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Research Article

(ζ, δ(µ))-closed sets in strong generalized topological spaces

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Article: 1517428 | Received 01 Apr 2018, Accepted 09 Aug 2018, Published online: 13 Dec 2018


This paper deals with the concepts of ζδ(μ)-sets and (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets in a strong generalized topological space and investigate properties of several low separation axioms of strong generalized topologies constructed by the families of these sets. Some properties of (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 and (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 strong generalized topological spaces will be given. Finally, several characterizations of weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous functions are discussed.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification:

Public interest statement

The purpose of the present paper is to introduce the concepts of ζδ(µ)-sets and (ζ, δ(µ))-closed sets in a strong generalized topological space and investigate properties of several low separation axioms of strong generalized topologies constructed by the families of these sets. We discuss some properties of (ζ, δ(µ))-R0 and ζ, δ(µ))-R1 strong generalized topological spaces. Moreover, several characterizations of weakly (ζ, δ(µ))-continuous functions are investigated.

1. Introduction

General topology is important in many fields of applied sciences as well as branches of mathematics. The theory of generalized topology, which was founded by Császár (Császár, Citation1997), is one of the most important development of general topology in recent years. Especially, the author defined some basic operators on generalized topological spaces. Noiri and Roy (Noiri & Roy, Citation2011) introduced a new kind of sets called generalized μ-closed sets in a topological space by using the concept of generalized open sets introduced by Császár. In 2007, Noiri (Noiri, Citation2007) introduced a new set called mg-closed which is defined on a family of sets satisfying some minimal conditions and obtained several basic properties of mg-closed sets. Moreover, the present author (Noiri, Citation2008) introduced and studied the notion of mng-closed sets defined in a set with two minimal structures. Ekici (Ekici, Citation2012) introduced the notion of generalized hyperconnected spaces and investigated various characterizations of generalized hyperconnected spaces and preservation theorem. In (Ekici, Citation2011), the present author introduced and studied the concept of generalized submaximal spaces. Ekici and Roy (Ekici & Roy, Citation2011) introduced new types of sets called μ-sets and μ-sets and investigated some of their fundamental properties. Roy and Ekici (Roy & Ekici, Citation2011) introduced and studied (,μ)-open sets and (,μ)-closed sets via μ-open and μ-closed sets in generalized topological spaces. Shanin (Shanin, Citation1943) introduced the notion of R0 topological spaces. Davis (Davis, Citation1961) introduced the notion of a separation axiom called R1. These notions are further investigated by Naimpally (Naimpally, Citation1967), Murdeshwar and Naimpally (Murdeshwar & Naimpally, Citation1966), Dube (Dube, Citation1982) and Dorsett (Dorsett, Citation1978b). As natural generalizations of the separation axioms R0 and R1, the concepts of semi- R0 and semi- R1 were introduced and studied by Maheshwari and Prasad (Maheshwari & Prasad, Citation1975) and Dorsett (Dorsett, Citation1978a). Caldas et al. (Caldas, Jafari, & Noiri, Citation2004) introduced and studied two new weak separation axioms called Λθ- R0 and Λθ-R1 by the concepts of (Λ,θ)-closure operators and (Λ,θ)-open sets. Cammaroto and Noiri (Cammaroto & Noiri, Citation2005) have defined a weak separation axiom m-R0 in m-spaces which are equivalent to generalized topological spaces due to Lugojan (Lugojan, Citation1982). Recently, Noiri (Noiri, Citation2006) introduced the notion of m-R1 spaces and investigated several characterizations of m-R0 and m- R1 spaces. Roy (Roy, Citation2010) introduced the concepts of generalized R0 and R1 topological spaces by using closure operators defined on a generalized topological space and investigated some properties of generalized R0 and R1 topological spaces.

Continuity is basic concept for the study in topological spaces. The concept of weak continuity due to Levine (Levine, Citation1961) is one of the most important weak forms of continuity in topological spaces. Rose (Rose, Citation1984) has introduced the notion of subweakly continuous functions and investigated the relationships between subweak continuity and weak continuity. Popa and Stan (Popa & Stan, Citation1973) introduced and studied the notion of weakly quasi-continuous functions. Weak quasi-continuity is implied by both quasi-continuity and weak continuity which are independent of each other. Janković (Janković, Citation1985) introduced the concept of almost weakly continuous functions. It is shown in (Popa & Noiri, Citation1992) that almost weak continuity is equivalent to quasi precontinuity due to Paul and Bhattacharyya (Paul & Bhattacharyya, Citation1992). Noiri (Noiri, Citation1987) introduced the notion of weakly α-continuous functions. Several characterizations of weakly α-continuous functions are studied in (Noiri, Citation1987), (Rose, Citation1990) and (Sen & Bhattacharyya, Citation1993). In (Popa & Noiri, Citation1994), the present authors introduced and studied weakly β-continuous functions. Ekici et al. (Ekici, Jafari, Caldas, & Noiri, Citation2008) established a new class of functions called weakly λ-continuous functions which is weaker than λ-continuous functions and investigated some fundamental properties of weakly λ-continuous functions. Popa and Noiri (Popa & Noiri, Citation2002a) introduced the notion of weakly (τ,m)-continuous functions as functions from a topological space into a set satisfying some minimal conditions and investigated several characterizations of such functions. Moreover, the present authors (Popa & Noiri, Citation2002b) introduced the concept of weakly M-continuous functions as functions from a set satisfying some minimal conditions into a set satisfying some minimal conditions and investigated some characterizations of weakly M-continuous functions. Min (Min, Citation2009) introduced the notions of weakly (μ,μ)-continuous functions and weakly (ψ,ψ)-continuous functions on generalized topological spaces and generalized neighbourhood systems, respectively, and investigated several characterizations for such functions and the relationships between weak (μ,μ)-continuity and weak (ψ,ψ)-continuity.

In this paper, we define ζδ(μ)-sets, (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets in a strong generalized topological (X,μ) and introduce the concepts of the (ζ,δ(μ))-closure and (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets by utilizing δ(μ)-open sets and δ(μ)-closure operators. In Section 3, we obtain fundamental properties of (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets. In Section 4, we investigate properties of several low separation axioms of strong generalized topologies constructed by the concepts of (ζ,δ(μ))-closure operators and (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets. In the last section, we present the notion of weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous functions and investigate some characterizations of such functions.

2. Preliminaries

Let X be a non-empty set and P(X) the power set of X. We call a class μP(X) a generalized topology (briefly, GT) on X if \emptyμ and an arbitrary union of elements of μ belongs to μ (Császár, Citation2002). A set X with a generalized topology μ on it is said to be a generalized topological space (briefly, GTS) and is denoted by (X,μ). For a generalized topological space (X,μ), the elements of μ are called μ-open sets and the complements of μ-open sets are called μ-closed sets. Let μ be a generalized topology on X. Observe that Xμ must not hold; if all the same Xμ, then we say that the generalized topology μ is strong (Császár, Citation2004). In general, let Mμ denote the union of all elements of μ ; of course, Mμμ and Mμ=X if μ is a strong generalized topology. For AX, we denote by cμ(A) the intersection of all μ-closed sets containing A and by iμ(A) the union of all μ-open sets contained in A (Császár, Citation2005). Moreover, iμ(XA)=Xcμ(A). According to (Császár, Citation2008), for AX and xX, we have xcμ(A) if xMμ implies MA\empty. Consider a generalized topology μ on X. Let us define δ(μ)=δP(X) by Aδ(μ) iff AX and, if xA, then there is a μ-closed set Q such that xiμ(Q)A (Császár, Citation2008).

Proposition 2.1. (Császár, Citation2008) Let (X,μ) be a generalized topological space. Then δ(μ) is a generalized topology on X.

A subset A of a generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be μr-open (Császár, Citation2008) (resp. μr -closed) if A=iμ(cμ(A)) (resp. A=cμ(iμ(A)) ).

Theorem 2.2. (Császár, Citation2008) Let (X,μ) be a generalized topological space. Then, the elements of δ(μ) coincide with the union of μr-open sets.

Theorem 2.3. (Császár, Citation2008) Let (X,μ) be a generalized topological space and xX. Then xcδ(μ)(A) if and only if R\nolimitsA\empty for every μr-open set R containing x.

Proposition 2.4. (Császár, Citation2008) Let A be a subset of a generalized topological space (X,μ). Then A is δ(μ) -closed if and only if A=cδ(μ)(A).

A subset A of a generalized topological space (X,μ) is called δ(μ)-open if the complement of A is δ(μ)-closed. The family of all δ(μ)-closed sets in a generalized topological space (X,μ) is denoted by δ(μ)C.

Theorem 2.5. (Min, Citation2010) For a subset A of a generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) Acδ(μ)(A).

(2) cμ(V)=cδ(μ)(V) for every μ-open set V.

(3) cδ(μ)[cδ(μ)(A)]=cδ(μ)(A).

(4) cδ(μ)(A) is μ-closed.

Theorem 2.6. (Min, Citation2010) For a subset A of a generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) iδ(μ)(A)=A iff A is δ(μ)-open.

(2) iδ(μ)(A) is μ-open.

(3) iδ(μ)(A)iμ(A)A.

(4) iδ(μ)[iδ(μ)(A)]=iδ(μ)(A).

Theorem 2.7. (Min, Citation2010) For a subset A of a generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) xiδ(μ)(A) iff there exists a μr-open set R containing x such that RA.

(2) iδ(μ)(A)=Xcδ(μ)(XA).

(3) cδ(μ)(A)=Xiδ(μ)(XA).

3. (ζ, δ(µ))-closed sets

In this section, we introduce the notion of (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets. Moreover, several interesting properties of (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets are investigated.

Definition 3.1. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). A subset ζδ(μ)(A) is defined as follows: ζδ(μ)(A)={Uδ(μ)|AU}.

Lemma 3.2. For subsets A, B and Cα(α) of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) Aζδ(μ)(A).

(2) ζδ(μ)(ζδ(μ)(A))=ζδ(μ)(A).

(3) If AB, then ζδ(μ)(A)ζδ(μ)(B).

(4) ζδ(μ)({Cα|α}){ζδ(μ)(Cα)|α}.

(5) ζδ(μ)({Cα|α})={ζδ(μ)(Cα)|α}.

Proof. (1) This is obvious from the definition.

(2) By (1), we have ζδ(μ)(ζδ(μ)(A))ζδ(μ)(A). Suppose that xζδ(μ)(A). Then there exists Uδ(μ) such that AU and xU. Since Aζδ(μ)(A)U, we have x/ζδ(μ)(ζδ(μ)(A)) and hence ζδ(μ)(ζδ(μ)(A))ζδ(μ)(A).

(3) Suppose that xζδ(μ)(B). Then there exists Uδ(μ) such that BU and xU. Since AB, we have xζδ(μ)(A) and hence ζδ(μ)(A)ζδ(μ)(B).

(4) Suppose that x \notin {\mathop \cap ^}\{ {\zeta _{\delta (\mu )}}({C_\alpha })|\alpha \in \nabla \}. There exists α0 such that xζδ(μ)(Cα0) and there exists a δ(μ)-open set U such that xU and Cα0U. Since αCαCα0, we have x \notin {\zeta _{\delta (\mu )}}({\mathop \cap ^}\{ {C_\alpha }|\alpha \in \nabla \} ) and hence, ζδ(μ)({Cα|α}){ζδ(μ)(Cα)|α}.

(5) Since CααCα, by (3) we have ζδ(μ)(Cα)ζδ(μ)(αCα) and αζδ(μ)(Cα)ζδ(μ)(αCα). On the other hand, suppose that xαζδ(μ)(Cα).

