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Research Article

Hyers-Ulam stability of elliptic Möbius difference equation

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Article: 1492338 | Received 28 Nov 2017, Accepted 10 Jun 2018, Published online: 06 Aug 2018


The linear fractional map f(z)=az+bcz+d on the Riemann sphere with complex coefficients adbc  0 is called Möbius map. If f satisfies adbc=1 and2<a+ d < 2, then f is called elliptic Möbius map. Let bnnN0 be the solution of the elliptic Möbius difference equation bn+1=f(bn) for every nN0. We show that the sequence bnnN0 on the complex plane as well as on the real numbers has no Hyers-Ulam stability by conjugation method.

Public Interest Statement

Difference equation is a field of mathematics which may describe the discrete dynamical systems. It has been successfully used to describing some phenomenon, for instance, population dynamics. In this article, a certain type of difference equations has no control of errors even though the amount of error of each term is arbitrarily small. The equation in the article is the elliptic linear fractional map and it is a kind of rotation where the map is defined on the set of complex numbers.

1. Introduction

The first order difference equation is defined as the solution of bn+1=F(n,bn) for nN0 with the initial point b0. An interesting non-linear difference equation is the rational difference equation. For instance, Pielou logistic difference equation (Pielou, Citation1974) or Beverton-Holt equation (Bohner & Warth, Citation2007; Sen, Citation2008) are the first order rational difference equation as a model for population dynamics with constraint. These equations are understood as the iteration of a kind of Möbius transformation on the real line. For the introduction and examples of difference equation defined on the real line, see (Elaydi, Citation2005).

In this paper, we investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability of another kind of Möbius transformation which does not appear in population dynamics and extend the result to the complex plane. Hyers-Ulam stability raised from Ulam’s question (Ulam, Citation1960) about the stability of approximate homomorphism between metric groups. The first answer to this question was given by Hyers (Hyers, Citation1941) for Cauchy additive equation in Banach space. Later, the theory of Hyers-Ulam stability is developed in the area of functional equation and differential equation by many authors. The theory of Hyers-Ulam stability for difference equation appears in relatively recent decades and is mainly searched for linear difference equations, for example, see (Jung, Citation2015; Jung & Nam, Citation2016; Popa, Citation2015; Xu & Brzdek, Citation2015). Denote the set of natural numbers by N and denote the set N by N0. The set of real numbers and complex numbers by R and C, respectively. Denote the unit circle by S1.

Suppose that the complex valued sequence annN satisfies the inequality


for a ε > 0 and for all nN0, where is the absolute value of complex number. If there exists a sequence bnnN which satisfies that

(1.1) bn+1=F(n,bn)(1.1)

for each nN0 and anbnG(ε) for all nN0, where the positive number G(ε)0 as ε0. Then we say that the difference Equation (1.1) has Hyers-Ulam stability.

1.1. Classification of Möbius transformation

Denote the Riemann sphere by Cˆ, which is the one point compactification of the complex plane, namely, C. Similarly, we define the extended real line as R and denote it by Rˆ. Möbius transformation (or Möbius map) is the linear fractional map defined on Cˆ as follows

(1.2) g(z)=az+bcz+d(1.2)

where a,b,c and d are complex numbers and adbc  0. Define gdc= and g()=ac. If c=0, then g is the linear function. Thus we assume that c  0 throughout this article. The Möbius map which preserves Rˆ is called the real Möbius map. A Möbius map is real if and only if the coefficients of the map a,b,c and d are real numbers.

The Möbius map has two fixed points counting with multiplicity. Denote these points by α and β. The real Möbius maps are classified to the three different cases using fixed points.

  • If α and β are real distinct numbers, the map is called real hyperbolic Möbius map,

  • If α=β, then the map is called real parabolic Möbius map, and

  • If α and β are two distinct non-real complex numbers, then the map is called real elliptic Möbius map.

Möbius map xax+bcx+d is the same as xpax+pbpcx+pd for all numbers p  0. Thus we may assume that adbc=1 when we choose p=adbc. Moreover, Möbius map has the matrix representation abcd under the condition adbc=1. Denote the matrix representation of the Möbius map g, by also g and its trace by tr(g), which means a+d. In the complex analysis or hyperbolic geometry, Möbius maps with complex coefficients can be classified similarly with different method. For instance, see (Beardon, Citation1983). Möbius transformation in (1.2) (with real or complex coefficients) for adbc=1 is classified as follows

  • If tr(g)R[2,2], then g is called hyperbolic,

  • If tr(g)=±2, then g is called parabolic,

  • If tr(g)(2,2), then g is called elliptic and

  • If tr(g)CR, then g is called purely loxodromic.

