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A note on lower nil M-Armendariz rings

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Article: 1545411 | Received 07 Jun 2018, Accepted 01 Nov 2018, Published online: 05 Dec 2018


In this article, we prove some results for lower nil M-Armendariz ring. Let M be a strictly totally ordered monoid and I be a semicommutative ideal of R. If RI is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring, then R is lower nil M-Armendariz. Similarly, for above M, if I is 2-primal with N(R)I and R/I is M-Armendariz, then R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring. Further, we find that if M is a monoid and N a u.p.-monoid where R is a 2-primal M-Armendariz ring, then R[N] is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

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Public Interest Statement

In this manuscript, we proved some results for lower nil M- Armendariz rings which is introduced by Alhevaz and Hashemi in 2016. In fact, they discussed in their work about Upper nilradicals and Lower Nilradicals of unique product monoid rings in connection with the famous question of Amitsur of whether or not a polynomial ring over a nil coefficient ring is nil. In general, N(R)[M]N(R[M]), but for lower nil M-Armendariz ring with semicommutative ring R, we proved that R[M] is 2-primal ring. As the consequences, when ring R is a lower nil M-Armendariz, then ring of triangular matrices and skew upper triangular matrices are lower nil M-Armendariz rings. The logical relationship among above-mentioned notions and other significant classes of Armendariz like rings can be helpful to provide the appropriate setting for obtaining results on radicals of the monoid rings of unique product monoids and also can be used to construct new classes of nil-Armendariz rings.

1. Introduction

Throughout this article, R denotes an associative ring with identity unless otherwise stated. For a ring R, N(R), N(R) and N(R) denote the prime radical (lower nilradical), upper nilradical and the set of nilpotent elements of R, respectively. It is known that N(R)N(R)N(R). Here, R[x] denotes the polynomial ring with an indeterminate x over R and Cf(x) for the set of all coefficients of f(x)R[x]. Mn(R) and Tn(R) represent the full matrix ring and upper triangular matrix ring of order n over the ring R, respectively.

A ring R is said to be Armendariz ring if two polynomials f(x),g(x)R[x], such that f(x)g(x)=0 implies ab=0 for each aCf(x), bCg(x). A ring R is reduced if it has no nonzero nilpotent element. Armendariz (Citation1974) himself proved that every reduced ring is satisfying above condition. Later, the term Armendariz ring was coined by Rege and Chhawchharia (Citation1997). A ring R is said to be semicommutative by Narbornne (Citation1982), whenever ab=0 implies aRb=0 for a,bR and it is 2-primal if N(R)=N(R). Birkenmeier et al. (Citation1993, Proposition 2.2) showed that the class of 2-primal rings is closed under subrings. A ring R is called NI, by Marks (Citation2001), if N(R)=N(R).

Let M be a monoid and e the identity element of M. Then, R[M] denotes the monoid ring of M over the ring R. Due to Liu (Citation2005), a ring R is called M-Armendariz ring, whenever elements α=a1g1+a2g2++angn, β=b1h1+b2h2++bmhmR[M] satisfy αβ=0, then aibj=0 for each i and j. Clearly, every ring is an M-Armendariz ring, where M=e. But, if S is a semigroup with trivial multiplication st=0 for all s,tS and M=S1, the semigroup S with identity, then none of the ring is an M-Armendariz. If M=N0, then R is M-Armendariz if and only if R is Armendariz ring. Also, a monoid M with M2 and R is M-Armendariz, then R is a p.p.-ring if and only if R[M] is a p.p.-ring.

Alhevaz and Moussavi (Citation2014) said a ring R to be a nil M-Armendariz if α=a1g1+a2g2++angn, β=b1h1+b2h2++bmhmR[M] such that αβN(R)[M] implies aibjN(R) for each i and j. Later, Alhevaz and Hashemi (Citation2017) introduced the concept of upper and lower nil M-Armendariz ring relative to a monoid. A ring R is upper (lower) nil M-Armendariz ring if whenever elements α=a1g1+a2g2++angn, β=b1h1+b2h2++bmhmR[M] such that αβN(R)[M] (N(R)[M]), then aibjN(R) (aibjN(R)) for each i and j.

2. Lower nil m-armendariz rings

Recall that a monoid M is said to be u.p. monoid (unique product monoid) if for any two nonempty finite subsets P,Q of M, there exists an element sM uniquely presented in the form of pq where pP and qQ. The class of unique product monoids is quite large and important. For example, this class contains the right or left ordered monoids, torsion-free nilpotent groups, submonoids of a free group. Usefulness of unique product monoids and groups are extensively studied relating to the zero divisor problems. The ring theoretical property of unique product monoid has been established by many researchers in past, we refer Cheon and Kim (Citation2012); Liu (Citation2005); Okninski (Citation1991); Passman (Citation1977).