Then xζδ(μ)(Cα) for each α and hence there exists Uαδ(μ) such that CαUα and xUα for each α. Therefore, we have αCααUα and αUα is a δ(μ)-open set not containing x. Thus, x \notin {\zeta _{\delta (\mu )}}(\mathop {\mathop \cup \nolimits^ }\nolimits_{\alpha \in \nabla } {C_\alpha }). This implies that αζδ(μ)(Cα)ζδ(μ)(αCα). Consequently, we obtain


Definition 3.3. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called a ζδ(μ)-set if A=ζδ(μ)(A). The family of all ζδ(μ) -sets of (X,μ) is denoted by ζδ(μ)(X,μ).

Lemma 3.4. For subsets A and Bα(α) of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) ζδ(μ)(A) is a ζδ(μ)-set.

(2) If A is δ(μ)-open, then A is ζδ(μ)-set.

(3) If Bα is a ζδ(μ)-set for each α, then αBα is a ζδ(μ)-set.

(4) If Bα is a ζδ(μ)-set for each α, then αBα is a ζδ(μ)-set.

Proof. (1) and (2) are obvious.

(3) Let Bαζδ(μ)(X,μ) for each α. By Lemma 3.2(4), we have


Thus, αBα=ζδ(μ)[αBα] and hence, αBαζδ(μ)(X,μ).

(4) Let Bαζδ(μ)(X,μ) for each α. By Lemma 3.2(5), we have


Therefore, we obtain αBα=ζδ(μ)[αBα] and so αBαζδ(μ)(X,μ).

Definition 3.5. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). A subset ζδ(μ)(A) is defined as follows: ζδ(μ)(A)={Fδ(μ)C|FA}.

Definition 3.6. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called a ζδ(μ)-set if A=ζδ(μ)(A). The family of all ζδ(μ)-sets in a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is denoted by ζδ(μ)(X,μ).

Lemma 3.7. For subsets A, B and Cα(α) of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) ζδ(μ)(A)A.

(2) If AB, then ζδ(μ)(A)ζδ(μ)(B).

(3) If A is δ(μ)-closed, then ζδ(μ)(A)=A.

(4) ζδ(μ)({Cα|α})={ζδ(μ)(Cα)|α}.

(5) {ζδ(μ)(Cα)|α}ζδ(μ)({Cα|α}).

(6) ζδ(μ)(XA)=Xζδ(μ)(A) and ζδ(μ)(XA)=Xζδ(μ)(A).

Lemma 3.8. For subsets A and Bα(α) of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) ζδ(μ)(A) is a ζδ(μ)-set.

(2) If A is δ(μ)-closed, then A is ζδ(μ)-set.

(3) If Bα is a ζδ(μ)-set for each α, then αBα is a ζδ(μ)-set.

(4) If Bα is a ζδ(μ)-set for each α, then αBα is a ζδ(μ)-set.

Definition 3.9. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called (ζ,δ(μ))-closed if A=TF, where T is a ζδ(μ)-set and F is a δ(μ)-closed set. The family of all (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets in a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is denoted by (ζ,δ(μ))C.

Theorem 3.10. For a subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2) A=Tcδ(μ)(A), where T is a ζδ(μ)-set.

(3) A=ζδ(μ)(A)cδ(μ)(A).

Proof. (1)(2) : Let A=TF, where T is a ζδ(μ)-set and F is a δ(μ)-closed set. Since AF, we have cδ(μ)(A)F and A=TFTcδ(μ)(A)A. Therefore, we obtain A=Tcδ(μ)(A).

(2)(3) : Let A=Tcδ(μ)(A), where T is a ζδ(μ)-set. Since AT, we have ζδ(μ)(A)ζδ(μ)(T)=T and hence, Aζδ(μ)(A)cδ(μ)(A)Tcδ(μ)(A)=A. Consequently, we obtain A=ζδ(μ)(A)cδ(μ)(A).

(3)(1) : Since ζδ(μ)(A) is a ζδ(μ)-set, cδ(μ)(A) is δ(μ)-closed and


Lemma 3.11. Every ζδ(μ)-closed set is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Definition 3.12. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called (ζ,δ(μ))-open if the complement of A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. The family of all (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets in a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is denoted by (ζ,δ(μ))O.

Proposition 3.13. Let Aα(α) be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ).

(1) If Aα is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed for each α, then {Aα|α} is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2) If Aα is (ζ,δ(μ))-open for each α, then {Aα|α} is (ζ,δ(μ)) -open.

Proof. (1) Suppose that Aα is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed for each α. Then, for each α, there exist a ζδ(μ)-set Tα and a δ(μ)-closed set Fα such that Aα=TαFα. Then, we have \NOlimitsαAα=\NOlimitsα(TαFα)=(\NOlimitsαTα)(\NOlimitsαFα). By Lemma 3.4, \NOlimitsαTα is a δ(μ)-set and \NOlimitsαFα is a δ(μ)-closed set. This shows that \NOlimitsαAα is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2) Let Aα is (ζ,δ(μ))-open for each α. Then XAα is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed for each α. By (1), we have XαAα=α(XAα) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Therefore, αAα is (ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Theorem 3.14. For a subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the followings are equivalent:

(1) A is (ζ,δ(μ))-open.

(2) A=TU, where T is a ζδ(μ)-set and U is a δ(μ)-open set.

(3) A=Tiδ(μ)(A), where T is a ζδ(μ)-set.

(4) A=ζδ(μ)(A)iδ(μ)(A).

Proof. (1)(2) : Suppose that A is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Then XA is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and X - A = C\cap \nolimits F, where C is a ζδ(μ)-set and F is a δ(μ)-closed set. Hence, we have A=(XC)(XF), where XC is a ζδ(μ)-set and XF is a δ(μ)-open set.

(2)(3) : Let A=TU, where T is a ζδ(μ)-set and U is a δ(μ)-open set. Since UA and U is δ(μ)-open, Uiδ(μ)(A) and hence, A=TUTiδ(μ)(A)A. Therefore, we obtain A=Tiδ(μ)(A).

(3)(4) : Let A=Tiδ(μ)(A), where T is a ζδ(μ)-set. Since TA, we have ζδ(μ)(A)ζδ(μ)(T) and hence, Aζδ(μ)(A)iδ(μ)(A)ζδ(μ)(T)iδ(μ)(A)=Tiδ(μ)(A)=A. Consequently, we obtain A=ζδ(μ)(A)iδ(μ)(A).

(4)(1) : Let A=ζδ(μ)(A)iδ(μ)(A). Then, we have


By Lemma 3.4, ζδ(μ)(XA) is a ζδ(μ)-set and cδ(μ)(XA) is a δ(μ)-closed set. Therefore, XA is a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set and so A is (ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Definition 3.15. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). A point xX is called a (ζ,δ(μ))-cluster point of A if for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of (X,μ) containing x, we have AU\empty. The set of all (ζ,δ(μ))-cluster points is called the (ζ,δ(μ))-closure of A and is denoted by c(ζ,δ(μ)).

Lemma 3.16. Let A and B be subsets of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). For the (ζ,δ(μ)) -closure, the following properties hold:

(1) Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(A) and c(ζ,δ(μ))(c(ζ,δ(μ))(A))=c(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

(2) c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)={F|AF and F is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed }.

(3) If AB, then c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(B).

(4) A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed if and only if A=c(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

(5) c(ζ,δ(μ))(A) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Lemma 3.17. For a subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) If A is δ(μ)-closed, then A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2) If A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, then A=ζδ(μ)(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

Proof. (1) It is sufficient to observe that A=XA, where the whole set X is a ζδ(μ)-set.

(2) Let A be (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, then there exists a ζδ(μ)-set T and a δ(μ)-closed set C such that A=TC. Since AT and AC, we have Aζδ(μ)(A)ζδ(μ)(T)=T and Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(C)=C. This implies that Aζδ(μ)(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)TC=A.

Consequently, we obtain A=ζδ(μ)(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

Definition 3.18. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). The union of all (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets contained in A is called the (ζ,δ(μ))-interior of A and is denoted by i(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

Lemma 3.19. Let A and B be subsets of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). For the (ζ,δ(μ)) -interior, the following properties hold:

(1) i(ζ,δ(μ))A and i(ζ,δ(μ))(i(ζ,δ(μ))(A))=i(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

(2) If AB, then i(ζ,δ(μ))(A)i(ζ,δ(μ))(B).

(3) i(ζ,δ(μ))(A)={G|GA and G is (ζ,δ(μ))-open }.

(4) i(ζ,δ(μ))(A) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open.

(5) A is (ζ,δ(μ))-open if and only if i(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=A.

(6) c(ζ,δ(μ))(XA)=Xi(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

Definition 3.20. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be generalized (ζ,δ(μ))-closed (briefly g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed) set if c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)U whenever AU and U(ζ,δ(μ))O.

Definition 3.21. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be (ζ,δ(μ))-symmetric if for any x and y in X, xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) implies yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

Theorem 3.22. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-symmetric if and only if x is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed for each xX.

Proof. Assume that xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y), but y/c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). This implies that the complement of c(ζ,δ(μ))(x) contains y. Therefore, the set y is a subset of the complement of c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). This implies that c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) is a subset of the complement of c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Now, the complement of c(ζ,δ(μ))(x) contains x which is a contradiction.

Conversely, suppose that xV(ζ,δ(μ))O, but c(ζ,δ(μ))(x) is not a subset of V. This means that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x) and the complement of V are not disjoint. Let y belongs to their intersection. Now, we have xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) which is a subset of the complement of V and x/V. This is a contradiction.

Theorem 3.23. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed if and only if c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A contains no non-empty (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set.

Proof. Let F be a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed subset of c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A. Now, AXF and since A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)XF and FXc(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Thus,

Fc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)(Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A))=\empty and F is empty.

Conversely, suppose that AU and U is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. If c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)/U, then c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)(XU) is a non-empty (ζ,δ(μ))-closed subset of c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A.

Corollary 3.24. Let A be a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). Then A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed if and only if c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Proof. If A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, then c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A=\empty.

Conversely, suppose that c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. But A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A is a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed subset of itself. By Theorem 3.23, c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A=\empty and hence c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=A.

Proposition 3.25. For a subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) If A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, then A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2) If A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and (ζ,δ(μ))-open, then A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(3) If A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and ABc(ζ,δ(μ))(A), then B is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Proof. (1) Let A be (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and AU(ζ,δ(μ))O. Then, by Lemma 3.16 A=c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)U and hence, A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2) Let A be g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and (ζ,δ(μ))-open. Then c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A and so A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(3) Let BU and U(ζ,δ(μ))O. Then AU and A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)U. By Lemma 3.16, c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(B) and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(B)U. Consequently, we obtain B is g- (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Definition 3.26. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). The (ζ,δ(μ))-frontier of A, Fr(ζ,δ(μ))(A), is defined as follows:


Proposition 3.27. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). If A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and AV(ζ,δ(μ))O, then Fr(ζ,δ(μ))(V)i(ζ,δ(μ))(XA).

Proof. Let A be g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and AV(ζ,δ(μ))O. Then c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)V. Suppose that xFr(ζ,δ(μ))(V). Since V(ζ,δ(μ))O, we have Fr(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)V.

