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Pediatric Home Mechanical Ventilation: A Canadian Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline

Section 6: Home ventilation in children with chronic lung diseases

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Pediatric home mechanical ventilation: A Canadian Thoracic Society clinical practice guideline executive summary


Some children with chronic lung diseases (CLD) may require home mechanical ventilation (HMV). This section will focus on bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and cystic fibrosis (CF), though other CLDs such as primary ciliary dyskinesia and those that may result in pulmonary hypertension are also addressed.Citation1,Citation2 The goals of this section are: (1) to review the literature on the experience in using HMV (invasive and noninvasive) in children with chronic respiratory failure secondary to CLD such as BPD and CF; (2) to review the outcomes of HMV for these populations; (3) to provide Canadian-specific pediatric practice recommendations around long-term home ventilation for children with respiratory failure and hypoventilation secondary to CLD; and (4) to identify areas for further research.

Literature review: Methodology

A systematic search of the literature from 1946 to August 24, 2015 was conducted in the following databases: Medline, Embase, AMED, PsycINFO, Central, Cinahl. MeSH terms and keywords used captured the concepts “home” and “ventilation” as well as specified lung diseases, namely cystic fibrosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, interstitial lung diseases, chronic lung disease and tracheostomy. The search was limited to all children 0–18 years and English and French languages. A similar search was also performed in the gray literature to yield 1437 citations. A total of 153 articles with relevant titles or abstracts were reviewed by the authors in more detail. A scan of the reference lists in sentinel papers yielded an additional 35 articles that were also reviewed for this chapter. Results of this literature review are presented in the subsequent text and in .

Table 1. Summary of studies evaluating outcomes in children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and related chronic lung disease on HMV.

Table 2. Summary of studies evaluating outcomes in children with cystic fibrosis on HMV.

Table 3. Summary of studies evaluating outcomes in children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, cystic fibrosis or other causes of chronic lung disease on HMV.


Indications for home ventilation in children with chronic lung disease

The indication to consider long-term home ventilation in children with CLD is when respiratory insufficiency appears to be chronic, usually after 6–8 weeks of ventilation support.Citation42 As it is not standard practice to implement HMV for children with BPD in Canada, most commonly, infants with more severe pulmonary involvement require prolonged hospitalization in a critical care unit well beyond term gestational age, until they can be successfully weaned off ventilation and discharged on home oxygen. However, in other countries, there is consensus that home ventilation may be considered if the child with BPD demonstrates persisting need for long-term ventilation for survival (see Section 2 for eligibility criteria).

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia

While the majority of infants with BPD can be discharged home without supplemental oxygen or with low concentrations of supplemental oxygen, some infants may require assisted ventilation for months or even years. Infants with BPD who have concomitant pulmonary hypertension are more likely to require longer-term ventilation.Citation57 In many countries, there is high economic pressure to discharge children with BPD as early as possible, and some studies indicate a rise in the number of children with BPD receiving HMV.Citation5,Citation19,Citation50,Citation58 However there is significant international and institutional variability, largely due to lack of rigorous studies to determine the optimal timing for consideration of tracheostomy and HMV in this group.Citation9 There is no recognized standard timing for tracheostomy placement in children undergoing prolonged mechanical ventilation.Citation59,Citation60 It has been shown that pediatric tracheostomy carries about twice the morbidity and mortality risk of that in adults,Citation61 so it is often delayed in comparison to the timing of tracheostomy in adults.

Outcomes of children with BPD on HMV

  1. Safety of HMV: While HMV is uncommon in Canadian children with BPD, there is growing recognition it can be safely accomplished in this population. Available data come from the published experience of centers with HMV programs over the last few decades. A study by Cristea in the US spanning 1984 to 2010 demonstrated a survival rate of 81% among 102 children with BPD who were sent home on tracheostomy plus ventilation. Of the 14 children who died in this retrospective cohort review, the cause of death was unknown in 8, and at least 1 was related to accidental decannulation.Citation5 It was observed that most of these deaths occurred among children living in neighborhoods with a lower median income, suggesting that factors related to socioeconomic status may impact outcome for children on HMV.Citation4 Two thirds of children were eventually weaned off ventilation prior to age five,Citation5 with a median time to liberation from ventilation of 23–26 months and time to decannulation of 34–39 months.Citation4 Another study by Wheeler showed similar results with 95% survival among children discharged on HMV, with 71% being weaned off within one year of home use and the average number of respiratory hospitalizations per child being 0.8/year.Citation32 The same authors noted that children with congenital heart disease sent home on ventilation experienced more morbidity in the form of repeat hospitalizations than children with chronic lung disease alone.Citation31 Com et al. noted that of 26 children with BPD discharged on HMV between 1987–2006, survival was 92%, with success rates for weaning off ventilation of 79%. The authors noted that outcomes were best among children with BPD without additional central nervous system insults.Citation3

