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A new result on recovery sparse signals using orthogonal matching pursuit

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Pages 220-226 | Received 19 Nov 2020, Accepted 23 Feb 2022, Published online: 13 Mar 2022


Orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm is a classical greedy algorithm widely used in compressed sensing. In this paper, by exploiting the Wielandt inequality and some properties of orthogonal projection matrix, we obtained a new number of iterations required for the OMP algorithm to perform exact recovery of sparse signals, which improves significantly upon the latest results as we know.

1. Introduction

Orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) has received growing attention due to its simplicity and competitive reconstruction performance recently. Consider the following compressed linear model: (1) y=Φx,(1) where xCn is a K-sparse signal (i.e., x0K), Φ=[ϕ1,ϕ2,,ϕn]Cm×n is a known measurement matrix with mn and yCm is the observation signal. It has been demonstrated that under some appropriate conditions on Φ, OMP can reliably recover the signal x based on a set of compressive observations y by iteratively identifying the support of the sparse signal according to the maximum correlation between columns of measurement matrix and the current residual. See Table  for a detailed description of the OMP algorithm (Cai & Wang, Citation2011; Chang & Wu, Citation2014; Tropp & Gilbert, Citation2007; Wang & Shim, Citation2016; Wen et al., Citation2020Citation2017; Wu et al., Citation2013). In Table , supp(x) is the set of nonzero positions in x. rk denotes the residual after the kth iteration of OMP and Tk the estimated support set within kth iteration of OMP.

Table 1. Orthogonal matching pursuit.

In compressed sensing, a commonly used framework for analysing the recovery performance is the restricted isometry property (RIP) (Cai et al., Citation2010; Candes & Tao, Citation2005; Chang & Wu, Citation2014). A matrix Φ is said to satisfy the RIP of order K if there exists a constant δ[0,1) such that (2) (1δ)x22Φx22(1+δ)x22,(2) for all K-sparse signal x. In particular, the minimum of all constants δ satisfying (Equation2) is called the K-order Restricted Isometry Constant (RIC) and denoted by δK. Over the years, many RIP-based conditions have been proposed to guarantee exact recovery of any K-sparse signals via OMP in K iterations. It has been shown in Davenport and Wakin (Citation2010) that δK+1<(3K)1 is sufficient for OMP to recover any K-sparse signals x in K iterations. The sufficient reconstruction condition of OMP is then improved to δK+1<(1+2K)1 by Huang and Zhu (Citation2011). Mo (Citation2015) demonstrated that δK+1<(K+1)1 is a sharp condition for exact recovery of any K-sparse signal with OMP in K iterations. Our recent work Liu et al. (Citation2017) provides some sufficient conditions for recovering restricted classes of K-sparse signals with a more relaxed bound on RIC.

Obviously, running fewer number of iterations of OMP offers many benefits and many efforts have been made to improve the condition (Cai et al., Citation2009; Chang & Wu, Citation2014; Li & Wen, Citation2019; Wen et al., Citation2017; Wu et al., Citation2013). In Livshitz (Citation2012), Livshitz showed that with proper choices of α and β (α2×105,β106), OMP accurately reconstructs K-sparse signals in αK1.2 iterations under δαK1.2=βK0.2. It has been shown by Zhang (Citation2011) that OMP recovers any K-sparse signal in 30K iterations under δ31K31. Livshitz and Temlyakov (Citation2014) considered random sparse signals and showed that with high probability, these signals can be recovered within (1+ϵ)K iterations of OMP for any ϵ>0. Recently, Wang and Shim (Citation2016) showed that if (3) c4(1+δ)1δln(12δ2+2δ),(3) and δ[(c+1)K]δ, OMP can recover the K-sparse signals in cK iterations. It is the best result as we know in the literature.

In this paper, we present a new result on how many iterations of OMP would be enough to guarantee exact recovery of sparse signals: c4(1+δ1)1δln(1δ2), which improves significantly upon the results proposed in Wang and Shim (Citation2016).

