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A family of measures of noncompactness in the space Lploc(ℝN) and its application to some nonlinear convolution type integral equations

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Article: 1592276 | Received 29 Sep 2018, Accepted 25 Feb 2019, Published online: 23 Apr 2019


The aim of the present paper is to introduce a new family of measures of noncompactness on the Fréchet space LPloc(ℝN) (1 ≤ p < ∞). Further, we prove a fixed point theorem on the family of measures of noncompactness in LPloc(ℝN). As an application, we investigate the existence of entire solutions for some classes of nonlinear functional integral equations of convolution type associated with the new family of measures of noncompactness. Finally, we give an illustrative example to verify the effectiveness and applicability of our results.


Metric fixed point theory is a powerful tool for solving several problems in various parts of mathematics and its applications. In particular, the technique of measure of noncompactness is a very useful tool for studying the existing solutions of integral equations and differential equations. In this paper, we introduce a new family of measures of noncompactness in the Frechet space lploc(ℝN) and by applying this family of measures of noncompactness, we discuss the existence of solutions for some classes of nonlinear functional integral equations.

1. Introduction and preliminaries

The concept of a measure of noncompactness (MNC) plays a signification role in the nonlinear functional analysis. This notion was initiated by Kuratowski in 1930 (Kuratowski, Citation1930). In 1955 G. Darbo, using the concept of a measure of noncompactness, proved a theorem guaranteeing the existence of fixed points of the so-called condensing operators (Darbo, Citation1955). In recent years, a lot of authors such as Aghajani, Allahyari, and Mursaleen (Citation2014), Aghajani, Banaś, and Jalilian (Citation2011), Aghajani, O’Regan, and Shole Haghighi (Citation2015), Arab and Mursaleen (Citation2018), Banaś and O’Regan (Citation2008), Das, Hazarika, Arab, & Mursaleen (Citation2017); Maleknejad, Torabi, and Mollapourasl (Citation2011) and CitationOlszowy (Citation2010, 2012) studied the existence of solutions of integral equations in one or two variables on some spaces. Nonlinear functional integral equations of convolution type play important roles in applied problems, especially numerous branches of mathematical physics such as neutron transportation, radiation, and gas kinetic theory (see e.g., Zabrejko et al., Citation1968 and the references therein). Equations of this type have been considered in many previous studies Askhabov and Mukhtarove (Citation1987) and Jingqi (Citation1985), which showed that these equations have solutions in some function spaces. As an example, Khosravi et al. defined a new measure of noncompactness on the Banach space Lp(R+) (1p<) and studied the existence of entire solutions for a class of nonlinear functional integral equations of convolution type in Khosravi, Allahyari, and Shole Haghighi (Citation2015).

On the other hand, a locally integrable function is a function which is integrable on every compact subset of its domain of definition. The importance of such functions lies in the fact that their function space is similar to Lp spaces, but its members are not required to satisfy any growth restriction on their behavior at infinity: in other words, locally integrable functions can grow arbitrarily fast at infinity, but are still manageable in a way similar to ordinary integrable functions. Regarding the above subject, Olszowy introduced a new family of measures of noncompactness on the space Lloc1(R+) consisting of all real functions locally integrable on R+, equipped with a suitable topology. Then, she studied the existence of solutions of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation in the space Lloc1(R+) (cf. Olszowy, Citation2014).

In this paper, we define the new family of measures of noncompactness in Fréchet spaces Llocp(RN) (1p<). In addition, we study the existence of solutions for some classes of nonlinear functional integral equations of convolution type (1.1)

(1.1) u(x)=f(x,u(x))+[x1,x1]××[xN,xN]k(xy)(Qu)(y)dy,(1.1)

by using an extension of Darbo’s fixed point theorem associated with this new family of measures of noncompactness.

In the sequel, we introduce some notations, definitions and preliminary facts which will be needed further on.

Denoted by R the set of real numbers, RN=(x1,x2,,xN):xiR and put R+=[0,+). Let (E,.) be a real Banach space with zero element 0. For a nonempty subset X of E, the symbols Xˉ and ConvX will denote the closure and closed convex hull of X, respectively. Moreover, let ME indicate the family of nonempty and bounded subsets of E and NE indicate the family of all nonempty and relatively compact subsets of E.

