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Research Article

Some new classes of paranorm ideal convergent double sequences of sigma-bounded variation over n-normed spaces

, , , & | (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1460029 | Received 24 Aug 2017, Accepted 23 Mar 2018, Published online: 25 Apr 2018


The sequence space BVσ, the space of all sequence of σ-bounded variation, was firstly defined and studied by Mursaleen. Later on, Vakeel and Tabassum developed the same space to double sequences. Recently, using the concept of I-convergence, Vakeel and Vakeel et al. and others introduced many sequence spaces related to the space we just mentioned above which are defined by different operators. In this article, we keep the same direction up introducing some new classes of I-convergent double sequences of σ-bounded variation over n-normed spaces. In addition, we study some basic topological and algebraic properties of these classes. Also, we prove some inclusion relations on these classes.

AMS Subject Classifications:

Public Interest Statement

The notion of ideal convergence is the most important development of the notion of usual convergence which played a big role for modelling uncertainty and vagueness in so many various problems in the field of science and engineering. On the other hand, the concept of n-normed spaces was developed, so that it became the focus of the researchers, interest. Quite recently, Vakeel Khan defined the space of all ideal convergent sequence of σ-bounded variation in space of real numbers. It was also obvious to define some new n-normed spaces of ideal convergent sequence of σ-bounded variation by using Orlicz function and study some topological and algebraic properties and some inclusion relations of these spaces which is our aim in this article.

1. Introduction and preliminaries

Depending on the concept of natural density of a subset of the set of natural numbers N, Fast (Citation1951) and Steinhaus (Citation1951) were the first ones who introduced the concept of statistical convergence independently for the real sequences. The idea of two-dimensional analogue of natural density is employed to extend the concept of statistical convergence to double sequences by (Citation1983). The notion of I-convergence (I denotes the ideal of subsets of N), which is the generalization of statistical convergence, was introduced by Kostyrko, Wilczynski and Salat (Citation2000) and further studied by many other researchers. The concept of 2-normed spaces was initially developed by Gahler (Citation1964), while that of n-normed spaces one can see in (Misiak, Citation1989). Since then, many others have studied this concept and obtained various results, (Gunawan, Citation2001, Citation2001) and many others. The notion of I-convergence in 2-normed spaces was initially introduced by Gurdal (Citation2006). Later on, it was extended to n-normed spaces by Gurdal and Sahnier (Citation2014).

Definition 1.1

Let nN and X be a linear space of dimension d,  where dn2 over the field K (K is the field of real or complex numbers). A real valued function ·,,· on Xn satisfying the following four conditions:


x1,x2,,xn=0 if and only if x1,x2,,xn are linearly dependent in X,


x1,x2,,xn is invariant under permutation,


αx1,x2,,xn=|α|x1,x2,,xn for any αK,


x+x,x2,,xnx,x2,,xn+x,x2,,xn is called an n-norm on X and the pair (X,·,,·) is called an n-normed space over the field K.

Example 1.1

If we take X=Rn equipped with Euclidean n-norm x1,x2,,xnE= volume of n-dimensional parallelepiped spanned by vectors (x1,x2,,xn), then the n-norm may be given by the formula x1,x2,,xnE=|xij|, where xij=(xi1,xi2,,xin) for each i=1,2,3,,n.

Let (X,·,,·) be an n-normed space of dimension dn2 and {a1,a2,,an} a linearly independent set in X. Then, the function ·,,· on Xn-1 is defined by(1.1) x1,x2,,xn=max1in{x1,x2,,xn-1,ai},(1.1)

defines as (n-1)-norm on X with respect to {a1,a2,,an}, and this is known as the derived (n-1)-norm ( see Gunawan & Mashadi, Citation2001 for details). The standard n-norm on X is defined as(1.2) x1,x2,,xnE=x1,x1x1,xnxn,x1xn,xn12,(1.2)

where ·,· denote the inner product on X. If X=Rn, then this n-norm is exactly the same Euclidean n-norm x1,x2,,xnE mentioned earlier. For n=1, this n-norm is the usual norm x=x,x12.

