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Moderate deviation principle for stochastic reaction-diffusion systems with multiplicative noise and non-Lipschitz reaction

Pages 299-308 | Received 01 Jul 2020, Accepted 05 Jul 2021, Published online: 27 Jun 2022


In this article, we obtain a central limit theorem and prove a moderate deviation principle for stochastic reaction-diffusion systems with multiplicative noise and non-Lipschitz reaction term.

1. Introduction

Consider the following stochastic reaction-diffusion system: (1) {uit(t,ξ)=Aiui(t,ξ)+fi(ξ,u1(t,ξ),,ur(t,ξ))+j=1rgi,j(ξ,u1(t,ξ),,ur(t,ξ))Qjwjt(t,ξ),t0, ξO¯,ui(0,ξ)=xi(ξ), ξO¯,Biui(t,ξ)=0,t0, ξO, 1ir,(1) with ϵ0, where O¯ is a bounded open set of Rd, with d1, having a C boundary.

For each i=1,,r, Ai(ξ,D)=h,k=1dξh(ahki×(ξ)ξk)h=1dbhi(ξ)ξh, ξO¯, where the coefficients ahki are taken in C(O¯), the matrices ai(ξ):=[ahki(ξ)]hk are non-negative and symmetric for each ξO¯ and fulfil a uniform ellipticity condition, i.e. infξO¯h,k=1dai(ξ)vhvkλi|v|2, vRd, for some positive constants λi, and coefficients bhi are continuous. The operators Bi act on the boundary of O and are assumed to be either of Dirichlet or of co-normal type. The linear operators Qj are bounded on L2(O) and may be equal to the identity operator if d = 1. Let (Ω,F,P) be a probability space with an increasing family {Ft}0tT of the sub-σ-fields of F satisfying the usual conditions. The noises ωjt are independent cylindrical Wiener processes on (Ω,F,Ft,P).

Moderate deviations trace back to Cramér (Citation1938) established expansions of tail probabilities about sums of independent random variables defying the normal distribution. Comparing to large deviation, which offers a accurate estimate associated with the law of large number, moderate deviation is commonly applied to provide further estimates concerning the central limit theorem and the law of iterated logarithm.

Let uϵ be the solution of a small perturbation of the equation of (Equation1), that is (2) {uiϵt(t,ξ)=Aiuiϵ(t,ξ)+fi(ξ,u1ϵ(t,ξ),,urϵ(t,ξ))+ϵj=1rgi,j(ξ,u1ϵ(t,ξ),,urϵ(t,ξ))Qjwjt(t,ξ),t0, ξO¯,uiϵ(0,ξ)=xi(ξ), ξO¯,Biuiϵ(t,ξ)=0, t0, ξO, 1ir.(2) The solution of Equation (Equation2) will tend to the solution, denoted by u0, of the following deterministic equation, as ϵ0, (3) {ui0t(t,ξ)=Aiui0(t,ξ)+fi(ξ,u10(t,ξ),,ur0(t,ξ)), t0, ξO¯,ui0(0,ξ)=xi(ξ), ξO¯,Biui0(t,ξ)=0, t0, ξO, 1ir.(3) Assume that the mapping  f:=(f1,,fr):O¯×RrRr is locally Lipschitz-continuous and has polynomial growth. The mapping g:=[gi,j]:O¯×RrL(Rr) is globally Lipschitz, without any assumption of boundedness and non-degeneracy. The existence and uniqueness of the solution for Equation (Equation1) is proved in Cerrai (Citation2003). The existence and uniqueness of the solutions for Equation (Equation2) and Equation (Equation3) can be established as that of Equation (Equation1). In Cerrai and Röckner (Citation2004), Cerrai and Röckner had shown that the process {uϵ}ϵ>0 obeys a large deviation principle (abbreviated LDP) in C([0,T];E), for any T>0. Also, they established the large deviations for invariant measures for {uϵ}ϵ>0 in Cerrai and Röckner (Citation2005). Based on these works, in this paper, we then consider the precise deviations of uϵ from u0 as ϵ0 in the following way: the asymptotic behaviour of the trajectory (uϵu0)(t)/(ϵλ(ϵ)),t[0,T]. We emphasize that

  1. it is related to central limit theorem (abbreviated CLT) when λ(ϵ)=1, see Theorem 3.4 below;

  2. it provides moderate deviation principle (MDP for short, cf. Dembo & Zeitouni, Citation2000) when λ(ϵ) is the deviation scale verifying (4) λ(ϵ)+,ϵλ(ϵ)0, as ϵ0,(4) see Theorem 4.3 below. In the sequel, we assume that (Equation4) is in place.