Therefore, x/V and x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(A). This shows that xi(ζ,δ(μ))(XA) and hence, Fr(ζ,δ(μ))(V)i(ζ,δ(μ))(XA)

Proposition 3.28. Let (X,μ) be a strong generalized topological space. For each xX, either x is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed or x is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Proof. Suppose that x is not (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Then Xx is not (ζ,δ(μ))-open and the only (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing Xx is X itself. Therefore, c(ζ,δ(μ))(Xx)X and hence, Xx is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Thus, x is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Theorem 3.29. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open if and only if Fi(ζ,δ(μ))(A) whenever FA and F is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Proof. Suppose that A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open. Let FA and F is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Then XAXF(ζ,δ(μ))O and XA is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Therefore, we obtain

Xi(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(XA)XF and so Fi(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

Conversely, let XAU and U(ζ,δ(μ))O. Then XUA and XU is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. By the hypothesis, we have XUi(ζ,δ(μ))(A) and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(XA)=Xi(ζ,δ(μ))(A)U. Therefore, XA is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Corollary 3.30. For a subsets A,B of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) If A is (ζ,δ(μ))-open, then A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

(2) If A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open and (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, then A is (ζ,δ(μ))-open.

(3) If A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open and i(ζ,δ(μ))(A)BA, then B is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Proof. This follows from Proposition 3.25.

Lemma 3.31. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) and G(ζ,δ(μ))O. If AG=\empty, then c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)G=\empty.

Theorem 3.32. For a subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2) c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A contains no non-empty (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set.

(3) c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Proof. (1)(2) : This follows from Theorem 3.23.

(2)(3) : Let Fc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A and F be (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. By (2), we have F=\empty and Fi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A]. It follows from Theorem 3.29 that c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

(3)(1) : Suppose that AU and U(ζ,δ(μ))O. Then,


By (3), c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open. Since c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)U is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and by Theorem 3.29, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)Ui(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A]=\empty. Therefore, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)U and hence, A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Now, the proof of i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A]=\empty is given as follows. Suppose that i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A]\empty.

There exists xi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A]. Then, there exists G(ζ,δ(μ))O such that xGc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A. Since GXA, we have GA=\empty and G(ζ,δ(μ))O. By Lemma 3.31, Gc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=\empty and hence, GXc(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Therefore, we obtain G[Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=\empty. This is a contradiction.

Theorem 3.33. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed if and only if Fc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=\empty whenever AF=\empty and F is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Proof. Suppose that A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Let AF=\empty and F be (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Then AXF(ζ,δ)(μ)O and c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)XF. Therefore, we have Fc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=\empty.

Conversely, let AU and U(ζ,δ(μ))O. Then A(XU)=\empty and XU is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. By the hypothesis, (XU)c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=\empty and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)U. Consequently, we obtain A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Theorem 3.34. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed if and only if Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(x)\empty for every xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

Proof. Let A be a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set. Assume that Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=\empty for some xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A). By Lemma 3.16, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and hence, AXc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)(ζ,δ(μ))O. Since A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed, c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)Xx.

This contradicts that xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

Conversely, suppose that A is not g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed, then \emptyc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)U for some U(ζ,δ(μ))O containing A. There exists xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)U. Since x/U, by Lemma 3.31 Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=\empty and hence, Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(x)Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=\empty.

This shows that Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=\empty for some xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

Corollary 3.35. For a subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

(2) Ai(ζ,δ(μ))(A) contains no non-empty (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set.

(3) Ai(ζ,δ(μ))(A) is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

(4) (XA)c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)\empty for every xAi(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

Proof. This follows from Theorems 3.32 and 3.34.

Proposition 3.36. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) For every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U, c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)U.

(2) Every subset of X is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let A be any subset of X and AU(ζ,δ(μ))O. By (1), c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)U and so c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)U. Therefore, A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2)(1) : Let U(ζ,δ(μ))O. By (2), we have U is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)U.

Theorem 3.37. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open if and only if U=X whenever U is (ζ,δ(μ))-open and (XA)i(ζ,δ(μ))(A)U.

Proof. Suppose that A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open and U(ζ,δ(μ))O such that


Then XUc(ζ,δ(μ))(XA)(XA). Since XA is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and XU is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, by Theorem 3.23 XU=\empty and hence, X=U.

Conversely, suppose that FA and F is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. By Lemma 3.19, we have (XA)i(ζ,δ(μ))(A)(XF)i(ζ,δ(μ))(A)ζδ(μ)O(X,μ). By the hypothesis, X=(XF)i(ζ,δ(μ))(A) and hence,


It follows from Theorem 3.29 that A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Proposition 3.38. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). If A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open and i(ζ,δ(μ))(A)BA, then B is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Proof. We have XAXBXi(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(XA). Since XA is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed, it follows from Proposition 3.25(3) that XB is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and hence, B is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Definition 3.39. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be locally (ζ,δ(μ))-closed if A=UF, where U(ζ,δ(μ))O and F is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Theorem 3.40. For a subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) A is locally (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2) A=Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(A) for some U(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(3) c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(4) A(Xi(ζ,δ(μ))(A))(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(5) Ai(ζ,δ(μ))(A[Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]).

Proof. (1)(2) : Suppose that A=UF, where U(ζ,δ(μ))O and F is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Since AF, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(F)=F. Since AU, AUc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)UF=A. Consequently, we obtain A=Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(A) for some U(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(2)(3) : Suppose that A=Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(A) for some U(ζ,δ(μ))O. Then, we have


Since (XU)c(ζ,δ(μ))(A) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(3)(4) : Since X[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A]=[Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]A and by (3), we obtain A[Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)](ζ,δ(μ))O

(4)(5) : By (4), AA[Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]=i(ζ,δ(μ))(A(Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A))).

(5)(1) : We put U=i(ζ,δ(μ))(A[Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]). Then U(ζ,δ(μ))O and hence,


Therefore, we obtain A=Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(A), where U(ζ,δ(μ))O and c(ζ,δ(μ))(A) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. This shows that A is locally (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Theorem 3.41. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed if and only if A is locally (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Proof. Let A be (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. By Proposition 3.25(1), A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Since X(ζ,δ(μ))O and A=XA, we have A is locally (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Conversely, suppose that A is locally (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Since A is locally (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, by Theorem 3.40 we have Ai(ζ,δ(μ))(A(Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A))).

By Lemma 3.19, i(ζ,δ(μ))(A(Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)))(ζ,δ(μ))O and A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Therefore, we have


and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A. Thus, c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=A and by Lemma 3.16, we obtain A is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Definition 3.42. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be:

(i) s(ζ,δ(μ))-open if Ac(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(A)] ;

(ii) p(ζ,δ(μ))-open if Ai(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)] ;

(iii) α(ζ,δ(μ))-open if Ai(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]] ;

(iv) β(ζ,δ(μ))-open if Ac(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]].

The complement of a s(ζ,δ(μ))-open (resp. p(ζ,δ(μ))-open, α(ζ,δ(μ))-open, β(ζ,δ(μ))-open) set is said to be s(ζ,δ(μ))-closed (resp. p(ζ,δ(μ))-closed, α(ζ,δ(μ))-closed, β(ζ,δ(μ))-closed).

The family of all s(ζ,δ(μ))-open (resp. p(ζ,δ(μ))-open, α(ζ,δ(μ))-open, β(ζ,δ(μ))-open) sets in a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is denoted by s(ζ,δ(μ))O (resp. p(ζ,δ(μ))O, α(ζ,δ(μ))O, β(ζ,δ(μ))O ).

Proposition 3.43. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) (ζ,δ(μ))Oα(ζ,δ(μ))Os(ζ,δ(μ))Oβ(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(2) α(ζ,δ(μ))Op(ζ,δ(μ))Oβ(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(3) α(ζ,δ(μ))O=s(ζ,δ(μ))Op(ζ,δ(μ))O.

Proof. (1) Let V is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Then, we have


and so (ζ,δ(μ))Oα(ζ,δ(μ))Os(ζ,δ(μ))Oβ(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(2) Let V is a α(ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Then, we have


and hence, α(ζ,δ(μ))Op(ζ,δ(μ))Oβ(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(3) By (1) and (2), we obtain α(ζ,δ(μ))Os(ζ,δ(μ))Op(ζ,δ(μ))O. Let Vs(ζ,δ(μ))Op(ζ,δ(μ))O. Then, we have Vs(ζ,δ(μ))O and Vp(ζ,δ(μ))O. Therefore, Vc(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(V)] and Vi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]. Hence, Vi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]] and so Vα(ζ,δ(μ))O. Therefore, s(ζ,δ(μ))Op(ζ,δ(μ))Oα(ζ,δ(μ))O. Consequently, we obtain


Definition 3.44. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be r(ζ,δ(μ))-open set if A=i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]. The complement of a r(ζ,δ(μ))-open set is said to be r(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

The family of all r(ζ,δ(μ))-open (resp. r(ζ,δ(μ))-closed) sets in a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is denoted by r(ζ,δ(μ))O (resp. r(ζ,δ(μ))C ).

Definition 3.45. A subset D of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be (ζ,δ(μ)) -dense if c(ζ,δ(μ))(D)=X. D is said to be (ζ,δ(μ))-codense if XD is (ζ,δ(μ))-dense.

Proposition 3.46. For a subset D of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) D is (ζ,δ(μ))-dense.

(2) If F is any (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set and DF, then F=X.

(3) Each non-empty (ζ,δ(μ))-open set contains an element of D.

(4) The complement of D has empty (ζ,δ(μ))-interior.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let F be a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set such that DF. Then X=c(ζ,δ(μ))(D)c(ζ,δ(μ))(F)=F.

(2)(3) : Let U be non-empty (ζ,δ(μ))-open set such that UD=\empty ; then DXUX, which contradicts (2), since XU is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(3)(4) : Suppose that i(ζ,δ(μ))(XD)\empty ; since i(ζ,δ(μ))(XD) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set such that i(ζ,δ(μ))(XD)XD, we have i(ζ,δ(μ))(XD) contains no point of D.

(4)(1) : i(ζ,δ(μ))(XD)=Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(D)=\empty so that c(ζ,δ(μ))(D)=X.

Remark 3.47. Let D be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). If D is (ζ,δ(μ))-dense, then D is p(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Proposition 3.48. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). If A is p(ζ,δ(μ))-open, then A is the intersection of a r(ζ,δ(μ))-open set and a (ζ,δ(μ))-dense set.

Proof. Suppose that A is p(ζ,δ(μ))-open. Then, we have Ai(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)] and A=(A[Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)])i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]. Put C=i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)] and D=A[Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]. Then C is r(ζ,δ(μ))-open, also c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(D) since AD and Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)Dc(ζ,δ(μ))(D). Thus, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(D)=X.

Definition 3.49. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be (ζ,δ(μ))-submaximal if each (ζ,δ(μ))-dense set of X is (ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Proposition 3.50. Let (X,μ) be a strong generalized topological space. If each p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set is s(ζ,δ(μ))-open and each α(ζ,δ(μ))-open set is (ζ,δ(μ))-open, then (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-submaximal.

Proof. Let D be a (ζ,δ(μ))-dense set of X. Since c(ζ,δ(μ))(D)=X, then D is a p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set. This implies that D is a s(ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Since any set is α(ζ,δ(μ))-open if and only if it is s(ζ,δ(μ))-open and p(ζ,δ(μ))-open, then D is an α(ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Hence, since each α(ζ,δ(μ))-open set is (ζ,δ(μ))-open, we have D is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. Thus, (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-submaximal.

Proposition 3.51. Let (X,μ) be a strong generalized topological space. If each p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set is (ζ,δ(μ))-open, then (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-submaximal.

Proof. Suppose that each p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. It follows that every p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set is s(ζ,δ(μ))-open. Since each α(ζ,δ(μ))-open set is p(ζ,δ(μ))-open, then each α(ζ,δ(μ))-open set is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. Thus, by Proposition 3.50, (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-submaximal.

Proposition 3.52. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-submaximal.

(2) Each (ζ,δ(μ))-codense set C of X is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Theorem 3.53. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-submaximal.

(2) Each subset of X is locally (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set.

(3) Each (ζ,δ(μ))-dense set of X is the intersection of a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set and a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set.