Definition 1.2

A double sequence (xij) in an n-normed space (X,·,,·) is said to be convergent to some LX if there exists an positive integer N such thatlimi,jxij-L,z1,,zn-1=0for alli,jN,for everyz1,z2,,zn-1X.

Definition 1.3

A double sequence (xij) in an n-normed space (X,·,,·) is said to be Cauchy with respect to the n-norm if there exist two positive integers s=s(ϵ),t=t(ϵ) such thatlimi,jxij-xst,z1,,zn-1=0for everyz1,z2,,zn-1X.

If every Cauchy sequence in X converges to some number LX, then X is said to be complete with respect to the n-norm. Any complete n-normed space is said to be an n-Banach space.

Definition 1.4

A double sequence (xij) in an n-normed space (X,·,,·) is said to be statistically convergent to LX, if for each ϵ>0, for every z1,,zn-1X, the double natural density of the set {i,jN:xij-L,z1,,zn-1ϵ} equal zero.

Definition 1.5

A function M:[0,)[0,) is said to be an Orlicz function if it satisfies the following conditions:


M is continuous, convex and non-decreasing.


M(0)=0,M(x)>0 and M(x) as x.

Remark 1.1



If the convexity of an Orlicz function is replaced by M(x+y)M(x)+M(y) then this function is called Modulus function. (one may refer to Khan, Fatima, Abdullah & Khan, Citation2016)


If M is an Orlicz function, then M(λx)λM(x) for all λ with 0<λ<1. (one may refer to Khan, Fatima, Abdullah & Khan, Citation2016)

An Orlicz function M is said to satisfy 2-condition for all values of u if there exists a constant K>0 such that M(Lu)KLM(u) for all values L>1.

Subsequently, Orlicz function was used to define sequence spaces by Parashar and Choudhary (Citation1994).

The notation of paranormed sequence space was studied at the initial stage by Nakano (Citation1951) and Simons (Citation1965). Later on, it was further investigated by Maddox (Citation1969), Lascarides (Citation1971, Citation1983) and many others.

Definition 1.6

(see Maddox, Citation1989) Let X be a linear metric space. A function g:XR is said to be paranorm, if for all x,yX,


g(x)0 for all xX,




g(x+y)g(x)+g(y) for all x,yX,


If (λn) is a sequence of scalars with λnλ as n and (xn) is a sequence of vectors with g(xn-x)0 as n, then g(λnx-λx)0 as n.

A paranorm g for which g(x)=0 implies that x=0 is called total paranorm and the pair (Xg) is called a total paranormed space. It is well known that the metric of any linear metric space is given by some total paranorm (see [wilansky, Citation1984, Theorem 10.4.2, P-183]). For more details about sequence spaces, see Maddox (Citation1969) and references therein.

Let and c denote the Banach spaces of bounded and convergent sequences x=(xk), respectively with the usual norm x=supk|xk|. Let σ be a one-to-one mapping from the set of positive integers into itself having no finite orbits for all positive integers and T be an operator on defined by Tx=T(xk)=(xσ(k)) for all x=(xk). A continuous linear functional φ on is said to be an invariant mean or σ-mean if and only if:


φ(x)0 where the sequence x=(xk) has xk0 for all k.


φ(e)=1 where e={1,1,1,}.


φ(xσ(n))=φ(x) for all x.

By Vσ, we denote the set of bounded sequences of all whose invariant means are equal. That is(1.3) Vσ={x=(xk):m=1tm,k(x)=Luniformly ink,L=σ-limx},(1.3) (see Schaefer, Citation1972) where m1,k>0 and(1.4) tm,k(x)=xk+xσ(k)++xσm(k)m+1such thatt-1,k=0,(1.4)

where σm(k) denotes mth-iterate of σ at k. Invariant means have recently been studied by Ahmad and Mursaleen (Citation1988), Raimi (Citation1988) and many others. Later on, the concept of invariant means for double sequences was defined in Mursaleen and Mohiuddine (Citation2010).

Definition 1.7

Mursaleen (Citation1983) A sequence x is of σ-bounded variation if and only if:


m=1|φm,k(x)| converges uniformly in k,


limmtm,k(x) which must exist, should take the same value for all k.

