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Canadian Tuberculosis Standards - 8th Edition

Chapter 15: Monitoring tuberculosis program performance

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  • Program performance monitoring provides evidence of the quality and value of the services that tuberculosis (TB) programs provide.

  • All TB programs in Canada are encouraged to monitor the same core indicators of performance using the definitions and suggested targets provided.

  • This framework should be considered a minimum standard for monitoring Canadian TB programs; jurisdictions are encouraged to monitor additional indicators relevant to the populations served.

  • Assessment against targets produces quantitative measures of performance, which are useful to reallocate efforts and resources.

  • Program performance monitoring should be annual, with summaries made available to TB programs and other relevant stakeholders, as well as the public.

  • Program performance monitoring requires adequate human resources dedicated to data collection, validation and analyses processes.

  • Interpretation of monitoring results should be performed in close collaboration with the physician/nursing leads to ensure clinically relevant judgments are properly considered.

  • Solutions to programmatic underperformance should be collaborative, involving members of TB-affected communities, select population groups, and relevant stakeholders.

  • TB programs should monitor their capacity to provide patient-centered care and favorably influence long-term outcomes, which, among other program staff, is dependent on having dedicated support of a social worker.

1. Introduction

This new chapter of the Canadian TB Standards (the Standards) is focused on the role of program performance monitoring in the era of TB elimination. This chapter describes a program performance monitoring framework as part of the Standards to measure the value, quality and impact of services provided by TB programs across Canada.Citation1,Citation2 In addition to frontline staff of TB programs, the intended audience for this chapter includes TB program managers, health policy leaders and physician/nursing leads.

2. Background

In 2014, after the full endorsement of its member states through a World Health Assembly resolution, the World Health Organization (WHO) began promoting the new End TB Strategy as the global approach to eliminating TB.Citation3 This strategy outlines three major pillars: the provision of high-quality, patient-centered prevention and care (Pillar 1); increased political will, and sustained resources for bold action (Pillar 2); and research and innovation (Pillar 3).Citation4 Implementation of these pillars is meant to help achieve three targets by the year 2035: 1) reduce the number of new TB cases by 90% and 2) the number of TB-attributable deaths by 95%, both as compared to 2015; and 3) have no TB-affected families incurring catastrophic costs due to TB.Citation4

To evaluate national progress toward achieving these targets, systematic program performance monitoring is recommended as part of the End TB strategy and has been widely adopted internationally.Citation5–9 Canada is a signatory to the End TB Strategy and thus has an obligation to implement this recommendation. The purpose of such evaluations is to distinguish programs that promote health and prevent disease from those that do not.Citation10 In turn, monitoring generates information that can be used to judge the quality and value of public health programs, like TB services.Citation11 An appropriately designed program performance monitoring framework should document progress toward goals, identify areas for improvement and demonstrate the impact of resource investments.Citation12

Although the importance of TB program performance monitoring in Canada has been discussed for more than 20 years, notably by Health Canada, the pan-Canadian Public Health Network and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, a national framework does not yet exist.Citation13–17 In the same period, a substantial reduction in cases has not been achieved, with the overall annual incidence of TB in Canada remaining flat for 16 years, as in (see Chapter 1: Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Canada).

Figure 1. Actual incidence of TB in Canada.

Actual incidence: Reported cases from the Notifiable diseases on-line (PHAC)Citation20 1924 to 2019 in Canada

1997 target: 5% annual reduction in casesCitation21

2006 target: Reach a target incidence of 3.6 by 2015. A linear relationship was plotted and extended beyond the 2015 goal.Citation22

2015 target: Reduce new incident cases by 90% in 2035 as compared to 2015.Citation4 Note that these case numbers are for Canada overall and differ for select populations within Canada.

Figure 1. Actual incidence of TB in Canada.Actual incidence: Reported cases from the Notifiable diseases on-line (PHAC)Citation20 1924 to 2019 in Canada1997 target: 5% annual reduction in casesCitation212006 target: Reach a target incidence of 3.6 by 2015. A linear relationship was plotted and extended beyond the 2015 goal.Citation222015 target: Reduce new incident cases by 90% in 2035 as compared to 2015.Citation4 Note that these case numbers are for Canada overall and differ for select populations within Canada.

Meanwhile, performance indicators have been adopted in other settings to assess regional and national TB prevention and care services. For example, 1 study from the United States showed marked improvements in outcomes within local health regions that actively monitored and evaluated performance relative to those that passively collected data.Citation18 In England, where a national standard of performance indicators exists, research has contributed to recommendations for new indicators to improve the overall quality and value of TB services within the context of elimination.Citation19 In sum, program performance monitoring has been successful elsewhere, and this chapter provides recommendations for use by TB programs in Canada.