Proof. (1)(2) : Suppose that (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-submaximal. Let A be any subset of X. Then, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(X[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A])=c(ζ,δ(μ))(A[Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)])=X

and hence, X[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A] is a (ζ,δ(μ))-dense set. By (1), X[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A] is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Thus, we have X[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)A]=A[Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)] is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. Consequently, A=(A[Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)])c(ζ,δ(μ))(A) is a locally (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set.

(2)(3) : This is obvious.

(3)(1) : Let D be a (ζ,δ(μ))-dense set. By (3), there exist a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U and a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F such that D=UF. Since DF and D is a (ζ,δ(μ))-dense set, we have i(ζ,δ(μ))(F)i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(D)]=i(ζ,δ(μ))(X)=X. This implies that F=X and D=U is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. Hence, (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-submaximal.

Theorem 3.54. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-submaximal.

(2) Each (ζ,δ(μ))-codense set of X is the union of a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set and a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set.

Proof. This is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.53.

Definition 3.55. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called (ζ,δ(μ))-hyperconnected if every non-empty (ζ,δ(μ))-open set is (ζ,δ(μ))-dense.

Theorem 3.56. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-hyperconnected.

(2) V is (ζ,δ(μ))-dense for every non-empty set Vβ(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(3) Vi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]=X for every non-empty set Vβ(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(4) Vi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]]=X for every non-empty set Vs(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(5) Vc(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]=X for every non-empty set Vsζ,δ(μ))O.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let V be any non-empty β(ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Then, we have i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)\empty and c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]]=X.

(2)(3) : Let V be any non-empty β(ζ,δ(μ))-open set. By (2), c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=X and so Vi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]=Vi(ζ,δ(μ))(X)=VX=X.

(3)(4) : Let V be any non-empty s(ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Then, we have


By (3), we obtain X=Vi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]=Vi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]].

(4)(5) : Let V be any non-empty s(ζ,δ(μ))-open set. By (4), we have


Consequently, we obtain Vc(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]=X.

(5)(1) : Let V be any non-empty (ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Then V is s(ζ,δ(μ))-open. By (5), we have Vc(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]=X and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=X. Therefore, we obtain (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-hyperconnected.

Theorem 3.57. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-hyperconnected.

(2) V is (ζ,δ(μ))-dense for every non-empty set Vp(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(3) Vi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]=X for every non-empty set Vp(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(4) Vc(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]=X for every non-empty set Vs(ζ,δ(μ))O.

Proof. It is similar to that of Theorem 3.56.

Theorem 3.58. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-hyperconnected.

(2) V is (ζ,δ(μ))-dense for every non-empty set Vs(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(3) Vi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]=X for every non-empty set Vs(ζ,δ(μ))O.

Proof. It is similar to that of Theorem 3.56.

Definition 3.59. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected if c(ζ,δ(μ))(V) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open in (X,μ) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V.

Theorem 3.60. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected if and only if c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=\empty for every (ζ,δ(μ)) -open sets U and V such that UV=\empty.

Proof. Suppose that U and V are (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets such that UV=\empty. By Lemma 3.31, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)V=\empty and c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=\empty.

Conversely, let U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Then XU is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and hence, i(ζ,δ(μ))(XU) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open such that Ui(ζ,δ(μ))(XU)=\empty.

By the hypothesis, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(XU)]=\empty which implies that c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)(Xi(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)])=\empty. Therefore, c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)] and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)=i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)]. This shows that c(ζ,δ(μ))(U) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. Consequently, we obtain (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected.

Lemma 3.61. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). If U is (ζ,δ(μ)) -open, then Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(UA).

Theorem 3.62. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected.

(2) c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(UV) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V.

(3) i(ζ,δ(μ))(E)i(ζ,δ(μ))(F)=i(ζ,δ(μ))(EF) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets E and F.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let U and V be (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets. Then by (1), we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(U) and c(ζ,δ(μ))(V) are (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets. By Lemma 3.61,


Consequently, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(UV).

(2)(3) : Let E and F be (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets. Then XE and XF are (ζ,δ(μ))-open. By (2) and Lemma 3.19, we obtain







(3)(2) : The proof is similar to that of (2)(3).

(2)(1) : Let U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Then, we have XU is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and hence, i(ζ,δ(μ))(XU) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. By (2), we have



which implies that c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)] and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)=i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)]. Therefore, c(ζ,δ(μ))(U) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. Consequently, we obtain (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected.

Theorem 3.63. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected.

(2) c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(UV) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V.

(3) c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=\empty for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that UV=\empty.

Proof. This follows from Theorems 3.60 and Theorem 3.62.

Theorem 3.64. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ)) -extremally disconnected if and only if r(ζ,δ(μ)O=r(ζ,δ(μ)C.

Proof. Suppose that (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected. Let Vr(ζ,δ(μ)O. Then, we have V=i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]. Since (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected,




and so Vr(ζ,δ(μ))C. Therefore, we obtain r(ζ,δ(μ))Or(ζ,δ(μ))C. On the other hand, let Vr(ζ,δ(μ))C. Then, we have V=c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]. Since (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected,





and hence, Vr(ζ,δ(μ))O. Therefore, r(ζ,δ(μ))Cr(ζ,δ(μ))O. Consequently, we obtain r(ζ,δ(μ))O=r(ζ,δ(μ))C.

Conversely, suppose that r(ζ,δ(μ))O=r(ζ,δ(μ))C. Let V be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Then, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]r(ζ,δ(μ))C and so c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(V)]r(ζ,δ(μ))O. Therefore, we obtain


This shows that c(ζ,δ(μ))(V) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Hence, (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected.

Theorem 3.65. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected.

(2) For each Us(ζ,δ(μ))O, c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(3) For each U,Vs(ζ,δ(μ))O, c(ζ,δ(μ))(UV)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V).

(4) For each U,V(ζ,δ(μ))O, c(ζ,δ(μ))(UV)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V).

Proof. (1)(2) : Let Us(ζ,δ(μ))O. Then, we have Uc(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(U)]. Since (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-extremally disconnected,


Consequently, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)=i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)]. Therefore, c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(2)(3) : Let U,Vs(ζ,δ(μ))O. By (2), we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(U),c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)(ζ,δ(μ))O and hence,










Therefore, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(UV)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V).

(3)(4) : This is obvious since every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set is s(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

(4)(1) : The proof is obvious from Theorem 3.62.

Definition 3.66. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called a δ(μ)-R0 space if for each δ(μ)-open set U and each xU, cδ(μ)(x)U.

Definition 3.67. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be:

(i) δ(μ)-T0 if for any distinct pair of points in X, there exists a δ(μ)-open set containing one of the points but not the other.

(ii) δ(μ)-T1 if for any distinct pair of points x and y in X, there exist a δ(μ)-open set U containing x but not y and a δ(μ)-open set V containing y but not x.

Theorem 3.68. Let (X,μ) be a δ(μ)-R0 strong generalized topological space. A singleton x is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed if and only if x is δ(μ)-closed.

Proof. Suppose that x is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Then by Theorem 3.10,


For any δ(μ)-open set U containing x, cδ(μ)(x)U and hence, cδ(μ)(x)ζδ(μ)(x). Therefore, we have x=ζδ(μ)(x)cδ(μ)(x)cδ(μ)(x). This shows that x is δ(μ)-closed.

Conversely, suppose that x is δ(μ)-closed. Since xζδ(μ)(x), we have ζδ(μ)(x)cδ(μ)(x)=ζδ(μ)(x)x=x. This shows that x is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Theorem 3.69. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is δ(μ)-T0 if and only if for each xX, the singleton x is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Proof. Suppose that (X,μ) is δ(μ)-T0. For each xX, it is obvious that xζδ(μ)(x)cδ(μ)(x). If yx, (i) there exists a δ(μ)-open set Vx such that y/Vx and xVx or (ii) there exists a δ(μ)-open set Vy such that x/Vy and yVy. In case of (i), y/ζδ(μ)(x) and y/ζδ(μ)(x)cδ(μ)(x). This shows that xζδ(μ)(x)cδ(μ)(x). In case (ii), y/cδ(μ)(x) and y/ζδ(μ)(x)cδ(μ)(x). This shows that xζδ(μ)(x)cδ(μ)(x). Consequently, we obtain x=ζδ(μ)(x)cδ(μ)(x).

Conversely, suppose that (X,μ) is not δ(μ)-T0. There exist two distinct points x, y such that (i) yVx for every δ(μ)-open set Vx containing x and (ii) xVy for every δ(μ)-open set Vy containing y. From (i) and (ii), we obtain yζδ(μ)(x) and ycδ(μ)(x), respectively. Therefore, we have yζδ(μ)(x)cδ(μ)(x). By Theorem 3.10, x=ζδ(μ)(x)cδ(μ)(x) since x is (δ,ζ(μ))-closed. This is contrary to xy.

Corollary 3.70. Let (X,μ) be a δ(μ)-R0 strong generalized topological space. Then (X,μ) is δ(μ)-T0 if for each xX, the singleton x is δ(μ)-closed.

Proof. It is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.68 and Theorem 3.69.

Theorem 3.71. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is δ(μ)-T1 if and only if for each xX, the singleton x is a ζδ(μ)-set.

Proof. Suppose that yζδ(μ)(x) for some point y distinct from x. Then, we have

y{Vx|xVx;Vxδ(μ)} and so yVx for every δ(μ)-open set Vx containing x. This contradicts that (X,μ) is δ(μ)-T1.

Conversely, suppose that x is a ζδ(μ)-set for each xX. Let x and y be any distinct points. Then y/ζδ(μ)(x) and there exists a δ(μ)-open set Vx such that xVx and y/Vx. Similarly, x/ζδ(μ)(y) and there exists a δ(μ)-open set Vy such that yVy and x/Vy. This shows that (X,μ) is δ(μ)-T1.

4. (ζ, δ(µ))-open sets and associated separation axioms

In this section, we introduce and investigate several new low separation axioms by utilizing the notion of (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets.

Definition 4.1. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). A subset ζ(ζ,δ(μ)) is defined as follows: ζ(ζ,δ(μ))={U(ζ,δ(μ))O|AU}.

Lemma 4.2. For subsets A,B of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) Aζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)

(2) If AB, then ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(B).

(3) ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A))=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

(4) If A is (ζ,δ(μ))-open, then ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=A.

Lemma 4.3. Let (X,μ) be a strong generalized topological space and x,yX. Then, yζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) if and only if xc(ζ,δ(μ))y.

Proof. Let y/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Then, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V containing x such that y/V. Hence, x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). The converse is similarly shown.

A subset N of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be (ζ,δ(μ))-neighbourhood of a point xX if there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that xUN.

Lemma 4.4. A subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open in (X,μ) if and only if it is a (ζ,δ(μ))-neighbourhood of each of its points.

Definition 4.5. Let (X,μ) be a strong generalized topological space and xX. A subset x(ζ,δ(μ)) is defined as follows: x(ζ,δ(μ))=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

Theorem 4.6. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)={xX|Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(x)\empty} for each subset A of X.

(2) For each xX, ζ(ζ,δ(μ))[x(ζ,δ(μ))]=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

(3) For each xX, c(ζ,δ(μ))[x(ζ,δ(μ))]=c(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

(4) If U is (ζ,δ(μ))-open in (X,μ) and xU, then x(ζ,δ(μ))U.

(5) If F is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed in (X,μ) and xF, then x(ζ,δ(μ))F.