By BVσ, we denote the space of all sequences of σ-bounded variation which was defined by Mursaleen (Citation1983) as follow:(1.5) BVσ={x:m=1|φm,k(x)|<,uniformly ink},(1.5)

where(1.6) φm,k(x)=tm,k(x)-tm-1,k(x),andt-1,k=0,(1.6)

having the following properties, for any sequences xy and scalar λ,





Khan and Tabassum (Citation2011) developed the same space we just mentioned above to double sequences. Later with the help of the concept of I-convergence, Khan, Esi and Shafiq (Citation2014b) and many others have defined many different spaces related to the space BVσ that is being studied. For more details, see (Altinok, Altin & Isik, Citation2008; Isik, Altin & Et, Citation2013; Khan, Citation2008; Khan, Esi & Shafiq, Citation2014a; Khan, Fatima, Abdullah & Khan, Citation2016).

Definition 1.8

Let N×N be a non-empty set. A family of sets I2N×N is said to be an ideal if :


I ,


I is additive i.e. for all A,BIABI,


I is hereditary i.e. for all AI,BABI.

  • An ideal I2N×N is said to be non-trivial if I2N×N.

  • A non-trivial ideal I2N×N is said to be admissible if I{{x}:xN×N}.

  • A non-trivial ideal I2N×N is said to be maximal if there cannot exist any non-trivial ideal JI containing I as a subset.

Definition 1.9

Let N×N be a non-empty set. Then a family of sets F2N×N is said to be a filter on N×N if and only if




For all A,BFABF,


For all AF with ABBF.

Remark 1.2

For each ideal I there is a filter F(I) which corresponding to I

( filter associate with ideal I), that is(1.7) F(I)={KN×N:KcI},whereKc=N×N-K.(1.7)

Definition 1.10

A double sequence (xij) in an n-normed space (X,·,,·) is said to be I-convergent to a number LR, if for every ϵ>0, the set(1.8) {(i,j)N×N:(xij)-L,z1,z2,,zn-1ϵ}I,for everyz1,z2,,zn-1X.(1.8)

and we write I-limi,jxij,z1,z2,,zn-1=L.

Definition 1.11

A double sequence (xij) in an n-normed space (X,·,,·) is said to be I-null if, for every ϵ>0, the set(1.9) {(i,j)N×N:(xij),z1,z2,,zn-1ϵ}I,for everyz1,z2,,zn-1X.(1.9)

And we write I-limi,jxij,z1,z2,,zn-1=0.

Definition 1.12

A double sequence (xij) in an n-normed space (X,·,,·) is said to be I-Cauchy if, for each ϵ>0, there exists two numbers s=s(ϵ) and t=t(ϵ) such that the set{(i,j)N×N:(xij)-(xst),z1,z2,,zn-1ϵ}I,for everyz1,z2,,z1X.

Definition 1.13

A double sequence (xij) in an n-normed space (X,·,,·) is said to be I-bounded if there exists M>0, such that, the set{(i,j)N×N:xij,z1,z2,,zn-1M}I,for everyz1,z2,,zn-1X.

Definition 1.14

A double sequence space E is said to be solid or normal, if (αijxij)E whenever (xij)E and for any double sequence of scalars (αij) with |αij|1, for all (i,j)N×N.

Definition 1.15

A double sequence space E is said to be symmetric, if (xπ(i,j))E whenever (xij)E, where π(i,j) is a permutation on N×N.

Definition 1.16

A double sequence space E is said to be sequence algebra, if (xij)(yij)=(xij.yij)E whenever (xij),(yij)E.

Definition 1.17

A double sequence space E is said to be convergence free, if (yij)E whenever (xij)E and xij=0 implies that yij=0 for all (i,j)N×N.

Definition 1.18

Let K={(is,jt)N×N:i1<i2<andj1<j2<}N×N and let E be a double sequence space. A K -step space of E is a double sequence space.λKE={x=(xis,jt)2ω:xstE}.

A canonical pre-image of a double sequence (xis,jt)λKE is a double sequence y=(yij)2ω defined byyij=xijifi,jK0,otherwise.

A canonical pre-image of a step space is a set of canonical pre-images of all elements in λKE, i.e. y is in the canonical pre-image of λKE iff y is a canonical pre-image of some element xλKE.

