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Research Article

Geometric inequality of warped product semi-slant submanifolds of locally product Riemannian manifolds

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Article: 1602017 | Received 09 Dec 2018, Published online: 22 Apr 2019


In the present article, we derive an inequality in terms of slant immersions and well define warping function for the squared norm of second fundamental form for warped product semi-slant submanifold in a locally product Riemannian manifold. Moreover, the equality cases are verified and generalized the inequality for semi-invariant warped products in locally Riemannain product manifold.


The extrinsic geometry of such warped product submanifolds actually is the mathematization that explicates our awareness of different concrete shapes in given ambient spaces and the intrinsic geometry of such warped product submanifolds is proper and Riemannian geometry. The study of warped products from this extrinsic point of view was initiated around the beginning of this century. Since then the study of warped product submanifolds from the extrinsic point of view has become a very active research subject in differential geometry and many nice results on this subject have been obtained by many geometers. In similar, we obtained the relation between the second fundamental form, the main extrinsic invariant, the main intrinsic invariants are the warping function of a warped product semi-slant submanifolds and slant angle.

1. Introduction

The notion of warped product manifolds plays very important roles not only in differential geometry but also in general relativity theory in physics. For example, Robertson-Walker space-times, asymptotically flat spacetime, Schwarzschild spacetime, and Reissner-Nordstrom spacetime are warped product manifolds (Hiepko, Citation1979). The geometry of warped products has a crucial role in differential geometry, as well as physical sciences. Bishop and O’Neill (Citation1969) discovered the concept of warped product manifolds to derive an example of Riemannian manifolds of negative curvature, such manifolds are natural generalizations of Riemannian products manifolds. Therefore, many geometers are studied in Ali and Luarian (Citation2017), Ali, Othman, and Ozel (Citation2015), Ali and Ozel (Citation2017), Ali, Uddin, and Othman (Citation2017), Al-Solamy and Khan (Citation2012), Al-Solamy, Khan, and Uddin (Citation2017), Atceken (Citation2008, Citation2013), Chen (Citation2001), Sahin (Citation2006a, Citation2006b, Citation2006c). It is interesting to see that there exist no warped product semi-slant submanifolds of the forms M=Mθ×fMT and M=MT×fMθ in a Kaehler manifold Mˉ such that MT and Mθ are holomorphic and slant submanifolds, respectively (see Sahin, Citation2006b). While, Atceken (see examples 3.1 (Atceken, Citation2008)) has given an example on the existence of warped product semi-slant submanifold of the form M=Mθ×fMT in a locally product Riemannian manifold such that MT and Mθ are invariant and slant submanifolds, respectively. Hence, the geometry of warped product submanifolds in a locally product Riemannian manifold is different from the geometry of warped product submanifolds in Kaehler manifold. Therefore, we consider such a warped product semi-slant submanifold as mixed totally geodesic of locally product Riemannian manifold and obtain a geometric inequality for the length of the second fundamental form in terms of slant immersion and warping functions.

2. Preliminaries

Assume that Mˉ be a manifold of dimension m with a tensor field of such that

(2.1) F2=I(F±I),(2.1)

where F is a one-one tensor field and I represent the identity transformation. Thus, Mˉ is an almost product manifold with almost product structure F. If an almost product manifold Mˉ admits a Riemannian metric g satisfying

(2.2) g(FU,FV)=g(U,V),g(FU,V)=g(U,FV),(2.2)

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C40 Primary 53C20 53C42 secondary.

Key words and phrases. Mean curvature, warped products, Riemannian manifolds, semi-slant immersions. For any U,VΓ(TMˉ), where Γ(TMˉ) denotes the set of all vector fields of Mˉ then Mˉ is said to be an almost product Riemannian metric manifold. Denote ˉ the Levi-Civita connection on Mˉ with respect to g. If (ˉUF)V=0, for all U,VΓ(TMˉ), then (Mˉ,g) is a locally product Riemannian manifold with Riemannian metric g (see Sahin, Citation2006a).

