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Excision theory in the dihedral and reflexive (co)homology of algebras

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Article: 1868135 | Received 30 Sep 2020, Accepted 20 Dec 2020, Published online: 11 Jan 2021


In this paper, we study an excision theorem of the dihedral and reflexive (co)homology theory of associative algebras. That is, for such an extension, we obtain a six-term exact sequence in the dihedral cohomology. Also, we present and prove the relation between cyclic and dihedral cohomology of algebras and some examples.

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The algebraic topology is very useful almost in all areas of applied mathematics that provides solutions to many problems in algebra, topology, differential geometry and quantum filed; therefore, it has recently become a subject of interest for many authors in the field of medic, fluid dynamics, physics field and engineering for its applications. In this paper, we have evaluated the important theorem in the algebraic topology is excision theorem. We presented the theory of excision in the dihedral and reflexive (co)homology of algebras and its properties with some proven applications.

1. Introduction

Hochschild (co)homology is just a theory for associative algebras. Hochschild (Citation1945) introduced simplicial cohomology for algebras over a field and Cartan and Eilenberg (Citation1956) developed algebras over more general rings.

Cyclic (co)homology is a certain (co)homology theory for associative algebras for related branches of mathematics and non-commutative geometry which generalizes the de Rham (co)homology of manifolds. Tsygan (Citation1983) introduced those notions independently for homology and Connes (Citation1985) did it for cohomology. These invariants have many interesting relationships with many older mathematics branches, including the speculation of de Rham, group (co)homology, Hochschild (co)homology, and k-theory.

The hermitian equivalent of cyclic (co)homology is the dihedral (co)homology, independently proposed by Tsygan (Citation1983) and Connes (Citation1985) and proved method in variety of algebras. Dihedral homology of algebras over a field is introduced by Tsygan (Citation1986), which is defined as the homology of the dihedral group in algebra A Hochschild complex.

The dihedral (co)homology is referred to as (co)homology with group symmetry by Gouda and Alaa (Citation2009). First, two groups of (co)homology theory are considered to exist: discreet and in-discrete. The Hochschild (co)homology of algebra with id in the discrete field is related to Hochschild (Citation1945). Connes (Citation1985) and Tsygan (Citation1983) introduce the first nontrivial (co)homology group. In 1987, the dihedral and reflexive (co)homology of involutive algebra has been studied and in 1989 the remaining (co)homology groups have been studied. Johnson (Citation1972) studied the analog-simplified cohomology of operator algebras. Gouda (Citation2011), Helemskii (Citation1992), and Helemskii (Citation1991) studied the Banach cyclic (co)homology. Gouda (Citation1997) studied the group Banach dihedral cohomology and relationship with cyclic cohomology. Gouda and Alaa (Citation2009) studied the dihedral cohomology groups of some operator algebras. There is no progress calculating operator algebras group symmetry, bisymmetry, and Weil (co)homology, but the cohomology module k-module is studied by Gouda (Citation2011).

The first to apply the excision theorem was Penner (Citation2020). It is important for the excision property to study the simplicial triviality properties for pure algebra and operator algebra. Lykova and Michael (Citation1998) studied the excision property in simplicial cohomology HnA,A and homology HnA;A for short exact sequence 0IAA/I0.

The notion of H-unitality for algebras has been introduced in 1989, and they conducted it to the short exact sequence 0IAb0 for the excision in cyclic homology. The bivariant cyclic theory succeeded in the excision of nilpotent extensions because of the theorem by Goodwillie (Citation1985).

The excision theory was developed in 2001 to include Z/2-graded cyclic homology theories based on free extension, but it achieved the Wodzicki’s approach. They have studied the Wodzicki’s excision theory of simplicial homology and proven it for pure algebra with unital homology in category and they calculated them as an application to the continuous simplicial and cyclic (co)homology by Cortiñas and Valqui (Citation2003).

In our paper, we introduce and study the excision theorem of the reflexive and dihedral (co)homology group of pure algebras. And, we introduce some new proven theorem in the excision theorem of a cyclic homology.

Our work consists of three sections as follows:

In Section 2, we introduce a mathematical review on the definition of Hochschild, cyclic, reflexive, and dihedral (co)homology of algebras.

In Section 3, we discuss some results on Hochschild and cyclic homology achievement of the excision property of H-unital algebras, excision of periodic cyclic homology, and excision of cyclic homology.