Moderate deviation is an intermediate estimation between the large deviation with deviation scale λ(ϵ)=1/ϵ and the CLT with λ(ϵ)=1. The MDP provides rates of convergence and a way to construct asymptotic confidence interval, see Gao and Zhao (Citation2011) and the references therein. In recent years, there is an increasing interest on the study of MDP. For independent and identically distributed random sequences, Chen (Citation1990Citation1991Citation1993) and Ledoux (Citation1992) found the necessary and sufficient conditions for MDP. Moderate deviation was discussed by Djellout and Guillin (Citation2001), Gao (Citation1996Citation2003), and Wu (Citation1995Citation1999) for Markov processes as well as Guillin and Liptser (Citation2006) for diffusion processes. For mean field interacting particle models, MDP was worked by Douc et al. (Citation2001). Wang and Zhang (Citation2015) and Wang et al. (Citation2015) discussed moderate deviations for stochastic reaction-diffusion equation and 2D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations, respectively. Recently, there are several works on moderate deviations for SPDEs with jump, see Budhiraja et al. (Citation2016) and Dong et al. (Citation2017).

In this paper, we prove a CLT and establish a MDP for the class of reaction-diffusion systems of the form (Equation1). Since we consider the solutions in spaces of continuous functions and there is no Itô formula, we will work directly on heat kernels. Also, because of the weak assumptions on drift and diffusion coefficients, we have to deal with the estimates on the solutions delicately.

The organization of this paper is as follows. The assumptions will be given in Section 2. Section 3 is devoted to prove the CLT. In Section 4, we establish the MDP.

Throughout this paper, c and cn are positive constants independent of ε and those values may be different from line to line.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we formulate the equation and state the precise conditions on the coefficients.

Let H be the separable Hilbert space L2(O;Rr) endowed with the scalar product |x|H:=i=1r|xi|L2(O). We shall denote by A the realization in H of the differential operator A:=(A1,,Ar), endowed with the boundary conditions B:=(B1,,Br), i.e. D(A)={xW2,2(O;Rr): B(,D)x=0 in O}, Ax=A(,D)x. Set E:=D(A)¯C(O¯;Rr)=D(A1)¯C(O¯;R)××D(Ar)¯C(O¯;R) and D(Ai)¯C(O¯;R) coincides with C(O¯;R) or C0(O¯;R).

We set Li(ξ,D):=h=1d(bhi(ξ)k=1dξk×ahki(ξ))ξh, ξO¯, and define Ci:=AiLi. Denoted by C the realization in H of the second-order elliptic operator C=(C1,,Cr), endowed with the boundary conditions B. In Davies (Citation1989), it is proved that C is a non-positive and self-adjoint operator which generates an analytic semigroup etC with dense domain given by etC=(etC1,,etCr), where Ci is the realization in L2(O) of Ci with the boundary condition Bi. Moreover, denoted by Lp the realization of the operator L in Lp(O;Rr) for any p1. We see that Lpx=Lqx, xD(Lp)D(Lq) and denote all of them by L if there is no confusion.

The covariance operator Q of the Wiener process W() is a positive symmetric, trace class operator on H. Let H0=Q1/2H. Then H0 is a Hilbert space with the inner product (5) u,v0=(Q1/2u,Q1/2v)Hu,vH0.(5) Let ||0 denote the norm in H0. Clearly, the embedding of H0 in H is Hilbert-Schmidt, since Q is a trace class operator. Let LQ(H0;H) denote the space of linear operators S such that SQ1/2 is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator from H to H. Define the norm on the space LQ(H0;H) by |S|LQ=tr(SQS). Set L(H0,H) the space of all bounded linear operators from H0 into H and denote by ||L(H0,H) its norm.

The hypothesis concerns the eigenvalues of A:

Hypothesis 2.1

The complete orthonormal system of H which diagonalizes A is equi-bounded in the sup-norm.

Assume that Q:=(Q1,,Qr):HH is a bounded linear operator which satisfies:

Hypothesis 2.2

Q is non-negative and diagonal with respect to the complete orthonormal basis which diagonalizes A, with eigenvalues {λn}. Moreover, if d2, there exists ϱ (ϱ< if d = 2 and ϱ<2dd2 if d>2) such that Qϱ:=(k=1λnϱ)1ϱ<.

The assumptions on the coefficients f and g are as follows.

Hypothesis 2.3

The mapping g:[0,)×O¯×RrL(Rr) is continuous and g(t,ξ,):RrL(Rr) is Lipschitz-continuous, uniformly with respect to ξO¯ and t in bounded sets of [0,), i.e., for some ΨLloc[0,), supξO¯ supσ,ρRr,σρg(t,ξ,σ)g(t,ξ,ρ)L(Rr)|σρ|Ψ(t), t0.

We set for any x,yE and t0, G(t,x)y(ξ):=g(t,ξ,x(ξ))y(ξ), and for f=(f1,,fr), define for any t0 the composition operator F(t,) by setting, for any x:O¯Rr, F(t,x)(ξ):=f(t,ξ,x(ξ)), ξO¯.

Hypothesis 2.4

  1. The mapping F(t):EE is locally Lipschitz-continuous, locally uniformly for t0, and there exists m1 and ΦLloc[0,) such that |F(t,x)|EΦ(t)(1+|x|Em), xE, t0.