  2. Social and neurodevelopment: While one of the perceived advantages of discharging infants with BPD on HMV is improvements in “normal socialization,” neurodevelopment and bonding with the family, no studies have rigorously studied this. An observational study by Downes et al. of 770 children observed between 1980 and 2006 with chronic respiratory failure, including 37% with CLD, found that long-term ventilation at home enhanced normal development and social relationships by uniting children with their families.Citation7 Other HMV programs reported that many of the children on a ventilator for CLD are able to attend school.Citation53

  3. Cost savings: The development of HMV programs has allowed patients to transition to home care more quickly and decrease the length of stay in critical care units,Citation11 which can result in significant cost savings.Citation36 Burr et al. reported in 1983 that the annual cost of treating a child with CLD with HMV was 69% less than treating the child in hospital.Citation38 More recent Canadian cost analyses are not available.

Types of ventilators and modes of ventilation for children with BPD

Children with BPD who require long-term ventilation are usually discharged home on positive pressure ventilation through a tracheostomy tube, rather than noninvasive ventilation (NIV). For most children, this mode of ventilation is optimal as it ensures a secure airway, facilitates neurological and social development and is feasible, given the young age of these children who often need for 24-hour ventilation.Citation62 In this age group, an uncuffed tracheostomy tube is preferredCitation63 as the leak around a properly fitted tube in an infant or young child is minimalCitation64 and the lack of cuff minimizes potential injury to the tracheal wall.

Over time, there have been changes in the types of ventilators available for home use, as well as their sensitivity and ability to synchronize with respiratory efforts of small children. As such, there is no consensus on the best type of ventilator to use in infants with BPD for home use, though the goal is to reduce the child’s work of breathing while providing optimal respiratory support. It is suggested that a respiratory rate of 20–35 breaths per minute, an inspiratory time of 0.5–1 seconds and an inspiration to expiration ratio of 1:1 to 1:265 to achieve tidal volumes of 6–8 ml/kg51 is generally appropriate for infants; however, further patient-specific adjustments to ventilator parameters should be made based on work of breathing and gas-exchange parameters as measured through capillary blood gases and end tidal CO2 monitoring.Citation66 Some suggest that neonates are usually best treated by time-cycled pressure controlled/limited ventilation as this ensures that excessive airway pressures do not develop and allows for consistent tidal volumes delivered as long as there are no changes in compliance, resistance and air leak.Citation32 However the disadvantage of this mode is that there can be significant variation in tidal volume, which may lead to hypoventilation if not monitored frequently. Another recommended option is to use volume-cycled, pressure-oriented ventilators that allow adjustments in tidal volumes to maintain peak airway pressures within a certain range.Citation65 Both pressureCitation67 and flowCitation68 triggering have been reported to reduce the work of breathing in different scenarios. Regardless of the ventilator used, the infant should be transitioned to the home ventilator weeks before discharge to ensure stability, synchrony and appropriate triggering without significant work of breathing. Hospital re-admission soon after discharge has been observed to be associated with a change in medical management within 1 week of discharge,Citation12 so examination of discharge readiness should occur whenever a change is made in the child’s clinical management.