In Section 4, we provide proven excision theorem of the dihedral (co)homology for short exact sequence 0IAA/I0 as the form  HDnIAHDn+1A and HDn1IAHDnA&HDn1KHDnA/I. And for reflexive (co)homology, it is HRnIAHDn+1A and HRn1IAHRnA.

So, we prove the relations:


The results of the excision theorem of the dihedral cohomology equipped with the results of Intissar (Citation2020) and Kostikov and Romanenkov (Citation2020). Also, our results can introduce this application in a new form.

2. Mathematical review

We begin by briefly recalling the basic definitions concerning homology theory of algebras (the main references are Alaa, Citation2012; Alaa & Gouda, Citation2011; Guram & Manuel, Citation2014; J. Loday, Citation2013; Noreldeen, Citation2019).

Suppose that A is an associative unital algebra over K ring and M is bimodule overA with an involution :AA;aa for all aA. We define a complex CA=CnA,bn, since Cn(A)=A(n+1),bn:Cn(A)Cn1(A)n0 is the boundary operator:


It is well known that bnbn+1=0, and henceImbn+1kerbn. Consider the following complex, called the Hochschild complex,


and the Hochschild boundary:


is the K-linear map given by the formula:


The following group is called the Hochschild homology of algebra A:


and denoted by HHnA. The enveloping of algebra in A is the tensor product Ae=AAop of A with its opposite algebra. In the work by Krasauskas et al. (Citation1988), the simplicial (co)homology of A with coefficients in M in terms of the functors (Tor) and Ext is defined by:


We act on the complex CA by the cyclic order group n+1 through the cyclic operator tn:CnACnA since,

(1) tna0,,an1,an=1nan,a0,,an1.(1)

The complex CCnA=CnAIm1tn is a sub-complex of CnA. From the work by Helemskii (Citation1991), the homology of the complex CCA is called the cyclic homology of algebra A, and denoted by


We act on a complex CA by the reflexive group Z/2=1,+1 of order 2 by means of the reflexive operator rn:CnACnA where,

(2) rna0,,,an1,an=a1nn+1/2a0,an,,a1,(2)

where a=±1,a2=1,rn2=1 and ai=Imai under the involution . If Λ is a category, then another definition of cyclic (co)homology is:


where each K-algebra A the cyclic K-module.

The complex αCRnA=CnAIm1rn is sub-complex of CnA. From the work by Alaa (Citation2019), the homology of the complex αCRnA is called the reflexive homology of algebra A, and denoted by:


If we use EquationEquations (1) and Equation(2) together on CA, we have the complex αCDnA=CnAIm1tn+Im1rn, which is the sub-complex of CnA.

From the work by Tsygan (Citation1986), the homology of a complex αCDA is called dihedral homology of algebra A, and denoted by:


Another definition of dihedral (co)homology (J-L. Loday, Citation1998) is


Definition (2–1):

Let A be K-algebra and I-ideal where AA/I is K-split, then there exists the map of the relative homology ((co)homology) for A modulo I:


The ideal I is said to be excision of simplicial homology (cohomology) if a map is an isomorphism (Cartan & Eilenberg, Citation1956). Then the sequence:

(3) HHnIHHnAHHnA/IHHn1I,(3)
(4) HHnIHHnAHHnA/IHHn+1I(4)

is exact.

Definition (2–2):

For K-split sequence AA/I where A be K-algebra and I-ideal, map of relative homology (cohomology) for A modulo I respect is:


The excision of the cyclic homology (cohomology) is the ideal I if the map is an isomorphism (Cartan & Eilenberg, Citation1956). The sequences

(5) HCnIHCnAHCnA/IHCn1I,(5)
(6) HCnIHCnAHCnA/IHCn+1I(6)

are exact.

Theorem (2–3):

The periodicity exact sequence of the cyclic module C is


where the map I is inserted, the simplicial complex for C becomes bicomplex C. If Cn=An, the periodicity exact sequence of the cyclic sequence takes the form (see J-L. Loday, Citation1998).


Corollary (2–4):

There is a natural long exact sequence for any algebra A over the ring K which contains Q


Theorem (2–5):

There are long exact sequences, called exact periodicity sequences of Connes:


I is induced by inclusion, B is Connes’ boundary map, S is called periodicity map (Noreldeen, Citation2019).

