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Research Article

Occurrence of the genus Oopristus Steffan in India with description of a new species and an updated catalogue of the family Torymidae Walker (1833) (Hymenoptera: chalcidoidea)

Pages 612-630 | Received 20 Feb 2023, Accepted 23 Apr 2024, Published online: 04 Jun 2024


The genus Oopristus Steffan is being reported for the first time from India. O. iqrae Usman and Anwar sp. nov. is described based on females. An updated catalogue to the family Torymidae is provided from India. This catalogue lists 75 valid species included in 21 genera and four subfamilies. The subfamily Podagrioninae includes the largest number of 34 species (6 genera) followed by Toryminae 28 species (7 genera), Monodontomerinae 10 species (6 genera), and Microdontomerinae 3 species (2 genera). New combinations are provided for two Indian species of Pseuderimerus as Erimerus corianderi (Narendran and Mercy) comb. nov. and E. indicus (Subba Rao and Bhatia) comb. nov. Three species, Chrysochalcissa physomeri Bouček, Diomorus orientalis Masi, and Torymus varians (Walker), are removed from the fauna list of India.

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Species LSID:

Oopristus iqrae Usman & Anwar



The wasps of the family Torymidae Walker (Citation1833) are mostly small and metallic in colour, and their females usually have long ovipositor Gibson (Citation1993). They are either parasitic or phytophagus or sometimes both, and are found in almost all habitat throughout the world Grissell (Citation1995). The family consists of 69 valid extant genera and more than 1100 described species (Grissell Citation1995; Janšta et al. Citation2017; Noyes Citation2019). The most comprehensive work on world Torymidae based on morphological features was provided by Grissell (Citation1995) in which he classified Torymidae into two subfamilies: (1) Megastigminae represented mostly by phytophagous (seed-feeders) and only a few entomophagous species, and (2) Toryminae with primarily entomophagous species. He further classified Toryminae into seven tribes viz. Chalcimerini, Microdontomerini, Monodontomerini, Palachiini, Podagrionini, Torymini, and Torymoidini. However, Janšta et al. (Citation2017) revised the family on molecular basis and proposed to elevate Toryminae and Megastigminae to family rank (namely Torymidae sensu stricto and Megastigmidae) and within Torymidae s.s., they recognized six subfamilies, viz. Monodontomerinae, Toryminae, Podagrioninae, Chalcimerinae, Glyphomerinae, and Microdontomerinae and four tribes: Palachiini, Torymoidini, Boucekinini, and Propalachiini.

The family is well studied in several zoogeographical ecozones including Palaearctic, Nearctic, Ethiopian, and Australasian however, revisionary work is extremely lacking for the Oriental fauna. Mani (Citation1989) and Narendran (Citation1994) provided the most recent revisionary work on the family Torymidae. Farooqi (Citation1986) catalogued Torymidae from India and adjacent countries. The other descriptive works on the family were provided by Narendran (Citation1984), Narendran and Girish Kumar (Citation2005), Narendran and Peter (Citation2009), Narendran and Razak (Citation2010), Narendran and Sureshan (Citation1988, Citation1996), Narendran et al. (Citation2005, Citation2006a, Citation2006b), Sureshan (Citation2003, Citation2007, Citation2010), and Sureshan and Narendran (Citation2002). Despite the fact that collection and description of torymid fauna has remained a routine work, the identification of taxa is difficult.

Hence, the present work compiles the available knowledge on the family Torymidae in light of latest classification. A new species belonging to the genus Oopristus Steffan is also described based on Indian material.


Collections were made using sweep nets in Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh, India. The materials were stored in 80% ethanol solution and mounted on rectangular cards for further studies. For a detailed study, antenna and a pair of wings were mounted on slides following Anwar et al. (Citation2020) and one hind leg was dissected and mounted on the same card with the body and head. Body colours and measurements were noted from the card mounts and measurements of antenna and wings were taken from slide mounts. All the measurements in mm. Photographs of card mounts were taken using a digital camera attached on a stereozoom binocular Nikon SMZ 1000 microscope. The photographs of the slide-mounted parts were taken with a Leica® DFC295 digital camera attached to a Leica® DM 2500 compound microscope. Photographic plates were prepared using Adobe Photoshop® 7.0. The terms mentioned in the text are as per Boucek (Citation1974), Grissell (Citation1995) and Lima and Dias (Citation2018).

The catalogue is prepared based on a survey of all the existing literature. The valid name of each species is included along with synonyms, type localities and type depositories. Significant citations were provided regarding taxonomic history and distribution of the species in different states of India. The genera and species are listed in alphabetical order. All the genera are listed in with their tribal and subfamilial position with number of species from India and the world.

Table I. Number of species in Indian genera from the world and India.

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Natural History Museum, Department of Entomology, London, UK.


Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde, Germany


Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India


Hope Department, Oxford University, Oxford, England


Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary


Institute für Pflanzenschutzforschung, Eberswalde, Germany


Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa, Italy


Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland


Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France


Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria


Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden


National Pusa Collection, Division of Entomology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India.


Queensland Museum, South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. C. Burwell.


Saint John’s College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India.


University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka.


National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, District of Columbia, USA.


Insect Collections Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, India.


AOL, anterior-ocular length; ceh, compound eye height; cew, compound eye width; F, antennal flagellomere; GT, gastral or metasomal tergite; mls, malar space; MOD, median ocellar diameter; MT, Malaise trap; OCL, ocular-occipit length; OOL, ocello-ocular length; PMV, postmarginal vein of fore wing; POL, post-ocellar length; psa, parascrobal area; sh, scrobe height; SN, Sweep net; STV, stigmal vein; sw, scrobe width.



Steffan (Citation1968) erected the genus Oopristus with O. safavii Steffan its type species. Later, Bouček (Citation1978) transferred Chalcis turkestanica Skriptshinsky (Citation1929) to Oopristus as O. turkestanicus, and synonymised O. safavii Steffan under it. Tarla et al. (Citation2010) added two species to the genus from Turkey, and provided a detailed diagnosis, distribution and a key to three species. Bouček (Citation1978) reported the genus from Oriental region which was also mentioned in catalogs of Narendran (Citation1994), and Grissell (Citation1995). We here report the genus Oopristus for the first time from India and describe a new species O. iqrae sp. nov.