We first give some notation. Let N={0,1,2,},N+={1,2,} and Ωn={1,2,,n}. [] and denote floor and ceiling function, respectively. For any two sets Λ and Γ, let ΛΓ={i:iΛ,iΓ}, and |Λ| is the cardinality of Λ. For ΛΩn and Λ, ΦΛ denotes the submatrix of Φ that contains only the columns indexed by Λ and xΛ denotes the subvector of x that contains only the entries indexed by Λ, and span(ΦΛ) represents the span of columns in ΦΛ. Let PΛ=ΦΛ(ΦΛΦΛ)+ΦΛ stand for an orthogonal projection matrix onto span(ΦΛ), where Φ is the conjugate transpose of the matrix Φ, and (ΦΛΦΛ)+ is Moore–Penrose pseudo inverse of ΦΛΦΛ. PΛ=ImPΛ is an orthogonal projection matrix onto the orthogonal complement of span(ΦΛ), where Im denotes the identity matrix. In particular, if Λ=, then x is a 0-by-1 empty vector, Φ is an m-by-0 empty matrix, Φx is an m-by-1 zero matrix and span(Φ):={0}. For further details on empty matrices, see, e.g., Bernstein (Citation2005).

2. Main results

For notational simplicity, we denote Γk=TTk.

Theorem 2.1

For any δ(0,1), let α=4(1+δ1)1δln(1δ2), and κ=[αK]. If the measurement matrix Φ in (Equation1) satisfies the RIP of order K+κ and δK+κδ, then |Γκ|=0.

Remark 2.1

Performance of Theorem 2.1

From Theorem 2.1, if (4) c4(1+δ1)1δln(1δ2),(4) and δ[(c+1)K]δ, then OMP perfectly recovers the signal x from the measurements y=Φx in [cK] iteration. In the following, we compare the lower bound in (Equation4) with the result of Wang and Shim (Citation2016), which has been showed in (Equation3). We first establish an upper bound for the ratio of (Equation4) to (Equation3) by using monotonicity property of the RIC (δ1δK+κ) as R(δ):=ln(1δ2)ln(12δ2+2δ). It is easy to check that R(δ)<1 for 0<δ<1, which means the lower bound of c in this paper is uniformly smaller than the one proposed in Wang and Shim (Citation2016). See Figure , for example, we have R(31)=0.57 and R(21)=0.58. For 0.015<δ<0.993, we have 0.57<R(δ)<0.8. That is, nearly 98% of the values of the bounds proposed in this paper is less than 0.8 times of the one in (Equation3).

Figure 1. Performance of Theorem 2.1.

Figure 1. Performance of Theorem 2.1.

Remark 2.2

Main differences with the previous work

Our methods have several key distinctions in construction of the more efficient lower and upper bounds of resident in OMP. First, Wang and Shim (Citation2016) obtained the upper bound of residual in OMP algorithm based on the following fundamental set: {xΓ2:ΓΓk}. We modified the above set to {ΦΓxΓ2:ΓΓk}, which leads to a more efficient upper bound of resident in OMP algorithm (see inequality (Equation17) of Section 3.3). Second, Livshitz and Temlyakov (Citation2014), Wang and Shim (Citation2016), and Zhang (Citation2011) only use RIP to obtain the lower bound of resident. However, in this paper, we not only used RIP, but also utilized the Wielandt inequality (Wang & Ip, Citation1999) to derive more efficient lower bound of resident (see inequality (Equation16) of Section 3.3). The details can be found in the following sections.

3. Proof of the main theorem

3.1. Preliminaries

In the following, we introduce the subset Γτk of Γk based on the magnitude of elements in the set {ΦΓxΓ2:ΓΓk}. For k,τN and Γk, let (5) τ={Λ:ΛΓk,|Λ|2τ1},(5) (6) f(τ)=min{ΦΓkΛxΓkΛ:Λτ}.(6) It is clear that ττ+1, and f(τ)f(τ+1) with τN.

Definition 3.1

If subset Γτk in τ satisfies: (a) ΦΓkΓτkxΓkΓτk2=f(τ) and (b) |Γτk|=max{|Λ|:Λτ,ΦΓkΛxΓkΛ2=f(τ)}, then Γτk is said to be the Φkτ characteristic set of x.

It is easy to verify that the characteristic set Γτk has the following properties:

  1. |Γτk|2τ1, for τN;

  2. If ΓΓk and ΦΓxΓ2<ΦΓkΓτkxΓkΓτk2, then |Γ||Γk|2τ;

  3. 0=|Γ0k||Γ1k|, and ΓJkk=ΓJk+1k==Γk, with Jk=1+[log2|Γk|].

