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Research Article

Spatial-sign-based high-dimensional white noises test

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Received 18 Sep 2023, Accepted 30 May 2024, Published online: 07 Jun 2024


In this study, we explore the problem of hypothesis testing for white noise in high-dimensional settings, where the dimension of the random vector may exceed the sample sizes. We introduce a test procedure based on spatial-sign for high-dimensional white noise testing. This new spatial-sign-based test statistic is designed to emulate the test statistic proposed by Paindaveine and Verdebout [(2016). On high-dimensional sign tests. Bernoulli, 22(3), 1745–1769.], but under a more generalized scatter matrix assumption. We establish the asymptotic null distribution and provide the asymptotic relative efficiency of our test in comparison with the test proposed by Feng et al. [(2022). Testing for high-dimensional white noise. arXiv:2211.02964.] under certain specific alternative hypotheses. Simulation studies further validate the efficiency and robustness of our test, particularly for heavy-tailed distributions.

1. Introduction

In this paper, we consider testing for white noise or serial correlation, which is a fundamental problem in statistical inference. For univariate time series, the famous Box-Pierce portmanteau test and its variations are very popular due to their convenience in practical application (Li, Citation2003; Lütkepohl, Citation2005). Many efforts have been devoted to extending those methods for testing multivariate time series, such as Hosking (Citation1980) and Li and McLeod (Citation1981). Recently, high-dimensional time series data frequently appear in many applications, including finance and econometrics, biological and environmental research, etc., where the dimensions of the time series is comparable or even larger than the observed length of the time series. In this case, the above traditional white noise tests can not directly apply for high-dimensional data.

Recently, there are two types of omnibus tests proposed to deal with high-dimensional white noise test. One is the max-type test. Chang et al. (Citation2017) proposed a test statistic using the maximum absolute autocorrelation and cross-correlations of the component series. Tsay (Citation2020) proposed a rank-based max-type test using the Spearman rank correlation. Chen et al. (Citation2022) extended Tsay (Citation2020)'s work to other types rank-based correlations, such as Kendall's tau correlation and Hoeffding's D statistic, etc. As known to all, the max-type tests perform well for the sparse alternatives where only a few auto-correlations are nonzero and large, but perform less powerful for the dense alternatives where there are many small nonzero auto-correlations. So researchers proposed sum-type tests for the high-dimensional white noise test. Li et al. (Citation2019) proposed a test statistic by using the sum of the squared singular values of several lagged sample autocovariance matrices. Feng et al. (Citation2022) proposed a new sum-type test statistic by excluding some terms from the test statistic proposed by Li et al. (Citation2019) and showed that it has better size performance. However, the above two sum-type tests are both based on the independent component model, which only allows the underlying distribution of the time series to be light tailed. Unfortunately, the assumption of light-tailed distribution may be no appropriate for many applications, such as stock security returns. Thus, we need to construct a robust high-dimensional white noise test procedure for the heavy tailed distributions.

The classic spatial-sign-based procedures are very robust and efficient in traditional multivariate analysis. See Oja (Citation2010) for an overview. Recently, many literatures show that the spatial-sign-based procedures also perform very well in high-dimensional settings. Wang et al. (Citation2015), Feng and Sun (Citation2016) and Feng et al. (Citation2021) proposed some spatial-sign-based test procedures for the high-dimensional one sample locationproblem. Feng et al. (Citation2016) and Huang et al. (Citation2023) considered high-dimensional two sample location problem. Zou et al. (Citation2014) and Feng and Liu (Citation2017) also extended the spatial-sign-based method to the high-dimensional sphericity test. Some spatial-sign-based test procedures for high-dimensional alpha test in factor pricing model were proposed by Liu et al. (Citation2023), Zhao et al. (Citation2022) and Zhao (Citation2023). In an important work, Paindaveine and Verdebout (Citation2016) proposed a spatial-sign-based test for i id.ness against serial dependence. However, they assume that the random vectors have independent spherical directions, which is too limited in applications. In practice, there is always some correlations between the random vectors. So we propose a new spatial-sign-based test procedure for the high-dimensional white noise test in this article. Under the elliptical symmetric distribution assumption, we establish the asymptotical normality of the proposed test statistic under the null hypothesis and a special alternative hypothesis. We also show that the asymptotical relative efficiency of our method with respect to the test proposed by Feng et al. (Citation2022) is equivalent to the corresponding asymptotical relative efficiency of spatial-sign-based method with respect to the least-square based procedures in high-dimensional settings (Feng & Sun, Citation2016; Liu et al., Citation2023; Wang et al., Citation2015; Zhao, Citation2023). Simulation studies also demonstrate the superiority of our method for heavy-tailed distributions.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce our proposed spatial-sign-based test procedure for high-dimensional white noise test and establish the theoretical results. Simulation studies are showed in Section 3. An application involving real data are presented in Section 4. The conclusion and additional discussion are provided in Section 5. All technical details are collected in Section 6.

