, see Figure (middle). Here the increase of the generation R3κ-, R3κ+, W3κ/Wκ is caused by the observed canalizing properties of the layered structure near the minimum of the radiation coefficient R3κ-=0.2302 for aκinc=38, bκinc=65 and ϕκ,180-ϕκϕκ=40, see Figure (middle).

Numerical results for the characteristics of scattering and generation of oscillations in the case of a two-sided ϕκ,180-ϕκϕκ0,90 symmetric aκinc=bκinc excitation of the nonlinear layered structure are shown in Figure (bottom). Here, equal values of the scattering and generation coefficients can be observed Rnκ+=Rnκ-, n=1,3. This is due to the symmetry of both the excitation aκinc=bκinc and of the nonlinear dielectric structure under investigation with respect to the plane y = 0. Here, in the whole range of amplitudes aκinc,bκinc0,75 and angles ϕκ0,90, we observe the following. The coefficient of the relative portion of scattered energy lies in the range 0.4954<Rκ±0.5, the corresponding coefficient of generated energy R3κ±<0.0046 does not exceed 0.46%, and the portion of the total generated energy W3κ/Wκ<0.0093 does not exceed 0.93%, see Figure (bottom).

The absolute values of the amplitudes of the total scattering Uκ;z and generation U3κ;z fields, for different variants of one-sided aκinc,bκinc=0 and two-sided aκinc,bκinc normal ϕκ,180-ϕκϕκ=0 excitation of the nonlinear structure, corresponding to some effects depicted in Figure , are illustrated by the graphs no. 2 and no. 3 in Figure . They may be identified as oscillations of the types H0,0,4andH0,0,9aκinc=38,bκinc=0 (top left), H0,0,4andH0,0,9aκinc=38,bκinc=20 (top right), H0,0,3andH0,0,9aκinc=38,bκinc=30 (bottom left), and H0,0,3andH0,0,9aκinc=38,bκinc=38 (bottom right). We mention a resonance effect of type-conversion of the total scattered field H0,0,4andH0,0,9aκinc=38,bκinc=0H0,0,3andH0,0,9aκinc=38,bκinc=38 for both a nonsymmetric aκinc=38,bκinc=0 and a symmetric aκinc=38,bκinc=38 excitation of the nonlinear layered structure.

The total scattered fields Uκ;zαz0 for the investigated variants of excitation of a linear structure are also shown. They can be related to oscillations of the types H0,0,4aκinc=38,bκinc=0 (top left), H0,0,3aκinc=38,bκinc=20 (close to the transition H0,0,4H0,0,3 at the inflection point z ≈ 1, 22, where Uκ;z13.4321) (top right), H0,0,3aκinc=38,bκinc=30 (bottom left), and H0,0,3aκinc=38,bκinc=38 (bottom right), see graphs no. 0 in Figure . We detect an interference mechanism of resonant type-conversion of oscillations H0,0,4aκinc=38,bκinc=0H0,0,3aκinc=38,bκinc=38, see graphs no. 0 in Figure .

The resonant type-conversion of oscillations, which is observed for the two-sided excitation of both linear and nonlinear structures, occurs if the symmetry of the excitation is violated. The fundamental difference in the occurrence of this effect between the nonlinear and the linear situations consists in the presence of the nonlinear part εnκNL of the dielectric permittivity ɛ, n=1,3, see (2). The behavior of the quantity εnκNL=εnκ-εL can be estimated easily by the help of the graphs nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 1 in Figure . The graph no. 1 depicts the dielectric permittivity εL of a linear nonabsorbing ImεL0 structure. The graphs nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 show the real and imaginary parts of the nonlinear dielectric permittivity ɛ, n=1,3, for the excitation variants under consideration, see Figure . In particular, ImεκNL takes positive and negative values along the height of the nonlinear layer, for all the considered excitation variants of the nonlinear structure. The variation of this quantity characterizes the energy consumption of the nonlinear medium which is spent for the third harmonic generation.

The dependence of the nonlinear dielectric structure on the amplitude characteristics of the scattered and generated fields together with a spectral approach to the analysis of the linearized problems near the critical points of the branches of the amplitude–phase dispersion can be used as the basis of numerical and analytical methods for the synthesis and analysis of nonlinear structures with anomalous scattering and generation properties.

