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Research Article

Term rank preservers of bisymmetric matrices over semirings

, & | (Reviewing editor)
Article: 1509430 | Received 27 Mar 2018, Accepted 30 Jul 2018, Published online: 11 Sep 2018


In this article, we introduce another standard form of linear preservers. This new standard form provides characterizations of the linear transformations on the set of bisymmetric matrices with zero diagonal and zero antidiagonal over antinegative semirings without zero divisors which preserve some sort of term ranks and preserve the matrix that can be determined as the greatest one. The numbers of all possible linear transformations satisfying each condition are also obtained.

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Public interest statement

A Boolean matrix is a matrix whose entries are 0 or 1 with addition and multiplication defined as if 0 and 1 are integers, except that 1 + 1 = 1. The term rank of a Boolean matrix A is the minimum number of lines containing all nonzero entries of A. Recently, the study of linear transformations preserving some certain functions over sets of many kinds of matrices has become established. In this article, we provide the patterns of linear transformations preserving term ranks of bisymmetric Boolean matrices via our new standard form. The number of such linear preservers is also counted. Moreover, the results on bisymmetric Boolean matrices are extended to bisymmetric matrices over semirings. We believe that the standard form that we have cooked up will be beneficial and will give a new point of view for research in related areas.

1. Introduction

Linear preserver problems (LPPs) are one of the most active research topics in matrix theory during the past half-century, which have been studied when linear transformations on spaces of matrices leave certain conditions invariant. An excellent reference for LPPs is Pierce et al. (Citation1992). There are many works on LPPs over various algebraic structures. The spaces of matrices over semirings also have been one of them.

Rank preserver problems play a pivotal role in investigating questions regarding other preservers. It can be found in Young & Choi (Citation2008) that there are many nonequivalent definitions of rank functions for matrices over semirings. Among many essential different definitions of rank functions of matrices over semirings, the combinatorial approach leads to the term ranks of such matrices.

Inspired by Beasley, Song and Kang’s recently work, in Beasley, Song, & Kang (Citation2012), on term rank preservers of symmetric matrices with zero diagonal over commutative antinegative semirings with no zero divisors, we investigate linear transformations on bisymmetric matrices whose all diagonal and antidiagonal entries are zeroes over such semirings that preserve some term ranks. We refer to Zhao, Hu, & Zhang (Citation2008) and the references therein for more results and applications of bisymmetric matrices.

The significant survey about LPPs in Chapter 22 of Hogben (Citation2007) indicates that linear preservers often have the standard forms. It turns out that our linear preservers do not possess any former standard forms; however, we invent a new standard form in order to obtain a natural and intrinsic characterization of term rank preserver on bisymmetric matrices whose all diagonal and antidiagonal entries are zeroes over commutative antinegative semirings with no zero divisors.

We organize this article as follows. In Section 2, some of the well-known terminologies and results on LPPs are reviewed and the notations in our work are introduced. In the third section, the results on term rank preservers of bisymmetric Boolean matrices with zero diagonal and zero antidiagonal are presented. Then, we extend the results to the case that all entries of such matrices are in commutative antinegative semirings with no zero divisors in the last section.

2. Definitions and preliminaries

We begin this section with the definition of a semiring. See Golan (Citation1999) for more information about semirings and their properties.

Definition 2.1. A semiring S,+, is a set S with two binary operations, addition (+) and multiplication (), such that:

(i). S,+ is a commutative monoid (the identity is denoted by 0);

(ii). S, is a semigroup (the identity, if exists, is denoted by 1);

(iii). multiplication is distributive over addition on both sides;

(iv). s0=0s=0 for all sS.

We say that S,+, is a commutative semiring if (S,) is a commutative semigroup. A semiring is antinegative if the only element having an additive inverse is the additive identity. For a commutative semiring S, a nonzero element sS is called a zero divisor if there exists a nonzero element tS such that st=0.

Throughout this article, we let S be a commutative antinegative semiring containing the multiplicative identity with no zero divisors and is denoted by juxtaposition.

One of the simplest examples of an antinegative semiring without zero divisors is the binary Boolean algebra B which is a set of only two elements 0 and 1 with addition and multiplication on B defined as though 0 and 1 were integers, except that 1+1=1. Note that B is also called a Boolean semiring. Another example of these semirings is the fuzzy semiring which is the real interval [0,1] with the maximum and minimum as its addition and multiplication, respectively. Besides, any nonnegative subsemirings of R are other examples of such semirings.