The real Möbius maps are also classified by the above notions. In this article, we investigate Hyers-Ulam stability of elliptic Möbius transformations. Other cases would appear in the forthcoming articles.

2. No Hyers-Ulam stability with dense subset

In this section we prove non-stability in the sense of Hyers-Ulam, which is not only for the elliptic Möbius transformation but also for any function satisfying the assumption of the following Theorem 2.1.

Theorem 2.1. Let bnnN0 be the sequence in R satisfying bn+1=F(bn) with a map F for nN0. Suppose that there exists a dense subset A of R such that if b0A, then the sequence bnnN0 is dense in R. Suppose also that bnnN0 has no periodic point. Then the sequence bnnN0 has no Hyers-Ulam stability.

Proof. For any a0R and ε > 0, choose the sequence annN0 as follows

  1. a0R is arbitrary,

  2. a1 satisfies that F(a0)a1ε and a1A, that is, the sequence Fn(a1)nN0 is dense in R.

Let nk for k1 be the positive numbers n1 < n2 <  < nk <  such that Fnk(a1) are points in the ball of which center is a1 and diameter is ε.

  1. an+1=Fn(a1) for n=0,1,2,,n11,

  2. an1+1=a1 and ak=ak+n1+1 for every kN.

Then the sequence annN0 satisfies that an+1F(an)ε for all nN0. Moreover, since the sequence annN is periodic, annN0 is the finite set and it is bounded. However, the fact that the sequence bnnN0 is dense in R implies that anbn is unbounded for nN. Hence, the sequence bnnN0 does not have Hyers-Ulam stability. •

Remark 2.2. Theorem 2.1 can be generalized to any metric space only if the definition of Hyers-Ulam stability is modified suitably. For instance, if F is the map from the metric space X to itself and is changed to the distance dist(,) from the metric on X,then we can define Hyers-Ulam stability on the metric space and Theorem 2.1 is applied to it. For example, the unit circle S1 is the metric space of which distance between two points defined from the minimal arc length connecting these two points. Then Hyers-Ulam stability on S1 can be defined.

3. Real elliptic Möbius transformation

Lemma 3.1 Let g(x)=ax+bcx+d be the linear fractional map where a,b,c and d are real numbers, c0 and adbc=1. Then g has fixed points which are non-real complex numbers if and only if g is real elliptic Möbius map, that is, 2 < a+d < 2.

Proof. The equation g(x)=x implies that


Then the fixed points are non-real complex numbers if and only if 2 < a+d < 2.•

Lemma 3.2 Let g be the map defined on Cˆ in Lemma 3.1 and two complex numbers α and its complex conjugate αˉ be the fixed points of g. Let h be the map defined as h(x)=xαxαˉ. If g is the elliptic Möbius map, that is, 2 < a+d < 2, then


for xCˆ. Moreover, g(α)=cα+d=1.

Proof. The map hgh1 has the fixed points 0 and . Since both g and h are linear fractional maps, so is hgh1. Then hgh1(x)=kx for some kC. The equation hg(x)=kh(x) implies that h(g(x))g(x)=kh(x). Thus


Then k=g(α)=1(cα+d)2. Moreover, g(α)=1 if and only if cα+d=1. Recall that both α and αˉ are roots of the equation, cx2(ad)xb=0. Then


By Lemma 3.2, the map hgh1 is a rotation on S1. Since h1 is bijective from S11 to R, x is a periodic point under hgh1 in S11 with period p if and only if h1(x) is periodic in R with the same period. Recall that h1(1)=. Thus when we investigate Hyers-Ulam stability of the sequence bnnN0 as the solution of the elliptic linear fractional map g, we have to choose carefully the initial point b0R satisfying gk(b0) for all kN.

Proposition 3.3. Let g be the elliptic linear fractional map defined in Lemma 3.1 on Rˆ. Suppose that there exists xR such that gk(x)x for all kN. Then the sequence gk(x)kN is dense in R where xRgk()kN.

Proof. Lemma 3.2 implies that hgh1(x)=eiθx for some θR. If 2πθ is a rational number qp, then hgph1(x)=x for all xC. Thus gp(x)=x for all xC. Then 2πθ is an irrational number. Since xeiθx is an irrational rotation on S1, the sequence eikθxkN is dense in S1 for every xS1. Moreover, when x=1 is chosen, the set S1eikθkN0 is also a dense subset of S1.

The direct calculation implies that h1(x)=αˉxαx1 and then h1(1)=. Choose two points p and p close enough to each other in S1eikθkN0. Then

(3.1) =ααˉ(p1)(p1)pp.(3.1)

We choose the sequence pnkkN0 for some p0S1eikθkN0 which satisfies that hgnkh1(p0)=pnk and pnkp as k for different numbers n1 < n2 <  < nk <. Since h1 is a bijection from S11 to R, by the Equation (3.1) we obtain that


for some δ > 0. Then any point h1(p) in R is an accumulation point in the sequence gk(x)kN0 where xh1(S1eikθkN0), which is a dense subset of R.•

Theorem 2.1 and Proposition 3.3 imply that the real elliptic linear fractional map does not have Hyers-Ulam stability.

