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On roman domination number of functigraph and its complement

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Article: 1858560 | Received 22 Jun 2020, Accepted 21 Nov 2020, Published online: 19 Jan 2021


Let G=(V(G),E(G)) be a graph and f:V(G){0,1,2} be a function where for every vertex vV(G) with f(v)=0, there is a vertex uNG(v), where f(u)=2. Then f is a Roman dominating function or a RDF of G. The weight of f is f(V(G))=vV(G)f(v). The minimum weight of all RDF is called the Roman domination number of G, denoted by γR(G). Let G be a graph with V(G)={v1,v2,,vn} and G' be a copy of G with V(G)={v1,v2,,vn}. Then a functigraph G with function σ:V(G)V(G) is denoted by C(G,σ), its vertices and edges are V(C(G,σ))=V(G)V(G) and E(C(G,σ))=E(G)E(G){vv|vV(G),vV(G),σ(v)=v}, respectively. This paper deals with the Roman domination number of the functigraph and its complement. We present a general bound γR(G)γR(C(G,σ))2γR(G), where σ:V(G)V(G) is a permutation. Also, the Roman domination number of some special graphs are considered. We obtain a general bound of γR(C(G,σ) and we show that this bound is sharp.


Roman domination number is one of the interesting research areas in graph theory. The concept Roman dominating function was first defined by Cockayne, Dreyer, Hedetniemi and Hedetniemi and was motivated by an article in Scientific American by Ian Stewart entitled “Defend the Roman Empire”. The Roman domination number has been used in order to defending the Roman Empire that has the potential of saving the Emperor Constantine the Great substantial costs of maintaining legions, while still defending the Roman Empire.

1. Introduction

Let G=(V(G),E(G)) be a simple, finite, and undirected graph. The open neighborhood of a vertex vV(G), denoted by NG(v), is the set of vertices adjacent to v in G. If two vertices x and y are adjacent, then it denoted by xy, otherwise, xy. The closed neighborhood of a vertex v is G is NG[v]=NG(v){v}. The degree of a vertex vV(G) is oG(v)=|NG(v)|. The maximum degree and minimum degree are denoted by Δ(G) and δ(G), respectively. A vertex is called universal vertex if its degree is |V(G)|1.

The complement of graph G is denoted by G is a graph with vertex set V(G) which eE(G) if and only if eE(G). For any SV(G), the induced subgraph on S, denoted by G[S].

A subset S of graph G is a dominating set of G if every vertex in V(G)S is adjacent to at least one vertex in S. The domination number of a graph G, denoted by γ(G), is the minimum size of a dominating set of G.

Let G and H be two graphs on n and m vertices, respectively. The corona of the graphs G and H denoted by GH and is defined as the graph obtained by taking one copy of G and n copies of H, and then joining the i-th vertex of G to every vertex in the i-th copy of H.

Let f:V(G){0,1,2} be a function and let (V0,V1,V2) be the ordered partition of V induced by f, where Vi={vV(G)|f(v)=i} and |Vi|=ni, for i=0,1,2. We notice that there is an obvious one-to-one correspondence between f and the ordered partition (V0,V1,V2) of V. Therefore, one can write f=(V0,V1,V2). Function f=(V0,V1,V2) is a Roman dominating function, abbreviated RDF, for G if V0NG(V2). The weight of function f is the value f(V(G))=vV(G)f(v)=2n2+n1. The Roman domination number γR(G) is the minimum weight of an RDF of G, and we say a function f=(V0,V1,V2) is a γR—or γR(G)-function if it is an RDF for G and f(V(G))=γR(G). For more details, reader can see (Chambers et al., Citation2009; Favaron et al., Citation2009; Hajian & Rad, Citation2017; Kazemi, Citation2012; Rad & Volkmann, Citation2011; Ramezani et al., Citation2017).

Let G be a graph with V(G)={v1,v2,,vn} and G be a copy of G with V(G)={v1,v2,,vn}. Then a functigraph G with function σ:V(G)V(G) is denoted by C(G,σ), its vertices and edges are V(C(G,σ))=V(G)V(G) and E(C(G,σ))=E(G)E(G){vv|vV(G),vV(G),σ(v)=v}, respectively. Throughout this paper, for every vV(G) the vertex of vV(G) is corresponding to v. For vV(G), Rv=σ1(v)={vV(G)|σ(v)=v} and for {0,1,2,,n=|V(G)|}, we define B={vV(G)||Rv|=}. For simplicity, the open neighborhood of x in C(G,σ) is denoted by NC(x).

