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Convergence of hp-Streamline Diffusion Method for Vlasov–Maxwell System

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In this paper we study stability and convergence for hp-streamline diffusion (SD) finite element method for the, relativistic, time-dependent Vlasov–Maxwell (VM) system. We consider spatial domain ΩxR3 and velocities vΩvR3. The objective is to show globally optimal a priori error bound of order O(h/p)s+1/2, for the SD approximation of the VM system; where h (=maxKhK) is the mesh size and p (=maxKpK) is the spectral order. Our estimates rely on the local version with hK being the diameter of the phase-space-time element K and pK the spectral order for K. The optimal hp estimates require an exact solution in the Sobolev space Hs+1(Ω). Numerical implementations, performed for examples in one space- and two velocity dimensions, are justifying the robustness of the theoretical results.

1. Introduction

In the SD method the weak form is modified by adding a multiple of the streaming part in the equation, to the test function. So we obtain a multiple of streaming terms in both test and trial functions. This can be viewed as an extra diffusion in the streaming direction in the original equation. Hence, the name of the method (the streamline diffusion). Such an extra diffusion would improve both the stability and convergence properties of the underlying Galerkin scheme. It is well known that the standard Galerkin method, used for hyperbolic problems, has a suboptimal behavior: Converges as O(hs1) (versus O(hs) for the elliptic and parabolic problems with exact solution in the same space: Hs(Ω)). The SD method improves this drawback by O(h1/2), also, having an upwinding character, enhances the stability. The properties that are achieved by the discontinuous Galerkin as well. The hp-approach is to capture local behavior in the sense that: in the vicinity of singularities refined mesh h is combined with the lower spectral order (small p), whereas in more smooth regions higher order polynomials (large p) and non-refined (large h) meshes are used. Hence, the hp-approach may be viewed as a kind of automatic adaptivity.

The Vlasov–Maxwell (VM) system describing the time evolution of collisionless plasma is formulated as (1.1) tf+v̂·xf+q(E+c1v̂×B)·vf=0,tE=cx×Bj,x·E=ρ,tB=cx×E,x·B=0(1.1) with, physically relevant, initial data f(0,x,v)=f0(x,v)0,E(0,x)=E0(x),B(0,x)=B0(x). Here f is the density, in phase space, time of particles with charge q, mass m and velocity v̂=(m2+c2|v|2)1/2v(v  is momentum).

Moreover, c is the speed of light and the charge and current densities: ρ and j are (1.2) ρ(t,x)=4πqf dvandj(t,x)=4πqfv̂ dv.(1.2)

The Vlasov–Maxwell equations arise in several context such as, e.g., continuum, plasma physics and rarefied gas dynamics, where the main assumption underlying the model is that collisions are rare and therefore negligible. The system Equation(1.1) is modeling the motion of a collisionless plasma, e.g., a high-temperature, low-density, ionized gas. The mathematical challenge in study of the Vlasov–Maxwell system is the presence of the nonlinear term: (E+v̂×B)·vf. In the case of divergence free field, this term is written as divv((E+v̂×B)f). A thorough mathematical analysis, with such nonlinearity, is studied by Di Perna and Lions in DiPerna and Lions (Citation1989).

An outline of the remaining part of this paper is as follows: In Section 2 we present the canonical form of the equations and state the numerical approximation strategy. Section 3 describes hp and SD strategies. Section 4 is devoted to the approximation of the projection error. In Section 5 we study the convergence of the constructed schemes. In our concluding Section 6 we implement some numerical examples in a lower dimensional case that justifies our theoretical study.

2. Canonical forms

As a general framework we introduce similar convective forms f or both Vlasov and Maxwell equations. The convection coefficients are nonlinear vector functions for the Vlasov equation and constant sparse multiple matrices in the Maxwell case. Despite physical diversities, these coefficients are exhibiting a common property: they both are divergence free, a property that substantially simplifies the analysis. Let E=(E1,E2,E3)T,B=(B1,B2,B3)T,j=(j1,j2,j3)T, then the Maxwell’s equations can be written as {tE1=2B33B2j1,tE2=3B11B3j2,tE3=1B22B1j3,and{tB1=2E3+3E2,tB2=3E1+1E3,tB3=1E2+2E1, where i denotes the derivative with respect to xi. We also introduce 6 × 6 symmetric matrices Mk, k=1,2,3: (2.1) {(M1)35=(M1)53=1,else(M1)ij=(M1)ji=0,(M2)16=(M2)61=1,(M2)34=(M2)43=1,else(M2)ij=(M2)ji=0,(M3)24=(M3)42=1,(M3)15=(M3)51=1,else(M3)ij=(M3)ji=0.(2.1)

