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Research Article

D-optimal 2 × 2 × s3 × s4 saturated factorial designs

& | (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1458554 | Received 04 Oct 2017, Accepted 22 Mar 2018, Published online: 10 Apr 2018


In this paper, Resolution III saturated s1×s2×s3×s4, s4s3s2s12 factorial designs and specially the cases 22×(s-k)×s, s-k2, k=0,1 are studied, in order to obtain D-optimal plans.

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Public interest statement

An issue of interesting in experimental designs is the saturated designs. An experimental design is called saturated if all the degrees of freedom are consumed by the estimation of the parameters without leaving degrees of freedom for error variance estimation. The saturated factorial designs, where the interest is to estimate the general mean and the main effects while all higher order interactions are negligible (resolution III plans), are commonly used in screening experiments. In recent years, there has been a considerable interest in optimal saturated main effect designs. Most researchers have dealt with the case where two or three factors are involved in the experiment on two levels. The problem is different and becomes more difficult when three or four factors are involved in the experiment on three or more levels.

1. Introduction

Saturated factorial plans is a very interesting issue in theory of exeprimental designs, since the reduced number of observations is very usefull in practise especially in screening experiments, where are used to determine which of many factors affects the measure of pertinent quality characteristics. In saturated designs the number of observation is equal to the number of parameters, so all degrees of freedom are consumed by the estimation of parameters, leaving no degrees of freedom for error variance estimation. The purpose of this paper is to give saturated resolution III designs, minimizing the generalized variance of the main effects and the general mean, that is, D-optimal designs. In recent years, there has been a considerable interest in optimal saturated main effect designs with two or three factors. Mukerjee et al. (Citation1986) and Kraft (Citation1990) showed all two-factor designs are equivalent with respect to D-optimality criterion. Later Mukerjee and Sinha (Citation1990) considered, for the two-factor case, the optimality results on almost saturated main effect designs. Pesotan and Raktoe (Citation1988) worked also in the special case for s2 factorials and a subclass of s3 factorials.

Chatterjee and Mukerjee (Citation1993) were the first who attempted to extend the two factor results to three factors. They consider 2×s2×s3, s22, s3s2 factorial to derive D-optimal saturated main effect designs. Later Chatterjee and Narasimhan (Citation2002), using techniques from Graph Theory and Combinatorics, claimed about the upper bound of the determinant of the saturated 3×s2×s3, s23, s3s2 factorials when s2 is odd. Chatzopoulos and Kolyva-Machera (Citation2006) extend the results concerning D-optimal saturated main effect designs for 2×s2×s3 to 3×s2×s3 factorials, when 3s26 and s3s2. Karagiannis and Moyssiadis (Citation2005) and Karagiannis and Moyssiadis (Citation2008) extend the Graph theoretic approach of Chatterjee and Narasimhan (Citation2002) and the results of Chatzopoulos and Kolyva-Machera (Citation2006), and give the D-optimal saturated 3×s2×s3, s23, s3s2 designs. In this paper, we study the D-optimality for saturated s1×s2×s3×s4 factorials. Moreover, we give the upper bound of the determinant for the 22×(s-k)×s, s-k2, k=0,1, saturated designs and the corresponding design, which attains this bound. The paper is organized as follows. Some notations and preliminaries are first presented in Section 2. Section 3 deals with the main results of this paper.

2. Notations and preliminaries

In this paper, we follow the same notations as in Chatzopoulos and Kolyva-Machera (Citation2006) adapted for four factors. Let us consider the setup of an s1×s2×s3×s4,s4s3s2s12 saturated factorial experiment, involving four factors F1, F2, F3 and F4 appearing at s1, s2, s3 and s4 levels, respectively, with N=s1+s2+s3+s4-3 runs. For 1i4 let the levels of Fi be denoted by τi and coded as 0,1,si-1 . Our interest is to find D-optimal resolution III designs. There are altogether s1s2s3s4 treatment combinations denoted by τ1τ2τ3τ4, that will hereafter be assumed to be lexicographically ordered.

