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Research article

Derivation algebra of direct sum of lie algebras

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Article: 1624244 | Received 01 May 2019, Published online: 11 Jun 2019


Let L1 and L2 be two finite dimensional Lie algebras on arbitrary field F with no common direct factor and L=L1L2. In this article, we express the structure and dimension of derivation algebra of L, Der(L), and some of their subalgebras in terms of Der(L1), Der(L2), Hom(L1,Z(L2)), and Hom(L2,Z(L1)).

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There are many results on the automorphism of some of algebraic structures such as groups, Lie rings, and Lie algebras. The theory of Lie algebras is one of the most important parts of algebras. There are many other connections between the group theory and the theory of Lie algebras. Many papers make an attempt to generalize the results on finite p-groups to the theory of Lie algebras. Although there are some sporadic results for the Lie algebra that do not coincide with the results for groups. However, there are analogies between groups and Lie algebras, but these analogies are not completely identical and most of them should be checked carefully.

The study of the set of all commuting derivations, for this reason, is interesting that in spite of this in groups is not generally a subgroup from the automorphisms group but in Lie algebras, it is always a subalgebra of the derivations algebra.

1. Introduction

Lie algebras were first discovered by Sophus Lie (1842–1899) when he attempted to classify certain ”smooth” subgroups of general linear groups. The groups he considered are now called Lie groups. By taking the tangent space at the identity element of such a group, he obtained the Lie algebra and hence the problems on groups can be reduced to problems on Lie algebras so that it becomes more tractable. Lie algebra is applied in different domains of physics and mathematics, such as spectroscopy of molecules, atoms, nuclei, hadrons, hyperbolic, and stochastic differential equations. After the introduction of fuzzy sets by L. Zadeh (Zadeh, Citation1965), various notions of higher-order fuzzy sets have been proposed. Fuzzy and anti fuzzy Lie ideals in Lie algebras have been studied in (Akram, Citation2006; Davvaz, Citation2001; Keyun, Quanxi, & Chaoping, Citation2001; Kim & Lee, Citation1998).

Throughout this article, Lie algebras are considered finite dimensional.

Let L be a Lie algebra over field F with bracket [–,–]. A derivation of L is an F-linear transformation α:LL such that α([x,y])=[α(x),y]+[x,α(y)] for all x,yL. Set of all derivations L, by given bracket [α,β]=αββα, where α and β are derivations of L, forms a Lie algebra that we denote it by Der(L).

Suppose that L=L1L2 is a direct sum of Lie algebras L1 and L2. First, we provide some of the symbols which we need. We denote inclusion maps by iL1 and iL2 from L1 and L2 into L, respectively, and projection maps by πL1 and πL2 from L into L1 and L2, respectively.

For θgl(L)=T(L,L) we put α=πL1θiL1, β=πL1θiL2, γ=πL2θiL1, and δ=πL2θiL2. Then αgl(L1), βT(L2,L1), γT(L1,L2), and δgl(L2), where T(L1,L2) is the set of all F-linear transformations from L1 to L2.

Now assume that

{\mathcal M} = \left\{ {\left({\matrix{ \alpha & \beta \cr \gamma & \delta \cr } } \right)\left|\matrix{ {\alpha \in gl({L_1})} & {\beta \in T({L_2},Z({L_1}))} \cr {\gamma \in T({L_1},Z({L_2}))} & {\delta \in gl({L_2})} \cr } } \right\}.

It is easy to see that M forms a Lie algebra over field F and πL1θiL1πL1θiL2πL2θiL1πL2θiL2M. Conversely, suppose that αβγδM. We define the map θ:LL by θ(x,y)=(α(x)+β(y),γ(x)+δ(y)), where xL1 and yL2; then θgl(L). It is easy to check that f:gl(L)M, which defined by f(θ)=αβγδ is a Lie isomorphism. Thus, we have the following result.

Proposition 1.1. If L=L1L2, then gl(L)M.

