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Robust variance estimation for covariate-adjusted unconditional treatment effect in randomized clinical trials with binary outcomes

, , &
Pages 159-163 | Received 20 Feb 2023, Accepted 18 Apr 2023, Published online: 28 Apr 2023


To improve the precision of estimation and power of testing hypothesis for an unconditional treatment effect in randomized clinical trials with binary outcomes, researchers and regulatory agencies recommend using g-computation as a reliable method of covariate adjustment. However, the practical application of g-computation is hindered by the lack of an explicit robust variance formula that can be used for different unconditional treatment effects of interest. To fill this gap, we provide explicit and robust variance estimators for g-computation estimators and demonstrate through simulations that the variance estimators can be reliably applied in practice.

1. Introduction

In randomized clinical trials, adjusting for baseline covariates has been advocated as a way to improve the precision of estimating and power of testing treatment effects (Freedman, Citation2008; Lin, Citation2013; Tsiatis et al., Citation2008; Yang & Tsiatis, Citation2001; Ye et al., Citation2023Citation2022). We focus on binary outcomes in this article. When a logistic model is used as a working model for baseline covariate adjustment, the g-computation (Freedman, Citation2008; Moore & van der Laan, Citation2009) provides asymptotically normal estimators of unconditional treatment effects such as the risk difference, relative risk and odds ratio, regardless of whether the logistic model is correct or not. In May 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration released a draft guidance (FDA, Citation2021) for the use of covariates in the analysis of randomized clinical trials, and recommended the g-computation as a ‘statistically reliable method of covariate adjustment for an unconditional treatment effect with binary outcomes '.

However, to the best of our knowledge, no explicit robust variance estimation formula for g-computation is currently available that can be used for inference on different unconditional treatment effects of interest. Moreover, some existing variance estimation formulas in the literature, such as the formula in Ge et al. (Citation2011) for risk difference and two treatment arms, are model-based and do not fit the model-robust inference paradigm. Additionally, the formula in Ge et al. (Citation2011) does not take into account a source of variability due to covariates and nonlinearity of logistic model, which can lead to confidence intervals with insufficient coverage probabilities.

The purpose of this article is to fill this gap by providing explicit and robust variance estimators for g-computation estimators. Our simulations demonstrate that the provided variance estimators can be reliably applied in practice.

2. Robust variance estimation

Consider a k-arm trial with n subjects. For each subject i, let Ai be the k-dimensional treatment indicator vector that equals at if patient i receives treatment t for t=1,,k, where at denotes the k-dimensional vector whose tth component is 1 and other components are 0, Yi(t) be the binary potential outcome under treatment t, and Xi be the baseline covariate vector for adjustment. The observed outcome is Yi=Yi(t) if and only if Ai=at. We consider simple randomization where Ai is completely random with known πt=P(Ai=at), πt>0 and t=1kπt=1. We assume that (Yi(1),,Yi(k),Ai,Xi),i=1,,n, are independent and identically distributed with finite second order moments. To simplify the notation, we drop the subscript i when referring to a generic subject from the population. Write the unconditional response means as θt=E(Y(t)) and θ=(θ1,,θk), where the superscript denotes the transpose of a vector throughout. The target parameter is a given contrast of the unconditional response mean vector θ denoted as f(θ), such as the risk difference θtθs, risk ratio θt/θs, and odds ratio θt/(1θt)θs/(1θs) between two treatment arms t and s.

Throughout this article, we consider the g-computation procedure that fits a working logistic model E(YA,X)=expit(βAA+βXX), where expit(x)=exp(x)/{1+exp(x)}, and βA and βX are unknown parameter vectors (FDA, Citation2021). The logistic model does not need to be correct and is only used as an intermediate step to obtain g-computation estimators. Let βˆA and βˆX be the maximum likelihood estimators of βA and βX, respectively, under the working logistic model. Then, μˆt(Xi)=expit(βˆAat+βˆXXi) is the predicted probability of response under treatment t. The g-computation estimator of θ is θˆ=(θˆ1,,θˆk) with θˆt=n1i=1nμˆt(Xi), and of a given contrast f(θ) is f(θˆ). Hence, the g-computation takes a summary-then-contrast approach (Citation(2019), R1).