In fact, (P.1) is obvious as Γτkτ. For (P.2), since ΓΓk, Γ can be rewritten as Γ=Γk(ΓkΓ). From (Equation6) and ΦΓkΓτkxΓkΓτk2=f(τ), we know that if ΦΓxΓ2<ΦΓkΓτkxΓkΓτk2, then ΓkΓτ. Hence |ΓkΓ|=|Γk||Γ|2τ. That is |Γ||Γk|2τ. For (P.3), if f(τ)=f(τ+1), it is obvious that |Γτk||Γτ+1k| based on Definition 3.1. If f(τ)>f(τ+1), then ΦΓkΓτ+1kxΓkΓτ+1k2<ΦΓkΓτkxΓkΓτk2. From (P.2), |Γk||Γτ+1k|=|ΓkΓτ+1k||Γk|2τ. Thus |Γτ+1k|2τ. From (P.1), |Γτk|2τ1<|Γτ+1k|. Otherwise, it is easy to verify that |Γk|2Jk12τ1 for Jkτ. Thus we have Γτk=Γk based on Definition 3.1.

From the fact |Γ0k|=0,|ΓJkk|=|Γk|, and (P.3), there exists 0νkJk1 such that Γ0k==Γνkk=, and Γνk+1k. Then it follows from (P.3) that Γνk+ik,i=1,2,.

Let σ=(1δ)1, thus σ>1. It can be verified that there exists the maximum value of σiΦΓkΓikxΓkΓik22 over iN. Since ΦΓkΓikxΓkΓik22=0 based on the fact that Γik=Γk from (P.3) for iJk. Hence, we give the following definition.

Definition 3.2

Let Γk, integer L(k) is said to be the kσ character of x if it satisfies the following condition: σL(k)ΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22=maxiNσiΦΓkΓikxΓkΓik22.

By Definition 3.2, it is easy to check that ΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22σL(k)ΦΓkxΓk>0 and (7) ΦΓkΓikxΓkΓik22σL(k)iΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22,iN.(7) Recalling that ΦΓkΓikxΓkΓik22=0 for iJk and σ>1, we have νkL(k)Jk1. Thus (8) 2L(k)2Jk1|Γk|.(8) Based on kσ character L(k), we define the following integer sequence {κi} as (9) κi={0for i=0,κi1for |Γκi1|=0,κi1+[α2L(κi1)]for |Γκi1|0.(9) Obviously, the sequence {κi} is monotonically non-decreasing, i.e., κ0κ1.

3.2. Main idea

Inspired by Wang and Shim (Citation2016) and Zhang (Citation2011), we show that after k iterations, OMP can select a substantial amount of indices in Γk for a specified number of additional iterations, and the rate of the number of additional iterations to the number of chosen indices is upper bounded by the constant α. More precisely, we give the following important proposition, which is the basis of Theorem 2.1.

Proposition 3.1

Suppose Γk,k+[α|Γk|]κ, and δK+κδ, then we have (10) |Γk+[α2L(k)]||Γk|2L(k),(10) where L(k) is the kσ character of x.

Now, we can prove Theorem 2.1 based on Proposition 3.1. The proof can be divided into two steps.

Step 1: We first prove that (11) κi+[α|Γκi|]κ,iN.(11) Obviously, (Equation11) holds when i = 0 since κ0+[α|Γ0|]=[α|Γ0|][αK]=κ. In the following, we assume that κi1+[α|Γκi1|]κ. If |Γκi1|=0, then |Γκi|=0 from ΓκiΓκi1. It follows that κi+[α|Γκi|]=κi=κi1+[α|Γκi1|]κ. If |Γκi1|0, by substituting k=κi1 into (Equation10), we have |Γκi|=|Γκi1+[α2L(κi1)]||Γκi1|2L(κi1). Thus κi+[α|Γκi|]=[κi+α|Γκi|][κi1+α2L(κi1)+α(|Γκi1|2L(κi1))]=κi1+[α|Γκi1|]κ. This completes the proof of (Equation11).

Step 2: We prove that there exists a constant sN such that |Γκs|=0. On one hand, from (Equation11) we have (12) κiκi+[α|Γκi|]κ,iN.(12) Thus {κi} is a monotonically non-decreasing and bounded integer sequence. On the other hand, it is clear that α4ln2>2. Then from (Equation9), one can easily show that κi1<κi for |Γκi1|0. Therefore, there must exist a constant sN such that |Γκs|=0. From (Equation12), we have κsκ, then |Γκ||Γκs|. Hence |Γκ|=0, which completes the proof.