Proposition 2.1. For a unique product monoid M, every 2-primal ring is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. Let M be a unique product monoid. Take α=a1g1+a2g2++angn, β=b1h1+b2h2++bmhmR[M] such that αβN(R)[M]. Then αˉβˉ=0ˉ in R/N(R)[M]. Since R/N(R) is reduced, therefore by Liu (Citation2005, Proposition 1.1), R/N(R) is M-Armendariz ring. This implies aibjN(R) for each i and j. Thus, R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.□

Corollary 2.1. For any unique product monoid M, semicommutative ring is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

A monoid M equipped with an order “” is said to be an ordered monoid if for any r1,r2,sM, r1r2 implies r1sr2s and sr1sr2. Moreover, if r1<r2 implies r1s<r2s and sr1<sr2, then M is said to be strictly totally ordered monoid.

Since each strictly totally ordered monoid is a u.p. monoid, hence by Proposition 2.1, we have the following result.

Corollary 2.2 Let M be a strictly totally ordered monoid. Then every 2-primal ring is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

The following example shows that the condition u.p. monoid in Proposition 2.1 is not superfluous.

Example 2.1. Let M=0,I,E11,E12,E21,E22, where Eij is the unit matrix of M2(Z) for each 1i,j2. Then M is a monoid but it is not a u.p. monoid. Let α=1.E22 and β=1.E111.E12. Then αβ=0N(Z)[M] but 1.1N(Z). Hence, Z is a not a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proposition 2.2. Let M be a u.p. monoid, R a lower nil M-Armendariz ring and S, a subring of R.

(1) If N(S)N(R), then S is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

(2) If R is an NI ring, then S is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. (1) Let αβN(S)[M], where α,βR[M]. Then by assumption, αβN(R)[M]. Since R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring, therefore aibjN(R) for each i,j. Also, N(S)N(R), so N(S)=SN(R) and hence aibjN(S) for each i,j.

(2) Since R is NI, N(R)=N(R). Also, for lower nil M-Armendariz ring, we have N(R)=N(R). Therefore, N(R)=N(R)=N(R). Thus, S is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.□

Proposition 2.3. For a u.p. monoid M, every lower nil M-Armendariz ring is nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. We have, R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring if and only if R/N(R) is a M-Armendariz ring. Then, by using Alhevaz & Hashemi, Citation2017, Lemma 3.1(c)) and Hashemi (Citation2013, Theorem 2.23), we obtain the result.□

But converse is not true. In this regard, we have an example.

Example 2.2. Suppose M is a u.p. monoid and consider the ring given in Hwang, Jeon, and Lee (Citation2006, Example 1.2). Let S be a reduced ring, n a positive integer and Rn=U2n(S). Each Rn is an NI ring by Hwang et al. (Citation2006, Proposition 4.1(1)). Define a map σ:RnRn+1 by AA00A, then Rn can be considered as subring of Rn+1 via σ (i.e.,A=σ(A) for ARn). Notice that D=Rn,σnm, with σnm=σmn whenever nm, is a direct system over I=1,2,. Set R=Rn be the direct limit of D. Then R=n=1Rn, and R is an NI by Hwang et al. (Citation2006, Proposition 1.1). By Alhevaz and Moussavi (Citation2014, Theorem 2.2), NI ring is nil M-Armendariz ring. By Jeon, Kim, Lee, and Yoon (Citation2009, Theorem 2.2(1)), R is a semiprime ring, hence N(R)=0. Here N(R)={m=(mij)R | mii=0 for all i}. Thus, by Alhevaz & Hashemi, Citation2017, Lemma 3.1(c)), R is not a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Recall that a monoid M is cancellative if for all m,g,hM, gh implies mgmh and gmhm.

Proposition 2.4. Let N be an ideal of a cancellative monoid M. If R is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring, then R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. Suppose α=a1g1+a2g2++angn, β=b1h1+b2h2++bmhmR[M] such that αβN(R)[M]. Take kN, then kg1,kg2,kgn,h1k,h2k,hmkN and kgikgj, hikhjk when ij. Now,

(2.1) i=1nai(kgi)j=1mbj(hjk)N(R)[N].(2.1)

Since R is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring, therefore aibjN(R) for each i,j. Thus, R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.□

Definition 2.1. Let R be a ring and S1R={u1a | uS,aR} for a multiplicative closed subset S consisting of all central regular elements of R. Then S1R is a ring.

Proposition 2.5. Let M be a monoid and S, a multiplicatively closed subset of the ring R consisting of central regular elements. Then R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring if and only if so is S1R.

Proof. Let R be a lower nil M-Armendariz ring and αβN(S1R)[M] where α=p1g1+p2g2++pngn and β=q1h1+q2h2++qmhm(S1R)[M]. Here, we consider pi=aiu1 and qj=bjv1, where ai,bjR for each i,j and u,vS. From αβN(S1R)[M], we have (a1g1+a2g2++angn)(b1h1+b2h2++bmhm)N(R)[M]. Since R is the lower nil M-Armendariz ring, therefore aibjN(R). Moreover, N(S1(R))=S1N(R), so piqj=aiu1bjv1=aibj(uv)1N(S1(R)). Thus, S1R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.□

Converse is obvious, since N(R)N(S1R) and R is a subring of S1R. Therefore, R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Lemma 2.1. Let M be a monoid with at least one non trivial element of finite order and R be a ring such that 01. Then R is not a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. Suppose egM has order n and take α=1e+1g++1gn1, β=1e+(1)g, then αβ=0 i.e. αβN(R)[M] but 1N(R). Hence, R is not a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.□

Lemma 2.2. Let N be a submonoid of the monoid M. If R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring, then R is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring.

