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Review Article

Functions and -Lindelöf with respect to a hereditary class

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Article: 1479218 | Received 31 Mar 2018, Accepted 16 May 2018, Published online: 17 Jul 2018


A collection of a nonempty subsets of is called hereditary class if it is closed under hereditary property. In this work, we define and study the notion of some generalizations of -Lindelöf generalized topological spaces with respect to a hereditary class, namely; -Lindelöf hereditary generalized topological spaces. Moreover, investigate basic properties of the concepts, its relation to known concepts and its preservation by functions properties.

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Lindelöfness and its generalizations are important and interesting concepts in topology. Furthermore, Lindelöf and its generalizations have been done to generalized topological spaces, the earlier generalizations to generalized covering properties is ν-Lindelöf. Recently, the concept of ν-Lindelöfness with respect to hereditary class has been introduced. This paper will introduce and define one of generalizations of ν-Lindelöf; namely, -Lindelöf with respect to hereditary class. Some properties and counterexamples are showed. Functions properties are investigated, and we proved that the image of a wνH-Lindelöf under an almost ν-continuous function is wμH-Lindelöf.

1. Introduction and preliminaries

A lot of attention has been made to study properties of covering in topological spaces, which include open and different kinds of generalized open sets. Furthermore, several authors have introduced the generalization of Lindelöf space separately for many reasons and according to the sets that they are interested in. In this work, we use the notions of generalized topology and hereditary classes introduced by (Császár, Citation2002), (Császár, Citation2005) and (Császár, Citation2007), respectively. In order to define some of generalizations of νH-Lindelöf (Qahis, AlJarrah, & Noiri, Citation2016), namely; wνH-Lindelöf hereditary– generalized topological spaces. In literature, (Sarsak, Citation2012) introduced and studied ν-Lindelöf sets in generalized topological spaces. Recently, (Abuage and Kiliçman, Citation2017) introduced wν-Lindelöf generalized topological spaces. The notion ν-Lindelöfness in term of a hereditary classes was studied by (Qahis et al., Citation2016).

The strategy of using generalized topologies and hereditary classes to extend classical topological concepts have been used by many authors such as (e.g, Császár, Citation2007; Kim & Min, Citation2012; Ramasamy, Rajamani, & Inthumathi, Citation2012; Zahran, El-Saady, & Ghareeb, Citation2012), among others. Realization of generalized continuous function was introduced by (Császár, Citation2002), interesting types of functions in generalized topological spaces have been introduced by many mathematicians, such as Al-Omari and Noiri (Citation2012), Al-Omari and Noiri (Citation2013), Min (Citation2009), Min (Citation2010a), and Min (Citation2010b). The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of functions on wνH-Lindelöf generalized topological spaces. We also show that some functions preserve this property. The main result is that the image of a wνH -Lindelöf under an almost (ν,μ) -continuous function is wμH -Lindelöf.

Suppose a non-empty set Gayathri, P(XG) denotes the power set of XG and ν be a non-empty family of P(XG). The symbol ν implies a generalized topology (briefly. GT) on XG (Császár, Citation2002) if the empty set \Oν and Uγν where γΩ implies γΩUγν. The pair (XG,ν) is called generalized topological space (briefly. GTS) and we always denote it by GTS (XG,ν) or XG. Each element of GT ν is said to be ν -open set and the complement of ν -open set is called ν -closed set. Let A be a subset of a GTS (XG,ν), then iν(A) (resp. cν(A)) denotes the union of all ν -open sets contained in A (resp. denotes the intersection of all ν closed sets containing A ), and XGA denotes the complement of A, cν(XGA)=XG(iνA). Moreover, A is said to be ν -regular open (resp. ν -regular closed) iff A=iνcν(A) (resp. A=cνiν(A)) (Császár, Citation2008). If a set XGν, then a GTS (XG,ν) is called ν -space (Noiri, Citation2006), and will be denoted by a ν -space (XG,ν) or a ν -space XG. XG is said to be quasi-topological space (Császár, Citation2006), if the finite intersection of ν -open sets of ν belongs to ν and denoted by QTS (XG,ν). If βP(XG) and \Oβ. Then β is called a ν -base (Császár, Citation2004) for ν if {  β:ββ}=ν, and we say that ν is generated by B. A GTS (XG,ν) is said to be ν -extremally disconnected (Császár, Citation2004) if the ν -closure of every ν -open set is ν -open. Moreover, a subset A of a GTS (XG,ν) is called ν -clopen if it is both ν -open and ν -closed.