Consider an arbitrary Lie algebra L and an arbitrary abelian Lie algebra A. Notations Z(L), L2, Hom(L,A), and T(L,A) denote the center L, derived subalgebra L, set of all lie homomorphism from L into A, and set of all linear transformations from L into A, respectively.

Let L1 and L2 be two finite dimensional Lie algebras with no common direct factor, and let L=L1L2. The main aim of this article is to express the structure and dimensional Der(L) in terms of Der(L1), Der(L2), and Lie algebras of central homomorphisms Hom(L1,Z(L2)) and Hom(L2,Z(L1)). Note that, before in groups theory, the structure and order automorphisms group of G had been investigated, which G is a group in the form of direct product of two finite groups; see (Bidwell, Curran, & McCaughan, Citation2006). Therefore, this is our main theorem.

Theorem 1.2. Let L=L1L2 be direct sum of two Lie algebras of finite dimensional that L1 and L2 do not have nontrivial common direct factor, and let

{\mathcal A} = \left\{ {\left({\matrix{ \alpha & \beta \cr \gamma & \delta \cr } } \right)\left|\matrix{ {\alpha \in Der({L_1})} & {\beta \in Hom({L_2},Z({L_1}))} \cr {\gamma \in Hom({L_1},Z({L_2}))} & {\delta \in Der({L_2})} \cr } } \right\}.

Then Der(L)A; furthermore


In Section 2, among the proof of Theorem 1.2, we get the structure and dimension of some subalgebras Der(L). In the last section, we create conditions that under it Der(L1L2)Der(L1)Der(L2).

2. Main result

Let L be a Lie algebra, and let Derc(L) be the set all of derivations α from Der(L) that α(x)x,L for all xL, which is subalgebra of derivation algebra L. A derivation of α from L is called ID-derivation when α(x)L2 for all xL. Set all of ID-derivations are denoted by ID(L). Also the set all of αID(L) that sends elements of Z(L) to zero is denoted by ID (L).

A derivation α from L is central if α commutes with all of inner derivations from L, or equivalently if α(x) lies in center of L for all xL. Central derivations of L are ideals of Der(L)that we denote it by Der z(L).

It is obviously that always

(1) ad(L)Derc(L)ID(L)ID(L)Der(L)gl(L)(1)

wherein ad(L) the ideal of Der(L) consists the set all of inner derivations.

Many authors investigated characterizing Lie algebras with the help of the above subalgebras of Der(L). For example, Tôgô (Tôgô, Citation1964) characterized Lie algebras of L over fields with char(L)=0 and Z(L){0} that ad(L)=Der(L); he also proved Derz(L)=Der(L) if only if L is abelian. Sheikh-Mohseni et al. (Saeedi & Sheikh-Mohseni, Citation2015; Sheikh-Mohseni, Saeedi, & Badrkhani Asl, Citation2015) found conditions for Lie algebra of L that ad(L)=Derc(L) or Derc(L)=ID(L). For more information about this subalgebras, refer to (Saeedi & Sheikh-Mohseni, Citation2018; Tôgô, Citation1955, Citation1961, Citation1964, Citation1967). Following lemmas are helpful to prove Theorem 1.2. The proof of the following lemma is straightforward.

Lemma 2.1 Let L be a Lie algebra, and let A be an abelian Lie algebra . Then

(i) Hom(L,A) is an abelian Lie algebra with the following bracket:


(ii) T(L/L2,A)=Hom(L/L2,A)Hom(L,A).

Lemma 2.2. Let L=L1L2 be such that L1 and L2 with no nontrivial common direct factor. Then

(i) If θ belongs to Der(L), then α=πL1θiL1Der(L1), β=πL1θiL2Hom(L2,Z(L1)), γ=πL2θiL1Hom(L1,Z(L2)), and δ=πL2θiL2Der(L2).

(ii) If θ belongs to Derc(L), then αDerc(L1), δDerc(L2) and β=γ=0.

