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Weakly compatible mappings with respect to a generalized c-distance and common fixed point results

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Article: 1833427 | Received 19 Jul 2020, Accepted 28 Sep 2020, Published online: 26 Oct 2020


In this paper, we consider weakly compatible mappings with respect to a generalized c-distance in cone b-metric spaces and obtain new common fixed-point theorems. Our results provide a more general statement, since we need not to nor the continuity of mappings and nor the normality of cone. In particular, we refer to the results of M. Abbas and G. Jungck [Common fixed point results for non-commuting mappings without continuity in cone metric spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 341 (2008) 416–420]. Some corollaries and examples are presented to support the main result proved herein.

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Fixed point theory is an important and useful tool for different branches of both mathematical analysis and nonlinear analysis. Accordingly, from when Banach introduced his famous principle in 1929, fixed-point theory and its application in various metrics and different distances have been developed by other scholars. One of these spaces and distances is generalized $c$-distance in cone $b$-metric spaces introduced by Bao et al.

1. Introduction

In 1976, Jungck (Jungck, Citation1976) proved a common fixed point theorem for two commuting mappings. This theorem has many applications but it requires the continuity of one of the two mappings. Then, Sessa (Sessa, Citation1982) defined the concept of weakly commuting to obtain common fixed point for a pair of mappings. Jungck generalized the idea of commuting mappings, first to compatible mappings (Jungck, Citation1988) and then to weakly compatible mappings (Jungck, Citation1996). In the sequel, Jungck and Rhoades (Jungck & Rhoades, Citation2006) proved some fixed and common fixed-point theorems for noncommuting and compatible mappings in metric spaces (also, see (Rahimi et al., Citation2015) and references therein).

Ordered normed spaces and cones have many applications in applied mathematics. In particular, the usage of ordered normed spaces in functional analysis date back to 1940s. It seems that Kurepa (Kurepa, Citation1934) was the first to use ordered normed spaces as the codomain of a metric. Later on, such metric spaces appeared occasionally under names K-metric spaces, abstract metric spaces, and generalized metric spaces (see (Zabrejko, Citation1997)). In 2007, Huang and Zhang (Huang & Zhang, Citation2007) reintroduced such spaces under the name of cone metric spaces by substituting an ordered normed space for the real numbers. On the other hands, a new type of spaces which they called b-metric spaces are defined by Bakhtin (Bakhtin, Citation1989) and Czerwik (Czerwik, Citation1993). In the sequel, analogously with definition of a b-metric space and a cone metric space, Cvetković et al. (Ćvetković et al., Citation2011) and Hussain and Shah (Hussain & Shah, Citation2011) defined cone b-metric spaces.

In 1996, Kada et al. (Kada et al., Citation1996) introduced the concept of w-distance in metric spaces, where nonconvex minimization problems were treated. After that, Cho et al. (Cho et al., Citation2011) defined the concept of c-distance which is a cone version of the w-distance and proved some fixed-point theorems under c-distance in cone metric spaces (also, see (Fallahi et al., Citation2018; Rahimi & Soleimani Rad, Citation2014; Rahimi et al., Citation2015)). In 2014, Hussain et al. (Hussain et al., Citation2014) introduced the concept of wt-distance on a b-metric space. In the sequel, Bao et al. (Bao et al., Citation2015) defined generalized c-distance in cone b-metric spaces and obtained several fixed-point results in ordered cone b-metric spaces (also, see (Fadail & Bin Ahmad, Citation2015; Soleimani Rad et al., Citation2019)).

Definition 1.1 ((Deimling, Citation1985; Huang & Zhang, Citation2007)). Let E be a real Banach space and P a subset of E. Then P is called a cone if and only if (a) P is closed, non-empty and P{θ}; (b) a,bR,a,b0,x,yP implies ax+byP and (c) if xP and xP, then x=θ.

Given a cone PE, a partial ordering _ with respect to P is defined by x_yyxP. We shall write xy to mean x_y and xy. Also, we write xy if and only if yxintP (where intP is the interior of P). If intP, the cone P is called solid. A cone P is called normal if there exists a number K>0 such that θ_x_y implies that x∥≤Ky for all x,yE.

Definition 1.2 ((Ćvetković et al., Citation2011; Hussain & Shah, Citation2011)). Let X be a nonempty set, E be a real Banach space equipped with the partial ordering _ with respect to the cone PE and θ be the zero vector of E. Suppose that a mapping d:X×XE satisfies the following conditions:

(d1) θ_d(x,y) for all x,yX and d(x,y)=θ if and only if x=y;

(d2) d(x,y)=d(y,x) for all x,yX;

(d3) d(x,z)_s[d(x,y)+d(y,z)] for all x,y,zX.