Oopristus iqrae Usman and Anwar sp. nov.

(parts 1 and 2)

Figures 1, 2. Oopristus iqrae Usman and Anwar sp. nov. holotype, female. 1 habitus, lateral view, 2 habitus, dorsal view.

Figures 1, 2. Oopristus iqrae Usman and Anwar sp. nov. holotype, female. 1 habitus, lateral view, 2 habitus, dorsal view.

Type material

Female holotype. INDIA: UTTAR PRADESH: Aligarh, 22.x.2013 (SN), Coll. S.K. Ahmad (ZDAMU, body, dissected one hind leg on same card; a pair of fore wing and both the antenna on a slide under 2 coverslips, slide No. HYM.CHAL.45). Paratypes 2 females. INDIA: UTTAR PRADESH: Aligarh, 15.ix.2022 (SN), Coll. P.T. Anwar (ZDAMU).


Oopristus iqrae Usman and Anwar sp. nov. has long and exserted ovipositor while all the other previously described species from other parts of the world have short and barely exserted ovipositor. The other unique characters that can be used to diagnose this species are as follows: antenna with F1–F5 subequal in length and shorter than succeeding funicular segments; F7 the longest; clava 2× as long as broad, longer than F6–F8 combined; fore wing 2.2× as long as broad; STV longer than broad; metafemur 1.6× as long as broad, with 8 ventral teeth; tooth-1 separated from tooth-2 by a wide gap; tooth-2 robust; tooth-7 the smallest, tooth-8 pointed, and subequal to tooth-2; ovipositor distinctly exserted, exserted part of ovipositor 1.1× as long as gaster and 1.8× as long as metatibia.


Female (holotype)


(, parts 1, 2). Head metallic blue with setae pale and mouth parts yellow; mandibles brown. Antenna largely yellow except outer margins of pedicel, and clava yellowish brown; ocelli mustard yellow. Mesosoma metallic blue with green reflection. Gaster metallic blue with T1 and hypopygia brown. Fore and mid leg with femur in basal two-third brown, rest pale yellow; hind leg with femur metallic blue except apex pale yellow, tibia brown, tarsi pale yellow. All coxa metallic blue.


(, part 3, 4). Head 1.2× as broad as high, wider than mesoscutum; setae on face and eyes pale white, more dense below toruli (, part 3); POL 4× OOL and 1.8× MOD; scrobe 2× as wide as parascrobal area (, part 4); eyes 1.4× as long as broad; malar space 0.5× eye length, longer than all funicular segments individually except F2. Measurements (mm): head width:height:length, 0.8:0.6:0.2; AOL, 0.09; MOD, 0.08; OCL, 0.08; OOL, 0.03; POL, 0.16; sh, 0.25; sw, 0.12; psa, 0.12; ceh, 0.4; cew, 0.3; mls, 0.2.

Figures 3–9. Oopristus iqrae Usman and Anwar sp. nov. holotype, female. 3 head, frontal view, 4 head, dorsal, view, 5 hing leg, in part arrow indicate ventral tooth-1, 6 antenna, 7 fore wing, 8 part of fore wing enlarged, arrow indicates coeloconic sensilla, 9 part of fore wing enlarged, arrow indicates coeloconic sensilla. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.

Figures 3–9. Oopristus iqrae Usman and Anwar sp. nov. holotype, female. 3 head, frontal view, 4 head, dorsal, view, 5 hing leg, in part arrow indicate ventral tooth-1, 6 antenna, 7 fore wing, 8 part of fore wing enlarged, arrow indicates coeloconic sensilla, 9 part of fore wing enlarged, arrow indicates coeloconic sensilla. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.

Antenna (, part 6)

Scape 3.6× as long as broad, pedicel longer than all funicular segments individually, annellus 0.2× as long as broad; F1 with 8 linear sensilla; F8 the longest; clava 2× as long as broad, longer than F6–F8 combined. Measurements (mm): antennal segments length:width — radicle, 0.04:0.04; scape, 0.21:0.06; pedicel, 0.06:0.06; annellus, 0.01:0.05; F1, 0.04:0.08; F2, 0.04:0.09; F3, 0.04:0.09; F4, 0.04:0.08; F5, 0.04:0.09; F6, 0.05:0.09; F7, 0.05:0.1; clava, 0.18:0.09.

Mesosoma (, part 2)

Mesosoma longer than gaster, finely punctuate and slightly convex, 1.2× as long as broad (, part 1); setae less dense and pale white; pronotum 4× as broad as long. Fore wing broad, 2.2× as long as broad, uniformly setose in apical half (, part 7); submarginal vein with three coeloconic sensilla positioned in obtuse angle (, part 8); STV longer than broad with four coeloconic sensilla (uncus) (, part 9). Hind wing 5× as long as broad. Hind leg with coxa and femur finely reticulate; coxa 1.9× as long as broad; femur 1.6× as long as broad, with 8 ventral teeth; tooth-1 separated from tooth-2 by a wide gap; tooth-2 robust; tooth-7 the smallest, tooth-8 pointed, subequal to tooth-2 (, part 5). Measurements (mm): mesosoma length:width, 0.9:0.7; pronotum, 0.14:0.6; mesoscutum, 0.4:0.7; scutellum, 0.4; fore wing length:width, 1.5:0.7; hind wing length:width, 1.2:0.3; metacoxa, 0.5:0.26; metafemur, 0.6:0.4; metatibia, 0.6; metatarsus, 0.6.

Metasoma (, parts 1, 2)

Gaster longer than broad; GT1 as long as wide, covering less than half of the entire gaster and, incised posteriomedially, wider than all succeeding gasteral terga; sides of GT3 in apical half setose rest smooth; exserted part of ovipositor 1.1× as long as gaster and 1.8× as long as metatibia. Measurements (mm): gaster, 0.9; ovipositor exserted, 1.