Let Mm,n(S) denote the set of all m×n matrices over S. The usual definitions for addition and multiplication of matrices are applied to such matrices as well. The notation Mn(S) is used when m=n. A matrix in Mm,n(B) is called a Boolean matrix. A square matrix obtained by permuting rows of the identity matrix is called a permutation matrix.

In order to investigate LPPs on Mm,n(S), we give the notions of a linear transformation on Mm,n(S) and when it preserves some certain properties.

Definition 2.2. A mapping T:Mm,n(S)Mm,n(S) is said to be a linear transformation if T(αX+βY)=αT(X)+βT(Y) for all X,YMm,n(S) and α,βS.

Let K be a subset of Mm,n(S) containing all matrices with a property P and T a linear transformation on Mm,n(S). Then, we say that T preserves the property P if T(X)K whenever XK for all XMm,n(S) and T strongly preserves the property P if T(X)K if and only if XK for all XMm,n(S).

We next state the most common concept of the standard form in the theory of linear preservers over semirings by the following definitions. Let Nn=1,2,,n.

Definition 2.3. A mapping σ:NnNn is said to be a half-mapping (on Nn) if σ satisfies the following properties:

(i) σ|Nn2 is a permutation on Nn2, and

(ii) σ(ni+1)=nσ(i)+1 for all iNn2.

If a half-mapping is also a permutation on Nn, then we call it a half-permutation.

Note that a half-mapping σ on Nn is a permutation if n is even, but σ is not necessarily a permutation when n is odd. If n is odd, and the half-mapping σ on Nn satisfies σn2=n2, then σ is a permutation and hence a half-permutation.

Definition 2.4. Let ei be an n×1 Boolean matrix whose only nonzero entry is in the ith row, σ a half-mapping on Nn. We define the matrix induced by σ to be the n×n Boolean matrix whose the ith column is eσ(i) if in2 and the n2th column is eσn2 when n is even, and eσn2+enσn2+1 when n is odd. The matrix induced by σ is denoted by Pσ.

Definition 2.5. Let T:Mm,n(S)Mm,n(S) be a linear transformation. We say that T is induced by (σ,τ,B) if there exist mappings σ and τ on Nm and Nn, respectively, and a matrix BMm,n(S) such that either

(i) T(X)=Pσ(XB)Qτ for all XMm,n(S); or

(ii) m=n and T(X)=Pσ(XtB)Qτ for all XMm,n(S),

where denotes the Schur product, i.e., AB=[ai,jbi,j] for all A=[ai,j],B=[bi,j]Mm,n(S).

We let Jm,nMm,n(S) denote the m×n matrix whose entries equal to 1. From now on, the subscripts of matrices may be dropped when the sizes of matrices are clear from the context. We simply say that T is induced by (σ,τ) when B=J. We also say that T is induced by σ if T is induced by (σ,σ1) where σ is a permutation on Nn. In general (see (Beasley & Pullman, Citation1987)), a linear transformation T on Mm,n(S) induced by (σ,τ,B) where σ and τ are permutations on Nm and Nn, respectively, and all entries of B are nonzero, is usually called a (P,Q,B) operator, where P and Q are permutation matrices induced by σ and τ, respectively.

The characterizations of linear transformations preserving term ranks were first studied by Beasley and Pullman (Beasley & Pullman, Citation1987) in 1987. This work is continued later on (see (Kang & Song, Citation2012; Song & Beasley, Citation2013) and the references therein). We recall the definition of the term rank and its preserver theorem as follows.

Definition 2.6. The term rank of AMm,n(S) is the minimum number of rows or columns required to contain all the nonzero entries of A.

Theorem 2.7. (Beasley & Pullman, Citation1987) Let T:Mm,n(S)Mm,n(S) be a linear transformation. Then T preserves term ranks 1 and 2 if and only if T is induced by (σ,τ,B) where σ and τ are permutations on Nm and Nn, respectively, and all entries of B are nonzero.

Let Sn(0)(S) denote the set of all n×n symmetric matrices with entries in S and all diagonal entries equal 0. Let A=[ai,j],B=[bi,j]Sn(0)(S). The matrix A is said to dominate the matrix B, written AB or BA, if bi,j=0 whenever ai,j=0 for all i,j. For AB, the matrix [xi,j] with xi,j=ai,j if bi,j=0 and xi,j=0 otherwise, is denoted AB. Let I be the n×n identity matrix and K=JI. The following theorem is a characterization of linear transformations on Sn(0)(B) preserving some term ranks provided by Beasley and his colleagues (Beasley et al., Citation2012). They also generalized this result to Sn(0)(S).