Theorem (2–6): (Connes’ Periodicity Exact Sequence)

As the theorem above, we get the long exact sequences


Definition (2–7):

Let A be an involutive algebra overK. Then dihedral homology of A is


and we get


Conne’s exact periodicity sequence into the direct sum of




Corollary (2–8):

Suppose that K be a field of characteristic zero with a trivial involution. Then

1. 1HDn(K)={K,n0(mod4),0otherwise;

2. 1HDn(K)={K,n2(mod4),0otherwise;

3.  1HDnK=K,n0mod4,0otherwise;

4.  1HDnK=K,n2mod4,0otherwise;.

In the following section, we will show previous studies of excision thermos in the Hochschild and cyclic (co)homologies of associative algebras. We will also explain some results and examples related to previous studies.

3. Excision in simplicial and cyclic (co)homology

In this part, we introduce some properties and theorems of the Hochschild and cyclic (co)homologies of associative algebras by Buchholtz and Rijke (Citation2019), Quillen (Citation1972), Ralf (Citation2010), Thiel (Citation2006), and Wodzicki (Citation1989). We discuss and study some special theories of excision theorem of simplicial and cyclic (co)homology theory in pure algebras.

Definition (3–1):

Let A is C-algebra and M is right A-module. A and M are unital homologically, if the chain complex An,b n>1 and MAn,b n>1 are exact. The same definition is for the left modules. By definition, A is unital homology algebra if and only if it is unital homology (Krasauskas et al., Citation1988). Therefore, M is unital homologically if


Let abelian category C be with extensions, then a chain complex is true if its homology vanishes. In this case, M is unital homologically if


In general, H-unital is unrelated to the vanishing of HHA,MV (for more details, see Gouda & Alaa, Citation2009).

Lemma (3–2):

Suppose IEQ is algebra and M is unital homology J-module. Then we find that the E-module structure is only a structure extended from I-module structure.

Theorem (3–3):

Suppose IEQ is conflation algebra and M is E, I-bi-module. Taking M is E-bimodule and I-module unital homology, and then the map HHI,MHHE,M is quasi-isomorphism. Then we haveHHI,MVHHE,MV,V.


For pN, let Fp be a complex


With MV with zero degree, since IEQ is pure, and then MIKEpVMIK1Ep+1V is inflation K,p0. Hence, from Tsygan (Citation1983), the canonical map FpFp+1 is inflation p. Its cokernel is the chain complex

Fp+1/FpMIk,b K0p+1QEpV

where p+1 denotes translation by p+1. This chain complex is exact because M is homologically unital as a right I-module. Since FpFp+1Fp+1/Fp is conflation, then the map FpFp+1 is quasi-isomorphism by Lemma (3–2) and J. Loday (Citation2013). Thus the inclusion:F0FppN. For p=0, we get F0=HHI,MV. In any fixed degree n, we have


Hence, the canonical map HHnI,MHHnE,M is a pure quasi-isomorphism.

Corollary (3–4):

Consider the pure algebra conflation IEQ and unital homology I, then


are quasi-isomorphisms. The unital extension IE leads to a quasi-isomorphisms HHIHHE,I where E is unital. Thus, HHEHHE,I is invertible provided 1 is projective. Recall that Ωn(I)=I+Inn1andΩ0(I)=I.

Theorem (3–5):

Consider the pure algebra conflation IEQ and Q-bimodule M; then, M is E-bimodule, where I is unital homology. We get HHE,IHHQ,M which is quasi-isomorphism. Thus, HHE,MVHHQ,MV provided 1 is projective.

Theorem (3–6):

Consider the pure algebra conflation IEQ and I is unital homology and MIMEMQ is pure conflation of E-bimodules. Taking the structure of E-bimodule on MQ come down to the structure of Q-bimodule and MI is unital homology asI-module. Then:


is sequence, where I is projective. This results in a long accurate natural sequence



From theorem (3–4), the map HHI,MIHHE,ME is quasi-isomorphism for MI is unital homology as I-module. From theorem (3–5), the map HHE,MQHHQ,MQ is quasi-isomorphism since I is unital homology (Ralf, Citation2010).