2. Test procedure

Let ε1,,εn be a p-dimensional weakly stationary time series with a mean of zero. We consider the following testing problem: (1) H0:{εt}is white noise v s H1:{εt}is not white noise,(1) where the dimension of time series p is comparable to or even greater than the sample size n. In this context, we define a time series {εt} as white noise if the elements εt are all independent and identically distributed. This definition differs from those provided in Shekhar et al. (Citation2003) and Cai and Kwan (Citation2022). Under the null hypothesis, E(εtεt+k)=0. So, Li et al. (Citation2019) proposed the following test statistic: GH=h=1Htr(S^hS^h),S^h=1nt=h+1nεtεth.They established the asymptotical normality of GH by random matrix theory. Feng et al. (Citation2022) removed the diagonal elements εiεiεi+hεi+h from the summation and proposed the following test statistic: TFLM=1n(n1)h=1Hstεtεsεt+hεs+h.They also established the asymptotical normality of TFLM by the martingale central limit theorem. Both the above two tests need the assumption of an independent component model, that is, εt=S1/2zt and zt=(zt1,,ztp) is a sequence of independent random vectors of dimensions p with independent components. However, a common drawback of the independent component model is their inability to handle many well-known heavy-tailed distributions, such as the multivariate student t and the mixture of multivariate normal distributions. Thus, we need to propose a robust and efficient test procedure for heavy-tailed distributions.

Under the assumption that εt have independent spherical directions, Paindaveine and Verdebout (Citation2016) proposed a standardization test statistic (2) TPV=2p2Hh=1H1nhh+1s<tnUshUthUsUt,(2) where Ut=U(εt) and U(x)=x||x||I(x0). They showed that TPVdN(0,1) as n,p under the null hypothesis. However, the assumption of independent spherical directions always does not hold in practice. In addition, they did not give the power function of TPV under the alternative hypothesis. So we need to establish the theoretical results of the spatial-sign-based test statistic under more general scatter matrix assumption.

We consider the following test statistic: (3) TS=h=1H1nhh+1s<tnUshUthUsUt,(3) which is mimic to the test statistic (Equation2). Next, we will show that the asymptotic variance of TS under the null hypothesis is H2tr2(Ω2) and Ω=E(UtUt), which is equal to H2p2 if εt have independent spherical directions.

We need the following conditions.


(Error Distribution) The error vectors ε1,,εn are i.i.d. from the p-variate mean zero elliptical distribution with probability density function: det(Ξ)1/2g(Ξ1/2ε),εRp,where Ξ is a positive-definite scatter matrix.


(Covariance Matrix) tr(Σ4)=o(tr2(Σ2)) and tr4(Σ)tr2(Σ2)exp{tr2(Σ)128Nλmax2(Σ)}0, where Σ=Cov(et)(σij)1i,jN and λmax(Σ) is the largest eigenvalue of Σ.

Under the Condition (C1), εi can be decomposed as Ξ1/2Riui where ui is a random vector uniformly distributed on the unit sphere in Rp and Ri is a nonnegative random variable independent of ui. The covariance matrix can be written as Σ=p1E(Ri2)Ξ. Condition (C2) is the same as the Conditions (C1) and (C2) in Wang et al. (Citation2015). If the eigenvalues of Σ are all bounded, Condition (C2) will hold.

Theorem 2.1

Under Conditions (C1)-(C2), we have TS/σSdN(0,1) where σS2=H2tr2(Ω2).

Then, we estimate tr(Ω2)^ as follows: tr(Ω2)^=2n(n1)1s<tn(UsUt)2.By Proposition 1 of Zhao (Citation2023), we have tr(Ω2)^/tr(Ω2)p1 under the null hypothesis as n,p. So by Theorem 2.1, we reject the null hypothesis if TS/σ^S>zα where σ^S2=H2tr2(Ω2)^ and zα is the upper α quantile of standard normal distribution.