Theorem 2.8. (Beasley et al., Citation2012) Let T:Sn(0)(B)Sn(0)(B) be a linear transformation. Then T preserves term rank 2 and T(K)=K if and only if T is induced by σ where σ is a permutation on Nn.

Recently, the study of linear transformations preserving a certain matrix function on Sn(0)(S), called the star cover number, was provided in Beasley, Song, Kang, & Lee (Citation2013). The matrix in Sn(0)(B) whose entries in the ith row and the ith column, except at the (i,i) position, are 1 and 0 elsewhere is called the full star on row and column i. For ASn(0)(S), a star cover of A is a sum of full stars dominating A and the star cover number of A is the minimum number of full stars whose sum dominates A.

Theorem 2.9. (Beasley et al., Citation2013) Let T:Sn(0)(B)Sn(0)(B) be a linear transformation. Then the following are equivalent:

(i) T preserves the star cover number 1 and T(K)=K;

(ii) T preserves the star cover numbers 1 and 2;

(iii) T is induced by σ where σ is a permutation on Nn.

To investigate further on bisymmetric matrices over semirings S, we let BSn(0)(S) denote the set of all n×n bisymmetric matrices with entries in S and all diagonal and antidiagonal entries are 0. Note that if A=[ai,j]BSn(0)(S), then ai,i=0=ai,ni+1 and ai,j=aj,i=anj+1,ni+1=ani+1,nj+1 for all ij. For ij, let Qi,jBSn(0)(S) be the matrix whose the four entries at the (i,j), (j,i), (nj+1,ni+1) and (ni+1,nj+1) positions are 1 and other entries are 0. The matrix Qi,j is called a quadrilateral cell and the matrix Qi,nj+1 is called the corresponding quadrilateral cell of Qi,j. We let Ωn (or Ω when the size of matrices is clear) denote the set of all quadrilateral cells in BSn(0)(S). For each iNn2, the sum of all Qi,j such that ji,ni+1 is called the full double star on rows and columns i and ni+1, denoted by DSi. A double-star matrix is a nonzero matrix in BSn(0)(S) dominated by a full double star. Let L=DS1++DSn2. The following notion is given in order to investigate more on the preserver problems of the matrix function on BSn(0)(S) resembling the star cover number of matrices on Sn(0)(S).

Definition 2.10. Let ABSn(0)(S). A double-star cover of A is a sum of full double stars that dominates A. The double-star cover number of A is the minimum number of full double stars whose sum dominates A.

Next, a generalization of a linear transformation on BSn(0)(S) induced by (σ,σ1,B), which turns out to be the standard form for our results, is given by the following definition. We begin with the notation of certain square Boolean matrices. For each AMn(B), we let A(0)=AandA(1)=A001010100.

Definition 2.11. Let T:BSn(0)(B)BSn(0)(B) be a linear transformation. We say that T is induced by (σ,F,G) if there exist a mapping σ on Nn and matrices F=[fi,j],G=[gi,j]Mn(B) such that


for all ABSn(0)(B) where ΩA is the set of all quadrilateral cells summing to A.

We say that T is induced by (σ,F) if T is induced by (σ,F,G) and F=G. Observe that (i) PσQi,jPσ(0)t=Qσ(i),σ(j) and (ii) PσQi,jPσ(1)t=Qσ(i),nσ(j)+1.

To illustrate more clearly, we give the following example.

Example 2.12. Let σ be the half-mapping on N7 defined by

σ=12345674321654. Then Pσ=0001000001000001000001000001000001000001000001000.

Let F=0010100001000011010010010100100101100001000010100, G=0100100100100000010010110110100100000010010010010

and T be a linear transformation on BS7(0)(B) induced by (σ,F,G). Then the following table shows the images of each quadrilateral cell.

We end this section by introducing some instrumental notions.

Definition 2.13. Let i,jNn such that ij, F=[fi,j] and G=[gi,j] be Boolean matrices. We define the set


and the set FΛi,j={fp,q|(p,q)Λi,j}. We write FΛG if GΛi,j=1 whenever 1FΛi,j for all ij. We say that matrix F is strongly dominated by G, denoted by F<sG, if there exists iNn such that FΛi,j=0 and GΛi,j=1 for all ji.

A matrix A=[ai,j]BSn(0)(S) is called a tetrasymmetric matrix if ap,q=ai,j for all (p,q)Λi,j.