Host. Unknown.

Distribution. India: Uttar Pradesh.

Etymology. The species is named after Dr. Syeda Iqra Usman sister of the second author.


Family Torymidae consists of 69 valid extant genera and more than 1100 described species (Grissell Citation1995; Janšta et al. Citation2017). Majority of the genera (about 75%) are represented by less than 10 species. The Indian catalogue lists 75 valid species included in 21 genera and four subfamilies. The subfamily Podagrioninae includes the largest number of 34 species (6 genera) followed by Toryminae with 28 species (7 genera), Monodontomerinae with 10 species (6 genera), and Microdontomerinae with 3 species (2 genera). Janšta et al. (Citation2017) synonymised Pseuderimerus with Erimerus hence, the two Indian species of Pseuderimerus are placed under Erimerus as E. corianderi (Narendran and Mercy) comb. nov. and E. indicus (Subba Rao and Bhatia), comb. nov. Three species, Chrysochalcissa physomeri Bouček, Diomorus orientalis Masi and Torymus varians (Walker) are removed from the Indian fauna list as there are no relevant literature record found that includes these three species in India. All the genera are listed in with their tribal and subfamilial position which also includes the number of species from India and the world.

Family TORYMIDAE Walker

Torymidae Walker, Citation1833: 115. Type genus Torymus Dalman.


Amoturoides breviscapus Girault, Citation1932: 2 (unnumbered pages). Type species Amoturoides breviscapus Girault, by monotypy.

Important reference. Bouček (Citation1978); Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Amoturoides breviscapus Girault

Amoturoides breviscapus Girault, Citation1932: 2 (unnumbered pages), female. Lectotype female (QMBA), designated by Bouček, Citation1978: 123. Australia (Queensland).

Amoturoides breviscapus Girault: Bouček, Citation1988 (India, Karnataka, record). Narendran, Citation1994: 51 (diagnosis). Grissell, Citation1995: 180 (catalogue).

Indian hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Karnataka.


Anneckeida Bouček, Citation1978: 111. Type species Anneckeida watshami Boucek, by original designation.

Important reference. Bouček (Citation1978); Grissell (Citation1995).

Anneckeida angustifrons Bouček

Anneckeida angustifrons Bouček, Citation1978: 114–115, female. Holotype female (BPBM), Thailand.

Anneckeida angustifrons Bouček: Sureshan, Citation1997: 173 (female, India, record).

Indian hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Karnataka.

Anneckeida indica Sureshan & Narendran

Anneckeida indica Sureshan & Narendran, Citation1996: 257, female, male. Holotype female (ZSIC), India (Kerala).

Indian hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Kerala.


Chrysochalcissa Girault, Citation1915: 327. Type species Chrysochalcissa olivacea Girault, by original designation and monotypy.

Important reference. Bouček (Citation1978); Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Chrysochalcissa indica Narendran

Chrysochalcissa indica Narendran, Citation1994: 55, female. Holotype female (QMBA), India (Tamil Nadu).

Chrysochalcissa indica Narendran: Bouček, Citation1978: 109 (comments on identification of C. physomeri Bouček). Farooqi, Citation1986: 261 (catalogue C. physomeri Bouček from India). Grissell, Citation1995: 182 (catalogue).

Indian hosts: Physomerus sp.

Distribution: Tamil Nadu, West Bengal.

Chrysochalcissa oviceps Bouček

Chrysochalcissa oviceps Bouček, Citation1978: 109, female. Holotype female (BMNH), Myanmar (Burma).

Chrysochalcissa oviceps Bouček: Grissell, Citation1995: 182 (catalogue). Mohan et al. Citation2001: 138 (new host, new record, India); Gupta & Veenakumari, Citation2011: 149 (Karnataka, record).

Indian hosts

Phoenicocoris rostratus (Knight, 1923) (Heteroptera: Miridae).

Distribution. Karnataka, Kerala.


Diomorus Walker, Citation1834: 159. Type species Diomorus nobilis Walker (= armatus Boheman), by monotypy.

Dihomerus Sculz, Citation1906: 148. Unjustified emendation.

Important reference. Bouček (Citation1978); Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Diomorus calcaratus (Nees)

Torymus calcaratus Nees, Citation1834: 69, male. Type lost. Austria.

[for detailed synonymy see Grissell, Citation1995: 184]

Diomorus calcaratus (Nees): Narendran, Citation1994: 24, 25 (key, India record). Grissell, Citation1995: 184 (catalogue).

Indian hosts

Reared from Sphecidae (Hymenoptera) on oak galls.

Distribution. Karnataka, Kerala.

Diomorus indicus Ahmad

Diomorus indicus Ahmad, Citation1946: 6, female, male. Holotype female (NPC), India (Bihar).

Diomorus indicus Ahmad: Mani & Kaul, Citation1972: 316 (Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand record as D. orientalis Masi). Farooqi, Citation1986: 261 (list). Narendran & Sureshan, Citation1989: (Kerala, record as D. orientalis Masi). Narendran, Citation1994: 24, 26 (key, diagnosis). Grissell, Citation1995, 185 (catalogue). Kazmi & Chauhan, Citation2003: 269 (diagnosis, host record, comments on D. orientalis Masi (=indicus)). Narendran et al. Citation2005: 111, 120 (list under Torymus as T. indicus Ahmad (= orientalis Masi), key under Torymus). Narendran & Girish Kumar, Citation2005: 1805 (list under Torymus as T. indicus Ahmad (= orientalis Masi)). Narendran & Razak, Citation2010: 150 (list under Torymus).

Indian hosts

Larva in Poinciana pulcherrima Stem (Fabaceae); larva of Sphecidae; Hypsipyla robusta (Moore) (Pyralidae).

Distribution. Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Uttarakhand.


Ecdamua Walker, Citation1862: 387. Type species Ecdamua macrotelus Walker, by monotypy.