Let Lp(U) (URN) denote the space of Lebesgue integrable functions on U with the standard norm


We say that a function f:RNR belongs to Llocp(RN) (1p<) if χKfLp(RN) for every compact set KRN. In other words, fLlocp(RN) if only if fLp([T,T]N) for all T>0. Also if fLlocp(RN), then fLloc1(RN). Recall that RN is the countable union of compact N-cells, i.e., RN=K1K2K3 with Kk=xRN:∥xmaxk, where xmax=maxx1,x2,,xn. Moreover, any compact subset of RN is contained in some Kk and so the topology on Llocp(RN) is given by the countable family of seminorms χ[T,T]Nfp for each T>0. Then, Llocp(RN) becomes a Fréchet space with respect to the metric


A sequence fn is convergent to f in Llocp(RN) if and only if for each T>0, fn is convergent to f in Lp([T,T]N).

A nonempty subset XLlocp(RN) is said to be bounded if


for all T>0.

Further, let MLlocp(RN) denote the family of nonempty and bounded subsets of Llocp(RN) and NLlocp(RN)the family of all nonempty and relatively compact subsets of Llocp(RN).

In what follow, we recall the well-known Darbo’s fixed point theorem.

Theorem 1.1. (Darbo Banaś & Goebel, Citation1980) Let C be a nonempty, bounded, closed and convex subset of a Banach space E and let F:CC be a continuous mapping. Assume that a constant k[0,1) exists such that


for any nonempty subset X of C, where μ is a measure of noncompactness defined in E. Then F has a fixed point in the set C.

Theorem 1.2. (Tychonoff fixed point theorem Agarwal, Meehan, & O’Regan, Citation2001) Let E be a Hausdorff locally convex linear topological space, C a nonempty convex subset of E and F:CE a continuous mapping such that


with A compact. Then F has at least one fixed point.

2. Main results

In this section, we will introduce a family of measures of noncompactness in the space Llocp(RN). Before that, we characterize the construction of compact subsets of Llocp(RN). First, we quote a useful theorem in (Brezis, Citation2011).

Theorem 2.1. (Brezis, Citation2011, Theorem 4.26) (Kolmogorov-M. Riesz-Fréchet). Let F be a bounded set in Lp(RN) with 1p<. Assume that


i.e., ε>0 δ>0 such that τhffp<ε fF, hRN with h<δ. Then the closure of F|Ω in Lp(Ω) is compact for any measurable set ΩRN with finite measure.

Here (τhf)(x)=f(x+h), xRN, hRN and F|Ω denotes the restrictions to Ω of the functions in F.

Lemma 2.2 Let F be a set in Llocp(RN). F is totally bounded in Llocp(RN) if and only if F|[T,T]N=f|[T,T]N:fF is totally bounded in Lp([T,T]N) for each TN.

Proof. First, assume that F is totally bounded in Llocp(RN). We prove F|[T,T]N is totally bounded in Lp([T,T]N) for all TN. For this, fixed ε>0 and TN. Without loss of generality we may assume that ε<1. Since F is totally bounded so there exists ε2T-cover U1,...,Uk for F. Take giUi for i=1,...,k and let fF. Then there exists 1jk such that


So, min{1,χ[T,T]N(fgj)p<ε and since ε<1 so we have χ[T,T]N(fgj)p<ε. Thus, U1|[T,T]N,...,Uk|[T,T]N is an ε-cover for F|[T,T]N.

Next, assume that F|[T,T]N is totally bounded for each TN. We prove that F is totally bounded in Llocp(RN). For this, fixed ε>0. We may assume that ε<1. Take TN such that 12T<ε. Also, suppose that UααI is an ε2T-cover for F. So, there exists U1,...,Uk such that U1|[T,T]N,...,Uk|[T,T]N is an ε-cover for F|[T,T]N. Let fF. Thus, there exists Uj (1jk) such that


for all gjUj. Now, for m>T we have


Also, since χ[T,T]N(fgj)p<ε<1 so, for mT we have


Hence, we deduce


Thus U1,...,Uk is an ε-cover for F and so F is totally bounded. □

Theorem 2.3. Let 1p< and FLlocp(RN). Then F is totally bounded if, and only if, the following hold:

(i) For every T>0 there is some M>0 so that


for all fF.