3. Term rank preservers of bisymmetric matrices over Boolean semirings

In this section, we first consider linear preservers of bisymmetric matrices with zero diagonal and zero antidiagonal over Boolean semirings in order to generalize this notions to such matrices over other semirings. The following observations are obtained from the structure of the quadrilateral cells and the proofs are skipped.

Lemma 3.1. Let ABSn(0)(B).

(i) A is of term rank 2 or 4 if and only if A is a double-star matrix.

(ii) For each two distinct elements i,jNn, ADSi and ADSj if and only if AQi,j+Qi,nj+1.

(iii) If the matrix L can be written as L=F1+F2++Ft where each Fi is a full double-star matrix, then tn21.

The study of linear transformations that strongly preserve a certain property is a common research focus (see (Beasley & Song, Citation2016a, Citation2016b) and references therein). We provide a characterization of linear transformations on BSn(0)(B) preserving the matrix L strongly; i.e., L is the only matrix mapped to itself.

Lemma 3.2. Let T:BSn(0)(B)BSn(0)(B) be a linear transformation. Then T preserves the set of all nonzero matrices and T strongly preserves the matrix L if and only if T is bijective on Ω.

Proof. The sufficient part is obvious. To show the necessary part, we first show that T is injective on Ω. Suppose on the contrary that there are two distinct quadrilateral cells Qu,v and Qw,z such that T(Qu,v)=T(Qw,z). Let Λ denote the set ΩQu,v,Qw,z. Then L=T(L)=T(Qu,v)+T(Qw,z)+QΛT(Q)=TQu,v+QΛQ. This is a contradiction because Qu,v+QΛQL.

We suppose further that T(Ω)/Ω. Since the images of the quadrilateral cells are not zero, it follows that there exists a quadrilateral cell Qp,q such that T(Qp,q)=Qu1,v1++Qum,vm for some m2 distinct quadrilateral cells. Note that m<Ω because T strongly preserves the matrix L. Let Δ denote the set ΩQu1,v1,,Qum,vm. Since T(L)=L, for each Qi,jΔ, there exists Si,jΩ such that T(Si,j)Qi,j. Let Υ be the collection of such fixed Si,j‘s. Thus γΩm. Then TQp,q+SΥS=T(Qp,q)+TSΥS=Qu1,v1++Qum,vm+TSΥSQu1,v1++Qum,vm+QΔQ=L. This contradicts the fact that T strongly preserves L. Hence T(Ω)Ω.

Therefore, it follows by the finiteness of Ω that T is surjective on Ω.

Next, we prove one of the main results of this section.

Theorem 3.3. Let T:BSn(0)(B)BSn(0)(B) be a linear transformation. Then

(i) T preserves double-star matrices, and

(ii) T strongly preserves the matrix L

if and only if T is induced by (σ,F) where σ is a half-permutation and F is a tetrasymmetric matrix.

Proof. Note that T is bijective on Ω because of the properties of σ and F. Hence, the sufficient part follows.

To show the necessary part, we first show that for each nonzero matrix XBSn(0)(B), T(X) is not the zero matrix. Suppose on the contrary that there is a nonzero matrix X such that T(X) is zero. Since X is nonzero, there is a quadrilateral cell QX such that T(Q) is zero. This is a contradiction because Q is a double-star matrix. Hence T is bijective on Ω by Lemma3.2.

First, we consider the case that n5. There is nothing to do with the case n=1,2 because BS1(0) and BS2(0) are the sets of the zero matrix.

For n=3, we have Ω3=Q1,2. Since T is bijective on Ω3, it follows that T(Q1,2)=Q1,2, i.e., T is induced by (σ,F) where σ is the identity map on N3 and F is zero.

For n=4, we have Ω4=Q1,2,Q1,3. This implies that T is the identity map on Ω4 or T(Q1,2)=Q1,3 and T(Q1,3)=Q1,2. Consequently, T is induced by (σ,F) where σ is the identity map on N4 and F is zero or F=L4.

For n=5, we have Ω5=Q1,2,Q1,3,Q1,4,Q2,3. Since T preserves double-star matrices, and each of the three quadrilateral cells summing to DS1 is mapped to three distinct quadrilateral cells, it follows that T(DS1)=DS1 or T(DS1)=DS2. Similarly, T(DS2)=DS1 or T(DS2)=DS2 and we also obtain that T(DS3)=DS3. This implies that T is induced by (σ,F) where σ is the identity map on N5 or σ=(12)(3)(45) and F is zero or F=Q1,2+Q1,4.