Corollary 3.4 Let g(x)=ax+bcx+d be the linear fractional map on Rˆ where a,b,c and d are real numbers, c0 and adbc=1. Suppose that 2 < a+d < 2 and hgh1 is an irrational rotation on the unit circle where h(x)=xαxαˉ. If the sequence bnnN0 in R is the solution of bn+1=g(bn) for nN0, then either gk(b0)= for some kN or bnnN0 has no Hyers-Ulam stability .

Example 3.5 The linear fractional map g is as follows


Since number 113313=213 is between 2 and 2, the map g is a real elliptic Möbius map. Moreover, the fixed points of g are 1±3i2. Define h as the map h(x)=x1+3i2x13i2. Then hgh1(x)=11+413i13x. If we denote 11+413i13 by eiθ, then θ=cos11113. Then 2πθ is an irrational number. Then for any xR, either gn(x)= for some nN or the sequence gk(x)kN is dense in R by Proposition 3.3

4. Extension of non stability to complex plane

In this section, we extend no Hyers-Ulam stability of the real elliptic linear fractional map to the elliptic Möbius transformation with complex coefficients. Let be the straight line in the complex plane. Define the extended line as and denote it by ˆ. Interior of the circle C in C means that the bounded region of the set CC.

Lemma 4.1. Let f(z)=az+bcz+d be the Möbius map with complex coefficients a,b,c and d for c  0 and adbc=1. If f is elliptic, that is, 2 < a+d < 2, then there exists the unique extended line which is invariant under g in Cˆ.

Proof. Let α and β be the fixed points of f. In particular, the fixed points of g are as follows


Denote the straight line, zC:zα=zβ by in C and denote the extended line by ˆ. We prove that ˆ is the unique invariant extended line under f.

Claim: The points, dc and ac are in ˆ.


The fact that a+d is a real number and (a+d)24 is a purely imaginary number implies that

(4.1) α+dc=β+dc=1c.(4.1)

Then dc is in ˆ. By similar calculation, ac is also in ˆ. The proof the claim is complete.

For the invariance of ˆ, it suffice to show that if zdc, then f(z). For any zdc, we have that

(4.2) f(z)α=f(z)f(α)=az+bcz+daα+bcα+d=(adbc)(zα)(cz+d)(cα+d)=zα(cz+d)(cα+d)(4.2)

By similar calculation, we obtain that

(4.3) f(z)β=zβ(cz+d)(cβ+d).(4.3)

The Equation (4.1) in the claim implies that cα+d=cβ+d. The definition of implies that cz+d0 for zdc and zα=zβ. The equation f(z)α=f(z)β holds by comparing the Equation (4.2) with (4.3). Hence, by this result and the above claim, the extended line ˆ is invariant under f. There is the unique straight line which connects dc and ac in C. Hence, ˆ is the unique invariant extended line in Cˆ under f.•

Remark 4.2. Define the map h as h(z)=zβzα. Then by the straightforward calculation we obtain hfh1(z)=f(α)z and f(α)=1. Let Cr be the circle of radius r > 0 of which center is the origin in C. Observe that a fixed point of f is contained in the interior of h1(Cr) for all r > 0. If hgh1 is an irrational rotation in C, then every concentric circles Cr are invariant under hfh1. Then h1(Cr) is an invariant circle under f for every r > 0. However, since h()=1, the unique invariant extended line under f is h1(S1). Moreover, h1(C1/r) is the reflected image of h1(Cr) to the invariant extended line.

Due to the existence of the extended line which is invariant under g, no Hyers-Ulam stability of the sequence gn(z)nN0 of the real elliptic linear fractional map is extendible to that of the elliptic Möbius transformation.

Proposition 4.3. Let f be the elliptic Möbius transformation on Cˆ and ˆ be the extended line invariant under f. Suppose that there exists zˆ such that fk(z)z for all kN. Then the sequence fk(z)kN is dense in =ˆ where zfk()kN.

Proof. Lemma 4.1 implies that there exists the invariant extended line under f. In the proof of Proposition 3.3, replace αˉ by β and apply the proof of Proposition 3.3. Then the similar calculation completes the proof.•

Then Proposition 4.3 and Theorem 2.1 implies that no Hyers-Ulam stability of fn(z)nN0 where f is the elliptic Möbius map for zC.

