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Research article

On bounding the Thompson metric by Schatten norms

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Article: 1614318 | Received 17 Dec 2018, Accepted 28 Apr 2019, Published online: 26 May 2019


The Thompson metric provides key geometric insights in the study of non-linear matrix equations and in many optimization problems. However, knowing that an approximate solution is within dT units, in the Thompson metric, of the actual solution provides little insight into how good the approximation is as a matrix or vector approximation. That is, bounding the Thompson metric between an approximate and accurate solution to a problem does not provide obvious bounds either for the spectral or the Frobenius norm, both Schatten norms, of the difference between the approximation and accurate solution. This paper reports such an upper bound, namely that XYp21ped1edmaxXp,Yp where pdenotes the Schatten p-norm and d denotes the Thompson metric between X and Y. Furthermore, a more geometric proof leads to a slightly better bound in the case of the Frobenius norm, XY2ed1e2d+1X22+Y22212ed1e2d+1maxXp,Yp.

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Metrics are functions, mapping pairs of points to non-negative real numbers, which generalize the concept of distance to apply to abstract spaces. The Thompson metric provides critical geometric insights into dynamical systems, optimization problems and solving systems of equations. However, the Thompson metric is not an intuitive generalization of the concept of distance. The Thompson metric does provide an upper bound for more intuitive measurements of distance, such as those based on Schatten norms, but the currently known relation between Thompson metrics and more intuitive generalizations of distance is not always a tight bound. This paper presents a tighter bound relating metrics based on Schatten norms to Thompson metrics. The results in this paper can refine our geometrical understanding of problems arising in fluid mechanics, in geophysics as well as in robotics, and may improve assessments of the quality of data and image processing techniques.

1. Introduction

The Thompson metric is a variant of the Hilbert metric (Nussbaum & Walsh, Citation2004). The Hilbert metric generalizes the metric structure of hyperbolic geometry to the generalized concept of cones used in the study of Banach (complete normed vector) spaces, such as the space of Hermitian matrices. When applied to the unit disk, the Hilbert metric yields the Klein model of hyperbolic geometry, but when applied to a cone, such as the cone of positive definite or positive semidefinite matrices, the Hilbert metric is actually a pseudometric. A slight tweak of the Hilbert metric yields the Thompson (part) metric: the Thompson metric dTX,Y is the minimal dT=logα such that both αXY and αYX are both positive semidefinite. The Thompson metric is well defined over the cone of positive definite matrices but may be infinite when applied to other matrices, such as positive semidefinite matrices.

The Thompson metric (Lemmens & Roelands, Citation2015; Nussbaum & Walsh, Citation2004) provides key geometric insights into the study of non-linear matrix equations. In particular, many flows, which in other metrics may not even be contractions, have well-characterized contraction rates in the Thompson metric (Lee & Lim, Citation2008). That flows arising in many non-linear optimization, filtering and control problems are contractions in the Thompson metric (Carli & Sepulchre, Citation2015; Del Moral, Kurtzmann, & Tugaut, Citation2017; Gaubert & Qu, Citation2014; Lawson & Lim, Citation2007; Qu, Citation2014) endows this metric with great utility. Applications of the Thompson metric range from proofs of the existence and uniqueness of positive definite solutions for many types of non-linear equations (Liao, et al., Citation2010) to non-linear optimization theory (Gaubert & Qu, Citation2014; Montrucchio, Citation1998) and nonlinear Perron-Frobenius theory (Lemmens & Nussbaum, Citation2012; Nussbaum, Citation1988). Relatedly, matrix bounds in the Löwner order characterize the error in approximate solutions to continuous algebraic Riccati equation (Zhang & Liu, Citation2010).