In 1969, Hedetniemi introduced two graphs with a function such that related these two graphs and he called it a “function graph” (Hedetniemi, Citation1969). Later, in (Chen et al., Citation2011), by Chen et al. this function is called functigraph, rediscovered, and studied. Also, in 2012 the concept of domination number of functigraph was studied by Eroh et al. (Eroh et al., Citation2012).

This paper deals with the Roman domination number of the functigraph and its complement. For this aim, in section 2, we present a general bound γR(G)γR(C(G,σ))2γR(G), where σ:V(G)V(G) is a permutation. In section 3, the Roman domination number of some special graphs are considered. Also, we obtain a general bound of γR(C(G,σ) and we show that this bound is sharp.

2. Roman domination number ofC(G,σ)

In this section, we introduce a bound for Roman domination number of C(G,σ) and calculate the exact value of Roman domination number of functigraphs of some special graphs. For investigating the Roman domination number of functigraph, the following basic properties are useful.

Theorem 1. (Ore, Citation1965) If G has minimum degree 1, then γ(G)\parallwlV(G)2.

Theorem 2. (Fink et al., Citation1985) For a graph G with even order n and no any isolated vertices, γ(G)=n2 if and only if the components of G are the cycle C4 or the corona HK1 for any connected graph H.

Proposition 3. (Cockayne et al., Citation2004) For any graph G of order n2 and maximum degree Δ(G), γR(G)2nΔ(G)+1.

Proposition 4. (Cockayne et al., Citation2004) For the classes of paths Pn and cycles Cn, γR(Pn)=γR(Cn)=2n3.

Lemma 5. Let G be a graph of order n. Then

i) γR(G)=1 if and only if n=1.

ii) γR(G)=2 if and only if Δ(G)=n1.

iii) γR(G)=3 if and only if Δ(G)=n2.

Proof. i)Let γR(G)=1 and n2. By Proposition 3, 12nΔ(G)+1. Since Δ(G)n1, so 2nn. Which is false.

ii) Let γR(G)=2. By Proposition 3, 2nΔ(G)+12 and so Δ(G)=n1.

Conversely, let Δ(G)=n1 and a be an universal vertex of G. We define f:V(G){0,1,2}, such that


Then f is a RDF of G. So γR(G)2. By item (i), γR(G)=2.

iii) Assume that γR(G)=3 and f be a γR-function. Then, there are a and b in V(G), such that f(a)=2 and f(b)=1. So V(G){a,b}NG(a). By item (ii), G does not have any universal vertex. Hence, degG(a)=n2 and so Δ(G)=n2.

Conversely, let Δ(G)=n2 and aV(G), with degG(a)=n2. Assume that b/NG(a) We define f:V(G){0,1,2}, as


It is clear that f is a RDF of G and so γR(G)3. By item (i) and (ii), γR(G)=3.

Proposition 6. (Cockayne et al., Citation2004) For any graph G, γ(G)γR(G)2γ(G).

Theorem 7. Let G be a connected graph of order n2. Then γR(G)=n if and only if GP2.

Proof. It is clear that γR(P2)=2.

Let γR(G)=n. By Theorem 1 and Proposition 6, γ(G)=n2. Also, by Theorem 2, GC4 or GHK1, where H is a connected graph. Since γR(C4)=3, so GHK1. If |V(H)|2, then P4 is an induced subgraph of HK1. We know that γR(P4)=3. So γR(HK1)<2|V(H)|=n, which is a contradiction. Hence, |V(H)|=1 and so GP2.

Corollary 8. Let G be a graph of order n. Then γR(G)=n if and only if Gi=1tK1j=1sP2.

Proof. By Theorem 7, the proof is straightforward.

Lemma 9. Let G be a graph of order n=1 and σ:V(G)V(G) be a function. Then γR(C(G,σ))=γR(C(G,σ))=2.

Proof. If n=1, then C(G,σ)P2. By Corollary 8, γR(C(G,σ))=γR(C(G,σ))=2.