Let M be a submanifold of locally product Riemannian manifold Mˉ with an induced metric g. If and are induced Riemannian connections on normal bundle TM and tangent bundle TM and of M, respectively, then Gauss and Weingarten formulas are given by

(i) ˉUV=UV+h(U,V),
(2.3) (ii) ˉUN=ANU+UN,(2.3)

for each U,VΓ(TM) and NΓ(TM), where h and AN are the second fundamental form and shape operator for an immersion M into Mˉ. They are correlated as

(2.4) g(h(U,V),N)=g(ANU,V).(2.4)

For any XΓ(TM), we can write



where PU(tN) and ωU(fN) are tangential and normal components of FU(FN), respectively. The covariant derivatives of the endomorphism F as

(2.6) (ˉUF)V=ˉUFVFˉUV,U,VΓ(TMˉ).(2.6)

A submanifold M of a locally product Riemannian manifold Mˉ is said to be totally umbilical (and totally geodesic respectively) if

(2.7) h(U,V)=g(U,V)H,&h(U,V)=0,(2.7)

for all U,VΓ(TM). Then H is a mean curvature vector of M given by H=1ni=1nh(ei,ei), where n is the dimension of M and e1,e2,,en is a local orthonormal frame of the tangent vector space TM. Furthermore, if H=0, then M is minimal in Mˉ.

Definition 2.1. A submanifold M of a locally product Riemannian manifold Mˉ, then for each non zero vector U tangent to M at a point p, the angle θ(U) between FU and TpM is called a Wirtinger angle of U. Hence, M is said to be a slant submanifold if the Wirtinger angle is constant and it is independent from the choice of UTpM and pM. The holomorphic and totally real submanifolds are slant submanifolds with slant angle θ=0 and θ=π/2, respectively. A slant submanifold is said to be proper if it is neither holomorphic nor totally real. More generally, a distribution D on M is called a slant distribution if the angle θ(X) between FX and Dx has same value of θ for each xMˉ and a non zero vector XDx.

Thus for a slant submanifold M, a normal bundle TM can be expressed as

(2.8)  TM=ω(TM)ν,(2.8)

where ν is an invariant normal bundle with respect to F orthogonal to ω(TM). We recall following result for a slant submanifold of a locally product Riemannian manifold given by H. Li (cf. Li & Li, Citation2005).

Theorem 2.1. If M is a submanifold of a locally product Riemannian manifold Mˉ, then M is a slant submanifold if and only if there exists a constant λ[0,1] such that P2=λI. In this case, θ is a slant angle of M, and then it satisfies λ=cos2θ.

Therefore, the following identities which are consequences from the Theorem 2.1

(2.9) g(PU,PV)=cos2θg(U,V),(2.9)
(2.10) g(ωU,ωV)=sin2θg(U,V),(2.10)

for any U,VΓ(TM). Now let e1,e2,en be an orthonormal basis of the tangent space TM and er belonging to the orthonormal basis en+1,en+2,em of the normal bundle TM. Then we define

(2.11) hijr=g(h(ei,ej),er)and||h||2=i,j=1ng(h(ei,ej),h(ei,ej)).(2.11)

As a consequence for a differentiable function φ:MR, we have

(2.12) φ2=i=1n(ei(φ))2,(2.12)

where gradient φ is defined by g(φ,X)=Xφ, for any XΓ(TM).

3. Semi-slant submanifolds

Semi-slant submanifolds were described by Papaghiuc (Citation1994). These submanifolds are generalizations of CR-submanifolds with slant angle θ=π/2.

Definition 3.1. A submanifold M of an almost complex manifold Mˉ is called a semi-slant submanifold if there exist two orthogonal distributions D and Dθ such that


(ii)D is holomorphic, i.e., F(D)D,

(iii)Dθ is slant distribution with slant angle θ0,π/2.

The dimensions of holomorphic distribution D and slant distribution Dθ of semi-slant submanifold of a locally product Riemannian manifold Mˉ are denoted by m1 and m2 respectively. Then M is holomorphic if m2=0 and slant if m1=0. It is called proper semi-slant if the slant angle different from 0 and π/2. Moreover, if ν is an invariant subspace under the endomorphism F of normal bundle TM, then, in case of semi-slant submanifold, the normal bundle TM can be decomposed as TM=ωDθν. A semi-slant submanifold is said to be a mixed totally geodesic, if h(X,Z)=0, for any XΓ(Dθ) and ZΓ(D).