To write the Maxwell equations in the matrix-vector form, we introduce the matrix-vector notation M=(M1,M2,M3), and set E=(E1,E2,E3), B=(B1,B2,B3),j=(j1,j2,j3),0=(0,0,0),b=(j,0). Further let W=(E,B)T and use the notations for the initial values E0,B0,W0. Then (2.2) {tW+M·W=b,W(0,x)=W0(x).(2.2)

Note that Equation(2.2) is convective with, matrix-vector form, divergent free (DivM=0) convection coefficient.

The Vlasov possesses a similar structure, but with nonlinear coefficient vectors depending on x and v: (2.3) {tf+v̂·xf+(E+v̂×B)·vf=0,f(0,x,v)=f0(x,v)0,(2.3) which can be rewritten in a compact form as (2.4) tf+G(f)·f=0.(2.4) where f=(xf,vf) is the total gradient and G(f)=(v̂,E+v̂×B) is divergence free: (2.5) div G(f)=i=1dv̂xi+i=d+12d(E+v̂×B)vid=v(v̂×B)=0.(2.5)

Throughout the paper C will denote a generic constant, not necessarily the same at each occurrence, unless otherwise explicitly specified.

2.1. The numerical approximation strategy

Consider a function F in an infinite dimensional Hilbert (or Banach) space F. We want to approximate F with a function F˜ in a finite dimensional subspace F˜ of F. To this end, first we assume a classical form approximation (an interpolant, or a projection, e.g. L2- or Ritz-projection) ΠFF˜ of F. Then, roughly, the idea is i) to use (or establish) a theoretical error estimate, in a certain norm, for the interpolation or projection error FΠF, and ii) split the numerical error as FF˜=(FΠF)+(ΠFF˜):=η+ξ, and prove that there is a constant C such that (2.6) ||ξ||C||η||.(2.6)

The intermediate (theoretical) part, i.e., control of ||η||, is the most crucial step in the efficiency of the numerical approximation procedure. The numerical approach gets its reliability from the stability of the constructed numerical method and its accuracy from the convergence analysis.

3. The SD and hp structures

3.1. Constructing finite element spaces

For numerical studies we need to restrict the variables to bounded domains: ΩxR3 and ΩvR3, as the space and velocity, respectively. We assume that f(t,x,v),Ei(t,x) and Bi(t,x), for i = 1, 2, 3, have compact supports in Ωx and that f(t,x,v) has compact support in both Ωx and Ωv. Assume that h (0<h<1), and let Thx={τx} and Thv={τv} be finite element subdivisions of Ωx with elements τx and Ωv with elements τv, respectively. Then Th=Thx×Thv={τx×τv}={τ} is a subdivision of Ω. (with a, phase-space, mesh size h). Let now 0=t0<t1<<tN1<tN=T be a partition of the time interval [0,T] into sub-intervals In=(tn1,tn], with |In|:=tntn1=:knh,n=1,,N. Further let Ch be the corresponding subdivision of QT=[0,T]×Ω into the prismatic elements K=In×τ, with hK=diam K as the mesh parameter. We also define a piecewise constant mesh function h(t,x,v):=hK,(t,x,v)K. Finally, induced from Ch, we introduce C˜h as the finite element subdivision of [0,T]×Ωx.

Remark 3.1.

From now on, the discrete schemes are the finite element approximations of EquationEquations (2.2) and Equation(2.3) with (x,v,t)(0,T]×Ωx×Ωv, associated with initial and boundary conditions. Assuming also that f has compact support in the velocity space we get homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition for Ωv.

To formulate variational (weak) form of the VM system we introduce the product spaces H0=n=1NH01(Ωn)andH˜0=n=1NH01(Ω˜n), where Ωn:=In×Ωx×Ωv, Ω˜n:=In×Ωx, and for Ω:=Ωx×ΩvH01(In×Ω):={wH1(In×Ω);w=0  on  Ω}.