Then, d is called a cone b-metric and (X,d) is called a cone b-metric space (or cone metric type space).

Obviously, for s=1, the cone b-metric space is a cone metric space. Moreover, if X is any nonempty set, E=R and P=[0,), then cone b-metric on X is a b-metric on X. For notions such as convergent and Cauchy sequences, completeness, continuity, and etc in cone b-metric spaces, we refer to (Ćvetković et al., Citation2011; Hussain & Shah, Citation2011). Also, we use of the following properties for all u,v,w,cE when the cone P may be non-normal.

(p1) If u_v and vw, then uw.

(p2) If θ_vc for each cintP, then v=θ.

(p3) If v_λv where vP and 0<λ<1, then v=θ.

(p4) Let anθ in E, θ_an and θc. Then, there exists a positive integer n0 such that anc for each n>n0.

Definition 1.3 ((Bao et al., Citation2015)). Let (X,d) be a cone b-metric space with parameter s1. A mapping q:X×XE is said to be a generalized c-distance on X if for any x,y,zX, the following properties are satisfied:

(q1) θ_q(x,y);

(q2) q(x,z)_s[q(x,y)+q(y,z)];

(q3) q is b-lower semi-continuous in its second variable i.e., if q(x,yn)_u for all n1 and for some u=ux, then q(x,y)_su, where {yn} is a sequence in X which converges to yX;

(q4) for any cintP, there exists eE with θe such that q(z,x)e and q(z,y)e imply that d(x,y)c.

Let (X,d) be a b-metric space, E=R and P=[0,). Then, wt-distance (Hussain et al., Citation2014) on a b-metric space X is a generalized c-distance. But the converse does not hold. Further, if s=1, the generalized c-distance is a c-distance (Cho et al., Citation2011). Also, set s=1, E=R and P=[0,) in the above definition. Then, we obtain the definition of w-distance (Kada et al., Citation1996) (for more details, see (Babaei et al., Citation2020)). Moreover, for any generalized c-distance q, q(x,y)=θ is not necessarily equivalent to x=y for all x,yX and q(x,y)=q(y,x) does not necessarily hold for all x,yX.

Example 1.4. (Soleimani Rad et al., Citation2019) Let E=C1([0,1],R) with the norm x∥=∥x+x and consider the non-normal cone P={xE:x(t)0forallt[0,1]}. Also, let X=[0,) and define a mapping d:X×XE by d(x,y)=|xy|sψ for all x,yX, where ψ:[0,1]R is defined by ψ(t)=2t for all t[0,1]. Then (X,d) is a cone b-metric space with s{1,2}. Define a mapping q:X×XE by q(x,y)=ysψ or q(x,y)=(xs+ys)ψ for all x,yX and s{1,2}. Then q is a generalized c-distance.

Lemma 1.5 ((Soleimani Rad et al., Citation2019)). Let (X,d) be a cone b-metric space and q be a generalized c-distance on X. Let {xn} and {yn} be sequences in X, {un} and {vn} be two convergent sequences in P. For any x,y,zX,

(qp1) if for all nN, q(xn,y)_un and q(xn,z)_vn, then y=z. In particular, if q(x,y)=θ and q(x,z)=θ, then y=z;

(qp2) if for all nN, q(xn,yn)_un and q(xn,z)_vn, then {yn} converges to z;

(qp3) if for m,nN, with m>n, we have q(xn,xm)_un, then {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in X;

(qp4) if for all nN, q(y,xn)_un then {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in X.

Definition 1.6 ((Jungck & Rhoades, Citation2006)). Let f and g be two self-mappings defined on a set X. If fw=gw=z for some wX, then w is called a coincidence point of f and g, and z is called a point of coincidence of f and g. Also, the mappings f and g are said to be weakly compatible if they commute at every coincidence point; that is, if fgw=gfw for all coincidence points w.

Lemma 1.7 ((Abbas & Jungck, Citation2008)). Let f and g be weakly compatible self-mappings on a set X. If f and g have a unique point of coincidence z=fw=gw, then z is the unique common fixed point of f and g.

2. Main results

Our main result is the following theorem. We prove a common fixed point theorem under the concept of a generalized c-distance on cone b-metric spaces without assumption of normality for a cone.