Corollary 4.4. Let f(z)=az+bcz+d be the Möbius map on Cˆ where c0 and adbc=1. If f is elliptic, that is, 2 < a+d < 2, then the sequence bnnN0 satisfying bn+1=f(bn) for nN0 has no Hyers-Ulam stability on C.

Proof. The sequence annN0 is in the invariant extended line ˆ under f satisfying


for nN0. Choose annN0 is the finite sequence which satisfies the properties in the proof of Theorem 2.1 in . Then the similar proof in Section 3 implies that any sequence bnnN0 satisfying bn+1=f(bn) for every nN0 in has no Hyers-Ulam stability.

Let h be the map h(z)=zαzβ. Observe that hfh1 is an irrational rotation on C. If bnnN0 is contained in Cˆ, then bnnN0 is contained in the circle disjoint from and this circle is h1(Cr) for some r > 0. Observe that if r=0, then Cr=α and if r=1, then Cr=ˆ. Since hfh1 is an irrational rotation, fn(h1(x))nN0 is the dense subset of h1(Cr). We may assume that 0 < r < 1 and the fixed point α is contained in the interior of Cr by Remark 4.2. Denote the (minimal) distance between the point α and the line by L. Then the density of bnnN0 on the circle Cr and the finiteness of annN0 imply that anbnL for infinitely many nN for all ε < L. Hence, bnnN0 has no Hyers-Ulam stability.•

5. Non stability of periodic sequence

Let the sequence bnnN0 satisfying bn+p=bn for every nN0 for some pN be periodic sequence. The least positive number p satisfying the above equation is called the peroid of sequence. If p=1, then it is called constant sequence.

Lemma 5.1. Let the sequence bnnN0 in R be a periodic sequence with period p. Then bnnN0 has no Hyers-Ulam stability.

Proof. Any periodic sequence has constant subsequence. For example, let cnnN0 be the sequence satisfying cn=bpn for every nN0. Thus cnnN0 is the constant sequence c0nN0. It suffice to show that the constant sequence has no Hyers-Ulam stability. For any small enough ε > 0, define the sequence dnnN0 as follows

  1. d0 is arbitrary and

  2. dn=d0+nε for nN

Then dn+1dnε for all nN0. However, for any constant sequence c0nN0 satisfying c0d0ε such that


for all n2. Since ckdk is unbounded for nN, the constant sequence cnnN0 has no Hyers-Ulam stability. Hence, the periodic sequence bnnN0 has no Hyers-Ulam stability either.•

Example 5.2. There are non-linear Möbius transformations, of which finitely many composition is the identity map. For example, see the following maps


Thus pp(z)=p2(z)=z for all zC and the trace of p is that tr(p)=3+(3)=0. The map q satisfies that q3=p by the direct calculation and then q6(z)=z for all zC. The trace of q is that tr(q)=0+(3)=3. Finally, r3(z)=z for all zC and tr(r)=1+0=1. All of the traces of p, q and r are between 2 and 2.

Remark 4.2 implies that hgh1(x)=eiθx for every elliptic Möbius map g. If θ=qp, then gp(x)=x for all xC. Thus the sequence gn(x)nN0 is periodic. Then Corollary 3.4 and Lemma 5.1 implies the following theorem.

Theorem 5.3. Let g(x)=ax+bcx+d be the linear fractional map on Rˆ for c  0, adbc=1. Supposet that g is the elliptic linear fractional map, that is, 2 < a+d < 2. Then the sequence bnnN0 in R satisfying bn+1=g(bn) for nN0 either satisfies that gk(b0)= for some kN or it has no Hyers-Ulam stabiliy.

If the sequence fn(z)nN0 is periodic, then Corollary 4.4 and Lemma 5.1 implies the following theorem.

Theorem 5.4. Let f(z)=az+bcz+d be the Möbius map on Cˆ for adbc=1, c  0. Suppose that f is the elliptic Möbius map, that is, 2 < a+d < 2. Then the sequence bnnN0 in C satisfying bn+1=f(bn) for nN0 either satisfies that gk(b0)= for some kN or it has no Hyers-Ulam stabiliy.

6. Conclusion and further research

In this paper, we show that the difference equation from the linear fractional map of elliptic type has no Hyers-Ulam stability. Using conjugation, this type of linear fractional map is actually a kind of rotation around the fixed points. The irrational rotation has dense orbits on every invariant circles and the rational rotation has all points which is periodic. Any of both maps does not have Hyers-Ulam stability. In the future, we investigate Hyers-Ulam stability of the difference equation from the linear fractional map of other types—parabolic, hyperbolic and loxodromic equations.

Additional information


The author received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Young Woo Nam

Young Woo Nam is an invited professor of Mathematics Section, College of Science and Technology, Hongik University at Sejong, Korea. His fields of interest are renormalization in dynamical systems, Hyers-Ulam stability in difference equation.


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