The sequence HHE,MIHHE,MEHHE,MQ is pure conflation since MIMEMQ is pure. Then the following is a pure sequence as well


If we have short exact sequence of algebras with bijective homomorphism in unital homology, we get the long exact sequence in the Hochschild homology theory obtained in the following theorem.

Theorem (3–7):

Suppose that IEQ is pure of C-algebras and I is unital homology. Then,


is a sequence. If 1 is projective and injective in C, then it produces an exact long sequence


Theorem (3–8):

Consider the pure algebra conflation IEQ and M is Q-bimodule and E-bimodule. Let I be unital homology and M is injective. So HHQ,MHHE,M is quasi-isomorphism; then, HHQ,MHHE,M.


Let Fpp0 be the co-chain complex


where bis the co-boundary map which uses the right E-module QEQ structure andM-bimodule structure. For the pure algebra conflation and injective M of C, we get

(7) FˉpFˉp+1HomQpIEnp+1,M,b (7)

Theorem (3–3) implies that the chain complex VIEk,b  is exact V since I is unital homology. where M is injective and the exact complex in Equation 7. From Theorem (3–2) and Gouda and Alaa (Citation2009), we find that FˉpFˉp+1 is quasi-isomorphism; then, Fˉ0FˉppN. This yields the assertion because


Corollary (3–9):

Consider the monoidal category C provided with split extensions class. For Q-bimoduleM, split extensions IEQ in C and In,b  is exact, then


Theorem (3–10):

For C, if IEQ is split extension. Then the maps HPIHPEHPQ form the cofiber sequence. Also, the results in cyclic series for HP and HP if HPI,HPE and HPQ are injective in C.

Theorem (3–11):

Let 0IAA/I0 be an extension of K-algebra, if I is H-unital. Then we get



There is a well-defined functional map for the Hochschild homologyρ:HCnIHCnA,I.

In the other hand, it is immediate from the construction of HCnI that in the framework of non-unital algebras there is a long exact sequence of Connes. From the work by Guram and Manuel (Citation2014), we consider the exact rows commutative diagram:


We know that HHnIHHnA,I is an isomorphism when I is H-untial which implies that HCnIHCnA,I is an isomorphism n,nZ.

Theorem (3–12):

For A algebra over K and containing Q, the following map is an isomorphism



We can define the homotopy as

h ∼=1/n+1.id,h∼=1/n+1i=1niti

which maps from CnA to itself (Cartan & Eilenberg, Citation1956). One verifies that

h N+1th=id,Nh +h1t=id.

This satisfies that H0=CnλA and the homology of CA is canonically isomorphic toCnλA.

In the next part, we will show the very important idea of H-unita algebra put by Wodzicki.

Definition (3–13):

Consider the K-algebra I and I-bimodule M. Then, M is H-unitary if MI,bV is

exact. When M=I where I is H-unital, taking M as I-module, we get MI is H-unital for I is H-unital.

Theorem (3–14):

Suppose that 0IAB0 is a pure extension of K- algebras, M on A-bimodule and K-moduleV. For H-unital and I-bimoduleM, then the canonical inclusion i:MI,bVMA,bV & i:MI,bVMA,bV is quasi-isomorphisms.

Proof: see Lykova and Michael (Citation1998).

Corollary (3–15):

Suppose that 0IAB0 is an extension of pure K-algebra and the k-module V, for H-unital I, we have

ω:BA,bVBB,bV,ω :BA,bVBB,bV.

Theorem (3–16):

Suppose that I is K-algebra. The statements below are equivalent:

(1) I is H-unital,

(2) I satisfies excision for H-homology,

(3) I satisfies excision for Hochschild homology,

(4) I satisfies excision for cyclic homology.


12: Take 0IAB0 is a pure extension of K- algebras, V and K-module and ω:AA,bVBB,bV the projection canonical. Taking the diagram following for short exact commutation sequences:


By corollary (3–15), ω1 is a quasi-isomorphism and also J. Using theorem (3–14), we complete the proof.

2 4: The long exact series


makes this simple consequence.

34: Immediately follows the exact sequence from the Gysin-connes. (Note: The Gysin sequence is a long, exact sequence not only for differential forms cohomology de Rham but also for integral coefficients cohomology).

21: Given K-moduleV, consider the K-algebra A=IV with the product given by u,vu ,v =uu ,0 and the canonical projection ω:AA,bVV,b.