Let (XG,ν) be a GTS, a cover U of a subsets of XG is called ν -open cover if the elements of U are ν -open subsets of XG (Thomas & John, Citation2012). A GTS (XG,ν) is said to be ν -Lindelöf (Sarsak, Citation2012) (resp. wν -Lindelöf (Abuage & Kiliçman, Citation2017)) if for each ν -open cover U={Uγ:γΩ} of Λν admits a countable sub-collection Uγn:nN such that


where Λν is the union of all ν -open set in XG.

A non-empty family H of subsets of XG is called a hereditary class (Császár, Citation2007) if AH and BA imply that BH (Kuratowski., Citation1933). Given a generalized topological space (XG,ν) with a hereditary class H, for a subset A of XG, the generalized local function of A with respect to H and ν (Császár, Citation2007) is defined as follows: A=xXGUAHforallUνx, where νx=U:xUandUν ; and the following are defined: cν=AA and the family ν=AXG:XGA=cν(XGA) is a GT on XG. The elements of ν are called ν -open and the complement of a ν -open set is called ν -closed set. It is clear that a subset A is ν -closed if and only if AA. If the hereditary class H satisfies the additional condition: if A,BH implies ABH, then H is called an ideal on XG (Kuratowski., Citation1933). We call (XG,ν,H) a hereditary generalized topological space and denoted by HGTS XG or simply XG. Let a GTS (XG,ν), we denoted by Hc the hereditary class of countable subsets of XG.

Definition 3.1 (Sarsak, Citation2012) Let (XG,ν) and AXG. Then a collection UA:Uν is said to be generalized topology on A, and denote by ν(A). A GT ν(A) on A forms a generalized topological subspace of XG, denoted by (A,ν(A)).

Let (XG,ν,H) be a HGTS and AXG, A\O. We denoted by HA the collection H(AΛν):HH and by (A,ν(A)) the subspace of (XG,ν) on A.

Definition 3.2 (Qahis et al., Citation2016) Let (XG,ν) be a GTS and H be a hereditary class on XG. A HGTS (XG,ν,H) is called νH-Lindelöf or ν-Lindelöf respect to a hereditary class on XG if each ν-open cover Uγ:γΩ of Λν has a countable subcollection Uγn:nN such that ΛνnNUγnH.

Lemma 3.3 (Csa´sz´ar, Citation2008)

(a) If F is ν-closed set then iν(F) is ν-regular open.

(b) If U is ν-open set then cν(U) is ν-regular closed.

Theorem 3.4 (Császár, Citation2007) Let (XG,ν) be a GTS and H be a hereditary class on XG

(i) A GT ν finer than ν,

(ii) If A be a subset of XG, then Acν(A).

Theorem 3.5 (Császár, Citation2007) Let (XG,ν) be a GTS and H be a hereditary class on XG and U be a subset of XG, If U is ν-open, then for each xU there is Uνx and HH such that xUHU.

Lemma 3.6 (Carpintero, Rosas, Salas-Brown, & Sanabria, Citation2016) Let a function g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ). If H is a hereditary class on XG, then g(H)=g(H):HH is a hereditary class on YG.

2. wν-Lindelöf with respect to a hereditary class H

The following concepts give a characterization of wνH -Lindelöf.

Definition 4.1 Let (XG,ν) be a GTS and H be a hereditary class on XG. A HGTS (XG,ν,H) is said to be wνH-Lindelöf or nν-Lindelöf respect to a hereditary class on XG if each ν-open cover Uγ:γΩ of Λν has a countable subcollection Uγn:nN such that


Proposition 4.1 A HGTS (XG,ν,H) is wνH-Lindelöf if and only if every collection Fγ:γΩ of ν-closed sets of XG such that (γΩFγ) Λν=\O admits a countable sub-collection Fγn:nN such that iν(nNFγn)ΛνH.