3.3. Sketch of proof of Proposition 3.1

We here give a sketch of the proof of Proposition 3.1, the remaining details of (Equation16) and (Equation17) can be found in the Appendix. For notational simplicity, let k+[α2L(k)]=n1. From Γk,k+[α|Γk|]κ, and (Equation8), we have (13) n1=k+[α2L(k)]k+[α|Γk|]κ,(13) and (Equation10) can be rewritten as (14) |Γn1||Γk|2L(k).(14) By (P.2), a sufficient condition of the above inequality is (15) ΦΓn1xΓn122<ΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22.(15) Now, what remains is the proof of (Equation15), which is based on the analysis of the residual of OMP. First, by exploiting Wielandt inequality and RIP, we construct a lower bound for rn122, that is, (16) rn122(1δ2)ΦΓn1xΓn122.(16) Next, by exploiting some properties of orthogonal projection matrix and RIP, we construct an upper bound for rn122, (17) rn122<(1δ2)ΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22.(17) From (Equation16) and (Equation17), it is easy to verify (Equation15) holds. Hence the remains is the proof of (Equation16) and (Equation17) (see Appendices).

4. Conclusion

In this paper, we analyse the number of iterations required for OMP to exactly recover sparse signals. Our analysis shows that OMP can recover any K-sparse signals in [cK] iterations (c4(1+δ1)1δln1δ2), which is uniformly smaller than the one proposed in Wang and Shim (Citation2016). For example, to accurately recover K-sparse signals, it has been shown in Wang and Shim (Citation2016) that OMP requires 30K iterations with δ31K21 while our result shows that OMP requires only [16.8K] iterations with δ[17.8K]21. In practical application, a large number of iterations often lead to a high computational complexity. Our result provides a theoretical basis for the reduction of the number of iterations required for OMP.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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The corresponding author gratefully acknowledges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 11971204, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China No. BK20200108, and the Zhongwu Youth Innovative Talent Program of Jiangsu University of Technology.


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Appendix 1. Proof of (16)

The proof of (Equation16) is based on the Wielandt inequality (Wang & Ip, Citation1999), which is presented in the following Lemma.

Lemma A.1

Wielandt inequality

Let A=(A11A12A21A22) be an n-order positive-definite matrix with aInAbIn,(a>0). Then we have (A1) A21A111A12(bab+a)2A22.(A1)

We now proceed to the proof of (Equation16). The conclusion holds naturally if Γn1=. In the following, we prove that (Equation16) still holds under Γn1. Without loss of generality, we assume that Tn1={1,2,,n1}, and Γn1={n1+1,n1+2,,n1+n2}, where n2=|Γn1|. Notice that (A2) ΦTn1Γn1ΦTn1Γn1=(ΦTn1ΦTn1ΦTn1ΦΓn1ΦΓn1ΦTn1ΦΓn1ΦΓn1).(A2) By (Equation13), we have n1+n2K+κ. Furthermore, from the monotonicity of the RIC and δK+κδ, we have δn1+n2δK+κδ. It implies that (A3) (1δ)In1+n2ΦTn1Γn1ΦTn1Γn1(1+δ)In1+n2.(A3) Since (EquationA2), (EquationA3), and Lemma A.1, we have (A4) ΦΓn1PTn1ΦΓn1=ΦΓn1ΦTn1(ΦTn1ΦTn1)1ΦTn1ΦΓn1δ2ΦΓn1ΦΓn1.(A4) Hence by (EquationA4), it follows that rn122=PTn1ΦΓn1xΓn122=xΓn1ΦΓn1PTn1ΦΓn1xΓn1=xΓn1ΦΓn1ΦΓn1xΓn1xΓn1ΦΓn1PTn1ΦΓn1xΓn1(1δ2)ΦΓn1xΓn122. This completes the proof.

Appendix 2. Proof of (17)

The proof of (Equation17) is based on the following Lemma A.2, which generalized the results of Wang and Shim (Citation2016) to the complex field.

Lemma A.2

Suppose Γk, and Γ be a nonempty subset of Γk, the residual of OMP satisfies (A5) rl22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22CΓ,l,l(rl22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22),(A5) where CΓ,l,l=exp((1δ|Tl1Γ|)(ll)(1+δ1)|Γ|) for any integer llk.