Definition 2.2. If T(G) contains elements of finite order in an abelian group G, then T(G) is a fully invariant subgroup of G. The group G is said to be a torsion-free group if T(G)=e.

Theorem 2.1. Let G be a finitely generated abelian group. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

(1) G is torsion-free.

(2) There exists a ring R with R2 such that R is a lower nil G-Armendariz ring.

Proof. (1)(2): If G is a finitely generated abelian group with T(G)=e. Then GZ×Z××Z. By Liu (Citation2005, Lemma 1.13), G is a u.p.-monoid. Also, by Corollary 2.1, R is a lower nil G-Armendariz, for any semicommutative ring R with R2.□

(2)(1): Let gT(G) and ge. Then H= g is a cyclic group of finite order. If a ring R0 is a lower nil G-Armendariz ring, then R is lower nil H-Armendariz ring by Lemma 2.2, which contradicts Lemma 2.1. Thus, every ring R0 is not a lower nil G-Armendariz ring. Hence, g=e and T(G)=e.

Proposition 2.6. For a monoid M, if R is a semicommutative lower nil M-Armendariz ring, then N(R)[M]=N(R[M]).

Proof. Let α=a1g1+a2g2++amgmN(R)[M], where aiN(R) for each 1im. Now, RaiRN(R) for each 1im. Then there exists ki, a positive integer, such that (RaiR)ki=0 for each fixed ai, where 1im. Let k>maxki:1im. Let β1=b1h1+b2h2++blhl and β2=c1h1+c2h2++cnhnR[M]. Then β1αβ2=(b1a1c1h1g1h1+b1a1c2h1g2h2++b1a1cnh1g1hn) +(b1a2c1h1g2h1++b1a2cnh1g2hn)++(b1amc1h1gmh1++b1amcnh1gmhn)+(b2a1c1h2g1h1++b2amcnh2 g1hn)++(b2amc1h2gmh1++b2amcnh2gmhn)++(bla1c1hlg1h1++bla1cnhlg1hn) ++(blamc1hlgmh1++blamcnhlgmhn) . For brevity of notation, let β1αβ2=A1t1+A2t2++Almntlmn. Then (β1αβ2)klmn=(A1t1+A2t2++Almntlmn)klmn =u(ts1ts2tsklmn=uAs1As2Asklmn)u. Here, in (β1αβ2)klmn, each term of As1As2Asklmn, there exist some Aj for 1jlmn, at least k times. Therefore, we can replace As1As2Asklmn by B1Ajv1B2Ajv2BwAjvp, where v1+v2++vp>k and Bq is a product of some elements from the set A1,A2,,Almn. Since Av1+v2++vp=0 and R is a semicommutative ring, so B1Ajv1B2Ajv2BwAjvp=0. Therefore, As1As2Asklmn=0 and hence (β1αβ2)klmn=0. Thus, N(R)[M]N(R[M]).□

Conversely, let α=a1g1+a2g2++amgmN(R[M]). Then, there exists a positive integer s such that (β1αβ2)s=0, for each β1,β2R[M]. This implies, (β1αβ2)s=(A1t1+A2t2++Almntlmn)s=0, i.e., (β1αβ2)sN(R)[M]. Since R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring, therefore, AjsN(R) implies AjN(R). Hence, aiN(R) for each 1im and this implies N(R[M])N(R)[M]. Thus, N(R[M])=N(R)[M].

Proposition 2.7. Let M be a monoid and N a u.p. monoid. If R is a semicommutative lower nil M-Armendariz ring, then R[M] is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring.

Proof. Here, every lower nil M-Armendariz ring is a nil M-Armendariz ring. Also, by Alhevaz and Moussavi (Citation2014, Proposition 2.12), N(R)[M]=N(R[M]) and from Proposition 2.6, N(R)[M]=N(R[M]). Again, by semicommutative of R, we get N(R[M])=N(R)[M]=N(R)[M]=N(R[M]). Hence, R[M] is a 2-primal ring. Finally, by Proposition 2.1, we conclude that R[M] is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring.□