Proof. Necessity. Let Fγ:γΩ be a collection of ν -closed sets of XG such that (γΩFγ) Λν=\O. Then Λν=XG(γΩFγ)=γΩ(XGFγ), i.e., the collection XGFγ:γΩ is a ν -open cover of Λν. Since XG is wνH -Lindelöf, there is a countable sub-collection XGFγn:nN such that




It is obviously to show that;


Sufficiency, Suppose Uγ:γΩ be a ν -open cover of Λν, then Λν=γΩUγ and XGUγ:γΩ is a collection of ν -closed sets of XG. Thus (XGγΩUγ)Λν=\O, i.e., γΩ(XGUγ)Λν=\O. By hypothesis, there is a countable sub-collection XGUγn:nN such that iν(nN(XGUγn))ΛνH. Since,




Which implies that a HGTS (XG,ν,H) is a wνH -Lindelöf.

Proposition 4.2 Let (XG,ν) be a GTS with a hereditary class H, then (XG,ν) is wν-Lindelöf if and only if (XG,ν,Hc) is wνHc-Lindelöf HGTS.

Proof. The necessity is obvious. Sufficiency, suppose (XG,ν,Hc) is wνHc-Lindelöf HGTS. Let Uγ:γΩ be a ν -open cover of Λν. Then by hypothesis, there is a countable sub-collection Un:nN such that


Assume, Λν(cν(nNUn))=xi:iN, pick out Uγi such that xiUγi for each iN. Thus,


This implies that a XG is wν -Lindelöf GTS.

By proposition above, it is clear that a GTS (XG,ν) is wν -Lindelöf if and only if (XG,ν,\O) is wν\O -Lindelöf HGTS.

Proposition 4.3 A HGTS (XG,ν,H) is νH-Lindelöf then it is wνH-Lindelöf HGTS.

Proof. Let Uγ:γΩ be a ν -open cover of Λν. Since a HGTS (XG,ν,H) is νH -Lindelöf then there is a countable sub-collection Un:nN such that


But, Λν(cν(nNUn))ΛνnN(Un). So, Λν(cν(nNUn))H, and the proof is completed.

The converse of above proposition is not true as the following example shows:

Example 4.1 Let R be the real set, choose aR, β=a,x:xR,ax and a hereditary class H=\O,R. If the GT ν(β) generated on R by the ν-base β. Then (R,ν(β),H) is a HGTS, and for each non-empty ν-open set U of R, we have cνU=R. So, each ν-open cover Uγ:γΩ of R, there is a countable sub-collection Uγn:nN such that


Thus HGTS (R,ν(β),H) is wνH-Lindelöf. Now, U={{0,x}:xR} is a ν-open cover of R and let 0,xn:nN be a countable sub-collection of U, it follows that R(nN0,xn)H. Therefore, a HGTS (R,ν(β),H) is not νH-Lindelöf.

In the following proposition, we will show that a ν -Lindelöf with respect to hereditary classes is special case of wν -Lindelöf GTS.

Proposition 4.4 Let a GTS (XG,ν).

(i) (XG,ν) is wν-Lindelöf if and only if (XG,ν,Hn) is νHn-Lindelöf.

(ii) (XG,ν) is wν-Lindelöf if and only if (XG,ν,H) is νH-Lindelöf with a ν-codense hereditary class H.

Proof. (i) () Let (XG,ν) is wν -Lindelöf and Uγ:γΩ be a ν -open cover of Λν. Thus there is a countable sub-collection Uγn:nN such that Λν=cν(nNUγn). Which implies that,


So, iν(ΛνnNUγn)=\O, and hence ΛνnNUγnHn. Which proves that a HGTS (XG,ν,Hn) is νHn -Lindelöf.

() Suppose (XG,ν,Hn) is νHn -Lindelöf and let Uγ:γΩ be a ν -open cover of Λν. Thus there is a countable sub-collection Uγn:nN such that


This implies that iν(ΛνnNUγn)=\O, then Λνcν(nNUγn)=\O. Thus the proof is completed.

(ii) () From (i) H is a ν -codense hereditary class.

() Let (XG,ν,H) is νH -Lindelöf and Uγ:γΩ be a v-open cover of Λν. Thus there is a countable sub-collection Uγn:nN such that


Since a hereditary class H is ν -codense on XG, ΛνnNUγn has empty ν -interior, then Λν=cν(nNUγn). Which implies that (XG,ν) is wν -Lindelöf GTS.