Monodontomerella Girault, Citation1925: 98. Type species Monodontomerella longipilum Girault, by monotypy. Synonymy by Bouček, Citation1988: 147.

Important reference. Bouček (Citation1988); Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995); Sureshan (Citation2010).

Ecdamua indica Walker

Ecdamua indica Walker, Citation1871a: 35, female. Lectotype, female (BMNH), India (Maharashtra).

Ecdamua indica Walker: Narendran, Citation1994: 20 (redescription). Grissell, Citation1995: 188 (catalogue). Sureshan, Citation2010: 106 (key).

[for detailed synonymy see Grissell, Citation1995: 188]

Indian hosts

Aculeate Hymenoptera (Narendran, Citation1994: 20).

Distribution. Bihar, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh.

Ecdamua lehensis Sureshan

Ecdamua lehensis Sureshan Citation2010: 104, female. Holotype, female (ZSCI), India (Ladakh).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Ladakh.


Erimerus Crawford, Citation1914: 123. Type species Torymus wickhami Ashmead, by monotypy.

Lochitimorpha von Szelényi, Citation1957: 382. Type species Lochitimorpha semiaenea Szelényi, by monotypy.

Liodontomerus (Lochitimorpha) Szelényi: Bouček, Citation1988: 190 (synonymized Lochitimorpha and treated it as a subgenus of Liodontomerus).

Lochitimorpha Szelényi: Grissell, Citation1995: 90 (synonymized Lochitimorpha under Pseuderimerus).

Pseuderimerus Gahan, Citation1919: 124. Type species Pseuderimerus mayetiolae Gahan, by monotypy. Synonymy under Erimerus by Janšta et al. Citation2017: 17.

Important reference. Bouček (Citation1988); Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995); Sureshan (Citation2010); Doğanlar (Citation2016); Janšta et al. (Citation2017).

Erimerus corianderi (Narendran and Mercy) comb. nov.

Pseuderimerus corianderi Narendran and Ignatius (Citation2010), in Narendran et al. Citation2012: 51, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Rajasthan).

Indian hosts

Collected from coriander leaf.

Distribution. Rajasthan.

Erimerus indicus (Subba Rao and Bhatia) comb. nov.

Liodontomerus indicus Subba Rao & Bhatia Citation1962: 125, female. Holotype, female (NPC), India (New Delhi).

Liodontomerus indicus Subba Rao and Bhatia: Farooqi Citation1986: 263 (catalogue). Mani Citation1989: 145 (diagnosis). Narendran Citation1994: 43 (diagnosis).

Pseuderimerus indicus (Subba Rao and Bhatia): Grissell Citation1995: 91, 252 (combination under Pseuderimerus, catalogue). Narendran et al. Citation2012: 50, 53 (key, taxonomy).

Indian hosts. Systole albipennis Walker (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae); Aculeate Hymenoptera (Narendran Citation1994: 20).

Distribution. New Delhi.


Monodontomerus Westwood, 1833: 443. Type species Monodontomerus obscurus Westwood, by monotypy.

Paroligosthenus Cameron Citation1913: 94. Type species Paroligosthenus trichiopthalmus Cameron, by monotypy. Synonymy by Waterston Citation1922: 2.

Important reference. Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Monodontomerus aereus Walker

Monodontomerus aereus Walker, Citation1834: 158, female. Lectotype, female (BMNH), France.

Monodontomerus kashmiricus Narendran Citation1994: 37, female, male. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Jammu and Kashmir). Synonymy by Grissell Citation1995: 208.

[for detailed synonymy see Grissell Citation1995: 208.]

Indian host


Distribution. Jammu and Kashmir.

Monodontomerus lymantriae Narendran

Monodontomerus lymantriae Narendran Citation1994: 39, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Assam).

Monodontomerus lymantriae Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 214 (catalogue).

Indian hosts

Lymantria concolor Walker.

Distribution. Assam.

Monodontomerus obscurus Westwood

Monodontomerus obscurus Westwood, 1833: 443, female. Lectotype, female (HDOU) designated by Eady (Citation1959: 270), England.

Monodontomerus obscurus Westwood: Mani Citation1989: 146 (redescription). Narendran Citation1994: 37, 38 (key, diagnosis). Grissell Citation1995: 218 (catalogue).

[for detailed synonymy see Grissell Citation1995: 218.]

Indian hosts


Distribution. Assam, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand.


Odopoia Walker Citation1871a: 36. Type species Odopoia atra Walker, by monotypy.

[for detailed synonymy see Grissell Citation1995: 224.]

Important reference. Bouček (Citation1988); Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Odopoia reticulata Sureshan

Odopoia reticulata Sureshan Citation2007: 2788, female. Holotype, female (ZSCI), India (Odisha).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Odisha.


Oopristus Steffan Citation1968: 212. Type species Oopristus safavii Steffan, by original designation and monotypy.

Important reference. Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995); Tarla et al. (Citation2010).

Oopristus iqrae Usman and Anwar sp. nov.

Indian hosts


Distribution. Uttar Pradesh.

OPHIOPINOTUS Husain & Kudeshiag

Ophiopinotus Husain & Kudeshia Citation1987: 175. Type species Ophiopinotus pinotus Husain & Kudeshia, original designation and monotypy.

Important reference. Husain and Kudeshia (Citation1987); Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Ophiopinotus pinotus Husain and Kudeshia

Ophiopinotus pinotus Husain & Kudeshia Citation1987: 175, female. Holotype, female (Type depository unstated), ?India.

Ophiopinotus pinotus Husain and Kudeshia: Narendran Citation1994: 88 (comments); Grissell Citation1995: 225 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. ?India.


Palachia Boucek Citation1970: 39. Type species Palachia pulchra Bouček, by original designation and monotypy.

Important reference. Bouček (Citation1978); Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Palachia farooqii Bouček

Palachia farooqii Bouček, Citation1998: 227, female, male. Holotype, female (NPC), India (New Delhi).

[Palachia turneri Bouček: Farooqi et al. Citation1990: 50 (record, India, misidentification). Narendran Citation1994: 62 (not P. turneri).