Now, we consider the case that n6. We next define a permutation σ on Nn2. Since T preserves double-star matrices, T(DSi) is a double-star matrix for all 1in2. That means for each iNn2, T(DSi) is dominated by DSj for some jNn2. Then we define σ:Nn2Nn2 by σ(i)=j,ifT(DSi)DSj for all iNn2.

To show that σ is well-defined, we suppose that there exist iNn2 such that T(DSi)DSp and T(DSi)DSq for some p,qNn2 with pq. Then, it follows from Lemma 3.1(ii) that T(DSi)Qp,q+Qp,nq+1. Next, we calculate the numbers of quadrilateral cells that are summed to L and LDSi. Note that


We observe that if n is odd and , then ΩDSi=n12, otherwise ΩDSi=n2. Since n6, in both cases, the number of all quadrilateral cells that are summed to LDSi is less than the number of quadrilateral cells excluding Qp,q and Qp,nq+1. Since L=T(L)=T(LDSi)+T(DSi)T(LDSi)+Qp,q+Qp,nq+1, by the simple pigeonhole principle, the image of some quadrilateral cells dominates at least two quadrilateral cells. Then, there exists a quadrilateral cell Qx,y such that T(Qx,y)Qu,v+Qw,z where uv, wz, u,w1,2,,n21 and (u,v)(w,z). Since T(Qx,y) is a double-star matrix, there exists kNn2 such that T(Qx,y)DSk. Hence, Qu,vQu,v+Qw,zT(Qx,y)DSk. Then, k=u or either k=v if vn2, or k=nv+1 if v>n2. For convenience, we may assume that vn2. We then separate our proof into two cases and two subcases therein.

Case 1. DSuQu,v+Qw,z.

Subcase 1.1. DSvQu,v+Qw,z.

This means that DSu is the only double-star matrix that dominates Qu,v+Qw,z. Since Qu,v+Qw,zT(Qx,y)T(DSx) and T(DSx) is a double-star matrix, it follows that T(DSx)DSu. Similarly, T(DSy)DSu. Note that we can consider DSny+1 instead of DSy if y>n2. Notice that the matrix L can be written as L=DSx+DSy+DSz1++DSzn23 for some z1,,zn23Nn2{x,y}. Then


Thus, L is dominated by the sum of at most n22 full-star matrices. This is a contradiction.

Subcase 1.2. DSvQu,v+Qw,z.

Then, Qu,v+Qw,zDSu+DSv. Since Qu,v+Qu,nv+1 is the only sum of two distinct quadrilateral cells dominated by DSu+DSv, we obtain that Qw,z=Qu,nv+1. Thus, Qu,v+Qu,nv+1TQw,zTDSx. It follows that TDSxDSuorTDSxDSv. Similarly, TDSyDSuorTDSyDSv.

If T(DSx)DSu and T(DSy)DSu, then we get a contradiction as the subcase 1.1. Similarly, T(DSx)DSu and T(DSy)DSu cannot occur simultaneously. This leaves us either (i) T(DSx)DSu and T(DSy)DSv or (ii) T(DSx)DSv and T(DSy)DSu. In any cases, T(Qx,y)Qu,v+Qu,nv+1 because Qx,y is dominated by both DSx and DSy and T is linear. Hence, Qu,v+Qu,nv+1=Qu,v+Qw,zT(Qx,y)Qu,v+Qu,nv+1. Thus, T(Qx,y)=Qu,v+Qu,nv+1. This is a contradiction since T is injective on Ωn.

Case 2. DSuQu,v+Qw,z.

Subcase 2.1. DSvQu,v+Qw,z. This case is impossible.

Subcase 2.2. DSvQu,v+Qw,z. In this case, we get a contradiction similarly to the subcase 1.1.

Now we can conclude that σ is well-defined.

By Lemma, we have that T is bijective on Ω and since T is linear, T is bijective on BSn(0). This means that T maps {DS1,,DSn2} onto {DS1,,DSn2} injectively, and T(DSi)=DSσ(i). Indeed, if n is odd, then T(DSn2)=DSn2. Hence, σ is a permutation on Nn2. Then, we extend σ to be a half-permutation on Nn. That is, σ(i)=nσ(ni+1)+1 for all n3in.

Let consider the image of the quadrilateral cells. Let Qi,jΩ. Without loss of generality, we assume that i,jNn2. Then, T(Qi,j)T(DSi)=DSσ(i) and T(Qi,j)T(DSj)=DSσ(j). By Lemma 3.1(ii), we obtain that T(Qi,j)Qσ(i),σ(j)+Qσ(i),nσ(j)+1. Since T sends injectively quadrilateral cells to quadrilateral cells, either T(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),σ(j) or T(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),nσ(j)+1.