Proposition 4.5 Let (XG,ν,H) be a wνH-Lindelöf HGTS and A be a ν-clopen subset of XG. Then (A,νA,HA) is wν(A)HA-Lindelöf.

Proof. Let A be a ν -clopen subset of XG. If Oγ=UγA:UγνforeachγΩ be a ν(A) -open cover of AΛν=A. Hence the family {Uγ:γΩ}(XG\A) forms a ν -open cover of Λν. Since XG is an wνH -Lindelöf space, then there is a countable subfamily {Uγn:n}(XG\A) such that



A{ \nolimits^ ^}H=A(Λν\[cν(nUγn) (XG\A)])
=A(Λν\(cν( nUγn))A=A(Λν\(cν(nUγn))
=A(Λν (XG\(cν(nUγn))=(AΛν)(XG\(cν(nUγn))
=A(XG\(cν( nUγn))=A\(cν(nUγn))=A\(A (cν( nUγn)))

However, cν(nUγn)A=cν(A)( nVγn). Therefore, we have


This proves that a subset A is an wν(A)HA -Lindelöf .

Proposition 4.6 Let (XG,ν) be a ν-space and H be a hereditary class on XG. If (XG,ν,H) is wνH-Lindelöf then (XG,ν,H) is wνH-Lindelöf HGTS.

Proof. The proof follows from Theorem 3.4 and Proposition 4.5, since every ν -closed (ν-open) set is ν -closed (ν-open) set. Thus every ν -clopen set is ν -clopen set.

In the following example, we show that the converse of Proposition 4.6 is not true.

Example 4.2 Let R be the set of real numbers and ν={U:Uisuncountable}{} be a GT on R. Suppose H=RU:Uν be a hereditary class on R, observe that H is not closed under countable union. A ν-space R is νH-Lindelöf (see.Qahis et al., Citation2016) so it is wνH-Lindelöf. Now, for each xR, x is ν-open. Further, x is ν-closed set so it is ν-closed, and hence cν(x)=x. Furthermore, x:xR is a ν-open cover of a ν-space R. Assume that there is a countable collection xi:iN such that \(cν*(i{xi}). And this is not possible. Therefore, a ν-space R is not wνH-Lindelöf.

The converse of Proposition 4.6 will be hold if a hereditary class H is closed under countable union as the following:

Proposition 4.7 Let (XG,ν) be a ν-space and a hereditary class H on XG is closed under countable union, then (XG,ν,H) is wνH-Lindelöf if and only if (XG,ν,H) is wνH-Lindelöf HGTS.

Proof. The necessity is obviously by Proposition 4.6. For sufficiency, suppose a (XG,ν,H) is wνH -Lindelöf and H is closed under countable union. Given Uγ:γΩ a ν -open cover of XG, then for each xXG, xUγx for some γxΩ. By Theorem 3.5, there is Uγxνx and HγxH such that xUγxHγxUγx. Since the collection Uγx:γΩ is a ν -open cover of XG, then there exists a countable sub-collection Uγxn:nN such that

XG\(cν( nNUγ xn))=H.

Since H is closed under countable union, then  {Hγxn:n}. Then, H[{Hγxn:n}]. Note that XG\(cν*(nUγn*))H[{Hγxn:n}]. So,


Therefore, (XG,ν,H) is wνH -Lindelöf HGTS.

2.1. Function properties on wν-Lindelöf with respect to a hereditary classH

attention has been made to study properties of covering in topological

topological spaces was introduced by (Császár, Citation2002). Let ν and μ be generalized topologies on XG and YG, respectively. Then a function g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) from a ν -space (XG,ν) into a μ -space (YG,μ) is called (ν,μ) -continuous iff Uμ implies that g1(U)ν.

Definition 4.2 Let A be a subset of GTS (XG,ν), then A is called ν-preopen (resp. νβ-open) (Csa´sz´ar, Citation2005) if Aiνcν(A) (resp. Acνiνcν(A))

The complement of ν-preopen (resp. νβ-open) is said to be ν-preclosed (resp. νβ-closed), we denote by π the class of all ν-preopen sets in XG, by β the class of all νβ-open sets in XG.