Next, we derive the asymptotic distribution of the g-computation estimator θˆ and apply the delta method to obtain the asymptotic distribution of the g-computation estimator f(θˆ). As the logistic regression uses a canonical link, the first-order conditions of the maximum likelihood estimation ensure that, for t=1,,k, i=1nI(Ai=at){Yi(t)μˆt(Xi)}=0, where I(Ai=at) is the indicator of Ai=at. Hence, the g-computation estimator is equal to θˆt=1ni=1nμˆt(Xi)=1ni=1n[I(Ai=at)πˆt{Yi(t)μˆt(Xi)}+μˆt(Xi)], where πˆt=nt/n and nt is the number of subjects assigned to treatment t. Since Ai's are assigned completely at random, πˆt and μˆt(x) can converge to πt and μt(x) with n1/2 rate, respectively, where x is a fixed point and μt(x) is a function not necessarily equal to E(Y(t)X=x) under model misspecification but satisfies E{Yi(t)μt(Xi)}=0 due to the above first-order conditions, t=1,,k. Then, by Kennedy (Citation2016) and Chernozhukov et al. (Citation2017), θˆt=1ni=1n[I(Ai=at)πt{Yi(t)μt(Xi)}+μt(Xi)]+op(n1/2), where op(n1/2) denotes the remaining term multiplied by n1/2 converges to 0 in probability. Therefore, an application of the central limit theorem shows that, regardless of whether the working model is correct or not, n(θˆθ)dN(0, V),V=(v11v12v1kv1kv2kvkk), where d denotes convergence in distribution, 0 is the k-dimensional vector of zeros, and vtt=πt1var{Y(t)μt(X)}+2cov{Y(t),μt(X)}var{μt(X)},t=1,,k,vts=cov{Y(t),μs(X)}+cov{Y(s),μt(X)}cov{μt(X),μs(X)},1t<sk. By the delta method, when f(θ) is differentiable at θ with partial derivative vector f(θ), we have n{f(θˆ)f(θ)}dN(0, {f(θ)}V{f(θ)}). Some examples are: {f(θ)}V{f(θ)}={vtt2vts+vss, f(θ)=θtθs,vttθt22vtsθtθs+vssθs2, f(θ)=logθtθs,vttθt2(1θt)22vtsθt(1θt)θs(1θs)+vssθs2(1θs)2 f(θ)=logθt/(1θt)θs/(1θs). Note that we apply normal approximation for the log transformed risk ratio and odds ratio because the log transformation typically can improve the performance of normal approximation (Haldane, Citation1956; Woolf, Citation1955).

For robust inference, we propose the following variance estimator for f(θˆ) that is always consistent regardless of model misspecification: (1) n1{f(θˆ)}Vˆ{f(θˆ)},Vˆ=(vˆ11vˆ12vˆ1kvˆ1kvˆ2kvˆkk),(1) where vˆtt=πt1Srt2+2QyttSμt2,t=1,,k,vˆts=Qyts+QystQμts,1t<sk, Srt2 is the sample variance of Yiμˆt(Xi) for subjects with Ai=at, Qytt is the sample covariance of Yi and μˆt(Xi) for subjects with Ai=at, Sμt2 is the sample variance of μˆt(Xi) for all subjects, Qyts is the sample covariance of Yi and μˆs(Xi) for subjects with Ai=at, and Qμts is the sample covariance of μˆt(Xi) and μˆs(Xi) for all subjects. These robust variance estimators can be directly calculated using our R package RobinCar that is publicly available at https://github.com/tye27/RobinCar.

To end this section, we describe the variance estimator in Ge et al. (Citation2011) for the g-computation estimator of risk difference θˆ2θˆ1 in a two-arm trial and discuss why it can be inconsistent and underestimate the true variance. In our notation, Ge et al. (Citation2011) wrote the g-computation estimator θˆ2θˆ1 as gn(βˆ), where gn(βˆ)=1ni=1nexpit(βˆAa2+βˆXXi)1ni=1nexpit(βˆAa1+βˆXXi) and βˆ=(βˆA,βˆX). Then they applied the Taylor expansion gn(βˆ)gn(β)={gn(β)}(βˆβ)+op(n1/2), where β is the probability limit of βˆ, and proposed n1{gn(βˆ)}VˆM{gn(βˆ)} as a variance estimator for θˆ2θˆ1, where VˆM is the model-based variance estimator for n(βˆβ) from the standard maximum likelihood approach. This approach has two problems. First, it uses the model-based variance estimator VˆM, which may be inconsistent to the true variance of βˆ under model misspecification. Second, from (θˆ2θˆ1)(θ2θ1)={gn(βˆ)gn(β)}+{gn(β)(θ2θ1)}, the variance estimator proposed by Ge et al. (Citation2011) only accounts for the variance of the first term gn(βˆ)gn(β) but misses the variability from gn(β)(θ2θ1) that is not 0 as the function expit() is nonlinear. This second problem can lead to a confidence interval with too low coverage probability, which can be seen from the simulation results in the following section.