Definition 1.19

A double sequence space E is said to be monotone, if it is contains the canonical pre-images of it is step space.

The following popular inequalities will be used throughout the article

Let p=(pij) be the bounded double sequence of positive real numbers. For any complex λ, with 0<pijH=supi,j(pij)<, we have|λ|pijmax(1,|λ|H).

Let D=max(1,2H-1), then for the double sequences (aij) and (bij) in the complex plane, we have(1.10) |aij+bij|pijD{|aij|pij+|bij|pij},(1.10) (see Maddox, Citation1989) for all i and j. Also |aij|pijmax(1,|aij|H) for all aC.

We used the following lemmas to establish some results of this article

Lemma 1.1

Every solid space is monotone.

Lemma 1.2

Let KF(I) and MN. If MI, then MKI.

Lemma 1.3

If I2N and MN. If MI, then MNI.

Lemma 1.4

Gunawan and Mashadi (Citation2001) Every n-normed space is an (n-r)-normed space for all r=1,2,,n-1. In particular, every n-normed space is a normed space.

2. Main results

Let I be an admissible ideal of N×N, let M be an Orlicz function, let (X,·,,·) be an n-normed space, let p=(pij) be a factorable double sequence of strictly positive real numbers, let 2ω(n-X) be the space of all double sequences defined over the n-normed space (X,·,,·), then for each ϵ>0, we define and introduce the following new classes of double sequences:(2.1) 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·]={x=(xij)2ω(n-X):{(i,j)N×N:[M(φmkij(x)-Lρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pijϵ}I,for someρ>0,LCand for everyz1,z2,,zn-1X},(2.1) (2.2) 2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·])={x=(xij)2ω(n-X):{(i,j)N×N:[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pijϵ}I,for someρ>0and for everyz1,z2,,zn-1X},(2.2) (2.3) 2(BVσI[M,p,·,,·])={x=(xij)2ω(n-X):{(i,j)N×N:existsK>0s.t[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pijK}I,for someρ>0and for everyz1,z2,,zn-1X},(2.3) (2.4) 2(BVσ[M,p,·,,·])={x=(xij)2ω(n-X):supi,j[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij<,for someρ>0and for everyz1,z2,,zn-1X}.(2.4)

We denote2MBVσI[M,P,·,,·]=2BVσI[M,p,·,,·]2(BVσ[M,p,·,,·]),


Theorem 2.1

The classes of double sequence 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·],2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]), 2MBVσI[M,P,·,,·] and 2(0MBVσI[M,P,·,,·]) are linear spaces over the field K.


The proof of the result is a routine work and hence omitted.

Theorem 2.2

Let M be an Orlicz function and let p=(pij) be a bounded double sequence of positive real numbers. Then 2(BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) is a paranormed space with paranorm defined byg(x)=inf{ρpijH:[sup[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij1]1H,for someρ>0,z1,z2,,zn-1X},

where H=max{1,supi,jpij}.



Theorem 2.3

Let M1, M2 be two Orlicz functions and satisfying 2-condition, then





for Z=2BVσI,2(0BVσI),2(0MBVσI),2MBVσI .




Let x=(xij)2(0BVσI[M2,p,·,,·]) be an arbitrary element, then there exist ρ>0 such that I-limi,j[M2(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij=0. Let ϵ>0 and choose δ with 0<δ<1 such that M1(t)<ϵ for 0<t<δ. Write yi,j=[M2(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij, and consider, (2.5) limi,jM1(yij)=limyijδ,i,jNM1(yij)+limyij>δ,i,jNM1(yij).(2.5) Now, since M1 is an Orlicz function, so we have M1(λx)λM1(x) , 0<λ<1. Therefore we have, (2.6) limyijδ,i,jNM1(yij)M1(2)limyijδ,i,jN(yij).(2.6) For yij>δ, we have yij<yijδ<1+yijδ. Now, since M1 is non-decreasing and convex, it follows that, M1(yij)<M1(1+yijδ)<12M1(2)+12M1(2yijδ). Since M1 satisfies the 2-condition we have, M1(yij)<12KyijδM1(2)+12KM1(2yijδ)<12KyijδM1(2)+12KyijδM1(2)=KyijδM1(2). This implies that, M1(yij)<KyijδM1(2). Hence, we have (2.7) limyij>δ,i,jNM1(yij)max{1,Kδ-1M1(2)limyij>δ,i,jN(yij)}.(2.7) Then from Equations (2.5), (2.6) and (2.7), we have I-limi,jM1(yij)=0,I-limi,j[M1M2(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij=0. This implies that x=(xij)2(0BVσI[M1M2,p,·,,·]). Hence 2(0BVσI[M2,p,·,,·])2(0BVσI[M1M2,p,·,,·]). The other cases can be proved in similar way.