Indian hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Karnataka, New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh. Nepal.

Palachia frontopuncta Narendran

Palachia frontopuncta Narendran, in Narendran & Peter Citation2009: 2, female, male. Holotype, female (NPC), India (Himachal Pradesh).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Himachal Pradesh.

Palachia grisselli Bouček

Palachia grisselli Bouček, Citation1998: 229, male. Holotype, male (USNM), India (Tamil Nadu).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Tamil Nadu.

Palachia hayati Narendran & Sureshan

Palachia hayati Narendran & Sureshan Citation1989: 45, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Uttar Pradesh).

Palachia indica Farooqi et al. Citation1990: 48, male. Holotype, male (NPC), India (Uttar Pradesh). Synonymy by Bouček, Citation1998: 231.

Palachia indica Farooqi, Husain & Ghai: Narendran Citation1994: 58, 62 (key, comments on its synonymy with any of the already described females). Grissell Citation1995: 226 (catalogue).

Palachia hayati Narendran & Sureshan: Grissell Citation1995: 226 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala, New Delhi, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh.

Palachia mangalae Narendran

Palachia mangalae Narendran Citation1984: 110, female, male. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Palachia mangalae Narendran Farooqi Citation1986: 267 (List). Narendran Citation1994: 58, 59 (key, diagnosis). Grissell Citation1995: 226 (catalogue). Bouček, Citation1998: 233–35 (diagnosis, figures, record).

Indian hosts

Mantis sp.

Distribution. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana.

Palachia neorobusta Narendran

Palachia neorobusta Narendran, in Narendran & Peter Citation2009: 4, female, male. Holotype, female (NPC), India (Uttar Pradesh).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Uttar Pradesh.

Palachia punctifronta Narendran & Sureshan

Palachia punctifronta Narendran & Sureshan Citation1989: 49, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Palachia punctifronta Narendran & Sureshan: Narendran Citation1994: 59, 61 (key, diagnosis). Grissell Citation1995: 226 (catalogue). Bouček, Citation1998: 234–36 (figures, diagnosis).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Palachia punctigastra Narendran & Sureshan

Palachia punctigastra Narendran & Sureshan Citation1989: 47, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Palachia punctigastra Narendran & Sureshan: Narendran Citation1994: 59, 61 (key, diagnosis, male record). Grissell Citation1995: 226 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Palachia robusta Bouček

Palachia robusta Bouček, Citation1998: 36, female. Holotype, female (BMNH), India (Telangana).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Telangana.


Palmon Dalman Citation1825: 388. Type species Palmon bellator Dalmon, by subsequent designation Gahan & Fagan Citation1923: 103. Reinstated as valid genus by Grissell Citation1995: 158.

Pachytomoides Girault Citation1913b: 140. Type species Pachytomoides mirus Girault, by original designation. Narendran Citation1994: 59 (valid genus). Synonymy by Grissell Citation1995: 158.

Important reference. Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995); Sureshan (Citation2003).

Palmon alfredi Sureshan

Palmon alfredi Sureshan Citation2003: 242, female. Holotype, female (ZSCI), India (Kerala).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Palmon greeni (Crawford)

Podagrion greeni Crawford Citation1912: 3, female, male. Syntypes (USNM), Ceylon (=Sri Lanka).

Pachytomoides hornianus Masi Citation1926: 176, female. Holotype, female (DEI), Taiwan. Synonymy by Narendran Citation1994: 84.

Podagrion ixion Fernando Citation1959: 96, female. Syntypes (UCCS), Ceylon (=Sri Lanka). Synonymy by Narendran Citation1994: 84. Grissell Citation1995: 227 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Andhra Pradesh.

Palmon kottiyooricus Narendran

Palmon kottiyooricus Narendran, in Narendran & Peter Citation2009: 7, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Palmon orchesticus (Masi)

Pachytomoides orchesticus Masi Citation1926: 264, female, male. Syntypes (lPAL and/or MCSN), Taiwan.

Podagrion idgo Fernando Citation1957: 16, female. Syntype, (UCCS), Ceylon (=Sri Lanka). Synonymy by Narendran Citation1994: 85.

Pachytomoides orchesticus Masi: Narendran Citation1994: 85 (Andhra Pradesh and Kerala, record).

Palmon orchesticus (Masi): Narendran Citation1994: 85 (Andhra Pradesh, record). Grissell Citation1995: 228 (catalogue). Sureshan Citation2007: 2789 (Odisha, record).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Odisha.

PODAGRIOMICRON Narendran and Mercy

Podagriomicron Narendran and Mercy, 2010: 43. Type species Podagriomicron wayanadense Narendran and Mercy, by original designation and monotypy.

Important reference. Narendran and Mercy (2010).

Podagriomicron wayanadense Narendran and Mercy

Podagriomicron wayanadense Narendran and Mercy, 2010: 39, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.


Podagrion Spinola Citation1811: 147. Type species Podagrion splendens Spinola by monotypy.

[for detailed synonymy see Grissell Citation1995: 161]

Important reference. Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995); Sureshan (Citation2003); Delvare (Citation2005).

Podagrion aligarhensis Narendran

Podagrion aligarhensis Narendran Citation1994: 74, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Uttar Pradesh).

Podagrion aligarhensis Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 234 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Uttar Pradesh.

Podagrion calopeplum Mani and Kaul

Podagrion calopeplum Mani & Kaul Citation1972: 317, female. Holotype, female (SJCA), India (West Bengal).

Podagrion calopeplum Mani and Kaul: Farooqi Citation1986: 270 (List). Mani Citation1989: 151 (redescription). Narendran Citation1994: 66, 77 (key, diagnosis, record). Grissell Citation1995: 235 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. West Bengal.

Podagrion chatterjeei Mani and Kaul

Podagrion chatterjeei Mani & Kaul Citation1972: 325, female. Holotype, female (SJCA), India (Uttar Pradesh).