  2. There exists ΛLloc[0,) such that, for each x,hE, and for some δh|h|E={hE;|h|E=1, h,hE=|h|E}, t0, F(t,x+h)F(t,x),δhEΛ(t)(1+|h|E+|x|E).

  3. One of the following two conditions holds:

    1. supξO¯|g(t,ξ,σ)|L(Rr)β1(t)(1+|σ|1m),σRr, t0, where m1 is as in Hypothesis 2.4 (1) and βLloc[0,);

    2. there exists some a>0, m1 and β2Lloc[0,) such that, for each x,hE and for some δh|h|E, F(t,x+h)F(t,x), δhEa|h|Em+β2(t)(1+|x|Em), t0.

Then the system (Equation1) can be rewritten in the following type: (6) {du(t)=Au(t)dt+F(t,u(t))dt+G(t,u(t))QdW(t),u(s)=x,(6) where the operator A can be written as A = C + L.

3. Central limit theorem

In this section, our task is to establish the CLT. We will need some results in Cerrai (Citation2003), and we list them here for the convenience of readers.

Proposition 3.1

Under Hypotheses 2.1–2.3 on the coefficients, define the following mappings (7) ψ(f)(t):=ste(tr)CL(f)(r)dr,t[s,T],(7) (8) γ(uϵ)(t):=ste(tr)CϵG(r,uϵ(r))QdWr.(8) Then, (1) (the inequality (3.7) in Cerrai, Citation2003) for any p1 and fC([s,t];D(L)) (9) |ψ(f)|ECst[(tr)1]1+ϵ2|f(r)|Edr(9) where ϵ (>0) is any constant;

(2) (the inequality (4.6) in Cerrai, Citation2003) there exists p1 such that γ maps Lp(Ω;C([0,T];E)) into itself for any pp and for any u, vLp(Ω;C([0,T];E)) (10) |γ(u)γ(v)|Ls,T,p(E)cs,pγ(T)|uv|Ls,T,p(E),(10) for some continuous increasing function cs,pγ such that cs,pγ(s)=0.

Proposition 3.2

Theorem 5.3 in Cerrai, Citation2003

Under Hypotheses 2.1–2.4 on the coefficients, for any xE and for any p1 and T>0 such a problem admits a unique mild solution in Lp(Ω;C([0,T];E)L(s,T;E)) which is the Banach space of all adapted processes u in C([0,T];E)L(s,T;E), such that |u|L0,T,p(E)<, where |u|Ls,T,p(E):=[Esupr[s,T]|u(r)|Ep]1p. Moreover, (11) |u|Ls,T,p(E)cs,p(T)(1+|x|E).(11)

Similarly as the proof of (Equation11), under Hypotheses 2.1–2.4, we have |uϵ|Ls,T,p(E)cs,p(T)(1+|x|E). The following result is concerned with the convergence of uϵ as ϵ0.

Proposition 3.3

Under Hypotheses 2.1–2.4, there exists a constant ϵ0>0 such that, for all 0<ϵϵ0, (12) |uϵu0|Ls,T,p(E)cϵ.(12)


Define (13) Fn(t,x)(ξ)={F(t,x)(ξ),if |x|n,F(t,nx/|x|)(ξ),if |x|>n.(13) It is immediate to check that Fn is Lipschitz-continuous in E. Then if we consider (14) {dunϵ(t)=Aunϵ(t)dt+Fn(t,unϵ(t))dt+ϵG(t,unϵ(t))QdW(t),unϵ(s)=x(14) and (15) {dun0(t)=Aun0(t)dt+Fn(t,un0(t))dt,un0(s)=x,(15) there exist unique mild solutions unϵ and un0 in Lp(Ω;C((s,T];E)L(s,T;E)) for Equations (Equation14) and (Equation15), respectively. Define Λn(uϵu0)(t):=ste(tr)C[Fn(r,uϵ(r))Fn(r,u0(r))]dr. So, (unϵun0)(t)=ψ(unϵun0)(t)+Λn(unϵun0)(t)+γ(unϵ)(t). From (Equation9), (16) |ψ(uϵu0)|ECst[(tr)1]1+ϵ2×|(uϵu0)(r)|EdrCst[(tr)1]1+ϵ2dr×supr[s,t]|(uϵu0)(r)|Ecsψ(t)supr[s,t]|(uϵu0)(r)|E,(16) and one obtains supr[s,t]|(unϵun0)(r)|Ecsψ(t)supr[s,t]|(unϵun0)(r)|E+supr[s,t]|γ(unϵ)(r)|E+cn(t)stsupr[s,r]|(unϵun0)(r)|Edr in view of the Lipschitz continuity of Fn.