Let x=(xij)2(0BVσI[M1,p,·,,·])2(0BVσI[M2,p,·,,·]). Let ϵ>0 be given, then there exist ρ>0 such that (2.8) I-limi,j[M1(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij=0,(2.8) and (2.9) I-limi,j[M2(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij=0.(2.9) Therefore I-limi,j[M1+M2(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij=I-limi,j[M1(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij+I-limi,j[M2(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij, from Equations (2.8) and (2.9), we have I-limi,j[M1+M2(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij=0. Thus, x=(xij)2(0BVσI[M1+M2,p,·,,·]). Hence 2(0BVσI[M1,p,·,,·])2(0BVσI[M2,p,·,,·])  2(0BVσI[M1+M2,p,·,,·]). For Z=2BVσI, 2(0MBVσI), 2MBVσI the inclusion are similar.

Theorem 2.4



Let 0<infpijpij1. Then 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·]2BVσI[M,·,,·].


1<pijsuppij<. Then 2BVσI[M,·,,·]2BVσI[M,p,·,,·].




Let x=(xij)2BVσI[M,p,·,,·]. Since 0<infpijpij1, we have [M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)][M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij. This implies that {(i,j)N×N:[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]ϵ}{(i,j)N×N:[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pijϵ}I.


Let pij1 for each ij and supi,jpij<. Let x=(xij)2BVσI[M,p,·,,·]. Then for each 0<ϵ<1, there exists a positive integer N such that [M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]ϵ<1, for all i,jN. This implies that [M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]. So we have {(i,j)N×N:[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pijϵ}{(i,j)N×N:[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]ϵ}I.

This completes the proof.

Theorem 2.5

The inclusions2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·])2BVσI[M,p,·,,·]2(BVσI[M,p,·,,·])holds.


For this, let us consider x=(xij)2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]). It is obvious that it must belong to 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·]. Now it remains to show that 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·]2(BVσI[M,p,·,,·]). For this let us consider x=(xij)2BVσI[M,p,·,,·], then there exist LC and ρ>0 such thatI-limi,j[M(φmkij(x)-Lρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij=0.

We have[M(φmkij(x)2ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij[12M(φmkij(x)-Lρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij+[12M(Lρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij.

Now taking the supremum over i and j on both sides, we getsupi,j[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij<.

Hence x=(xij)2(BVσI[M,p,·,,·]). Thus,2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·])2BVσI[M,p,·,,·]2(BVσI[M,p,·,,·]).

This completes the proof of the theorem.

Theorem 2.6

For any Orlicz function M and a double sequence of strictly positive real numbers p=(pij), the spaces 2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) and 2(0MBVσI[M,P,·,,·]) are solid and monotone.


Here we consider 2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) and for 2(0MBVσI[M,P,·,,·]) the proof shall be similar. Let x=(xij)2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) be an arbitrary element, then there exist ρ>0 such thatI-lim[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij=0.

Let α=(αij) be a double sequence of scalars with |αij|1 for i,jN. Now, M is an Orlicz function. Therefore{(i,j)N×N:[M(αijφmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pijϵ}{(i,j)N×N:E[M(φmkij(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pijϵ}I.

where E=max{1,|αijH|}. Thus (αijxij)2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]). for all double sequence of scalars (αij) with |αij|1 for all i,jN whenever (xij)2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]). By definition 1.14 the space 2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) is solid. Therefore by lemma 1.1 the space 2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) is monotone.

Theorem 2.7

For any Orlicz function M and a factorable double sequence of strictly positive real numbers p=(pij), the spaces 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·] and 2MBVσI[M,P,·,,·] are neither solid nor monotone in general.