If T(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),σ(j), then we can conclude that T(Qp,q)=Qσ(p),σ(q) for all (p,q)(i,j),(j,i),(nj+1,ni+1),(ni+1,nj+1) and T(Qp,q)=Qσ(p),σ(q) for all (p,q)(i,nj+1),(nj+1,i),(j,ni+1),(ni+1,j). Moreover, we obtain the similar result for the case that T(Qi,j)=Qi,nσ(j)+1. Hence, for each i,jNn with ij, it follows that either

(i) if T(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),σ(j), then T(Qp,q)=Qσ(p),σ(q) for all (p,q)Λi,j, or

(ii) if T(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),nσ(j)+1, then T(Qp,q)=Qσ(p),nσ(q)+1 for all (p,q)Λi,j.

We now construct an n×n Boolean matrix F=[fi,j] by letting

(i) fi,i=0=fi,ni+1 for all iNn;

(ii) if n is odd, fi,j=0 whenever i=n2 or j=n2;

(iii) fi,j=(0,ifT(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),σ(j)1,ifT(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),nσ(j)+1 for all i,jNn and ij.

Then, F is tetrasymmetric. Let Qi,jΩ. Then

(i) T(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),σ(j) implies T(Qi,j)=PσQi,j(Qσ(0))t; and

(ii) T(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),nσ(j)+1 implies T(Qi,j)=PσQi,j(Pσ(1))t.

Thus, for each ABSn(0), T(A)=Qi,jΩAPσQi,j(Pσ(fi,j))t. That is T is induced by (σ,F), where σ is a half-permutation and F is a tetrasymmetric matrix.

From Lemma 3.1(i), we can conclude that T preserves the set of all matrices of term ranks 2 and 4 if and only if T preserves double-star matrices. We observe that if T is induced by (σ,F), where σ is a half-permutation and F is a tetrasymmetric matrix, then T preserves term ranks 2 and 4. By these facts and the previous theorem, we obtain immediately the following results. We also provide the number of linear transformations satisfying such assumptions.

Corollary 3.4 Let T:BSn(0)(B)BSn(0)(B) be a linear transformation. Then

(i) T preserves term ranks 2 and 4, and

(ii) T strongly preserves the matrix L

if and only if T is induced by (σ,F) where σ is a half-permutation and F is a tetrasymmetric matrix.

Moreover, the number of such linear transformations is n2!12n22n2.

Next, we provide the characterization of double-star cover number preservers. Note that when n4, we obtain the characterization of linear transformations on BSn(0)(B) preserving double-star cover number easily. From now on, we assume that n5.

Theorem 3.5. Let T:BSn(0)(B)BSn(0)(B) be a linear transformation. Then, T preserves double-star cover numbers 1 and 2 if and only if T is induced by (σ,F,G) where σ is a half-mapping on Nn, F,GBSn(0)(B) with FG and F<sG provided n is odd.

Moreover, the number of such linear transformations is


Proof . The sufficient part is obvious. To show the necessary part, we first define a permutation on Nn2. Since T preserves double-star cover number 1, for each iNn2, there exists jNn2 such that T(DSi)DSj. We then define σ:Nn2Nn2 by σ(i)=j if T(DSi)DSj for all iNn2.

To show that σ is well-defined, suppose that there exists iNn2 such that T(DSi)DSp and T(DSi)DSq where p,qNn2 with pq. It follows from Lemma 3.1(ii) that T(DSi)Qp,q+Qp,nq+1. Let j,kNn2{i} with jk and ji=1. Then T(Qi,j+Qj,k)=T(Qi,j)+T(Qj,k)T(DSi)+T(Qj,k)Qp,q+Qp,nq+1+T(Qj,k). Since Qi,j+Qj,k is of double-star cover number 1, it follows that T(Qj,k)DSp or T(Qj,k)DSq. We consider only the case that T(Qj,k)DSp because the other case is obtained similarly. Then T(DSi+Qj,k)=T(DSi)+T(Qj,k)Qp,q+Qp,nq+1+DSp. This is a contradiction because DSi+Qj,k is of double-star cover number 2, but Qp,q+Qp,nq+1+DSp is of double-star cover number 1. Hence σ is well-defined on Nn2. Since T preserves double-star cover number 2, it implies that σ is a permutation on Nn2. Next, we extend σ to be a half-mapping on Nn.