If we take t0>0 such that csψ(s+t0)<12, this yields supr[s,s+t0]|(unϵun0)(r)|E2supr[s,s+t0]|γ(unϵ)(r)|E+2cn(s+t0)ss+t0supr[s,r]|(unϵun0)(r)|Edr. Gronwall's inequality implies supr[s,s+t0]|(unϵun0)(r)|E2supr[s,s+t0]|γ(unϵ)(r)|Ee2cn(s+t0)t0=:c(s+t0,n)supr[s,s+t0]|γ(unϵ)(r)|E. Therefore, due to (Equation10), |unϵun0|Ls,s+t0,p(E)=[Esupr[s,s+t0]|(unϵun0)(r)|Ep]1pc(s+t0,n)|γ(unϵ)(r)|Ls,s+t0,p(E)c(s+t0,n)cs,pγ|unϵ|Ls,s+t0,p(E)ϵ. Next we can repeat the same arguments in the intervals [s+t0,s+2t0], [s+2t0,s+3t0] and so on and for any T>s, (17) |unϵun0|Ls,T,p(E)cs,p(T)ϵ(17) with the help of (Equation11) for unϵ and un0.

Define τn=inf{ts: |(unϵun0)(t)|En} and inf=+. We can see that τn is non-decreasing and denote τ:=supnNτn. So (Equation17) with p = 1 yields P(τ<)=limTP(τT)=limTlimnP(τnT)=limT,nP(supt[s,T]|(unϵun0)(t)|En)limT,n1nE[supt[s,T]|(unϵun0)(t)|En]=0, i.e. P(τ=)=1. Thus, Fatou's lemma implies (18) E[supr[s,T]|(uϵu0)(r)|Ep]=E[limnsupr[s,T]|(uϵu0)(r)|Ep1{Tτn}]=E[limnsupr[s,T]|(unϵun0)(r)|Ep1{Tτn}]limnE[supr[s,T]|(unϵun0)(r)|Ep1{Tτn}](cs,pϵ)p,(18) which completes the proof.

Let Vϵ(t):=(uϵu0)/ϵ be the solution of the following SPDE: dVϵ(t)=AVϵ(t)dt+[F(t,uϵ(t))F(t,u0(t))]/ϵdt+G(t,uϵ(t))QdW(t), with initial value Vϵ(0)=0. Let V0 be the solution of the following SPDE: dV0(t)=AV0(t)dt+F(u0(t))V0(t)dt+G(t,u0(t))QdW(t),V0(0)=0, where we need an additional assumption about F.

Hypothesis 3.1

F: [0,T]×EL(E) is Fréchet derivative of F w.r.t. the second variable satisfying |F(t,u)|L(E)F0|u|+F1 for some positive F0, F1 and there exists ΛLloc[0,) such that, for each x,hE and t0, F(t,x+h)F(t,x),δhEΛ(t)(1+|h|E+|x|E).

We now come to the main result of this section.

Theorem 3.4

Central Limit Theorem

Under Hypotheses 2.1–3.1, Vϵ(t) converges to V0 in the space Lp(Ω;C([0,T];E)) in probability, that is, there exists a constant ϵ0>0 such that, for all 0<ϵϵ0, (19) |VϵV0|Ls,T,p(E)cϵ.(19)


Define Fn(t,x)(ξ)={F(t,x)(ξ),if |x|n,F(t,nx/|x|)(ξ),if |x|>n, and we see that Fn is Lipschitz-continuous in E. Then if we consider dVnϵ(t)=AVnϵ(t)dt+[Fn(t,uϵ(t))Fn(t,u0(t))]/ϵdt+G(t,uϵ(t))QdW(t),Vnϵ(s)=0 and dVn0(t)=AVn0(t)dt+Fn(t,u0(t))Vn0(t)dt+G(t,u0(t))QdW(t),Vn0(s)=0. There exists unique mild solutions Vnϵ and Vn0 in Lp(Ω;C([0,T];E)), respectively. Define the following mappings ψ(VϵV0)(t):=ste(tr)CL(VϵV0)(r)dr;Λn(VϵV0)(t):=ste(tr)C{[Fn(r,uϵ(r))Fn(r,u0(r))]/ϵFn(r,u0(r))}dr;γ(VϵV0)(t):=ste(tr)C[G(r,uϵ(r))G(r,u0(r))]QdWr. Then (VnϵVn0)(t)=ψ(VnϵVn0)(t)+Λn(VnϵVn0)(t)+γ(VnϵVn0)(t). Due to inequality (Equation16), one obtains supr[s,t]|(VnϵVn0)(r)|Ecsψ(t)supr[s,t]|(VnϵVn0)(r)|E+supr[s,t]|Λn(VnϵVn0)(r)|E+supr[s,t]|γ(VnϵVn0)(r)|E. If we take t1>0 such that csψ(s+t1)<12, this yields (20) supr[s,s+t1]|(VnϵVn0)(r)|E2supr[s,s+t1]|Λn(VnϵVn0)(r)|E+2supr[s,s+t1]|γ(VnϵVn0)(r)|E.(20) Consider [Fn(r,uϵ(r))Fn(r,u0(r))]/ϵFn(r,u0(r))Vn0=[Fn(r,uϵ(r))Fn(r,u0(r))]/ϵ+Fn(r,u0(r))×[VnϵVn0Vnϵ]=Fn(r,u0(r))[VnϵVn0]+[Fn(r,uϵ(r))Fn(r,u0(r))Fn(r,u0(r))(unϵun0)]/ϵ. There exists a random field ηϵ(r,x) taking values in (0,1) such that Fn(r,uϵ(r))Fn(r,u0(r))=Fn(r,un0+ηϵ(unϵun0))(unϵun0). Then, [Fn(r,uϵ(r))Fn(r,u0(r))]/ϵFn(r,u0(r))Vn0=Fn(r,u0(r))[VnϵVn0]+[Fn(r,un0+ηϵ(unϵun0))Fn(r,u0(r))]×(unϵun0)/ϵ. In view of last inequality, the Lipschitz continuity of Fn and Hypothesis 3.1, it yields (21) supr[s,t]|Λn(VnϵVn0)(r)|Ecn(t)stsupr[s,r]|Fn(u0(r))(VnϵVn0)(r)|Edr+cn(t)stsupr[s,r]|(unϵun0)(r)|E2/ϵdrcn(t)stsupr[s,r](F0|u0(r)|E+F1)×|(VnϵVn0)(r)|Edr+cn(t)stsupr[s,r]|(unϵun0)(r)|E2/ϵdr.(21) Inequalities (Equation20), (Equation21) and Gronwall's inequality implies supr[s,s+t1]|(VnϵVn0)(r)|E[2cn(s+t1)ss+t1supr[s,r]|(unϵun0)(r)|E2/ϵdr+2supr[s,s+t1]|γ(VnϵVn0)(r)|Ess+t1]×exp{ss+t1ss+t12cn(s+t1)×supr[s,r](F0|u0(r)|E+F1)dr}.