For k=0,1,2,, we define the finite element spaces for the Maxwell’s equations (resp. Vlasov equation) as being the space of piecewise polynomials that are continuous in x (resp. in x and v) with possible discontinuities at the interior time levels tn, n=1,,N1: V˜h={g[H˜0]6;gi|K˜PpK˜(In)×PpK˜(τx), K˜=In×τxC˜h, 1i6}, with the extension for the Vlasov part and with τ=τx×τv as Vh={gH0;g|KPpK(In)×PpK(τx)×PpK(τv), K=In×τCh}. where PpK(·) is the set of polynomial of degree at most pK on the underlying set. Here we allow the degree of polynomial to vary from elementwise. Therefore we may define the piecewise constant function p(t,x,v):=pK. Finally we shall use the following notation: (f,g)n=(f,g)Sn,gn=(g,g)n1/2f,gn=(f(tn,),g(tn,))Ω,|g|n=g,gn1/2, where, for n=1,,N,Sn:=Ω˜n, for the Maxwell’s equations and Sn:=Ωn in the Vlasov case.

3.2. The SD strategy

The idea of the weak form for a differential equation, e.g., variational formulation and the finite element methods, rely on the basic structure of the Fourier transformation: to multiply the function f by a basis function eixξ and integrate. Then for each ξR we extract an information, f̂(ξ), from the function f (these are the Fourier coefficients when considering Fourier series). In this way we get an “excessive amount () of information,” which (i) is unrealistic to tackle and (ii) contains a great deal of unnecessary data. The remedy is a clever choice of a finite number of, treatable, multipliers that provides the most crucial information needed. This is basically the goal of the Galerkin approach with finitely many multipliers. However, here we need to extract the information from the PDE itself rather than its solution. We seek an approximate solution for a PDE in a finite dimensional space (trial space) with the multipliers being in the same or a closely related finite dimensional space known as the test function space. The idea with the SD method is to multiply the underlying PDE by a sum of the test function and a multiple of an expression as the streaming term in the PDE, with the solution is replaced by the test function, say g. Hence, we consider a common form for Equation(2.2) and Equation(2.4), viz. (3.1) Ft+μ·F=b,(3.1) and formulate the SD scheme to find the solution F such that (3.2) (Ft+μ·F,g+δμ·g)=(b,g+δμ·g).(3.2)

Expanding EquationEquation (3.2) we get a term of the form δ(μ·F,μ·g). Setting g = F, this term can be interpreted as coming from a diffusion term δΔμF, of order δ, in the streamline direction μ, hence the name of the method.

3.3. The hp approach

Here, we introduce the main function spaces employed in hp-studies for approximating the projection errors, (see, e.g. Houston et al. Citation2000): Let P be a partition of ΩT=(0,T)×Ωx×Ωv into open patches P which are images of canonical “cubes”: P̂=(1,1)2d+1:=(Î)2d+1,  d=1,2,3, under smooth bijections FP: PP:P=FP(P̂).

We construct a mesh T:=PPTP on ΩT by subdividing each P̂=(1,1)2d+1, into 2d+1-dimensional generalized quadrilateral elements τ̂, or 2d+1-dimensional prisms. We label them as τ̂ which are affine equivalent to P̂, and call the mesh T̂P (on P̂). Then, on each PP we define a mesh TP by setting PP:TP:={τ|τ=FP(τ̂),  τ̂T̂P}.

Each τ̂(τ) is an image of the domain P̂ under an affine mapping Aτ̂:P̂τ̂(Fτ=FP°Aτ̂:P̂τ). Next we define the space FP={FP:PP}, and the polynomial space Ap=span{(x̂,v̂,t̂)α:0αip,  1i2d+1}, where (x̂,v̂,t̂)P̂:={(x̂,v̂,t̂)Rd×Rd×R+:|x̂j|1 & |v̂j|1, t̂1j=1,,d}, and α=(α1,α2,,α2d+1) is multi-index Moreover let p be a polynomial degree vector in T,p={pτ:τT}, and define the continuous hp-finite element spaces Sp,k(ΩT,T,FP):={fHk(ΩT):f|τ°FτApτ,τT},k=0,1,, for polynomials with degree vector p, and with Sp,k(ΩT,T,FP):={fSp,k(ΩT,T,FP):p=(p,p,,p)}, for the uniform polynomial degree pτ=p,  τ, p>1. Finally we denote by ||f||k,Î and |f|k,Î the Hk(Î) norm and seminorm on Î, respectively (we shall suppress k = 0, corresponding to the L2-norm). We also denote by Sp(Î) the set of polynomials of degree p on Î. In the Maxwell case one needs to replace the domain ΩT=Ωx×Ωv×(0,T) by Ω˜T=Ωx×(0,T).