Next, we consider the power function of our test procedure. Specially, we consider the following alternative hypothesis: (4) H1:εt=A0rtut+A1rt1ut1,(4) where ut is a random vector uniformly distributed on the unit sphere in Rp and rt is a nonnegative random variable independent of ut. Let Σ0=A0A0, Σ1=A1A1 and Σ01=A0A1. We also assume the following condition for A0 and A1.


The eigenvalues of Σ0 are all bounded and tr(Σ1)=O(p/n), tr(Σ12)=O(p/n), tr(Σ0Σ1)=O(p/n).

Theorem 2.2

Under H1 in (Equation4) with Condition (C3) holding, if p/nγ(0,), we have, for H = 1, TS12c12ω4np2tr(Σ0Σ1)1/2p2ω4tr(Σ02)dN(0,1),where c1=E(rt)E(rt1) and ω=p1/2tr1/2(Σ0).

Note that under Condition (C3), we have tr(Ω2)=tr(Σ02)tr2(Σ0)(1+o(1)) under the null hypothesis. So, by Theorem 2.2, the power function of TS is βS=limn,pΦ(zα+c12ntr(Σ0Σ1)2tr(Σ02)).In addition, according to Theorem 5 in Feng et al. (Citation2022), the power function of the sum-type test proposed by Feng et al. (Citation2022) is βFLM=limn,pΦ(zα+nE2(rt)tr(Σ0Σ1)2E(rt2)tr(Σ02))under Condition (C3). Thus, the asymptotic relative efficiency of our SS test with respect to FLM test is ARE(SS,FLM)=limpE2(rt1)E(rt2)limp{E(rt)E(rt1)}21by Cauchy inequality. Next, we consider three special distributions for εt.

  1. εtN(0,Ip). So, rtE(rt1)p1 and then ARE(SS,FLM)=1.

  2. εttp(0,Ip,v). So E(rt1)=Γ{(v+1)/2}v1/2Γ(v/2)Γ{(p1)/2}Γ(p/2),E(rt2)=pvv2and then ARE(SS,FLM)=2v2(Γ((v+1)/2)Γ(v/2))2>1.For v = 3, this value is about 2.54; for v = 4, it is about 1.76; for v= (multivariate normal distribution), it converges to one.

  3. εt(1v)N(0,Ip)+vN(0,σ2Ip). So E(rt1)={v+(1v)/σ}{v+(1v)σ2}1/221/2Γ{(p1)/2}Γ(p/2),E(rt2)=p(1v+vσ2)and then ARE(SS,FLM)=1+v(1v)(σσ1)21+v(1v)(1σ1)2>1.

3. Simulations

We compare our method with the max-type test proposed by Chang et al. (Citation2017) (abbreviated as MAX), the sum-type test (abbreviated as FLM) and the Fisher's combined probability test (abbreviated as FC) proposed by Feng et al. (Citation2022). First, we consider the null hypothesis. To verify the robustness of the proposed testing method, we consider the following three scenarios for εt:

  1. Multivariate normal distribution. εtiidN(0,Σ);

  2. Multivariate t-distribution. εtiidt(0,Σ,3);

  3. Multivariate mixture normal distribution. εt's are independently generated from γfp(0,Σ)+(1γ)fp(0,9Σ), denoted by MNp,γ,9(0,Σ), where fp(,) is the density function of p-variate multivariate normal distribution. γ is chosen to be 0.8.

Thereinto, Σ=(σij)1i,jp, σii=1, i=1,,p, σij=12(ij)2 with ij. Table  reports the empirical sizes of SS, MAX, FLM, FC tests with n = 100, 200 and p = 40, 80, 100. From Table , we observe that both FLM and SS tests can control the empirical sizes in most cases. However, the empirical sizes of MAX test are a little conservative under the multivariate normal distribution, while a litter larger than the nominal level under the multivariate t-distribution. And the empirical sizes of FC tests also have the same performance as MAX test.

Table 1. Size performance of different tests.