Furthermore, {E[2cn(s+t1)ss+t1supr[s,r]|(unϵun0)(r)|E2/ϵdr+2supr[s,s+t1]|γ(VnϵVn0)(r)|E]p}1p2cn(s+t1){E[ss+t1supr[s,r]|(unϵun0)(r)|E2ϵdr]pss+t1supr[s,r]}1p+2{E[supr[s,s+t1]|γsupr[s,s+t1](VnϵVn0)(r)|E]p}1p2cn(s+t1)ss+t1|unϵun0|Ls,r,2p(E)2/ϵdr+2|γ(VnϵVn0)|Ls,r,p(E)2cn(s+t1)ss+t1|cϵ|2/ϵdr+2cs,1γ(s+t1)|VnϵVn0|Ls,r,p(E)=2cn(s+t1)c2t1ϵ+2cs,1γ(s+t1)×|VnϵVn0|Ls,r,p(E), according to inequality (Equation17). Also, exp{ss+t12cn(s+t1)supr[s,r](F0|u0(r)|E+F1)dr} is finitely controlled by some positive constant M from |un0|Ecs,2p(s+t1)(1+|x|E).

Then, we take t2(0,t1) such that 2cn(s+t1)<12, (22) |(VnϵVn0)|Ls,s+t2,p(E)2M2cn(s+t1)c2t2ϵ.(22) Then we can repeat the same arguments in the intervals [s+t1,s+2t1], [s+2t1,s+3t1] and so on and for any T>s, (23) |VnϵVn0|Ls,T,p(E)cϵ,(23) with the help of (Equation11).

Similarly as inequality (Equation18) replacing uϵu0 with VϵV0, the proof is completed.

4. Moderate deviations

Let Zϵ=(uϵu0)/(ϵλ(ϵ)). Then Zϵ satisfies the following SPDE: (24) dZϵ(t)=AZϵ(t)dt+[F(t,u0(t)+ϵλ(ϵ)Zϵ(t))F(t,u0(t))]/(ϵλ(ϵ))dt+G(t,u0(t)+ϵλ(ϵ)Zϵ(t))/λ(ϵ)QdW(t),(24) with initial value Zϵ(0)=0. This equation admits a unique solution Zϵ=Γϵ(W()), where Γϵ stands for the solution functional from C([0,T];H) into E.

In this part, we will prove that Zϵ satisfies an LDP on Lp(Ω;C([0,T];E)) with λ(ϵ) satisfying (Equation4). This special type of LDP is usually called the MDP of uϵ (cf. Dembo & Zeitouni, Citation2000).

Firstly we recall the general criteria for an LDP given in Budhiraja and Dupuis (Citation2000). Let E be a Polish space with the Borel σ-field B(E).

Definition 4.1

Rate function

A function I:E[0,] is called a rate function on E, if for each M<, the level set {xE:I(x)M} is a compact subset of E.

Definition 4.2


Let I be a rate function on E. A family {Zϵ} of E-valued random elements is said to satisfy the LDP on E with rate function I, if the following two conditions hold.

  1. (Large deviation upper bound) For each closed subset F of E, lim supϵ0ϵlogP(ZϵF)infxFI(x).

  2. (Large deviation lower bound) For each open subset G of E, lim infϵ0ϵlogP(ZϵG)infxGI(x).