While the Thompson metric is convenient for solving many optimization problems involving matrices, it is often more intuitive to view matrices solving such problems within more typical geometric contexts. Knowing that the solution of a problem X and its nth approximation Xn are dT units apart in the Thompson metric provides little indication of how close Xn is to X, i.e. knowing that XnαX and XαXn in the Löwner ordering (Baksalary & Pukelsheim, Citation1991), where α=edT, does not intuitively bound XXn for any of the usual matrix norms . But it is XXn in a suitable matrix norm, not dT, or similar expressions relating X and Xn in the Löwner ordering, that provides insight as to the quality of an approximation Xn.

In particular, considering the matrices Xn and X as linear operators on Euclidean vector spaces, the spectral norm, i.e. a Schatten p-norm with p=, of XXn is the relevant measure of how well Xn approximates X. Considering these matrices as themselves vectors in a Euclidean space, then the relevant assessment of how well Xn approximates X is the Frobenius norm, i.e. a Schatten norm with p=2, of XXn. Therefore, it is useful to know an upper bound for the Schatten p-norm XXnp given some minimal information about X (e.g. its norm) as well as the Thompson metric d=dTX,Xn. For a cone with normality constant δ, in a Banach Space, the following inequality holds (Lemmens & Nussbaum, Citation2012; Nussbaum, Citation1988): XY∥≤1+2δedTX,Y1maxX,Y. However, this inequality does not preclude the existence of tighter bounds relating specific norms and Thompson metrics such as Schatten p-norms and the Thompson metric induced by the Löwner order on the cone of positive semidefinite matrices.

This paper thus seeks to fill this important gap in our understanding of the relationship between Thompson metrics and Schatten norms by providing an upper bound for the Schatten p-norm XYp given the Thompson metric d=dTX,Y as well as the Schatten p-norms of X and Y. In particular, the application of Weyl’s inequalities establishes that XYp21ped1edmaxXp,Yp. Hopefully, this paper will serve as the beginning of a conversation leading to ever tighter bounds on XYp given d=dTX,Y as well as minimal information about X and Y, such as their norms and perhaps some knowledge of their spectra of eigenvalues.

2. Preliminaries

This paper will generally use a consistent set of letters and symbols to denote certain matrices and their norms and eigenvalues. Let X and Y each denote positive definite Hermitian matrices with eigenvalues χ1...χn and υ1...υn, respectively. While the proofs presented in this paper do not explicitly require the matrices be positive definite, in such cases the Thompson metric may be infinite, when the matrix is not positive definite the results presented here are trivial as any finite metric is . Thus, this paper will focus on positive definite matrices X and Y. Denote the eigenvalues of the matrix Δ=XY by δ1...δn and those of E=Δ=YX by ε1...εn. Note that δi=εni+1 . M denotes a Schatten norm of the matrix M and Mp specifically denotes the Schatten p—norm (which is a norm for p such that 1p). Note that Mp is a function of the eigenvalues μ1...μn of M: Mp=fpμ1,...,μn=ni=1μip1/p. Similarly, this paper will use the notation of fμ1,...,μn as the functional form of M. Depending on the context, and denote either the usual ordering on real numbers or the Löwner ordering on matrices: i.e. XY indicates that YX is positive semidefinite. In terms of the Löwner ordering, the Thompson metric dTX,Y is the minimal dT=logα such that YαX and XαY (Nussbaum & Walsh, Citation2004). As is standard, trM denotes the trace of the matrix M.

Key to the proofs in this paper are the well-established Weyl’s inequalities (Bhatia, Citation2007; Weyl, Citation1949) for the eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices: let M, Y and P be Hermitian matrices such that M=Y+P. Denote the eigenvalues of M, Y and P by μ1μn, ν1νn, and ρ1ρn, respectively. Then, (Weyl’s inequalities) νi+ρnμiνi+ρ1.

Use of Mathematica (Wolfram Research I, Citation2016) proved invaluable in simplifying the equations and inequalities presented in this paper. Numerical results were calculated using MATLAB (MathWorks I, Citation2017).

3. Proof of general case

The proof begins with a lemma applying Weyl’s inequalities to bound the eigenvalues of Δ=XY by the eigenvalues of Y given upper and lower bounds for X in the Löwner ordering. The second lemma, a consequence of the first lemma, bounds the eigenvalues of Δ=XY by the eigenvalues of X .