Proof. (1) Suppose that Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=\empty. Then x/Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(x) which is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing A. Therefore, x/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Consequently, we have ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A){xX|Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(x)\empty}. Next, let xX such that Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(x)\empty and suppose that x/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Then, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U containing A and X/U. Let yAc(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Hence, U is a (ζ,δ(μ))-neighbourhood of y which does not contain x. By this contradiction yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

(2) Let xX, then we have xc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=x(ζ,δ(μ)). By Lemma 4.2, we obtain ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))[x(ζ,δ(μ))]. Next, we show the opposite implication. Suppose that y/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Then, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V such that xV and y/V. Since x(ζ,δ(μ))ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=V, we have ζ(ζ,δ(μ))[x(ζ,δ(μ))]V. Since y/V, y/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))[x(ζ,δ(μ))]. Consequently, we obtain ζ(ζ,δ(μ))[x(ζ,δ(μ))]ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))[x(ζ,δ(μ))].

(3) By the definition of x(ζ,δ(μ)), we have xx(ζ,δ(μ)) and c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))[x(ζ,δ(μ))] by Lemma 3.16. On the other hand, we have x(ζ,δ(μ))c(ζ,δ(μ))(x) and  c(ζ,δ(μ))[x(ζ,δ(μ))]c(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)] = c(ζ,δ(μ))(x).   Therefore, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))[x(ζ,δ(μ))]


(4) Since xU and U is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set, we have ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U. Hence, x(ζ,δ(μ))U.

(5) Since xF and F is a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set, we have


Lemma 4.7. The following properties are equivalent for any points x and y in a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) :

(1) ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

(2) c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

Proof. (1)(2) : Suppose that ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Then there exists a point zX such that zζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) and z/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y) or zζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and z/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x). We prove only the first case being the second analogous. From zζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) it follows that xc(ζ,δ(μ))(z)\empty which implies xc(ζ,δ(μ))(z). By z/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y), we have yc(ζ,δ(μ))(z)=\empty. Since xc(ζ,δ(μ))(z), c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(z) and yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=\empty. Therefore, it follows that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Thus, ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y) implies that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

(2)(1) : Suppose that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Then, there exists a point zX such that zc(ζ,δ(μ))(x) and z/C(ζ,δ(μ))(y) or zc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and z/C(ζ,δ(μ))(x). We prove only the first case being the second analogous.

It follows that there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing z and x but not y. This means that y/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) and thus, ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

Lemma 4.8. Let (X,μ) be a strong generalized topological space and x,yX. Then, the following properties hold:

(1) yζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) if and only if xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

(2) ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y) if and only if c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

Proof. (1) Let x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Then, there exists U(ζ,δ(μ))O such that xU and y/U. Thus, y/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x). The converse is similarly shown.

(2) Suppose that ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y) for any x,yX. Since xζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x), xζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and by (1), yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x). By Lemma 3.16, we have

c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Similarly, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). On the other hand, suppose that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Since xc(ζ,δ(μ))(x), we have xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and by (1), yζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x). By Lemma 4.2, ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x))=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Similarly, we have ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and hence, ζ(ζ,δ(δ))(x)=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

Definition 4.9. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called a (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 space if every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set contains the (ζ,δ(μ))-closure of each of its singletons.

Theorem 4.10. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 space.

(2) For any F(ζ,δ(μ))C, x/F implies FU and x/U for some U(ζ,δ(μ))O.

(3) For any F(ζ,δ(μ))C, x/F implies Fc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=\empty.

(4) For any distinct points x and y of X, either c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) or c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let F(ζ,δ(μ))C and x/F. Then by (1), c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)XF. Put U=Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(x), then U(ζ,δ(μ))O, FU and xU.

(2)(3) : Let F(ζ,δ(μ))C and X/F. There exists U(ζ,δ(μ))O such that FU and x/U. Since U(ζ,δ(μ))O, we have Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=\empty and


(3)(4) : Suppose that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) for distinct points x,yX. There exists zc(ζ,δ(μ))(x) such that z/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) or zc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) such that z/c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). There exists V(ζ,δ(μ))O such that y/V and zV ; hence xV. Therefore, we have x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). By (3), we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty. The proof for the other case is similar.

(4)(1) : Let V(ζ,δ(μ))O and xV. For each y/V, xy and x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). This shows that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). By (4), we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty

for each yXV and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)[yXVc(ζ,δ(μ))(y)]=\empty. On the other hand, since V(ζ,δ(μ))O and yXV, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)XV and so XV=yXVc(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Consequently, we obtain (XV)c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=\empty

and c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)V. This shows that (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 space.

Corollary 4.11. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))- R0 space if and only if for any x,yX, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) implies c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty.

Proof. Suppose that (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 space. Let x,yX such that


Then, there exists zc(ζ,δ(μ))(x) such that z/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) or zc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) such that z/c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). There exists V(ζ,δ(μ))O such that y/V and zV ; hence xV. Therefore, we have x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Thus,


which implies c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty. The proof for otherwise is similar.

Conversely, let V(ζ,δ(μ))O and xV. Now, we will show that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)V. Let y/V, i.e., yXV. Then, we have xy and x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). This shows that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). By the hypothesis, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty

and y\noinc(ζ,δ(μ))(x). This implies that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)V. Consequently, we obtain (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0.

Theorem 4.12. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is a(ζ,δ(μ))- R0 space if and only if for any x,yX, ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y) implies ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty.

Proof. Suppose that (X,μ) is a(ζ,δ(μ))-R0 space. Thus by Lemma 4.7, for any points x,yX if ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y), then c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Now, we prove that ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty. Assume that zζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

By zζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x), it follows that xc(ζ,δ(μ))(z). Since xc(ζ,δ(μ))(x), by Corollary 4.11, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(z). Similarly, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(z)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). This is a contradiction. Consequently, we obtain


Conversely, let (X,μ) be a strong generalized topological space such that for any points x,yX, ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y) implies ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty. If c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y), then by Lemma 4.7, ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Therefore, ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty which implies


Because zc(ζ,δ(μ))(x) implies that xζ(ζ,δ(μ))(z) by Lemma 4.8 and therefore ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(z)\empty. By the hypothesis, we have ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(z). Then zc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) would imply that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(z)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

This is a contradiction. Therefore, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty and by Corollary 4.11, (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 space.

Theorem 4.13. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0.

(2) For any non-empty set A and G(ζ,δ(μ))O such that AG\empty, there exists F(ζ,δ(μ))C such that AF\empty and FG.

(3) For any G(ζ,δ(μ))O, G={F(ζ,δ(μ))C|FG}.

(4) For any F(ζ,δ(μ))C, F={G(ζ,δ(μ))O|FG}.

(5) For any xX, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

Proof. (1)(2) : Let A be any non-empty set of X and G(ζ,δ(μ))O such that AG\empty. There exists xAG. Since xG, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)G. Put F=c(ζ,δ(μ))(x), then F(ζ,δ(μ))C, FG and AF\empty.

(2)(3) : Let G(ζ,δ(μ))O, then G{F(ζ,δ(μ))C|FG}. Let x be any point of G. By (2), there exists F(ζ,δ(μ))C such that xF and FG. Therefore, we have xF{F(ζ,δ(μ))C|FG} and hence, G{F(ζ,δ(μ))C|FG}.

Consequently, we obtain G={F(ζ,δ(μ))C|FG}.

(3)(4) : This is obvious.

(4)(5) : Let x be any point of X and y/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x). There exists V(ζ,δ(μ))O such that xV and y/V; hence, Vc(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty. By (4), [{G(ζ,δ(μ))O|c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)G}]V=\empty and there exists G(ζ,δ(μ))O such that X/G and c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)G. Therefore, Gc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=\empty and y/C(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Consequently, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

(5)(1) : Let G(ζ,δ(μ))O and xG. Let yζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x), then xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and yG. This implies that ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)G. Therefore, we have xc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)G. This shows that (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 space.

Corollary 4.14. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0.

(2) c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for all xX.

Proof. (1)(2) : Suppose that (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))- R0 space. By Theorem 4.13, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX. Let yζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x), then c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)\empty. By Corollary 4.11, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Therefore, yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x) and so ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Consequently, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

(2)(1) : By Theorem 4.13.

Corollary 4.15. Let (X,μ) be a (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 strong generalized topological space and xX. If x(ζ,δ(μ))=x, then c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=x.

Proof. This is a consequence of Corollary 4.14.

Theorem 4.16. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0.

(2) xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) if and only if yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

Proof. (1)(2) : Suppose that (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))- R0. Let xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set such that yU. Therefore, ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y)U. Since xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))- R0, by Corollary 4.14, xζ(ζ,δ(μ))(y)U. Therefore, every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing y contains x. Hence, yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

(2)(1) : Let U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set and xU. If y/U, then x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and hence, y/c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). This implies that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U. Hence, (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))- R0 space.

Theorem 4.17. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0.

(2) x(ζ,δ(μ))=c(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX.

(3) x(ζ,δ(μ)) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed for each xX.

Proof. (1)(2) : By Corollary 4.14, c(ζ,δ(μ))x=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX. Hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=x(ζ,δ(μ)).

(2)(1) : Since c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=x(ζ,δ(μ)) for each xX, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x). By Theorem 4.13, (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0.

(2)(3) : This is a consequence of Theorem 4.6.

Theorem 4.18. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0.

(2) For each non-empty set A of X and each U(ζ,δ(μ))O such that AU\empty, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F such that AF\empty and FU.

(3) F=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(F) for any (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F.

(4) c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX.

Proof. (1)(2) : By Theorem 4.13.

(2)(3) : Let F be any (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set. By Lemma 4.2, we have Fζ(ζ,δ(μ))(F). Next, we show Fζ(ζ,δ(μ))(F). Let x/F. Then xXF(ζ,δ(μ))O and by (2), there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set K such that xK and KXF. Now, put U=XK. Then FU(ζ,δ(μ))O and x/U. Therefore, x/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(F). This shows that F=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(F).

(3)(4) : Let xX and y/c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). There exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that xU and y/U. Hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)U=\empty. By (3), ζ(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)]U=\empty. Since x/ζ(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)], there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set G such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)G and x/G. This implies that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)G=\empty.

Since yG, we have y/C(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Therefore, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Moreover, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)]=c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Consequently, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

(4)(1) : By Corollary 4.14.

Definition 4.19. Let (X,μ) be a strong generalized topological space, xX and xαα be a net in (X,μ). A net xαα is called (ζ,δ(μ))-converges to x, if for each (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U containing x, there exists α0 such that xαU for each αα0.

Lemma 4.20. Let (X,μ) be a strong generalized topological space and let x and y be any two points of X such that every net in (X,μ) (ζ,δ(μ))-converging to y (ζ,δ(μ))-converges to x. Then xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

Proof. Suppose that xn=y for each nN. Then xnnN is a net in c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). By the fact that xnnN converges to y, xnnN converges to x and this means that xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

Theorem 4.21. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 space.

(2) If x,yX, then yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x) if and only if every net in (X,μ) (ζ,δ(μ))-converging to y (ζ,δ(μ)) -converges to x.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let x,yX such that yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Suppose that xαα is a net in (X,μ) such that xαα (ζ,δ(μ))-converging to y. Since yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x), by Theorem 4.16, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Thus, xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y). This mean that xαα (ζ,δ(μ))-converging to x.

Conversely, let x,yX such that every net in (X,μ) (ζ,δ(μ))-converging to y (ζ,δ(μ))-converges to x. Then xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y) by Lemma 4.20. By Theorem 4.16, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Hence, yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x).

(2)(1) : Let x and y are any two points of X such that yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Suppose that xn=y for each nN. Then xnnN is a net in (X,μ) such that (ζ,δ(μ))-converges to y. Since yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x) and xnnN (ζ,δ(μ))-converges to y, it follows from (2) xnnN (ζ,δ(μ))-converges to x. Thus, xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y). By Theorem 4.16, (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0.