Weaning HMV in children with BPD

In contrast to most children on long-term HMV for neuromuscular conditions, it is expected that respiratory sufficiency in children with BPD should improve over time, such that most children can be successfully weaned from the ventilator before the age of 3.Citation32,Citation69 There is very little published on specific techniques for weaning of home mechanical ventilation;Citation70 however, a general approach would be to consider weaning once CO2 levels are maintained below 50 mm Hg while asleep for more than 75% of the night, oxygen saturation is consistently >95% on an FiO2 < 0.35–0.4 and the infant has demonstrated consistent growth and a period of health stability.Citation66 Weaning should focus on reducing dependence on mechanical ventilation before reducing supplemental oxygen. One technique to do this would involve slowly reducing intermittent mandatory ventilation rates, then pressures, until the infant is triggering all breaths spontaneously on minimal pressure settings. Short periods off positive pressure support with supplemental oxygen just delivered by tracheostomy mask in short sprints can then be introduced. The duration of these ‘sprints’ can be gradually increased until the infant is off ventilation during all waking hours, before discontinuing nocturnal ventilation. Throughout the weaning phase, infants should be monitored periodically with oxygen saturation, end tidal CO2, capillary blood gases and, when necessary, polysomnograms. In addition to adequacy of ventilation, maintenance of growth and activity during weaning should also be monitored.Citation36,Citation66 Children with BPD and chronic hypoxemia can develop pulmonary hypertension so regular monitoring for pulmonary hypertension, especially during weaning of ventilation, should also be considered. An American survey of 38 children with BPD demonstrated that weight gain was the only factor predictive of decreasing Weaning Severity Index.Citation8 The Weaning Severity Index rates the severity of ventilatory support on a five-point scale based on ventilator mode, PEEP, respiratory rate and pressure support level.Citation8

Research questions

  1. What is the optimal timing for tracheostomy insertion in children with BPD and consideration for HMV?

  2. What are the optimal modes of ventilation to use in children with different types of chronic lung disease?

  3. What are the optimal methods for weaning HMV in children with BPD?

  4. What is the impact of long-term ventilation and different modes of HMV on subsequent lung growth and health?

Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease where progressive loss of lung function is caused by chronic infection and inflammation, leading to bronchiectasis and, ultimately, end-stage respiratory failure. Patients with end-stage lung disease present a dilemma, as there is evidence that endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation have been associated with a high degree of morbidity and mortality in this population, and therefore intubation is rarely employed unless warranted by exceptional circumstances.Citation71 However, noninvasive ventilation has been used to improve quality of life, prevent deterioration and bridge to lung transplantation,Citation72,Citation73 without the morbidity associated with endotracheal intubation or tracheostomy. It also offers the advantage of intermittent use to facilitate speaking. There is evidence that NIV improves sleep-related hypoxemia and hypercapnia,Citation48 reduces respiratory load and work of breathingCitation47 and can be used in an acute exacerbation.Citation49 In a survey of both pediatric and adult CF centers in France, it was found that only 1.2% of pediatric patients were being treated with NIV vs. 7.6% in adult centers.Citation43 Lack of NIV use in children likely reflects the slowing of the progressive lung function decline in CF due to medical advances, with the majority of pediatric patients now surviving well into adulthood. While there are several theoretical benefits to the use of NIV, there is a lack of pediatric evidence.


There is only one isolated case report of NIV use in a pediatric CF patient; this patient was an infant.Citation74 Much of the evidence about outcomes of NIV use in CF includes a mix of adult and pediatric data. Such studies have demonstrated that nocturnal nasal bilevel intermittent positive pressure ventilation is well tolerated and improves respiratory acidosis and dyspnea.Citation48,Citation75,Citation76 NIV is also associated with a reduction in respiratory rate, improved quality of sleep and an increased capacity to perform activities of daily living.Citation49 Through the reduction of spontaneous inspiratory effort, improvements in respiratory muscle strength, respiratory muscle energy expenditure, work of breathing and lung function have also been reported in CF patients on NIV.Citation75 Despite these positive studies, there still remains some controversy as to the efficacy of NIV in CF patients, as the evidence is mixed.Citation77 Whether earlier use will attenuate the early effects of CF or slow the progression of respiratory failure has yet to be proven. In addition to the lack of data on long-term benefits, there are currently no validated criteria for starting NIV.

Outcome studies of CF patients on NIV

Survival: There are no pediatric studies that report mortality after starting NIV. Case reports and series describe the use of NIV in adult CF patients in chronic respiratory failure as a bridge to transplant, thereby improving survival once lung transplantation occurs,Citation72,Citation73,Citation75 but few studies are available for children. One case series of 150 children who underwent lung transplantation between 2002 and 2015 identified 6 patients who used NIV just prior to transplant and survived post-transplant.Citation39 Furthermore, the effect on long-term survival of starting NIV at an earlier stage of the disease has not been studied in pediatric patients. In contrast, invasive ventilation showed an unweighted average mortality of 67% for children, with the rate increasing with advancing age such that in adults, 3 of 4 patients invasively ventilated would perish.Citation78 As such, any decision to invasively ventilate a child with CF for respiratory failure requires careful consideration.