The complex VII1,bII,b is a simple summand for kerω and I satisfies H-homology excision. Then,VII1,b is exact.

31: let V and A be as in 21. ωˉ:CACV, the projection canonical and ℶ is the sub-complex of kerωˉ generated by a0an,a 0a n1 with some ai and some a n inV. Sine kerωˉ=CIℶ and I satisfies Hochschild homology excision, ℶ is exact. Let I be not H-unital. Taking xVIn is cycle for bn that is not a boundary. Of note that 0,Nx is cycle for n+1 degree in ℶ that is un-boundary; it is a contradiction with the exactness of ℶ.

In the next section, we will give the main results of this paper. We prove the relations between the cyclic and dihedral (co)homology in algebra, from which we will prove the excision theorems of reflexive and dihedral (co)homology theory as a new result.

4. Excision in the dihedral and reflexive cohomology of algebras

In this part, we introduce the main result in our paper. We prove the relation between the cyclic and dihedral homology of algebras and the relation between the reflexive and dihedral cohomology of algebras in theorems (4–8) and (4–9). We prove the excision property of the dihedral and reflexive cohomology of pure algebras in theorems (4–11) and (4–12). We use references Buchholtz and Rijke (Citation2019), Cortiñas & Valqui (Citation2003), Penner (Citation2020), Quillen (Citation1972) to study the property of excision theorem.

Suppose A is an involutive algebra over K -field. We denote by CnA the duality of n-chains. We know that the complex CnA,d, n) is chain complex, that is d2=0, where d=K=1n1KδK,n=1,2,,δn:CnACn+1A.

The operators

rn,tn:CnACnAon CnA



where ai is the image of the element ai under an involution *, we get sub-complex


of the complex CnA which is invariant under the operator δ. The cohomology of this complex is called the dihedral cohomology of A and denoted byHDnA,=±1.

Theorem (4–1):

If 12K, then there are the natural isomorphisms:


Then exact sequence


can put it in a commutative diagram.

Let bicomplex αpA=pAαD with action with the group Z/2 on it. The short sequence of Z/2-complexes:

(8) 0αAiTotαpApTotαpA20(8)

The Hochschild complex CA is quasi-isomorphic to the reflexive complex αA (J-L. Loday, Citation1998). Suppose that


We associate with Wα the exact sequence of Z/2-complexes

(9) 0KZ/2WαWα10(9)

Take the exact tensor product sequence (8) and (9) over kZ/2 and by applying


we obtain the commutative diagram of complexes

(10) 0000αATotαpATotαpA[2]00αSAαpAαpA[2]00αSA[1]αpA[1]αpA[3]0000(10)

The rows and columns are exact (Cartan & Eilenberg, Citation1956). A qasi-isomorphism αACA leads to the qasi-isomorphism of the complexes αSAαpA. Since


Then we obtain an infinite commutative diagram of exact rows and from (10);


Example (4–2):

If MmA algebra of m-matrices in K-algebra A of order m. Then the following isomorphism holds and is called as Morita equivalence


Lykova and Michael (Citation1998) show the same property of cyclic homology. Suppose that A is an involutory associative unital algebra over K, and suppose that MmA is algebra of m-matrices in A. The MmA- involution algebra is given by


We take the K-module homomorphism Trn:MmAn+1An+1, put


where XijK is the ith row and the jth column of the matrix Xk.

The collect maps Trn,n=0,1, commutes with the operators dni,snj,tn&rn,n=0,1,. The following dihedral homomorphism k-module is well defined as


The dihedral Homology homomorphism is denoted by Tr:αHDMmAαHDA, and the dihedral Cohomology homomorphism Tr:αHDMmAαHDA.

Definition (4–3):

Let K-algebra A be called H-unital, for a given algebraI; the bar complex CbarA,I=ICA,1b  is a cyclic since HbarA,I=0.

Definition (4–4):

An algebra A is called approximately H-unital if for each n,q SYMBOL179\f “Symbol” 0, there is p SYMBOL179\f “Symbol” q such that: b Cn+1AqKerb onCnAp] or by means if and only if the complex b CnA is a cyclic.

Lemma (4–5):

Let A and I are algebras over a field of zero characteristic. Then every extension of K-algebras is 0IAA/I0 with kernelI. In the dihedral (co)homology we obtain the long exact sequences

(11) HDn+1AHDn+1A/IφHDnIHDnA(11)
(12) HDn1AHDn1A/IφHDnIHDnA(12)

with connecting homomorphism φ.