Definition 4.22. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called a (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 space if for any points x,y in X with c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y), there exist disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U and c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)V.

Proposition 4.23. If (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 space, then (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0.

Proof. Let U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set and let xU. If y/U, then since x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y), c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)V and hence, x/V, which implies y/c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Thus, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U. Therefore, (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0.

Theorem 4.24. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 space.

(2) For each x,yX one of the following hold:

(a) For any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U, xU if and only if yU.

(b) There exist disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that xU and yV.

(3) For each x,yX such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y), there exist (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets Fx and Fy such that xFx,y/Fx,yFy,x/Fy and X=FxFy.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let x,yX. Then (a) c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) or (b) c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). If c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) and U is any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set, then by Proposition 4.23, xU implies yc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U and also yU implies xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y)U. If c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y), then by (1) there exist disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that xc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U and yc(ζ,δ(μ))(y)V.

(2)(3) : Let x,yX such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Then, we have x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) or y/c(ζ,δ(μ))(x), say x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Then, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set G such that xG and y/G. This shows that (b) holds. There exist disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that xU and yV. Put Fx=XV and Fy=XU. Then Fx and Fy are (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets such that xFx,y/Fx,yFy,x/Fy and X=FxFy.

(3)(1) : First, we shall show that (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 space. Let U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set and xU. Suppose that y/U. Then Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) since xU. By (3), there exist (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets Fx and Fy such that xFx,y/Fx,yFy,x/Fy and X=FxFy. Then yXFx,x/XFx and XFx is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. Therefore, we have y/c(ζ,δ(μ))(x) and we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U. This shows that (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))- R0 space. Next, we show that (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R1. Let x,yX such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). By (3), there exist (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets Fx and Fy such that xFx,y/Fx,yFy,x/Fy and X=FxFy. Now put U=XFy and V=XFx. Then xU,yV and U,V are disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets. Moreover, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U and c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)V since (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 space. Therefore, (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))- R1 space.

Theorem 4.25. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 if and only if for every pair of points x and y of X such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y), there exist a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U and a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V such that xU, yV and UV=\empty.

Proof. Suppose that (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 space. Let x,y be points of X such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Then, there exist disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that xc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U and yc(ζ,δ(μ))(y)V.

Conversely, suppose that there exist a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U and a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V such that xU, yV and UV=\empty. Since every (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 space is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U and c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)V. Hence, the claim.

Definition 4.26. Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). The θ(ζ,δ(μ))-closure of A, cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A), is defined as follows:


A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called θ(ζ,δ(μ))-closed if A=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A). The complement of a θ(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set is said to be θ(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

In Theorem 4.17, we obtain that a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 if and only if x(ζ,δ(μ))=c(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX. For a (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 space, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 4.27. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 if and only if x(ζ,δ(μ))=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX.

Proof. Let (X,μ) be (ζ,δ(μ))-R1, then by Proposition 4.23, it is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 and by Theorem 4.17, x(ζ,δ(μ))=c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX. Therefore, x(ζ,δ(μ))cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX. In order to show the opposite inclusion, suppose that y/x(ζ,δ(μ)). Then x(ζ,δ(μ))y(ζ,δ(μ)). Since (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0, by Theorem 4.17, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Since (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R1, there exist disjoint U,V(ζ,δ(μ))O such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U and c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)V. Since xc(ζ,δ(μ))(V)Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=\empty, we have y/cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Consequently, we obtain cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)x(ζ,δ(μ)) and hence, cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=x(ζ,δ(μ)).

Conversely, suppose that cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=x(ζ,δ(μ)) for each xX. Then x(ζ,δ(μ))=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)x(ζ,δ(μ)) and x(ζ,δ(μ))=c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)

for each xX. By Theorem 4.17, (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0. Suppose that


Then by Corollary 4.11, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty and by Theorem 4.17, we have x(ζ,δ(μ))y(ζ,δ(μ))=\empty. Therefore, cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty. Since y/cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x), there exists U(ζ,δ(μ))O such that yUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)Xx. Let V=Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(U), then xV(ζ,δ(μ))O. Since (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)V,c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)U and UV=\empty. This shows that (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R1.

Theorem 4.28. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 if and only if c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX.

Proof. Let (X,μ) be (ζ,δ(μ))- R1. By Theorem 4.27, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)x(ζ,δ(μ))=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(x) and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX.

Conversely, suppose that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX. First, we show that (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0. Let U(ζ,δ(μ))O and xU. If y/U, then Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=Ucθ(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=\empty. Hence, x/cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(y). There exists V(ζ,δ(μ))O such that xV and y/c(ζ,δ(μ))(V). Since c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V), y/c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). This shows that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)U and (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))- R0. By Theorem 4.17, x(ζ,δ(μ))=c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(x) for each xX and by Theorem 4.27, we obtain (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R1.

Definition 4.29. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be:

(i) (ζ,δ(μ))-T0 if for any distinct pair of points in X, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing one of the points but not the other.

(ii) (ζ,δ(μ))-T1 if for any distinct pair of points x and y in X, there exist a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U containing x but not y and a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V containing y but not x.

(iii) (ζ,δ(μ))-T2 if for any distinct pair of points x and y in X, there exist (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that xU, yV and UV=\empty.

Theorem 4.30. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T0 if and only if for each pair of distinct points x and y of X, c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

Proof. Suppose that x,yX, xy and c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Let z be a point of X such that zc(ζ,δ(μ))(x) but z/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). We claim that x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). For, if xc(ζ,δ(μ))(y), then c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). And this contradicts the fact that z/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Consequently, x belongs to the (ζ,δ(μ))-open set Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(x) to which y does not belong.

Conversely, let (X,μ) be a (ζ,δ(μ))-T0 space and x,y be any two distinct points of X. There exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V containing x or y, say x but not y. Then XV is a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set which does not contain x but contains y. Since c(ζ,δ(μ))(y) is the smallest (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set containing y, c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)XV and so x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Consequently, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y).

Theorem 4.31. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T1 if and only if the singletons are (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets.

Proof. Suppose that (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))- T1 and x be any point of X. Let yXx. Then xy and so there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set Vy such that yVy but x/Vy. Consequently, yVyXx, i.e., Xx={Vy|yXx} which is (ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Conversely, suppose that z is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed for every zX. Let x,yX such that xy. Now, xy implies yXx. Hence, Xx is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing y but not x. Similarly, Xy is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing x but not y. Therefore, (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-T1 space.

Theorem 4.32. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T1.

(2) For any xX, x is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(3) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R0 and (ζ,δ(μ))-T0.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let x be any point of X. Let y be any point of X such that yx. There exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V such that yV and x/V. This implies that y/c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Consequently, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=x and hence, x is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2)(3) : The proof is obvious.

(3)(1) : Let x and y be any distinct points of X. Since (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-T1 space, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V such that either xV and y/V or x/V and yV. In case xV and y/V, we have xc(ζ,δ(μ))(x)V and hence, yXVXc(ζ,δ(μ))(x). Since the proof of the other is quite similar, (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-T1 space.

Theorem 4.33. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T2.

(2) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 and (ζ,δ(μ))-T1.

(3) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 and (ζ,δ(μ))-T0.

Proof. (1)(2) : Since (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T2, (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T1. Let x and y be any points of X such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Then, by Theorem 4.32, x=c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=y and there exist disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=xU and c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)=yV. This shows that (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 space.

(2)(3) : The proof is obvious.

(3)(1) : Let (X,μ) be (ζ,δ(μ))-R1 and (ζ,δ(μ))-T0. By Proposition 4.23 and Theorem 4.32, (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-T1 space and every singleton is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Let x and y be distinct points of X. Then, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(x)=xy=c(ζ,δ(μ))(y)

and there exist disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that xU and yV. This shows that (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-T2 space.

Proposition 4.34. If a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T1, then (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-symmetric.

Proof. In a (ζ,δ(μ))-T1 space singleton sets are (ζ,δ(μ))-closed by Theorem 4.31 and hence, g- (ζ,δ(μ))-closed by Proposition 3.25. By Theorem 3.22, the space is (ζ,δ(μ))-symmetric.

Theorem 4.35. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-symmetric and (ζ,δ(μ))-T0.

(2) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T1.

Proof. (1)(2) : Suppose that (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-symmetric and (ζ,δ(μ))-T0. Let x,yX such that xy and by (ζ,δ(μ))-T0, we may assume that xUXy for some U(ζ,δ(μ))O. Then x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(y). Therefore, we have y/c(ζ,δ(μ))(x). There exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V such that yVXx. Consequently, we obtain (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-T1 space.

(2)(1) : Suppose that (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T1. Since (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T1, (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T0 and by Proposition 4.34, we have (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-symmetric.

Definition 4.36. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set if A=ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A). The family of all ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-sets of (X,μ) is denoted by ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(X,μ).

Definition 4.37. A subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called a generalized ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set (briefly g-ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set) if ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)F whenever AF and F is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Definition 4.38. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called a (ζ,δ(μ))-T12-space if every g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set of (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Lemma 4.39. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) For each xX, the singleton x is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed or Xx is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2) For each xX, the singleton x is (ζ,δ(μ))-open or Xx is a g-ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set.

Proof. (1) Let xX and the singleton x be not (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Then Xx is not (ζ,δ(μ))-open and X is the only (ζ,δ(μ))-open set which contains Xx and hence, Xx is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2) Let xX and the singleton x be not (ζ,δ(μ))-open. Then Xx is not (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and the only (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set which contains Xx is X and hence, Xx is a g-ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set.

Theorem 4.40. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-T12-space.

(2) For each xX, the singleton x is (ζ,δ(μ)) -open or (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(3) Every g-ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set is a ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set.

Proof. (1)(2) : By Lemma 4.39, for each xX, the singleton x is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed or Xx is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Since (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-T12-space, Xx is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and hence, x is (ζ,δ(μ))-open in the latter case. Therefore, the singleton x is (ζ,δ(μ))-open or (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(2)(3) : Suppose that there exists a g-ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set A which is not a ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set. There exists xζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A) such that x/A. In case the singleton x is (ζ,δ(μ))-open, AXx and Xx is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Since A is a g-ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set, ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)Xx. This is a contradiction. In case the singleton x is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, AXx and Xx is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. By Lemma 4.2, ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(Xx)=Xx. This is a contradiction. Therefore, every g-ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set is a ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set.

(3)(1) : Suppose that (X,μ) is not a (ζ,δ(μ))-T12-space. Then, there exists a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set A which is not (ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Since A is not (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, there exists a point xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A) such that x/A. By Lemma 4.39, the singleton x is (ζ,δ(μ))-open or Xx is a ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set. (a) In case x is (ζ,δ(μ))-open, since xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A), xA\empty and xA. This is a contradiction. (b) In case Xx is a ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set, if x is not (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, Xx is not (ζ,δ(μ))-open and ζ(ζ,δ(μ))(Xx)=X. Hence, Xx is not a ζ(ζ,δ(μ))-set. This contradicts (3). If x is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, AXx(ζ,δ(μ))O and A is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Hence, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)Xx. This contradicts that xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Therefore, (X,μ) is a (ζ,δ(μ))-T12-space.

Definition 4.41. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be (ζ,δ(μ))-regular if for each (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F not containing x, there exist disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that xU and FV.

Theorem 4.42. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is(ζ,δ(μ))-regular.

(2) For each xX and each U(ζ,δ(μ))O such that xU, there exists V(ζ,δ(μ))O such that xVc(ζ,δ(μ))(V)U.

(3) For each (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F, {c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)|FV(ζ,δ(μ))O}=F.

(4) For each subset A of X and each U(ζ,δ(μ))O such that AU\empty, there exists V(ζ,δ(μ))O such that AV\empty and c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)U.