Theorem 10. Let G be a graph of order n and σ:V(G)V(G) be a permutation. Then γR(G)γR(C(G,σ))2γR(G).

Proof. Let f=(V0,V1,V2) be a RDF for G. We define g:V(G)V(G){0,1,2} as g=(V0V0,V1V1,V2V2), where Vi is corresponding to Vi for i{0,1,2}. It is easy to see that g is a RDF for C(G,σ) and so γR(C(G,σ))ω(g)=2ω(f)=2γR(G).

Now let f=(W0,W1,W2) be a RDF for C(G,σ) with γR(C(G,σ))=ω(f). Also let W0=W0V(G), W1=W1V(G) and W2=W2V(G). We set W0={xW0|NG(x)W2=}. We define g:V(G){0,1,2} as


Then g is a RDF for G and so γR(G)ω(g). Since ω(g)<ω(f)=γR(C(G,σ)), so γR(G)γR(C(G,σ))2γR(G).

Theorem 11. Let G be a graph of order n and Δ(G)=n1. If σ:V(G)V(G) be a function, then

i) 2γR(C(G,σ))4.

ii) γR(C(G,σ))=2 if and only if Bn={a} and a be an universal vertex of G.

iii) γR(C(G,σ))=3 if and only if Bn={a} and degG(a)=n2 or Bn1={a} and degG(a)=n1

Proof. i) Let a be an universal vertex of G. We define f:V(G)V(G){0,1,2} as


It is clear that f is a RDF for C(G,σ) and so γR(C(G,σ))4. By Lemma 5, 2γR(C(G,σ)).

ii) Let γR(C(G,σ))=2. By Lemma 5, Δ(C(G,σ))=2n1. So there is an universal vertex aV(G)V(G). Hence, aV(G) and so Bn={a}.

Conversely, let Bn and a is an universal vertex of G. We define f:V(G)V(G){0,1,2} as


is a RDF for C(G,σ). Hence, γR(C(G,σ))2. By Lemma 5, γR(C(G,σ))=2.

iii) Let γR(C(G,σ))=3. By Lemma 5, there are two elements a and b in V(G)V(G), such that degC(a)=2n2 and ab in C(G,σ). By the definition of C(G,σ), aV(G). If bV(G), then aBn and degG(a)=n2. If bV(G), then aBn1 and degG(a)=n1.

Conversely, let Bn={a}, degG(a)=n2 and bV(G), such thst ba in G or Bn1={a}, degG(a)=n1 and bV(G), such that σ(b)a. We define f:V(G)V(G){0,1,2} as


Then f is a RDF for C(G,σ). Hence, γR(C(G,σ))3. By Lemma 5, γR(C(G,σ))=3.

Therefore, the proof is straightforward.

3. Roman domination number ofC(G,σ)

In this section, we introduce a bound for Roman domination number of C(G,σ) and calculate the exact value of Roman domination number of functigraphs of some special graphs.

Theorem 12. For each graph G, 2γR(C(G,σ))5, where σ:V(G)V(G) is a function.

Proof. Let B1, uB1 and Ru={v}. We define f:V(G)V(G){0,1,2}. Then


is a RDF for C(G,σ). Hence, γR(C(G,σ))ω(f)=4.

Let B1=. Then B0. Suppose that uB0 and v is an arbitrary vertex in V(G). Then the function f:V(G)V(G){0,1,2} as


is a RDF for C(G,σ). Thus γR(C(G,σ))ω(f)=5. By Lemma 5, we have 2γR(C(G,σ))5.

Corollary 13. Let G be a graph with δ(G)1 and σ:V(G)V(G){0,1,2} be a function. Then 3γR(C(G,σ))5.

Proof. Let γR(C(G,σ))=2. By Lemma 5, C(G,σ) is an universal vertex as a. So a is an isolated vertex in C(G,σ). Which is not true.

Theorem 14. Let G be a graph of order n with δ(G)1 and σ:V(G)V(G) be a function. Then γR(C(G,σ))=3 if and only if B0, aB0 and degG2(a)=1.

Proof. Let γR(C(G,σ))=3. By Lemma 5, there are two elements a and b in V(G)V(G), such that degC(a)=2n2 and ab in C(G,σ). So degC(a)=1 and NC(a)={b}. Since δ(G)1, so {a,b}V(G). Hence, aB0. Therefore B0, aB0 and degG(a)=1.