Proposition (4–6):

  1. Let I be ideal in the unital algebra. Then, for the multiplication map ψ:III2 and I approximately H-unital there exists leftϕ:I2II.

  2. Let Φ:RI be a linear projection on the J such that Φ1=0; then the condition

ϕx=1x+b 1Φb αx defines R-linear left ϕ:IRI for the multiplication map RII and the restriction of ϕ to I2 is a map as in (a).

Proof: See Wodzicki (Citation1989).

The long exact sequence of the reflexive (co)homology in algebra is given by the following theorem.

Theorem (4–7):

Let 0IAA/I0 be an extension of K-algebra with AandA/I unital if I is H-unital. For the reflexive (co)homology, we have the long exact sequences



There is a well-defined functorial map


It is immediate from the construction of HCnI&HCnI that in the framework of non-unital algebras there is a long, exact sequence of Connes (Citation1985). Considering the exact rows commutative diagrams:


The relation between cyclic and reflexive (co)homology of algebra is in the following theorem.

Theorem (4–8):

There is a natural long exact sequence of associative not unital K-algebra A between the cyclic

and reflexive (co)homology of A as


We get the long exact sequence of the dihedral and cyclic (co)homology of pure algebras and prove it in the following theorems:

Theorem (4–9):

Let 0IAA/I0 be an extension of K-algebra with AandA/I unital if I is H-unital. Then the sequence


is long exact sequence.


We defined the functorial map


It is immediate from the construction of HCnI&HCnI that in the framework of non-unital

algebras there is a long, exact sequence of Cone’s. Considering the exact rows commutative



Theorem (4–10):

If A be associative not unital K-algebra. There is a long exact sequence of the cyclic and dihedral (co)homology ofA


Now we give and prove the excision theorem of the dihedral and Reflexive (co)homology theory of pure algebras for any short exact sequence.

Theorem (4–11):

Suppose an exact short sequence 0IAA/I of algebras over a field of zero characteristic, then we have the following six-term sequence in dihedral homology and cohomology


Proof: We define the following short exact sequence for the algebra A

(14) 0IATAA0(14)

where TA is the non unital involution tensor algebra over A, IA is the ideal in the unital tensor algebra TA, then the long exact sequence is


Let K be the kernel in the exact sequence (Wodzicki, Citation1989)

(15) 0KTAA/I0(15)
(16) HDn+1KHDn+1TAHDn+1A/IHDnKHDnTAHDnA/I(16)

where K the unital tensor algebra TA which is free, then IA and K are approximately H-unital from the long exact sequences for 16 and 17 we have


Let the following short exact sequence (Ralf, Citation2010)

(18) 0IAKI0(18)
(19) HDn+1IAHDn+1KHDn+1IHDnIAHDnKHDnI(19)

From the long exact sequence for this sequence 19, 20 and from Gouda and Alaa (Citation2011), we have the proof of our theorem.

The excision property of the reflexive (co)homology theory of pure algebras is given in the following theorem.

Theorem (4–12):

Suppose an exact short sequence 0IAA/I of algebras over a field of zero characteristic, then we have the following six-term sequence in dihedral homology and cohomology


Proof: By the same manner of theorem (3–11).

5. Conclusion

We presented the theory of excision in the dihedral and reflexive (co)homology of algebras for each short exact sequence 0IAA/I of algebras over a field of zero in the form HDnIAHDn+1A and HDn1IAHDnA (HRnIAHRn+1A and HRn1(JA)HRn(A). We discussed and proved some theorems in the cyclic and dihedral cohomology of an associative algebra and we studied a new form and new theorems in this area. We can apply this theorem in the operator algebra in the next work and apply this result in our life working as by Intissar (Citation2020) to improve results. Our result can be equipped with the result by Kostikov and Romanenkov (Citation2020) and can improve it by using our result.


The authors strongly thank the official and responsible people for great proposals and help in the main draft of the present paper.

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The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Alaa Hassan Noreldeen

Alaa H. N. is associate professor of mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science at Aswan University, Egypt. His research interest includes algebra, topology, algebraic topology, topological data analysis. He has published more than 40 international and national research papers. He is life member of the Egyptian Mathematical Society.