(5) For each non-empty subset A of X and each (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F such that AF=\empty, there exist V,W(ζ,δ(μ))O such that AV\empty, FW and VW=\empty.

(6) For each (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F and x/F, there exist U(ζ,δ(μ))O and a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open set V such that xU, FV and UV=\empty.

(7) For each subset A of X and each (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F such that AF=\empty, there exist U(ζ,δ(μ))O and a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open set V such that AU\empty, FV and UV=\empty.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let G(ζ,δ(μ))O and xG. Then xXG, there exist disjoint U,V(ζ,δ(μ))O such that XGU and xV. Thus, VXU and so xVc(ζ,δ(μ))(V)XUG.

(2)(3) : For any F(ζ,δ(μ))C, we always have


On the other hand, let F(ζ,δ(μ))C such that xXF. Then by (2), there exists U(ζ,δ(μ))O such that xUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)XF. Therefore, FXc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)=V(ζ,δ(μ))O and UV=\empty. Then x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(V). Thus, F{c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)|FV(ζ,δ(μ))O}.

(3)(4) : Let A be a subset of X and U(ζ,δ(μ))O such that AU\empty. Let xAU. Then xXU. Hence by (3), there exists W(ζ,δ(μ))O such that XUW and x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(W). Put V=Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(W) which is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing x and AV\empty. Now, VXW and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)XWU.

(4)(5) : Let A be a non-empty subset of X and F be a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set such that AF=\empty. Then XF(ζ,δ(μ))O such that A(XF)\empty and by (4), there exists V(ζ,δ(μ))O such that AV\empty and c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)XF. Put W=Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(V), then W is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set such that FW and WV=\empty.

(5)(1) : Let F be any (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set not containing x. Then Fx=\empty. Thus by (5), there exists V,W(ζ,δ(μ))O such that xV,FW and VW=\empty.

(1)(6) : The proof is obvious.

(6)(7) : Let A be a subset of X and F be a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set such that AF=\empty. Then, for xA,x/F and hence by (6), there exist U(ζ,δ(μ))O and a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open set V such that xU, FV and UV=\empty. Consequently, we obtain AU\empty, FV and UV=\empty.

(7)(1) : Let F be any (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set such that x/F. Since xF=\empty, by (7) there exist U(ζ,δ(μ))O and a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open set W such that xU, FW and UW=\empty. Since W is g- (ζ,δ(μ))-open, by Theorem 3.29, we have Fi(ζ,δ(μ))(W)=V(ζ,δ(μ))O and hence, UV=\empty.

Definition 4.43. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be (ζ,δ(μ))-normal if for any pair of disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets F and H, there exist disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that FU and HV.

Theorem 4.44 For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-normal.

(2) For every pair of (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V whose union is X, there exist (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets F and H such that FU, HV and FH=X.

(3) For every (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F and every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set G containing F, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that FUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)G.

(4) For every pair of disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets F and H, there exist (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that FU, HV and c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=\empty.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let U and V be a pair of (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets in a (ζ,δ(μ))-normal space (X,μ) such that X=UV. Then XU and XV are disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets. Since (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-normal, there exist disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets G and W such that XUG and XVW. Put F=XG and H=XW. Then F and H are (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets such that FU, HV and FH=X.

(2)(3) : Let F be a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set and G be a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing F. Then XF and G are (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets whose union is X. Then by (2), there exist (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets M and N such that MXF, NG and MN=X. Then FXM, XGXN and (XM)(XN)=\empty. Put U=XM and V=XN. Then U and V are disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets such that FUXVG. As XV is a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)XV and FUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)G.

(3)(4) : Let F and H be two disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets. Then FXH and XH is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. By (3), there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that FUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)XH. Again, since XH is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing the (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set c(ζ,δ(μ))(U), there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set W such that FUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)Wc(ζ,δ(μ))(W)XH. Put V=Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(W). Then V is (ζ,δ(μ))-open and HV. Since Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(W)XW, we have VXW and c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)c(ζ,δ(μ))(XW)=XW. Therefore, c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=\empty.

(4)(1) : The proof is obvious.

Theorem 4.45. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-normal.

(2) For every pair of disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets F and H, there exist disjoint g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that FU and HV.

(3) For each (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F and each (ζ,δ(μ))-open set G containing F, there exists a g- (ζ,δ(μ)) -open set U such that FUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)G.

(4) For each (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F and each g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open set G containing F, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that FUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))(G).

(5) For each (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F and each g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open set G containing F, there exists a g- (ζ,δ(μ)) -open set U such that FUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))(G).

(6) For each g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F and each (ζ,δ(μ))-open set G containing F, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(F)Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)G.

(7) For each g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F and each (ζ,δ(μ))-open set G containing F, there exists a g- (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(F)Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)G.

Proof. (1)(2) : The proof is obvious.

(2)(3) : Let F be a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set and G be a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing F. Then F and XG are two disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets. Hence by (2), there exist disjoint g- (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U and V such that FU and XGV. Since V is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open and XG is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, by Theorem 3.29, XGi(ζ,δ(μ))(V). Since UV=\empty, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(XV)=Xi(ζ,δ(μ))(V)G. Thus, FUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)G.

(3)(1) : Let F and H be two disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-closed sets. Then XH is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing F. Thus by (3), there exists a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that FUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)XH. Therefore, HXc(ζ,δ(μ))(U). Since F is a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set and U is a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open set, by Theorem 3.29, we have Fi(ζ,δ(μ))(U). Consequently, we obtain [Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)]i(ζ,δ(μ))(U)=\empty. This shows that (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-normal.

(4)(5)(2) : This is obvious.

(6)(7)(3) : This is obvious.

(3)(5) : Let F be a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set and G be a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing F. Since G is g- (ζ,δ(μ))-open and F is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, by Theorem 3.29, Fi(ζ,δ(μ))(G). Thus by (3), there exists a g- (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that FUc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))(G).

(5)(6) : Let F be a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set and G be a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing F. Then c(ζ,δ(μ))(F)G. Since G is g- (ζ,δ(μ))-open, there exists a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(F)Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)G. Since U is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open and c(ζ,δ(μ))(F) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, by Theorem 3.29, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(F)i(ζ,δ(μ))(U). Put V=i(ζ,δ(μ))(U). Then, we have V is (ζ,δ(μ))-open and c(ζ,δ(μ))(F)Vc(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(U)]c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)G.

(6)(4) : Let F be a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set and G be a g-(ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing F. Then by Theorem 3.29, we have Fi(ζ,δ(μ))(G). Since F is g-(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and i(ζ,δ(μ))(G) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open, by (6) there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that F=c(ζ,δ(μ))(F)Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))(G).

5. Characterizations of weakly (ζ, δ(µ))-continuous functions

We begin this section by introducing the notion of weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous functions.

Definition 5.1. A function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) is said to be weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous at a point xX if for each (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V containing f(x), there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U containing x such that f(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V). A function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) is said to be weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous if it has this property at each point xX.

Theorem 5.2. A function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous at xX if and only if for each (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V containing f(x), xi(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))).

Proof. Let V be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing f(x). Then, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U containing x such that f(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V). Then, we have xUf1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)) and hence, xi(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))).

Conversely, let V be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing f(x). Then, by the hypothesis, we have xi(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))). There exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U such that xU and Uf1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)) ; hence f(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V). This shows that f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous at xX.

Theorem 5.3. A function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous if and only if f1(V)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V of Y.

Proof. Let V be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set of Y and xf1(V). Then f(x)V. Since f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous at x, by Theorem 5.2, we have xi(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))) and hence, f1(V)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))).

Conversely, let xX and V be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set of Y containing f(x). Then, we have xf1(V)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))) and by Theorem 5.2, f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

The following theorems give some characterizations of weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous functions.

Theorem 5.4. For a function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

(2) f1(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U))) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of Y.

(3) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))(F)))f1(F) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F of Y.

(4) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)) for every subset A of Y.

(5) f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))(A))i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(A)])) for every subset A of Y.

(6) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(U))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of Y.

Proof. (1)(2) : This is obvious from Theorem 5.3.

(2)(3) : Let F be any (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set of Y. Then YF is (ζ,δ(μ))-open and by (2), we haveXf1(F)=f1(YF) i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(YF))) =i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(Yi(ζ,δ(μ))(F))) =Xc(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))(F))).

Consequently, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))(F)))f1(F).

(3)(4) : Let A be any subset of Y. Then c(ζ,δ(μ))(A) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, by (3), we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)).

(4)(5) : Let A be any subset of Y. By (4), we have




Thus, we get the result.

(5)(6) : Let U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set of Y. Suppose that x/f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)).

Then, we have f(x)/c(ζ,δ(μ))(U) and there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V containing f(x) such that UV=\empty and hence, Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=\empty. By (5), xf1(V)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))). There exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set W containing x such that xWf1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)). Since Uc(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=\empty and f(W)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V), we have Wf1(U)=\empty. This implies that x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(U)). Therefore, c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(U))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)).

(6)(1) : Let xX and U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing f(x). Since U=i(ζ,δ(μ))(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)) and by (6),





So there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V containing x such that Vf1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)). This shows that f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

Theorem 5.5. For a function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ)) -continuous.

(2) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))(F)))f1(F) for every r(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F of Y.

(3) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)]))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)) for every β(ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of Y.

(4) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)]))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)) for every s(ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of Y.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let F be any r(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set of Y. Then, we have i(ζ,δ(μ))(F)

is (ζ,δ(μ))-open, by Theorem 5.4(6), c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))(F)))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))(F)]).

Since F is r(ζ,δ(μ))-closed, we have


(2)(3) : Let U be any β(ζ,δ(μ))-open set. Then, we have


and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(U) is r(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. By (2), it follows that


(3)(4) : The proof is obvious.

(4)(1) : Let U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set of Y. By (4), we have



Hence, by Theorem 5.4(6), f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

Theorem 5.6. For a function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

(2) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)]))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)) for every p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of Y.

(3) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(U))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)) for every p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of Y.

(4) f1(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)) for every p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of Y.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let U be any p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set of Y. Then, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)=c(ζ,δ(μ))[i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)]] and so c(ζ,δ(μ))(U) is r(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. By Theorem 5.5(2), it follows that


(2)(3) : Let U be any p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set of Y. Then, we have Ui(ζ,δ(μ))(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)) and by (2),


(3)(4) : Let U be any p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set of Y. By (3), it follows that





(4)(1) : Since every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set is p(ζ,δ(μ))-open, by (4) and Theorem 5.4(2), it follows that f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

Theorem 5.7. For a function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

(2) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)) for every subset A of Y.

(3) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))(F)))f1(F) for every r(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F of Y.

(4) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(U))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of Y.

(5) f1(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U))) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of Y.

(6) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(U))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)) for every p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of Y.

(7) f1(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U))) for every p(ζ,δ(μ))-open set U of Y.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let A be any subset of Y and x/f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Then, we have f(x)/c(ζ,δ(μ))(A) and there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U containing f(x) such that UA=\empty. This implies that c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]=\empty. Since f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set W containing x such that f(W)c(ζ,δ(μ))(U). Then Wf1(i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)])=\empty and hence, x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))(c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)))). Consequently, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)]))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)).

(2)(3) : Let F be any r(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set of Y. By (2), we have



(3)(4) : Let U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set of Y. Since c(ζ,δ(μ))(U) is r(ζ,δ(μ))-closed and by (3), we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(U))c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(i(ζ,δ(μ))[c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)]))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)).

(4)(5) : Let U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set of Y. Since Yc(ζ,δ(μ))(U) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open and by (4), we have Xi(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)))=c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(Yc(ζ,δ(μ))(U)))





Consequently, we obtain f1(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U))).