Next, we compare the empirical power performance of the above four tests. We consider three models for εt:

  1. VAR(1) model: εt=Aεt1+zt;

  2. VMA(1) model: εt=zt+Azt1;

  3. VARMA(1) model: εt=0.5Aεt1+zt+0.5Azt1.

Here, ‘VAR(1)’, ‘VMA(1)’ and ‘VARMA(1)’ are the abbreviations of 1-order vector autoregressive process, vector moving average process and vector autoregressive moving average process, respectively. Here, zt are generated from Scenarios (I)–(III) with Σ=Ip. Let A=(aij)1i,jp. We consider the alternative hypothesis with aij0, for 1i,jm and aij=0 otherwise. Here, m controls the signal strength and sparsity of A. We consider two cases for m : (1) dense case: m=[0.8p] and aijU(14m,14m) for 1i,jm; (2) sparse case: m=[0.05p] and aijU(34m,34m) for 1i,jm. Table  reports the empirical power of the above four tests with n = 200, p = 80. Under the multivariate normal distribution, the performance of SS test is similar to FLM test, which is consistent to the theoretical result. Under the dense case, the powers of sum-type tests–SS and FLM are more powerful than MAX and FC tests. However, MAX and FC tests outperform SS and FLM tests under the sparse case. For the heavy-tailed distributions, our SS test has better performance than FLM test, which shows the advantage of the spatial-sign-based method. In addition, we found that the powers of the SS and FLM tests with H = 1 are larger than those tests with H = 2, 3. It is not strange because we consider the alternative hypothesis with 1-order. How to choose the best H for the general case deserves some further studies.

Table 2. Power performance of different tests with n = 200, p = 80.

4. Application

In this section, we are interested in testing whether the error series {εt} under Sharpe-Lintner Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) (Lintner, Citation1975; Sharpe, Citation1964) is white noise, i.e. (5) H0:{εt}is white noise v.s.H1:{εt}is not white noise,(5) where εt=(εt1,,εtp) and p is the number of securities. The CAPM model is one of the most popular factor pricing models in finance, which has the explicit form Yti=rtirft=αi+βi1(rmtrft)+εtifor t{1,,n} and i{1,,p}, where rti is the return of the ith security at time t, rft is the risk free rate at time t, Yti=rtirft is the excess return of the ith security at time t and rmt is the market return at time t. We gathered return data for the securities listed in the S&P 500 index. Initially, we compiled the monthly returns of all the securities in the S&P 500 index from January 2005 to November 2018. As the composition of the index changes over time, we focused on p = 374 securities that remained in the S&P 500 index throughout the entire period. This resulted in a total of T = 165 consecutive observations. The time series data for the safe rate of return and the market factors were sourced from Ken French's data library web page. We selected the one-month US treasury bill rate as the risk-free rate (rft). The value-weighted return on all NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stocks from CRSP served as a proxy for the market return (rmt).

Specifically, we let ε^tiYtiα^iβ^i1(rmtrft),where α^i and β^i1 are the ordinary least-squares (OLS) estimators of αi and βi1, respectively. To demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed test, we treat ε^t=(ε^t1,,ε^tp) as the observation of εt, instead of considering the testing problem within the CAPM model. First, we applied SS, FLM, MAX and CC tests for the total samples. All the tests reject the null hypothesis at significant level 0.05. We apply the Box-Pierce test, a conventional autocorrelation test, to the residuals of each security under the CAPM model with the total sample sizes. The histogram of p-values from the Box-Pierce test for the U.S. datasets is shown in Figure . We also observe some autocorrelations for some securities. So for the following application, we employ the sliding window method. With a predetermined length n, we carry out each of the necessary tests on the data gathered from the period spanning τ to τ+n1 for every τ in the range of {1,,Tn}. Here, {τ,,τ+n1} represents the sliding window of length n. Figure  displays the p-values for each test with a length of n = 36 (equivalent to three years). Our findings indicate that the MAX test is unable to reject the null hypothesis when the sample size is not sufficiently large. In most instances, the p-values of our proposed SS test are lower than those of the FLM test. Furthermore, we documented the frequency of null hypothesis rejection for the FLM and SS tests in these Tn test results, corresponding to the Tn sliding windows, which resulted in rates of 0.74 and 0.84, respectively. This indicates that our proposed SS test outperforms the other three tests in this application, primarily due to the heavy-tailed nature of the residuals. Figure  provides some Q-Q plots of these residuals.