Definition 4.3 A function g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) is called:

(1) almost (ν,μ)continuous (Min, Citation2009), if for each tXG and each μ-open set U containing g(t), there is a ν-open set V with tV such that g(V)iμcμ(U).

(2) almost (π,μ) continuous (resp. almost (β,μ)continuous) (Abuage, Kiliman, & Sarsak, Citation2017) if for each tXG and each μ-regular open set U in YG containing g(t), there is a ν-preopen (resp. νβ-open) set V containing t such that g(V)U.

Remark 4.1 Let g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) be a function between GTS‘s (XG,ν) and (YG,μ). Then we have the following implications but the reverse relations may not be true in general:

almost (ν,μ) continuous almost (π,μ) continuous almost (β,μ) continuous

Example 4.3 Let XG=a,b,c and ν=\O,a,b be a GT on XG. Then π=ν {{a},{b}}. Define a function g:(XG,ν)(XG,ν) as follows: g(a)=a, g(b)=g(c)=c. Then g is almost (π,μ)continuous function but not almost (ν,μ)continuous.

Example 4.4 Let XG=a,b,c and ν=\O,a,b,a,b be a GT on XG. Then π=ν and β=ν {{a,b},{a,c},XG}. Consider a function g:(XG,ν)(XG,ν) defined by g(a)=g(b)=b, g(c)=a. Then g is almost (β,μ)continuous function without begin almost (π,μ)continuous.

Proposition 4.8 Let g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) be an almost (ν,μ)continuous surjection from a ν-space (XG,ν) into a μ-space (YG,μ), and H be a hereditary class on XG. If XG is wνH-Lindelöf then YG so is.

Proof. Let Uγ:γΩ be a μ -open cover of YG, Since g is almost (ν,μ) -continuous, that means g1(iμcμ(Uγ)) is a ν -open in XG. Thus g1(iμcμ(Uγ)):γΩ is a ν -open cover of XG, then there is a countable sub-collection g1(iμcμ(Uγn)):nN such that



XG\(cν(g1(cμ( n(Uγn)))))XG\(cν(g1( n(cμUγn))))
XG\cν( ng1(iμcμ(Uγn))).

By Lemma 3.3 cμ(nN(Uγn)) is μ -regular closed in YG and g is an almost (ν,μ) continuous, we have g1(cμ(nN(Uγn))) is ν -closed in XG. Thus


By Lemma 3.6,


Which proves that a HGTS YG is wμg(H) -Lindelöf.

If H=\O in the above Proposition, then we have the following result:

Corollary 4.1 (Abuage & Kilic¸man, Citation2017) Let g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) be an almost (ν,μ)continuous surjection from a ν-space (XG,ν) into a μ-space (YG,μ), if a ν-space XG is wν-Lindelöf then a μ-space YG so is.

Theorem 4.4 (Ekici, Citation2012) Let (XG,ν) be a GTS where cν(\O)=\O. Then (XG,ν) is a submaximal and extremally disconnected GTS if any subset of (XG,ν) is νβ-open if and only if it is ν-open.

Obviously, if XGν in GTS(XG,ν) then cν(\O)=\O, so the following proposition proves immediately by Theorem 4.4.

Proposition 4.9 Let (XG,ν) be a submaximal and ν-extremally disconnected ν-space. Then a function g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) is an almost (ν,μ)-continuous if and only if it is almost (β,μ)-continuous.

Corollary 4.2 Let g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) be an almost (β,μ)-continuous surjection, and H be a hereditary class on XG. If XG is submaximal, ν-extremally disconnected and wνH-Lindelöf ν-space. Then YG is wμg(H)-Lindelöf.

Proof. The proof follows directly from Proposition 4.8 and Proposition 4.9.

Lemma 4.5 Let a (XG,ν) be a submaximal QTS then every ν-preopen set is ν-open.

Proof. Assume, a subset V is a ν -preopen, then by Proposition 3.11 (Sarsak, Citation2013) V=UA for some ν -regular open set U and ν -dense set A of XG. Since (XG,ν) is submaximal QTS, so A is ν -open set of XG and thus V is ν -open set of XG.

Next proposition proves directly, by Lemma 4.5, so the proof omitted.

Proposition 4.10 Let (XG,ν) be a submaximal QTS then a function g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) is an almost (ν,μ)-continuous if and only if it is almost (π,μ)-continuous.