Next, we introduce the Skeleton Equations. The Cameron-Martin space associated with the Wiener process {W(t),t[0,T]} is given by H0:={0Th:[0,T]H0: his absolutelycontinuous and 0T|h˙(s)|02ds<+}. The space H0 is a Hilbert space with inner product h1,h2H0:=0Ta˙h1(s),h˙2(s)0ds. Let A denote the class of H0-valued {Ft}-predictable processes ϕ belonging to H0 a.s.. Let SN={hH0: 0T|h˙(s)|02dsN}. The set SN endowed with the weak topology is a Polish space. Define AN={ϕA: ϕ(ω)SN,Pa.s.}.

For any hH0, consider the deterministic equation (25) dXh(t)=AXh(t)dt+F(u0(t))Xh(t)dt+G(t,u0(t))Qh˙(t)dt,(25) with initial value Xh(0)=0 and for any ϕϵA, consider (26) dXϵ(t)=AXϵ(t)dt+[F(t,u0(t)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xϵ(t))F(t,u0(t))]/(ϵλ(ϵ))dt+G(t,u0(t)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xϵ(t))/λ(ϵ)QdW(t)+G(t,u0(t)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xϵ(t))Qϕ˙ϵ(t)dt,Xϵ(0)=0.(26) Now we are ready to state the second main result.

Theorem 4.3

Moderate Deviation Principle

Under Hypotheses 2.1–3.1, Zϵ obeys an LDP on Lp(Ω;C([0,T];E) with speed λ2(ϵ) and with rate function I given by I(g):=inf{hH0:g=Xh}{120T|h˙(s)|02ds},gLp(Ω;C([0,T];E)), with the convention inf{}=.

We will adopt the following weak convergence method to prove the MDP.

Theorem 4.4

Budhiraja & Dupuis, Citation2000

For ϵ>0, let Γϵ be a measurable mapping from C([0,T];H) into E. Let Yϵ:=Γϵ(W()). Suppose that {Γϵ}ϵ>0 satisfies the following assumptions: there exists a measurable map Γ0:C([0,T];H)E such that

  1. for every N<+ and any family {hϵ;ϵ>0}AN satisfying that hϵ converge in distribution as SN-valued random elements to h as ϵ0, Γϵ(W()+0h˙ϵ(s)ds/ϵ) converges in distribution to Γ0(0h˙(s)ds) as ϵ0;

  2. for every N<+, the set {Γ0(0h˙(s)ds);hSN} is a compact subset of E.

Then the family {Yϵ}ϵ>0 satisfies an LDP in E with the rate function I given by I(g):=inf{hH0:g=Γ0(0h˙(s)ds)}{120T|h˙(s)|02ds},gE, with the convention inf{}=.

For hH0, set Γ0(0a˙h(s)ds):=Xh and define Γϵ satisfying Γϵ(W()+λ(ϵ)0ϕ˙ϵ(s)ds)=Xϵ. To prove Theorem 4.3, we only need to verify the following two propositions according to Theorem 4.4.

Proposition 4.5

Under the same conditions as Theorem 4.3, for every fixed NN, let ϕϵ, ϕAN be such that ϕϵ converges in distribution to ϕ as ϵ0. Then Γϵ(W()+λ(ϵ)0ϕ˙ϵ(s)ds) converges indistribution to Γ0(0ϕ˙(s)ds) in C([0,T];H)L2([0,T];V) as ϵ0.

Proposition 4.6

Under the same conditions as Theorem 4.3, for every positive number N<, the family KN:={Γ0(0h˙(s)ds): hSN} is compact in Lp(Ω;C([0,T];E)).

We start to prove Proposition 4.5 and we need the following lemma and inequalities.

Lemma 4.1

Under the same conditions as Theorem 4.3, for any ϕH0 and ϕϵA, (Equation25) and (Equation26) replacing F and F with Fn and Fn respectively, admit the unique solutions, respectively, Xnϕ, Xnϵ in Lp(Ω;C([0,T];E)). Moreover, for any N>0 and p2, there exist constants cn,N,T and ϵ0>0 such that for any ϕSN, ϕϵAN, (27) supϵ(0,ϵ0]|Xnϵ|Ls,T,p(E)cn,N,T(27) and (28) supϵ(0,ϵ0]|Xnϕ|Ls,T,p(E)cn,N,T.(28)


Similarly as Theorem 2.4 in Chueshov and Millet (Citation2010), the existence and uniqueness of the solution can be proved. Here, we will prove inequalities (Equation27) and (Equation28).