Here we give counter example for establishment of this result. Let X=2BVσI and 2MBVσI. Let us consider I=If and M(x)=x, for all x=(xij)[0,). Consider, the K-step space XK[M,p,·,,·] of X[M,p,·,,·] defined as follows:

Let x=(xij)X[M,p,·,,·] and y=(yij)XK[M,p,·,,·] be such thatyij=xij,ifi,jis even0,otherwise.

Consider the double sequence (xij) defined by (xij)=1 for all i,jN. Then x=(xij)2BVσI[M,p,·,,·] and 2MBVσI[M,p,·,,·], but K-step space pre-image does not belong to 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·] and 2MBVσI[M,p,·,,·]. Thus, 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·] and 2MBVσI[M,p,·,,·] are not monotone and hence they are not solid.

Theorem 2.8

For any Orlicz function M and a factorable double sequence of strictly positive real numbers p=(pij), the spaces 2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) and 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·] are not convergence free.


To show this, let I=If and M(x)=x for all x[0,). Now consider the double sequences (xij) and (yij) which defined as follows:xij=1i+jandyij=i+j,for alli,jN.

Then we have (xij) belong to both 2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) and 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·], but (yi,j) does not belong to 2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) and 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·]. Hence, the spaces 2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) and 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·] are not convergence free.

Theorem 2.9

The spaces 2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) and 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·] are sequence algebra.


let x=(xij),y=(yij)2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) be any two arbitrary elements, then there exist ρ1,ρ2>0 such thatA={(i,j)N×N:[M(φmkij(x)ρ1,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pijϵ}


belongs to I. Let ρ=ρ1ρ2>0, the following inclusion can be checked.{(i,j)N×N:[M(φmkij(x·y)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pijϵ}{AB}.

From the definition 1.8, it easily follows that the set on the left-hand side of the above inclusion belongs to I. Therefore, we have (xij)·(yij)2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]). Hence 2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]) is sequence algebra. The rest result can be proved similarly.

The following theorem expresses a relation between the notions of I-convergence and I-Cauchy for double sequences in our settings.

Theorem 2.10

A double sequence x=(xij)2MBVσI[M,P,·,,·] is I-converges if and only if for every ϵ>0, there exists s=s(ϵ),t=t(ϵ)N such that the set{(i,j)N×N:[M(φmkij(x)-φmkst(x)ρ,z1,z2,,zn-1)]pij<ϵ}F(I)


The proof of the result is easy. So, it can be left to readers.

3. Conclusion

In this present paper, we have defined and introduced some new spaces of I-convergent double sequences of σ-bounded variation, that are 2BVσI[M,p,·,,·],2(0BVσI[M,p,·,,·]),2(BVσI[M,p,·,,·])

and 2(BVσ[M,p,·,,·]). In addition, we studied some basic topological and algebraic properties of these spaces. These definitions and results provide new tools to deal with the convergence problems of double sequences occurring in many branches of science and engineering.


I would like to thank the referees and the editor for their careful reading and their valuable comments.

Additional information


This work was supported by Department of Mathematics, Amman Arab University, Amman, Jordan.

Notes on contributors

Vakeel A. Khan

Vakeel. A. Khan received his MPhil and PhD degrees in Mathematics from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. Currently, he is an associate professor at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. A vigorous researcher in the area of sequence spaces, he has published a number of research papers in reputed national and international journals, including Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization (Taylors and Francis), Information Sciences (Elsevier), Applied Mathematics Letters (Elsevier), A Journal of Chinese Universities (Springer- Verlag, China).

Kamal M.A.S. Alshlool

Kamal M.A.S. Alshlool received MSc, from Aligarh Muslim University, and is currently a PhD, scholar at Aligarh Muslim University.

Sameera A.A. Abdullah

Sameera A.A. Abdullah received MSc, from Aligarh Muslim University, and is currently a PhD scholar at Aligarh Muslim University..

Rami K.A. Rababah

Rami K.A. Rababah is working as an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics, Amman Arab University, Jordan.

Ayaz Ahmad

Ayaz Ahmad is working as an assistant professor in the National Institute Technology, Patna, India.


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