4. Approximation of the projection error

The projection error estimates are of analytic nature and often predictable, however too involved to derive. In this section we provide estimates, without proofs, for ||η|| and ||Dη||, where D:=(x,v,d/dt) denotes the total gradient operator. We denote by πpif the 1-dimensional H1-projection of f onto the polynomials of degree p in the ith coordinate, where 1id would correspond to xi’s for the spatial variable, d+1i2d to vi’s for the velocity, and i=2d+1 for the time variable. We shall apply the tensor product in 2d+1-dimensions to the following one-dimensional results by Schwab (Citation1998).

Proposition 4.1.

Let fHk+1(Î),  Î=(1,1) for some k0. Then, for every p1, there exists a projection πpfSp(Î) such that, for any 0smin(p,k),(4.1) f(πpf)Î2(ps)!(p+s)!|f|s+1,Î2,(4.1) (4.2) fπpfÎ21p(p+1)(ps)!(p+s)!|f|s+1,Î2.(4.2)

The theorem below is a generalized version of Proposition 4.1, in 2d+1 dimensions with Πp=i=12d+1πpi: the tensor product projectors and binary multi-index |m|ln=1lmn, with mn = 0 or 1, is derived in Asadzadeh and Sopasakis (Citation2007).

Theorem 4.2.

Let Th=K be a partition of the domain DRN, and KTh be an image of the N-dimensional canonical hypercube R̂:=(1,1)N, with N-dimensional mesh TR̂, under the bijection GK: τ=GK(R̂). For the polynomial degree distribution r={rK | KTh} and KTh, let f|KHkK+1(K) for some kK1. Then, for rK1 and 0sKmin(rK,kK) we have||η||2CKTh(hK2)2sK+2Φ1(rK,sK)||f̂||sK+1,K̂2,||Dη||2CKTh(hK2)2sKΦ2(rK,sK)||f̂||sK+1,K̂2,with f̂=f°Gτ,K=Gτ(K̂),  ||·||sK+1,K̂ is the Sobolev norm in HsK+1(K̂) andΦ1(p,s)=Ni=1N2i1|m|i1i1αp|m|i1+1β|m|i1,Φ2(p,s)=Ni=1Nj=1N2j|m|j1j1mi=1αp|m|j1β|m|j1. where |m|i1=1m12m2i1mi1,  αp=1p(p+1), and β|m|k=(ps+|m|k)!(p+s|m|k)!.

The proof is based on a scaling argument for an affine mapping and a generalization of the Proposition 4.1.

Remark 4.3.

The above estimates relying on Sobolev inequalities are dimension dependent and give rise to singularities in higher dimensions. In addition, the bound for s (0smin(p,k)) and the fact that the spectral order p cannot be chosen very large, limits the value of |m|k in β|m|k to |m|k<p+s. This yields additional bounds for the indices of the interior sums.

Using Stirling’s formula, see Houston et al. (Citation2000), one can show that max(Φ2(p,s),Φ2(p,s))Cp2s.

An estimate that is crucial in deriving p-version of hp estimates.

5. Convergence analysis

Due to the common structure for the Maxwell Equation(2.2) and Vlasov Equation(2.4) equations, and since the hp-SD approach has been considered for Equation(2.4) in Asadzadeh and Sopasakis (Citation2007), below we give the details only in the Maxwell case Equation(2.2).

5.1. hp-method for Maxwell equations

Starting with, sufficiently smooth, f0, b0 and W0, let fh,i,bh,i and Wh,i denote the approximations on the ith iteration step (i > 0) for f, b and W, respectively. The h version of the SD method on the ith step for the Maxwell’s part (with the short operator notation: M·:==13M, recall that M are the 6 × 6 matrices in Equation(2.1)) can be formulated as: find Wh,iV˜h such that (5.1) B˜(Wh,i,g)=L˜(bh,i1;g)gV˜h,(5.1) where g=(g1,,g6)T, with the bilinear form B˜ defined as B˜(W,g)=n=0N1(tW+M·W,g+δ(tg+M·g))n+n=1N1[W],g+m+W+,g+0.

[W]=W+W denotes the jump (g±(t,x)=lims0±g(t+s,x)), and the linear form L˜ is given by L˜(b;g)=n=0N1(b,g+δ(tg+M·g))n+W0,g+0.