(iii) If θ belongs to ID(L), then αID(L1), βHom(L2,Z(L1)L12), γHom(L1,Z(L2)L22), and δID(L2).

(iv) If θ belongs to ID(L), then αID(L1), βHom(L2,Z(L1)L12), γHom(L1,Z(L2)L22), and δID(L2).

(v) If θ belongs to Derz(L), then αDerz(L1), βHom(L2,Z(L1)), γHom(L1,Z(L2)), and δDerz(L2).

Proof. Since the proofs are similar, only we give the proof of (i)

(i) Let x1,x2L1; then

Now suppose that θ(x1,0)=(x1,y1) and θ(x2,0)=(x2,y2); then
On the other hand,
Therefore α=πL1θiL1Der(L1). Similarly δ=πL2θiL2Der(L2).

Now, Let (x,0),(0,y)L1L2; we have


The left side of equality is (0,0), which implies [(x,0),θ(0,y)]=[θ(x,0),(0,y)]. Notice that projection mappings πL1 and πL2 are lie epimorphism. First suppose yL22. Then, there exist y1,y2L2 such that y=[y1,y2]. we have


Now, if θ(0,y1)=(x1,y1) and θ(0,y2)=(x2,y2), Then


That is, β maps L22 to zero.

Now suppose xL. Then, we have


Suppose θ(x,0)=(x,y). Then, we have πL1[(x,y),(0,y)]=πL1(0,[y,y])=0, which implies β(y)Z(L1). Thus β=πL1θiL2Hom(L2,Z(L1)). Similarly γ=πL2θiL1Hom(L1,Z(L1)).

Now we are ready to prove Theorem 1.2. ⁏

Proof of Theorem 1.2. Let g=f|Der(L), where f is the same of lie homomorphism of Proposition 1.1; thus, by Lemma 2.2(i), Im(g)A.

Now let αβγδA. So f is onto; then there exists θgl(L) such that g(θ)=αβγδ. We prove θDer(L). Let (x1,y1),(x2,y2)L1L2; then


On the other hand,




Therefore, the favorable result obtains. ⁏

By the above theorem, we can obtain the structure and dimension subalgebras of Der(L) that is in sequence (1).

Consider the following sets:

{{\mathbb J}_z} = \left\{ {\left({\matrix{ \alpha & \beta \cr \gamma & \delta \cr } } \right)\left|\matrix{ {\alpha \in ID({L_1})} & {\beta \in Hom({L_2},Z({L_1})\cap L^2_1)} \cr {\gamma \in Hom({L_1},Z({L_2})\cap L^2_2)} & {\delta \in ID{}({L_2})} \cr } } \right\} \underline{\underline \subset } = {\mathcal A}.
{{\mathbb J}^*} = \left\{ {\left({\matrix{ \alpha & \beta \cr \gamma & \delta \cr } } \right)\left|\matrix{ {\alpha \in ID{^*}({L_1})} & {\beta \in Hom({L_2},Z({L_1})\cap L^2_1)} \cr {\gamma \in Hom({L_1},Z({L_2})\cap L^2_2)} & {\delta \in ID{^*}({L_2})} \cr } } \right\} \underline{\underline \subset } = {\mathcal J}.
{{\mathcal A}_c} = \left\{ {\left({\matrix{ \alpha & 0 \cr 0 & \delta \cr } } \right)\left|\matrix{ {\alpha \in De{r_c}({L_1})} \cr {\delta \in De{r_c}({L_2})} \cr } } \right\} \underline{\underline \subset } = {{\mathbb J}^ * },
{{\mathcal A}_z} = \left\{ {\left({\matrix{ \alpha & \beta \cr \gamma & \delta \cr } } \right)\left|\matrix{ {\alpha \in De{r_z}({L_1})} & {\beta \in Hom({L_2},Z({L_1}))} \cr {\gamma \in Hom({L_1},Z({L_2}))} & {\delta \in De{r_z}({L_2})} \cr } } \right\} \underline{\underline \subset } = {\mathcal A}.