Podagrion chatterjeei Mani and Kaul: Farooqi Citation1986: 270 (List). Mani Citation1989: 153 (redescription).Narendran Citation1994: 68, 79 (key, diagnosis, record). Grissell Citation1995: 236 (catalogue).

Indian hosts

Mantids, Dictyoptera.

Distribution. Uttar Pradesh.

Podagrion chichawatnensis Mani and Kaul

Podagrion chichawatnensis Mani & Kaul Citation1972: 322, male. Holotype, female (SJCA), India (Punjab).

Podagrion chichawatnensis Mani and Kaul: Farooqi Citation1986: 271 (List). Mani Citation1989: 155 (redescription).Narendran Citation1994: 69, 81 (listed in unplaced taxa in key, comments). Grissell Citation1995: 236 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Punjab.

Podagrion dalbergium Mani and Kaul

Podagrion dalbergium Mani & Kaul Citation1972: 323, female, male. Holotype, female (SJCA), India (Uttarakhand).

Podagrion dalbergium Mani and Kaul: Farooqi Citation1986: 271 (List). Mani Citation1989: 156 (redescription).Narendran Citation1994: 69, 78 (key, comments). Grissell Citation1995: 237 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand.

Podagrion dineni Narendran

Podagrion dineni Narendran Citation1994: 71, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Podagrion dineni Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 237 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Podagrion fulvipes (Holmgren)

Blephonira fulvipes Holmgren Citation1868: 438, female. Lectotype, female (NHRM), China.

Podagrion fulvipes (Holmgren): Narendran & Sureshan Citation1988: 44 (India record, redescription).Narendran Citation1994: 67, 76, 77 (key, diagnosis, record). Grissell Citation1995: 238 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala, Manipur.

Podagrion hayati Narendran

Podagrion hayati Narendran Citation1994: 74, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Uttar Pradesh).

Podagrion hayati Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 239 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Uttar Pradesh.

Podagrion indiensis Narendran

Podagrion indiensis Narendran Citation1994: 72, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Podagrion indiensis Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 239 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Podagrion keralensis Narendran

Podagrion keralensis Narendran Citation1994: 69, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Podagrion keralensis Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 240 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Podagrion malabarensis Narendran

Podagrion malabarensis Narendran Citation1994: 72, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Podagrion malabarensis Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 241 (catalogue).

Indian hosts

Mantid ootheca.

Distribution. Kerala.

Podagrion manii Narendran

Podagrion manii Narendran Citation1994: 70, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Podagrion manii Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 241 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Podagrion mantisiphagum (Mani)

Pachytomus mantisiphagus Mani Citation1936: 126, male. Holotype, male (ZSCI), India (Odisha).

Pachytomus mantisiphagus Mani: Pruthi & Mani Citation1940: 3 (list)

Podagrion mantisiphagum (Mani): Farooqi Citation1986: 271 (generic transfer). Narendran Citation1994: 69, 73, 74 (key, diagnosis, record). Grissell Citation1995: 242 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. New Delhi, Odisha.

Podagrion noyesi Narendran

Podagrion noyesi Narendran Citation1994: 73, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Podagrion noyesi Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 243 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Podagrion opisthacanthum Masi

Podagrion opisthacanthum Masi Citation1926: 14, female. Syntypes (DEI), Taiwan.

Podagrion opisthacanthum Masi: Mani & Kaul Citation1972: 317 (India record). Farooqi Citation1986: 271 (List). Mani Citation1989: 158 (redescription). Narendran Citation1994: 69, 75 (key, diagnosis, record). Grissell (Citation1995: 244) (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala, Tamil Nadu.

Podagrion pachymerum (Walker)

Priomerus pachymerus Walker, Citation1933: 118, female. Lectotype, female (BMNH), France.

Podagrion pachymerum (Walker): Ramakrishna Ayyar & Margabandhu Citation1934: 445 (India record). Mani, Citation1938: 159 (record). Pruthi & Mani Citation1940: 3 (comments). Farooqi Citation1986: 271 (List). Narendran Citation1994: 65, 81 (key, comments). Grissell Citation1995: 244 (catalogue).

[for detailed synonymy see Delvare Citation2005: 80]

Indian hosts

Ootheca of Mantis religiosa (Linnaeus).

Distribution. Tamil Nadu.

Podagrion prionomerum Masi

Podagrion prionomerum Masi Citation1926: 12, female. Holotype, female (DEI), Taiwan.

Podagrion prionomerum Masi: Narendran & Sureshan Citation1988: 44 (India record, redescription).Narendran Citation1994: 67, 77 (key, India record, redescription). Grissell Citation1995: 246 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.


Podagrionella Girault Citation1913a: 96. Type species Podagrionella bella Girault, by monotypy

[for detailed synonymy see Grissell Citation1995: 249]

Important reference. Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Podagrionella caudata Narendran

Podagrion caudata Narendran Citation1994: 83, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Tamil Nadu).

Podagrion caudata Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 249 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Tamil Nadu.

Podagrionella indarbelae Narendran and Sureshan

Podagrionella indarbelae Narendran & Sureshan Citation1988: 42, female, male. Holotype, female (USNM), India (Kerala).

Podagrionella indarbelae Narendran and Sureshan: Narendran Citation1994: 82, (key, resescription). Grissell Citation1995: 249 (catalogue).

Indian hosts

Ex. eggs of Indarbela tetraonis Moore (Cossidae).

Distribution. Kerala.


Propalachia Bouček Citation1978: 101. Type species Propalachia infumata Bouček, original designation.

Important reference. Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Propalachia beaveri Bouček

Podagrionella beaveri Bouček Citation1978: 103, female, male. Holotype, female (BMNH), Malaysia.

Propalachia intermedia Narendran Citation1994: 63, female. Holotype, female (BMNH), India (Kerala). Synonymy by Bouček Citation1988: 256.

Propalachia beaveri Bouček: Narendran Citation1994: 63, (key). Grissell Citation1995: 251 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.


Holaspis Mayr Citation1874: 83. Type species Torymus militaris Boheman (designated by Ashmead Citation1904: 242). [preoccupied name in Reptilia, Gray: 1863].