Figure 1. Histogram of p-values of the Box-Pierce of residuals of CAPM model for U.S.'s datasets.

Figure 1. Histogram of p-values of the Box-Pierce of residuals of CAPM model for U.S.'s datasets.

Figure 2. p-values of white noise tests for the U.S.'s datasets with CAPM model.

Figure 2. p-values of white noise tests for the U.S.'s datasets with CAPM model.

Figure 3. Q–Q plots of the residuals of three securities with CAPM model.

Figure 3. Q–Q plots of the residuals of three securities with CAPM model.

5. Conclusion

In this study, we develop a new test procedure for high-dimensional white noise testing based on spatial-sign. Unlike the method proposed by Feng et al. (Citation2022), which constructs their test statistic using sample auto-covariance, our test statistic is constructed using auto-spatial-sign-covariance.We provide theoretical results for our proposed methods under the assumption of an elliptical distribution. Furthermore, we establish the asymptotic relative efficiency of our test in comparison to the sum-type test proposed by Feng et al. (Citation2022). Our simulation studies and application to real data demonstrate the superiority of our method over the sum-type test proposed by Feng et al. (Citation2022), particularly for heavy-tailed distributions.

As revealed in our simulation studies, our proposed test does not perform well against sparse alternatives. However, the max-type test proposed by Feng et al. (Citation2022) can not control the empirical sizes under heavy tailed distributions. This makes it intriguing to develop a max-type test procedure based on spatial-sign for high-dimensional white noise testing. Moreover, Feng et al. (Citation2022) demonstrated the asymptotic independence between their sum-type test statistic and the max-type test statistic. It would be interesting to investigate if the spatial-sign-based max-type test statistic also exhibits asymptotic independence with our proposed spatial-sign based sum-type test statistic. If this is the case, then we could construct a new combined test procedure based on this finding.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


The research of Dachuan Chen is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants 12101335 and 12271271), the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (Grant 21JCQNJC00020), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Nankai University (Grants 63211088, 63221050, and 63231013) and Wukong Investment Research Funds. Zhao and Wang's research is partially supported by the China National Key R&D Program under Grant Nos. 2022YFA1003703, 2022YFA1003800, and 2019YFC1908502, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 12226007, 12271271, 11925106, 12231011, 11931001 and 11971247, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant No. ZB22000105 and Shenzhen Wukong Investment Management Co. Ltd..


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Proof of theorems

A.1. Proof of Theorem 2.1

Define Vnj=l=1H1nli=l+1j1UilUjlUiUj,for j{3,,n} and Wnk=i=3kVni, k{3,,n}. Let Fiσ{U1,,Ui} be the σ-field generated by {Uj}ji. It is easy to show that E(Vni|Fi1)=0 and it follows that {Wnk,Fk:3kn} is a zero mean martingale. Let vni=E(Vni2|Fi1), 3in and Vn=i=3nvni. The central limit theorem (Hall & Heyde, Citation1980) will hold if we can show (A1) VnVar(Wnn)p1,(A1) and for any ϵ>0, (A2) i=3nσS2E[Vni2I{|Vni|>ϵσS}|Fi1]p0.(A2) It can be shown that vni=h,g=1H1(nh)(ng)s=h+1i1t=g+1i1E(UshUihUsUiUtgUigUtUiFi1)=h=1H1(nh)2s=h+1i1(UshUih)2UsΩUs+h=1H2(nh)2h+1s<ti1UshUihUthUihUsΩUt.So VnVar(Wnn)=σS2i=3nh=1H1(nh)2s=h+1i1(UshUih)2UsΩUs+σS2i=3nh=1H2(nh)2h+1s<ti1UshUihUthUihUsΩUtCn1+Cn2.Simple algebras lead to E(Cn1)=2Hh=1H1(nh)2i=h+2n(ih1)=1Hh=1Hnh1nh1as n. And Var(Cn1)HσS4h=1H1(nh)4Var[i=3ns=h+1i1(UshUih)2UsΩUs]H(nH)4σS4h=1HVar[i=3ns=h+1i1(UshUih)2UsΩUs]=O(n1E2((UtΩUt)2)tr4(Ω2))0by Lemma 1 in Wang et al. (Citation2015). Thus, we have Cn1p1. Similarly, E(Cn2)=0 and Var(Cn2)=O{E2{(U1ΩU2)2}+n1E2{(U1ΩU1)2}tr4(Ω2)}0.So Cn2p0. Consequently, (EquationA1) holds.