Now we consider the images of the quadrilateral cells. Let Qi,jΩ. Without loss of generality, we may assume that i,jNn2. Then, T(Qi,j)T(DSi)DSσ(i) and T(Qi,j)T(DSj)DSσ(j). This implies that T(Qi,j)Qσ(i),σ(j)+Qσ(i),nσ(j)+1. Since T(Qi,j) is nonzero, Boolean matrices F=[fi,j] and G=[gi,j] can be constructed as follows. Let fi,i=0=fi,ni+1 for all iNn and


for all i,jNn with ij. Also, let gi,i=0=gi,ni+1 for all iNn and


for all i,jNn with ij. Note that if fi,j=1, then gi,j=1 because T(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),nσ(j)+1. This implies that FG. We can conclude that

(i) if T(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),σ(j), then T(Qi,j)=PσQi,j(Pσ(0)+Pσ(0))t; and

(ii) if T(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),nσ(j)+1, then T(Qi,j)=PσQi,j(Pσ(1)+Pσ(1))t; and

(iii) if T(Qi,j)=Qσ(i),σ(j)+Qσ(i),nσ(j)+1, then T(Qi,j)=PσQi,j(Pσ(0)+Pσ(1))t.

Thus, for each ABSn(0), it follows that


Consequently, T is induced by (σ,F,G), where σ is a half-mapping on Nn and F,GBSn(0)(B) with FG.

Furthermore, if n is odd, then there exists sNn2 such that σ(s)=n2. It follows that, for each ts, Qσ(s),σ(t)=Qσ(s),nσ(t)+1. That is fs,t=0 and gs,t=1 for all ts. Hence F<sG.

Next, we count the number of such linear transformations. We say that Λi,j is free if (i,j)tsΛs,t. The following table shows the possible elements of FΛi,j and GΛi,j when Λi,j is free.

Case 1. n is even. Since the number of half-mappings σ is n2! and there are n(n2)8 sets of Λi,j, the number of such linear transformations is n2!3n(n2)4.

Case 2. n is odd. If σ(n2)=n2, then the number of half-mappings σ is n2! and there are (n1)(n3)8 sets of Λi,j which is free. Hence, there exist n2!3(n1)(n3)4 such possible linear transformations in this case. On the other hand, if σ(n2)n2, then the number of half-mappings σ is n2!n2! and the number of Λi,j being free is n32 whenever i=n2 and (n3)(n5)8, otherwise. This implies that the number of such possible linear transformations in this case is n2!n23(n3)24. Therefore, if n is odd, there are n2!3(n1)(n3)4+n23(n3)24 such linear transformations.

We investigate further that if the condition `the linear transformation T preserves the matrix L’ is assumed, then, in the proof of Theorem 3.5, the entries of matrices F and G are obtained as follows. For each i,jNn2, if 1FΛi,j, then GΛi,j=1 and GΛi,j0,1, otherwise. This leads us to the following corollary.

Corollary 3.6. Let T:BSn(0)(B)BSn(0)(B) be a linear transformation. Then

(i) T preserves double-star cover numbers 1 and 2

(ii) T(L)=L

if and only if T is induced by (σ,F,G) where σ is a half-mapping on Nn, FΛG and F<sG provided n is odd.

Moreover, the number of such linear transformations is


The following lemma shows the relation between the term rank preservers and the double-star cover number preservers. The proof is done by using Lemma 3.1(iii) and considering the image of each quadrilateral cell.

Lemma 3.7. Let T:BSn(0)(B)BSn(0)(B) be a linear transformation. If T preserves double-star matrices and T(L)=L, then T preserves double-star cover numbers 1 and 2.

The converse of Lemma 3.7 does not hold as the following example shows.

Example 3.8. Let σ:N7N7 be defined by σ=12345672431546. Moreover, let F=Q1,3 and G=LQ1,5. Consider the linear transformation T on BS7(0)(B) induced by (σ,F,G).

Then T(Q1,2)=Q2,4, T(Q1,3)=Q2,3, T(Q1,4)=Q1,2+Q1,6, T(Q1,5)=Q2,3, T(Q1,6)=Q2,4, T(Q2,3)=Q3,4, T(Q2,4)=Q1,4, T(Q2,5)=Q2,4, T(Q3,4)=Q1,3+Q1,5 and T(L)=LQ2,5.

The next corollary is obtained from Lemma 3.1(i), Corollary 3.6 and Lemma 3.7.