Since ll, it follows that rl22rl22. Notice that 0<CΓ,l,l1. Thus if l=l or rl22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ220, then Lemma A.2 holds evidently. In the following, we assume that l>l and (A6) rl22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22>0.(A6) It implies that (A7) ri22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22rl22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22>0,i=0,1,,l.(A7) We later proved that the residual of OMP satisfies (A8) ri+122ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22exp(1δ|Tl1Γ|(1+δ1)|Γ|)(ri22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22),(A8) for i=l,l+1,,l1. Then (EquationA5) can be obtained by (EquationA8) as follows, rl22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22exp(1δ|Tl1Γ|(1+δ1)|Γ|)(rl122ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22)exp(2(1δ|Tl1Γ|)(1+δ1)|Γ|)×(rl222ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22)exp((1δ|Tl1Γ|)(ll)(1+δ1)|Γ|)×(rl22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22). (EquationA8) can be proved as follows. It is easy to check that PTi+1=PTi+1PTi. Thus ri+1=PTi+1y=PTi+1PTiy=PTi+1ri. Furthermore, (A9) ri22ri+122=ri22PTi+1ri22=(a)PTi+1ri22(b)P{ti+1}ri22=(c)|ri,ϕti+1|2ϕti+1ϕti+1(d)|ri,ϕti+1|21+δ1,(A9) where (a), (b), (c), (d) above can be obtained as follows: (a) is from that fact that PTi+1ri22+PTi+1ri22=ri22; (b) is due to ti+1Ti+1; (c) is because P{ti+1}ri22=(ri)P{ti+1}ri=(ri)ϕti+1(ϕti+1ϕti+1)+ϕti+1ri and (ϕti+1ϕti+1)+=1ϕti+1ϕti+1; (d) is followed from the definition of RIP.

Now we construct a lower bound for |ri,ϕti+1|2 below.

Notice that PTiΦΛxΛ=0 for ΛTi and TΓkTkTi. Thus we have (A10) ri=PTiy=PTiΦTxT=PTi(ΦΓkxΓk+ΦTΓkxTΓk)=PTiΦΓkxΓk.(A10) From (EquationA10), it follows that (A11) riPTiΦΓTixΓTi22=riPTiΦΓxΓ+PTiΦΓTixΓTi22=riPTiΦΓxΓ22=PTi(ΦΓkxΓkΦΓxΓ)22ΦΓkxΓkΦΓxΓ22=ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22.(A11) Notice that PTiri=ri. From (EquationA11), we have (A12) 2Reri,ΦΓTixΓTi=2RePTiri,ΦΓTixΓTi=2Reri,PTiΦΓTixΓTi=ri22+PTiΦΓTixΓTi22riPTiΦΓTixΓTi22ri22+PTiΦΓTixΓTi22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22.(A12) Hence by (EquationA7) and (EquationA12), we have (A13) 2Reri,ΦΓTixΓTiri22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ)22>0,(A13) and ΓTi.

Now we prove (A14) PTiΦΓTixΓTi22(1δ|TiΓ|)xΓTi22.(A14) In fact, if i=0, then T0= and PT0=Im. From RIP, we have PT0ΦΓT0xΓT022=ΦΓxΓ22(1δ|Γ|)xΓ22=(1δ|T0Γ|)xΓT022. For i0, we have PTiΦΓTixΓTi22=ΦΓTixΓTiPTiΦΓTixΓTi22=ΦΓTixΓTiΦTi(ΦTiΦTi)+ΦTiΦΓTixΓTi22=(ΦΓTiΦTi)(xΓTi(ΦTiΦTi)+ΦTiΦΓTixΓTi)22(1δ|TiΓ|)(xΓTi22+(ΦTiΦTi)+ΦTiΦΓTixΓTi22)(1δ|TiΓ|)xΓTi22. Then from (EquationA12), (EquationA14) and the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, it can be verified that (A15) Reri,ΦΓTixΓTi1δ|TiΓ|xΓTi2ri22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22.(A15) On the other hand, we have |ri,ϕτ||ri,ϕti+1| for τΩn. Thus (A16) Reri,ΦΓTixΓTi=Reri,τΓTixτϕτ|ri,τΓTixτϕτ|=|τΓTixτri,ϕτ|xΓTi1|ri,ϕti+1|.(A16) Notice that xΓTi12xΓTi22|ΓTi||Γ|. Combining (EquationA15) and (EquationA16), we obtain (A17) |ri,ϕti+1|2(1δ|TiΓ|)xΓTi22xΓTi12(ri22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22)(1δ|TiΓ|)|Γ|(ri22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22).(A17) This, together with (EquationA9), implies (A18) ri22ri+1221δ|TiΓ|(1+δ1)|Γ|(ri22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22).(A18) Hence (EquationA18) can be rewritten as (A19) ri+122ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22(11δ|TiΓ|(1+δ1)|Γ|)(ri22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22).(A19) Let a=1δ|TiΓ|(1+δ1)|Γ|, then 1aexp(a). From monotonicity of the RIC, we can obtain that δ|TiΓ|δ|Tl1Γ| for il1. Thus from (EquationA19), we have ri+122ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22exp(1δ|TiΓ|(1+δ1)|Γ|)(ri22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22)exp(1δ|Tl1Γ|(1+δ1)|Γ|)(ri22ΦΓkΓxΓkΓ22), for i=l,l+1,,l1. This completes the proof of (EquationA8).