(5)(1) : Let xX and U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing f(x). Then, we have xf1(U)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U))). Put W=i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(U))). Thus, f(W)c(ζ,δ(μ))(U) and hence, f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

(1)(6)(7)(1) : This is a consequence of Theorem 5.6.

Definition 5.8. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is called (ζ,δ(μ))-connected if X cannot be written as a disjoint union of two non-empty (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets.

Proposition 5.9. For a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-connected.

(2) The only subsets of X, which are both (ζ,δ(μ))-open and (ζ,δ(μ))-closed are \empty and X.

Definition 5.10. A strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be (ζ,δ(μ))-Urysohn if for each distinct points x,yX, there exist U,V(ζ,δ(μ))O containing x and y, respectively, such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=\empty.

Proposition 5.11. If f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) is a weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous injection and (Y,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-Urysohn, then (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T2.

Proof. Let x,y be distinct points of X. Then f(x)f(y). Since (Y,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-Urysohn, there exist U,V(ζ,δ(μ))O containing f(x) and f(y), respectively, such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=\empty. Since f is weakly (ζ,δ)-continuous, there exist G,W(ζ,δ(μ))O containing x and y, respectively, such that f(G)c(ζ,δ(μ))(U) and f(W)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V). Therefore, GW=\empty. Consequently, we obtain (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T2.

Proposition 5.12. Let f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) be a weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous surjection. If (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-connected, then (Y,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-connected.

Proof. Suppose that (Y,μ) is not (ζ,δ(μ))-connected. Then, there exist non-empty (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets V1,V2 such that V1V2=\empty and V1V2=Y. By Theorem 5.3, we have f1(Vi)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(Vi))) for i=1,2. Since Vi is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed in (Y,μ) for each i=1,2. Therefore, we obtain f1(Vi)i(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(Vi)) and hence by Lemma 3.19, f1(Vi) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open for i=1,2. Moreover, X is union of non-empty disjoint sets f1(V1) and f1(V2). This implies that (X,μ) is not (ζ,δ(μ))-connected. This is contrary to the hypothesis that (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-connected. Therefore, (Y,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-connected.

Definition 5.13. A subset K of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ) is said to be S(ζ,δ(μ))-closed (resp. (ζ,δ(μ))-compact) relative to (X,μ) if for any cover {Vi|iI} of K by (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets of X, there exists a finite subset I0 of I such that K{c(ζ,δ(μ))(Vi)|iI0} (resp. K{Vi|iI0} ). If X is S(ζ,δ(μ))-closed (resp. (ζ,δ(μ))-compact) relative to (X,μ), then (X,μ) is said to be S(ζ,δ(μ))-closed (resp. (ζ,δ(μ))-compact).

Proposition 5.14. If f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous and K is (ζ,δ(μ))-compact, then f(K) is S(ζ,δ(μ))-closed relative to (Y,μ).

Proof. Let {Vi|iI} be any cover of f(K) by (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets of Y. For each xK, there exists i(x)I such that f(x)Vi(x). Since f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U(x) containing x such that f(U(x))c(ζ,δ(μ))(Vi(x)). The family {U(x)|xK} is a cover of K by (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets of (X,μ). Since K is (ζ,δ(μ))-compact relative to (X,μ), there exist a finite number of points, say, x1,x2,...,xn in K such that K{U(xk)|xkK,1kn}.

Therefore, we obtain f(K){f(U(xk))|xkK,1kn} {c(ζ,δ(μ))(Vi(xk))|xkK,1kn}.

This shows that f(K) is S(ζ,δ(μ))-closed relative to (Y,μ).

Corollary 5.15. If f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) is a weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous surjection and (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ)) -compact, then (Y,μ) is S(ζ,δ(μ)) -closed.

Theorem 5.16. The set of all points xX at which a function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) is not weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous is identical with the union of the (ζ,δ(μ))-frontiers of the inverse images of the (ζ,δ(μ))-closure of (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets containing f(x).

Proof. Suppose that f is not weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous at xX. There exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V containing f(x) such that f(U) is not contained in c(ζ,δ(μ))(V) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U containing x. Then U(Xf1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)))\empty for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U containing x and xc(ζ,δ(μ))(Xf1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))). On the other hand, we have xf1(V)c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))) and hence, xFr(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))).

Conversely, suppose that f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous at xX and let V be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing f(x). Then by Theorem 5.2, we have xi(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))). Therefore, x/Fr(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V))) for each (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V of Y containing f(x). This completes the proof.

Proposition 5.17. If f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous and (Y,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T2, then f has (ζ,δ(μ))-closed point inverses.

Proof. Let yY. We show that f1(y)={xX|f(x)=y} is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed, or equivalently G={xX|f(x)y} is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. Let xG. Since f(x)y and (Y,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))- T2, there exist disjoint (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets U,V such that f(x)U and yV. Since UV=\empty, by Lemma 3.31, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(U)V=\empty. Thus, y/c(ζ,δ(μ))(U). Since f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set W containing x such that f(W)c(ζ,δ(μ))(U). Now, suppose that W is not contained in G. Then, there exists a point wW such that f(w)=y. Since f(W)c(ζ,δ(μ))(U), we have y=f(w)c(ζ,δ(μ))(U). This is a contradiction. Therefore, WG and so G is (ζ,δ(μ))-neighbourhood of x. By Lemma 4.4, we obtain G is a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set.

Proposition 5.18. Let (X,μ) be a strong generalized topological space. If for each pair of distinct points x1 and x2 in X, there exists a function f of (X,μ) into (Y,μ) such that

(1) (Y,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-Urysohn;

(2) f(x1)f(x2) and

(3) f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous at x1 and x2, then (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T2.

Proof. Let x1,x2 be any distinct points of X. Then, by the hypothesis, there exists a function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) which satisfies the conditions (1), (2) and (3). Let yi=f(xi) for i=1,2. Then y1y2. Since (Y,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-Urysohn, there exist (ζ,δ(μ))-open sets Vi in (Y,μ) containing yi such that c(ζ,δ(μ))(V1)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V2)=\empty. Since f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous at x1 and x2, for i=1,2 there exist Ui(ζ,δ(μ))O containing xi such that f(Ui)c(ζ,δ(μ))(Vi). Hence, we get U1U2=\empty. Therefore, (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T2.

Corollary 5.19. If f:(X,μ)(Y,μ) is a weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous injection and (Y,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ)) -Urysohn, then (X,μ) is (ζ,δ(μ))-T2.

Lemma 5.20.Let A be a subset of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ). Then xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A) if and only if UA\empty for every U(ζ,δ(μ))O containing x.

Proof. Suppose that there exists U(ζ,δ(μ))O containing x such that UA=\empty. Then AXU and hence, c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)XU. Since xU, we have x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

Conversely, suppose that x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(A). There exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F of X such that XF(ζ,δ(μ))O, AF and x/F. Thus, there exists XF(ζ,δ(μ))O containing x such that (XF)A=\empty.

Lemma 5.21. For a subset A of a strong generalized topological space (X,μ), the following properties hold:

(1) If A is (ζ,δ(μ))-open, then c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

(2) cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed for every subset A of X.

Proof. (1) In general, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Suppose that x/c(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Then by Lemma 5.20, there exists U(ζ,δ(μ))O containing x such that UA=\empty ; hence Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(U)=\empty since A is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. This shows that x/cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Consequently, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

(2) Let xXcθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Then, we have x/cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A). There exists Ux(ζ,δ(μ))O containing x such that Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(Ux)=\empty. Then Uxcθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=\empty and hence, xUxXcθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Therefore, Xcθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=xXcθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)Ux(ζ,δ(μ))O. This shows that cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Theorem 5.22. For a function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

(2) f(c(ζ,δ(μ))(A))cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(f(A)) for every subset A of X.

(3) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(B))f1(cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B)) for every subset B of Y.

(4) c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(V))f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)) for every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V of Y.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let A be any subset of X. Suppose that xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A) and V be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing f(x). Since f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U containing x such that f(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V). Since xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A), we have UA=\empty. It follows that \emptyf(U)f(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)f(A).

Therefore, c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)f(A)\empty and hence, f(x)cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(f(A)).

(2)(3) : Let B be any subset of Y. By (2), we have


and so c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(B))f1(cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B)).

(3)(4) : Let V be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set of Y. By Lemma 5.21, c(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(V). Thus, the proof is obvious.

(4)(1) : Let V be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing f(x). Since V(Yc(ζ,δ(μ))(V))=\empty, we have f(x)/c(ζ,δ(μ))(Yc(ζ,δ(μ))(V)) and hence, x/f1(c(ζ,δ(μ))(Yc(ζ,δ(μ))(V))).

Since Yc(ζ,δ(μ))(V)=i(ζ,δ(μ))(YV)(ζ,δ(μ))O and by (4),


There exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set U containing x such that


hence f(U)c(ζ,δ(μ))(V). Therefore, f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

Lemma 5.23. Let (X,μ) be a (ζ,δ(μ)) -regular space. Then, the following properties hold:

(1) c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A) for every subset A of X.

(2) Every (ζ,δ(μ))-open set is θ(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Proof. (1) In general, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A) for every subset A of X. Next, we show that cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Let xcθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A) and U be any (ζ,δ(μ))-open set containing x. Then by Theorem 4.42, there exists a (ζ,δ(μ))-open set V such that xVc(ζ,δ(μ))(V)U. Since xcθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A), it follows that Ac(ζ,δ(μ))(V)\empty and hence UA\empty. By Lemma 5.20, we have xc(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Thus, cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A)c(ζ,δ(μ))(A). Consequently, we obtain c(ζ,δ(μ))(A)=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(A).

(2) Let Vζδ(μ)O(X,μ). By (1), we have XV=c(ζ,δ(μ))(XV)=cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(XV) and so XV is θ(ζ,δ(μ))-closed. Therefore, V is θ(ζ,δ(μ))-open.

Theorem 5.24. Let (X,μ) be a (ζ,δ(μ))-regular space. Then, for a function f:(X,μ)(Y,μ), the following properties are equivalent:

(1) f1(cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B)) is θ(ζ,δ(μ))-closed in X for every subset B of Y.

(2) f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

(3) f1(F) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed in X for every θ(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set F of Y.

(4) f1(V) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open in X for every θ(ζ,δ(μ))-open set V of Y.

Proof. (1)(2) : Let B be any subset of Y. Then, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(B))c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B)))=f1(cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B)). Therefore, by Theorem 5.22, f is weakly (ζ,δ(μ))-continuous.

(2)(3) : Let F be any θ(ζ,δ(μ))-closed set of Y. By Theorem 5.22, we have c(ζ,δ(μ))(f1(F))f1(cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(F))=f1(F). Therefore, f1(F) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

(3)(4) : The proof is obvious.

(4)(1) : Let B be any subset of Y. By Lemma 5.21, we have cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B) is (ζ,δ(μ))-closed and so Ycθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open. Therefore, by Lemma 5.23, Ycθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B) is θ(ζ,δ(μ))-open and by (4),

Xf1(cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B))=f1(Ycθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B)) is (ζ,δ(μ))-open and by Lemma 5.23, we have Xf1(cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B)) is θ(ζ,δ(μ))-open. Consequently, we obtain f1(cθ(ζ,δ(μ))(B)) is θ(ζ,δ(μ))-closed.

Additional information


This work was supported by the Mahasarakham University [6005051].

Notes on contributors

Chawalit Boonpok

Chawalit Boonpok received his Ph.D. (Applied Mathematics) from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic. Currently, he is working as an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Thailand. His research interest focuses on Topology.


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