Gas exchange: While ventilation/perfusion mismatch from chronic lung disease is the major source of hypoxemia in those with CF,Citation79 hypoventilation may also play a role. Potential mechanisms responsible for this may include respiratory muscle weakness, poor chest wall elasticity, central nervous system depression secondary to the use of narcotics for pain and sleep-disordered breathing.Citation80 During sleep, Tepper et al. found that there were significant gas exchange abnormalities with hypoxemia and hypercarbia in 6 adolescents with moderate to severe CF. These abnormalities were most pronounced during REM sleep, associated with a 26% decrease in tidal volume. The authors hypothesize that tonic inhibition of the respiratory muscles during sleep prevents patients from maintaining the extra work of breathing they would usually employ to maintain gas exchange while they are awake.Citation79–81 Another study of overnight gas exchange in pediatric patients maintained on nocturnal NIV showed that 42% of patients, without evidence of sleep-disordered breathing, were hypercapneic during sleep, as measured by a transcutaneous PCO2 device. This nocturnal hypercapnia was not associated with nocturnal hypoxemia or abnormal daytime blood gases in one third of the patients.Citation17 NIV unloads the respiratory muscles in CF patients with a comparable level of lung function,Citation47 which supports its use even in patients with only moderate hypercapnia. Patient comfort in using NIV has been shown to correlate with unloading of the respiratory muscles.Citation43 A recent Cochrane review on the topic of NIV for those with CF concluded that, in patients with moderate to severe disease, noninvasive ventilation, in addition to oxygen, may improve gas exchange more than oxygen alone.Citation82

Airway clearance: Recent guidelines suggest that NIV should be used for airway clearance if the patient has respiratory muscle weakness or fatigue, if desaturations happen during airway clearance maneuvers or if the patient has difficulty clearing secretions with other techniques.Citation83 A more extensive discussion of airway clearance for children on HMV is provided elsewhere in this guideline. (See Section 4: Airway Clearance)

Quality of life, symptoms and function: There are no pediatric studies that specifically address quality of life after initiation of NIV in patients with CF. One trial in adults demonstrated no change in daytime Epworth sleepiness scores, but there was improvement in dyspnea scores relative to being on room air alone.Citation76 With respect to symptoms and function, a case series of 7 children and young adults with end-stage CF (age 9–30years) showed that nocturnal nasal bilevel intermittent positive pressure ventilation improved sleep quality and the capacity to perform activities of daily living.Citation49

Pulmonary Function: There are conflicting reports regarding the pulmonary function outcome of CF patients treated with NIV. Efrati et al. reported on NIV used in 9 CF patients (age range 15–40) with end-stage lung disease for a mean duration of 8 months and demonstrated positive effects on BMI, blood pH, PaCO2, and bicarbonate levels, but no effect on pulmonary function.Citation84 No significant change in lung function was observed after 6 weeks of NIV in a randomized controlled trial of 8 adult patients with CF.Citation76 However, a study using the French national registry compared the decline of lung function in patients who were started on NIV against a group who were not and demonstrated a significantly greater decline in lung function among patients during the year prior to the start of NIV than in the matched control group. The reduction in lung function was not different between the 2 groups 1 year after the start of NIV, suggesting that NIV may stabilize lung function decline.Citation43 More recently, Flight et al. studied 48 patients, most of whom were adults, who were treated with long-term NIV at a single center over the past 2 decades. Seventy-three percent of patients displayed either an improvement in Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second (FEV1) following initiation of NIV or a reduction in the rate of decline in FEV1. “Responders” were more likely to be male and have a significantly lower FEV1% predicted at NIV initiation and had an increased rate of FEV1 decline prior to starting NIV.Citation85 This lung function “maintenance” effect appeared to be preserved up to 3 years post-NIV initiation.