Theorem 2.2. Let M be a monoid and N a u.p. monoid. If R is a semicommutative and lower nil M-Armendariz ring, then R[N] is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. First note that Φ:R[N][M]R[M][N] defined by Φ(i(jaijnj) mi)=j(iaijmi)nj is a ring isomorphism. Now, suppose (iαimi)(jβjmj)N(R[N])[M], where mi, mjM and αi,βjR[N] for each i,j. In order to prove αiβjN(R[N]) for each i,j, let αi=rairnr and βj=sajsnsR[N]. From Proposition 2.6, we have N(R)[M]=N(R[M]). Further, R is a semicommutative ring and N a u.p. monoid, so by Corollary 2.1, R is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring. Again, by Cheon and Kim (Citation2012, Theorem 3), we have N(R)[N]=N(R[N]). Hence, (r(iairmi)nr)(s(jajsmj)ns)N(R[M])[N]. Therefore, by Proposition 2.6, (iairmi)(jajsmj)N(R[M])=N(R)[M], for each r and s. Since R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring, therefore airbjsN(R) for each i,j,r,s, this implies αiβjN(R)[N]=N(R[N]). Thus, R[N] is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

A ring R is said to be a Dedekind finite (von Neumann - finite) if ab=1 implies ba=1 for each a,bR.

Proposition 2.8. Let M be a cyclic group of order n2. Then each lower nil M-Armendariz ring is a Dedekind finite.

Proof. Let R be a lower nil M-Armendariz ring and assume on the contrary R is not a Dedekind finite. Then by Goodearl (Citation1979, Proposition 5.5), R contains an infinite set of matrix units, say E11,E12,E13,,E21,E22,E23,. Consider the elements α=E11e+E12g and β=(E22E11)e+(E11E12)g of R[M]. Then αβ=0 but (E11E12) is not a strongly nilpotent, which contradicts the assumption. Hence, R is a Dedekind finite.□

Theorem 2.3. Let M be a monoid and N a u.p. monoid. If R is a semicommutative lower nil M-Armendariz ring, then R is a lower nil M×N-Armendariz ring.

Proof. By Liu (Citation2005, Theorem 2.3), we have R[M×N]R[M][N] and by Proposition 2.6, N(R)[M]=N(R[M]). Rest part of the proof follows Proposition 2.7.

Let Mi, iI, be monoids for index set I. Denote iIMi={(hi)iI there exist only finite is such that hiei, the identity of Mi}. Then iIMi is a monoid under the binary operation (hi)iI(hi)iI=(hihi)iI.□

Corollary 2.3. Let Mi,iI be the u.p. monoids and R a semicommutative ring. If R is a lower nil Mi0-Armendariz ring for some i0I, then R is a lower nil (iIMi)-Armendariz ring.

Proof. Let α=iaigi, β=jbjhjR[iIMi] such that αβN(R)[iIMi]. Then α,βR[Mi0×M1×M2××Mn] for some finite subset M1,M2,,MnMi:iI. From Theorem 2.3 and by applying induction, the ring R is a lower nil (Mi0×M1×M2××Mn)-Armendariz ring, therefore aibjN(R). Hence, R is a lower nil (iIMi)-Armendariz ring.□

Theorem 2.4. Let M be a strictly totally ordered monoid and I an ideal of the ring R. If I is semicommutative and R/I is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring, then R is a lower nil M-Armendariz.

Proof. Let α=i=1maigi and β=j=1nbjhj R[M] with αβN(R)[M], where g1<g2<g3<<gm;h1<h2<h3<<hn. Then gihj=waibjN(R). Now, we use transfinite induction on the strictly totally ordered set (M,) to prove aibjN(R), for each i,j. Clearly, αˉβˉN(R/I)[M]. Since R/I is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring, so there exists a positive integer s such that (r1aibjr2)sN(I) for each i,j and r1,r2R. Also, g1h1<gihj if i1 or j1. This implies that a1b1N(R). Now, suppose aibjN(R), for any gi and hj with gihj<w. In order to prove aibjN(R), for each i, j and gihj=w, consider X={(gi,hj)|gihj=w}. Then X is a finite set. We write X as {(git,hjt)|t=1,2,,k} such that gi1<gi2<<gik. Since M is a cancellative monoid, gi1=gi2 and gi1hj1=gi2hj2=w imply that hj1=hj2. Also, since (M,) is a strictly totally ordered monoid, gi1<gi2 and gi1hj1=gi2hj2=w imply hj2<hj1. So, we have hjk<<hj2<hj1. Now,

(2.2) gihj=wr1aibjr2=(gi,hj)Xr1aibjr2=t=1kr1aitbjtr2N(R) for any r1,r2R.(2.2)

Note that, gi1hjt<githjt=w for any t2 and by induction hypothesis, we have ai1bj2N(R). Consider (ai1bj2)p=0 for some positive integer p, then (bj2ai1)p+1=0. Therefore,


This implies


Continuing the above procedure, we get


This implies that (r1ai2bj2r2)(r1ai1bj1r2)s+1N(I). Similarly, we can see that (r1aitbjtr2)(r1ai1bj1r2)s+1N(I) for 3tk. Since I is a semicommutative ideal, so N(I) is an ideal of I, therefore t=2k(r1aitbjtr2)(r1ai1bj1r2)s+1N(I). On the other hand, multiplying by (r1ai1bj1r2)s+1 from right in Equation (2.2), we have t=1k(r1aitbjtr2)(r1ai1bj1r2)s+1N(I), so (r1ai1bj1r2)s+2N(I)N(R) and hence, ai1bj1N(R). Continuing this process, we get aitbjtN(R) for 1tk. So, aibjN(R) for each i,j with gihj=w. Thus, aibjN(R) for each i,j.□