Corollary 3.9. Let T:BSn(0)(B)BSn(0)(B) be a linear transformation. Then, the following are equivalent:

(i) T preserves double-star matrices and T(L)=L;

(ii) T preserves the set of all matrices of term ranks 2 and 4, and T(L)=L;

(iii) T preserves double-star cover numbers 1 and 2, and T(L)=L;

(iv) T is induced by (σ,F,G) where σ is a half-mapping on Nn, FΛG and F<sG provided n is odd.

4. Term rank preservers of bisymmetric matrices over antinegative semirings

Let A=[ai,j]BSn(0)(S). Beasley and Pullman (Beasley & Pullman, Citation1987) defined the pattern Aˉ of A to be the Boolean matrix whose (i,j)th entry is 0 if and only if ai,j=0. We say that A has an L-pattern whenever Aˉ=L. Note that the term ranks of A and Aˉ are equal and also the star cover numbers of A and Aˉ. For a linear transformation T on BSn(0)(S), define Tˉ:BSn(0)(B)BSn(0)(B) by Tˉ(Aˉ)=Qi,jΩAˉT(Qi,j)forallA BS_n^(0)(S).

The following lemma is used to extend the results in BSn(0)(B) to BSn(0)(S). Note that the proof of this lemma is straightforward so that it is left to the reader.

Definition 4.1. Let T:BSn(0)(S)BSn(0)(S) be a linear transformation. We say that T is induced by (σ,B,F,G) if there exist a mapping σ on Nn, a matrix BMn(S) and matrices F=[fi,j],G=[gi,j]Mn(B) such that


for all ABSn(0)(S) where ΩAˉ is the set of all quadrilateral cells summing to Aˉ.

We say that T is induced by (σ,B,F) if T is induced by (σ,B,F,G) and F=G.

Lemma 4.2. Let T:BSn(0)(S)BSn(0)(S) be a linear transformation. Then, T and Tˉ preserve the same term rank and the same double-star cover number.

The following characterizations are obtained by applying the results of the previous section and Lemma 4.2. Simply use the same methods of the proof of Corollary 3.3 in (Beasley et al., Citation2012) but with quadrilateral cells in place of digon cells.

Proposition 4.3. Let T:BSn(0)(S)BSn(0)(S) be a linear transformation. Then the following are equivalent:

(i) T preserves double-star matrices and T strongly preserves L-pattern;

(ii) T preserves term ranks 2 and 4, and T strongly preserves L-pattern;

(iii) T is induced by (σ,B,F) where σ is a half-permutation, F is a tetrasymmetric matrix and BBSn(0)(S) is the matrix of L-pattern.

Proposition 4.4. Let T:BSn(0)(S)BSn(0)(S) be a linear transformation. Then the following are equivalent:

(i) T preserves double-star matrices and T preserves L-pattern;

(ii) T preserves the set of all matrices of term ranks 2 and 4, and T preserves L-pattern;

(iii) T preserves double-star cover numbers 1 and 2, and T preserves L-pattern;

(iv) T is induced by (σ,B,F,G) where σ is a half-mapping on Nn, FΛG and F<sG provided n is odd and BBSn(0)(S) is the matrix of L-pattern.

5. Conclusion

A new standard form is carefully given in order to characterize linear transformations preserving term ranks of bisymmetric matrices over semirings with some certain conditions. In this research, we investigate term rank preservers on bisymmetric Boolean matrices. The number of such linear transformations is also determined. Besides, the results on Boolean matrices are extended to matrices over semirings. Moreover, the characterizations of linear transformations preserving the special kind of the term rank, which is called the double-star cover number, on bisymmetric matrices over semirings are provided.

In our opinion, many questions can be further studied as shown in the following examples.

(1) Is it possible to drop the condition that all entries of diagonal and antidiagonal lines of bisymmetric matrices must be zero?

(2) Are there other characterizations of term rank preservers on bisymmetric matrices?

(3) What are characterizations of other rank preservers on bisymmetric matrices?


We would like to thank anonymous referees for constructive comments. Furthermore, we are very grateful to every author of all references for inspirational work.

Additional information


This work is supported by Graduate School Thesis Grant, Chulalongkorn University.

Notes on contributors

L. Sassanapitax

L. Sassanapitax is a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chulalongkorn University. Sajee Pianskool and Apirat Siraworakun are lecturers at Chulalongkorn University and Thepsatri Rajabhat University, respectively. Our research interests are algebra and matrix theory.


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