[for detailed synonymy see Grissell Citation1995: 253]

Important reference. Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Pseudotorymus amuthae Narendran

Pseudotorymus amuthae Narendran Citation1994: 50, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Tamil Nadu).

Pseudotorymus amuthae Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 254 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Tamil Nadu.

Pseudotorymus annamalaicus Narendran

Pseudotorymus annamalaicus Narendran, in Narendran etal., Citation2006: 43, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Tamil Nadu).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Tamil Nadu.

Pseudotorymus ephedrae Narendran & Prabha Sharma

Pseudotorymus ephedrae Narendran & Prabha Sharma, in Narendran etal., Citation2006: 9, female. Holotype, female (ZSCI), India (Rajasthan).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Rajasthan.

Pseudotorymus grisselli Narendran & Girish Kumar

Pseudotorymus grisselli Narendran & Girish Kumar, in Narendran etal., Citation2006: 46, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Pseudotorymus harithavarnus Narendran

Pseudotorymus harithavarnus Narendran Citation1994: 48, female, male. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Pseudotorymus harithavarnus Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 256 (catalogue).

Indian hosts

Caterpillar boring on Cajanus cajan (Linnaeus).

Distribution. Karnataka, Kerala.

Pseudotorymus indicus (Mani)

Holaspis indicus Mani Citation1942: 153, female, male. Holotype, female (NPC), India (Uttarakhand).

Pseudotorymus indicus (Mani): Farooqi Citation1986: 272 (generic transfer). Mani Citation1989: 142 (redescription). Narendran Citation1994: 48, 50 (key, diagnosis). Grissell Citation1995: 256 (catalogue).

Indian hosts

Galls of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.

Distribution. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand.

Pseudotorymus salemensis Narendran

Pseudotorymus salemensis Narendran Citation1994: 49, female. Holotype, female (BMNH), India (Tamil Nadu).

Pseudotorymus salemensis Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 260 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Tamil Nadu.


Rhynchoticida Bouček Citation1978: 116. Type species Rhynchoticida ovivora Bouček, original designation.

Important reference. Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Rhynchoticida tridens Bouček

Rhynchoticida tridens Bouček Citation1978: 120, female. Holotype, female (BMNH), India (Karnataka).

Rhynchoticida tridens Bouček: Narendran Citation1994: 53 (diagnosis); Grissell Citation1995: 262 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Karnataka.


Senegalella Risbec Citation1951: 289. Type species Senegalella acythopeusi Risbec (designated by Bouček Citation1978: 347) (Type depository unknown), by original designation.

Senegalella Risbec: synonymized under Antistrophoplex Crawford by Bouček Citation1978: 347; synonymized under Pseudotorymus Masi by Grissell Citation1995: 107; status revived by Janšta et al. Citation2017: 241.

Important reference. Grissell (Citation1995); Bouček (Citation1978).

Senegalella leguminosae Risbec

Senegalella leguminosae Risbec Citation1951: 292, female, male. Syntypes (MHNH), Senegal.

Eridontomeroidella gibboni Girault in Ramakrishna Ayyar Citation1919: 935. Pruthi & Mani Citation1940: 3 (not a published name). Farooqi Citation1986: 277 (Nomen nudum). Grissell, Citation1994: 257 (Nomen nudum).

Antistrophoplex leguminosae (Risbec): Bouček Citation1978: 347.

Pseudotorymus leguminosae (Risbec): Grissell, Citation1994: 257 (combination for Eridontomeroidella gibbon and Senegalella leguminosae Risbec).

Indian hosts

Grubs of the chalcid Bruchophagus mellipes Gahan (Eurytomidae), infesting young pods of the leguminous plants agathi and daincha at Coimbatore (Pruthi & Mani Citation1940: 3).

Distribution. Tamil Nadu.


Torymoides Walker Citation1871b: 37. Type species Torymoides amabilis Walker by monotypy.

[for detailed synonymy see Grissell Citation1995: 263]

Important reference. Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995).

Torymoides amabilis Walker

Torymoides amabilis Walker Citation1871b: 38, female. Holotype, female (BMNH), Sri Lanka.

Torymoides amabilis Walker: Narendran Citation1994: 44, 46 (key, record, redescription); Grissell Citation1995: 264 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Torymoides anamalaianus (Mani and Kaul)

Holaspis anamalaianus Mani & Kaul Citation1972: 313, female, male. Holotype, female (SJCA), India (Tamil Nadu).

Pseudotorymus anamalaianus (Mani and Kaul): Farooqi Citation1986: 272 (generic transfer).

Torymoides anamalaianus (Mani and Kaul): Narendran Citation1994: 44, 47 (key, generic transfer, diagnosis). Grissell Citation1995: 264 (catalogue). Sureshan Citation2007: 2789 (Odisha, record).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala, Odisha, Tamil Nadu.

Torymoides binduae Narendran and Girish Kumar

Torymoides binduae Narendran and Girish Kumar, in Narendran et al. Citation2010: 291, female, male. Holotype, female (ZSCI), India (Maharashtra).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Maharashtra.

Torymoides keralensis Narendran

Torymoides keralensis Narendran Citation1994: 44, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Torymoides keralensis Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 268 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Torymoides kiesenwetteri (Mayr)

Halaspis kiesenwetteri Mayr Citation1874: 23, female. Syntypes (NHMV), Italy.

Dimeromicrus longicauda Masi Citation1916: 67, female. Syntypes (USNM), Italy. Synonymy by Erdös Citation1955: 187.

Torymoides kiesenwetteri (Mayr): Bouček Citation1988: 135 (generic transfer). Narendran Citation1994: 44, 45 (key, redescription). Grissell Citation1995: 264 (catalogue).

Indian hosts

Procecidochares utilis Stone and Acanthiophilus helianthi (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae).

Distribution. Kerala.

Torymoides periyarensis Sureshan and Narendran

Torymoides periyarensis Sureshan & Narendran Citation2002: 870, female. Holotype, female (ZSCI), India (Kerala).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Torymoides sureshani Narendran

Torymoides sureshani Narendran Citation1994: 45, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Kerala).