Let, for 1i4, 1i be the si×1 vector with each element unity, Ii the identity matrix of order si, denotes the Kronecker product of matrices and Pi be an (si-1)×si matrix such that (si(-1/2)1i,Pi) is orthogonal (A denotes the transpose of matrix A). The usual fixed effect model under the absence of interactions is Y=Wβ+ϵ, where Y is the response vector of the experiment, ϵ is the vector of uncorrelated random errors with zero mean and the same variance σ2 and β is the vector of unknown parameters, is consider. In our case β=(μ,β1,β2,β3,β4), where μ is the unknown general mean and the elements of the (si-1)×1 vectors βi are unknown parameters representing a full set of mutually orthogonal contrasts belonging to the main effects Fi and W=[11121314,W1,W2,W3,W4], where W1=P1121314, W2=11P21314, W3=1112P314 and W4=111213P4. It is easy to see that the D-optimal design does not depend on the choice of Pi, 1i4.

Following Mukerjee and Sinha (Citation1990) let X0=[11121314,X1,X2,X3,X4], where X1=I1121314, X2=11I21314, X3=1112I314 and X4=111213I4. We denote Xi(1), i=1,2,3 the matrices obtained by deleting the first column of Xi, i=1,2,3. Consider the u×(s1+s2+s3+s4-3) matrix U, which is a submatrix of X0 given by U=[X1(1),X2(1),X3(1),X4], which has full column rank. The u rows of matrix U like those of W, correspond to the lexicographically ordered treatment combinations. Moreover the columns of U span those of X0 and hence those of W, which also has full column rank.

Hence, one may obtain W=UH, where matrix H is a nonsingular matrix of order s1+s2+s3+s4-3. For any design d in the class D of the saturated resolution III designs with N=s1+s2+s3+s4-3 runs, the design matrix is Wd=UdH, where Ud is a square matrix of order s1+s2+s3+s4-3 such that for 1js1+s2+s3+s4-3 if the i-th run in d is given by the treatment combination τ1τ2τ3τ4 then the j-th row of Ud is the row of U corresponding to the treatment combination τ1τ2τ3τ4. A design d is said to be D-optimal in the class D, if it maximizes the quantity |det(WdWd)|. Since matrix H is nonsingular a design is D-optimal if it maximizes the quantity |det(Ud)|, where:(1) Ud=[Z1(1),Z2(1),Z3(1),Z4].(1)

The matrices Zi(1), 1i3 and Z4 are obtained from the matrices Xi(1) and X4 in a similar way, as Ud is obtained from U.

Definition 2.1

For 1i3, if the i-th factor enters the experiment at level 0 then the corresponding row of the matrix Zi(1) is a row vector with si-1 elements zero. On the other hand if the i-th factor enters the experiment at level p, 1p(si-1), then the corresponding row of the matrix Zi(1) equals the p-th row of the identity matrix of order (si-1). Similarly, if the fourth factor enters the experiment at level p, 0ps4-1, then the corresponding row of the matrix Z4 equals to the (p+1)-th row of the identity matrix Is4. Let nip, 0p(si-1), denote the number of these rows. It holds thatN=p=0(si-1)nip,i=1,2,3,4.

Definition 2.2

For 1ij4 and 0p(si-1), 0q(sj-1), let nijpq, denote the number of runs where the i-th factor appears at level p and the j-th factor appears at level q. It holds thatnip=q=0(sj-1)nijpq,forj=1,2,3,4,ji,njq=p=0(si-1)nijpq,fori=1,2,3,4,ij,N=p=0(si-1)q=0(sj-1)nijpq,for1ij4.

Definition 2.3

For 1ijki4 and 0p(si-1), 0q(sj-1), 0r(sk-1) let nijkpqr, denote the number of runs where the i-th factor appears at p level, the j-th factor appears at level q and the k-th factor appears at level r. It holds thatnijpq=r=0(sk-1)nijkpqr,fork=1,2,3,4,ikji,nikpr=q=0(sj-1)nijkpqr,forj=1,2,3,4,kjik,njkqr=p=0(si-1)nijkpqr,fori=1,2,3,4,jikj,N=p=0(si-1)q=0(sj-1)r=0(sk-1)nijkpqr,for1ijki4.

Remark 2.1

It holds that nip1, 1i4, 0p(si-1), since the design matrix of a saturated design has full column rank.

Remark 2.2

By the choice of the labels for the levels one can always assume, without loss of generality (w.l.g), that ni0=max{nip,0psi-1,1i4}.

The following lemmas are crucial for the main results of our paper and can be founded in Chatterjee and Mukerjee (Citation1993) and Chatzopoulos and Kolyva-Machera (Citation2006).

Lemma 2.1

Consider the saturated s1×s2 design e, s2s12, with N=s1+s2-1 runs and corresponding matrix Xe. It holds that(2) |det(Xe)|=1.(2)


See Chatterjee and Mukerjee (Citation1993).