Lemma 3.1: Consider (positive definite) Hermitian matrices X and Y such that X ≤ αY and X ≥ βY. Then (A) α1υiδiβ1υi  and (B) δimaxβ1,α1υi.


Note that Δ=XαY+α1Y=XβY+β1Y. Let α1 be the maximum eigenvalue of XαY (which is negative semi-definite as αYX is positive semidefinite by the definition of X ≤ αY) and βn be the minimum eigenvalue of XβY (which is positive semidefinite by the definition of X ≥ βY). By hypothesis, α1 ≤ 0 and βn ≥ 0. Note that the eigenvalues for α1Y and β1Y are α1υ1,…,α1υn and β1υ1,…,β1υn, respectively. By Weyl’s inequalities, we have α1+α1υiδiβn+β1υi. Since α1 0 and βn ≥ 0, we have α1υiδiβ1υi and hence δimaxβ1,α1υi.

Lemma 3.2: Again, consider (positive definite) Hermitian matrices X and Y such that X ≤ αY and X ≥ βY. Then (A) 1β1χiδi1α1χi and (B) δimax1α1,1β1χi.


X ≤ αY and X ≥ βY respectively imply 1αXY and 1βXY. Apply Lemma 3.1 to Y (in place of X), X (in place of Y), 1α (in place of β) and 1β (in place of α).

Theorem 3.3: Consider (positive definite) Hermitian matrices X and Y such that X ≤ αY and X ≥ βY. XY∥≤minmaxα1,β1Y,max1α1,1β1X


Consider two sets of eigenvalues, λ1λn and μ1μn such that λiμi. Since f, a functional form of a Schatten norm, is monotonic in each variable, λi ≤ μi implies fλ1,,λi,,λnfμ1,,μi,,μn. Given that implication and given that fγμ1,,γμi,,γμn=γfμ1,,μi,,μn, δimaxβ1,α1υi, which is given by part (B) of Lemma 3.1, implies that fδ1,,δnmaxα1,β1υ1,,υn. Similarly part (B) of Lemma 3.2 yields δimax1β1,1α1χi, which implies that fδ1,,δnmax1β1,1α1fχ1,,χn. Combining these two inequalities for fδ1,,δn with the definition of fμ1,,μn=∥M  yieldsXY∥≤minmaxα1,β1Y,max1α1,1β1X

Theorem 3.4: Consider (positive definite) Hermitian matrices X and Y such that Thompson metric d=dTX,Y is finite. Let λ1,,λn denote a collection of numbers such that λi=maxminχi,υi,minχni+1,υni+1ed1ed. Then XY∥≤fλ1,,λn


Let α=ed. By definition of the Thompson metric, we have (i) X ≤ αY and (ii) Y ≤ αX. Let β=α1=ed. Then we have (iii) βX ≤ Y and (iv) βY ≤ X. Applying Lemma 3.1, part A to (i) and (iii) yields α1υiδiβ1υi. Noting that β=1α and α=1β, applying Lemma 3.2, part A to (i) and (iii) yields α1χiδiβ1χi. Similarly, recall that E=YX, so reversing the roles of X and Y when applying Lemma 3.1, part A, and respectively Lemma 3.2, part A., to (ii) and (iv) yields α1χiεiβ1χi and yields α1υiεiβ1υi, respectively. Since δi=εni+1, application of Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2 (part A) to (ii) and (iv) yield α1χni+1δiβ1χni+1 and α1υni+1δiβ1υni+1. Since (by the definition of the Thompson metric) α ≥ 1 and hence α11β=α1α, β1χiδi1βχni+1 and β1υiδi1βυni+1.

Substituting 1β=α1α=ed1ed. Thus, δimax{minχi,υi,minχni+1,υni+1ed1ed=λi. As in the proof of Theorem 3.3, the monotonicity of f and definition of δi yield XY∥≤fλ1,,λn.