Theorem 2.1. Let (X,d) be a cone b-metric space over a solid cone P with given real number s1. Also, let q be a generalized c-distance and f,g:XX be two mappings with f(X)g(X) and g(X) be a complete subspace of X. Suppose that there exist mappings αi:X[0,1) for i=1,2,3,4 such that the following conditions hold:

(i) αi(fx)αi(gx) for all xX;

(ii) s(α1+α2)(x)+α3(x)+(s2+s)α4(x)<1 for all xX;

(iii) for all x,yX,

(2.1) q(fx,fy)_α1(gx)q(gx,gy)+α2(gx)q(gx,fx)+α3(gx)q(gy,fy)+α4(gx)q(gx,fy).(2.1)

Then f and g have a coincidence point zX. Moreover, if w=gz=fz, then q(w,w)=θ. Also, if f and g are weakly compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.

Proof. Let x0X be an arbitrary point. Since the range of g contains the range of f, there exists an x1X such that fx0=gx1. By induction, a sequence {xn} can be chosen such that fxn=gxn+1 for n=0,1,2,. Now, set x=xn1 and y=xn in (2.1). Thus, by (q2) and (i), we get











for all nN. Hence, we have

(2.2) q(gxn,gxn+1)=q(fxn1,fxn)_hq(gxn1,gxn),(2.2)



By repeating the procedure, we get

(2.3) q(gxn,gxn+1)_hn1q(gx0,gx1)(2.3)

for all nN. Now, for positive integer m and n with m>n, it follows from sh<1 and (2.3) that

(2.4) _shn1shq(gx0,gx1)P.(2.4)

Now, Lemma 1.5.(qp3) implies that {gxn} is a Cauchy sequence in X. Since g(X) is a complete subspace of X and g is a self-mapping, there exists a point u=g(z)g(X) for some zX such that gxngz as n. Also, from (q3) and (2.4), we get

(2.5) q(gxn,gz)_s2hn1shq(gx0,gx1).(2.5)

Moreover, by (2.2) and (2.5), we get

(2.6) q(gxn,fz)=q(fxn1,fz)_hq(gxn1,gz)_hs2hn11shq(gx0,gx1)=s2hn1shq(gx0,gx1).(2.6)

Using Lemma 1.5.(qp1) and relations (2.5) and (2.6), we have fz=gz. Consequently, z is a coincidence point of f and g and w is a point of coincidence of f and g; that is, w=fz=gz. Further, we have


Since (α1+α2+α3+α4)(w)(s(α1+α2)+α3+(s2+s)α4)(w)<1 (from (ii)), we get q(w,w)=θ (by (p3)). Now we shall show that w is the unique point of coincidence. Let w be another point of coincidence f and g; that is, w=fz=gz for a point zX. Then, we have


Similar to the previous discussion, we get q(w,w)=θ. Since q(w,w)=θ and q(w,w)=θ, we have w=w by Lemma 1.5.(qp1). Therefore, w=fz=gz is the unique point of coincidence f and g. Now, by a similar procedure in Lemma 1.7, we can prove w is a unique common fixed point as follows. Since f and g are weakly compatible and w=fz=gz, we obtain fw=fgz=gfz=gw; that is, fw=gw is a point of coincidence f and g. But w is unique point of coincidence of f and g. Thus, w=fw=gw. Also, if z=fz=gz, then z is a point of coincidence of f and g. Therefore, by uniqueness, z=w; i.e., w is a unique common fixed point of f and g.

Example 2.2. Let E=R, P={xE:x0} and X=[0,1]. Define a mapping d:X×XE by d(x,y)=|xy|2 for all x,yX. Then (X,d) is a cone b-metric space with s=2. Define a function q:X×XE by q(x,y)=d(x,y) for all x,yX. Then q is a generalized c-distance. Also, let mappings f,g:XX defined by f(x)=x24 and g(x)=x for all xX. Define the mappings αi:X[0,1) with α1(x)=(x+1)216 and α2(x)=α3(x)=α4(x)=0 for all xX. Clearly, αi(fx)αi(gx) for all xX and i=1,2,3,4. Moreover, for all xX,


Also, we have


for all x,yX. Also, f and g are weakly compatible at x=0. Therefore, all conditions of Theorem 2.1 are satisfied. Hence, f and g have a unique common fixed point x=0. Further, q(0,0)=0.

The following corollary can be obtained as consequences of Theorem 2.6 which are the extension of some results of Abbas and Jungck (Abbas & Jungck, Citation2008) under the concept of a generalized c-distance in cone b-metric spaces over a solid cone and by applying control function instead of constant coefficient.