Lemma 2.2

Consider the saturated 2×s2×s3 designs d(2), s3s22, with N=s2+s3 runs and corresponding matrix Ud(2). It holds that(3) |det(Ud(2))|s2.(3)


See Chatterjee and Mukerjee (Citation1993).

Lemma 2.3

Consider the saturated s1××si××sk design d. If si2 and nip=1 for some 0psi-1 then |det(Ud)|=|det(Ud)|, where d is a saturated s1××(si-1)××sk design.


See Chatzopoulos and Kolyva-Machera (Citation2006), lemma 2.1.

Corollary 2.1

Consider the saturated s1×s2×s3×s4, s4s3s2s12 design d with N=s1+s2+s3+s4-3 runs. If w=s4-(s1+s2+s3-3)0, then using the pigeonhole principle we can easily verify that n4p=1, for some 0ps4-1 at least w times. Applying, w times, lemma 2.3, we get |det(Ud)|=|det(Ud)|, where d is a saturated s1×s2×s3×(s1+s2+s3-3) design.

Remark 2.3

For s1=s2=2 we have to study only the cases where 0s4-s31, that is the cases 22×s2, s2 and 22×(s-1)×s, s3.

Lemma 2.4

Let d be a saturated s1×s2×s3, s3s2s12 design. If |det(Ud)|=p=1si-1nip and ni0ni1ni(si-1)ni0-1, i=1,2,3, then d is D-optimal.


See Chatzopoulos and Kolyva-Machera (Citation2006), theorem 2.1.

3. Main results

Lemma 3.1

The determinant of the matrix Ud=[Z1(1),Z2(1),Z3(1),Z4], given in (Equation1), which corresponds to a s1×s2×s3×s4, s4s3s2s12 saturated factorial design d is left invariant by interchanging the levels of the factors.


For the fourth factor, we can interchange the columns which correspond to two levels and the proof is obvious. Similarly, for the nonzero levels of the first, second and the third factor, interchanging the columns p and q, the levels (p-1) and (q-1) are interchanged. Moreover, for the first (or second or third) factor, adding all the columns of matrix Z11 (or Z21 or Z31) to the column which corresponds to level p, subtracting the sum of all columns of matrix Z4 and multiplying the resulting column by (-1) the levels 0 and p are interchanged.

Lemma 3.2

Let d be a s1×s2×s3×s4, s4s3s2s12 saturated factorial design with corresponding matrix Ud=[Z1(1),Z2(1),Z3(1),Z4] as given in (Equation1). Let nijkpqr=w>1 for some 1i,j,k4 and some 0psi-1, 0qsj-1, 0rsk-1. Then|det(Ud)|=|det(Ud(123))|for(i,j,k)=(1,2,3),|det(Ud(124))|for(i,j,k)=(1,2,4),|det(Ud(134))|for(i,j,k)=(1,3,4),|det(Ud(234))|for(i,j,k)=(2,3,4),

where d(123), d(124), d(134) and d(234) is s1×s2×s3×(s4-w+1), s1×s2×(s3-w+1)×s4, s1×(s2-w+1)×s3×s4, (s1-w+1)×s2×s3×s4, saturated factorial design, respectively.


Let as assume that n123pqr=w>1, 0ps1-1, 0qs2-1, 0rs3-1, which means that the saturated design s1×s2×s3×s4 contains the runs pqrx1, pqrx2,,pqrxw. By subtracting the row corresponding to run pqrx1 from the other rows which correspond to runs pqrx2,,pqrxw, adding the columns corresponding to levels x2,,xw to the column corresponding to level x1 and expanding det(Ud) along the (w-1) rows which contain levels x2,,xw, we get |det(Ud)|=|det(Ud(123))|, where d(123) is s1×s2×s3×(s4-w+1) saturated design. The proof is similar for n124pqr=w, n134pqr=w and n234pqr=w.

3.1. D-optimality of 22×(s-1)×s saturated designs

Lemma 3.3

Consider the saturated 22×(s-1)×s design d with N=2s runs and corresponding matrix Ud as given in (Equation1). For the D-optimal design it holds that:nip=s,i=1,2,p=0,1.n30=n31=3,n3p=2,2p(s-2).n4p=2,0p(s-1).