Let now (·,·)K denote the L2 product over K and define a nonnegative piecewise constant function δ by δ|K=δK,for KC˜h.

We may formulate a finite element method based on the local space-time elements. Then, the problem Equation(5.1) would have an alternative formulation replacing in the definitions for B˜ and L˜ the sum of the inner products (·,·)n involving δK by the corresponding sum KC˜h(·,·)K and all δ by δK. Then, Equation(5.1) will be rewritten as (5.2) B˜(W,g)=KC˜h(tW+M·W,g+δK(tg+M·g))K+n=1N1[W],g+n+W+,g+0,(5.2) and the solution W of EquationEquation (2.2) satisfies the variational formulation (5.3) B˜(W,g)=L˜(b;g)gV˜h.(5.3)

Subtracting EquationEquation (5.1) from EquationEquation (5.3) we end up with the following relation: (5.4) B˜(WWh,i,g)=L˜(b;g)L˜(bh,i1;g)gV˜h.(5.4)

Finally, with jumps at the time levels t=tn,  n=1,,N1, we introduce the computational norm |||g|||2=12(|g+|02+|g|N2+n=1N1|[g]|n2)+KC˜hδK||tg+M·g||K2.

Lemma 5.1.

[Well-posedness] The bilinear form B˜(·, ·) satisfies the M-coercivity relationB˜(g,g)=|||g|||2,gH˜0.


We split B˜, viz. B˜(g,g)=KC˜hδKtg+M·gK2+A1+A2, with Ai, i=1,2 defined as (5.5) A1:=n=0N1(tg,g)+n=1N1[g],g+n+|g+|02=12(n=1N1|[g]|n2+|g|N2+|g+|02)A2:=m=0M1(M·g,g)n=0,(5.5) where we used integration by parts and in the latter also g(t,x)=0 on I×Ωx. Then, the proof follows adding all above terms and the definition of |||g|||M.

Let now W˜ be an interpolant of W in the finite dimensional space V˜h and denote by Wh,i a solution to Equation(5.1). Further, set η˜=(η˜1,,η˜6)T, ξ˜=(ξ˜1,,ξ˜6)T and introduce a split of the error e˜, viz. e˜=WWh,i=(WW˜)(Wh,iW˜)=η˜ξ˜.

Now we can state and prove our main result: the hp-convergence theorem for the Maxwell’s equations.

Theorem 5.2.

Assume that WHk+1([0,T]×Ω), δK=C1hKpK for some constant C1>0, and pKhKC2<1 for some constant C2>0. Then there exists a constant C > 0 such that|||WWh,i|||2CKC˜hhK2sK+1pK1ΦM(pK,sK)WsK+1,K2+Cffh,i1QT2,where ΦM=max(Φ1,Φ2) with N=dim Ωx+1 for Φ1 and Φ2 (defined in Theorem 4.2) and C is independent of pK, hK and sK.


By the coercivity Lemma 5.1 and Equation(5.4) we have that |||ξ˜|||2=B˜(ξ˜,ξ˜)=B˜(η˜,ξ˜)+B˜(ξ˜η˜,ξ˜)=B˜(η˜,ξ˜)L˜(b;ξ˜)+L˜(bh,i1;ξ˜).

We start estimating the first term on the right-hand side: B˜(η˜,ξ˜)=KC˜h(tη˜+M·η˜,ξ˜+δK(tξ˜+M·ξ˜))K+n=1N1[η˜],ξ˜+n+η˜+,ξ˜+0.

Integration by parts: (tη˜,ξ˜)n=η˜,ξ˜n+1η˜+,ξ˜+n(η˜,tξ˜)n. That η˜ and ξ˜ have compact support in Ωx yields (M·η˜,ξ˜)n=(η˜,M·ξ˜)n. Inserting in B˜(η˜,ξ˜), by standard inequalities |B˜(η˜,ξ˜)|116|||ξ˜|||2+32n=0N1|η˜|n+12+KC˜h(32δKη˜K2+32δKtη˜+M·η˜K2).

With a similar argument we can bound the second term as |L˜(bh,i1;ξ˜)L˜(b;ξ˜)|116|||ξ˜|||2+KC˜h(C2+8δK)bbh,i1K2+n=0N1(12Cη˜n2+12Ce˜n2).