3. Simulations

We conduct simulations to evaluate the finite-sample performance of our robust variance estimator in (Equation1). We consider two arms or three arms, simple randomization for treatment assignments with equal allocation (i.e., π1=π2=1/2 for two arms and π1=π2=π3=1/3 for three arms), a one-dimensional covariate XN(0,32), and n = 200 or 500.

We consider the following three outcome data generating processes.

  • Case I: P(Y=1A,X)=expit{2+5I(A=a2)+X}.

  • Case II: P(Y=1A=a1,X)=expit(2+X) and P(Y=1A=a2,X)=expit(3+1.5X0.01X2).

  • Case III: P(Y=1A,X)=expit(2+2I(A=a2)+4I(A=a3)+X).

In order to determine the true values of the unconditional response means, we simulate a large dataset of sample size 107 for each case and obtain that (θ1,θ2)=(0.2830,0.8057) for Case I, (θ1,θ2)=(0.2830,0.7297) for Case II, and (θ1,θ2,θ3)=(0.2827,0.5004,0.7172) for Case III. In each case, the g-computation estimator is based on fitting a working logistic model P(Y=1A,X)=expit(βAA+βXX), which is correctly specified under Case I and Case III, but is misspecified under Case II.

For Cases I–II, which have two arms, we focus on estimating θ2θ1 and also include the variance estimator in Ge et al. (Citation2011). For Case III, which has three arms, we evaluate our robust variance estimators for three common unconditional treatment effects for binary outcomes. The results for Cases I–II are in Table  and for Case III are in Table , which include (i) the true parameter value, (ii) Monte Carlo mean and standard deviation (SD) of g-computation point estimators, (iii) average of standard error (SE), and (iv) coverage probability (CP) of 95% confidence intervals. We use sample size n= 200 or 500, and 10000 simulation runs.

Table 1. Simulation mean and standard deviation (SD) of θˆ2θˆ1, average standard error (SE), and coverage probability (CP) of 95% asymptotic confidence interval for θ2θ1 under Cases I–II and simple randomization.

Table 2. Simulation mean and standard deviation (SD) of g-computation estimators, average standard error (SE), and coverage probability (CP) of 95% asymptotic confidence interval based on robust SE (Equation1) under Case III and simple randomization.

From Tables , we see that the g-computation estimators have negligible biases compared to the standard deviations. Our robust standard error, which is the squared root of variance estimator in (Equation1), is always very close to the actual standard deviation, and the related confidence interval has nominal coverage across all settings. In contrast, the standard error in Ge et al. (Citation2011) underestimates the actual standard deviation under Case I when there is no model misspecification, as well as under Case II when there is model misspecification, and the related confidence intervals have too low coverage probabilities in both cases.

4. Summary and discussion

In this article, we provide an explicit robust variance estimator formula for g-computation estimators, which can be used for different unconditional treatment effects of interest and clinical trials with two or more arms. Our simulations demonstrate that the variance estimator can be reliably used in practice.

In this article, for the purpose of being specific, we focus on the logistic model that regresses the outcome on the treatment indicators and covariates, which is arguably the most widely used model for binary outcomes. However, our robust variance estimation formula in (Equation1) is not limited to this model and can be used with different specifications of the working model (e.g., fitting a separate logistic model for each treatment arm) or with other generalized linear models using a canonical link for non-binary outcomes (e.g., Poisson regression for count outcomes). Additionally, although our article considers simple randomization, our robust variance formula in (Equation1) can also be used for a complete randomization scheme where the sample size in every group t is fixed to be nπt, because this randomization scheme leads to the same asymptotic distribution as the simple randomization (Ye et al., Citation2023). Simulation results under this randomization scheme are similar to those under simple randomization; see Tables 3-4 in the Appendix.

We implement an R package called RobinCar to conveniently compute the g-computation estimator and our robust variance estimators, which is publicly available at https://github.com/tye27/RobinCar.


In Tables , we include simulation results under a complete randomization scheme where the sample size in every group t is fixed to be nπt.

Table 3. Simulation mean and standard deviation (SD) of θˆ2θˆ1, average standard error (SE) and coverage probability (CP) of 95% asymptotic confidence interval for θ2θ1 under Cases I–II and complete randomization that fixes nt=nπt.

Table 4. Simulation mean and standard deviation (SD) of g-computation estimators, average standard error (SE), and coverage probability (CP) of 95% asymptotic confidence interval based on robust SE (Equation1) under Case III and complete randomization that fixes nt=nπt.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


This work was supported by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases [NIAID 5 UM1 AI068617].


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