By Propositions 4.8 and Proposition 4.10 the following corollary concluded:

Corollary 4.3 Let g:(XG,τ)(YG,μ) be an almost (π,μ)-continuous surjection, and H be a hereditary class on XG. If a space XG is submaximal and weakly Lindelöf then YG is wμg(H)-Lindelöf.

Definition 4.6 (Al-Omari & Noiri, Citation2012) A function g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) is said to be

(a) almost (ν,μ)-open if g(V)iμcμ(g(V)) for each ν-open set V in XG,

(b) contra (ν,μ)continuous if g1(U) is ν-closed in XG for every μ-open set U in YG.

(Al-Omari and Noiri, Citation2012), showed that if a function g from a ν -space (XG,ν) into a μ -space (YG,μ) is an almost (ν,μ) -open and contra (ν,μ) continuous, then g is almost (ν,μ) continuous Moreover, if g is a contra (ν,μ) continuous and a μ -space YG is μ -extremally disconnected, then g is almost (ν,μ) continuous Proposition 4.8, we conclude the following corollaries:

Corollary 4.4 Let g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) be an an almost (ν,μ)-open and contra (ν,μ)continuous surjection from a ν-space (XG,ν) into a μ-space (YG,μ), with a hereditary class H on XG. If XG is wνH-Lindelöf then YG so is.

Corollary 4.5 Let g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) be a contra (ν,μ)-continuous and a μ-space YG is μ-extremally disconnected from a ν-space (XG,ν) into a μ-space (YG,μ), with a hereditary class on XG. If XG is wνH-Lindelöf then YG so is.

Proposition 4.11 Let g:(XG,ν,H)(YG,μ) be an almost (ν,μ)-continuous surjection, if (XG,ν,H) is wνH-Lindelöf and μ-space YG is countable, then YG is wμ-Lindelöf.

Proof. Suppose (XG,ν,H) be a wνH -Lindelöf and g be an almost (ν,μ) -continuous surjection, by Proposition 4.8 YG is nμg(H) -Lindelöf. Since YG is countable so a hereditary class H is countable, by applying Proposition 4.2 the proof is completed.

Proposition 4.12 Let g:(XG,ν,H)(YG,μ) be an almost (ν,μ)-continuous surjection, if (XG,ν,H) is wνH-Lindelöf and μ-space YG is countable, then (YG,μ,g(Hn)) is μg(Hn)-Lindelöf.

Proof. The proof follows immediately by Propositions 4.8, Proposition 4.2 and Proposition 4.4 (i).

Proposition 4.13 Let g:(XG,ν,H)(YG,μ) be an almost (ν,μ)-continuous surjection, if (XG,ν,H) is wνH-Lindelöf and μ-space YG is countable, then (YG,μ,g(H)) is μg(H)-Lindelöf with a μ-codense hereditary class H.

Proof. The proof follows immediately by Propositions 4.8, Propositions 4.2 and Propositions 4.4 (ii).

Proposition 4.14 Let g:(XG,ν)(YG,μ) be an almost (ν,μ)-continuous surjection, H be a hereditary class on XG which is closed under countable union, if (XG,ν,H) is nνH-Lindelöf then (YG,μ,g(H)) is nμg(H)-Lindelöf.

Proof. By Proposition 4.7, (XG,ν,H) is nνH -Lindelöf. Since g is almst (ν,μ) -continuous surjection, then (YG,μ,g(H)) is nμg(H) -Lindelöf. But H is closed under countable union thus g(H) is closed under countable union on YG. Again by applying Proposition 4.7 the proof is completed.

2. Conclusion

Our work aims to define and study the notion of weakly ν -Lindelöf with respect to a hereditary class H : wνH -Lindelöf, its properties and its relation to known concepts are showed.

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The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Mariam Abuage

Mariam M. Abuage is a lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Sabrata University/ Libya. She received her B.Sc. degree in 2004 from the Department of Mathematics, Al Zawia University/ Libya, and obtained her M.Sc. degree in 2010 from Al Zawia University. In August 2014, she registered as a post-graduate student at Institute for Mathematical Research University Putra Malaysia UPM, to pursue her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in field of Pure Mathematics (General Topology). Her research interest involves with generalizations of v -Lindelöf in generalized topological spaces.


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