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Retraction: Using pgRNA-Cas9 system to knockout MKL1 inhibited cell migration and proliferation

This article refers to:
Using pgRNA–Cas9 system to knockout MKL1 inhibited cell migration and proliferation

The following article has been retracted from publication:

Article title: Using pgRNA-Cas9 system to knockout MKL1 inhibited cell migration and proliferation

Authors: H.B. Liu, Z. Yin, P. Zheng, Y. Xu, Z.Y. Wang, X. Li & T.C. Zhang

Journal: Cogent Biology

Bibliometrics: Volume 4, Manuscript number 1426255

Version of Record Published Online: Accepted Manuscript Online published 12 January 2018

DOI: 10.1080/23312025.2018.1426255

The authors are retracting this article because of flaws and inconsistencies in the methodology. For this reason, the conclusions of the study cannot be considered to be supported by the data.