Conversely, suppose that aB0 and degG(a)=1. Then the function g:V(G)V(G){0,1,2} as


is a RDF for C(G,σ), where a is adjacent to b in G. So γR(C(G,σ))ω(g)=3. By Corollary 13, γR(C(G,σ))=3.

Corollary 15. Let G be a graph of order n3 with δ(G)1 and σ:V(G)V(G) be a function. If B0= or for every aB0, degG(a)2, then γR(C(G,σ)){4,5}.

Proof. By Theorem 14, the proof is straightforward.

Lemma 16 Let G be a graph and for some uV(G), induced subgraph on NG(u) has an isolated vertex and σ:V(G)V(G) be a function. Then γR(C(G,σ)){2,3,4}.

Proof. Let u0V(G) be an isolated vertex of induced subgraph on NG(u). We define f:V(G)V(G){0,1,2} as


It is easy to see that f is a RDF of C(G,σ). Hence, γR(C(G,σ))ω(f)=4. Therefore, by Lemma 5, (i), we have 2γR(C(G,σ))4.

Theorem 17. Let GK4 be a cubic graph and σ:V(G)V(G) be a function. Then γR(C(G,σ))=4.

Proof. By Corollary 15, γR(C(G,σ)){4,5}. Let uV(G) and NG(u)={u1,u2,u3}. If induced subgraph on NG(u) has an isolated vertex, then by Lemma 16, γR(C(G,σ))=4.

Let induced subgraph on NG(u) does not have any isolated vertex. Since GK4so induced subgraph on NG(u) is isomorphic to P3. Hence, there is an xV(G){u1,u2}, such that x is adjacent to u3 in G. We see that x is an isolated vertex in induced subgraph on NG(u3). Therefore, γR(C(G,σ))=4.

Theorem 18. Let n4, GKn and σ:V(G)V(G) be a function.Then γR(C(G,σ))=4 if and only if B1, where σSn.

Proof. Let γR(C(G,σ))=4 and B1=. Also, let f:V(G)V(G){0,1,2} be a RDF for C(G,σ) with ω(f)=4. Then there are two vertices a and b in V(G)V(G) or there are three vertices a, b and c in V(G)V(G), such that f(a)=f(b)=2 or f(a)=2 and f(b)=f(c)=1, respectively. Assume that f(a)=f(b)=2. It is easy to see that aV(G) and bV(G). We have two following cases.

Case 1: Let bB0. Then f(σ(a))0. This is contradiction to this fact that γR(C(G,σ))=4.

Case 2: Let bB0. Since B1=, so there are x and y in V(G), such that σ(x)=σ(y)=b. Hence, f(x)0 and f(y)0. That is not true.

Now, Let f(a)=2 and f(b)=f(c)=1. Then aB0 and NG(a)={b,c}. Thus GK3. That is contradiction.

Conversely, let B1, bB1 and σ(a)=b. We define function f:V(G)V(G){0,1,2} as


It is easy to see that f is a RDF for C(G,σ). So γR(C(G,σ))ω(f)=4. By Corollary 15, γR(C(G,σ))=4.

Corollary 19. Let n3, GKn and σ:V(G)V(G) be a function. Then γR(C(G,σ))=5 if and only if B1=.

Proof. Let B1. By Theorem 18, γR(C(G,σ))=4.

Conversely, let B1=. By Theorem 18, γR(C(G,σ))4. By Corollary 15, γR(C(G,σ))=5.

Theorem 20. Let GPn be a graph of order n2 and σ:V(G)V(G) be a function. Then

i) γR(C(G,σ){3,4}.

ii) γR(C(G,σ)=3 if and only if {v1,v2}B0.

Proof. i) By Lemma 16, γR(C(G,σ){2,3,4}. By Corollary 13, since δ(G)1, so γR(C(G,σ){3,4}.

ii) By Theorem 14, the proof is straightforward.

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Notes on contributors

Ebrahim Vatandoost

Ebrahim Vatandoost is presently working as an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran. His field of specialties includes Group Theory and Graph Theory

Athena Shaminejad is a PhD candidate of graph theory in the Department of Mathematics, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran. Her favorite fields are Graph Theory and Graph Theory.