To show (EquationA2), we only need to prove that i=3nE(Vni4)=o(σS4).By Lemma 1 in Wang et al. (Citation2015), we can show that i=3nE(Vni4)=O(n2E2(U1U2)4+n1E2((U1U2)2(U1U3)2))=o(tr4(Ω2)).Here we complete the proof.

A.2. Proof of Theorem 2

U(εt)=U(A0rtut+A1rt1ut1)=A0rtut+A1rt1ut1||A0rtut+A1rt1ut1||=A0rtut+A1rt1ut1rtp1/2tr1/2(Σ0)rtp1/2tr1/2(Σ0)||A0rtut+A1rt1ut1||=(A0p1/2tr1/2(Σ0)ut+A1rt1rt1p1/2tr1/2(Σ0)ut1)(1+γt)1/2,where γt=||A0rtut+A1rt1ut1||2rt2p1tr(Σ0)1=rt2utΣ0ut+2rtrt1utΣ01ut1+rt12ut1Σ1ut1rt2p1tr(Σ0)1=(utΣ0utp1tr(Σ0)1)+2rt1utΣ01ut1rtp1tr(Σ0)+rt12ut1Σ1ut1rt2p1tr(Σ0)=G1+G2+G3.By lemma 4 in Zou et al. (Citation2014) and condition (C3), we have E(G12)=O(tr(Σ02)/p2)=O(p1),E(G22)=O(tr(Σ0Σ1)/p2)=O(p1n1) and E(G32)=O(p2(tr2(Σ1)+tr(Σ12)))=O(n1p1+n2). So γt=Op(p1/2). Thus, by taking the same procedure as the proof of Theorem 1 in Zhao et al. (Citation2022), we have TS=1n12s<tnUs1Ut1UsUt=1n12s<tn(A0p1/2tr1/2(Σ0)us1+A1rs2rs11p1/2tr1/2(Σ0)us2)×(A0p1/2tr1/2(Σ0)ut1+A1rt2rt11p1/2tr1/2(Σ0)ut2)×(A0p1/2tr1/2(Σ0)us+A1rs1rs1p1/2tr1/2(Σ0)us1)×(A0p1/2tr1/2(Σ0)ut+A1rt1rt1p1/2tr1/2(Σ0)ut1)+op(p1).Let ω=p1/2tr1/2(Σ0),δt=rt1rt1. We can decompose TS as TS=ω4n12s<tnusA0A0utut1A0A0us1+ω4n12s<tnδt1δs1us1A1A1ut1ut1A0A0us1+D1+D2+D3+op(p1),where D1=ω4n12s<tn(δs1δs2δt1δt2us1A1A1ut1ut2A1A1us2+δs2δt2usA0A0utut2A1A1us2),D2=ω4n12s<tn(δt1usA0A1ut1ut1A0A0us1+δs1us1A1A0utut1A0A0us1+δs1δt1us1A1A1ut1ut1A0A1us2+δs1δt1δt2us1A1A1ut1ut2A1A0us1+δt2usA0A0utut2A1A0us1+δs2usA0A0utut1A0A1us2+δt1δt2δs2usA0A1ut1ut2A1A1us2+δs1δt2δs2us1A1A0utut2A1A1us2),D3=ω4n12s<tn(δt1δs2usA0A1ut1ut1A0A1us2+δs1δt2us1A1A0utut2A1A0us1+δt1δt2usA0A1ut1ut2A1A0us1+δs1δs2us1A1A0utut1A0A1us2).After some tedious algebra, we have E(D12)=o(p2),E(D22)=o(p2),E(D32)=o(p2)by Condition (C3). Taking the same procedure as the proof of Theorem 2.1, we can show that 1(n1)p4tr2(Σ02)/22s<tnusA0A0utut1A0A0us1dN(0,1).And E(ω4n12s<tnδt1δs1us1A1A1ut1ut1A0A0us1)=12c12ω4np2tr(Σ0Σ1),Var(ω4n12s<tnδt1δs1us1A1A1ut1ut1A0A0us1)=c12ω4np2tr(Σ0Σ1)=o(p2).Thus, we have TS12c12ω4np2tr(Σ0Σ1)1/2p2ω4tr(Σ02)dN(0,1).