Torymoides sureshani Narendran: Grissell Citation1995: 271 (catalogue).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kerala.

Torymoides taruni Narendran and Girish Kumar

Torymoides taruni Narendran and Girish Kumar, Citation2010: 291, female. Holotype, female (ZSCI), India (Uttar Pradesh).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Uttar Pradesh.


Callimome Spinola Citation1811: 146. Type species Ichneumon bedeguaris Linnaeus (designated by Curtis Citation1835: 552. [Suppressed by International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, Opinion, 155, 1944.]

Misocampe Latreille Citation1818: 213. Type species Ichneumon bedeguaris Linnaeus (designated by Ashmead Citation1904: 242).

Torymus Dalman Citation1820: 134. Type species Ichneumon bedeguaris Linnaeus (designated by Ashmead Citation1904: 242)

Allotorymus Huber Citation1927: 104. Type species Syntomaspis splendens Provancher by original designation and monotypy. Synonymy by Janšta et al. Citation2017: 15.

[for detailed synonymic list see Grissell Citation1995: 273.]

Important reference. Narendran (Citation1994); Grissell (Citation1995); Narendran et al. (Citation2005); Narendran and Razak (Citation2010).

Torymus absonus Narendran and Kumar

Torymus absonus Narendran and Kumar, in Narendran et al. Citation2005: 117, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Himachal Pradesh).

Torymus absonus Narendran and Kumar: Narendran & Razak Citation2010: 149 (catalogue).

Indian hosts

Finger galls on oak leaf.

Distribution. Himachal Pradesh.

Torymus barsulicus Narendran and Razak

Torymus barsulicus Narendran & Razak Citation2010: 148, female. Holotype, female (ZSCI), India (Kashmir).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Kashmir.

Torymus chaubattiensis Bhatnagar

Torymus chaubattiensis Bhatnagar Citation1951: 155, female. Holotype, female (Type lost), India (Uttar Pradesh).

Torymus chaubattiensis Bhatnagar: Farooqi Citation1986: 277 (catalogue). Mani Citation1989: 139 (redescription). Narendran Citation1994: 21, 22 (key, redescription). Grissell Citation1995: 277 (catalogue). Narendran et al. Citation2005: 120 (key). Narendran & Razak Citation2010: 150 (list)

Indian hosts

Aphis helichrysi Kalt (Hemiptera: Aphididae).

Distribution. Uttar Pradesh.

Torymus himachalicus Narendran and Sureshan

Torymus himachalicus Narendran and Sureshan, in Narendran et al. Citation2005: 112, female, male. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Himachal Pradesh).

Torymus himachalicus Narendran and Sureshan: Narendran et al. Citation2005: 120 (key). Narendran & Razak Citation2010: 150 (list).

Indian hosts

Round gall on oak leaf.

Distribution. Himachal Pradesh.

Torymus orissaensis (Mani)

Lioterphus orissaensis Mani Citation1936: 125, female. Holotype, female (ZSCI), India (Odisha).

Lioterphus orissaensis Mani: Farooqi Citation1986: 264 (catalogue).

Torymus orissaensis (Mani): Narendran Citation1994: 21, 23 (key, generic transfer). Grissell Citation1995: 285 (catalogue). Narendran et al. Citation2005: 120 (key). Narendran & Razak Citation2010: 150 (list).

Indian hosts


Distribution. Odisha.

Torymus sharmai Sureshan and Narendran

Torymus sharmai Sureshan & Narendran Citation2002: 867, female, male. Holotype, female (ZSCI), India (Kerala).

Indian hosts

Reared from galls of Strobilanthes sessilis (Nees) (Acanthaceae) caused by cecidomyiid (Diptera).

Distribution. Kerala.

Torymus stom Narendran and Sudheer

Torymus stom Narendran and Sudheer, in Narendran et al. Citation2005: 115, female. Holotype, female (DZUC), India (Himachal Pradesh).

Torymus stom Narendran and Sudheer: Narendran et al. Citation2005: 120 (key). Narendran & Razak Citation2010: 151 (list).

Indian hosts

Round gall on oak leaf.

Distribution. Himachal Pradesh.

Species excluded from fauna list of India

Since, the occurrence of the species listed below by several authors as given under distribution part seems to be doubtful. Therefore, the following three species are removed from the fauna list of India.

Chrysochalcissa physomeri Bouček

Chrysochalcissa physomeri Bouček Citation1978: 109, female, male. Holotype female (BMNH), Malaysia.

Distribution. ?

India: West Bengal (Bouček Citation1978; Farooqi Citation1986; Narendran Citation1994:55; Grissell Citation1995).

Diomorus orientalis Masi

Diomorus orientalis Masi Citation1926: 2, female, male. Syntypes (DEI), Taiwan.

Macrodontomerus silvifilia Girault Citation1927: 555, female. Syntypes (QMBA, USNM), Philippines. Synonymy by Bouček Citation1988: 147.

Distribution. ?

India (Mani & Kaul Citation1972; Narendran & Sureshan Citation1989).


All the recorded Diomorus orientalis Masi is misidentified from India and is conspecific to D. indicus Ahmad. Hence, the species has still not been reported from India.

Torymus varians (Walker)

Callimome varians Walker Citation1833: 122, female. Lectotype, female (BMNH) designated by Eady Citation1959: 260, England.

Distribution. ? India (Wadhi & Verma Citation1972).


The authors thank Dr Mohammad Hayat, and Dr Shahid Bin Zeya (ZDAMU), for encouragements. Dr. Andrew Polaszek (BMNH), Dr Girish Kumar (ZSI), Dr PM Sureshan (ZSI) and Dr Ankita Gupta (NBAIR) and Dr. Devanshu Gupta (ZSI) are highly acknowledged for sharing literatures. The Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khalid University are highly acknowledged for funding this work through the research groups program #RGP.2/427/44.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


The work was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid University [#RGP.2/427/44].


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