Proposition 2.9. Let M be a monoid with M2. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

(1) R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

(2) H3(R)=a1100a21a22a2300a33:aijR is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. First, we claim


For this, we consider a1100a21a22a2300a33N(R)00RN(R)R00N(R),

then aiiN(R) for each 1i3. So, RaiiRN(R) for each i, 1i3. Then there exists a positive integer n corresponding to nilpotency of all elements of RaiiR such that a1100a21a22a2300a332n = 0N(H3(R)). Hence, N(R)00RN(R)R00N(R)N(H3(R)).□

Conversely, a1100a21a22a2300a33=CN(H3(R)). Then (H3(R))C(H3(R))N(H3(R)). This implies RaiiRN(R) and hence aiiN(R) for each 1i3. Therefore


Next, we prove H3(R) is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring. Since Φ:H3(R)[M]H3(R[M]) defined by


is an isomorphism. Let α=A1g1+A2g2++Angn, β=B1h1+B2h2++BmhmH3(R)[M] such that αβN(H3(R))[M], where Ai,BjH3(R). Also, let αp=i=1nappigi, βp=j=1mbppjhjR[M], for p=1,2,3. Then by above isomorphism, it is easy to see that αβN(H3(R)[M]). So αpβpN(R)[M] and this implies appibppjN(R) for each i,j,p. Therefore, AiBjN(H3(R)). Thus, H3(R) is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proposition 2.10. Let M be a monoid with M2. Then the following condition are equivalent:

(1) R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

(2) Tn(R) is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. (1)(2): It is easy to see that there exists an isomorphism between rings Tn(R)[M] and Tn(R[M]), defined by


Let α=A1g1+A2g2++Amgm and β=B1h1+B2h2++BnhnTn(R)[M] such that αβN(Tn(R))[M], where


We have N(Tn(R))={m=(mij)Tn(R) | miiN(R)}. Therefore, from αβN(Tn(R))[M], we get (i=0rappigi)(j=0sbppjhj)N(R)[M], for p=1,2n. Since R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring, therefore appibppjN(R), for each p and all i, j and hence AiBjN(Tn(R)) for each i,j. Thus, Tn(R) is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

(2)(1): Note that R is isomorphic to aaa0aa00a:aR, subring of Tn(R). Clearly, R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Now, following example makes it clear that full matrix ring M2(R) over a ring R is not a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Example 2.3. Let M be a monoid with M2 and R is a ring. Take egM and let α=0100e1000g and β=1100e+0011g. Then αβN(M2(R))[M] but 1100N(M2(R)). Therefore, M2(R) is not a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Let R be a ring with an endomorphism α such that α(1)=1. Chen, Yang, and Zhou (Citation2006), considered the skew upper triangular matrix ring as a set of all upper triangular matrices with operations usual addition of matrices and multiplication subjected to the condition Eijr=αji(r)Eij, i.e. for any two matrices (aij) and (bij), we have (aij)(bij)=(cij), where cij=aiibij+ai,i+1α(bi+1,j)++aijαji(bjj) for each ij and it is denoted by Tn(R,α).

It is noted that N(Tn(R,α))=(N(R),R,,R)

The subring of the skew triangular matrices with constant main diagonal is denoted by S(R,n,α). Also, the subring of skew triangular matrices with constant diagonals is denoted by T(R,n,α). We can denote A=(aij)T(R,n,α) by (a11,a12,,a1n). Then T(R,n,α) is a ring with addition is pointwise and multiplication defined by


where aibj=aiαi(bj) for each i,j. On the other hand, there exists a ring isomorphism Φ:R[x;α]/(xn)T(R,n,α), defined by Φ(i=0n1aixi)=(a0,a1,a2,,an1), with aiR, 0in1. So, T(R,n,α)R[x;α]/(xn), where R[x;α] is the skew polynomial ring with multiplication subject to the condition xr=α(r)x for each rR.

Also, we consider the following subrings of S(R,n,α)

B(R,n,α)={A+rE1k | AA(R,n,α),rR and n=2k4}.

Let S be a monoid and f be an identity of S. Suppose F0 is a free monoid generated by W=w1,w2,,wt and S is a factor of F. Setting certain monomial in W to 0, it is enough to show that for some n, δn=0 for any δf. Let R be a ring with an endomorphism α. Then we can form the skew monoid ring R[S;α], by taking its elements to be finite formal combinations vSrvv, with multiplication subject to the relation wir=α(r)wi, for each 1it. It is easily seen that N(R[S;α])={vSrvv|rvN(R)} and also the ring S(R,n,α) and T(R,n,α) fit naturally into R[S;α] with W=E12,,En1,n and W=E12++En1,n, respectively.