Corollary 2.3. Let (X,d) be a cone b-metric space over a solid cone P with given real number s1. Also, let q be a generalized c-distance and f,g:XX be two mappings with f(X)g(X) and g(X) be a complete subspace of X. Suppose that there exists mapping α:X[0,1) such that α(fx)α(gx) for all xX and q(fx,fy)_α(gx)q(gx,gy) for all x,yX, where sα(x)<1. Then f and g have a coincidence point zX. Moreover, if w=gz=fz, then q(w,w)=θ. Also, if f and g are weakly compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.

In Theorem 2.1 and Corollary 2.3, set s=1. Then, we obtain the following result in the framework of cone metric spaces associated with a c-distance.

Theorem 2.4. Let (X,d) be a cone metric space over a solid cone P. Also, let q be a c-distance and f,g:XX be two mappings with f(X)g(X) and g(X) be a complete subspace of X. Suppose that there exist mappings αi:X[0,1) for i=1,2,3,4 such that the following conditions hold:

(i) αi(fx)αi(gx) for all xX;

(ii) (α1+α2+α3+2α4)(x)<1 for all xX;

(iii) for all x,yX,


Then f and g have a coincidence point zX. Moreover, if w=gz=fz, then q(w,w)=θ. Also, if f and g are weakly compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.

Corollary 2.5. Let (X,d) be a cone metric space over a solid cone P. Also, let q be a c-distance and f,g:XX be two mappings with f(X)g(X) and g(X) be a complete subspace of X. Suppose that there exists mapping α:X[0,1) such that α(fx)α(gx) for all xX and q(fx,fy)_α(gx)q(gx,gy) for all x,yX where α(x)<1. Then f and g have a coincidence point zX. Moreover, if w=gz=fz, then q(w,w)=θ. Also, if f and g are weakly compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.

Theorem 2.6. Let (X,d) be a cone b-metric space over a solid cone P with given real number s1 and q be a generalized c-distance. Suppose that there exist two mappings f,g:XX such that


for all x,yX, where αi are nonnegative coefficients for i=1,2,3,4 with


If f(X)g(X) and g(X) be a complete subspace of X, then f and g have a coincidence point zX. Moreover, if w=gz=fz, then q(w,w)=θ. Also, if f and g are weakly compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.

Proof. We can prove this result by applying Theorem 2.1 with αi(x)=αi for i=1,2,3,4.

The following corollaries can be obtained as consequences of Theorem 2.6 which are the extension of some results of Abbas and Jungck (Abbas & Jungck, Citation2008), and Shi and Xu (Shi & Xu, Citation2013) under the concept of a generalized c-distance in cone b-metric spaces over a solid cone. These are same Corollary 4.4 and Corollary 4.5 of Fadail and Bin Ahmad (Fadail & Bin Ahmad, Citation2015).

Corollary 2.7. Let (X,d) be a cone b-metric space over a solid cone P with given real number s1 and q be a generalized c-distance. Suppose that there exist two mappings f,g:XX such that q(fx,fy)_αq(gx,gy) for all x,yX, where α[0,1s). If f(X)g(X) and g(X) be a complete subspace of X, then f and g have a coincidence point zX. Moreover, if w=gz=fz, then q(w,w)=θ. Also, if f and g are weakly compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.

Proof. We can prove this result by applying Theorem 2.6 with α1=α and αi=0 for i=2,3,4 or by applying Corollary 2.3 with α(x)=α.

Example 2.8. Let E=C1([0,1],R) with the norm x∥=∥x+x and consider the non-normal cone P={xE:x(t)0forallt[0,1]}. Also, let X=[0,2] and define a mapping d:X×XE by d(x,y)(t)=(xy)2φ(t) for all x,yX, where φ:[0,1]R is defined by φ(t)=2t for all t[0,1]. Then (X,d) is a complete cone b-metric space with s=2. Also, let mappings f,g:XX be defined by fx=x216 and gx=x4 for all xX. Then


Thus, there is no α[0,12) such that d(fx,fy)(t)_αd(gx,gy)(t). Hence, we can not apply Theorem 2.1 of Shi and Xu (Shi & Xu, Citation2013) for this example on a cone b-metric space.