(ii) For every ε>0 and T>0 there is some δ>0 so that


for all fF and hRN<δ.

Proof. Assume that F is totally bounded. For any TN, there exists a finite 12T+1-cover U1,U2,,Un for F. Choose giUi (i=1,2,,n). Let fF, then there exists 1jn such that fUj, we have






It implies the boundedness of F, thus condition (i) holds. To establish condition (ii), let ε>0 and TN be given. Let U1,U2,...,Un be an ε2T-cover of F. If fF, then fUj for some 1jn. Take gUj. It yields that

(2.1) χ[T,T]N(fg)p<ε.(2.1)

Now, since the space C([T,T]N) is dense in Lp([T,T]N) thus there exists a continuous function yC([T,T]N) such that

(2.2) χ[T,T]N(yg)p<ε.(2.2)

Also, there exists δ>0 such that for all x,h[T,T]N such that hRNδ we have

(2.3) y(x+h)y(x)<ε(2T)N.(2.3)

Therefore, applying (2.1), (2.2) and (2.3) we can write


thus condition (ii) holds.

Conversely, by using Lemma 2.2, it is enough to show that F|[T,T]N is totally bounded in Lp([T,T]N) for every TN. Now, since F|[T,T]N satisfies the condition (ii) so by Theorem 2.1 the closure of F|[T,T]N is compact in Lp([T,T]N). This completes the proof. □

Now, we are ready to describe a family of measures of noncompactness in the space Llocp(RN).

Definition 2.4. A family of mappings μTT>0, μT:MLlocp(RN)R+, is said to be a family of measures of noncompactness in Llocp(RN) if it fulfils the following conditions:

  1. The family kerμT={XMLlocp(RN):μT(X)=0 for T>0} is nonempty and kerμTNLlocp(RN).

  2. XYimpliesthatμT(X)μT(Y) for T0.

  3. μT(Xˉ)=μT(X) for T0.

  4. μT(ConvX)=μT(X) for T0.

  5. μT(λX+(1λ)Y)λμT(X)+(1λ)μT(Y) for λ[0,1] and T0.

  6. If Xn is a sequence of closed chains of MLlocp(RN) such that Xn+1Xn for n=1,2, and if limnμT(Xn)=0 for each T0, then the intersection set X=n=1Xn is nonempty.

We say that a family of measures of noncompactness is regular, if it additionally satisfies the following conditions:

  1. μT(XY)=maxμT(X),μT(Y) for T0.

  2. μT(X+Y)μT(X)+μT(Y) for T0.

  3. μT(λX)=λμT(X) for T0 and λR.

  4. kerμT=NLlocp(RN) for T0.

Theorem 2.5. Suppose 1p< and X is a bounded subset of the space Llocp(RN). For xX, and ε>0 let


where Thx(t)=x(t+h). Then μT:MLlocp(RN)R+, T>0 defines a regular family of measures of noncompactness on Llocp(RN).

Proof. Assume that XkerμT, then μT(X)=0 for each T>0 and therefore limε0ωT(X,ε)=0 for all T>0. Thus, for each η>0, δ>0 exists such that ωT(X,δ)<η. It implies that ThxxLp([T,T]N)<η, for all xX and hRN with hRN<δ. This means that,


On the other hand, we have


for all T>0. According to Theorem 2.3, we infer that the closure of X in Llocp(RN) is compact and kerμTNLlocp(RN). Thus 1 holds.

2 is obvious by the definition of μT.

Now, we prove 3. Suppose that XMLlocp(RN) and xXˉ. Therefore, a sequence xn in X exists such that xn converges to x in Llocp(RN). From the definition of ωT(x,ε), we have


for any nN, T>0 and hRN with hRN<ε. By letting n, we obtain




Consequently, μT(Xˉ)μT(X), from 2 we infer that μT(Xˉ)=μT(X).