Theorem 3.5: Consider (positive definite) Hermitian matrices X and Y, i.e. such that Thompson metric d=dTX,Y is finite. Then XYp21ped1edmaxXp,Yp.


Note that maxminχi,υi,minχni+1,υni+1max{maxχi,υi,maxχni+1,υni+1=maxχi,υi,χni+1,υni+1=maxmaxχi,χni+1,maxυi,υni+1.

Since raising positive numbers to powers 1 is monotonically increasing, a consequence of Theorem 3.4 is that δiped1edmaxmaxχip,χni+1p,maxυip,υni+1p, which in turn is ed1edmaxχip+χni+1p,υip+υni+1p. Hence, by the definition of and monotonicity of fp, we have Δpped1edpmaxni=1χip+ni=1χni+1p,ni=1υip+ni=1υni+1p. Since i=1nχip=i=1nχni+1p and i=1nυip=i=1nυni+1p, Δpped1edpmax2ni=1χip,2ni=1υip, which by definition of the Schatten p-norm yields XYpp2ed1edpmaxXpp,Ypp. Taking the p’th root of both sides of the inequality yields the result.

4. The Frobenius (p = 2) case

We begin by noting that trATB defines an inner product yielding the Frobenius norm, i.e. A2=trATA. This, together with the commutative property of the trace, leads to the following version of the law of cosines for matrices: AB22=∥A22+B222trATB. Since for two (symmetric) positive semidefinite matrices X and Y, trXTY=trXY0 (Yang, Citation2000; Yang, Yang, & Teo, Citation2001), θ=cos1trXYX2Y2π2rad and hence XY22≤∥X22+Y22. Note that the Frobenius norm of a matrix is the same as the Euclidean norm of that matrix reshaped as a vector, so matrices under the Frobenius norm can be treated just as vectors in a Euclidean space.

Let d=dTX,Y be the Thompson metric between (positive definite) matrices X and Y and let α=ed. Note that in Figure , which represents each matrix as a vector, all the vectors shown are coplanar. The angle θ is the same as the angle between αXY=x+z and αYX=y+w. Since, by definition of the Thompson metric, αXY and αYX are both positive semidefinite, θπ2rad and trxy and trwz0 whereas trxw and tryz0. Thus, we have

(1) Δ22≤∥x22+y22(1)
(2) αΔ22≤∥w22+z22(2)
(3) α1X22≥∥y22+z22(3)
(4) (α1)Y22≥∥w22+x22.(4)

Figure 1. Relation of the Thompson metric to the Frobenius norm. This figure represents matrices X and Y as vectors that span a plane and illustrates the geometric intuition behind inequalities (1)–(4).

Figure 1. Relation of the Thompson metric to the Frobenius norm. This figure represents matrices X and Y as vectors that span a plane and illustrates the geometric intuition behind inequalities (1)–(4).

Adding inequalities (1) and (2) as well as (3) and (4), we have

(5) (α1)X22+(α1)Y22.(5)


(6) Δ22+αΔ22(α1)X22+(α1)Y22.(6)

Solving for Δ2, we have our result

(7) Δ2α11+α2X22+Y22.(7)

5. A generalization of the Frobenius (p = 2) case

Consider the related and more general problem of bounding the Frobenius norm Δ2, with Δ=XY, given matrix bounds XgY and YfX, for scalars f and g. This generalization, illustrated in Figure , yields the following equations:

(8) Δ22=∥X22+Y222X2Y2cosϕ(8)
Δfg 22=∥fX22+gY222fX2gY2cosϕ=
(9) f2X22+g2Y222fgX2Y2cosϕ.(9)

Figure 2. Difference and Frobenius norm between two vectors give matrix bounds. This figure represents matrices X and Y as vectors that span a plane and illustrates the geometric intuition behind Equations (8) and (9) as well as inequality (10).