4. Warped product submanifolds with the form Mθ×fMT

Let (M1,g1) and (M2,g2) be two Riemannian manifolds with a f:M1(0,), a positive differentiable function on M1, we define on the product manifold M1×M2 with metric g=πg1+(foπ)γg2, where π and γ are natural projections on M1 and M2. Under these condition the product manifold is called warped product of M1 and M2, it is denoted by M1×fM2 and f is called warping function. So we have the following lemma

Lemma 4.1 Let M=M1×fM2 be a warped product manifold. Then for any X,YΓ(TM1) and Z,WΓ(TM2), we have




where and are the Levi-Civita connections on M1 and M2 respectively. Thus lnf is the gradient of lnf is defined as g(lnf,U)=Ulnf. If the warping function f is constant, then the warped product manifold M=M1×fM2 is called trivial, otherwise non-trivial. Furthermore, in a warped product manifold M=M1×fM2, M1 is totally geodesic and M2 is totally umbilical submanifold in M, respectively (cf. Bishop & O’Neill, Citation1969). There are two types of warped product semi-slant submanifolds M=Mθ×fMT and M=MT×fMθ. For the second case, we have following non-existence theorem from Atceken (Citation2008).

Theorem 4.1. Assume that Mˉ is a locally Riemannian product manifold and M is a submanifold of Mˉ. Then there exists no a warped product semi-slant submanifold M=MT×fMθ in Mˉ such that MT is an invariant submanifold and Mθ is a proper slant submanifold of Mˉ .

Now, we develop some important lemmas for first type warped product for later use in the inequality and we refer for example to see their existence, Example 4.1 in Atceken (Citation2008).

Lemma 4.2. Let M=Mθ×fMT be a warped product semi-slant submanifold of a locally product Riemannian manifold Mˉ. Then

(4.1) g(h(X,FY),ωZ)=(Zlnf)g(X,Y)(4.1)
(4.2) g(h(X,FY),ωPZ)=(PZlnf)g(X,Y),(4.2)

for any ZΓ(TMθ) and X,YΓ(TMT).

PROOF. If ZΓ(TMθ) and X,YΓ(TM), we have


From (2.2) and (2.5) (i), we get


From the fact that X and Z are orthogonal, we obtain


Then from (2.3) (i), we derive


Using Lemma 4.1 (ii), we arrive at


As X and FX are orthogonal to each other by the definition of (1,1) tensor field F, the second term of last equation should be zero. Then we get


Replacing X by X+Y in the above equation and from the property of linearity, we get the first result of lemma. Now interchanging Z by PZ, we obtain


It completes the proof of the lemma. □

Lemma 4.3. Let M=Mθ×fMT be a warped product semi-slant submanifold of a locally product Riemannian manifold Mˉ. Then

(4.3) g(h(X,X),ωPZ)=g(h(FX,FX),ωPZ)=(Zlnf)cos2θ||X||2,(4.3)
(4.4) g(h(X,X),ωZ)=g(h(FX,FX),ωZ)=(PZlnf)||X||2,(4.4)

for any ZΓ(TMθ and XΓ(TMT).

PROOF. Suppose that XΓ(TMθ) and (2.5) (i), we have


for ZΓ(TMT). Then from Theorem 2.1, implies that


Since FX and PZ are orthogonal then, we obtain


From Lemma 4.1 (ii), we arrive at


Finally, we obtain

(4.5) g(h(X,X),ωPZ)=(Zlnf)cos2θg(X,X).(4.5)

If interchanging X by FX and using Riemannian metric property in the above equation we get the second assertion of the first part of the lemma. Now replacing Z by PZ in (4.3), then we get


Thus using Theorem 2.1, in left hand side of the above equation fora slant submanifold, we reach the second part of lemma. Again replacing X by FX then we get final result of lemma. It completes the proof of the lemma.□

5. An inequality for semi-slant warped product submanifolds

In this section, we obtain a geometric inequality for a warped product semi-slant submanifold in terms of the second fundamental form and the warping function with mixed totally geodesic submanifold. Now, we describe an orthonormal frame for a semi-slant submanifold, which we shall use in the proof of inequality theorem.