Theorem 2.5. Let M and S be two monoids and α an endomorphism of the ring R with α(1)=1. Then the following hold:

(1) R is lower nil M-Armendariz if and only if so is S(R,n,α);

(2) R is lower nil M-Armendariz if and only if so is T(R,n,α);

(3) R is lower nil M-Armendariz if and only if so is A(R,n,α);

(4) R is lower nil M-Armendariz if and only if so is B(R,n,α);

(5) R is lower nil M-Armendariz if and only if so is Tn(R,α);

(6) R is lower nil M-Armendariz if and only if so is R(S;α].

Proof. (1) Suppose that R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring. Let α=i=1mAigi and β=j=1nBjhjS(R,n,α)[M] such that αβN(S(R,n,α))[M], where Ai=(ast(i)), Bj=(bst(j)) for 1im and 1jn. Then α0β0N(R)[M], where α0=i=1ma11(i)gi and β0=b11(j)hjR[M]. Since R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring, therefore, a11(i)b11(j)N(R) for each i,j and hence AiBjN(S(R,n,α)) for each i,j. Thus, S(R,n,α) is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.□

Rest results can be easily proved by following above arguments.

Proposition 2.11 (1) Direct product of lower nil M-Armendariz rings is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

(2) Direct sum of lower nil M-Armendariz rings is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. (1) It is well known that N(Ri)=(N(Ri)). Let α=i=0maiδgiR[M] and β=j=0nbjδhjR[M] such that αβN(R)[M]. Then α=(αδ) and β=(βδ)R[M], where αδ=i=0maiδgi and βδ=j=0nbjδgj. So, αδβδN(Rδ) where δI. Since Rδ is the lower nil M-Armendariz ring, therefore aiδbjδN(Rδ). Thus, R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

(2) It is easily seen that N(Ri)=(N(Ri)). As above, direct sum of lower nil M-Armendariz ring is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.□

Theorem 2.6. The classes of lower nil M-Armendariz rings are closed under direct limit.

Proof. Let D=Ri,βij be a direct system of lower nil M-Armendariz rings Ri for iI and ring homomorphisms βij:RiRj for each ij satisfying βij(1)=1, where I is a directed partially ordered set. Let R=Ri be the direct limit of D with li:RiR and ljβij=li. Now, we will prove R is lower nil M-Armendariz ring. If we take a,bR, then a=li(ai), b=lj(bj) for some i,jI and there is sI such that is, jn. Define


where βis(ai), βjs(bj)Rs. Then R forms a ring with li(0)=0 and li(1)=1. Also, let αδN(R)[M] for α=p=1mapgp and δ=q=1nbqhqR[M]. Then there are ip,jq,sI such that ap=lip(aip), bq=liq(bjq), ips, jqs and hence αδN(Rs)[M]. Since Rs is a lower nil M-Armendariz, ls(βips(ai)βjqs(bj))N(Rs) and therefore, apbqN(R). Thus, R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Weak Annihilator: Let R be a ring. Then for a subset X of R, the weak annihilator of X in R is NR(X):=aR:xaN(R) for all xX. If X is singleton, say X=r, then we use NR(r). Also, for the ring R, we define


For an element βR[M], Cβ denotes the set of all coefficients of β and for a subset W of R[M], CW denotes the set βWCβ.□

Now, we present the results of Alhevaz and Hashemi (Citation2017) and Cheon and Kim (Citation2012), which are helpful forour next result.

Theorem 2.7. Alhevaz and Hashemi (Citation2017, Theorem 3.2) Let M be a u.p. monoid with nontrivial center. If R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring, then N(R)[M]=N(R[M]).

Theorem 2.8. Cheon and Kim (Citation2012, Theorem 3) Let R be a ring and M a u.p. monoid. Then N(R)[M]=N(R[M]).

Theorem 2.9. Cheon and Kim (Citation2012, Theorem 5) Let R be a ring and M a u.p. monoid. Then N(R)=N(R) if and only if N(R[M])=N(R[M]).

Remark 2.1. Now, one can easily conclude that if R is 2-primal ring and M a u.p. monoid, then N(R)[M]=N(R[M]).

Based on the above discussion, we have the following results:

Theorem 2.10. Let M be a u.p. monoid with nontrivial center and R a lower nil M-Armendariz. Then


defined by Φ(I)=I[M] for every INAnnR(2R) is bijective.

Proof. By Alhevaz and Hashemi (Citation2017, Theorem 3.2), we have N(R)[M]=N(R[M]) and also from Proposition 2.3, R is a nil M-Armendariz ring. Therefore, by Lunqun and Jinwang (Citation2013, Theorem 3.1), result is true.

A ring R is said to be nilpotent p.p. ring if for any qN(R), the NR(q) is a right ideal generated by a nilpotent element of R.□

Theorem 2.11. Let M be a monoid and R, a semicommutative lower nil M-Armendariz ring. If R is nilpotent p.p. ring, then so is R[M].