Figure 2. Difference and Frobenius norm between two vectors give matrix bounds. This figure represents matrices X and Y as vectors that span a plane and illustrates the geometric intuition behind Equations (8) and (9) as well as inequality (10).

Similar to the argument above (in part 4), XgY and YfX imply that θπ2rad, which implies

Δ22+fg 22gY2Y22+fX2X22=
(10) (f1)2X22+(g1)2Y22.(10)

The above system of two quadratic equations and one quadratic inequality has (assuming X2 is known, even if X is an unknown, approximated by Y) three unknowns: Δ2, Δfg2 and cosϕ. Solving this system and simplifying the resulting solutions with Mathematica (Wolfram Research I, Citation2016) yields the following inequalities:

(11) Δ21+fg2X22+1+gf2Y221+fg(11)
(12) Δfg22f2f2g+1X22+g2g2f+1Y221+fg(12)
(13) cosϕfX22+gY221+fgX2Y2.(13)

Note that this not only establishes a bound for XY2, given matrix bounds XgY and Yfb24acX, but this analysis also yields a bound for cosϕ. Thus, this analysis provides information about the inner product between X and Y, even in cases where X is an unknown, approximated by Y. Of course, when f=g=α=ed, (11) simplifies to the result established in Section 4.

6. Numerical results

Fifty calculations, performed in MATLAB, with pairs of random positive definite 5×5 matrices tested the tightness of the bounds presented in this paper. The following formulas generated the ith pair Xi,Yi of matrices

(14) Xi=A+i2/100BA+i2/100BT+D(14)
(15) Yi=(A+(i2/100)C)(A+(i2/100)C)T+D,(15)

where A, B and C have elements randomly drawn from the uniform distribution on [0,1] and D is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements randomly drawn from that same distribution. The occurrence of the index i in the formula ensured a range of distances among the 50 matrix pairs tested.

Figure compares values of XiYip for (A) p = 1 (trace norm), (B) p = 2 (Frobenius norm) and (C) p = ∞ (spectral norm) with bounds for those values calculated using Theorem 3.5, (and for panel B) Equation (7) and Equation (11). The function, thompson_metric.m, used to calculate the Thompson metric as well as f and g in Equation (11) is available via MATLAB Central File Exchange, and the script, and data calculated using that script, used to generate Figure is available from the author upon request. While the bounds described in this paper are clearly not very tight (for matrices more distant from each other), hopefully, these results will spark further research leading to tighter bounds on Schatten norms based on the Thompson metric.

Figure 3. Comparison, for 50 pairs of matrices, of values of bounds for Schatten metrics derived in this paper vs. the values of the corresponding Schatten metric: (A) bound given by Theorem. 3.5 for the trace norm vs. the trace norm itself, (B) bounds for the Frobenius norm vs. the Frobenius norm itself and (C) bound given by Theorem. 3.5 for the spectral norm vs. the spectral norm itself. In panel (B), bounds given by Theorem. 3.5 are indicated with cyan markers, bounds given by Equation (7) are indicated with magenta markers, and bounds given by Equation (11) are indicated with black markers.

Figure 3. Comparison, for 50 pairs of matrices, of values of bounds for Schatten metrics derived in this paper vs. the values of the corresponding Schatten metric: (A) bound given by Theorem. 3.5 for the trace norm vs. the trace norm itself, (B) bounds for the Frobenius norm vs. the Frobenius norm itself and (C) bound given by Theorem. 3.5 for the spectral norm vs. the spectral norm itself. In panel (B), bounds given by Theorem. 3.5 are indicated with cyan markers, bounds given by Equation (7) are indicated with magenta markers, and bounds given by Equation (11) are indicated with black markers.

7. Discussion

Weyl’s inequalities, and hence some knowledge of the spectra of X and Y, form the backbone of the proofs presented above. In the motivating case where Y is an approximation of an unknown X, the spectrum of X may also be unknown. While the principle result of this paper ultimately only requires knowledge of Xp (as well as Yp, which is generally known), purely geometric/trigonometric proofs, such as the one given for the Frobenius case, of the results presented in this paper would be more elegant given the nature of the motivating problem.