Now, define a function q:X×XE by q(x,y)(t)=y2φ(t) for all x,yX and t[0,1]. Then, q is a generalized c-distance. Also,


where α=14[0,12). Also, f and g are weakly compatible at x=0. Therefore, all conditions of Corollary 2.7 are satisfied. Hence, f and g have a unique common fixed point x=0. Further, q(0,0)=0.

Corollary 2.9. Let (X,d) be a cone b-metric space over a solid cone P with given real number s1 and q be a generalized c-distance. Suppose that there exist two mappings f,g:XX such that q(fx,fy)_δq(gx,fx)+γq(gy,fy) for all x,yX, where δ and γ are nonnegative coefficients with sδ+γ<1. If f(X)g(X) and g(X) be a complete subspace of X, then f and g have a coincidence point zX. Moreover, if w=gz=fz, then q(w,w)=θ. Also, if f and g are weakly compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.

In Theorem 2.6 and its corollaries, set s=1. Then, we obtain the following results in the framework of cone metric spaces associated with a c-distance. These are same Theorem 3.1, Corollary 3.1 and Corollary 3.2 of Fadail et al. (Fadail et al., Citation2013).

Theorem 2.10. Let (X,d) be a cone metric space over a solid cone P and q be a c-distance. Suppose that there exist two mappings f,g:XX such that


for all x,yX, where αi are nonnegative coefficients for i=1,2,3,4 with α1+α2+α3+2α4<1. If f(X)g(X) and g(X) be a complete subspace of X, then f and g have a coincidence point zX. Moreover, if w=gz=fz, then q(w,w)=θ. Also, if f and g are weakly compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.

The following corollaries can be obtained as consequences of Theorem 2.10 which are the extension of some results of Abbas and Jungck (Abbas & Jungck, Citation2008) under the concept of a c-distance.

Corollary 2.11. Let (X,d) be a cone metric space over a solid cone P and q be a c-distance. Suppose that there exist two mappings f,g:XX such that q(fx,fy)_αq(gx,gy) for all x,yX, where α[0,1). If f(X)g(X) and g(X) be a complete subspace of X, then f and g have a coincidence point zX. Moreover, if w=gz=fz, then q(w,w)=θ. Also, if f and g are weakly compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.

Corollary 2.12. Let (X,d) be a cone metric space over a solid cone P and q be a c-distance. Suppose that there exist two mappings f,g:XX such that q(fx,fy)_δq(gx,fx)+γq(gy,fy) for all x,yX, where δ and γ are nonnegative coefficients with δ+γ<1. If f(X)g(X) and g(X) be a complete subspace of X, then f and g have a coincidence point zX. Moreover, if w=gz=fz, then q(w,w)=θ. Also, if f and g are weakly compatible, then f and g have a unique common fixed point.

Note that the results of our paper contain many papers about common fixed point for weakly compatible mappings in various abstract spaces such as: Abbas and Jungck (Abbas & Jungck, Citation2008), Fadail et al. (Fadail & Bin Ahmad, Citation2015; Fadail et al., Citation2013), Jungck and Rhoades (Jungck & Rhoades, Citation2006), Rahimi et al. (Rahimi, Soleimani Rad et al., Citation2015), Sessa (Sessa, Citation1982), Shi and Xu (Shi & Xu, Citation2013), and Wang and Gu (Wang & Guo, Citation2011).

3. Conclusion and suggestion

Here, we considered the concept of weakly compatible mappings with respect to a generalized c-distance in cone b-metric spaces and proved several fixed-point theorems. Our results are significant, since

  1. the class of generalized c-distance in cone b-metric spaces is bigger than of the class of usual c-distance in cone metric spaces. Hence, the authors can prove their results with respect to a c-distance without complete and repetitive proof (by considering s=1 in generalized c-distance).

  2. the class of generalized c-distance in cone b-metric spaces is bigger than of the class of usual wt-distance in b-metric spaces. Hence, the authors can prove their results with respect to a wt-distance without complete and repetitive proof (by considering E=R and P=[0,+) in generalized c-distance).

  3. we need not to nor the continuity of mapping and nor the normality of cone in the procedure the proof of main results.

To continue this paper, the readers can consider some former researches from 2007 until now and can obtain new results with respect to this distance with its application.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Hamidreza Rahimi

Hamidreza Rahimi is Professor of mathematics at Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. He received his M.S from Sharif University in 1993 in non-commutative algebra and he received his Ph.D. degree in mathematics from Science and Research Branch, IAU, in 2003 in Harmonic Analysis. His research interest includes Harmonic Analysis on semigroups and groups, and fixed point theory. He is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra.