Expanding det(Ud) along its first column, we have that |det(Ud)|=i=1n11|det(Udi(2))|, where di(2), i=1,2,,n11 are 2×(s-1)×s saturated designs with corresponding matrices Udi(2). Let |det(Ud)|= max {|det(Udi(2))|,i=1,2,,ni1}. Then(4) |det(Ud)|ni1|det(Ud)|.(4)

From lemma 3.1, by interchanging the levels 0 and 1 of the first factor, it also holds(5) |det(Ud)|ni0|det(Ud)|.(5)

From (Equation4)-(Equation5), we get |det(Ud)|n10+n112|det(Ud)|=s|det(Ud)|. According to lemma 2.4, in order to find the D-optimal design d, it must hold that ni0ni1nisi-1ni0-1, i=2,3,4, which implies n20=n21=s, n30=n31=3, n3p=2, 2p(s-2), n4p=2, 0p(s-1). Expanding det(Ud) along its second column, and following the same procedure we get n10=n11=s.

Lemma 3.4

Consider the saturated 22×(s-1)×s design d with N=2s runs and corresponding matrix Ud as given in (Equation1). For the D-optimal design it holds that:ni40q=ni41q=1,i=1,2,0q(s-1).


Suppose, w.l.g, that n140p=2 for some 0p(s-1). Then from the pigeonhole principle, we get n140q=2 for some q, 0pq(s-1). From lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, we may assume that in a design d the following treatment combinations exist: 000τ4p, 01τ3jτ4p, 11τ3kτ4q, 10τ3iτ4q. Consider now matrix Ud, which corresponds to the design d, as given in (Equation1). Subtract the row corresponding to the treatment combination 000τ4p from the row corresponding to the treatment combination 01τ3jτ4p. The row corresponding to the treatment combination 01τ3jτ4p is now r=(0,1,0,,0,1,0,,0,0,,0), where the second ace is at the (j+2)-th column of r, that is at the j-th column of Z3(1). Then, subtract the row r from the row corresponding to the treatment combination 11τ3kτ4q. Continue by adding the column of Z3(1), which corresponds to τ3j to the column of Z3(1) which corresponds to τ3k. Consequently, treatment combination 10τ3kτ4p is now in the position of treatment combination 11τ3kτ4p. Add the row corresponding to the treatment combination 000τ4p to row r. The resulting row corresponds to the treatment combination 01τ3jτ4p. Hence, the design d contains the treatment combinations 000τ4p, 01τ3jτ4p, 10τ3kτ4q, 10τ3iτ4q, which implies n12410q=2. Then, proceeding as in lemma 3.2, we have that |det(Ud)|=|det(Ud2)|, where d2 is 2×2×(s-2)×(s-1) saturated design.

Corollary 3.1

For the D-optimal saturated 22×(s-1)×s design d with N=2s runs, if there exists the treatment combination 00τ3τ4 (01τ3τ4) then there exists the treatment combination 11τ3τ4 (10τ3τ4).

Lemma 3.5

Consider the saturated 22×(s-1)×s design d with N=2s runs and corresponding matrix Ud as given in (Equation1). For the D-optimal design it holds that:ni3pq=1,i=1,2,0p1,2q(s-2).


The proof is similar as in lemma 3.4.

Corollary 3.2

Let us now consider the saturated 22×(s-1)×s design d with N=2s runs. Then, from lemma 3.4 and using the pigeonhole principle, we get:n34pq1,0p,q(s-1),ni3pq=2,1i2,0p1,0q1.

Corollary 3.3

For the D-optimal saturated 22×(s-1)×s design d with N=2s runs it holds that:n12pq=s2ifs0mod2,0p,q1,n1200=n1211=s+12andn1201=n1210=s-12orn1200=n1211=s-12andn1201=n1210=s+12ifs1mod2.

Lemma 3.6

Consider the saturated 22×(s-1)×s design d with N=2s runs and corresponding matrix Ud as given in (Equation1). For the D-optimal design it holds that:(6) n123000=n123010=n123110=n123001=n123101=n123111=1.(6)


From lemma 3.3, we have n3p=3, p=0,1 and from lemma 3.2 and corollary 3.2 the D-optimal design includes one of the following sets of treatment combinations: (00pτ4i, 01pτ4j, 11pτ4k) or (00pτ4i, 01pτ4j, 10pτ4k) or (00pτ4i, 10pτ4j, 11pτ4k) or (11pτ4i, 01pτ4j, 10pτ4k). Applying lemma 3.1, we can always choose, w.l.g. the treatment combination 000τ4i, 010τ4j, 110τ4k. This choice, using pigeonhole principle, implies the existence of the treatment combinations 001t4q, 111t4r, 101t4t and the proof of (Equation6) is obvious.