The numerical results for the scattereing and generation of a wave package by a nonlinear cubically polarizable layer are obtained by means of the solution of the system of integral equations (4). Applying Simpson′s quadrature rule, the system (4) is reduced to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations (6). The numerical solution of (6) is carried out using a self-consistent iterative algorithm based on a block Jacobi method (Angermann & Yatsyk, Citation2011a, 2011b, 2012, 2013a, 2013b; Angermann, Yatsyk, et al., Citation2013; Angermann, Krevchenko, et al., Citation2013a, 2013b; Yatsyk, Citation2012, 2013). The spectral problems (7) are solved by the help of Newton′s method. In the investigated range of problem parameters, the dimension of the algebraic systems was 301 and 501 in the case of single-layered and three-layered structures, respectively. The relative error of the calculations did not exceed 10−7.

4. Conclusion

The problem of scattering and generation of waves by an isotropic, nonmagnetic, linearly polarized, nonlinear dielectric structure consisting of a cubically polarizable medium is investigated in the range of resonance frequencies, where the excitation is induced by wave packets consisting of plane waves at multiple frequencies. In extension of our previous work, here the case of two-sided acting fields is treated. The mathematical model of the boundary value problem is transformed into a system of one-dimensional nonlinear integral equations. The numerical solution of the problem is performed by the help of quadrature formulas in conjunction with an iterative method, where at each step a linear system of equations is solved. The analytic continuation of the linearized nonlinear problems into the region of complex values of the frequency parameter allows to switch to the analysis of spectral problems. That is, the eigenfrequencies and the corresponding eigenfields of homogeneous linear problems with an induced nonlinear dielectric permittivity are to be determined. Single-layered structures with both negative and positive values as well as three-layer structures with piecewise constant positive–negative–positive values of the coefficient of the cubic susceptibility of the nonlinear medium are investigated. The layers under consideration have different properties. In particular, nonlinear layers with a negative value of the cubic susceptibility show decanalizing properties, layers with a positive value of the cubic susceptibility—canalizing properties. The investigations were restricted to the third harmonic generation. The paper presents the results of the numerical analysis characterizing the scattering/generation and spectral properties of the considered structures. An effective way to describe the processes of generation of oscillations via the variation of the relative Q-factor of the eigenoscillations corresponding to the eigenfrequencies of the scattering and generating structures, when the intensity of the excitation field changes, is given. Moreover, the proposed approach applies equally well for sufficiently weak/strong energy generation in ranges from a few percent to dozens percents of generated energy. For the first time, two-sided acting fields at the scattering frequency were taken into account and a type-conversion of the oscillations could be observed. The latter effect was observed at a symmetry violation of the nonlinear problem caused by different amplitudes of the excitation fields. This effect may serve as a basis for numerical and analytical methods for the synthesis and analysis of nonlinear structures in the vicinity of critical points of the amplitude–phase dispersion, similar to the approach developed in the papers (Shestopalov & Yatsik, Citation1997; Yatsyk, Citation2000, 2001). That is, mathematical models for the control of anomalous scattering and generation properties of nonlinear structures via the variation of amplitudes in a two-sided excitation of a nonlinear structure at scattering and generation frequencies near the resonance frequencies of the linearized spectral problems can be created.

Additional information


Funding. The authors acknowledge support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Open Access Publishing Fund of Clausthal University of Technology.

Notes on contributors

Lutz Angermann

The authors perform joint research about scattering and generation of electromagnetic waves on nonlinear structures since more than 10 years.

Lutz Angermann is a professor of Numerical Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics of the Clausthal University of Technology since 2001. His research is concerned with the mathematical analysis of numerical algorithms for partial differential equations with special interests in finite-volume and finite-element methods and their application to problems in Physics and Engineering. He is the author of more than 100 research papers.

Vasyl V. Yatsyk

Vasyl V. Yatsyk is a senior scientist at the O.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (O.Ya. Usikov IRE NASU) 1998, Kharkiv, Ukraine. He authored more than 100 papers. His research interests include scattering and generation effects on nonlinear materials, numerical–analytical methods of electromagnetic theory, resonant interaction, and dispersion of waves.


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