Define the following mappings ψ(Xϵ)(t):=ste(tr)CLXϵ(r)dr;Λn(Xϵ)(t):=ste(tr)C×[Fn(r,u0(r)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xϵ(r))Fn(r,u0(r))]/(ϵλ(ϵ))dr;γ(Xϵ)(t):=ste(tr)CG(r,u0(r)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xϵ(r))/λ(ϵ)QdWr;γϕ(Xϵ)(t):=ste(tr)CG(r,u0(r)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xϵ(r))Qϕ˙ϵ(r)dr. Then Xnϵ(t)=ψ(Xnϵ)(t)+Λn(Xnϵ)(t)+γ(Xnϵ)(t)+γϕ(Xnϵ)(t). In view of the Lipschitz continuity of Fn and inequality (Equation16), one obtains supr[s,t]|Xnϵ(r)|Ecsψ(t)supr[s,t]|Xnϵ(r)|E+cn(T)stsupr[s,r]|Xnϵ(r)|Edr+supr[s,t]|γ(Xnϵ)(r)|Edr+supr[s,t]|γϕ(Xnϵ)(r)|Edr. If we take t3>0 such that csψ(s+t3)<12, this yields supr[s,s+t3]|Xnϵ(r)|E2cn(T)ss+t3supr[s,r]|Xnϵ(r)|Edr+2supr[s,s+t3]|γ(Xnϵ)(r)|E+2supr[s,s+t3]|γϕ(Xnϵ)(r)|E. Gronwall's inequality implies supr[s,s+t3]|Xnϵ(r)|E2[supr[s,s+t3]|γ(Xnϵ)(r)|E+supr[s,s+t3]|γϕ(Xnϵ)(r)|E]e2cn(T)t3. Then, |Xnϵ|Ls,s+t3,p(E)=[Esupr[s,s+t3]|Xnϵ(r)|Ep]1p2e2cn(T)t3[|γ(Xnϵ)|Ls,s+t3,p(E)+|γϕ(Xnϵ)|Ls,s+t3,p(E)]. Furthermore, |γϕ(Xnϵ)|Ls,s+t3,p(E)cs,pγ(s+t3)|un0+ϵλ(ϵ)Xnϵ|Ls,s+t3,p(E)N as similar proof as Theorem 4.2 in Cerrai (Citation2003); due to (4.6) and the proof in Theorem 5.3 in Cerrai (Citation2003), it yields (29) |γ(Xnϵ)|Ls,s+t3,p(E)cs,pγ(s+t3)|un0+ϵλ(ϵ)Xnϵ|Ls,s+t3,p(E)/λ(ϵ)cs,pγ(s+t3)[|un0|E+ϵλ(ϵ)|Xnϵ|Ls,s+t3,p(E)]/λ(ϵ)cs,pγ(s+t3)[cs,2p(s+t3)(1+|x|E)+ϵλ(ϵ)|Xnϵ|Ls,s+t3,p(E)]/λ(ϵ).(29) Therefore, for some constant cn,N,s+t3, |Xnϵ|Ls,s+t3,p(E)cn,N,s+t3. Next we can repeat the same arguments in the intervals [s+t3,s+2t3], [s+2t3,s+3t3] and so on and for any T>s, there exists some constant cn,N,T, (30) |Xnϵ|Ls,T,p(E)cn,N,T.(30) Here choosing ε small enough, we get (Equation27).

The proof of (Equation28) is very similar to that of (Equation27), we omit it here. The proof of this lemma is complete.

Under the conditions of Lemma 4.1, we have the following three inequalities. Let GMϵ(t):={ω: (sup0st|Xnϵ(s)|2)M}. Then, from inequality (Equation29), (31) [E1GMϵ(t)supr[s,t]|γ(Xnϵ)(r)|Ep]1p1GMϵ(t)cs,pγ(t)[|un0|E+ϵλ(ϵ)|Xnϵ|Ls,t,p(E)]/λ(ϵ)cs,pγ(t)[cs,2p(t)(1+|x|E)+ϵλ(ϵ)M]/λ(ϵ);(31) (32) |1GMϵ(t)ste(tr)C[G(un0+ϵλ(ϵ)Xnϵ)G(un0)]Qϕ˙ϵ(r)drst|Ls,t,p(E)1GMϵ(t)cs,pγ(t)ϵλ(ϵ)|Xnϵ|Ls,t,p(E)Ncs,pγ(t)ϵλ(ϵ)MN(32) and (33) [E1GMϵ(t)supr[s,T]|ste(tr)CG(un0)Q[ϕ˙ϵ(r)ϕ˙(r)]drst|Ep0Tsupr[s,T]]1pcs,pγ(t)|un0|Ls,t,p(E)/λ(ϵ)×[st|ϕ˙ϵ(r)ϕ˙(r)|02dr]120,as ϵ0.(33)

Proof of Proposition 4.5.