The properties 4 and 5 are simple consequences of the following inequality


To prove 6, assume that XnMLlocp(RN), Xn=Xn, Xn+1Xn for n=1,2, and limnμT(Xn)=0. For any nN, take an xnXn. In the first step, we claim that F=xn is a compact set in Llocp(RN). To establish this claim, we need to check conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 2.3. Let ε>0 be fixed and take any T>0. Since limnμT(Xn)=0, then kN exists such that


Hence, we can find δ1>0 sufficiently small so that


Thus, for all nk and hRN with hRN<δ1, we can write


The set x1,x2,,xk1 is compact, hence δ2>0 and T>0 exist such that


for n=1,,k1, T>0 and hRN with hRN<δ2. It enforces that


for all n=1,2,,k1, T>0 and hRN<δ2.



for δ<minδ1,δ2 and for all T>0.

We know that


Then, all the hypotheses of Theorem 2.3 are satisfied and so F is compact. Therefore, a subsequence xnj and x0Llocp(RN) exist such that xnj converges to x0. Since xnXn, Xn=Xn and Xn+1Xn for all nN, we yield


that finishes the proof of 6.

The properties 7-9 are obvious. Now, we check that condition 10 holds. Take XNLlocp(RN). Thus, the closure of X in Llocp(RN) is compact. By Theorem 2.3, for any ε>0 and T>0, δ>0 exists such that


for all xX, and hRN with hRN<δ.

Then for all xX we have




It in turn implies that


for all T>0. Taking into account 1, we obtain kerμT=NLlocp(RN).

The following theorem is a version of Darbo’s fixed point theorem in Llocp(RN).

Theorem 2.6. Let C be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of a Fréchet space Llocp(RN) and μTT>0, be a family of measures of noncompactness on Llocp(RN). Let F:CC be a continuous operator such that

(2.4) μT(FX)kTμT(X),(2.4)

where kT[0,1) for all T>0. Then F has at least one fixed point in the set C.

Proof. By induction, we define a sequence Cn by letting C0=C and Cn=Conv(FCn1), n1. We have C1=Conv(FC0)C0, therefore by continuing this process we obtain


If μT(CN)=0 for some integer N0, and for all T0, then CN is relatively compact. Thus, Theorem 1.2 implies that F has a fixed point. Now, assume T10 exists such that μT1(Cn)0 for any n0. By (2.4) we have

(2.5) μT1(Cn+1)=μT1(Conv(FCn))=μT1(FCn)kT1μT1(Cn).(2.5)

Since kT1[0,1), then μT1(Cn) is a positive decreasing sequence of real numbers. Thus, there is an r0 such that μT1(Cn)r as n. We show that r=0. Suppose, to the contrary that r=0. Then from (2.5) we have


It enforces that 1kT1, which is a contradiction. Consequently r=0, and hence μT1(Cn)0, as n. Using this fact and since the sequence Cn is nested, in view of part 6 of Definition 2.4, we conclude that the set C=n=1Cn is nonempty, closed, convex and CC. Furthermore, the set C is invariant under the operator F, and CkerμT. By applying Theorem 1.2, we find that the operator F has a fixed point.

3. Application

To verify the applicability of our results, in the following section, we shall present an existence result for a large class of nonlinear functional integral equations of convolution type on the space Llocp(RN). We provide an illustrative example to show the effectiveness and applicability of our results.

Definition 3.1. (Aghajani et al., Citation2015) We say that a function f:RN×RMR satisfies the Carathéodory conditions if:

(i) The function f(.,u) is measurable for any uRM,

(ii) The function f(x,.) is continuous for almost all xRN.

Theorem 3.2. Assume that the following conditions are satisfied.

(i) f:RN×RR satisfies the Caratéodory conditions, and a constant λ[0,1) and a function aLlocp(RN) exist such that


for any x,yRN and almost all u,vR.


(iii) The operator Q acts continuously from the space Llocp(RN) into itself and an increasing function ψ:R+R+ exists such that


for any uLlocp(RN).