Proof. Let α=a1g1+a2g2++angnN(R[M]) and β=b1h1+b2h2++bmhmNR[M](α). Then αβN(R[M]. Also, by Alhevaz and Moussavi (Citation2014, Proposition 2.12), N(R)[M]=N(R[M]), therefore αβN(R)[M] and hence aibjN(R) for each 1in,1jm. Since αN(R[M])=N(R)[M], so there exist at least one i, 1in such that aiN(R). Therefore, R being nilpotent p.p. ring, there exist some sN(R) such that NR(ai)=sR.□

Now, we claim NR[M](α)=se.R[M]. Since bjNR(ai) for each 1jm, so bj=srj for some rjR. Therefore, β=se(r1h1+r2h2++rmhm)se.R[M], hence NR[M](α)se.R[M].

Also, for any δ=w1e1+w2e2++wqeqR[M], since sN(R) and R semicommutative ring, we have aiswjN(R) for each i,j. So α.se.δN(R)[M]=N(R[M]). Hence, se.R[M]NR[M](α). Thus, NR[M](α)=se.R[M], where seN(R[M]).

3. Lower nil M-Armendarz rings from M-Armendariz rings

Theorem 3.1. Let M be a strictly totally ordered monoid and I a proper ideal of R with N(R)I. If R/I is M-Armendariz and I, the 2-primal ring, then R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. Suppose Rˉ=R/I is an M-Armendariz ring and I is a 2-primal ring. Since, N(R)I, so N(R)N(I). Also, I is an ideal of R, so N(I)N(R) and hence N(I)=N(R). Since I is a 2-primal, I/N(R)=I/N(I)I/N(I), therefore, it is reduced.□

Let α=a1g1+a2g2++angn and β=b1h1+b2h2++bmhn such that αβN(R)[M] with g1<g2<<gn;h1<h2<<hm, where g1,g2,,gn;h1,h2,,hnM. Now, we use transfinite induction on strictly totally ordered set (M,) to show aibjN(R). Since N(R)I, therefore αβI[M]. Also, R/I is M-Armendariz, therefore aibjI for each i and j. If there exist 1in and 1jm such that gihj=g1h1, then g1gi and h1hj. If g1<gi, then g1h1<gih1gihj=g1h1 implies g1h1<g1h1, a contradiction. Hence, g1=gi, similarly h1=hj. Thus, a1b1N(R).

Now, let wM be such that for any gi,hjM, gihj<w, aibjN(R). To prove aibjN(R) for any gi and hj with gihj=w, Consider X=(gi,hj):gihj=w. Then X is a finite set. So, we put X=(git,hjt):t=1,2,k such that gi1<gi2<<gik. Here, M is cancellative, gi1=gi2 and gi1hj1=gi2hj2=w imply hj1=hj2. Since (M,) strictly totally ordered monoid, gi1<gi2 and gi1hj1=gi2hj2=w, therefore, hj2<hj1. Thus, we have hjk<<hj2<hj1. Now

(3.3) gihj=waibj=t=1t=kaitbjtN(R).(3.3)

For any t2, gi1hjt<githjt=w and by induction hypothesis ai1bjtN(R). Take p=bjt(ai1bj1)ai1, then pI, since aibjI for each i and j. Also, ai1bjtN(R), so p2=bjt(ai1bj1)ai1bjt(ai1bj1)ai1N(R). Moreover, it is known that I/N(R) is reduced, therefore, pN(R). Again,

(3.4) (aitbjt)(ai1bj1)2=(ait(bjt(ai1bj1)ai1)bj1)N(R)(3.4)

Multiplying (3.3) by (ai1bj1)2 from right, we get

(ai1bj1)3+t=2k(aitbjt)(ai1bj1)2N(R). This implies (ai1bj1)3N(R). Since I/N(R) is reduced, therefore, ai1bj1N(R).

Again, by Equation (3.3), we have

(3.5) ai2bj2++aikbjkN(R)(3.5)

so, (aitbjt)(ai2bj2)2=(ait(bjt(ai2bj2)ai2)bj2)N(R). Multiplying Equation (3.5) by (ai2bj2)2 from right side, we get (ai2bj2)3N(R). This implies ai2bj2N(R), because I/N(R) is reduced. Continuing the procedure, we get aitbjtN(R) for t=1,2,k with gihj=w. Therefore, by transfinite induction, aibjN(R), for each i and j. Thus, R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Recall that a monoid M is torsion-free if g,hM and k1 are such that gk=hk implies g=h.

Corollary 3.1 Let M be a commutative, cancellative and torsion-free monoid with M2. If either one of the following conditions holds, then R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

(1) R is a 2-primal ring.

(2) R/I is an M-Armendariz ring for some ideal I of R and I is 2-primal with N(R)I.

Proof. If M is commutative, cancellative and torsion-free monoid, then by Ribenboim (Citation1992, Result 3.3), there exists a compatible strict total order monoid “≤” on M. Then, by Corollary 2.2 and Theorem 3.1, results hold.