Let M=Mθ×fMT be an m=2α+2β-dimensional warped product semi-slant submanifold of 2n-dimensional locally product Riemannian manifold Mˉ such that the dimension of Mθ is d1=2α and the dimension of MT is d2=2β, where Mθ and MT are the integral manifolds of Dθ and D, respectively. We consider e1,e2,eβ,eβ+1=Fe1,e2β=Feβ and e2β+1=e1,e2β+α=eq,e2β+α+1=eα+1=secθPe1,e2β+2α=e2q=secθPeα which are orthonormal frames of D and Dθ respectively. Thus the orthonormal frames of the normal sub bundles, ωDθ and invariant sub bundle ν, respectively are {em+1=eˉ1=cscθωe1,em+α =eˉα=cscθωeα,em+α+1=eˉα+1=cscθsecθωPe1,em+2α=eˉ2α=cscθsecθωPeα}and em+2α+1,e2n.

Theorem 5.1. Let M=Mθ×fMT be a m-dimensional mixed totally geodesic warped product semi-slant submanifold of 2n-dimensional locally product Riemannian manifold Mˉ such that MT is holomorphic submanifold of dimension d2 and Mθ is a proper slant submanifold of dimension d1 of Mˉ. Then

(i) The squared norm of the second fundamental form of M is given by

(5.1) h24βcsc2θθlnf2.(5.1)

(ii) The equality holds in (5.1), if h(D,D)ν and Mθ is totally geodesic in Mˉ. Moreover, MT can not be minimal.

PROOF. By the definition of second fundamental form, we have


Since, M is mixed totally geodesic, then we get

(5.2) h2=h(D,D)2+h(Dθ,Dθ)2(5.2)

Leaving second term and using (2.11) in first term, we obtain


The above expression can be written as in the components of ωDθ and ν, then we derive

(5.3) ||h||2l=1αr,k=12βg(h(er,ek),eˉl)2+l=α+12αr,k=12βg(h(er,ek),eˉl)2+l=m+2α+12nr,k=12βg(h(er,ek),el)2.(5.3)

We will remove the last term and using the adapted frame for ωDθ, we derive


Again using the adapted frame for D and the fact that second fundamental form is symmetric, then we get


Then using Lemma 4.2 and Lemma 4.3, we arrive at


Thus combining first and second terms and using the property of trigonometric identities in the third and fourth terms, we get


Last the above equation can be modified as


From definition of adapted frame for Dθ, finally, we obtain


If the equality holds, from the leaving terms in (5.2) and (5.3), we obtain the following conditions, i.e., Mθ is totally geodesic in Mˉ and h(D,D)ν. So the equality case holds. It is completed proof of the theorem. □

6. Conclusion remark

If we assume that the slant angle θ=π2, then warped product semi-slant submanifold Mθ×fMT becomes a warped product semi-invariant submanifold of type M×fMT of a locally product Riemannian manifold, in this case, Theorem 5.1 is generalized to the inequality theorem which was obtained by Sahin (Citation2006a). Therefore, we say that Theorem 5.1 in Sahin (Citation2006c) is trivial case of our derived Theorem 5.1, that is

Theorem 6.1. Let M=M×fMT be a m-dimensional mixed totally geodesic warped product semi-invariant submanifold of 2n-dimensional locally product Riemannian manifold Mˉ such that MT is holomorphic submanifold of dimension d2 and M is a anti-invariant submanifold of dimension d1 of Mˉ. Then

(i) The squared norm of the second fundamental form of M is given by

(6.1) h24βcsc2θθlnf2.(6.1)

(ii) The equality holds in (5.1), if h(D,D)ν and Mθ is totally geodesic in Mˉ. Moreover, MT can not be minimal.

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Notes on contributors

Rifaqat Ali

Rifaqat Ali is an Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Science, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia. He completed his PhD from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh India in 2012. He has qualified graduate aptitude test in engineering (GATE) All India rank-270. His research interests are Complex Analysis, Approximation Theory and Differential Geometry. He is also working as principal and co-principal investigator in several ongoing projects of King Khalid University.


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