The above inequalities and a Poincaré inequality, with properly chosen C and bound on pKhK, yield (5.6) |||ξ˜|||212|||e˜|||2+Cffh,i1QT2+Cn=0N1(|η˜|n+12+h|e˜|n+12)+CKC˜h((1+δK1)η˜K2+δKtη˜+M·η˜K2),|||e˜|||2|||η˜|||2+|||ξ˜|||212|||e˜|||2+Cffh,i1QT2+Cn=1Nh|e˜|n2+C(J1+J2),(5.6) where in the latter I1 and I2 are the interpolation error terms given by: I1:=KC˜h(δK1η˜K2+δKtη˜+M·η˜K2),I2:=|η˜+|02+n=0N1|η˜|n+12+n=1N1|[η˜]|n2.

To bound I1 we use the estimates in Theorem 4.2 and get (5.7) I1CKC˜h(hK2)2sKΦM(pK,sK)pK2(δK1hK2+δK)WsK+1,K2.(5.7)

By trace and inverse inequalities combined with interpolation estimates and Theorem 4.2 we end up with (5.8) I2CKC˜h[(hK2)2sK+1(ΦM1/2(pK,sK)pK1ΦM1/2(pK,sK)+pK2ΦM(pK,sK))]Wsk+1,K2,(5.8)

Now, a kick-back argument and the estimates Equation(5.7) and (5.8) gives (5.9) |||e˜|||2CKC˜hhK2sK+1pK1ΦM(pK,sK)WsK+1,K2+Cffh,i1QT2+Cn=1Nh|e˜|n2.(5.9)

Finally it is easy to verify the discrete Grönwall’s inequality, |e˜|2CKC˜hhK2sK+1pK1ΦM(pK,sK)WsK+1,K2+Cffh,i1QT2 for =1,,N. Plugging these inequalities into Equation(5.9) completes the proof.□

Corollary 5.3.

By the above theorem and the estimate in Schwab (Citation1998), we can derive ΦM(pK,sK)Pn2sK and hence, suppressing the subscripts in finial setting get a hp error estimate as(5.10) |||e˜|||C(hp)s+1/2,(5.10) which is the most desired form of optimal hp error estimate.

5.1.1. Vlasov–Maxwell equations

As mentioned in the introduction, for the Vlasov part, we omit all details and state the final result:

Theorem 5.4.

Let fh,i be the discrete solution to the Vlasov equation at the iteration step i and assume that the exact solution f of Equation(2.3) is in the Sobolev class HK+1(QT) and satisfies the bound(5.11) f+G(f)+ηC.(5.11)

Further assume that the parameter δK on each K satisfies δK=C1hKpK for some positive constant C1 with pKhKC2<1 for some constant C2>0. Then there exists a generic constant C > 0 such that(5.12) |||ffh,i|||V2C(KC˜hhK2sK+1pK1ΦM(pK,sK)WsK+1,K2+phffh,i1QT2+KChhK2sK+1pK1ΦV(pK,sK)fsK+1,K2).(5.12)

Here, 0sKmin(pK,k) and the subscripts V or M in the triple norms as well as Φ:s is to emphasize the quantities for the Vlasov or Maxwell part. Here, ΦV=max(Φ1,Φ2) with N=dim Ωx+dim Ωv+1 for Φ1 and Φ2 as defined in Theorem 4.2.

We omit the proof which is a lengthy extension of the proof of the main result in Asadzadeh and Sopasakis (Citation2007), replacing the contribution of scalar Fokker-Planck term with that of the Maxwell’s system.

5.2. Conservation of charge

In this section we state the conservation of charge (mass conservation) result.

Theorem 5.5.

For any T > 0 and the initial data f0 as in the convergence theorem, the discrete solution fhVh of the Vlasov equation satisfiesΩfh(T,x,v) dxdv=Ωf0(x,v) dxdv.


Let B be the convex open set such that fh(t,x,v)=0 for all t[0,T] and (x,v)ΩB. Let gVh such that g(t,x,v)=1 for all t[0,T] and (x,v)B. Taking this g as a test function in the variational formulation of the Vlasov equation and using the fact that div G=0 we get the result.□

6. Numerical results

We present in this section results of some numerical implementations that justify the accuracy of the SD method. The computations are performed for the simplified case of one spatial variable and two velocities (cf., Standar Citation2016), which takes the following form: tf+v1xf+(E1+v2B)v1f+(E2v1B)v2f=0,tE1=v1fdv=j1(t,x),tE2+xB=v2fdv=j2(t,x),tB+xE2=0, where f=f(t,x,v1,v2),E1=E1(t,x),E2=E2(t,x), and B=B(t,x) where we take xΩxR and v=(v1,v2)ΩvR2. Here we consider the non-relativistic case since there is an excessive amount of literature available to compare the numerical results. Our results are also valid in this case. We consider the following, somewhat general, initial conditions: f(0,x,v1,v2)=1πβev12/β[μe(v2v0,1)2/β+(1μ)e(v2+v0,2)2/β],E1(0,x)=E2(0,x)=0,B(0,x)=bsin(k0x1).