Let Zϵ:=XϵXϕ, where Xϕ is the solution of (Equation25) replaced h by ϕ. Then Zϵ(0)=0 and Zϵn=XnϵXnϕ, where Xnϕ, Xnϵ satisfy, respectively, dXnϕ(t)=AXnϕ(t)dt+Fn(u0(t))Xnϕ(t)dt+σ(t,u0(t))Qϕ˙(t)dt, with initial value Xnϕ(0)=0 and dXnϵ(t)=AXnϵ(t)dt+[Fn(t,u0(t)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xnϵ(t))Fn(t,u0(t))]/ϵλ(ϵ)dt+G(t,u0(t)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xnϵ(t))/λ(ϵ)QdW(t)+G(t,u0(t)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xnϵ(t))Qϕϵ(t)dt, with initial value Xnϵ(0)=0. Define the following mappings ψ(Zϵ)(t):=ste(tr)CL(Zϵ)(r)dr;Λn(Zϵ)(t):=ste(tr)C{[Fn(r,u0(r)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xϵ(r))Fn(r,u0(r))]/(ϵλ(ϵ))Fn(r,u0(r))Xϕ(r)}dr;γ(Xϵ)(t):=ste(tr)CG(u0(r)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xϵ(r))/λ(ϵ)QdWr;γϕ(Zϵ)(t):=ste(tr)C[G(u0(r)+ϵλ(ϵ)Xϵ(r))Qϕ˙ϵ(r)G(u0(r))Qϕ˙(r)]dr. Then Zϵn(t)=ψ(Zϵn)(t)+Λn(Zϵn)(t)+γ(Xnϵ)(t)+γϕ(Zϵn)(t). Thus, supr[s,t]|Zϵn(r)|Ecsψ(t)supr[s,t]|Zϵn(r)|E+supr[s,t]|Λn(Zϵn)(r)|E+supr[s,t]|γ(Xnϵ)(r)|E+supr[s,t]|γϕ(Xnϵ)(r)|E. There exists a random field ηϵ(r,x) taking values in (0,1) such that [Fn(u0+ϵλ(ϵ)Xnϵ)Fn(u0)]/(ϵλ(ϵ))Fn(un0)Xnϕ=Fn(un0+ηϵϵλ(ϵ)Xnϵ)XnϵFn(un0)Xnϕ=[Fn(un0+ηϵϵλ(ϵ)Xnϵ)Fn(un0)]Xnϵ+Fn(un0)Zϵn, which yields supr[s,t]|Λn(Zϵn)(r)|Ecn(t)stsupr[s,r]|Xnϵ(r)|E2ϵλ(ϵ)dr+cn(t)stsupr[s,r]|Fn(u0(r))||Zϵn(r)|Edrcn(t)stsupr[s,r]|Xnϵ(r)|E2ϵλ(ϵ)dr+cn(t)stsupr[s,r](F0|u0(r)|E+F1)|Zϵn(r)|Edr. We take t4>0 such that csψ(s+t4)<12. One obtains supr[s,s+t4]|Zϵn(r)|E2supr[s,s+t4]|Λn(Zϵn)(r)|E+2supr[s,s+t4]|γ(Xnϵ)(r)|E+2supr[s,s+t4]|γϕ(Xnϵ)(r)|E. Gronwall's inequality implies supr[s,s+t4]|Zϵn(r)|E2[cn(s+t4)ss+t4supr[s,r]|Xnϵ(r)|E2ϵλ(ϵ)dr+supr[s,s+t4]|γ(Xnϵ)(r)|E+supr[s,s+t4]|γϕ(Xnϵ)(r)|E]exp{ss+t42cn(s+t4)×supr[s,r](F0|u0(r)|E+F1)dr}. Thus, |Zϵn|Ls,s+t4,p(E)=[Esupr[s,s+t4]|Zϵn|Ep]1p2[cn(s+t4)ss+t4|Xnϵ|Ls,s+t4,p(E)2ϵλ(ϵ)dr+|γ(Xnϵ)|Ls,s+t4,p(E)+|γϕ(Xnϵ)|Ls,s+t4,p(E)]×exp{ss+t42cn(s+t4)supr[s,r](F0|u0(r)|E+F1)}. With the help of inequalities (Equation30)–(Equation33), we get (34) [E1GMϵ(s+t4)supr[s,s+t4)]|Zϵn(r)|Ep]1p0,as ϵ0.(34) Then we can repeat the same arguments in the intervals [s+t4,s+2t4], [s+2t4,s+3t4] and so on and for any T>s, (35) [E1GMϵ(T)supr[s,T]|Zϵn(r)|Ep]1p0,as ϵ0.(35) Furthermore, by Chebysev inequality and (Equation30), (36) P((GMϵ(T))c)cn,N,T/M.(36) Finally, |Zϵn|Ls,T,p(E)[E1GMϵ(T)supr[s,T]|Zϵn(r)|Ep]1p+[E1(GMϵ(T))csupr[s,T]|Zϵn(r)|Ep]1p[E1GMϵ(T)supr[s,T]|Zϵn(r)|Ep]1p+[E(1(GMϵ(T))c)p]1p|Zϵn|Ls,T,p(E)=[E1GMϵ(T)supr[s,T]|Zϵn(r)|Ep]1p+P((GMϵ(T))c)|Zϵn|Ls,T,p(E). Taking M0>0 and for M>M0, P((GMϵ(T))c)12. Then, (37) |Zϵn|Ls,T,p(E)2[E1GMϵ(T)supr[s,T]|Zϵn(r)|Ep]1p0,as ϵ0.(37) Similarly as inequality (Equation18), replacing uϵu0 with Zϵn, the proof of the proposition is completed.

Proof of Proposition 4.6

The proof is similar as that of Proposition 4.5 and easier. The proof will be omitted.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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This work was supported by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University [grant number 2019XD-A11] and (National Natural Science Foundation of China) NSFC [grant number 11871010].


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