We now proceed to the proof of (Equation17). Let k0=k and ki=k+τ=νk+1νk+iα4|Γτk|,i=1,2,,L(k)+1νk. Let l=ki,l=ki1 and Γ=Γνk+ik in (EquationA5). Notice that kiki1=α4|Γνk+ik|. Then it follows that (A20) rki22ΦΓkΓνk+ikxΓkΓνk+ik22CΓνk+ik,ki1,ki(rki122ΦΓkΓνk+ikxΓkΓνk+ik22),(A20) where CΓνk+ik,ki1,ki=exp((1δ|Tki1Γνk+ik|)α4|Γνk+ik|(1+δ1)|Γνk+ik|). In the following, we construct an upper bound for CΓνk+ik,ki1,ki. Recall that α4ln22. Then from Appendix 2 in Wang and Shim (Citation2016), we have (A21) τ=1lα4(2l1)α2l11.(A21) By (P.1) and (EquationA21), it follows that (A22) kL(k)+1νk=k+τ=νk+1L(k)+1α4|Γτk|k+τ=1L(k)+1α4(2τ1)k+α2L(k)1k+[α2L(k)]=n1.(A22) Notice that ΓτkΓkT, and Tki1TkL(k)+1νk for i=1,2,,L(k)+1νk. From (Equation13) and (EquationA22), we obtain |Γνk+ikTki1||TTkL(k)+1νk||TTn1|K+κ. Furthermore, from monotonicity of the RIC and δK+κδ, we have (A23) 1δ|Γνk+ikTki1|1+δ11δK+κ1+δ11δ1+δ1.(A23) Hence, (A24) CΓνk+ik,ki1,ki=exp((1δ|Tki1Γνk+ik|)α4|Γνk+ik|(1+δ1)|Γνk+ik)exp((1δ)α4|Γνk+ik|(1+δ1)|Γνk+ik|)=(1δ)/2.(A24)

Together with (EquationA20), it implies that (A25) rki221δ2rki122+1+δ2ΦΓkΓνk+ikxΓkΓνk+ik22,(A25) for i=1,2,,L(k)+1νk. Note that we only need to consider rki122ΦΓkΓνk+ikxΓkΓνk+ik22 since if rki122<ΦΓkΓνk+ikxΓkΓνk+ik22, (EquationA25) holds from rki22rki122=1δ2rki122+1+δ2rki1221δ2rki122+1+δ2ΦΓkΓνk+ikxΓkΓνk+ik22. By substituting (Equation7) into (EquationA25), we further obtain (A26) rki221δ2rki122+1+δ2σL(k)νkiΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22.(A26) From Γνkk= and (Equation7), we have (A27) rk22=PTkΦΓkxΓk22=PTkΦΓkΓνkkxΓkΓνkk22ΦΓkΓνkkxΓkΓνkk22σL(k)νkΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22.(A27) Notice that σ=11δ and ΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22>0, Then by (EquationA22), (EquationA26), (EquationA27), we obtain rn122rkL(k)+1νk22(1δ2)L(k)+1νk(rk22+1+δ2τ=1L(k)+1νk(1δ2)τ×σL(k)νkτΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22)(1δ2)L(k)+1νk(σL(k)νk+(1+δ2)τ=1L(k)+1νk(1δ2)τ×σL(k)νkτ)ΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22=(1δ2δ(1δ)2L(k)+1νk)ΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22<(1δ2)ΦΓkΓL(k)kxΓkΓL(k)k22. Thus (Equation17) holds. This completes the proof.