3. Design and limitations of a performance monitoring framework

In 2018, the National Collaborating Center for Infectious Diseases conducted a scoping review, compiling reports and TB program performance indicators from 25 distinct programs in other low-incidence countries and regions as well as for 3 TB-affected population groups in Canada: First Nations, Inuit and foreign-born populations. Analysis of these documents led to a list of 105 program performance indicators with potential applicability to Canada. That same year, those indicators were discussed at a national meeting and ranked using a modified Delphi technique.Citation23,Citation24 The meeting concluded with expert consensus achieved on 8 core indicators of TB program performance relevant to the aforementioned priority populations.Citation17,Citation24

These eight core indicators were reviewed by all of the authors of this chapter with additions made during facilitated discussion to produce a more generalizable tool. The end result is a framework of twelve indicators (see ) that can be used to evaluate TB services across Canada.

Table 1. Indicators and related targets.

The resulting framework comprises program performance indicators (actions) that are largely pragmatic and judged to adhere to the following criteria: relevant, well-defined, reliable, technically feasible, practical and have a history of use elsewhere.Citation25 It is, however, not without limitation. For example, TB programs in provinces and territories that have a high proportion of foreign-born persons may ultimately perform well across most or all program performance indicators, but see limited reduction of incidence.Citation26,Citation27 This is because replenishment of the reservoir of TB infections may continually occur among those from high-TB-incidence nations.Citation28–31 (see Chapter 13: Tuberculosis Surveillance and Tuberculosis Testing and Treatment in Migrants). Implementing this framework will require dedicated human resources with requisite qualifications to properly compile and report these data. This investment is justified, as program performance monitoring produces valuable information for programmatic improvement, strengthens program management activities, improves accountability and generates evidence of the value of TB services.Citation11,Citation18,Citation32

4. Core program performance indicators

This program performance monitoring framework includes 12 indicators, with accompanying targets. In the absence of preexisting national data, targets were set to strike a balance between being achievable and motivational based on expert guidance. Future iterations of this nationally applicable framework should adjust these targets based on actual performance.

Overall, this initial performance monitoring framework focuses on the management of patients with smear-positive pulmonary TB and their contacts, as these groups are considered the highest priorities for optimal program performance. Indicators are grouped according to the following goals/objectives.

4.1. Elimination

The goals for pre-elimination and elimination are set in Canada’s international commitments and programs should be monitoring their own year-on-year progress toward meeting them. The pre-elimination target for low-incidence settings is an active case rate of 10/1,000,000 population by 2035, while the elimination target is 1/1,000,000 population by 2050 at the national level. Progress toward elimination depends on achieving a rate of decline that aligns with those targets, but will be influenced by the local epidemiology of TB in the populations served by the program. As a result, the rate of decline will vary by the reporting program.

4.2. Objectives for examination of immigrants and refugees

Foreign-born persons contribute the highest absolute number and proportion (>70%) of TB cases in Canada, which creates pressure on the pace of decline that can be achieved domestically. Therefore, programs should give priority to managing Immigration Medical Exam referrals (see Chapter 13: Tuberculosis Surveillance and Tuberculosis Testing and Treatment in Migrants).Citation26,Citation33

4.3. Objectives for case management and treatment

Timely diagnosis of, and effective treatment initiation in, people with pulmonary TB is paramount in preventing the transmission of TB, and to prevent further morbidity and mortality for these individuals. Maximizing successful treatment (cure or treatment completed) while minimizing unsuccessful treatment outcomes (TB-related death, treatment non-completion loss to follow-up) are key outcomes. In addition, the psycho-social and behavioral needs of people affected by TB may influence local epidemiology and individual outcomes. Addressing these issues is central to the program’s ability to provide patient-centered care (see Chapter 5: Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease).

4.4. Objectives for contact management

Preventing the reactivation of latent TB infections is an equally crucial component of TB elimination, particularly for priority contacts — that is, close contacts of persons with smear-positive, pulmonary TB (see Chapter 11: Tuberculosis Contact Investigation and Outbreak Management).

The calculations for each indicator tabulate the number of times the action was completed out of the number of times it was applicable, displayed as a proportion.Citation34 These proportions are then compared quantitatively to defined targets. Definitions of these actions and targets are provided in , while methods for analysis and reporting are provided in .

5. Analytic and action strategies

describes how to measure and analyze performance of TB programs based on the indicators in this framework. This analytic strategy is separate from the clinical care of patients, which is covered in other chapters of these standards.