Theorem 3.1

Consider the saturated 22×(s-1)×s design d with N=2s runs and corresponding matrix Ud as given in (Equation1). It holds that:(7) |det(Ud)|s22ifs0mod2,s2-12ifs1mod2.(7)


Let u=n1200=n1211. So, from corollary 3.3, we have u=s/2 if s0 mod 2 or u=(s+1)/2 if s1 mod 2. Moreover, from lemmas 3.1-3.6 and corollaries 3.1-3.2, w.l.g., the D-optimal saturated design 22×(s-1)×s can be written as:

Let 01×k be a 1×k vector with all elements equal to zero, Ik be the identify matrix of order k. For m<k, it can be easily seen that:(8) Ik=e1ke2kekk=e1m01×(k-m)emm01×(k-m)01×me1(k-m)01×me(k-m)(k-m),(8)

Matrix Ud as given in (Equation1), can be written as:

Using relation (Equation8), and after permutation of columns matrix Ud can be written as:

Now subtract the (2u)-th column from the (2u+1)-th column and add the last s-u columns to the (2u+1)-th column. Matrix Ud, as given in (9), can be written as:Ud=Ud102u×2(s-u)AU2.

Matrix Ud1 is the design matrix of the saturated u×u×2 design d1 with N1=2u runs. Matrix U2 is not design matrix as its first column is (2,,2,0,,0), but |det(U2)|=2|det(Ud2)|, where matrix Ud2 is the design matrix of the saturated 2×(s-u)×(s-u) design d2 with N2=2(s-u) runs. Hence, |det(Ud)|=2|det(Ud1)||det(Ud2)|. From (Equation3), we get |det(Ud)|2·u·(s-u). Recalling that u=s/2 if s0 mod 2, or u=(s+1)/2 if s1 mod 2, we get that (Equation7) holds.

Theorem 3.2

Let u=(s3+1)/2 if s1 mod 2, or u=s3/2+1 if s0 mod 2. The saturated 22×s3×s4, s4>s32 design d with the following N=s3+s4+1 treatment combinations 00ii (0iu-1), 110(u-1), 11(i+1)i (0iu-2), 101u, 10i(i+1) (uis3-1), 010s3, 01ii (uis3-1), 01(s3-1)i (s3+1is4-1) is a D-optimal design in the class of all 22×s3×s4, s4>s32 saturated designs.


The proof is obvious from lemma 2.3, lemmas 3.1-3.6 and theorem 3.1.

3.2. D-optimality of 22×s2 saturated designs

Lemma 3.7

Consider the saturated 22×s2 design d with N=2s+1 runs and corresponding matrix Ud as given in (Equation1). For the D-optimal design, it holds that:ni0=s+1andni1=s,orni0=sandni1=s+1,i=1,2.ni0=3,nip=2,i=3,4,1ps-1.


The proof is similar as lemma 3.3.

Corollary 3.4

For the saturated 22×s2 design d with N=2s+1 runs, from lemma 3.2 and using the pigeonhole principle we get:n12pqs+1,0p,q1,n34pq2,0p,qs-1,nijpq2,1i2,0p1,3j4,0qs-1.

Lemma 3.8

Consider the saturated 22×s2 design d with N=2s+1 runs and corresponding matrix Ud as given in (Equation1). For the D-optimal design, it holds that:(9) ni40q=ni41q=1,i=1,2,1q(s-1).(9) (10) nij00=2,ornij10=2,i=1,2,3j4.(10)


For the proof of relation (10) see lemma 3.4. The proof of relation (11) is obvious, since ni1=s+1 or ni0=s+1.

Corollary 3.5

For the D-optimal saturated 22×s2 design d with N=2s+1 runs it holds that:n1200=n1201=n1210=s2andn1211=s2+1orn1200=n1201=n1211=s2andn1210=s2+1orn1200=n1210=n1211=s2andn1201=s2+1orn1201=n1210=n1211=s2andn1200=s2+1ifs0mod2.n1200=n1201=n1210=s+12andn1211=s-12orn1200=n1201=n1211=s+12andn1210=s-12orn1200=n1210=n1211=s+12andn1201=s-12orn1201=n1210=n1211=s+12andn1200=s-12ifs1mod2.