A ring R is a right (resp. left) uniserial ring if its lattice of right (resp. left) ideals is totally ordered by inclusion. Right uniserial rings are also called right chain rings or right valuation rings because they are obvious generalization of commutative valuation domains. Like commutative valuation domains, right uniserial rings have a rich theory and they offer remarkable examples, we refer Marks, Mazurek, and Ziembowski (Citation2010).□

Proposition 3.1. (Alhevaz & Hashemi, Citation2017, Proposition 3.1(a)) For any u.p. monoid M, every M-Armendariz ring is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proposition 3.2. For any u.p. monoid M, every right or left uniserial ring is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. Let R be a uniserial ring and M a u.p. monoid. By Marks et al. (Citation2010, Corollary 6.2), R is M-Armendariz ring. Therefore, by Proposition 3.1, R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.□

Proposition 3.3. Let M be a monoid and N a u.p.-monoid. If R is semicommutative ring as well as M-Armendariz ring, then R[M] is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring.

Proof. Let α=a1g1+a2g2++angn and β=b1h1+b2h2++bmhmR[M] such that αβ=0. This implies aibj=0 for each i and j, since R is M-Armendariz ring. Also R is semicommutative, therefore aiRbj=0 for each i,j. Again, we can easily see that αR[M]β=0. So from Corollary 2.1, R[M] is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring.□

Lemma 3.1. Let M be a monoid. If R is a 2-primal M-Armendariz ring, then R[M] is 2-primal ring and R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring with N(R)[M]=N(R[M])=N(R)[M]=N(R[M]).

Proof. By Lunqun and Jinwang (Citation2013, Theorem 2.3), we have R is a nil M-Armendariz ring. Since R is 2-primal, therefore R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring. Also, by Lunqun and Jinwang (Citation2013, Lemma 2.2, Theorem 2.3), we have N(R)[M]=N(R[M]) and R is 2-primal, so R[M] is 2-primal. Hence, N(R)[M]=N(R[M])=N(R)[M]=N(R[M]).□

Proposition 3.4. Let M be a monoid and N, a u.p.-monoid. If R is a 2-primal M-Armendariz ring, then R[N] is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.

Proof. Since N is a u.p.-monoid, therefore N(R)[N]=N(R[N]), by Cheon and Kim (Citation2012, Theorem 3). Now, from Lemma 3.1, N(R)[M]=N(R[M]). Next, from Lemma 3.1, R[M] is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring. Further, rings R[N][M] and R[M][N] are isomorphic under the map


Now, let


where αi,βjR[N] and gi,hjM. We claim that αiβjN(R[N]) for each i and j. Let

αi=daidnd, βj=ebjeneR[N].





By Lemma 3.1, R[M] is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring, so


for all d,e. Also, from Lemma 3.1, R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring, hence aidbjeN(R) for each i,j,d,e. Therefore,


for each i,j. Thus, R[N] is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring.□

Proposition 3.5. Let M be a monoid and N a u.p.-monoid. If R is 2-primal M-Armendariz ring, then R is a lower nil M×N-Armendariz ring.

Proof. Construction of this proof is based on the proof of Liu (Citation2005, Theorem 2.3).□

Let i=1tai(mi,ni)R[M×N]. Without loss of generality, we assume n1,n2,,nt=n1,n2,,ns with ninj, where 1ijs.

LetAg=i:1it,ni=ng,for 1gs.



Note that mimi for any i,iAg, when ii. It is easy to see that there exists an isomorphism between rings R[M×N] and R[M][N] defined by




Then from the above isomorphism, we have


By Lemma 3.1, R[M] is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring. Therefore,


Also, by Lemma 3.1, R is a lower nil M-Armendariz ring. Therefore, aibjN(R) for each iAg and jBh. Moreover, aibjN(R) for each i and j, where 1it and 1jt. Hence, R is a lower nil M×N-Armendariz ring.

Example 3.1. Let R=Z2Z2 be a ring and M=N0 a monoid. Then R is a 2-primal M-Armendariz ring. Here, N(R[M])=N(R[M]). Let N be a monoid generated by elements m1,m2,m3,n1,n2,n3 by the following defining relations:


Then by Okninski (Citation1991, Example 13 of Chapter 10), due to Krempa, the monoid M is a u.p.-monoid. Therefore, by Proposition 2.1, R[M] is a lower nil N-Armendariz ring. Also, by Liu (Citation2005, Theorem 2.3), we have R[M][N]R[M×N], hence R is a lower nil M×N-Armendariz ring.


The authors are thankful to Indian Institute of Technology Patna for providing the research facilities and to anonymous referees and the editor of this journal for their valuable suggestions to improve the presentation of the manuscript.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Sushma Singh

Sushma Singh completed her MSc in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, in 2010. Currently, she is a Ph. D. Research Scholar at the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, and her research area is Rings and Modules.

Om Prakash

Om Prakash is an associate professor at the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna. He completed his MSc from Patna University, Patna, in 1999 and PhD from Banasthali University, Rajasthan, in 2010. He has 18 years of teaching experience in reputed institutions. His main research interest includes Rings and Modules, Algebraic Number Theory, Algebraic Coding Theory and Algebraic Graph Theory. He has the credit of published more than 30 research papers in international journals.


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