Corollary 2.3. Let L1 and L2 be two Lie algebras finite dimension over field F with no nontrivial common direct factor, and let L=L1L2. Then

(i) ID(L) I in Lie algebra. Furthermore,


(ii) ID(L)I in Lie algebra. Moreover,

(iii) Derc(L)Ac in Lie algebra. Hence,
(iv) Derz(L)Az in Lie algebra. Hence,

Proof. (i) We have ID(L)Der(L); suppose that h=g|ID(L), where g is the same of lie homomorphism of Theorem 1.2. Thus, by Lemma 2.2(iii), Im(h)J. Now suppose that αβγδJA. By Theorem 1.2, there exists θDer(L) such that h(θ)=αβγδ. Now let (x,y)L1L2; then we have

Therefore θID(L) as required.

Next, parts are similar to part (i). ⁏

Let L1 and L2 be two Lie algebras over an arbitrary field F, and let β={x1,,xn} and β={y1,,ym} be, respectively, two ordered basis of L1 and L2. Suppose that γT(L1,L2). Using this two basis, we may define scalars γi,j by γ(xj)=i=1mγi,jyi; then the matrix of γ is such as follows:


Also, we recall that a Lie algebra L is called Heisenberg if L2=Z(L) and dimL2= 1. Heisenberg Lie algebras of finite dimension are from odd dimension with basis of {x1,x2,,x2k,x2k+1}, that is the nonzero bracket between the basis elements in the form x2i1,x2i=x2k+1 for all i=1,2,,k. Symbol of H(k) is a Heisenberg Lie algebra of dimension 2k+1. A Lie algebra L is called purely nonabelian, when L has no nontrivial abelian direct factor.

The following example illustrates dimension Der(A(m)H(1)) and some subalgebras of derivation algebra it, by using Theorem1.2 and Corollary 2.3.

Example 1. Let L=A(m)H(1) be direct sum of abelian Lie algebra of dimension m, A(m), and Heisenberg Lie algebra of dimension three, H(1). It is easy to see that the matrix representation of each element in Der(H(1)) is such as follows:


Because H(1) is purely nonabelian, thus, by Theorem1.2 and Corollary 2.2, we have

In the following example, by using Theorem 1.2, Corollary 2.3, and the induction, we obtain dimension of derivation n-copy of direct sum of Lie algebras H(1).

Example 2. Let L=H(1)H(1)H(1) be direct sum n-copy of Lie algebras H(1). Then using induction on n, for n 1, we have

In special case, if n = 2, then dimDer(L) = 16.

In Theorem 1.2, it is necessary that L1 and L2 has no nontrivial common direct factor. Consider the following example.

Example 3. Let L1=A(1)x1,x2,x3|x1,x2=x1,x3=x2 and L2=A(1)y1,y2|y1,y2=y1. Put L=L1L2; then


While Der(L1L2) is the form of the following matrix:


Therefore dimDer(L1L2) = 21; so the equality is not established.

Conversely, Theorem 1.2 is not correct generally. See the following example.

Example 4. Let L1=x1,,x6|x1,x2=x3,x4,x5=x6H(1)H(1) and L2=y1,y2,y3,y4| y1,y2=y3H(1)A(1). Put L=L1L2; then representation of matrix each element of Der(L) is as follows:


Therefore dimDer(L) = 40, also


As seen on, equality established while L1 and L2 have nontrivial common direct factor.

3. Relation between derivation of direct sum and direct sum of derivations

First, we recall that Lie algebra L is called stem, when Z(L)L2, and it is called perfect if L=L2. Suppose that L is a Lie algebra and that H is a subalgebra of L and K is an ideal of it such that L=H+K and HK={0}; then we say L is the semidirect sum of H with K and we write L=HK.