Theorem 3.3

Consider the saturated 22×s2 design d with N=2s+1 runs and corresponding matrix Ud as given in (Equation1). It holds that:(11) |det(Ud)|s(s+1)2.(11)


If s0 mod 2, then u=s/2=n1200=n1201=n1211 and n1210=u+1, while if s1 mod 2, then u=(s-1)/2=n1201 and n1200=n1210=n1211=u+1. From lemmas 3.7-3.8 and corollaries 3.4-3.5, the D-optimal saturated 22×s2 design, w.l.g., can be written as:

By interchanging the levels 0 and (s-1) of the 4-th factor, according to lemma 3.1, the determinant of the matrix Ud is left invariant. Hence the D-optimal saturated 22×s2 design, w.l.g., can be written as:

Matrix Ud as given in (Equation1), can be written as:

Using relation (Equation8), and after a suitable permutation of columns of the matrix Ud, in order to make the left bottom block of the matrix Ud a zero matrix, matrix Ud can be written as:

Analytically, the permutation is: the first u columns of matrix Ud are the first u columns of matrix Z3(1), columns (u+1)-2u of matrix Ud are the first u columns of matrix Z4, (2u+1)-th column of matrix Ud is matrix Z1(1), (2u+2)-th column of matrix Ud is matrix Z2(1), while the remaining (2s+1)-(2u+2) columns of matrix Ud are the rest columns of matrices Z3(1) and Z4.

Now subtract the (2u+2)-th column from the (2u+1)-th column. Then, matrix Ud is a block triangular matrix. It holds that |det(Ud)|=|det(U1)||det(Ud2)|, where matrix U1 is a (2u+1)×(2u+1) matrix, which does not correspond to any design and matrix Ud2 is the design matrix of the saturated 2×(s-u)×(s-u) design d2 with N2=2(s-u) runs. From (Equation3), we get |detUd2|(s-u). Moreover, expanding det(U1) along its last column we get that |det(U1)|j=12u+1|det(Xej)|, where, after some manipulations, Xej correspond to two factor saturated designs ej, with, according to lemma 2.1, |det(Xej)|=1. Hence, |det(Ud)|(2u+1)(s-u). Recalling that u=s/2 if s0 mod 2, or u=(s-1)/2 if s1 mod 2, we get that (Equation11) holds.

Theorem 3.4

Let u=s/2 if s0 mod 2, or u=(s-1)/2 if s1 mod 2. The saturated 22×s2, s2 design d with the following N=2s+1 runs 100(u-1), 101(s-1), 10(i+1)i (1iu-2), 10u0, 01ii (1 iu-1), 01u(s-1), 110u, 11ii (u+1is-2), 11(s-1)0, 0000, 00(i+1)i (uis-2), is a D-optimal design in the class of all 22×s2, s2 saturated designs.


From lemma 2.3, lemmas 3.1, 3.2, 3.7, 3.8 and theorem 3.3, the proof is obvious.


We would like to thank the referees and the journal editorial team for providing valuable advice that improved the quality of the original manuscript.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

St. A. Chatzopoulos

The problem of finding optimal designs under different types of criteria preoccupies many researchers the last decades. Most of the work on constructing optimal designs for the estimation of parameters in fractional factorials is concentrated on factors at two levels. Chatzopoulos, Kolyva-Machera, and Chatterjee (2009), studied the optimality of designs which are obtained by adding p runs to an orthogonal array for experiments involving m factors each at s levels. Chatterjee, Kolyva-Machera, and Chatzopoulos (2011), considered the issue of optimality of fractional factorial experiments involving m factors each at two levels. Pericleous, Chatzopoulos, Kolyva-Machera and Kounias, study the problem of estimating the standardized linear and quadratic contrasts in fractional factorials with k factors, each at 3 levels, when the number of runs or assemblies is N = 3 and introduced a different notion of Balanced Arrays. Chatzopoulos and Kolyva-Machera (2005), studied the saturated m1 × m2 × m3 designs and Chatzopoulos & Kolyva-Machera (2008), considered the problem of finding D-optimal saturated 4 × m2 × m3 designs.


  • Chatterjee, K., & Mukerjee, R. (1993). D-optimal saturated main effect plans for 2 × s2 × s3 factorials. Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences, 18, 116–122.
  • Chatterjee, K., & Narasimhan, G. (2002). Graph theoretic techniques in D-optimal design problems. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 102, 377–387.
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