Initiation of noninvasive ventilation

Criteria for initiating NIV in CF patients are variable and currently there are no consensus recommendations. In the absence of high-level evidence, NIV in patients with stable CF is therefore approached on an individual basis. Severe hypercapnia during an acute exacerbation, persistent hypercapnia, stable diurnal hypercapnia, FEV1 < 25–30% of predicted, clinical symptoms of sleep disturbance and nocturnal desaturation were all considerations in the survey conducted by Fauroux et al. in France.Citation43 Pulmonary exacerbation was the most common criterion to initiate NIV, followed by stable persistent diurnal hypercapnia.Citation43 Bridging to lung transplantation is not a universal indication for the start of NIV, though in 1994, Padman reported on their single center’s experience in starting NIV in 4 CF patients (age 4–21) during an acute deterioration of their chronic respiratory failure and all 4 patients survived to lung transplantation.Citation49

Mode of ventilation

Both pressure-controlled and volume-controlled modes are used equally in pediatrics. Pressure-targeted, pressure support, volume-targeted and volume support modes are now all available options on contemporary ventilators. Fauroux et al.Citation47 found that both pressure- and volume-controlled modes resulted in greater patient comfort, decreased inspiratory muscle effort and work of breathing, as well as gas exchange in awake patients with CF and chronic respiratory failure. Initial studies in CF used volume-targeted devices, but this can result in high inspiratory airway pressures that lead to discomfort, and some suggest pressure support is the more preferred “physiologic” mode. Fauroux et al. also compared a clinical noninvasive method (pulse oximetry, respiratory rate, patient comfort) of titrating noninvasive pressure support ventilation with a more invasive method (electro-myogram, gastro-esophageal pressure catheter measurements) in 10 pediatric patients with CF, and found that the noninvasive method was as effective at unloading the respiratory muscles and improving gas exchange as a more invasive approach. Adjustments to the ventilator made based on invasive measurements were, however, found to improve patient-ventilator synchrony and comfort.Citation45

Research questions

  1. What are the indications, or best physiologic indicators or tests to predict the need for initiation of NIV in CF?

  2. What are the long-term outcomes of NIV in CF patients?

  3. What follow-up (i.e., overnight monitoring, polysomnogram, measurement of gas exchange, invasive vs. noninvasive measures) is required to ensure adequacy and efficacy?

Recommendations for long-term mechanical ventilation at home in chronic lung disease

  1. Consider tracheostomy and HMV in children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia with stable pressure settings that are achievable with a home ventilator, an FiO2 < 0.4 and children who are otherwise medically stable, demonstrating stable growth, and can be safely transported. (Grade 1C)

  2. Children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia who are being considered for home ventilation should be discharged with a tracheostomy + ventilator (rather than NIV). Adequacy of ventilation should be determined before discharge based on work of breathing and optimal gas exchange as measured through capillary blood gase, pulse oximetry and end tidal CO2 monitoring. (Grade 1C)

  3. Weaning of home ventilation should be considered once oxygen saturations are consistently >95% and the child is demonstrating growth and health stability. (Grade 1C)

  4. Home NIV should be considered in cystic fibrosis patients who have evidence of any of the following: sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), hypercapnia, nocturnal desaturations, increased work of breathing, poor exercise tolerance, and a decline in FEV1 to below <30% predicted. (Grade 1C)

  5. Efficacy of NIV in a cystic fibrosis patient can be evaluated by blood gases, nocturnal oximetry, PSG, exercise tolerance, patient comfort and quality of life. (Grade 1C)

  6. Consider tracheostomy and HMV in children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia with stable pressure settings that are achievable with a home ventilator, an FiO2 < 0.4 and children who are otherwise medically stable, demonstrating stable growth, and can be safely transported. (Grade 1C)

  7. Children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia who are being considered for home ventilation should be discharged with a tracheostomy + ventilator (rather than NIV). Adequacy of ventilation should be determined before discharge based on work of breathing and optimal gas exchange as measured through capillary blood gase, pulse oximetry, and end tidal CO2 monitoring. (Grade 1C)

  8. Weaning of home ventilation should be cosidered once oxygen saturations are consistently >95% and the child is demonstrating growth and health stability. (Grade 1C)

  9. Home NIV should be considered in cystic fibrosis patients who have evidence of any of the following: sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), hypercapnia, nocturnal desaturations, increased work of breathing, poor exercise tolerance and a decline in FEV1 to below <30% predicted. (Grade 1C)

  10. Efficacy of NIV in a cystic fibrosis patient can be evaluated by blood gases, nocturnal oximetry, PSG, exercise tolerance, patient comfort and quality of life. (Grade 1C)


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