5.1. Reporting schedule

Performance monitoring will be achieved by completing reports on the indicators presented here, according to the formulas provided in . Program performance indicators for the immediate past calendar year should be reported in February or March of the current year, except for treatment outcomes of all patients diagnosed with TB disease in the previous calendar year, which can be reported only a full year after. Annual program performance reports should be discussed with appropriate local public health representatives and community partners to ensure accountability, determine whether and how actions should be changed to improve outcomes and contextualize the information in a culturally-safe manner.Citation35 Program managers (leads) are best positioned to implement change. This makes it crucial that program managers oversee the process and develop a mechanism to properly engage stakeholder groups.Citation36 Annual summary reports should be published online to promote transparency and contribute to benchmarking efforts across the country.

Implementation of this program performance monitoring framework includes the completion of annual reports (to assess local performance over time) that are consistent across jurisdictions (to assess relative performance). Timely completion and sharing of these reports will help minimize delays in making program improvements. TB programs should allocate adequate human resources for data collection and validation to monitor these indicators. Validation should be performed in close collaboration with the physician/nursing leads and relevant community partners.

5.2. Recommended demographic, clinical and social variables

It is recommended that data be analyzed by age, sex/gender and population group to maintain a focus on where there is greatest need for TB services and care and where inequities can be mitigated. These levels of disaggregation align with international and Canadian standards for sex- and gender-based analysis of health data.Citation37–41 Depending on local decisions for programs to collect or link with other data, analyses can also include other significant social strata of risk, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status, persons experiencing homelessness, persons with limited labor participation and/or high-risk occupations and persons currently or recently incarcerated.

5.3. Role of social work in addressing patient and client needs

Responses to TB-associated social risk factors should be addressed by a dedicated TB-program social worker; the ability of programs to do this should be monitored. Among communicable infectious diseases, TB in particular illustrates how structural barriers imposed by racism, classism and colonialism in Canada require political commitment to make health systems available and accessible to all (see Chapter 12: An Introductory Guide to Tuberculosis Care Serving Indigenous Peoples and Chapter 13: Tuberculosis Surveillance and Tuberculosis Testing and Treatment in Migrants).Citation42,Citation43 At the same time, psycho-social, behavioral and biological considerations complicate TB disease and its management (eg, substance use disorders, contact network structures, HIV/AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), diabetes, undernutrition).Citation44–55 Because the specific tasks of the dedicated TB-program social worker may vary, programs can assess the impact of this support in various ways, including: 1) reporting the proportion of patients connected to a primary care provider by the end of TB care; 2) reporting the proportion of patients experiencing homelessness who are adequately housed by the end of TB care; and 3) assessing housing conditions among patients with infectious TB.

6. Summary

In a federation, meeting the challenge of TB elimination is made more difficult by inherent differences in the delivery of health services across the country. Accordingly, each province and territory contributes parts of what, in sum, constitutes the national response. Every person with active TB in Canada matters, and by committing to the aspirational End TB targets, there is a recognition that every prevented case counts more than ever. The purpose of this chapter is to encourage TB program leads and staff to provide evidence to communities, the public at large, health authorities and governments of progress toward desired outcomes. The core program performance indicators described in this chapter are considered the minimum standard for all programs.

Disclosure statement

The CTS TB Standards editors and authors declared potential conflicts of interest at the time of appointment and these were updated throughout the process in accordance with the CTS Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy. Individual member conflict of interest statements are posted on the CTS website.


The 8th edition Canadian Tuberculosis Standards are jointly funded by the Canadian Thoracic Society (CTS) and the Public Health Agency of Canada, edited by the CTS and published by the CTS in collaboration with AMMI Canada. However, it is important to note that the clinical recommendations in the Standards are those of the CTS. The CTS TB Standards editors and authors are accountable to the CTS CRGC and the CTS Board of Directors. The CTS TB Standards editors and authors are functionally and editorially independent from any funding sources and did not receive any direct funding from external sources.

The CTS receives unrestricted grants which are combined into a central operating account to facilitate the knowledge translation activities of the CTS Assemblies and its guideline and standards panels. No corporate funders played any role in the collection, review, analysis or interpretation of the scientific literature or in any decisions regarding the recommendations presented in this document


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Appendix 1:

Monitoring tuberculosis program performance

The framework for monitoring tuberculosis program performance outlined in Chapter 15 consists of 12 program performance indicators; a rationale for each is provided below along with international and national history of use or recommendation precedents. As in the text, in 2018, the National Collaborating Center for Infectious Diseases performed a scoping review of TB program performance indicators in epidemiologically similar settings (high-income, low-TB incidence) coupled with general global recommendations. Indicators were selected from this review. As shown in the following data, more recent recommendations and strategies have been reviewed in preparation of this chapter for a history of use. This list of prior use/recommendation is representative, and not exhaustive.

Table 2. Calculating and presenting TB program performance indicators.

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