Now we turn to the structure Der(L), where L=L1L2. As we saw in Example 2, if L=L1L2 is the direct sum of two Lie algebras with no nontrivial common direct factor, then it could Der(L)/Der(L1)Der(L2). In this section, we give conditions that create this Isomorphism.


A = \left\{ {\left({\matrix{ \alpha & 0 \cr 0 & \delta \cr } } \right)\left|\matrix{ {\alpha \in Der({L_1})} \cr {\delta \in Der({L_2})} \cr } } \right\}\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad B = \left\{ {\left({\matrix{ 0 & \beta \cr \gamma & 0 \cr } } \right)\Big|\matrix{ {\beta \in Hom({L_2},Z({L_1}))} \cr {\gamma \in Hom({L_1},Z({L_2}))} \cr } } \right\}

It is obvious that A is a subalgebra of A, and ADer(L1)Der(L2). Now if L1 and L2 be stem, then B is not only a subalgebra of A but also it is an ideal of it; thus, by Theorem 1.2, we have

Corollary 3.1. Let L=L1L2 be such that L1 and L2 are stem Lie algebras with no nontrivial common direct factor; then


Proof. It is easy to check that BHom(L1,Z(L2))Hom(L2,Z(L1)) and AA×B; then, by Theorem 1.2, the assert is valid.

Corollary 3.2. Let L1 and L2 be two Lie algebras with no nontrivial common direct factor and L=L1L2; then

ID(L) \cong (ID({L_1}) \oplus ID({L_2}))\left({Hom({L_1},Z({L_2})\mathop \cap \nolimits^ L_2^2) \oplus Hom({L_2},Z({L_1})\mathop \cap \nolimits^ L_1^2)} \right).

Proof. By Theorem 2.3(i), we have



Also B is an ideal of I; thus, IA×B .⁏

Corollary 3.3 Let L1 and L2 be two Lie algebras with no nontrivial common direct factor and L=L1L2; then

I{D^*}(L) \cong (I{D^*}({L_1}) \oplus I{D^*}({L_2}))\left({Hom({L_1},Z({L_2})\mathop \cap \nolimits^ L_2^2) \oplus Hom({L_2},Z({L_1})\mathop \cap \nolimits^ L_1^2)} \right).

Proof. It is similar to previous corollary.

Corollary 3.4. Let L=L1L2 be such that L1 and L2 with no nontrivial common direct factor and Z(L2)={0}. Then


Proof. Since Z(L2)={0}, then B is an ideal of A and BHomL2,Z(L1). Therefore AAB, and, by Theorem 1.2, the assert is valid.

Corollary 3.5. Let L1 and L2 with no common direct factor, and let L=L1L2. Then if L1 and L2 are perfect Lie algebras or Z(L1) and Z(L2) are trivial, then we have


Proof. Since HomL1,Z(L2)=HomL2,Z(L1)={0}, thus, B={0} and AA.

Example 5 Let L=x1,x2,x3|[x1,x2]=x3,[x2,x3]=x1,[x3,x1]=x2 be a three-dimensional Lie algebra such that L2=L. Then, Der(L) and Der(LL) have the following matrix form, respectively,


It is obviously Der(LL)Der(L)Der(L).

Corollary 3.6 Let L1 and L2 with no common direct factor, and let L=L1L2. Then


Proof. By lemma 2.3(iii), the assert is valid.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Mohammad Reza Alemi

Mohammad Reza Alemi is Ph.D. student at Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch.

Farshid Saeedi

Dr. Farshid Saeedi is a Mathematician and a faculty in the Department of Mathematics, Mashhd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran. He has Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Master of Science (M.Sc.) degrees in pure Mathematics in 1992 and 1996 from University of Birjand and University of Amir Kabir, respectively. He earned his Ph.D. degree in pure Mathematics (group theory) in 2006 from Islamic Azad University, Iran. His area of specialization are group theory and Lie algebra.


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