They correspond to the streaming Weibel instability (cf Cheng et al. Citation2014) with the specific values for the parameters: β=0.01 and b = 0.001. Our implementations are performed for x[0,L],L=2π/k0 and the following two parameter sets: case 1:μ=0.5,v0,1=v0,2=0.3,k0=0.2,case 2:μ=1/6,v0,1=0.5,v0,2=0.1,k0=0.2.

We assume periodic boundary condition in x, which we normalized in the computations taking x[0,1]. The accuracy tests are performed for Ωv=[1,1]2, whereas for the other test we set Ωv=[1.1,1.1]2.

6.1. Accuracy tests

For the above setting, the Vlasov–Maxwell system is reversible in the time variable. Hence, with the initial condition f(0,x,v), E(0, x), B(0, x), yield, for t = T, the solution f(T,x,v), E(T, x), and B(T, x). Taking f(T,x,v), E(T, x), B(T,x) as solution at t = 0, we recover f(0,x,v), E(0, x), B(0,x) at t = T.

We run the calculation for T = 5 and show L1 and L2 errors of solutions for several choices of degree of polynomials p and mesh parameters ht, hx, and hv. For all calculations we used the uniform degrees p in all cells of uniform meshes. We present the results for the following choice of mesh sizes sets: H1 corresponds to ht=hx=0.1 and hv=2/6; H2 corresponds to ht=hx=0.05 and hv=2/12; H3 corresponds to ht=hx=0.025 and hv=2/24.

lists the errors for the fixed mesh set H1 and increasing degree of finite elements polynomial approximation, whereas in we list the errors for the fixed degree p = 1 and different mesh sizes.

Table 1. L1 and L2 errors for different polynomial degrees and fixed mesh sizes set H1.

Table 2. L1 and L2 errors for different mesh sizes and fixed polynomial degree p = 1.

The tables show the convergence of our hp-SD algorithm for all considered cases. We present the results for one value of the stability parameter δ=0.05, since its choice does not influence importantly the accuracy, but only the stability of the method.

6.2. Conservation properties

To verify the conservation properties of our scheme we run the tests for the streaming Weibel instability. The results are shown in for the mass and for the total energy. Both moments are very well conserved up to time t70 for case 1 and t75 for case 2, when the instabilities occur. After that the error for the mass is less then 2·104, however we can observe the large decay in the total energy.

Figure 1. Charge vs. time for case 1 (left) and case 2 (right) of the streaming Weibel instability.

Figure 1. Charge vs. time for case 1 (left) and case 2 (right) of the streaming Weibel instability.

Figure 2. Total energy vs. time for case 1 (left) and case 2 (right) of the streaming Weibel instability.

Figure 2. Total energy vs. time for case 1 (left) and case 2 (right) of the streaming Weibel instability.

7. Conclusions

This study is devoted to the hp streamline diffusion for the relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell system in 3 D. Our objective is to present space-time (for Maxwell’s) and phase-space-time (for VM system) discretization schemes that have optimal order of convergence (O((h/p)s+1/2) for solutions in Hs+1(Ω)), where h is the mesh size and p the spectral order. The adaptivity in a priori regime is based on refining in the vicinity of singularities combined with lower order approximating polynomials and nonrefined mesh with a higher spectral order in smooth regions. To our knowledge, except in some work in convection–diffusion problems, e.g. Asadzadeh and Sopasakis (Citation2007), Houston et al. (Citation2000), such approach is not considered elsewhere.

The results are justified, in lower dimensional cases, through the presented accuracy and the streaming Weibel instability tests. In all our simulations we used uniformly spaced grids in all variables and uniform degree of polynomials, and in the future paper we plan to examine the non-uniform grids and degree cases.

The full-dimensions are too complex and expensive to experiment. However, the theoretical analysis and numerical justifications in lower dimensions are indicating the robustness of the considered schemes.


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