(v) A function r:(0,)R+ exists such that the following relation holds for all xRN and all T>0.


Then, the nonlinear functional integral equation of convolution type (1.1) has at least one solution in the space Llocp(RN).

Before giving the proof, we quote the following result, which is a version of Young’s Theorem (Brezis, Citation2011, Theorem 4.15).

Remark 3.3. Under hypothesis (iv), the linear operator G:Llocp(RN)Llocp(RN) defined by


is a continuous operator, and moreover, we have


Proof. First, we define the operator F:Llocp(RN)Llocp(RN) by formula


where x=(x1,,xN). By considering the Caratéodory conditions, we infer that Fu is measurable for any uLlocp(RN). Now, we prove that FuLlocp(RN) for any uLlocp(RN). For this purpose, one only needs to prove that FuLp([T,T]N) for all T>0.

Let us fix T>0. By using condition (i) we have


for any uLlocp(RN) and for a.e. x[T,T]N. Thus, we get


According to Remark 3.3 and (iii) we deduce


Hence, FuLlocp(RN) and F is well defined. We consider the subset B of Llocp(RN) given by


Then, the subset B is nonempty, convex, closed and bounded in Llocp(RN), and condition (v) ensures that F transforms B into itself. Furthermore, F is continuous in Llocp(RN), because f(x,.), k and Q are continuous for a.e. x[T,T]N.

In order to finish the proof, we show that Fu satisfies in Theorem 2.6.

Let us take a nonempty and bounded subset X of the set B and an arbitrary positive number T>0. Let uX and x,h[T,T]N, with hRN<ε for arbitrarily small positive number ε. We obtain


Therefore, in view of Young’s Theorem we get


By using the above estimate we have


Since a is a compact set in Llocp(RN) and k is a compact set in Lloc1(RN), we have ωT(a,ε)0, ThkkLloc1(RN)0 as ε0. Then we obtain

(3.1) μT(FX)λTμT(X),(3.1)

where λT=λ for each T>0. By (3.1) and Theorem 2.6 we infer that, the operator F has a fixed point u in B and therefore the nonlinear functional integral equation of convolution type (1.1) has at least one solution in the space Llocp(RN).

Example 3.4. Consider the following functional integral Equation (3.2)

(3.2) u(x)=cosu(x)x+5+[x1,x1]×[x2,x2]e2(x1y1)(x2y2+1)2cos(x1y1)sin(2x23y2)ln(u(x)+1)dy,(3.2)

where x=(x1,x2)R2 and x is the Euclidean norm. We study the solvability of integral Equation (3.2) on the space Llocp(R2) for p>2. Observe that Equation (3.2) is a special case of the Equation (1.1) when

k(x)=e2x1(x2+1)2cos(x1)sin(2x2),( x=(x1,x2))

In this example, hypothesis (i) of Theorem 3.2 holds with a(x)=1x+5 and λ=15. Indeed, we have


It is easy to see that f(.,0) satisfies assumption (ii). In fact, for each T>0 we can write


for all p>2. Thus, we have f(.,0)Llocp(R2)(2π(p23p+2)5p2)1p and so f(.,0)Llocp(R2).

Furthermore, Qu(x)=ln(u(x)+1) satisfies hypothesis (iii) with ψ(t)=t. Obviously, the function Qu(x)=ln(u(x)+1) is increasing and ln(u(x)+1)<u(x). Next, we show that k satisfies assumption (iv). Indeed, we have


Finally, the inequality from assumption (v), has the form


so we can take


Consequently, all the conditions of Theorem 3.2 are satisfied, and thus functional integral equation of convolution type (3.2) has at least one solution in the space Llocp(R2) if p>2.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Hojjatollah Amiri Kayvanloo

The authors have studied the existence of solutions for some classes of nonlinear functional integral equations of convolution type by using measure of noncompactness. In particular, they introduced a new family of measures of noncompactness on the Frechet space lploc(ℝN) Also, by this family of measures of noncompactness, they investigated the existence of solutions for some classes of nonlinear functional integral equations. The results of their article extend and improve previously known results.


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