Furthermore, proofs not based on the matrix structure of X and Y but based purely on the ordering (Löwner ordering in this case) and norm (Schatten p-norm) being compared might allow for tighter bounds on XYp even in the absence of any knowledge of the spectrum of X (or even of Y, for that matter), other than perhaps a restriction that X and Y be positive semidefinite. In comparison, Theorem 3.4 provides a tighter bound on XYp than the main result (Theorem 3.5), but it requires some knowledge of the spectrum of X (at least that its eigenvalues are lower in magnitude than the corresponding eigenvalues of Y).

Additionally, proofs not based on the matrix structure of X and Y may lead to the generalization of these results in other orderings, which can also induce Thompson metrics (Cobzaş & Rus, Citation2014), and other norms. For instance, since the Frobenius norm arises from an inner product, a geometrically flavored argument leads to a slightly tighter bound on XY2 than obtained from the general bound for XYp and setting p=2. On the other hand, the already established general result for a Thompson metric induced by a normal cone in a Banach space (Lemmens & Nussbaum, Citation2012; Nussbaum, Citation1988) is not as tight as the main result (Theorem 3.5) presented here: as ϵ0, the value of δ such that 0XX+ϵI⇒∥X∥≤δX+ϵI approaches unity; thus, the normality constant for the cone of positive semidefinite matrices is unity, and the general result for Banach spaces reduces to XY∥≤3edTX,Y1maxX,Y, the right-hand side of which inequality is clearly greater than 21ped1edmaxXp,Yp since 21p2<3 and ed1 since the (Thompson) metric d is non-negative.

As illustrated in Section 5 of this paper, more general analysis of the Frobenius case yields not only a bound for XY2 but also bounds inner product between X and Y. In the case where X is an unknown, approximated by Y, bounds on the inner product between X and Y further quantify how well Y approximates X, and may provide further insight into improved approximations of an unknown X.

Hopefully, future research can further generalize the analysis presented in Section 5 to cases where XgY and YfX, for more general classes of functions on X and Y than mere scalar multiplication. Such inequalities, in the Löwner order, arise, for example, in characterizing approximate solutions to the continuous algebraic Riccati equation (Zhang & Liu, Citation2010). Further generalization of the results presented here will facilitate expressing the quality of approximations, found in many areas of matrix algebra and optimization theory, in terms of geometrically intuitive metrics based on Schatten norms rather than less geometrically intuitive bounds in the Löwner order.


This work was made possible by the support of William Paterson University of NJ’s Office of the Provost for Assigned Release Time for research. The author also thanks Rajendra Bhatia as well as Yongdo Lim for their advice about where to submit this work and an anonymous reviewer for referring me to Lemmens’ and Nussbaum’s related results in nonlinear Perron-Frobenius theory.

Disclosure Statement

The author has no competing interests to declare.

Additional information


This work was not funded by any external granting agency or funding source. The author thanks the Department of Chemistry at William Paterson University for providing funding to maintain the author’s MATLAB license.

Notes on contributors

David A. Snyder

David A. Snyder is a professor in the Department of Chemistry at William Paterson University of NJ. He received a Bachelor of Science – double majoring in Mathematics and Biology – from the University of California, Irvine and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Rutgers University. Prior to starting his current position, Dr. Snyder was a post-doctoral researcher in Rafael Brüschweiler’s (then at Florida State University) research group. Dr. Snyder’s research interests include quantifying protein flexibility and covariance NMR, which comprises a family of techniques that use algebraic operations to enhance and combine NMR spectra. In the course of researching the accuracy of covariance NMR, Dr. Snyder found that many relevant algebraic results involved Thompson metrics rather than more intuitive metrics based on Schatten norms. The sparsity of mathematical literature relating Thompson metrics and Schatten norms prompted Dr. Snyder to prove the results presented in this paper.


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